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The ·spectator M~Pllcrson Col'fege, McPherson,' Knnsas, Ottobcr 26, 1967 \"ol. 52

BMO.C needs contributors

No. 8

College chosen as site for ·IBM's l 4Ql ~omputer

By DIANNE W Alll\'KE Ono ol IBM's most advanced

computer syslcms. the 1401 . will

send it.5 information here to be .. ~ed. .

By CINDY DARCIJESKY rots. pickles, coke. French be. located in Mohklr 125 .next

The cornputu wlll be used lo proecu gn,ks, make out Kbe­dal<o. aad aid In reglslratloa. U'll'lllailobe-fw~ Uoa la I.be - ot computrn.

Blood is the magic medielnc tll:lt can be transferred from one person to nnother. For this reason, the Rod Cross Blood· mobile wlll be on campus Oet. 31. •

Stu-la II ~ars o( ago and over man,y CODlrlbute tbdr blood. For atude.U under %1, a con.scat and release form must be slgn<d by their part'lllf or gun;dUuu.

Thc Bloodmobile will be. al the Churcb o r the Brclhrcn Jrom JO a.m. to 2 p.m. Studenls "ill be issued , blood donor np·

broad, collre, milk, :ind coke to yeor. on donors. ,,,., eompaler '11'111 be leased

Mrs. Tbora Fry, executive secretory ol the McPhers~n County Chapter ol the Amcri· con Red Cross snys. " It Is very bcalthy to give bloOd. Since 19l8, I hllve gh-en five ;i>lk>ns."

Once Ibo blood bas bffn do­nolcd, It hH rnllny USCI. ·As whole blood II Is ust<I !or surgl. cal p;atl,nlt, accid'-nt •\•lcUms, aad "Rh" ~obits. II <AD lllso be packtd u red cellt, pt.1 .. lcl.s, aad fm b froz.m plasma.

by the "'-lated Colleges of C.,nlral Kansu !or UIC by all member scboob. Two computer progrommcn '11'111 be blttd ·lo opt"rate I.be 140 I ..

McPherson Oollci;e "'lls choS<'n os the.site or the new computer because it is the Roographic center or the colloscs in ACCK and bC<'nuse it volunteered ·the n<ttwry spaoe.

Eoch sclioof i.•iU have a key." punch on its com1>us and will

The Buslncsl Ollico ond Oc­velopmcnt Ollfco may also U&O the computer.

The 1401, which ls much fast· er than most romputcn of l\S klnd. bad to be ordered a ycnr In ndvnnco. IL is expectc.l to arrive soinl'tlmc next summ~r.

Until its arrlvnl, member col· lcgcs of the ACCK will continue to use the dnt:I processbg l"Cn· tcr 1ocoted nt Kansas Wes!eyon In Salina.

polntment cnrds and will he

:~:!n:10:nn~~: .. ~thU:1;1:: ·ACCK to snoizsor courses, Circle K It ta charge ol .the r

Uloodmoblle this year .. 1111 Den· :; ~=~r. Alexandria. v... seminars during inter-term· Under the e<>-cbainn•osbip or

Piiula Sissel. soph, Davcnpoll. JI pre-enrollment figures sub· Neb., nnd Sharon llartmnn, $r, . st:lntioto the need nlno mcth· Pinc Ridgo, S. D., the Jlome ods courses for ful~ro secondary £co~mics Chapter will serve tea~hcrs ond some seminars. lluntmi:too c.hlc:kcn, celery, c:or· will be ollcrcd by the Associ·

ated Colleges or Cent~! KanS3S during lhc inter·lcrm period in Jnnunl')1•

The mnjorlly or the courses wUI Miii all day lor a .1 .. 0-wed<


Tbc AJl-s<bool Pazty, ><hich period, Jaa. 8-IJ, tot'Olvlag h.,, to lbrtt hours credit.

Club lo spo11so1:­party, show film

wlll h:n·e a pt}'Chcdcllc theme, "Ill be 1pon1orcd by the Ari Club Nov. • In the Arnold lla ll


'"'Jbe parly .. 111 really be • ne" f expcrie:Dce, and e\•cryonc should · enjoy II, Fttd llcndcr­son, sr. Koko1no, Ind., chal,-.. man or the All-School Parly

Commllltt. slated.

A foreign fllw wUI be Jbo\<'D

Each or the si• ACCK mem· ber colleges and universities will offer scvcrnl courses or seminars. with lick! trips oad obse"'otionnl sludy.

"'All teachers are required to ha,•e a methods courS(!, nnd it is important lhat stude.nts have Ibis course before taking stu~t teaching." Dr. 0 3)100 G .Roth· rock, professor or educalk>n and psycholoi;y stated. •

will be oflcred second semester mnthemalics, Tnbor Colic&•· at McPherson.

Methods courses orrered ore listed olphabeticolly with tbc in· structor's name :ind the campus on which classes will be bold.

Commerce, Emil A. Thiessen. ·professor or busln(JS! and eco­nomics. Tabor College.

>' orclp ~. Olp-M. Born. nssislanl profcuor or lang· uogcs, Kansas Wcslynn Univer­slly.

Honie Economlco, Wilma V.• Preston. nssoclolc prolcssor ol home economics. Kansas Wcs­lc~·nn Unh·ersity.

Language -AIU, Dr. Vern A. Pnnzcr. professor or longuogc ond literature. K•nsns Wcslcyon University.

Malbtmallcs, lfarold E. Nacb· ilgnl, 11SSistonl professor ol.

~lusle, L:irry f 'ell. assist.101 professor or music, Tabor Col· .. , ..

Nalaral Sclcec:H, Dr. Harton Ponkrnlt, n Knnsns State Tench· ors College lncully member, To· bor Collegt?.

l"'1sk!o1 UllcMIOD. Dr. Doris cOppoclt, pnitcuor or ph)'Slcnl education, McPhersoo Collcgo.

Social Sclenct'f, Dr. Albort Nelson, prolc~"°r or cducotlon, Konsns Weslyan University.

Students may pre-enroll for these COUrRS nnd seminars dur· lng next oemeller'a pre-enroll· mont Nov. 1·2-1.

Dormitories wlll be open on the various compuses ror those students who cannot commute to cl3sscs.

Ca~p is set for Oct. 27-28

Arc )'OU conl......S obout the Vi<'tnqm sllyotlon? U so. be sure to 011ond the all-school camp to be hold Ocl. 'El mid 28 nt Camp Wrbsler, or Sn· lion.

is n State Dop:lrtmcnt !'Olicy mo\•ic.

Tbe lbt,mc ol Ille ramp •UI be "a bcl~ UDderstandlnc or the Vkllnam 1ltunllo•." F'llm• u d gutSI •P"aken will be tho l>MbfordUc-.

Two films art sclK>clul~ for the . camp. ''11rno of the Lo­cust" contains actual roo1:ige from Victnnm. " Why Victnnm?"

Students may join NCI'E mcmbct·ship plan

Studc!nts m:J°'; join the Council ol Tenchcrt or English through o junior membership p!nn. Any student who pluns to tench t:ni:· llsh either In elcmenlory school.

· hlgh !Choo! or ~~e It olii:i· blc.

J unior membership dues ntt $3 und must be 1>:1ld ot the Lime ol Dl>pllcntlon. Member· ship is 12 months. •

The Junior member rCC<'lves n full year's subscription to his choice or three mngoxincs: ··t:lc· mcnlnry t: n I? 11 s 11;· "Ennllsh Journol" or "College £nulh1h ...

The junior member r<-cclvcs n membership card with full sutus ln.NCTE extept the pnvi· lcgc or \'Otlng. lie Is i:rnnlcd the dlsc:ount11 given Lo nil mcm~ bors On the purchase or Council publications and recordings.

Uendila ol junior """' lbcrship in NCJ'E include! sptdnl ma:o· zlnes. Ide•• for lesson plans and ocqu:tlntonco wiU1 cxporleqc:cd lonchcrs ln the field.

Studenla mQy lcnrn lhu best or the new ond old ln t:nJUJsh ttacbing and see new opprooch· cs to Ulcrory criticism, rhetori· col ' theory nnd the study or lnnguagc.

Mrs. Homer Bru-nk." nssoclnle prolcssor ol English llOd Joum· otism, is the lfl0!150rillg prolcs­sor ot McPherson Col~c.

Dr. Doyer: prof<MOr ol polhl­•lll """'"'"" al Kansu Sl•lc tl•I· n rsll.Y . .. 111 be .... ol the fpt:ik·

us. lie '11'111 .i.o "'""" as a ~l•adttfor...........,.

Olhcr rcnturcs or lhc WC<'kcnd will bu r<'Crention, ~roup singing led by Or. Doris Co1>pock, pro· l•S9or of pb,ysicnl education for women, one! :i surprise ctt:ilivc :>etivlty.

F'rcc lllornluro will be avoil· ablo In tho llbrory. Students arc urg~'<I lo read tho lnlorma· lion in order to ba 10mcwhllt more lnlormcd on tho sllunlion.

Furih<r delalll • 111 be sh..,. on po1lon which • 111 be dll-trlbulcd •round campua. •

The •• ,mp is supporled by Stu· dent Council, Circle K, the Mc­

•Pherson College Y)lCA·YWCA nnd other orgonb:oUons.

Prc-curollment is scheduled from Nov.1-24

Pre-enrollment !or s e co n d stm<'51cr Is scheduled from Nov. l·ZI for the eonvcnlcnco ol slu· den ls.

Students can sc'C tiiclr locully advlsers during this time and plan their schedules !or sea>nd semester. l're-cnrollmcnt will snvu lime on enrollment day und will Insure n 11lacc In the clnsses the ,Prefer.

II o student pre-enrolls, all he will hllvc 10 do on cnrollrilcnl dny Is 10 1111 in M:hedulo cards. Othcrwl~. he will hnvo to p!nn his schedule with his adviser. bn\·e lt •l'l"'OYed by his nd\iser • and U1cn get each clnss "nrd.

It Is cnslcr !or U!<J studCf]ls nnd !or the lnculty If studcnt.5 1>rc-cnroll. Professors con order class lcJCt1 Md molcr!nts to in· sure un ndcquntc supply.

al" Ibo parl.y • •

Grades will .b~ issued

"It Is Important lhnl students interested in thesc' courses pre·

~ enroll with the Education De· pn~nt immcdi•lcly," Dr. Rothrock said.

N'me weeks" grndes will be

lnlormntlon regarding ench or the seminars and schL-dules lo~ e•ch will be relenscd soon by ACCK Some of the seminars.

• uiclr 'coucginte sponsors :rd renters or study ore as lollow1·

US i~ winning Vietnam war; LBJ will win 1968 election

issued about Noy. G. • Students mny pick up their

~rodes nny time niter this date. The student's copy moy be oh· tnlned from his 13culti· advl..-r.

The grades ore due Uj the Regis\rnr"• Ollicc from prof S·

1sors Ocl. 31. Six copies or the grades arc

Issued. Coplet IO to tbc Reglst· rar"s O!lire. to the studtn:'s 13cullv adviser. lo the ollke a( student pcrson;iel, to the ;lean or ncadcmic nrralrs. to Ibo stu· dent and lo the p3rcnts ol Ires.~·

Art. Dclhnn)' College, N c w York City: Biology lleld trip, Kwu: )fcxlco: l torinc Blok>;:i-. KWU. Ore;on: IMer • Cl\)" Church. JkthanY. Kon~ Cit<; combined Sociology and Educa­tion Scmjnnr. McPherson. Chi· cago.

Courses t3ught during the in· ter-term Mission ";11 not be of· fered during the rcgubr sem· esters ~J In J'ffC\'ious ye:.rs.

No Gcnernl l fcthods coul"$e

man students, ACCK bookmobile If a high sebool ""IUcsts a

JCOPY or grades. the stUdcnt .. 111 ,·isils ollei;es be consulted about forwarding Plans for s h o r i n g book& the transcript. No copy ·or the among the ASSOCi•tcd Colleges 11-.odcs will be issued wltbollt o1 Central KonsllS were renllud lhe student's consent. Sep!. 29 when the ACCK book·

A roster of the grms ... m mobile rn:ide it.5 lirsl round. be kept Jn the Registr:ir"s 01· Origin:itlng nl ACCK head· lice, but these grades ore no• quarters in McPherson.. th~ recorded on the s!lldcnl"s per· · bookmOblle goes lo the SIX co · manent transcript. J~e librorlcs eve~ n.~

The registrar st:lted thllt no• W~Y r :ind nsible ~~r dis­gradc point •'·~ge wou~1 ~ / ~~ui~n1t1\hc es:.u and other computed at this tune. Th I ls it rccch·cs done on semester frlldCS only. mater 3 •

Is lh~ United SU.tcs winning or losln& the war ln Vietnam?

"The war is not being i ... t. • it is In the process ol beina won In !iorth and South Vlei· oam. It Is more Important to keep our o)•cs on the goo! rath­

, er thun the . clock," •yndicnted columnist Roscoe Drummond answered.

Drummond answered this and other questlons in • CUltural Serles nddrcss Oct. 23 In Brown Auditorium.

Why Is there so much dlvisioa •nd disunity ln the u n it c d ~tes obs>ut the war- in Vld· nam? Drummond gave tbrec rcnsons:

1. ' 'The war crept up oo n. There wos no 1lnale perilous enemy such as was the ca"' ii> Purl llnrbor.'' !."Sew~J' 'lf

tcle•u loa. We hove not hlld lh!s coverage before. Jt creates a stnte of mind that bas not btcn there before."

i . "'l'be Uolled 81'*9 Is Mt accv<tomcd to llPllal • llmfl. ed war. Thc tJ.S. objecUve It

- Dl'UllllMDd to bring connlct to on end with the only rondfflon bcini the In· cleptndence and freedom or South Vietnam.''

The writer or • four-limos wceltly column, "\Vnshlngton," which appcnrt In over 100 ncws-1>3pers, pointed out tbnt the United Statet clocs l>OI ,want to bomb Sorth Vietnam cities and Communist ablps.

Riither. the main purpose or U.S. !nlervcntlon Is "to prevent and reduce the Wi<'f of World War ID."

Row arc thlnp ~oing in Viet· nom?

Drummond .. Id thol Amt rl· can rorcH aow hold the UPP<r­bud. tbal the dcJectlon ol the Vld Coag boa doublod u d lb•I Ille atuabcr ol Soulb \'lclllamts•

"Amuricnns foci thnt t!>oy ore llvlnu In tho worst or' all pos· slbtc conditioru," Orummond Mnlcd, n..~"c::1lfog D prevalent Am<:ncon oUltude.

UrlaK under CommunlJm h:as .. f(ulfy," , be aaW, .. " 'o ere been - reduced !ll per cent. lh'lnR In one n the ,,_ Pttc·

The syndlcntcd columnllll nl>O lou• J><rlods hi •II human bls­dlscusscd domeslic poliUcs. 11'1:~ tory. II we arc wlUlnl( to face Is going to "in the 19'".a elce1lon~ the prt'fflll , "e baYe ao Dttd Who will be th c itepub!lcDD to lrar the future." candidate? A <1uuotlon - ans .. or period

in nnswcrlng lhc firtl qucs· followed the nddrcu because lion, Drummond aald. "The otlds Drummond bcllcvcs that the nrc .. 1111 lhc Incumbent Pn:si· people or this country need dent. ··14s p<i>lic wenldng one!

" On lbe bub of the votlnJ ·more 1irivole thinking." l'1lCOrd In 11Mi IHI :i.; Y•• 111, 11 Drummond voiced opinions on " ould !Mi very hard fur John· the lol~iwlng: .0. to ...., arid ,.-Ollld be eHn I. ll<d China In tbef tJN. " I banler for' the Republican to fnvnr the seatin~ of Red Chino • ill." in the Unlted Xatlons "' long

The former cxccuUvc oJllor us there ls no! on unseating ol or the Oirlstlnn Science ~Ion.· Tat .. •an.'' tor prcdlcLS that the 11-0publlcon Z. t'bln•'• __ ..., of au· candidotc race will norrow d<lwn clur 10tA-. ··aitnu's <level· to former Vice-President R!•n· · opmcnt ol nu<.lcar weapons may nrcl Xlxon and l\ew Yorlc G.r;· drive the l>'llitt'd States MCl-Rus­emor Nebon Rockclcllcr. "ltll sin Into a eompnct n;alnJt R<d Nixon the victor. Chino."

~·The Sp~ctator, ~ct. 26,1967

L:et's continue school spirit Th• 1967 Homeccnnin1 f.Ctivitiea nre now m em­

ories in the minds of s tUdents, !acult.y, alumni and towns people. Flonte bavc been torn dow1i and the spirit is !lowly being pushed uside. So now is the t.ime to tltnnk e\'eryonefonnaking t his Homecoming ono o! the best in over 16 years. · · •

Th~ Homei:om.il.1 parade in 1951 wnR ·~Rid­ered• the best In h istol")' \\;th eigh~ bands in t he parade nnd .nt the game. Two years Inter, the an­nual parade was d one a way wit h because it pre­sented too many conOicts. It WM then that the Col­lege turned to cnmpus decorations.

Thia year, the old tradition wns revi\'ed and spirit seemed to be at i t.~ penk. Why? Becau11e eve ry­one was hwol"~d. St.udenl~ worked together days

Forme_r College pro£

nnd nights the week before the parade in construct­ing 11 beautiful floats.

Student• alao planned the coronntion., of the Queen a~d h er r\)yal attendants, which this year was one of the most beauH!ul coronations in t he history

of tho school.

At the pep aaaen!lbly, students representing ench· o! the !our ·classes presentetl skits in front o! fellow student.~, !acuity, alumni nnd friends.

Followin1 the '~burninr of a Swede" nt the 11ow-annual bonfire, students gathered on the Jnw11 orthc Mac Shack for n'hootenanny, which was' led by fellow st'udents with guitars in hands.

And the next day at t.he football game, fnns numbering a bont 3,000 watched the Bulldogs "piny their heart.S out" in a !Oiiing battle. Student yells and cheers wefe accompanied by those in the P ep B nnd.

Now with Homecomin1 two weeks in the past,

dies in COUDty hospital is student s pirit 11 thing of the past? The 1967 Home­coming s hould go down in history ns the weekend

&Du Jcssle Brown. ,..,';,.,. . Alter returning to the United McPherson College spirit wns revived. But why .Prolcl!<>r 1>f plnno. 82. died Sol· States. she studied In Chlcngo should we stop there? Let's 'make this the "yenr" urday, Oct. 21, In the McPhtt- wllh Mannheimer. spirit wll'S r evived b.l" supporting not only the foot-son County Ho1;pltnl nller n He~ urctimc teaching career · bull tcum but also the bnsketbnll, trnck, golf, cross-lc~llY Illness. nt McPherson Colkl:le began In country and baseball teams. •

J;)meral tcrviCet !or Miss llllS. . •"3 Brown were held Tuesday In the

Convocation to feature

lady 'Peace Pilgrim' Boll and Son Ch:lpcl in Mc-•Phc..-. Dr. Harley Stump pro. 'We get letter• "Peace Pll::rlm' ' will speak Ing connicts Is thif: Be cot>-

nl Convocation Nov. 2 nl o n.m. cemcd thot yOll do not ¢'lcnd­. fCS!Or or l'),glJsh. omc.lnled. Gravtsldc tcrvl<ea ,.._ al Buf. falo, the place of her birth.

Ml.II Bn>Wll WM • facult1 -ror17J"ars....Swas I ~elaelc>r of fttcPberMD Col­ltf••· 1 .. 1e u....... Aadlloriam •

... -- alitt ber -of Ibo many ~ Ibo •peal

Recipie~ .questions method: of sel~cting Who s Who-

Shc luls no name. but is coiled • not th4l )'Oii are not to be of· "Pence Pilgrim:· She appears fonded. widely on runny college cump· USC?S ond 3ppenrcd here •liht to ten yonrs ago.

One m,o,y sec her 1Hlklag lbroUAb I01m vr .Uong Ule higll• v ay - ..a s llver-ludred "'Ol1Uln dttned ln ""''Y blue sbclcs and

Ur. Snell toi speak

at Brethren Oiun!h Dr. Galen Snell, a.sslstanl de:>n

of student alfolrs Md deon of men. will be guest speaker at the McPherson Church ol the Brethren Sunday, ·0ct. 29.

on lhe f1cult1 IDd ber llWIJ' dontlou.

She • clonnled SS>.OOo for the audltorlwn ond alio-1ave lhcJu5. andt ol dollars ....,rtb ol oqujp. mcnl, sccqrllleS and· CllSh don•· lions.

McPherson College ownnled her an honorn,.Y Doctor of Mus· lc .itsrce In 1111>!. the )'tar in whlch she rellred. 1ihe had ser­ved "' bend of Ibo Musk De­partmtnt for m:uzy yelll'I.

After rellrcmont Miss B.-n trovel«I 'in olmosl every atnte of the union and Mexko and Canndo.

Mloa -- .......... Ju. '· 118S. Slio laai!ll' II 11e11uoo7 Col-Je1e durln,{ Ibo f°"")'tar Ptrlod ef -JIU. Slit .-...i a • ....., '""" llelllany eou. ..... tory aod I D .... lvr of Male DoCftC r""" ~r CoDtse In 1910.

Miss Brown lclt Bethany Col­lel• to tr.n·ol ond study music. She wns in Ccnn41\Y for two )'Can nJ}d sJudlcd wllb Telch. muller and Fraulein Von Ei:· gcrs .In Lclpelg.

Home Ee C2iupter

• p1!'n& initiation for new members

Dear Editor M o rc«ml recipient or the

Wjlo's Who Aword. I root n ro­sponsibllUy to ol!cr- IOmt c:rfll­clllll of the curnmt method o! selecting candidate.. I wont to w at the out.set !hot I om 11ratelul for the honor. btJL I hesitate to nOO?Pl ii when there ltt'C others who mar hll"e dc­servod ll bul did not receive IL

11 .. ""' __ la, thlt . 0 ••• campuis nomhaat1a1 com·

mlUffs are !Mtnidcd to .-.

11*r ha maldllC - -· Ibo ... -. ocbolanlltp; Ill• particlpatloa - ~ ·11o academic - _.....,_ 1ctlv1Ut1; 1111 cW:aeallllp 'IN 1<rvlct IO tbt ..-; - till promlooolflllme-."

Without belaboring tbC point, I would aay that the commillte must h4ve u5ed a V<TY broad lnlcrprelntlon of these lnstruc· Uons.

For cxomplo. rcmombcrin,e that ,J transferred to McPbl!r· son College wilh a G .P.A. of

Stuco appoints Pierson

campus edit'~r of Spec

NEW CAMPUS EDITOR. SWlnn Pierson Jr. MoP~, types lhe list ot story assl11nmcnt tor the Nov. 2 J.ouo Of !be Spec-IAtor. .

A candleliiht service will be fl3rl of the •ov: 7 (ll<'Clin; of the llomt Economk:a Chapter at 6:45 p.m. In R:lrnly 203. Thfs loilioUon service is lo hooor ol new rmml>tft.- Student Cowocll appd!nttd SU· were appoln~ to "'Prestnl M.,.

Sbcny Wolkcr JUld Karen san PltrlOD, Jr. McPherson, to Pherson at tbe Oct. It con1er· Johnson will rclalc their cxpcrl· the position or comp115 editor once of the Auoclattd CoDtie1 eoces at the NaUonal~ the Sl>eclalor /or the ""'1Dln· ol Central KaDou.

• Economics Cotl\'cnUon In Dal' or the semester. Other 8"° , Miss Plenon fills the vacancy • las, Texas, In June. ~ In the 0$t. 18 Stuco IDCfl· created by,. the reslinatlon of

Tbt tt.-o coeds aUtnded aes- Ille. Bonnie Harwick Jr MoPbe!'J.'lD. 1lons rt1laUnt to '"!'he Homo 1, ~ ol Bomecom1111 ' ' Eoooomlst as a Pn!fealonal." lldtrlllel. Election rct1Ulls •bow· .Miii ~ • .....,.. -

Tbt 1lnt olflchll meetq of td that 57.1 per cent of the Jw * W --_... the fforne F.eonomk:a Chaple!!' s t u d e n t bod¥ \'Olcct !or the In ,,._...,., .. • Will llCillool ..... Oct. s. '!'lie speHer for. Ibis Bomtcomlng Royally. aloe - - .... ,.._

meetint was Steve Jlolel'l. IOph. L . I*"- of 1M ........ - - - - - -Biootlyn, Jowa, Who spoke aboul -. · Tbt Council voted to - ., Ille tl'Ollllft Wltlllll

• bis wort with Bretbrell VoJun. -rt the "'™"I. bu& not fin. ........,. '- Stni«!. -Ully. :n.Ja II Illa ~·a lllC'llld

1'1ectlnp ror the Rome Econo- J. ~- of ACCK c.. lemetler at McPbenaA. lille mies Cblpter are ~ for - ....-..-. Mike tr8Dllferftd Ina hrt llii;s

' the f Ir• t ~ of _,,. Fox. sr, Valley Coater. and Jane SU.le Co~se aDd alao au.lld mooth. . Bnibalter, Ir, Roclcy Fon!, Colo.. Colorado Women'• Collqe. ..

1.1 and that my reconl here shirt, and a short tunic with bu been for from ooUUlnding. pockets oil around the bottom, I could al least aay thot lhos<! In wbkh 1he carrtcs her only who selected me were bencvol· ~d PoSStnlons. .ent toward sporadic cl!ort. "PEACE I'll.CRIM" is print·

1 think It unnecessary to diJ. ed In white letters on the I root cuu other quallrlcations men· or her tunic nnd "25,000 MILl::S lloned In tho lnstrucUons. but ON FOOT FOR IV 0 R L D I Itel my OWD lo be question· PEACE" OD the l>Dck. :Ible, al boat. She hu finished 11•allclnK tho••

M¥ mabt conctrn. bo-M·evu. miles. but she continues to walk.

"The Focus Is You" will be the topic ol the World Temper­ance and RclormaUon $u""-Y ' oddrcss.

A Bob Rlchnnls lllm. "Life's lllgher Goals" will be shown ln lhc sanctuary ror the evening worship. Richards Is o member ol lhe Church ol the Brethren nod • former minister. Ho ls on Olympic Gold Medlll winner.

II not IO crilld&e ...,_ who for btr ,...... I.I: " I shall romoln was cbolna for &he boaor, but a · wanderer until nuwkJnd has to qutltlon 1 melbod or Id~ leamcd the wo,y ol pea«, walk· lloD wlllcli may anlalrty om11' laJ uallJ I am ~""' abtller worth1 llatlcnla. , an~ fasllnt unW I am given M

In fact. 1 """Id call !or n foOd.'' aealendar thorough "'"!nation or the en· She walks without a penny tire process of nomlnaUon ?nd in her pockets and tih• Is not elimination. nUUiated with noy orgnniz:>Uoo.

In order that the selection be She walks • • • prayer ond as . as objective ·as possible, · I o chance to Inspire others to w0uld """est thot o ~ pray ond "ork with her for minimum reciiurcmcnt be cslab- peace. She Si)Caks to lndMduals llshod. perhaps partfolly based along the way. to groups In upon the academlc record wii6 cities. through the medium or regard given to olher foclors the news services.

·such as socio! activities and nee. She poinls out tho! this is o esury .employmelll. crisis period in hwnon hi!!OI')'.

Tllomday, Oct. !II - Student Con\'OCOlion, Drown Auditorium, 0 o.m. ._.

Friday, Od. !7 - Footb:lll. Ottawa University, here, 7:30 p. m.

MCY All School Retreat Tuesday, Oct. 31 - Bloodmo­

bile. Churcli of tho Brethren b1UCmcn1, 8:-U a .. m. - 2 p.m . .

Thul'lday, Nov. 2 - Cblld(ell's Theater, Brown Auditorium,. 4 p.m. r•

.-. All studcnta who meet Ibis ' ond thnl we who live In the requlmncnt should lhcn be on world today mUst choose be­the liat for CO!llidcnillo.n b)• the tween n nuclear war or onnlhll"· commlttee regnrdless of their tlon and a ~olden ago or pence. btnr toward social nonconlonn. Iler, maik lonnut:i lor re- The Spectator il)1. sol\'111g Connk'ts 11 this: Ua\'C Vol 6%, Oct. zt, 1H7, No. d

I .rulbe 11111 -b a oelcdlon u your ob)ccth'c lhc rosoMag ca - lie ........-q ob~ ol lhe <'Olllllcl. DOI lhe gaining II~ .. ......., II - IO be of aclvonllll[C. _,, IMD oa art>llrary oel~ Her magic formula for av)ld-11-., U.... wllo are nu.-.. ..... facallJ' ..,. •lrtDt ., .......

..,....,.,. -'"' ---· "'.IDW to hroa1lcast .. -.,. I am allo aurc thot many of Bulltfog-Brave game

the facull;y Ifft a ..._lblllly The McPbel'$0n-Ottawo fool· for adeetq candidates In view b311 gome wlD be :ilrcd °Friday, ol the bonor and opportunities .. ~.J7, at 7:i!O e,m .. QI> ToJ>ken COODeCttcl with the aw&ns and rndio slollon WIBW. that they -.Id "~lcomt IOIDe This will be the lll'.>rth nnd obJective llalldard by· wblcb to Inst McPherson aDm~ to be - lludeals. broadcast by ll'IBW.

U Wbo'a Who ii to maintain the dlallnctlOll and booor on • Ibis c..._ wblcb 11 bas 00 a Spec regrets errors Dai!oewlde buia. I feel that a Spclling orron In the letter metbod - be uMd to Insure to the editor which Dr: Harley tUt all ~ llUdeDta be Stump wrote for the Oct. 19 emalderecl and lllllt tbooe with Spectator were nol in the copy ..._ ~- be elimJ. be submitted. Dated. '1be SPectalor r::;ittt.s thol the

~IY. erron were not caught In the C;iroie Neal l)l'OO{reading.

' E\lfllial 111111 - ·-·--· l'llllOl'f"! ,,,..._ ~ -·--·: ClldoLOm ea-...- __ . __ __ racu"7Ad"- ·----

...._ .. . ' I • -----_.. ___ _ r-----Y­~'lmil'1'1'11189"

~"=" ,,..._ -­~---• llllb

~~-, - . ... ..... ~

McPherson· to: clash with mighty Qttawa l By CUBlS LEVI. Otl••·n University Braves will

brln' o 'H record when '.hey rL111h with ~le.Pherson College BuilcloP. o.;;, Friday. al 7:30


was rankl'd ninth nntlonnlly ln the small college i>Oll by tho Nationol Assoclnlion o! lnlot· c.'ollcginte AthM!ci.

Urn\'L'S .. lnsl year: -

McPherson hos 1.ullcrod <lc­

fcots from C or E. KWU, South· "u tcm. Friends, Bethany and

Tbe Bravcs, ·ho•·c previously Boker. ~eleated •·~ds, Bethel, sier· ••0ttan ids ya~ bolll In ltng. College of Emporia and the air and on the poantt." Kansas Wesleyan UniverSit)'. Bulldog roach D"lght McSpoll-

B-team def eats ' Heiliuny i3·7

McPherson College Bulldog.s \\'On a tS-7 victory over & :.h· :tny in a B-tcum game :Moadoy Ol L!ndsbot;.

The Bulldogs' first score <:ame "'hen ~lnnlord Brown, hallblick. rnn 91 y n rd s nroUnd end. He then ronvertcd the exlr point.

Quarterbock ~n 'Aldinger scored on a l"'O-)':lrd plunge ror I.be Bultdo~s· S<'Cand srore. Brown missed the cl<lra point

Pag& 3, The.Snectator, Oct.,26, 1961

Shephe1~tl sets recol·d as harriers win .. 23-32 , Do\'c Sbei>herd sci a counc

record os h.: paced the ~lefh<.r· aon Qillcgc harriers to 11 %3 to st •ic1011• ever Sterling Oollego Oct. :Ill.

Shepherd's limo oC 11:52.0 min· utes broke the :1.4 mite course r!!eord of l?:OI, wblch wos set lost year by Dave Mc<:rtery oC Sterling.

Second to cross lhc lln!Jh line

w..s ~- ""'-;_:; 'l l1:U, elahl t •'"''c '~' ~ .. \" Ji.Mt his record· l :o. k•il! - "' ·;in ~c:ir.

SIL'VC 1• tfl -c, Silrilni:, was r · · d lu 12-1u 11 :;kett, !ircPber­so!j, (u1.1.rt1t • 1 12:20; followed by I'.. . l lcPherson. 12:25; Smith, llcPhcrson. U:3-I; Roi:· crs, Mcl'brnon, U:38.B.

1'11< Braves mlered tbdr llnt dtftll .. tlltlr ........ tldd • Ince Jt'l I;.. 511tarda1, - otron« SOUlh~-.alent Mounclballden an· alhil•lell lbem :IS-3.

Delore their delelll, Ottawa


Tht 8 u1ldog1, \\1nlcss In six den stated. "'Sow our uhJC"Clh·e siatts, wlll 11)' lo D\'Cng:e a : ·ts lo s1n:ngthc~ ou_r dcfcMl\'t 13-6 loss handed them by me secondary and work on our pass

Ph•)'S. btcause we b:\\'~ to throw lhe ball ii we >re iolng lo S('(lrt."


Builqers' defeat B1·avcs, hold first place i~ KCA'C

Cooch ~lcSp'.adden rclcrrod 10

Wildcat's stout defense , ._.

holds Bulldogs scoreless

The College tcom, •'bich has ""'" lour first. places And two second plhcc• Jn six mccLs, \\ill meet • Tubor 1111<1 Southwc!tcm Colleges In n lrlnnculor meet here tomorrow, ot 4 p.01.

The ronrcre~e meet will be run en the Rolling Acres Coif Cou™> ·ov. l~. Lost reor. 1hc Bulldogs plncro fifth in the Kan· sns Co\lece Athlc!lc Conreren""

' By MIKE 1114>.\tPSON Soullr.-estem pl'O\·ed lhnl It

is. ~· lar, the best team In lhe Cl)llferencc. by' sounilb• scolp. ing the Ottawa Bra\·es. ...

StmJents, profs participate in· handball Arc you aware or the bottle

Joking pince bi!lween proleS!ors ond students on the campus? Thls war began Oel. 23 and wilt come lo an end Dec. 13.

tn.sle•d of rifles or band gren· ados the participants ore using bills. Instead of a peace treoly the victor will be prcstnled a trophy for his skill in the gome or hondha.11. Enlri~ we!'i) placed on the

!odder by Donald Wldril:. as· sodote professor in physical tducolion and bead bnskelboll <0arh. Coach Widrig also ex· plolned all rules lo Ille players.

A player must accept all cha~ lcngcs. For the first week a per. son con challenge anyone. Lot•' · one may only cballengc one oi the two players ahead or him.

A trophy will be presented to the top mail on the handbail lodd<r al the close or the oon· .test scheduled for ~· 13.


Muaic - Record• Sportin1

Good a

the "poor" runnln~ 11an1e dis· Baker Un!vcndty s~red two Jlllt)'NI by ihe Bulldogs S:itur· ~ touchdowns nnd n snlctv in lhci doy ngoinSI Boker Unlverslly shutout victory over ~icPherson when. they were held lo -39 y:mls College. Suturdny, in Bnklwin rushing. The stou Wilden! dclenS<> hcl

The JJulklcrs cruised io 3 33- In the Kansas Collc~c Alh· ~ •ictory o•'<lr natio!)lllly ratt'd lctlc Conference S1.1tlstks, Ot· O!Lowa to dabn the ~umber to" a dominotes mos! of the c:>- F ~~ bns 15-0 record, one spot in the con!erence. 1c, orlcs. leads in. \'Ollcyhall

The rest or L'ic gomes went llrn\'o qunrtcrback. ntchnrd lntrnmurol vollO)tmll stand about os predicted. The Dull· Dnnnon is fourth in totnl olfcnS<> ings from tho beginning ol th dogs gnve Boker n good game O\'ornging 153.4 yords pcr,s/ome. senscn throu~h the week of Oet

~~:re bee~s~~wi:tim~:!.~ lie olso is third in passing ~6.,.';;;• ns rollows: w L

with coch gome. and lhe will with 0 l:?6.G overoge. F-3 --···-····-· 15 o to "in is SIDI there. The Br.,·es >re first In tolal Courts ------ 11 2

To round O'JI the schedule. orrens., third In nub!., ud ll-3 • -·------- 11 4 other scores wefe Friends 2G- lhlrd ht passing "ilh •''eraces B·l -·----·- 7 Bclhan)• 13, KWU ~!- Bothe I or . 33!, l~.8 aud m yAnla. re- F 7 7, c or E 33- Sterling 0. spccU\'Cly. ·'2 - - ·-:·-···--

6 0

This week's games should go On defenS<> OUnwo Is first, ~·3 . : ....... --------33 like !his: )'!Cidlng On a\'erage O( 18-18 'f.( ----·--·--··

Otl•wa al McPhenou The while the Bulldogs are urih ' M·2 · -·-···-···---·- 3 l Dogs came within • touchdown yielding an O\'crage of 220.6 per B-2 -··----·-~ 2 1

last year. They'll win by one gomc. F-1 --·-·--- 2 I this lims.,_McPhcrson 13 - Ot· The Braves are olso first in lawa 7. delcnsi"e passing ynrdngc wllh

Baker at Bcth:lny. Baker hos n ff.l.8 yard average. Rogers plltccs sccmul speed, sire, depth . and a 5·1 ' Defensive rushing ls lhC only in ~1110 Track meet record that they Intend 10 im· slatlatlc I• which Md'hcl'IOll pro\'e upon. Boker ri - Beth· ! .. cl• Ollllwa. · - Running -for ·1he 1'0pcka Cos any 7. B • mos Girls Track Club, Kaley

Betit! >l Soulhwcskm. One or The ull~gs. seroad In thii Rogers. sopb. Brooklyn. Jown.

the best ti II . sl.11lstlc, yielded 109.8 over>GC placed second In a mcel al

sm• co ege teams in vnrdogc, while otl w r ~ the nation• tnkes on a \\"eaker · a a. ourt' · Mulvane. Oct. J3, ., team. South~·c.icm 5l - Bcthcl i•Icldcd 115•8 yoros in their llr.t Miss Roger•' nc•1 meet is o. six games. Oct. 29 al Wnhoo, Neb.

Eriends at C of E. Two C\'C!n·

ly mnlchcd tenms will he corn· pcti~ but c or E is tough nt home. C oC E 17-Friends 13.

KWU at Sterling. Tbe Coyotes offense Ls on · th• mcr;e. KWU 28-Sterllng H .


- CALL-Po•fo Siucl

Dotsour Holl ~., ' .

Worno Block Lorry E. Martin

Mehler Hall

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Vogt Shoe Service Fine Shoe Repair

Sh .. s.,,u.. I.OJ E. Eucli4

Elton Lobbnu M~tors, Inc. FORD-LlNCOLN-MERCURY

519 N. Main McPheraon Before You Ivy, Gin Us A Try

ELDON'-S FOODLINER "Try A Snack From Oui:.l>elicate11en"

CH 1-2539 514 N. Main



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. To Become a Satisfied HSB .Cu1tomer


·Brir;ig Thlt Laundry.Down T~ TIDY Counselor On Duty

8 A .M. • 9 P.M. Monday • Friday 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. Saturday

TIDY Laundry & Dry Cleaning 4!>4 W. Kanaa1 CH 1-9883

The Best' ~lace To

· Eat and Relax

In McPherson Js


the llulldogs to -39 y~rds ~sh· Ing nnd 132 )'Ords pnsslng, white B11kcr's errensc omnssed 176 yards noshing and 118 ynrds passing.

The win over McPhcraon plact'd Boker in • second W""' tic In the "'1nsos College Ath· lctlc C<>nfcronce with Ottawa, who were defeated by South· wcstcm Saturday, 33·3 •

The Bulklogs ore currently J!1 o Inst pince t ic with Bethel Col· lcgc. LM;,

Wildcat hnllbock, Dave Tum· er. 170, !reshmno scored th e two Boker touchdowns and Lor­ry nomou kicked two cxlrn JlOfnlS. • ,

TllnWlr :;cored on n two.yard plunge In the second sunrlcr. 11nd n !ivc-yard nin In tho linnt period.

llokcr's snfely was In the lhlrd quarter, when defensive guard Doug Kelsey penetrated tho Bulldog orrensivc line 10 tnckle quarterback Phlt Atldin· ger In the end tone for the cxtrn two poinl5.


4%'fo Pass Book


·s'fo Single Payment · Certificates

~ Whete You s. ..

0..t: Moke A Dtfte•eMe

SPIRAl THEATRE McPl1crson • , , .,

Oct. 26-28

"A Guide for The Married Man"

\ Oct. 29-81

"Lui" Starring

Jock Lemmon



"Thal Tennessee Beal"

• Plus

"How To Steal A MilHen"


mcCi. -

YMM youn& llWl'S lllOOd

A'°JA'YMARBLAOX madeb1'-pleowbocanr0tt

people ••• who care 1 •

'• •T.& Aft'·.., 'From


Page ~Spectator, Ocf. 2~6, 1967.

NCTA ·{o perform 'Hansel and Gretel'

Evam, Reed star in mooi!ter movie

Fischer constructs puppet stage,-. . .....

Cll!ford Evans aDd Oliver Reed star in "Cllrse of the Werewoll," wlifch will be shown

15 pupp~ts tQ present 'Everyman' Friday, Nov. 3, at 8 p.m., in By NICX MOSHER Bro"" Auditorium. What goes into o puppet show?

"llansel and Gretel" w i 11 ~ctors move In definite a~ t:;~~·~~la~,: • Charles Fischer, llSSlstnnt pl'S-

cane to li!e on Ille stace in detennlned ''"'1S. but tbrir a<>- tdlr 'Of moasiro..s creature lessor of En&!i.h and tbealtr. BroWn Auditorium Nov. 2 at 1 tio.ns arc "?' cure~ to the • hall-mnn a and holf-woll, which has oontlructOd a puppet sta¥e p.m . . Prolesslonal adult acco'.' pomt or betni rldlcuious. \ tpttlldJ horro~ thn>U£bout the and . 15 puppcl;' to p~nt a

from lhe National CblldreDS • Ideas must be p~ltd \O.\;Spatlisll countryside. ~."" morality play, EVCrY·

Th• a I • r AslOdalion of New · children In an obvious and sim· A donation of ~ cents will be man. Yori< and D~llos wtll portrn,Y pie way. Adults often enjoy requested by the Social Com- "Eve,yma" Is ICbeduled ror the dulructers or the Grimm. auendina children's theater be- milttt. • NOYembtt c:oovbuoo. II ..... fairy talc. cause they grasp the Idea willl·

A-.Joa for II?• producUoa, out ho Ing to search Jor .them. e_...i by Ille Mrl'hel'IOll a.a.ttt o1 lbe Americn As- P rof. FUhcr, who bas ,,.,,_ IKillllott ol Vnh'•nlly Women formed lor children, considers la 'IS ettllJt Tlckela moy be this typo or ""'"' a challenge. ,..,.._ .t lbe - Children ore • not inhibited by

• • IOcial g.- as are adulta: the'; Tickets lor the three perform- will not respond to bo polite.

anec scaaon are Sl.50. · : HelpinJ bacbtDce wiJI be the Actors are tbllllt1t(ed ~7 Ille

Stqecran class and Charles l ln>Ued """"' !Wy IMIYO lor per­. F isher. ass!Jiont pror~uor in lo1'111&11tt1 IUld by -., llaulcd

• English and · UicoteJ. nWl>Mr ol odors wbo lnv,cl in .Prof, Fisher dcsen'bH chil. tbelr poap. Vel'IOlllll7 Is •

dren·1 lhenter os not n new must for each membu •s be concept, but ono that hos ex· otiea muot act u 1"" or 111~ porlen<'ed a rcblrlb and ~ cb.aracUrs "' - ploy· jrowth · or populorlcy. He also Prof. FlJber stresses that stu· auite1 that children'• theater dents plnnnin& to tench on the Jnlllps 11re lormlag throu&hout elementarY level abould observe the n•tlon and providlnc, • w0y the children during the perfo"!"· tor actors to brook into prolcs· nnce. They openly ldcnUly with 1ional theater. the cbnrnctcrs and they seem to

'h mMe lllNltt _.u111 1o lose all Inhibitions.

·-· nbllel1 - bo .. old· "The 1>9ld, frunk style or thh t<I. •CllllldreD ,..,._., lo brlgbl theater J1 the key to teachin~. ..-... dllllllCi lugllqe aad cntertaiolnc and rearing ch~-

- -"· drcn," Fisher staled.

·.Exhibits to he shown ·at International Fair

The lnlU114Uorw Fair. · ~b<>­duled !or F'riO.iy and S.tunlay, Nov. 11.ta. In Friendship !loll w!ll feature exhlbtts from · 25 counlrles.

,Artlcl" lor sale will . be var· lecl la price lo 11CCOrbmodolc

Ille podi- " botb slu«Dla ud - fnlm Mcl'hel'IOll. Ordered from _.., New York

llllporl rompaalet, lbe ·­wlD be arTM&"9 "' boolho rep­~ ••rloas froupo ol couelrtes. - b u lbe Lallo

~--Tbe lnlcmation•I Fair II the malti moncy-mnklng proJcet or lhe McPherson College YMCA· YWCA.

The purpose of lhc Fair Is to promru? lnternolioD41 undcr­

•lllldin&. 1bt lalmWloaal FOlr Com­

mlllee llot><t lo bllve lorelp

- ""'1tlDJ la lbe -­AloKlltr -lllloa will be •lldes ol lorolp cowolriet from !hose •"" UYe vlsllff 041lslclo lbe

' .-.,.. Each booth wlll have a MCY

chairman. The booth chairmen 1"11! cboosc Ultlr committees

EBAUQH'S. Glfl.t • H1.llmark Caril• Ptc1urr Fra mtns .S:S.

108 N. Main

Skyway Lunage


Come Browoe Anytime

f ollo~ The I

Bulldogs · In .The



Imm MCY members or other lntercsttd 'persons. Booth dulir­men will be sele<ted soon.

Delore Ille Folr. ,,.,,...... la McPbel'IOll who bllYC IUtlcles from lottlp counltlet 11•1U dis­play lbem lo Ille Flimdsblp 11.U aboWCUtl.

The MC'Y International Fair Committee this year Is Ron .\d· kins, sr. Long Beach, Calif, chairman: GarY lll>Stcr, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, aulrtant chair- · man. J im MowrY. 1<>plt, Pccrin, Ill, booth cbalnnan: Carolyn Dell. Jr. 1:."nld, Okin .. S<Crctary.

Rose Morie Uliom, soph, Wil· cy, Colo., and Margie llolder­recd, soph, Twin Falls, l daho, aulstant aecl"C!larlcs: B r u co MacPhcnoa. Jr. Winsted, Conn., trearuttr: ad Bev Homer. Jr, Carleton, Nob .. and Stan Buch· er. sopb, Lebanon, Pa., pubUclty dt4lnnan.

Students Wofcomo ' lo

Norgo Vill1g11 411 E. l...Ud .

MALM Complete •

Auto Service lncludinc Cl111

210 E. Euclid -.,._OH 1-~03&

For Th'e Be.t In Self.SCM'ice\

Laundries, Co To



. . . SNEA initiates

tea~her ft program By SUSAN SELL tarY School in McPherson :wo

Do you have an interest in iinemoons each week. teaching and a few lrcc hours ' lier work is with a plrtially each week? U so. have you con· dear and blind student. She sits •ldcrcd. being a tcochcr'a oldc? with him and helps him follow

A lucber'1 aide _....,, bas lhe -disclasioa. She also hell" .,_ lallblltd by lbe M•arlce him keep hls place in his spec. A. u.., Cbllllltt o1 lbe Slud..,I lat books. Nolloul~Educ.UOO Assocbtloa. M!M Rteo says sbe bas i•LD-

Thosc who \'Olunteer Jo' the' ed lcleu lrom bdng ID • clou program· have a chance to \\'Ork of sludtats of Ille level she w!Ul tedchers in normal class- plans lo leoch. She plans lo use room situatlons or in ls'braries lbe ldeae la btr cm classes os slorY·tellers ond assistants. 10me doy.

dlJll le•cbers aad cl•lag Lynda a.avers, Jr. Carlt<n.

1 o d e a I s close ~ wllll Neb., Gioria ~alien. soph, l<:acbiaf •re Ille lwo PoJ'l'OS<I Bisbee, N. D., and Jody Duffy, of Ille prorrom. 1r. Chapman, aro worltin~ In

s .,,_ ~1 t •- . clemenUlrY school librariel'. 1'":""'ts "" P eacucrs . m Stimulatlng lhe children to

che<lting papers and recording wont to reod ls Mis Durr • uttendanco; but, "-ork Is not •. Y s limited to cl<rical duties. Stu- goal .. She takes her s1ude.nts lo

d . . the librnrY and roods or tells

cots " 'II eventuolly help "'Ill them parts of books. Sho then art les.ons, phyalcol educnuon tells them that the way to find classes, library ~'!' and norm- how Ille stocy en<h is to read •I class.-n actl\'lt1cs. the book.

The program fJ intended to ,Sneaky? Pe.rhaps, but they acquaint Its members with the dlsto\'er hooks !My would not teo.ching profession: ho\·e read otherwise.

MOii educollon C<Illl'l<9 are "Being with these studeols laken durillg lbe Jwilor u d sea- mnkcs me certain I want to tor 7e111W. SNEil lttls lllol sto- teach," Miss Dutry stated. deDll abould be llllroduced lo Students who wish to boccm, educlllloa lo Ille 11rs1 lwo yeus teacher's aides neco not hc lo help lbem d«:lcle ti It Is lbe SNEil ~ They may ob­

lldd Ibey waat lo - · taln applications from any or Th~ teacher's aid prograF.i the followlnii members or the

provides this introduction. teacher's aide committee· J onet Judy ~go, soph, New B~- Crago, sr: Tom Crago, sr; Joyoe

ford, Mnn .. plans to be a firth Miiis Jr- Lelhia Drown sr all grade teacher. Sbo helps a fifth from ' MdPberson, and ~tiu' Re­iirllde teacher at Pork E:omen- go.

219 N.MA IM


Drur Stol"e

Weet ToA & W 1 Block South


TV· Radio ·Stereos & Records Sales and Service

118 S. Main OH 1-3284-

Checking Account. E-Z For Fu ter

And Safer Service

Tbe Low-Co.t - No Semce Charre ~eeount

.'lbe:M9?hersao.& ·, Ci~StateBa.nk

~ Id Ille New GoCtlaad LulberaD Cburcb Od. ZO ad the Flnlt MelhodlJt Cburcb !JI NewiGa Oct. !%.

Prol. Fi s h e r tours • with "Everyman" for church groups, con,~tlons. ACCK convoca­tions; ·and study groups.

Prof. Fischer got most of his CXIN'rience in Ughtlng when he was ,lighting technician lor DaQ· !el Llord, president or the Ameri· can Puppetry Association.

"Evcryman," 31 a medlevol moralily drama, OJ<empllllcs the CUSIDm ol personllying ahstrac· tlons.

Tbc reblrlb of '111e lbealer allcr Ila Romu deolll look ptoce' la lbe Cbrlstlut Cburcb. '!be drama, 11Evcrymu," WU one ot Ille ploys by 111aldl lbe cbuttb could teoch.

The play is allegorical nnd di­dactic In demonslrallng u les· 1<>n. A!Ulougb in origin, morai.

Education class takes fie~d trip

Education Block classes \•isil· ed -several seecndnrY and cle>­mentary school$ on Ulclr field trip tO Wichita Oct. 2t •

SccondarY education students v I s it e d Wichita High School

· North and Coleman Junior High School and studied the guidance programs or Ute two schools

Elcmentory student teachers ,. I s i t "c d three clementarY schools. Acceleruted !coming clnsse.s were observed a t Mc­Lean School, and the IT A read­ing progrnm was observed al McCullom School. Al Dodge School, otudcnts observed spec. fol education classes und the elementary school guidance ,, .. gram.

ity play• where alUcd with Ca\!> ollc!sm, tho moroUly is not con. fined lo roligJon.

Prol. Flsdltr - lour ..i;. lions of "Everymoa" lo mak• bts •<bplotion •PPllcoble lo any retJijoD and leulb'1 "-lied by • •- pULII ·~

The puppets used by Pror. Fisher arc rQd.a·m:trlonettcs. These a re marionettes suppon . cd by one central rod to make each puppet scll·standinJ. ·

Each handmndc puppet fool: 15 lo 20 hours lor completion. The helld and hands ore ~ ol paplcr-machc. Each pupp..'! II dressed and jeweled for the part It plays.

&1er Topham, a rormcr slu . dent ot Pror. J'bcber, Newlon, ~ bdped dulgn l be stage. Pro!. Flsber slided llUll stagq desl;n lt of ire•t lmpartance. Elirh movi durlng &he abow b S>r«isc

aad meaalaif_uL The singe 'is 8 l ect wide. r.

feet deep and 8 feet tall. !h's all folds to a 2 x 3 x 312 box All curtains, puppets and ll~h<s

nrc contained In the stngo.

Topham also directed the play by cutting the script and blocR· Ing the. action. "Perhaps o~e or the qualltlcs ol the show Is t'ie maintenance of mcdlc\•ol slmpli· city through Tophom's direction which was cnhanccd by his con· cepts in modern theater produc- · tlon.

And in our complex world "• must· lnke lime to look at foe true simplicity or a rcll;;ious faith," Prof. Fischer stated.

' 'UgbUnt ls unusual lor pup. petty," Prof. Fltcher ainted. The Wllque blP llllcasu,. spot ltcbls are cuslom mode with 1lx individual dimmers. rror. Fltcher c:oulrols All lbc ll~htln~ durillg Ille llbc!w·


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