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Chapter One



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WHAT IS TELECOMMUNICATIONTelecommunication links via satellites are bringing about revolutionary changes in the fields of communication. The barriers of spaces and time have totally collapsed. Not very long ago it took days to the communicate to someone through a letter but the new STD and ISD facilities have made communication an instantaneous process. The world appears to have contracted or been squeezed into a small room in which, given certain facilities, it is possible to communicate with anyone in any part in the world.


GSM: GSM stands for "Global System for Mobile Communications." GSM is mostly a European system and is largely unused in the US. GSM is interesting in that it uses a modified and far more efficient version of TDMA. GSM keeps the idea of timeslots and frequency channels, but corrects several major shortcomings. Since the GSM timeslots are smaller than TDMA, they hold less data but allow for data rates starting at 300 bits per second. Thus, a call can use as many timeslots as necessary up to a limit of 13 kilobits per second. When a call is inactive (silence) or may be compressed more, fewer timeslots are used. To facilitate filling in gaps left by unused timeslots, calls do "frequency hopping" in GSM. This means that calls will jump between channels and timeslots to maximize the system’s usage. A control channel is used to communicate the frequency hopping and other information between the cell tower and the phone. To compare with the other systems, it should be noted that GSM requires 1 Watt of output power from the phone.

CDMA: CDMA stands for "Code Division Multiple Access" and is both the most interesting and the hardest to implement multiplexing method. CDMA has been likened to a party: When everyone talks at once, no one can be understood, however, if everyone speaks a different language, then they can be understood. CDMA systems have no channels, but instead encode each call as a coded sequence across the entire frequency spectrum. Each conversation is modulated, in the digital domain, with a unique code (called a pseudo-noise code) that makes it distinguishable from the other calls in the frequency spectrum. Using a correlation calculation and the code the call was encoded with, the digital audio signal can be extracted from the other signals being broadcast by other phones on the network. From the perspective of one call, upon extracting the signal, everything else appears to be low-level noise.


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As long as there is sufficient separation between the codes (said to be mutually orthogonal), the noise level will be low enough to recover the digital signal. Each signal is not, in fact, spread across the whole spectrum (12.5 MHz for traditional cellular or 60 MHz in PCS cellular), but is spread across 1.25 MHz "pass-bands." CDMA systems are the latest technology on the market and are already eclipsing TDMA in terms of cost and call quality. Since CDMA offers far greater capacity and variable data rates depending on the audio activity, many more users can be fit into a given frequency spectrum and higher audio quality can be provide. The current CDMA systems boast at least three times the capacity of TDMA and GSM systems. The fact that CDMA shares frequencies with neighboring cell towers allows for easier installation of extra capacity, since extra capacity can be achieved by simply adding extra cell sites and shrinking power levels of nearby sites. CDMA technology also allows lower cell phone power levels (200 miliwatts) since the modulation techniques expect to deal with noise and are well suited to weaker signals. The downside to CDMA is the complexity of deciphering and extracting the received signals, especially if there are multiple signal paths (reflections) between the phone and the cell tower (called multi path interference). As a result, CDMA phones are twice as expensive as TDMA phones and CDMA cell site equipment is 3-4 times the price of TDMA equivalents.


Advantages of GSM GSM is already used worldwide with over 450 million subscribers. International roaming permits subscribers to use one phone throughout

Western Europe. . GSM is mature, having started in the mid-80s. This maturity means a

more stable network with robust features. CDMA is still building its network.

GSM's maturity means engineers cut their teeth on the technology, creating an unconscious preference.

The availability of Subscriber Identity Modules, which are smart cards that provide secure data encryption give GSM m-commerce advantages.

Disadvantages of GSM Lack of access to burgeoning American market.


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Advantages of CDMA include Increased cellular communications security. Simultaneous conversations, less call drops, strong network. Low power requirements and little cell-to-cell coordination needed by

operators. Extended reach - beneficial to rural users situated far from cells.

Disadvantages of CDMA include Due to its proprietary nature, all of CDMA's flaws are not known to the

engineering community for solving. CDMA is relatively new, and the network is not as mature as GSM. CDMA cannot offer international roaming, a large GSM advantage.

TELECOMMUNICATION CYCLEThe transmission of the senders ideas to the receiver and the receiver’s feedback or reaction to the sender constitute the telecommunication cycle. The main steps o this cycle is as follows;

1. Input: the information or ideas the sender wants to gives the receiver.2. Channel: fax, phone call, electronic mail, etc.3. Massage: the actual massage that in sent.4. Output: the information the receiver gets.5. Feedback: the receiver’s response (or non-response) to the massage.6. Brain drain: the possibility of misunderstanding at any step.

We can illustrate this cycle with the help of the following illustration:

SENDER RECEIVERInput channel massage output

Idea Fax, phone Call, Email etc Idea

Brain drain


Brain drain Brain drain


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There are several barriers to the understanding of a massage and as the figure suggest,Misunderstanding can occur at any stage:

Input Massage OutputI want to know the balance

Kindly send me a statement

He needs a statement of his

In my current account at account

Of my transactions in current

Transactions in current

The end of October Account no… during October

No… during October

WHAT IS TELECOMMUNICATION MARKETINGAs we know the definition of Marketing - “Marketing is a process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want by creating and exchanging products and value with other.” Thus we can say that Telecommunication Marketing is a process by which Telecom Company or operator’s presents their products & services. Telecommunicating has a great role in modern economy & society. Without telecommunication we can thing about the prosperity of the society. The base of the modern progressive society is telecommunication. Telecommunication makes the whole world as a global village. So people can communicate with each other from a long distance. Here long distance means from any where of the world. Now-a- days in most of the country’s telecom industry contributes a huge share of national income. Without marketing telecom industries can’t bring their products and services to their customers. So Telecom Marketing has a great importance in modern society.


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Chapter Two

A small history onMobile operators in Bangladesh


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TMIB, a joint venture between Telekom Malaysia Berhad A.K.Khan & Co. Ltd, was established in 1996. The company launched its cellular services in 1997 under the brand name AKTel.

Telekom Malaysia (TM), the majority shareholder with 70 percent, is financially strong and internationally renowned for its successful venture like MNT, the market leader in the telecom industry of Srilanka. TM has a global presence in 11 countries with staff strength 30,000 group wide. TM has a 27.3 % stake in PT excelcomindo pratama, Indonesia’s third largest mobile operator, and a 47.7 % stake in Idea cellular of India. Chittagong based A.K.Khan group is one of the oldest industry house of Bangladesh. During the Pakistan days, it was renowned as one of the twenty-two business dynasties of Pakistan.

Since it commencement, AKTel soon become second biggest operators, offering comprehensive GSM mobile solutions to more than a million subscribers. It was the first operator to offer it’s customers the 30 second pulse recently it is offering “10 second pulse” from the first minute of talk time. Today AKTel climes to have the widest international roaming service in the market. Connecting 315 operators across 170 countries.

Domestically, it network covers all 61 allowable districts of Bangladesh, and with the first intelligent network (IN) pre-paid platform in addition, AKTel was the first mobile operator to connect Tetulia to Tecnaf of Bangladesh, and provide seamless coverage along the Dhaka-Chittagong highway. In February of this year, TMIB managing director, Md. Nasir Baharom, said AKTel will launce the first ever GSM-based “phone booth service” soon across the country. This booth will have chip line powered pay phone connected to AKTel network, ’ Chip cards’ for use in this phone will be available in the market. Anyone can use these cards to call any number around the world.


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TMIB, which has invested $200 million in Bangladesh so far, will invest a further $300 million by 2006. It has a plan to double its subscribers base to 3.0 million by the end of this year, from just over 1.5 million now. Just this month, TMIB signed $200 million equipment deal with Huawei of China to upgrade its network to the GPRS system. Which will support higher data transfer rates intended for applications other then voice. With the new protocol in place. AKTel will be in a position to offer a range of additional service like MMS (multi-media messaging) and faster mobile internet service.

GrameenPhoneJamirun Haq is a 41 years old living in the typical agricultural heartland of Jolarpar, and hour’s drive from Dhaka. The lack of the modern amenities in her home is made up a mobile phone, the only telephone within 4 village area inhabited by 3,500 people. Haq charge about Tk 13/ minute for local call, more for long-distance and international connections, making a profit of about Tk 6,500 a month, more than many urban offices works’ pay. She is saving for her to younger daughters, who aspire to become lawyers. These things all possible only because of her participation Village phone service.

The program assists woman borrowers of Grameen Bank to the GSM technology through the village phones. Commencing in 1997, the VP program has sustained a robust growth over the years. There are now more than 110,000 Village phone is operation in some 40,000 villages around the country.

It was Iqbal Quadir, a Wharton MBA, who in 1994 conceptualized the mobile-phone company called Grameen Phone with the help of micro-credit pioneer Dr Yunus of Grameen Bank. Quadir renounced his banking career in New Work, moved back to Bangladesh and for 3 years worked out of your house and car, without pay. He traveled the world trying to persuade potential investors that rural Bangladesh was a gold mine for cellular technology. Finally, Quadir convinced Norway’s state back telecom company, Telenor, to take a 51% stake in GP. Later, with Japan’s Marubeni Corporation on board and $65 million in loans from aid agencies and development banks, GP stared operations on Independence Day 1997.


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Of the five mobile operators, GP has the largest subscriber’s base. It took six years to reach the one million subscriber mark in august 2003, about one more year to reach the second million mark in the more years to reach the second million mark September 2004 at just about six months to attain the present three million subscribers mark. GP has the widest coverage in Bangladesh, 61 districts and 352 upazilas, with plans to increase network coverage to 80 percent of the population within in this year. After four years losses, GP began making a profit in 2001. Today is the Bangladesh’s largest corporate taxpayer.

Recently Telenor and Grameen Telecom both increased their stakes in GP, to 62 percent and 38 percent, respectively. Telenor is the largest mobile phone company in Norway, a country with highest mobile phone densities in the world. In addition to Norway and Bangladesh, Telenor owns GSM companies in Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Montenegro, Thailand, Malaysia and Pakistan.

Grameen Telecom is a non-profit organization and a sister concern of Grameen Bank. Grameen Telecom with the help of Grameen Bank administers Village phone service to the villagers and trains the operators as well and handles all service-related issues. Grameen Bank covers 42,127 villages through its 1,181 bank branches.

Pacific Bangladesh Telecom (CITYCELL)Pacific BD Telecom's origins are closely linked to Bangladesh's first mobile phone license. In 19S9, during the last leg of the Krshad era, a company called Bangladesh Telecom Limited (BTL) was awarded a license to operate cellular, paging, and other wireless communication networks. In April 1990, BTL and Hutchison Telecommunications (Bangladesh) Limited created a joint venture in the name of Hutchison Bangladesh Telecom Limited (HBTL). HBTL began commercial operation in Dhaka in August, 1993, using the AMPS technology. Interestingly, this became the first cellular operation in South Asia. As the sole operator, HBTL chose the high margin-low volume approach, charging a price of Tk 1 lak per package. Only the privileged few were seen in the possession of HBTL mobile phones.


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In December 1993, Pacific Motors Limited, owned by Mr. Morshed Khan. The current Foreign Minister acquired the entire 50% share holding of Hutchison Telecom. HBTL was renamed as Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited and its cellular products were launched under the brand name "CityCell Digital". 1-our year’s later, commercial operation started in Chittagong. In 1999 CityCell was the first, and only, operator in Bangladesh to introduce the newer CDMA technology. The others relied on the more widespread GSM technology.

CityCell was spared the interconnectivity problems that plagued Grameen Phone, as it had sufficient connection switches with BTTB. This was a definite competitive edge that CityCell could not exploit to the fullest. In spite of having a four year head-start, CityCell watched Grameen Phone pass it by. Very soon, the second newcomer, Aktel, overtook it. One wonders whether CityCell can hang on to its third position, in the face the aggressive launch by newcomer Banglalink.In face of steep competition from its peers, CityCell eventually adopted a new growth strategy, incorporating advanced customer service and choice of budget-friendly packages with affordable peak and off-peak rates. The price of its packages fell by a minimum of 95%, a further indication of how expensive they were in the first place. The company focused on improved customer care, and started a 24 hours call centre with over 86 well-trained operators to respond to customer queries.

CityCell is the first operator in Bangladeshi to introduce IDD and NWD for prepaid subscribers. Its network coverage includes 51 districts. Recently, it launched RIM-based handsets, giving its subscribers the freedom to switch sets. It also introduced a 'call to cash' feature, under which subscribers get Tk 0.25 added to their account for every minute when they receive calls from other CityCell users. More than a decade after its launch, CityCell has finally reached the masses with an active mobile subscriber base of over 330,000.CityCell recently gave notice that it would be formidable contender for the market leadership within 2006. The company was behind the race over the years due to lack of investment, a problem which is now being addressed.


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Orascom Telecom Holding (banglalink)Orascom, an Egyptian based operator, entered in Bangladesh market last October after buying up Sheba telecom, the poorest performer in the robust mobile telephony sector. Sheba telecom, a Malaysia-Bangladesh joint venture, had lofty prospects when it obtained a cellular license in 1996 and launched operation in the last quarter of 1997.

However, the relationship between integrated services Ltd (ISL), the Bangladesh partner, and Technology Resources Industries (TRI) of Malaysia, turned bitter almost from the begging. This distraction proved costly for Sheba, hemming in investment and growth plans. While Grameen phone for AKTel took their client base to over a million each, Sheba, with 195 staff, struggled to reign in 95,000 users, of whom 49,000 were regular.

Then, in October 2004, in a complex in hush-hush deal, Egyptian operator Orascom effectively acquired 100 percent of Sheba, paying in reported price of $60 million in setting outstanding loans to Standard Chartered Bank, Dhaka. It inherited a 25,709 subscribers, representing a paltry 1 percent of market.

A relatively new company, set up in 1998, Orascom in the largest and most diverse GSM network operator in the middle, East, Africa and Asia, holding nine license in the region and having 15 million subscribers world-wide. It is the dominant cellular operator in Pakistan, Algeria, and Iraq, and Egypt. The Sawiris family of Egypt owns the majority stake in the company (56.9%). It is the largest capitalized company in the Cairo & Alexandria Stock Exchanges. Its initial public offering IPO raised US$320 million during the year 2000, and was the largest offering on the Egyptian stock market at the time its GDR is listed on the London stock Exchange.

After taking over the helm, Orascom wasted no time in re-branding its service under the name “Banglalink”. It announced plans of investing $250 million towards accelerated network deployment and launched new pre-paid packages in nine cities. It has embarked on one of the most ambitious expiation strategies Bangladesh has ever seen, involving well over a 1000 people with experts from 15 different countries.


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It plans to extend network coverage from the existing 9 districts to 61 districts by the end of 2005, using up-to-date telecom communications sourced from Siemens and Huawei. It has set up 24 hours call center to help and inform the 140 exclusive Banglalink dealers. Customers can visit anyone of over 1,000 outlets for recharging their pre-paid card.

One of the agendas of Bangla Link is to help make a difference in people’s lives by providing affordable and reliable connectivity solutions. Towards this end, Banglalink offered new subscribers a stunning deal of only Tk 3,800 for a mobile- mobile package. This has forced other operators to sit up and take notice. As a result, the competition level in the operators, including the omnipotent Grameen Phone, all followed up with lower rats and attractive packages. Orascom’s aggressive entry into the sector could very well lead to protracted price war.


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Chapter Three

TM International (Bangladesh) Ltd (AKTEL), an Overview


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BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANYTM International (Bangladesh) Limited (TMIB), a joint venture company of

Telecom Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., of Malaysia and A. K. Khan & Company Ltd. of

Bangladesh has started its commercial operation in Dhaka, the Capital city of

Bangladesh as a GSM 900 cellular phone operator on 15th November, 1997 the

tremendous success in Dhaka. TMIB has started its operation in Chittagong in

March 26, 1998. TMIB uses the Global System for Mobile (GSM)

communications as the digital cellular system, which is fully featured with services

like Basic Telephony, Data and Value Added Services, (VAS). TMIB has an

integrated and fully computerized Customer Care Billing System (CCBS), which

supports virtually all subscriber-related functions.

VISION, MISSION and THEME of the companyThe Vision: To be the most preferred GSM cellular service provider in Bangladesh.

The Mission: To provide total customer satisfaction as the company strives to become the most preferred GSM cellular service provider in Bangladesh. TMIB will achieve this through developing people, products, and services of the highest quality and meeting the needs of its employees, shareholders and the nation.

Theme: “Customer First”

The AKTEL Service- “Clearly Ahead”


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The whole is the sum of parts and when the best come together; the results can be truly spectacular. TMIB brings AKTEL Mobile phone service, a digital cellular phone service which will prepare better for life in the fast lane. AKTEL GSM always keeps so near, even when so far.

CORPORATE SUMMARYThe over all company growth and satisfactory performance has been achieved under the dynamic leadership of Mr.Nasir Bin Baharom, Managing Director of 'Telecom Malaysia International (Bangladesh) Limited'.

TMIB received license to operate GSM cellular phone services in Bangladesh in 1996. It is a joint-venture company formed between Telekom Malaysia Berhad holding 70% of the equity capital and 30% local shareholding by let A. M. Zahiruddin Khan (ex, Chairman, T M International Bangladesh Ltd.), the present chairman yet no selected. M/s A. K. Khan & Co., Limited. The directors are a.Mr.Yb Tune Joseph Salang Gardum b.Mr.Yb Dato Ir.Hj. Mohd.Zin Bin Hj.Mohamed.

The success story started with the commercial launch of AKTEL services in Bangladesh in November 15, 1997. TMIB provides standard mobile connections with NWD and IDD facilities. They also provide mobile-to-mobile services. It has fully covered the Capital city Dhaka, and started functioning in the Port city Chittagong from 26th March 1998. Now AKTEL is covering 61 districts of Bangladesh.

It was not only a service launching ceremony but also worked as renewal of friendship between two brotherly countries - Malaysia & Bangladesh. The ceremony gathered ministers and dignitaries of both the countries where they had an opportunity of exchanging views of bilateral trade and cultural interests.

At present The Company employing Five Hundred Fifty (500) Staffs in total to serve more than 600000 subscribers.


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TM is a full-fledged business enterprise with a corporate head office; Finance Department, Human resource Department, Technical Department and Marketing Department, Corporate Affairs, all are functioning under efficient and highly qualified Persons.


The Company AKTEL Bangladesh, with a full title being: Mobile Telecommunications was founded as a joint company of the Telecom Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. from Malaysia and the A. K. Khan & Co. of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

It operates as a Limited Liability Company, where a founder and a majority shareholder, the TMIB- member of the Telecom Malaysia, owns 70% shares, while the minority share of 30 % is being controlled by the A. K. Khan & Co. Bangladesh.


AKTEL strongly believes that subscribers are the most valuable assets. The company has a strong Customer Service. To always be with customer, AKTEL "Help Line' is there.


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AKTEL has successfully migrated to a new switch with higher capacities in terms of accommodating higher customer base and as well as to let them use all the basic and supplementary services under GSM technology. It introduced the both-way national roaming all through its network coverage. The Prepaid services with enhanced features have been commercially commenced successfully and now the company taking some projects to accumulated more advanced technological features in network.

In term of Network Quality, the company will ensure the equipment of world-class standard but more importantly its size or capacity is catered to the right dimensioning of customer base, in order to overcome the drop calls problem or call congestion. All these are done through proper planning, control and schedule maintenance program.

The company maintains the benchmark for providing the quality services. It monitors these through generating regular report and on site survey. If any weak signal or drop call comes to notice, skilled engineers are providing services round the clock and resolve the problem instantly.

The most important key resource factor at TMIB is its efficient human resource. Moreover, its decisions are based on facts from market research and coverage survey. Furthermore, the entire thing can only be achieved through the right people. AKTEL has put its sharp eye in developing its employees through proper training, as it believes that the most important asset for TMIB is its staff members. The company is trying its best to ensure the quality services by quality people.

It has the plan to give opportunity to every household to use cellular service in the country at the competitive price providing unparalleled quality service and customer care. In achieving this goal, the company can't wait for more interconnection facilities with the fixed network. The company is planning to enforce strong efforts to create its own independent network. It has already started Dhaka-Chittagong AKTEL


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backbone. The company’s future plan is to vigorously expand network, which can be called cell-to-cell expansion, covering almost all the regions of Bangladesh within the year 2005.



First time introduced the 'Mobile Plus (PSTN Incoming Connectivity only) Services' in Bangladesh.

First time introduced the Tele-Ramadan (Timing of Iftar and Sehri during Ramadan) under Tele-info Services in Bangladesh.

First time introduced the Seamless Coverage throughout the Dhaka-Chittagong Highway and named it as 'Chittagong Dhaka Corridor (CDC)'.

First time introduce the full-fledged IVR based Customer Services (Call Center) in telecom market.

First time introduced cellular services in the most northern part of Bangladesh by launching AKTEL Service in Rangpur and Dinajpur in 2002.

TMIB brought Sixty one (61) Districts during May 2004

Total commitment to the needs of our customers. Following the highest ethics standards. Continual improvement of all work processes. Permanent improvement of all the employees’ knowledge and skills. Securing quality of the service to match the quality of services offered by

the world’s most successful companies in the field. Preserving the Company’s leading position in the national market of

mobile telecommunications.


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successfully. Introduced the automatic system generated bill amount and payment

request for the Post-paid subscribers in 2002. The automatic unbarring facility, after necessary payment making by the subscribers, is also a part of this system.

Introducing GPRS for the first time in Bangladesh. Introducing 10 sec, pulse in billing system from the first minute.

BUSINESS DEFINITION OF TMIBTMIB is in the Digital Cellular Telephony business. With the technological development in future, TMIB will adopt any cost effective and more efficient technology to provide a state of the art and comprehensive service to its customers. TMIB's vision is to continuously monitor its customers' needs, wants and to plan accordingly. It will monitor the development of the technology and update itself to meet customer demand.


Caller ID: Display of the phone number of an incoming call in your handset before the call is answered.

Call Waiting: While talking to the first caller, you will hear a special tone informing you about the second call on the line. At that moment you can put the first caller on hold and talk to the second caller.

Call Conference: Receiving calls from multiple callers can be supplemented by joining these multiple callers so as to enable them to talk to each other. You will be able to communicate with a group consisting of maximum five callers.


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Call Divert: Call Divert lets you redirect or re-route your call to another AKTEL mobile or any other fixed (if you have BTTB connectivity) or mobile phone.

Call Barring: Enables you to restrict certain types of calls to be made from your mobile. This feature is especially important for security purposes.

VALUE ADDED SERVICESThe following additional services are available upon request:

Voice Mail Service (VMS)* VMS is a unique answering machine.

* It provides you with a personal electronic mail box in our voice mail


* It records your personalized greetings as well as stores your incoming

voice messages.

* It records incoming voice messages if you are:

Outside AKTEL's coverage area or busy or simply switched off your mobile.

* It provides 24-hour automatic secretarial service

* Makes you available to your calling party anytime

Short Message Service (SMS)* SMS in your mobile acts like an advanced pager.

* You can send and receive text messages of up to 160 characters, directly

from one AKTEL mobile to another AKTEL mobile.

Additional Services

Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) Call Forwarding/Diverting Call Waiting/Holding Itemized Bill Location Based Tele Ramadan Pre-Paid Billing Information through SMS


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SMS based Content Service (News, Weather, Ring tones, Logos, Pictures etc)

AKTEL Mobile – Stock Mobile-Banking Facility Voice Mail Service (VMS) Short Message Service (SMS) Nationwide Roaming (Throughout Country Flat Rate) 24 Hours Customer Care IVR (Interactive Voice Recorder) Service (Toll free Call


Toll Free Help line 123 (from AKTEL Number) or 0189-400400 (from any number)

Marketing Division (Organogram)





Procurement & Dealer Mgt

Help line & call center

NPD Unit


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UNITS SERVING AT MARKETING DIVISION:1. Front Service2. Activation3. The procurement & Dealer Management4. Fraude Management5. Help Line


a. Services Provided by the “Front Customer Care Unit”1. SIM Change (Due to lose or damage of SIM card).

2. Accounts recharge due to temporary account lock.

3. Address change.

4. Transfer of ownership of the mobile service.

5. Recording the request for Itemized Bill for regular or particular month.

6. Selling mobile connection direct to customers.

7. Providing the customer about the various facilities and package service.

8. Record of payment to open the temporarily blocked services.

9. Receiving the application for permanent de-activation of mobile service confirming the service.

10. Various tariff information to the subscriber.


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11. Receiving line block due to sim lost.

12. Sim unlock request in retrieval case subject to producing of original subscription copy and payment of bill.

13. Receiving application for converting a service into IDD/NWD service scheme and issuing the services.

14. Receiving application form of security deposit increase & confirming the service.

15. Issue of duplicate document copy in lost or damage case.

16. Reporting to the respective division in-charge.These are services provided by the different functional units of AKTEL Chittagong branch. The well-trained staffs of this unit are strongly committed to provide the best quality to their customers, as the mission of the company is to provide total customer satisfaction. TMIB is trying to achieve this through meeting the needs of its employees, shareholders and the nation.

b. Service Provided By the “Activation” Unit1. Activation of new connection.2. Activation of changed sim.3. Change of address.4. Issuing invoice for security deposit increase, NWD deposit,

ISD deposit.5. Activation of various services.6. Reporting about all the activities to marketing in-charge.

c. Service Provided By “The Procurement & Dealer Management” Unit

1. Issuing packages for the dealer as well as the direct customers.2. Keeping records of the documents of the subscriber of post-

paid mobile service.3. Issuing duplicate copies of original documents in lost or

damaged case.4. Managing the store.5. Keeping all the records of transactions with dealers.


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6. Reporting the divisional in-charge.

Various Complaints frequently come in front service

A) Accounts Complaints:

1. Bill not received2. Delay receive received bill3. Disputed bill4. Delay posting5. Payment made before locking.

B) Credit Control Complaints:

1. Not informed before locking2. Payment entry still lock3. Fax made still lock

C) It Complaints:

1. Bill not prepared in time2. No massage before locking3. Wrong massage4. Repeated massage5. Pending problem

D) Technical Complaints:

1. Coverage problem2. Call drop3. Call congestion4. IDD incoming problem5. IDD outgoing problem.

E) Prepaid Complaints:


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1. Recharge problem2. Stuck problem3. Sim problem4. Complain against dealer5. Any other problem.

The enquiries by the customer in the hotline

New connection Lost of functioning Tariff rate Change of address Change of ownership Payment procedure Voicemail mail/ Short massage service Roaming service Itemized bill Payment made still lock Billing amount Locking information Any other information

There are sheets to record the call received from the customer. Every staff is supposed to fill targeted sixteen sheets each day of the customer. Each of the sheets contains twenty-five call records. At present this service is open for the customers from 8 am. to 8 pm. There are two shifts prevailing there consists of 8 am to 5 pm and 11 am to 8 pm.

e. Service Provided by “Fraud Management” Unit


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This unit specially engaged to look after any shorts of fraud ness against the company.


SIM replacement (prepaid)

In the replacement procedure of prepaid sim card the subscriber has to come to the office to fill the sim replacement application form. The subscriber has to pay an amount of Tk. 100 as replacement charge. After filling the application form the staff of the Front Service Unit will verify the original documents. Then if the documents seem right Front Unit will deliver the Sim right away.

The following documents have to be included by the customer while submitting the application form:

1. Blocked or damaged sim card.2. GD copy (for lost case).3. One copy passport size color photograph (applicable for individual

subscriber.4. Copy of the original registration form.5. Authorization and Under Letterhead (as and when applicable).6. Letter in Company Letterhead [subscription(s) under Company name–If

any].7. Payment Slip.


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Sim replacement postpaid

The procedures of replacing postpaid sim card almost same as prepaid sim card replacement. The special thing here is that the customer has to write the account number of his mobile service.

Change of address

This service is due to change of billing address or due to inconvenience of receiving the bill in time or in recorded address. To get the address changed the consumer has to fill the address change application form accordingly. While submitting the application the customer has to show the original documents to the respective customer care executive for verification.

Temporary lock

Lost subject to producing of original subscription copy/GD Copy, Unlock request (Upon found case subject to producing of original subscription copy and payment of bill), Regular itemized bill, Required itemized bill, Convert IDD (scheme), Convert NWD (scheme), Security deposit increase, Reopening the connection if the line is disconnected due to outstanding bill over credit limit:

To get these services the consumer has to fill the AKTEL service requirement form as per requirement. In each case the honorable customer has to show the original copy of service subscription copy to the front desk customer care executive. He or she also has to pay service charge as per requirement.

Transfer of ownership


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To transfer of ownership of mobile service, an existing subscriber has to fill the provided form with the signature of the new owner. In this case the company charge has to pay. A copy of pp size photograph of each new and old customer has to provide to the office.

Re-connection service

This service is for those customers whose services were disconnected for a long time but want to re-enjoy the mobile service. To enjoy this service a customer has to apply in the re-connection application form. The customer then has to clear all the outstanding bill generated during this time interval. After that the customer is supposed to record the bank payment copy. At the end he/she is supposed to show the original copy of document of the service to the front desk sales and customer relation executive, as proof, which was provided by the company while taking the service in the beginning Incase of Prepaid connection an amount of Tk.2250 is required to reconnect an expired sim.

Duplicate copy of documents

This service is required if and when the subscriber of the mobile service lost the original documents or if the documents are damaged by any means. To get the service the consumer has to fill the service requirement form provided by the company. While submitting the application form the customer has to submit the following documents. No charge is made to get the service to the customer.

1. Photograph.2. GD copy (in lost case).3. Letter in the company letterhead (as and

when applicable).4. Authorization and Undertaking letter (as

and when applicable).


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5. Damaged copy (for damage case).6. Invoice copy (incase of postpaid mobile


Letter of authority service

The service is provided for the valued customers who cannot effort to come to the office to receive the required service. In this case the original subscriber needs to undersign the “Letter of Authority” application with the signature and name of the person he/she authorized to take the service on behalf of the customer.



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Covered area 61 district.


DHAKA , Dhaka City , Dhamrai, Savar, Nawabganj, Keraniganj, Dohar, Demra,


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BRAHMANBARIA, Brahmanbaria City, Akhuaura, Kasba, Nabinagar

CHANDPUR, Chandpur City , Hajiganj, Matlab, Shahrasti, Kachua

COMILLA, Comilla City, Gouripur, Meghna Ghat, Daunkhandi, Homna, Muradnagar, Burichang, Debidhar, Chandina, Barura, Miarbazar, Laksham, Falgunkhara, Ashuganj

FARIDPUR, Faridpur City , Char Bhadrashan

GAZIPUR, Gazipur City , Joydebpur, Tongi, Kaliganj, Abdullahpur, Maona, Shafipur, Kaliakoir

KISHOREGANJ, Kishorganj City , Bhairab, Puran Thana, Gaital Bus Stand, Station Rd 

MANIKGANJ, Manikganj City , Shaingair

MUNSHIGANJ, Munshiganj City, Tongibari, Shirajdikhan, Srinagar

MYMENSINGH, Mymensingh City , Fulbaria, Trishal, Bhaluka, Kashiganj

NARAYANGANJ, Narayanganj City , Rupganj, Araihazar, Sonargaon

NARSHINGDI, Narshingdi City , Polash, Sripur, Belabo

NETRONOKA, Netrokona City , Hiranpur Bus Stand, Madanpur, Bangla Bus Stand, Rail Station

TANGAIL, Tangail City, Bashail, Shakipur, Mirzapur, Jamuna Bridge

GOPALGANJ, Gopalganj City

JAMALPUR, Jamalpur City

SHERPUR, Sherpur City

SHARIATPUR, Shariatpur City


Chittagong, Chittagong City, Bariarhat, Barabkunda, Mirersharai, Sitakunda, Kumira, Faujdarhat, Chittagong University, Chowdhury Hat, Madanhat, Gahira, Fatikchari, Raozan, Hathazari, Sarwatali, Popadia, Kadurkhil, Gomdandi, Kalurghat, Boalkhali, Dhalghat, Patiya,


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Anowara, Gachbaria, Chandanaish, Dohazari, Satkania, Banshkhali, Lohagara

Feni, Feni City, Parshuram, Phulgazi, Chagalnaiya, Daghanbhuiya, Sonagazi, Lemua, Langalkot, Chauddagram

Coxs Bazar , Coxs Bazar City , Ukhia, Chakaria, Eidgaon, Chiringa

Noakhali, Noakhali City , Companiganj, Begumganj, Senbagh, Maizdi, Bashurhat, Chatkhil, Shonaimuri

Laxmipur, Laxmipur City, Chandraganj, Raipur, Ramganj


Rajshahi , Rajshahi City , ShahebBazar, University, Kajla, Upashahar, BISIC, Laxipur, Sheroil, New Market,  

Bogra, Bogra City , Santahar, Kahalu, Majaree, Shibganj

Rangpur , Rangpur City , Kaunia, Gangachara, Haragas, Taraganj, Shampur, Paglapeer, Pairsband, Mitaphukur, Pirgacha

Lalmonirhut , Lalmonirhut City , Aditmari

Nilphamari , Nilphamari City , Syedpur

Naogaon , Naogaon City , Raninagar    

Pabna ,   Pabna City, Ishwardi , Pakshi


Joypurhat , Joypurhat City , Panchbibi, Kalai

Thakurgaon , Thakurgaon City

Natore, Natore City

Kurigram , Kurigram City

Chapai Nawabganj , Chapai Nawabganj City

Sherpur , Sherpur City


Khulna , Khulna City , Rupsha, Dighallia, Fultala, Doulatpur, Boira, Khalishpur, Royal More, Nirala, Shiromoni, Khan Jahan Ali Road,  

Jessore, Jessore City , Benapole, Jhikorgacha, Navaron, Sharsha, Avoynagar, Noapara

Jhenaidah, Jhenaidah City , Kaliganj


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Kustia, Kustia City , Mirpur

Bagerhat, Bagerhat City , Chitalmari, Kachua, Fakirhat

Chuadanga, Chuadanga City , Damudda  

Magura, Magura City

Satkhira, Satkhira City

Meherpur, Meherpur City

Sylhet, Sylhet City, Golapganj, Bianibazar, Biswanath, Goulabazar, Dhaka Dakkin, Madhabkunda, Akhlia, Laldighir Par

Maulvi Bazar, Maulvi Bazar City , Barolekha, Afrozganj

Habiganj, Habiganj City


Barisal, Barisal City , Babuganj, Muladi, Wazipur Barguna, Barguna City , Amtali Patuakhali, Patuakhali City , Mirjaganj   Potuakhali, Potuakhali City Pirojpur, Pirojpur City   Jhalkathi, Jhalkathi City


Customer Segmentation

Individual businessman, entrepreneur professionals and established organizations are the main customers of TM. They have also a target to take students and low-income groups with their introduction of Mobile-to-Mobile and Prepaid services.


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To serve the market more accurately their target market will be further segmented based on psychographics and business size.

Marketing Strategies

TM always wants to achieve desired sales growth and customer base. TM wants to encourage existing customers to use more and more of their services. Their newly introduced package named “Durbar” is one of their successful initiatives for the exiting customer It has a concept of “Goromer Tap Jy Hok Aponan Cholar Jamon Shash Nae Kothar O Shash Nae……….Kotha chaluk Durbar gotitay!”

Product Positioning

Initially their target was to reach the top. But others are targeting to the grass root level, and increasing their customer. TM wants to be the leader with good quality and is designing products for the middle class rage also.TM should keep enough flexibility to design other components of marketing mixes as well.

Marketing product mix planning

ProductContinuous quality improvement. Reposition of slow moving products to different target markets. Always branding AKTEL with all packages with a GSM service.

PriceNecessary changes in tariff structure and changes in changes in terms and conditions.Penetration pricing in the face of competition.Skimming policy where possible.PlaceMake effective use of distribution. Make product and service delivery system more effective and less time consuming. Wider distributing network to make service more accessible.



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Brochures with all necessary information press advertisements, Television Commercials in future, and Billboards.

Market Development

AKTEL GSM are trying to convert non-users to mobile phone users, stressing the benefit of GSM services, and with the service benefit of AKTEL that will make their life easier. To serve the market more accurately their target market will be further segmented based on psychographics and business size.

Product Development

The strive to develop a better product will be a continuous process. Conducting of Market research in every 3 months. They will use the input to develop new product based on data they will get from survey. Thus the product will be designed to meet the customers need.


1) Cellular Phone Service

The whole is the sum of parts and when the best come together; the results can be truly spectacular. TM International (Bangladesh) Limited brings you AKTEL Mobile Phone Service. Fully digital cellular phone services that will prepare you better for life in the fast lane. Always keeping you so near, even when you are so far. AKTEL has been successful in bringing together the world leaders in various technologies, giving Bangladesh cellular phone service that is world class.

2) Better Billing

The whole is the sum of parts and when the best come together; the results can be truly spectacular. TM International (Bangladesh) Limited brings you AKTEL Mobile Phone Service. Fully digital cellular phone services that will prepare you better for life in the fast lane. Always keeping you so near, even when you are so


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far. AKTEL has been successful in bringing together the world leaders in various technologies, giving Bangladesh cellular phone service that is world class.

3) Better Switching

AKTEL cellular switching system provides you the state of the art GSM technology. AKTEL Mobile Phone Service is based on the GSM technology, which will give you the winning edge all the way.

4) SIM-Card Identity Number

With the AKTEL Cellular Phone Service, you will have more than just a number. Simply because the GSM standard lays emphasis on the Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) card, a key component of the whole process. It is a computer chip card, which is highly secured against fraud. A microchip embedded in the plastic card stores PIN (Personal Identification Number), code personal telephone directory and details of calls made. As a result, you can use the SIM card on any GSM 900 phone. So, even if your cellular phone is not handy, you can borrow another one; insert your SIM card and its business as usual. This electronic SMART CARD also contains your unique Personal Identification Number (PIN), just as an ATM card does, to prevent misuse, should it fall into wrong hands.

5) Consistent and High Voice

People who listen to music on compact disks are aware that digitized music results in sharper and clearer audio quality. With GSM too, digitization of voices is done so that high quality is maintained.

6) Security

It is almost impossible for anyone to tap or listen in on a conversion in the AKTEL cellular network. Digitization encodes speech and, and dynamic allocation of frequency makes it impossible for outsiders to enter a call. Incidentally, the technology that makes it possible for you to talk better also makes it impossible for


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anyone to intrude into your privacy audio quality. With GSM too, digitization of voices is done so that high quality is maintained.

7) Exciting AKTEL Service

AKTEL offers a very comprehensive range of value added services for those on the move. Each service designed to help you in specific, frequently encountered solution. Service like these will surely revolutionize the way you communicate

8) AKTEL Itemized Billing

This service entitles you to a detailed bill with an accurate breakup of the call charges, including the date, duration and numbers of incoming and outgoing calls. This is extremely handy in case you wish to keep track of expenses, or even to find out whether your card is being misused.

9) International Roaming

Your AKTEL mobile Service will provide you with contractibility and the freedom to make and receive telephone calls within those GSM networks all over the world that have roaming agreements with AKTEL. So whenever you are within the service areas of these GSM networks, you will still be able to keep in touch.

10) Choice of Handset

The AKTEL network has a chain of outlets where all the leading models, makes and accessories of GSM compatible mobile phones are available. However, subscribers are free to procure their GSM cellular phones from any other source within the company or abroad provided these are duty paid and these would connected to the AKTEL network.

11) Advertisement

New idea, huge amount for promotional policy creating great awareness to the market.


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12) New packages and servicesCreating new packages to grab amass potential customer. Like as extended time. BTTB incoming in pre paid services. World class service like GPRS.

Marketing Department

a) Product & Planning

Product & Market Planning Department (P & MP) is a vital part of AKTEL in terms of its importance and role.The central innovation department of AKTEL is the P & M department. This department facilitates communication between the departments and existing and new product packages of AKTEL. P & MP also manages and co-ordinates information about different products. P & MP evaluate the possibilities and develop new products. P & MP is responsible for communication with different departments about existing products. P & MP get feedback from sales, Customer Care and Market Communication departments regarding Customer needs and Market requirements. Feedback helps in redefining an existing product.

New ideas are developed after evaluation of market demands. P & MP gives shape and form to the vague ideas in the process of developing a new product. P & MP is responsible to co-ordinate with Operation & Maintenance, Information System and Billing departments to get solutions check the functionality of product features and prices. Bundling and un-Bundling of services to create new packages can be useful way of satisfying customer needs.

P & MP facilitates launch of the products within AKTEL. Training and support for a product to all departments within AKTEL is also the responsibility of this department. P & MP develops the main marketing message for products working closely with marketing department. P & MP will also support sales and customer care department about new product launch.

b) Market Communication

Functions: The functions of marketing department are manifold. However the main function can be articulated as to develop product and promote.


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In order to accomplish this function, some steps have to be followed. They are: Need determination by market survey through secondary data. To develop product within AKTEL resources. Pricing of the product. To obtain necessary approval from the management. Competitor's activity analysis.

Concept building for promotional activities. It includes advertisement in the leasing dailies in the most effective manner within a given budget, to arrange out-door advertisement, hoarding, promotions of gift items like diary, pen, calendar etc. Marketing department also support various departments in performing their jobs. After the market survey, for example, they can suggest Radio Planning department about the approximate number of probable subscriber of a particular area and the potential of International Roaming.In the above-mentioned way, marketing department plays an important role in the smooth functioning of AKTEL.

C. Customers Care

Customer care is making the bridge the customers and company. Besides Sales division it is the only department who deals customers directly. Sales department procures the business and Customers Care keeps the business with the company for long period. Once relationship is established customer Care is doing the business with the subscribers. It works with the objective to meet all kinds of queries from customer and provide the optimum solution. The trained and friendly people are serving for customer care from 09am-5.45pm in Dhaka office. There are two shifts. One is start from 08am and end up at 05pm, another one is from 11am to 08pm. Customer care department works to ensure customers satisfaction and also to motivate the people in AKTEL service.Responsibilities of Customer Care are unlimited.

PURPOSEThe purpose of department encompasses the following.

To receive queries To solve queries relating to AKTEL service.


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To provide all sort of information. To solve any problem regarding network.

To ensure smooth operation Customer Care is providing services from two perspectives.

Over HOTLINES Through Information Center

HOTLINE: Customer Care is committed to provide efficient, dedicated and reliable service to it valued subscribers. For customer's convenience it has introduce one HOTLINE services. Subscribers may call any time for all complaints and queries.

D. Information Center

It provides on spot solutions as subscribers can physically go there and get services. It deals with the following areas.

Bill Clarification Preparation of manual bill Bill correction


Afghanistan Bolivia Dominica India Lebanon Niger


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Albania Bosnia Egypt Indonesia Lithuania Nigeria

Antigua Botswana Estonia Iraq Masao Norway

Argentina Brazil Finland Ireland Macedonia Oman

Armenia Brunei France Israel Madagascar Pakistan

Aruba Bulgaria Gabon Italy Malawi Palestine

Australia Burundi Gambia Jamaica Malaysia Paraguay

Austria Cambodia Georgia Japan Maldives Peru

Azerbaijan Cameroon Germany Jersey Malta Poland

Bahrain Canada Ghana Jordan Mali Portugal

Barbados Chile Gibraltar Kenya Mauritius Qatar

Barbuda China Greece Kirghiztan Mexico Romania

Belarus Congo Grenada Korea Monaco Russia

Belgium Croatia Hawaii Kuwait Mongolia Senegal

Benin Cuba Hong Kong La reunion Morocco Slovenia

Bermuda Cyprus Hungary Lao Namibia Spain

Bhutan Denmark Iceland Latvia Nepal Sri Lanka

St Lucia Thailand Tunisia U.S.A Zimbabwe

Sudan Tobago Turkey Canada Zambia

Sweden Togo Uganda Vietnam

Syria Trinidad Ukraine Yemen




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General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enabled networks offer 'always-on', higher capacity, Internet-based content and packet-based data services. This enables services such as colour Internet browsing, e-mail on the move, powerful visual communications, multimedia messages and location-based services.



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FUN DOSE.Choose your Voice Greeting, pass it to anyone, and even anonymously send your DOSE through AKTEL.Birthday. Hate. Flirt. Sorry . Heart 2 MON. Say You Love. Anytime, anyone….


Gift of Bangla New YearBuy one, get one FREE!



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AKTEL has launched the first ever ELECTRONIC REFILL system in Bangladesh whereby Pre-Paid customers will be able to recharge their accounts via SMS, available at dealers/outlets/designated agents around the country. ELECTRONIC REFILL is a great new recharge option for Pre-Paid subscribers as it does not rely on the availability of scratch cards for topping up any AKTEL Pre-Paid account. The customer benefits from this system through extensive availability, convenience to recharge Pre-Paid accounts anywhere, anytime, without the hassle of buying and scratching cards. This service is great because it ensures that the credit you require for your AKTEL connection is always available on demand. This service allows customers to recharge their accounts in multiple denominations: Tk.600, Tk.300, Tk.250, Tk.200, Tk.150, Tk.100, and Tk.50, which provide all AKTEL Pre-Paid customers a freedom of choice.

For the vast demographic size of Bangladesh and for the complex physical distribution system, sometimes our sales points have trouble keeping adequate stocks of AKTEL Scratch Card, and as a result, the valued customer can't find the Scratch card as per their requirements. On the other hand, due to frequent natural disaster and hartal/ strike, distribution of physical scratch card becomes hard. We believe that the new system can really give AKTEL Customers the opportunity and convenience to buy airtime in the period of inconvenience. Apart from it, the ELECTRONIC REFILL solution will allow our authorized sales outlets to electronically generate a voucher for the denomination customer requires. AKTEL customer can recharge their account by a dialing 111 or through simple refill process.

In this system AKTEL customer pays cash to the retailer for his/her AKTEL Pre-Paid account recharge, and in return he/she will get a SMS with a voucher number. This voucher number will have a 13-digit secret number, which will then be


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inserted into the mobile similar to the scratch card process. This ELECTRONIC REFILL allows our customers freedom to choose their desired Airtime according to his/her need and affordability. This is a secured process and our channel partners on demand would carry out the transaction.


Bangla Ring tones. English Ring tones. Hindi ring tones. Logos. Picture Messages. Other services.



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AKTEL has moved ahead of all cellular operators by launching an exciting promotion through extending the validity period of Tk.300 Pre-Paid refill card from 30 days to 180 days and that of the Tk.600 card from 45 days to 365 days.


Now one can pay his/her post paid bill by scarce card.


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Chapter four

SWOT Analysis of AKTEL, Recommendations and Conclusion


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GSM Technology. Better reputation Effective human resources Quality top management Quality billing system Quality customers care system Expertise and experience of parent company Better liaison with foreign GSM operators Long range strategic planning Market research unit Strong dealer network Good reputation.


Poorer coverage than the competitor Not enough channel with BTTB. Quality of network is poor now a day. Absence of human resource policy. Shortage of human resource in the help-line Pricing packages are more expensive and less attractive.


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Public sector unable to meet demand Product with very long life cycle New technology Growing middle class population Main competitor has a congested network because of its unplanned

customer growth.


Unstable political culture Recession in the economy Non-cooperative telecommunication regulatory body.

Possible health risk for mobile phone PSTN phone already started their business.


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The recommendations given below are not decisions; rather they are only

suggestions to improve the customer service in order to fulfill the customer

satisfaction so that subscribers give more preference to AKTEL Pre-paid

connection. And thus AKTEL will able to survive in Competition of

Telemarketing in Bangladesh.

The recommendations are made on the basis of survey, findings and analysis.

These are:

Recently the customers are facing some network problem

with AKTEL network, AKTEL should be more careful

about it. AKTEL network is not as good as like

GrameenPhone (GP). In response to customer’s objections

of the AKTEL’S (comparatively) low powered network

coverage and its frequency, it should make concentration

seriously on its network coverage and frequency.

They have to remember that their main advantage to catch

the customer first all over the country. So they should

improve the network coverage and at the same time network


Although AKTEL provides new technology and services,

they should make it more clearly to the customer. Because it

has been noticed that many customers are ignorant about

how to use some value added services and may not well

informed about the recent packages.

AKTEL can emphasize in newsletter or advertisement on

how the customer can use these services.


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The off peak hour system should be extended, because

according to the findings and analysis, the respondents have

objection about the timing of it.

There is dissatisfaction among the respondents about the call

charge per minute. The respondents said that AKTEL should

reduce call charge per minute again.

Presently AKTEL is doing very nice by offering people

scratch card Tk.300 for 180 days and Tk.600 for 365 days in

their business. This is a dynamic offer in the Pre-paid

connection service for the first time in Bangladesh. They

have subscribers over 2 million but they don’t have huge

number of subscriber as like GrameenPhone (GP). To stay

ahead in such competitive market AKTEL authority should

realize the customer’s needs and wants and provide facilities

to them according to that. The suggested recommendation

may help AKTEL to increase their number of subscribers

and increase the satisfaction of the current subscribers.

AKTEL should offer the special hour as “My Time” of GP

to motivate the Pre-paid customer.


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The present study has attempted to describe the competitive situation in mobile industry. More specifically in this study customer’s view regarding the suitable positions of the companies in the mobile industry. All company trying to operate there level best to become leader in this industry. The intention of this study was to find out the consumer view to the companies. People need to communicate effectively. So, it is very important to select how effectively the operators are giving service. In service industry which is more important that is service. And which company can give this service effectively it will be the leader in this industry. Now a day’s the consumer could easily communicate with the BTTB easily by using prepaid card spontaneously. And many other up-to-date service & package like djuce by GP, GPRS service by AKTEL, Roaming facility and Real Time belling that is one second pulse.

However, this study helped to identify the current position of AKTEL & other companies. Hopefully the findings and analysis will fulfill the demand of the main topics.


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