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Creative Content Opportunities#BEA14 #uPublishU

Creative Content Opportunities

● Susannah Greenberg,Public Relations, http://bookbuzz.com

● Miral Sattar, BiblioCrunch, http://bibliocrunch.com

● Steve Wilson, FastPencil, http://www.fastpencil.com

● Kailin Gow, Bestselling Author, http://kailingow.com

Susannah Greenberg Public Relations

http://bookbuzz.com@[email protected]

Public Relations for Authors, Books, Publishers and the Book Industry

Susannah Greenberg Public Relations, http://bookbuzz.com

Bad News: Books Are Often Ignored

Good News: Book PR Works

BOOK PR ● Creates Awareness and Demand● Drives Sales

Susannah Greenberg Public Relations, http://bookbuzz.com

Goals and Objectives of Book PR

To Get Reviews, Interviews, Mentions and Features

In TV, Radio, Print, and Online

National and Local

Facebook Business Page


INBOUND: Drawing Your Readers In.

SOCIAL MEDIA. Your Platform. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr, LinkedIn, blogs, web sites and more.Susannah Greenberg Public Relations, http://bookbuzz.com


OUTBOUND: Reach out to media. Create targeted media lists, press releases, pitch letters, review copy mailings, direct email campaigns. Pitch to producers, journalists, editors, reviewers, bloggers. Social media tools can also be used as outbound book pr, offered as online resources to media.Susannah Greenberg Public Relations, http://bookbuzz.com

Opportunities “Off the Book Page”

● Leverage your content into “off the book page”opportunities. Think beyond reviews to features, arts & entertainment, lifestyle, and public affairs.

● How do you pitch this? Think about the story behind your story and try to tell it. How and why did you write your book?

Susannah Greenberg Public Relations, http://bookbuzz.com

To Develop Your Story Further:

Speak or Write About:● What Inspired You to Write Your Book?● Current Affairs You Could Comment On? Or

a New Movie or Book?Milestones? Anniversaries?

● Your specialized area of expertise or knowledge you used in writing your book.

Susannah Greenberg Public Relations, http://bookbuzz.com

Top 10 DIY Book PR Tips1. Amazon Author Central https://authorcentral.amazon.com2. Google News Alerts http://www.google.com/alerts3. Start a blog - check out wordpress.com or blogger.com4. Spend 15 minutes a day on posting updates to social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,

Google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram and more. Or focus on Facebook and Twitter only, if you need to triage.

5. Get an author business card6. Start your own internet radio show on blogtalkradio.com7. Videotape yourself - Make a 5 minute video, introduce yourself and your book, read page one,

and hold up the book. Upload to YouTube8. Go to your local bookstore or library and ask to do a reading9. Go to trade shows and associations and network and learn

10. Top ten lists! Create a top 10 list about your book and post it online, great pr tactic.

Susannah Greenberg Public Relations, http://bookbuzz.com

Susannah Greenberg Public Relations, http://bookbuzz.com

Inspirational Thoughts for YouThree simple rules in life: 1. If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it; 2. If you don't ask, the answer will always be no; 3. If you do not step forward, you'll always be in the same place.And one just for Book PR:If you do not go after Oprah, NPR, the Today Show, Ellen, The View, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and more, you certainly will not get it. SO GO FOR IT!

Go Get Great Book PR for Your Book!

Susannah Greenberg Public Relations, http://bookbuzz.com

For your self-published bookMiral Sattar

CEO – BiblioCrunch.com [email protected]

@miralsattar @bibliocrunch

Promotion Pricing Strategies

Define Your Goals

● Are you looking for more readers?

● Or trying to sell more books?

FREEMIUM STRATEGYSet your book price close to $0

● Give your work for free when you can

● Go from few sales a month to thousands of downloads

● You can get many readers● Helps with reviews● Send your book to free

promotion sites● Hugh Howey uses this a lot

SERIES PRICINGSet your first book in a series lower than the rest

● Set your first book free when releasing a new book

● First book for $.99● Hook the reader and they

will pay more for the next book

● Amanda Hocking uses this strategy successfully

PRICE DISCOUNTINGDiscount your book by 50%

● List of sites that do paid ads to promote your book if you discount

● Discount must be at least 50%● Price of book is usually $.99● Lots of readers BUY increasing your

sales rank● You need 10 positive reviews before


Royalty Rate ComparisonRetailer Royalty● Amazon (Kindle Direct

Publishing, KDP)

● Nook Press

● Apple (iBooks)● Kobo● Smashwords

● 70% if your book is between $2.99 and $9.99 on Amazon

● 65% on Nook Press

● 70% on iBooks● 80% on Kobo● 85% through Smashwords,

but take a royalty on top of the rest, ends up being 60%

Stats● $2.99 is the most popular price of a self-published

book according to Smashwords● < $5 is price of book and still considered

dispensable● $.99 might undervalue your work

The Power is now in the hands of the Author

Presented By:Steve Wilson

Author Focuses on Content Generation

Platforms now allow authors to select features from 5 powerful modules:

• Connect

• Write

• Convert

• Publish

• Sell

All in ONE place.

The Power to…

Proprietary software is designed around the lifecycle of a book.

The Power to Connect

Professional service providers (agents, project managers,

designers, editors, etc.) collaborate easily and securely

within the content management system.

For enterprises, publishers and authors, our end-to-end authoring tool is directly

connected to publishing and retail industry leaders.

Users can boast about progress via embedded social networking

and mobile plug-ins.

Encouraging collaboration, friends and social sales.

The Power to WriteWrite directly online, from any device and import general

content from blogs or . Manage projects ,track revision history and work with multiple contributors and


Writing tools help authors create and edit content quickly.

The Power to Convert

The Publishing Setup wizard converts files into multiple formats

to prepare for distribution into numerous channels, each with

specific file requirements.

Metadata is gathered within the wizard steps, can be customized for

your enterprise, is bundled with each file and delivered to each

channel’s specifications.

The wizard provides a final review process that allows end users to

instantly preview various formats, print anywhere or instantly

download your epub.

Instant conversion of content into professional books or e-books with just a few clicks.

The Power to PublishGain access to our pre-established distribution

and sales channels or forge partnerships of your own.

Our Publish module allows direct file uploads, including print-ready .pdf or pre-produced

.epub files.

Push to all channels, print or electronic.

The Power to SellNow we’ve come to other end of the authoring tool:the Marketplace.

Automatic e-Commerce and Order Fulfillment System for all publications produced within the platform.

Custom URLs and BookBuy Widgets are automatically generated upon publishing to assist with marketing campaigns.

Royalty reporting is captured within the Admin module and displayed on each user’s dashboard.

Expanding On Your Existing Content

Expanding on Existing Content

Book Expo America [email protected]

Entrepreneurial Author

Why I am an Entrepreneurial Author

• Over 135 books published to date.• Over 21 audiobooks produced.

• Over 27 book series in different genres.• 5 book series optioned for games. 2 are currently in

development, releasing in 2014.

2014 Copyright Kailin Gow

[email protected]

When DIY Makes Sense

2014 Copyright Kailin Gow

• Personality

• Opportunity

• Situation

[email protected]

Expanding on Existing Content

• ebook

• Print Book

• Audio Books

• Other Opportunities

2014 Copyright Kailin Gow

[email protected]

eBooks and Print Books

2014 Copyright Kailin Gow

eBooks - Publishing Digital Versions of Books is a necessity

Print Books – There will always be a need for Print Books

Resources for DIY or Entrepreneurial Authors

[email protected]

Audio Books

2014 Copyright Kailin Gow

[email protected]

Other Opportunities to Expand Existing Content

• Comic Books and Graphic Novels

• Games

• Translations and Foreign Versions

2014 Copyright Kailin Gow

[email protected]




2014 Copyright Kailin Gow


This slideshow online: http://bookbuzz.com

● Susannah Greenberg,Public Relations, http://bookbuzz.com

● Miral Sattar, BiblioCrunch, http://bibliocrunch.com● Steve Wilson, FastPencil, http://www.fastpencil.com● Kailin Gow, Bestselling Author, http://kailingow.com


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