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  • 8/7/2019 Forecast,Stock Market,Economy,2011


    Forecast of the Stock Market and the Global Economy

    Outlook for 2011 and Beyond

    A Market Brief


    Steven Kim

    MintKit Investing


    Disclaimer This brief is provided as a resource for information and education. The contentsreflect personal views and should not be construed as recommendations to any investor inparticular. Each investor has to conduct due diligence and design an agenda tailored to individual


    2011 MintKit.com

  • 8/7/2019 Forecast,Stock Market,Economy,2011



    Short Summary

    The stock market and the real economy are interlinked in the present as well as

    the future, thus presenting a bundled system for forecasting. The global economy

    is slated to expand by some 4.5% in 2011, while the figure for the U.S. is about

    2% in real terms. Moreover, the stock markets of the advanced economies are

    set to swell by around 15% during the year. By contrast, the pacesetters in the

    budding regions are on track to surge by 40% or more.

    * * *


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  • 8/7/2019 Forecast,Stock Market,Economy,2011



    Extended Summary

    In contrast to common perception, the stock market and the real economy are

    intertwined in the present as well as the future a linkage which can serve as the

    basis for forecasting. The process is illustrated by way of a timely survey: a

    forecast of the stock market along with the global economy for 2011 and beyond.

    On the whole, the volume of economic output is likely to expand by roughly 4.5%

    over the year to come. The same is true of the growth rate for much of this


    In line with the norm, though, the expansion will be patchy rather than uniform.

    For instance, mature economies such as the U.S. will grow by a mere couple of

    percent per year after adjusting for inflation.

    Furthermore, about 1% of the increase will stem from the buildup of the

    population due to the net flow of immigration over emigration. In that case, therate of productivity will creep upward by just 1% per year. The same outcome lies

    in store for the average level of income.

    On the other hand, the spearheads in the emerging regions will gallop ahead at a

    blistering pace. In places such as China and India, the upsurge of economic

    output is set to reach 9% or more per annum.

    Meanwhile, the exporters to the budding countries will fare somewhere in

    between the two extremes of growth. An example is found in Australia or Canada

    as exporters of raw materials. Another sample is Germany or Korea as suppliers

    of capital equipment or finished goods.

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    The second task at hand is to build on the linkage while reviewing the conditions

    in the current environment. Although the review deals mainly with the outlook for

    2011, the survey also touches on the prospects for the years to follow.

    Bilateral Ties between the Present and Future

    The long process of adjustment in the real economy has practical implications for

    the investor. If an upthrow rumbles through the meshworks of production and

    distribution for half a year or more, then the outcome downstream can be

    predicted in part by tracking the events taking place right now.

    As an example, a sudden drop in the unemployment rate signals a surge in

    demand for labor. The clamor for workers is a healthy sign of expansion amongst

    the producers in the tangible economy. Moreover, the payout of wages will lead

    to a rise in spending power within the ranks of consumers.

    As a result, the upswell in production as well as consumption is a booster for the

    entire economy. The groundswell of commerce lifts up all manner of companies

    including the ones listed on the stock market.

    For this reason, the bourse is set to bound higher as investors absorb the news

    about a cutback in the jobless rate. In other words, the status of the economy in

    the present has a direct impact on the animal spirits of the equity market right


    In the converse direction, a bombshell in the financial forum can influence the

    real economy as well. For instance, a crash of the stock market will pummel the

    equities held by the investing public. Moreover, the crackup on the bourse will

    hamper the ability of operating companies to raise capital through the issuance of

    common stock.

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    As a result, the flogging of consumers as well as producers trips up the entire

    economy. In this way, the health of the financial forum has a weighty impact on

    the status of the real economy.

    To sum up, the stock market often acts as a precursor for the real economy. In

    this sense, the bourse acts as a window on the future.

    On the other hand, the current conditions in the economy play a vital role in the

    networks of production and consumption for months to come. For this reason, the

    health of the economy today is a prime factor in the vigor of the stock market.

    Put another way, the stock market is not merely a passive augur of economic

    conditions down the line. Rather, the bourse and the economy are bound

    together in the present as well as the future.

    Given this backdrop, a good place to start in forecasting the marketplace is to

    examine the latest trends in the economy as harbingers of the conditions

    downrange. The outlook for aggregate output can then be used to presage the

    course of the stock market as well.

    Motley Features of Globalization

    To an increasing degree, the fortunes of sovereign nations are tied to the fate of

    the global economy. On the upside, the tidal wave of world trade powers a

    groundswell of prosperity for all humanity.

    Admittedly, the process of globalization produces a number of woeful side effects

    as well. In this respect, at least, the transformation is no different from any other

    type of change.

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    One of the thorny issues involves the revamp of the patterns of production and

    consumption. For instance, the vendors that can stamp out goods of higher

    quality or lower cost tend to prevail at the expense of their competitors.

    On the other hand, the dislocations are not specific to the process of

    globalization. From a larger stance, creative destruction is simply part and parcel

    of the renewal that marks a dynamic economy.

    If the wealth of the world is to increase, then the chains of production and

    consumption have to change over time. Although the dreamers may wish things

    to be otherwise, progress and stasis happen to be mutually incompatible. You

    cant move forward by standing still.

    In that case, the best that can be done is to lend a hand to the hapless souls who

    suffer the most as a result of the makeover. A sensible program of intervention is

    a vital issue that has brought forth a medley of sensible proposals as well as a lot

    of half-witted schemes.

    On the other hand, a meaningful discussion of the best ways to deal with the

    stumbling block lies far beyond the scope of this survey. For our purposes here, it

    suffices to note that the bulk of the human population favors growth over stasis,

    advancement over stagnation, renewal over ossification.

    In addition, the process of globalization will continue to soldier on regardless of

    any reasonable program of intervention by the policymakers or reactionaries.

    Granted, there will be an endless barrage of sideswipes and upsets from time to


    The takedowns will result from a combination of willful acts, natural events, and

    societal forces. Despite the reversals, though, the march of progress will surely

    prevail over the long run.

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    Pace of Growth

    Along with the rising tide of globalization, the world economy has been

    expanding with only temporary comedowns from time to time. An example of the

    latter was the global recession in the aftershock of the financial crisis of 2008.

    On the bright side, even the countries at center stage during the financial flap

    recovered their footing with remarkable speed. A showcase lay in the United

    States, which showed palpable signs of recovery by the summer of 2009. Since

    then, the stalwart has continued to regain its strength and to recover a good

    chunk of lost ground.

    The situation has been similar in other major countries. The players of this stripe

    span the gamut from Britain and Germany to Korea and Australia.

    On the other hand, many other countries have had a rough time trying to shake

    off their torpor and pushing ahead at a respectable pace. The nations facing an

    uphill battle include mature economies such as the U.S. and Ireland as well as

    budding ones like Lithuania and Poland.

    On the upside, however, the most dynamic countries were scarcely touched by

    the global blowup. After hitting a speed bump, the go-getters in the sprouting

    regions quickly resumed the heady pace of growth they had enjoyed prior to the


    A case in point lay in India. During the run-up to the financial flap, the gross

    domestic product (GDP) on the subcontinent surged by 9.9 percent in 2007.

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    The following year, the growth rate slipped to a mere 6.4 percent. As the global

    recession raged in 2009, the GDP slumped a bit further to 5.7 percent

    (International, 2010). By the following year, though, India was well on its way to

    reclaiming its former pep.

    The situation was analogous in other parts of the world. In fact, all the major

    countries of the world began to clamber out of the global recession by the second

    half of 2009.

    Looking Forward

    The outlook for world growth over the next few years is more sunny than usual

    during the previous decade. A case in point is a forecast by the Organisation for

    Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a club of several dozen rich

    countries round the planet.

    According to the chart below, the global economy will grow at rates in excess of 4

    or 5 percent a year over the next couple of years (Gurra, 2010). Not surprisingly,

    the forecast ascribes the bulk of the growth to the emerging countries which do

    not belong to the OECD.

    For each bar, the segment in light purple shows the contribution to the growth of

    global GDP by the countries in the OECD group. Meanwhile, the dark stripe

    denotes the portion due to the budding countries in the rest of the world.

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    Millstone on the Economy

    In a host of countries across the globe, the housing sector has been a crushing

    burden in recent years. During the buildup to the financial blowup of 2008, the

    property market had soared to loony heights as a result of unbridled speculation

    by lonesome individuals as well as commercial groups.

    The housing mania gripped not only the countries drowning in a sea of easy

    money, but their neighbors as well. After bidding up the prices of local properties

    for years on end, the opportunities in the domestic market became more scarce.

    Due to the slim pickings, the punters ventured farther afield into foreign locales in

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    order to make use of the mounds of cash on hand or to park the profits bagged to


    As an example, buying up properties at home and abroad became a national

    pastime in Britain and Ireland. In fact, a bunch of television shows cropped up in

    order to cater to the newfound zeal for snapping up properties at home and

    abroad. The programs were so popular that some of them were even syndicated

    and aired in neighboring countries.

    The upsurge of real estate went hand in hand with a boom in financial products.

    In countries such as the U.S. and Britain, the financial sector made up an

    oversized share the domestic economy. Moreover, the players in the market

    reveled in a bacchanal as they scooped up their fair share, and a lot more

    besides, from the deluge of money sloshing around the marketplace.

    Each time a bucket of cash changed hands, a bunch of attendants would dip into

    the pool and scoop up a portion of the booty in the form of commissions of one

    sort or another. In addition to the transactions conducted by local citizens, the

    financial sector catered to a large population of foreign clients as well. As a

    result, the aliens also brought in gobs of business which in turn led to scads of

    profits for the happy campers in the financial sector.

    A good portion of the bounty was send abroad in order to buy second homes for

    holidays and additional properties for speculation. For this purpose, the most

    popular destinations ranged from coastal Spain and western Latvia to southern

    Greece and eastern Bulgaria.

    All too often, though, the eager beavers were happy to snap up mass-produced

    properties marked by cramped quarters in overgrown developments hawked at

    stupendous prices. Yet anyone who had looked over the project with a cool head

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    could have seen that a lot of the properties were priced far beyond the bounds of


    As a result, the return on investment for the holidaymaker-cum-speculator made

    no sense at all. In many cases, a rental property would offer an income stream

    each year that was merely a couple of percent of the principal invested, after

    taking into account the cost of upkeep.

    By contrast, the bond market would have made a far better choice. With a lot less

    busywork, a punter could have earned an income that was several times larger.

    By buying a bunch of bonds issued by a leading company, the gamer could have

    enjoyed a steady stream of dividends with no effort at all.

    Based on the value for money or more precisely, the lack of such it was clear

    that hordes of foreigners were buying up heaps of real estate without ever setting

    foot in the locality. Rather, the so-called investors purchased the properties from

    afar, based solely on the glossy brochures whipped up by rabid promoters.

    Many a zealous buyer plonked down plump deposits for properties under

    construction which never came to match the specs on paper. Worse yet, there

    were horror stories in which the promoter would abscond with the down

    payments for a project which had never secured the permits required to break

    ground, let alone build a structure of any sort.

    The spur behind the housing mania was the mere fact that property prices had

    been soaring through the roof. In the buildup to the financial crisis of 2008, real

    estate was vaulting by 10 to 20 percent per annum in a raft of hotspots. In some

    cases, the upsurge exceeded 30 or 40 percent within a single year!

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    Money Pump

    As we noted earlier, the frenzy was fueled by the tsunami of money pumped into

    the financial system. The purpose of the inundation was to oil the gears of the

    finance and commerce, and thereby shore up the economy as it struggled to

    shake off the last recession.

    In line with custom, the previous blowup had also been the outgrowth of another

    bubble. During the late 1990s, the stock market had been propelled to ditsy

    heights by the hysteria over any firm that claimed to have some kind of affinity for

    the Internet.

    When the feeding frenzy ran out of steam in early 2000, the aftershock was

    severe enough to knock down the economy as well. Here was another example

    of the bondage between the financial forum and the tangible economy.

    In the years to follow, the deluge of money pouring into the financial system

    made its way into the real economy. On the upside, the tidal wave buoyed the

    level of commercial activity.

    On the downside, though, the groundswell created a bubble in the housing

    market. The hoopla in real estate was buttressed by a mania in the financial

    forum for mortgage-based products.

    In a host of countries ranging from the U.S. and Ireland to Spain and Ukraine, the

    housing market was propelled to dizzy heights. As a result, the property sector

    was distorted way out of proportion in relation to the income level of the local


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    The froth would have to subside, and the market implode, if real estate were to

    regain its equilibrium. In 2009, the housing sector did in fact tumble by one-half

    or more in certain locales. On the other hand, the prices in the erstwhile hotspots

    would have to sink a lot more in order to reach some semblance of sanity.

    Cloddish Measures

    Another downer in the housing market was the monkey wrench tossed into the

    sector by a mass of timid politicians. Instead of aiding the process of recovery,

    the politicos in their infinite wisdom did precisely the opposite.

    What the lawmakers should have done is to let the price level drop to its natural

    level in a free market. In that case, the resulting comedown of the market would

    serve to clear out the mountain of surplus housing whose main defect was a

    bloated price tag.

    The removal of excess inventory would flush out the pipeline. Without the

    overhang of unwanted housing, a cohort of newborn buyers would enter the

    market before long and restore the prices to reasonable levels.

    The newfound demand would then draw the construction firms back into the

    business. As a result, a parade of freshly built properties would come on stream

    at a measured rate that can be absorbed by the market without causing


    Given this backdrop, the best course of action was to leave the market alone. In

    that case, the turnout would have been a sharp but short downturn in the housing

    sector. After the brief takedown, the property market as well as the overall

    economy would have shaken off the doldrums and regained their footing within a

    year or so.

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    Sadly, though, the politicos opted for a clumsy scheme that would hobble the

    property market for many years to come. For this reason, the economy as a

    whole was doomed to flounder in a mire of equal duration.

    An overdose of government meddling had brought on the housing bubble in the

    first place. And now an excess of intervention was choking the economy.

    In this milieu, an example of a perverse measure was the custom of propping up

    the speculators at the expense of the taxpayers. For instance, a bailout of billions

    of dollars would be injected into a blighted bank that had issued a slew of

    mortgages to penniless gamblers in the housing market.

    By propping up an insolvent bank, the government enabled the lender to hang on

    to the junky portfolio of properties which it had repossessed from bankrupt

    customers. As a result, the bankers could prolong the malaise in the housing

    sector by keeping the asking prices at inflated levels rather than selling off the

    properties at once at the natural levels that would prevail in the absence of

    artificial support by the government.

    The nutty program of public policy catered to a horde of reckless speculators,

    numbering in the millions, who had scooped up properties at loony prices while

    taking on massive loans far beyond their ability to repay in future years. The

    gamblers of this stripe included the jobless and the destitute who would each

    snatch up multiple houses on sheer credit, without having to pay any kind of


    In fact, some of the punters received loans in excess of 100% of the purchase

    price. In other words, the bettors were paid a cash bonus for engaging in

    reckless behavior. The absurd scheme sprang from the passion of the banksters

    for issuing as much debt as possible in order to collect the biggest commissions

    on the loans.

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    Comparing the Warpage

    The monstrous scale of the housing mania showed up clearly on variousmeasures of affordability. By way of comparison, we will take as a baseline the

    reasonable cost of housing in Germany, the powerhouse of the European

    economy at the dawn of the millennium.

    In the capital city of Berlin, the average price of homes in 2010 came out to 2.97

    times the mean income for the population. Meanwhile, the average mortgage

    amounted to 22.2% of the income level. Based on these and other factors, the

    index of affordability was reckoned to be 4.51 units: a comfortably high value.

    By contrast, the situation was ghastly in a slew of countries round the world. In

    the U.S., for instance, the ratio of the average price to the income level came out

    to a whopping 8.24 in 2010. Moreover, the mortgage as a fraction of income

    topped 65%. As a result, the yardstick of affordability turned out to be a mere


    The situation was far worse in a raft of other locales. One of the extreme cases

    although not the worst, by a long shot was Ukraine.

    In the capital of Kiev, the quotient of price to income for the housing market

    turned out to be 27.84. Meanwhile the average mortgage required over 515

    percent (not a typo!) of the mean income per capita. As a result, the affordability

    index was a puny 0.19 units (Numbeo, 2010).

    To round up, the property market in many countries continued to be overpriced

    for years after the financial flap of 2008. A big reason for the gross distortion lay

    in the misguided policy of the government for keeping the housing sector on life

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    support. Given the extent of the bloat along with the props in place, real estate

    would not return to a state of normalcy anytime soon.

    Waiting for Inflation

    If the price level is not allowed to fall of its own accord, then the market has to

    wait for the rest of the economy to catch up. More precisely, the creep of inflation

    slowly erodes the value of a property until the relative price is low enough to

    attract a prospect with sufficient buying power.

    As the cost of living rises, the value of real estate sinks on a relative basis even if

    the price remains the same in an absolute sense. If the bubble in the housing

    sector had been modest, then the process of adjustment might have run its

    course within a year or two.

    Sadly, though, the housing craze was hugely overdone and the market grossly

    contorted. As a result, the warpage would require many years to unwind.

    Once the cost of housing returns to a semblance of sanity, then a fresh crop of

    newborn customers will be able to buy homes without undue hardship. At that

    stage, the extreme distortions in real estate will have unraveled in earnest.

    In that case, the property sector will recover its health and regain its poise. The

    housing market will once again resume its role as a vital component of the

    economy rather than a crushing burden on productive activity.

    Unfortunately, that happy day will not come about anytime in the near future. In

    the most twisted markets of the world including the hotspots in the rich

    countries as well as their ransacked neighbors the property market will have to

    stagger along for years on end.

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    As a result, the economy as a whole is slated to grow at a couple of percent a

    year at most in the blighted countries with the worst outbreaks of delirium during

    the go-go years of the housing bubble. Another downside is the custom of

    accepting the statistics on the financial forum and the real economy at face


    In particular, a host of statistics reported on the evening news are not quite what

    they appear to be. The figures might be sobering, but they will in fact paint a

    rosier picture than the underlying reality.

    In other words, the situation will be worse than the image of decent growth

    sketched out by the numbers in the headlines. As a rule, the data on economic

    output are misleading due to the habit of ignoring the impact of population growth

    in addition to inflationary drag.

    Tricky Data on Economic Growth

    In many countries round the world, the population is prone to expand over time.

    In the wealthy nations, the mainspring of demographic change is found in


    On one hand, the birth rate in a mature economy is wont to be less than the

    replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman: the figure required to maintain a

    stable population. On the other hand, the deficit is usually more than made up by

    the surfeit of immigration over emigration.

    As a result, the population tends to grow over time. At the dawn of the 21st

    century, for instance, the net increase in the U.S. has been about 0.97 percent a

    year. Meanwhile the corresponding figure for Ireland comes out to 1.01 percent.

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    In the poor countries of the world, the wellspring of demographic change lies in

    the prodigious rates of birth. As a result, the population has been growing by 3

    percent a year or more in a number of countries in Africa and the Middle East.

    The pace of growth for humankind as a whole of course lies somewhere in

    between the extremes of expansion and shrinkage. On a global basis, the world

    population has been growing at a rate 1.13 percent a year (Central, 2010).

    The demographic trend has an obvious relationship to the pace of economic

    growth. More precisely, the global economy has to grow by more than 1 percent

    per annum just to ensure that the average level of output per person remains


    A second, and related, factor lies in the close linkage between the aggregate

    volume of production and the mean level of income. Given the tie-up between

    productivity and prosperity, the gross world product (GWP) has to increase

    steadily in order to ensure that people to not grow poorer on average.

    In this setting, the nominal pace of growth has to be adjusted for population as

    well as inflation. To bring up a concrete example, suppose that the change in the

    absolute value of the gross domestic product (GDP) for the U.S. came out to 4 %

    over the past year. Meanwhile, we will assume that the inflation rate was a mere

    2% over the same period.

    In addition to the cost of living, we need to take into account the uptick of about

    1% in the size of the population. After adjusting for inflation as well as

    demographics, the GDP per person has crept upward by only 1% over the past


    To sum up, the headline figure namely, the growth rate of 4% reported by the

    government or some other organ may seem at first glance like a respectable

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    figure. Upon closer inspection, though, the population as a whole would have

    seen their living standards crawl upward by just one-quarter of the amount that

    was proclaimed.

    In other words, Americans would scarcely feel any richer from one year to the

    next. On the contrary, a lot of folks may feel as if their living standards have been

    slipping rather than rising.

    The denizens of wealthy countries will look wistfully at the income levels surging

    by 10 or more per year in the sprouting regions. The disparity in growth rates is

    sure to be humbling and disquieting.

    On a positive, though, the denizens of wealthy nations can find solace in the fact

    that they are still far richer on average than their counterparts in the budding

    countries. Moreover, the lead in affluence will not fully disappear within the next

    couple of generations at least.

    In sum, its important to keep in mind the true import of the numbers reported by

    government agencies or other sources of information. All too often, things are not

    what they seem at first blush.

    Future of Interest Rates

    Due to the frail health of the overall economy, the rich countries are in no position

    to jack up the basic rate of interest in a serious way. For this reason, short-term

    rates including those on offer at commercial banks will scarcely budge over

    the next year or two.

    Granted, the central banks will begin to nudge up the cost of money in small

    steps by 2012. Despite the shift in policy, though, interest rates will not change

    by much for years to come.

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    Admittedly, there will be a few exceptions to the general rule. In particular, the

    nations endowed with a plethora of natural resources will benefit greatly from the

    upgrowth in the emerging markets.

    An example in this vein is Australia or Canada, which has vast stockpiles of

    mineral resources earmarked for foreign markets. In these fortunate countries,

    the interest rates could rise by an additional 1% or so in each of the next couple

    of years.

    Forecast of Stock Markets

    The stock markets of the world were bludgeoned during the financial crisis of

    2008. In the months to follow, the bourses recovered from the trauma to some


    On the other hand, the markets tumbled even further in spring 2009 as the global

    recession sent the investing public into a rout. As is often the case, the state of

    the economy at the time rather than the outlook downrange was the hammer

    that slammed the bourse.

    At that stage, a thoughtful appraisal of the marketplace would have noted the

    sturdy trends in place in diverse parts the world. On the other hand, the bulk of

    investors chose to retreat to the apparent wisdom of hoary bromides.

    As an example, a popular refrain among the talking heads in the financial media

    was the dependence of China on the American market. When the U.S. catches a

    cold, so the jingle went, China keels over with the flu.

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    The old saw might have been valid in days of yore, when the U.S. was the

    preeminent engine of the global economy. Moreover, China in the olden days

    had little in the way of a domestic market that could absorb the mountain of

    produce if exports to the West were throttled by a sudden cutback of demand in

    overseas markets.

    Slowly but steadily, though, the economic environment had been changing.

    Unbeknownst to the mass of pundits ensconced in their armchairs half way round

    the world, the internal market within the Middle Kingdom had been blooming at a

    sturdy rate. This time around, the domestic economy was robust enough to

    weather a global recession with only a minor pullback.

    In addition, the volume of trade amongst the emerging nations had been

    expanding at a healthy clip. A global takedown might dent the worldwide uptrend,

    but the tripup was unlikely to last more than a couple of quarters amongst the

    most sprightly nations.

    Thanks in large measure to the resilience of the budding markets, it was

    apparent to a mindful investor even in the spring of 2009 that the global economy

    was destined to get back on its feet by the autumn that year. As things turned

    out, the rebound was even quicker than that.

    By the time summer rolled around, a raft of cues cropped up to signal the end of

    the worldwide recession. The level of economic activity began to creep upward

    once more in the West and North as well as the East and South.

    If the common wisdom had been valid in spring 2009, then the stock market

    should have correctly presaged the bounceback of the economy less than half a

    year downrange. In other words, the bourse would have risen smartly from the

    smackdown in the autumn of 2008 rather than fallen flat the following spring.

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    As things turned out, the market slipped into the abyss and plunged even lower

    in early 2009. The perverse behavior showed that the market was reacting to the

    latest spate of news at the time rather than fulfilling its alleged role of auguring

    the recovery down the line.

    During the latest flop that spring, benchmarks of all stripes outdid themselves in a

    race to the bottom. Even the sedate yardsticks of corporate titans such as the

    Dow Jones Industrial Average or the S&P 500 index sank to newfound lows

    that were less than half their values at the peak prior to the onset of the financial

    crisis. As is their wont, the investing public stomped on the bourse far beyond the

    levels justified by a realistic appraisal of the conditions downstream.

    As we noted earlier, the mature economies recovered their footing within a few

    months of the fresh lows on the bourse. Meanwhile, the sprouting nations began

    to regain their stride as well. By 2010, the vanguards such as China and India

    were once again streaking ahead at a breezy clip.

    In the absence of big surprises, there is no good reason to suppose that the

    pacesetters will run out of steam anytime soon. On the contrary, the advance of

    the spearheads will help to carry along the slowpokes in the mature regions.

    A case in point is the good fortune of Germany, the main engine of growth in

    Europe at the dawn of the millennium. The stalwart has trudged ahead on the

    strength of exports to the budding countries. The trade in goods is spotlighted by

    the capital equipment needed to run factories or the upscale cars to transport the

    newly rich.

    The boom in emerging markets has also been a boon for the likes of Australia

    and Canada. Thanks to an abundance of natural resources within their vast

    borders, the endowed nations export mounds of raw materials needed for the

    industrialization of the nascent regions.

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    In fact, the exporting states will continue to prosper over the years and decades

    to come. For this reason, the bourse as well as the currency in each of these

    countries will clamber upward in tandem.

    On the downside, though, the majority of mature countries are destined to crawl

    along rather than zoom ahead. The nations in this camp span the gamut from the

    U.S. and Britain to Hungary and Japan.

    On a positive note, a glint of light beckons amid the general gloom in the sluggish

    countries. The bright streak lies in the sweet spot of the election cycle in the U.S.

    As a rule, the third year of the Presidential term is by far the most fruitful period

    for the stock market. In an effort to appease the voting public, the administration

    in office pulls out all the stops in an effort to pump up the economy.

    During the run-up to the elections of 2012, it would be normal for the stock

    market to enjoy a hefty upsurge. For this reason, 2011 is slated to be a buoyant

    spell for the bourse.

    The likely outcome is a rise of 15% or so for the S&P 500 index over the course

    of the year. The benchmark closed out 2010 at a value of 1,257.64 points. In that

    case, a rise of 15% would bring the yardstick to 1446 at the end of 2011.

    To keep things simple, we can round up the target figure to 1450. That forecast

    happens to be a tad on the high side compared to the prevailing view in the


    As an example, a survey of 11 strategists by Bloomberg News resulted in an

    average estimate of 1,374 for the S&P 500 index at the end of 2011 (Xydias and

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    Kisling, 2010). The prediction corresponds to a rise of some 9% over the course

    of the year.

    For its part, the Dow Jones benchmark should turn in a comparable performance,

    albeit a tad lower. A reasonable estimate for the yardstick is an increase of 13%

    for the year.

    Meanwhile, the Nasdaq Composite is apt to rise a bit more in order to make up

    for the horrific smashup after the Internet bubble popped in early 2000. For this

    reason, a likely target is a surge of 20% over the course of 2011.

    The groundswell in America will of course pull along the other bourses of the

    world as well. Among the vanguards in the budding regions, we would expect the

    stock markets to soar by two or three times the amount in the U.S.

    As an example, the emerging markets as a group comprising China, India,

    Brazil and Russia are apt to rise in excess of 30% over the course of 2011.

    Meanwhile, some of the best performers in the sprouting regions should soar by

    more than 50% as the year wears on.

    World Outlook for 2011 and Beyond

    The prospects for the world economy as a whole lie about halfway between the

    extremes of the mature countries and the budding regions. In line with earlier

    remarks, we would expect the wealthy economies to grow by 2 or 3 percent per

    annum on average over the next few years. Meanwhile, the budding markets will

    bloom at a rate of 6 or 7 percent on average. Based on these figures, the global

    economy should blossom by 4.5% or so per year.

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    As we noted earlier, the stock markets of the world will fare far better on average

    than the real economy. If the U.S. market grows by 15%, then a benchmark of

    budding markets should reach the ballpark of 40%.

    Looking further ahead, the American bourse will lose a lot of zip in the

    subsequent years. As an example, the S&P 500 index could rise by just 10% or

    so per year on average during the stretch from 2012 to 2015.

    As a result, the markets elsewhere will also lose some of their mojo. Despite the

    slowdown on the bourse, however, the real economy should continue to trundle

    along at a measured pace.

    The outlook for the stock markets in 2012 happens to be closer to their

    performance in 2010 rather than 2011. Although the rate of growth will decline

    slightly, the nimble investor in the global marketplace can look forward to healthy

    gains even so.

    Roundup of Forecasts

    On the whole, the global economy is poised to expand by 4.5% or so over the

    course of 2011. The same is true of the pace of growth for much of this decade.

    As usual, however, the headway will vary greatly from one locale to another.

    Mature economies such as the U.S. will expand by only a couple of percent per

    annum after adjusting for inflation.

    Moreover, roughly 1% of the increase will be due to a buildup of the population;

    namely, the net influx of immigration over emigration. As a result, the rate of

    productivity will creep upward by a mere 1% or so a year. The same is true for

    the average level of income.

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    Xydias, A., and W. Kisling. The Stock Rally May Still Have Legs in 2011.

    2010/12/29. http://www.


    htm?chan=magazine+channel_news+-+markets+%2B+finance tapped


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