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Page 1: FOR RENT FOR SALE GENERAL APARTMENTS OFFICE SPACE … · 2020-04-11 · E.7th St. Harv d,NE 68944 402-7591 or 2511 JO B OPPO RTUNITIES! If you are ready to come work with a team who



A NNO UNC EM ENTS C ard of Thanks P ersonal In M em ory S pecial N otices C raft S how s Job Fairs H oliday H appenings Tour/Travel Tickets H appy A ds B undles of Joy Lost and Found G arage S ales N orthw est G arage S ales N ortheast G arage S ales S outhw est G arage S ales S outheast G arage S ales Out of Tow n Estate S ales TRA NSPO RTA TIO N A utom obiles A ntiques/C lassics 2-W heel D rive P ickups 4-W heel D rive P ickups S port U tility V ans A ccessories/P arts V ehicle R entals B uses Trucks H eavy Equipm ent U tility Trailers REC REA TIO N Fold D ow n & P ickup C am pers Travel Trailer & M otor H om es B oats & Equipm ent M otorcycles & A TV s G olf C arts BUSINESS SERV IC ES S ervices Offered S ervices W anted Financial/Loans B usiness Opportunities EM PLO Y M ENT Em ploym ent A gencies A dm inistrative & P rofessional Educational H ealth C are Office/C lerical S ales Insurance R estaurant Technical & Trade A g R elated Trucking G eneral P art Tim e C hild C are Looking for W ork In-H om e A ssisted Living A UC TIO NS A uction S ales A uction C alendar

PET STO C K P ets Exotic P ets Free P ets P et S upplies P et M em orials M ERC HA NDISE H ousehold Item s Furnishings A ppliances Electronics C om puters P hotography Item s M usical Item s A ntiques H obbies & C ollectibles Jew elry C lothing S porting G oods Tools & S hop Equipm ent Law n & G arden G ood Things To Eat H ealth C are S upplies Office Equipm ent M iscellaneous Free Item s W ant to B uy RENTA LS A partm ents D uplexes Tow n H ouses H ouses M obile H om es S hared Living W ant To R ent Office S pace B usiness P roperty R esort P roperty S torage/W arehouse A creages Lots For R ent REA L ESTA TE FO R SA LE A creages H ouses Factory B uilt H om es M obile H om es Lots For S ale B usiness P roperty Investm ent P roperty S torage/ W arehouse R ecreation P roperty W ant To B uy FA RM ERS M A RKET Livestock H ay/S eeds Irrigation M achinery Farm Equipm ent S ervices B uildings Land For R ent W ant To R ent Land Farm s For S ale




400 E. 7th S t. H arvard, N E 68944

402-772-7591 or 402-772-2511



400 E. 7th S t. H arvard, N E 68944

402-772-7591 or 402-772-2511


If you are ready to come work with a team who works hard to provide great care to our residents then please call

Elia/Kris/Tina for more info or to ask for an application.

W e are looking for a nurse RN or LPN to w ork our evening/night shift and looking for C NA s for days and evening shifts. G ood candidates are those w ho are

responsible, caring, com passionate, team player,

fast learner, dependable, and a team leader! For nurses w e have an every third w eekend rotation and for C NA ’s/M A ’s w e have

every other w eekend rotation as w ell as differentials.

Welder (1st Shift): Welds metal components together with a variety of arc and gas welding equipment to fabricate or repair products as specified by layout, welding diagram, or blue print. Experience with MIG and TIG Welding is preferred.

We are hiring for the following positions:

Powder Coater (1st Shift): Operates cone, disk, or nozzle type electrostatic painting equipment to spray negatively charge paint particles onto positively charged work pieces. 3-6 months of previous related experience is required.

We offer competitive wage & benefit

package: benefits include: Health,

Dental, Vision, Life, 401K, Profit Sharing, Bonus Program.

Please visit our website to see all availabel jobs and detailed qualifications as well as apply: www.hastingsirrigation.com/



V ie w d e ta ils a n d a pply on lin e a t: http://c e n tra lc c .pe ople a d m in .c om

E qua l Opportun ity E m ploye r

As s o c ia te D ea n o f ins tru c tio n Sk illed a nd Tec hnic a l Sc ienc es

Co lu m b u s April 13

B u ild ing M a intena nc e Tec hnic ia n Ha s tings April 2 0

Chem is try Ins tru c to r Co lu m b u s

April 2 7

To Pu rc ha s e Ad vertis ing On This Pa ge Co nta c t 4 6 2 -2 13 1

A BC S E A M L E S S S IDIN G, W IN DOW S & GUTTE RS Hast ings, www.abcseamless.com . . . 402-463-7580

HE A RTL A N D P E T CON N E CTION 1807 W . J Hastings www.petfinder.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 402-462-P E TS (7387)

P e ts & A n im a l Con trol

N e w s pa pe rs HA S TIN GS TRIBUN E www.hastingstribune.com 908 W . 2nd St. Hastings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402-462-2131



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Saturday, April 11, 2020HASTINGS TRIBUNEB4

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Up to 16 Wordsfor 1 month

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for details

T&D MOWING: 15 + yearsexperience. Commercial/residential, mowing, land-scaping, trimming, edging,fertilizing. Insured. Call402-463-0152/402-469-8682



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INSURANCERebecca MarbleHealth Markets402-469-7952Life, Health,

Final Expense, MedicareAdvantage & Cost Plans


Insured. Mowing, aerating,power rak ing, t rac to rshredding, tilling, edging,tree/bush pruning. 402-469-4121.W i l l d o l a n d s c a p i n gpro jec ts . Reasonab lepriced. Free quotes. 402-469-1507 or 402-469-2755


Commercial/Residentiallawn mowing & more!

Free estimates.Serving Hastings

since 2006.402-469-7903

Darrel's Mowing Service& Landscaping

Mowing, landscapemaintenance, tree and

bush trimming. 15 yearsexperience. 402-984-3568

R&C Lagunas HandymanLandscaping, trimming,

framing, drywall, flooring,tile, remodeling, and so

much more!Free estimates.

10 years experience.402-303-2059

JUNK REMOVALJUNK HUNK. Junk remov-al service. Clean out gar-age, basement, attic. Freeestimates; courteous ser-vice. Call Scott at 402-705-6263

LAWN / GARDEN CARE LAWN / GARDEN CAREEXPERIENCED HORTI-CULTURE graduate offer-ing commercial/residentialaerating, mowing, andpower raking. Licensed.Insured. Free-estimates.Zach's Lawn Service, 402-984-2032

CLOCK REPAIRVILLAGE TIME. Since1986. Clocks, watchescleaned, repaired. Author-ized service center. Willpick up, deliver. 308-832-0671

AccreditedBetter Business Bureau

Grandfather Clock Ser-vice. In home or pick up.Reasonable, trustworthy,satisfaction guaranteed.Mantle, Cuckoo, Quartz.308-830-0502

CONSTRUCTIONKulhanek ConstructionRoofing, siding, garages,home remodeling, fences,additions, windows, anddecks. Keith 402-469-3755



HANDYMAN: Roof ing,concrete, painting, homerepairs, lawn care. Fully in-sured. 15 years experi-ence. Reasonable. 460-6756, 462-2660

Call us today to see how we can help you!

Become a homeowner with the help of our classifieds.

Redecorate on a shoe-string. Our Classifieds, coupons and special offers are waiting for you.

To place your want ad for the Farmer’s Corner Call



MARKETM & M used oil services:Picking up used oil on thefarm. 250 gallon minimum.402-519-0498.YOUNG FARMER lookingfor farm land to rent. Con-tact at 308-991-5184.

WANT TO BUYWANTED: RIDING lawnmowers, zero turn, run-ning or not. Push mowers,chainsaws, weed eaters.Anything small engine re-lated. 402-984-1217



NEW HOMES$199,900

Lake Hastings Area402-461-1785Agent/owner





RANEE DILLMAN402-461-8848


DUPLEXESDUPLEX FOR rent in BlueHill. 3 bedroom, 2 bath.402-519-0432


OFFICE SPACEDEPOT PLAZA storefront, reasonable rate, 1month free. 402-469-4777J O I N H A S T I N G SF I N E S T T E N A N TROSTER IN PREMIERCOMMERCIAL OFFICESPACE, 223 E. 14th St.and 747 N. Burlington.

Space available fromsingle offices up to3,000 + sq. ft. suiteFor information and

showing call402-463-6229/402-460-7229

or visitwww.bchastings.com

DOWNTOWN LOCATION,store front, $500/mo. CallDiane 402-469-4777


APARTMENTS2 B E D R O O M : N opets/smoking, w/d hookup.402-469-7046LARGE 2 bedroom pent-house at Depot Plaza.Mexican tile, fireplace, nopets/smoking, securitysystem. 402-469-4777.


402-463-2989Breakfast, internet, HBO.Maid. Clean. Coin laundry.No credit/deposit. NearMcDonaldʼs, 1000 W. “J”.

GENERALDRIVER NEEDED. Parttime, flexible hours. Cham-pion Homes. 402-463-6021.






OpportunityAll real estate advertisingin the Fair Housing Actmakes it illegal to advert-ise “any preference, limita-t ion or d iscr iminat ionbased on race, color, reli-gion, sex, handicap, famili-al status, or national origin,or an intention, to makeany such preference, limit-ation or discrimination.”Familial status includeschildren under the age of18 living with parents orlegal custodians; pregnantwomen and people secur-ing custody of children un-der 18.

This newspaper will notknowingly accept any ad-vertising for real estatewhich is in violation of thelaw. Our readers arehereby informed that alldwellings advertised in thisnewspaper are availableon an equal opportunitybasis. To complain of dis-crimination, call HUD toll-free at 1 (800) 669-9777.The toll-free telephonenumber for the hearing im-paired is 1 (800) 927-9275.

GENERALTHE UNIVERSITY of Neb-raska is accepting applica-tions for a Technical Con-sultant I in Clay Center,NE. This position assiststhe University communitywith information and com-puting needs via phone,email, and other commu-nication methods. This po-sit ion would uti l ize in-dustry recognized incidentmanagement , remotemanagement, and systemmanagement tools to mon-itor, assist, and resolve is-sues for users and otherdepartments within theuniversity. These servicesinclude and are not limitedto providing direct supportfor core campus techno-logy services such as: ac-count support, hardwareand software support ,email support, and cam-pus connectivity issues.For more details and toa p p l y , p l e a s e v i s i thttps://careers.nebraska.edu/postings/1104

List your ad. 402-462-2131.

HAVE A SERVICE to offer? Do you lay carpet, cater banquests, give music les-sons? Call 402-462-2131 to advertise your specialty.

TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED it works to sell used items every day. 402-462-2131.

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•Call 402-462-2131(voice mail after office


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Our office is openMonday-Friday,

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.and we’re always ready

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affordable rates!so place your ad today!


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