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Page 1: Forever is a promise (Renesmee and Jacob Story) Chapter Nine

Forever is a promise (Renesmee and Jacob Story) Written by: R.K. Akshara Srri.

Chapter Nine: Haunted.

Main Characters:

Renesmee Carlie “Nessie” CullenJacob “Jake” BlackAustin Metchle (New Mystery Character!!)Nahuel (Pronounced: Nah-Well)Edward CullenBella Cullen.

Note: OMG, this chapter sucks :/ I’ll promise to do good in the next chapter. I don’t know what you think about this. Comment and let me know


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Recap: Jacob’s POVI now understand that I could be no more than a friend to Nessie. If only she could stand to look at me anymore…

Chapter 9

Renesmee’s POV

Was I very aware of what I had done right now? I had been the biggest coward of all.

Jacob had kissed me for the first time and I am now running away from him. I’m so stupid! Unknowingly, tears kept coming from my eyes.

I didn’t know exactly why I was crying. But how could this happen?

Jacob had loved my mom. I get it. But imprinting was the one confusing me and my feelings. Why did Jacob kiss me when he knew that he would imprint someday?

Maybe, this was the reason why I ran. I didn’t want him to say anything hurtful to me after pulling away from the kiss. I was not in a situation where I could hear things, which could hurt me mentally.

I ran to my bedroom to think for sometime, alone. But no I was wrong about being alone.

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Jacob was right there, shirtless and he was standing near my bedroom’s window. He looked apologetic.

“Nessie” He spoke “I’m sorry… We really need to speak” He told me.

“I don’t want to talk about anything… Just go” I said weakly and wiped my tears. I didn’t want him to tell anything. I just wanted everything to be forgotten.

“Nessie” It was almost a scold “You can’t just erase something very important that happened between us… Let’s talk things out” He begged.

I exhaled deeply through my nose “What do you want to talk about?” I asked uncaring. But curiousness and nervousness silently lay there in my voice. God, please let this moment to end pretty quick!

“I just want to apologize for what I did earlier” Jacob said, “I didn’t know what I was doing…. The kiss was an accident” He finished.

That hurt.

He was being reasonable, though. It was an accident. But still it hurt me to hear something very painful. If things were just as how I expected it to be, then Jacob and I would have been a couple by now.

I shuddered at the prospect of that. If only that had happened by now…

“Can you forgive me?” He asked again after a minute filled of silence. I looked up at him. His eyes looked as if he was regretting something.

“Yes” I said half-heartedly. I smiled slightly to make him happy “I… forgive you, Jacob”

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He grinned ear to ear “Thank you so much, Nessie” He said, smiling widely. He then picked me up by the waist and spun me around in the air.

“Jake!” I yelled “Don’t drop me!”

He was still smiling. I am guessing that he did this action just to ease up the atmosphere around us. But this still wasn’t helping my feelings…

“I won’t ever let you fall” He said back and set me on my feet slowly. He was still smiling.

“Good Night… I gotta go patrolling” He spoke. He looked regretful and sad after saying that.

“Night” I said back and he jumped out through my window. I sighed and fell on my bed.

The kiss felt amazing. A first kiss on a particular day would be one of the best days of a girl’s life. But no, it was not the same way for me.

In fact, it was one of the heart-breaking accidents of my life.

“Why does life have to be so unfair?” I asked to myself, before closing my eyes slowly and drifting into sleep with Jacob’s face getting stuck on the insides of my eyelids…

Jacob’s POV

My life couldn’t get any better.

I had to lie to the love of my life and just conceal the kiss in any away possible just because I knew that she won’t be ready for the relationship that I wanted to push her into.

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It would have taken me only a second to tell her the truth about imprinting. But I knew very well that Edward would be waiting to have a word with me right now…

“How dare you, mongrel! I had a lot of trust in you and you just-“ He was fuming with anger once he saw me inside the Mansion. Bella calmed him down.

“I apologized to her and told her that it was an accident” I spoke the truth and displayed in my mind of what had happened.

“But the action was still done by you!” He growled “You should have given it a thought!”

“Edward, it’s alright” Bella said to him “It’s all over. I’ll talk to him later”

I looked down and he just walked upstairs. The rest of the Cullens surrounded the room. Bella turned to me.

“Jacob, just forget what just happened, okay?”

How could I forget it? It was one of the best parts of my life and Nessie’s as well! I heard a deep growl from upstairs. I figured it must be from Edward. Bella continued, “Just don’t talk about it to her again”

I sighed “Alright Bells” I then smiled diminutively “You still up for Charlie’s engagement party tomorrow?”

“Of course I am” She said “I wouldn’t miss my dad’s best day, would I?”

“Will Nessie be coming too?” I asked her curiously. Of course, she would be coming. But things would be very awkward after this…

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“Yes. She will be coming. Nessie hadn’t seen her grandpa for so long” She said. I then waved off a goodbye to her and when I was about to leave, she stopped me, “Jacob?”


“I’m sorry. I know it must be hard” She apologized.

“It’s alright, Bella. I am okay with things” I replied

I then headed to the door when Bella said something again “Don’t forget to be fully clothed tomorrow. And warn the pack. Charlie will freak out”

I smiled and I heard the rest of the Cullens chuckle. Things were at ease with the Cullens. I was a bit happy.

Now, I just wanted to take a hot shower and meet up with my gossiping pack. They would definitely act like crazy when they hear about what happened between me and Nessie!


Renesmee’s POV

The sun hit my pale, purple eyelids which made me wake up in a different position in my bed. I felt good remembering what the day was. Grandpa Charlie and Aunt Sue’s engagement party. Well, that would at least make me forget things!

My family and I were going to be there soon in the morning and we were staying until evening. I got myself out of my bed and went into my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

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When I came out of the bathroom, I saw a thick clothe lying on my table. I sighed loudly. It must be Alice. Why can’t she stop giving me suggestions even in dressing?

I picked the dress up and it read:

Wear this

You’ll look beautiful like always. Trust me.


I huffed. But to tell you the truth, the dress actually did look pretty. It was an elegant halter-neck black dress, which would highlight my pale tone. Hm, Alice always knew what was good for me.

The dress was elegantly lacy and it hung above my knees a little bit, surprising me that dad let Alice choose this kind of dress. Anyway, I changed my clothes and brushed my swift curls. I wanted my hair to be let down and I did.

I was expecting my family to be waiting downstairs for me but no, I was wrong. There stood Jacob wearing his ordinary grey t-shirt and jeans. He was folding his arms which made the biceps in his arms to pop out. Wow!

“Oh, hey Nessie… You ready to go?” He asked me, once he noticed me looking at him. After his statement, he gave a quick glance to the dress I was wearing. God! Why did it have to be so short and make me blush like a tomato?

“Y-yeah” I stuttered and sighed “Where are the others?”

“They left… Sue called them all up as she needed some help with the food and all…” He trailed off and continued “Are you okay with this?”

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“Oh, yeah sure” I said, forcing a smile and we both walked out to his car. God! Things are going to be very awkward!

“You look nice” He complimented, making me blush. Jacob then accelerated the engine and the ride to Grandpa Charlie’s began.

The ride was awkward, as I put it. I thanked god when Jacob suddenly stopped at the La Push beach. Why?

“I need to take Quil, Embry and Seth to Charlie’s with us too, okay?” Jacob asked me while getting out of the car and I nodded.

I opened the door and saw the three of them running towards me.

“Quil, Embry, Seth!” I shouted excitedly.

I hugged each one of them and the three of them never ended the hug without spinning me in the air; the same way Jacob would always do to me. What was up with these boys?

I suddenly noticed the missing one in the pack. Leah “Where’s Leah?” I asked concerned. The weird thing was that even her brother, Seth was here. But she wasn’t.

The entire group suddenly felt silent, my question hanging in the air uncomfortably. I frowned “Is Leah okay?” I asked.

“Leah’s fine” Seth interjected suddenly “She’s just in the middle of a hissy fit right now”

I knew Leah very well. We didn’t have a very good friendship like how I had with Emily, Kim and Rachel. I missed them. But Leah was someone I had to deal with as a concerning step-niece-to-be I was.

“Do you think I need to talk to her?” I offered.

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I saw Jacob wincing as he thought deeply. Jacob had never talked to me about Leah for almost months.

“Don’t worry about Leah” Jacob said suddenly.

I nodded.

“Come on let’s go! Mom will kill me if I’m late to Charlie’s!” Seth said and we all got into the car, riding to Grandpa Charlie’s.

“Will Leah be showing up?” I asked curiously, as we headed down the quickly darkening street towards Charlie’s house.

“I don’t know” Jacob admitted quickly. What was wrong with him? I decided not to ask but then suddenly the piercing ring of Jacob’s cell shot through the car. Jacob sighed and shuffled through his pockets, finally digging it out and pressing the answer dial.

“Hello?” He said into the phone.

I heard mom’s voice loud and clear on the other end. I saw that Jacob was grinning to himself.

“Of course, Bells. We’re all fine. We’ll be there soon” He explained and I could also hear mom’s audible sigh of relief. Thanks to my heightened senses…

“You both are all right?” I heard mom ask.

“Fit as fiddles” Jacob replied.

“Come here soon! Edward and I are very worried”

“You and Edward just get worried period” Jacob retorted and I smiled, agreeing “We’re two minutes away. I’ll see you soon and I’ll bring Nessie safely”

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“Thanks, Jake” I heard mom sigh and Jacob hung up and shared a knowing glance with me. My mom was always known to be overly cautious, over-protective and an infamous worrier.

The Rabbit pulled up smoothly before Charlie’s small house. I sighed.

One of the best things about being with Grandpa Charlie is that he knew about me. He knew that Jacob and the others were werewolves but he still doesn’t know about my family and me. My family and I are just different to him. He doesn’t know about the existence of vampires in Forks, either.

But I’m still glad that he loves me as his granddaughter. Unlike Renee. I tried not to think about her…

“Hey you kids!” Grandpa Charlie greeted us, beaming when he spotted me and Jacob.

We said hello to him “Come on in, kids… Come in…” He said welcoming the five of us.

Grandpa was nearly radiating with happiness as he saw me. He embraced me, squeezing me tightly.

“Hey, kiddo! You are becoming beautiful day by day!” He complimented, pulling back from the embrace to gaze at me with pride. I blushed. He was definitely one of my favorite people!

“I missed you, grandpa and congratulations! For planning to bring a special family in my life!” I said excitedly, referring to Sue, Seth and Leah.

Grandpa blushed and spoke, “Thank you kid and missed you a lot too!!”

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Grandpa Charlie spoke to the boys, complimenting on how they became taller every time he saw them. Quil, Embry, Seth and Jacob just shared a knowing glance while he said so.

And then he turned to Jacob and me “Uh… I missed seeing you around, Jacob” He said awkwardly to Jacob.

“I missed being around too Charlie” Jacob answered and asked, “Where’s my dad?”

“Oh Billy’s with the Cullens in the bedroom. Sue and Leah are-“ Grandpa was cut off by Jacob.

“Leah’s here?” He asked surprised.

“Yeah.. She uh came a little earlier than others” Grandpa Charlie said.

“Okay, I’ll go check up on my dad” Jacob said and left as we all walked in.

Grandpa began speaking to me but I just wanted to be with Jacob though it may sound really childish to confess.

Jacob’s POV

I walked into the living room… only to find that Billy was in a deep conversation with Carlisle. And to my surprise, Billy looked happy.

Relief swept over my body as I realized that Billy no longer felt any discomfort around the Cullen family. Or at least not Carlisle. I sighed. But Leah…

My thoughts were cut short as Edward suddenly materialized before me, a stern glare plastered onto his face.

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“I would appreciate your relief if you haven’t forced her to a kiss yesterday” He growled.

‘Oh, come on! It’s all over now!’ I thought to him.

“Hey daddy” I heard Nessie’s voice behind me and Edward’s face smoothened as he looked at her.

“Hello, sweetheart… I hope you had a good ride” He said to her.

“Yeah, I di-“ Nessie was cut off by Bella.

“Nessie, Grandpa Charlie wants to speak to us all. Come on!” Bella said and Nessie went after her. Edward glared at me once again.

“She doesn’t belong to you” He said in a voice so low, that only me, in this room can hear. I frowned. What was up with this bloodsucker today?

“I never said that she did, okay? Just forget it!” I said angrily but in a low voice and walked away to where Charlie was.

At that moment Seth, Sue, Bella and Nessie entered to the Living room from the kitchen with plates of food.

“Eating-time!” Seth announced “Not that really applied to many of us…”

Everyone sat in their dining chairs comfortably. Nessie came and sat with me while Bella sat with Edward.

Leah was not found in this room, not that I cared much. She must probably be hissing and huffing at the backyard.

I sat straight as Charlie began his speech, “Thank you all for coming here. And I guess you all know why I invited you down today”

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I noticed everybody having a great, big smile on their faces. Pixie Alice was illuminating with happiness.

“This engagement was actually planned as Sue and I had been very reliant since Harry, one of my best friends died. I promised Harry that I will look after Sue and her children and I am still glad to keep that promise” Charlie spoke and continued,

“I promise to keep this lovely lady happy” He said pointing to Sue “And let this be for our loving and growing relationship” Charlie finished and raised his glass of wine, with the others. I raised mine too.

“Dad, I’m very happy for you two!” Bella exclaimed and hugged the new couple. Suddenly, Edward’s loud voice broke through the hall, getting everyone’s attention.

“Where’s Nessie?”

Everybody stopped for a second. I looked beside me to find Nessie’s chair empty with no one sitting on it. I then knew where she must be. She must have gone searching for Leah.


“Dammit” I cursed and got up from my chair furiously to the house’s backyard.

Renesmee’s POV

“Leah?” I spoke.

I saw Leah freeze where she was, just inches from the dark woods. She clenched her fists, refusing to turn around.

“Why did you follow me?” She growled at me. I backed a few inches away.

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“Because you’re upset” I replied.

“What’s it to you? You have your dear Jacob, right? Just go with him and don’t dare to look at me!” Leah snapped as she turned to my direction. I didn’t understand why she was this angry with me.

Was it because she was jealous of me? Or was it just the usual anger that Leah always felt towards my family and me? In fact, Jacob and I weren’t actually like how she expects us to be…

“Why do you hate me so much?” I asked calmly.

“You deserve to be hated” She yelled “At first, you stole what was going to be mine. Did you even know how much I love Jacob? More than you bloodsuckers loved each other. I wanted him but you!” She shouted, letting out a loud snarl at me.

I felt my eyes becoming red, tears streaming wildly down my pale cheeks. I was breathing heavily, trying to control the hideous sobs growing in my throat.

‘It’s not my fault’ I thought to myself but Leah continued,

“You just took him away like how you bloodsuckers would steal their prey. All I wanted was to have a better life with Jacob but you spoiled my life and took away my happiness!”

I couldn’t talk as the sobs kept coming. I stared at the wretched scene before me, my heart aching for Leah. And it ached even more now because I knew that I myself was the reason for her suffering.


Jacob came out running up beside me and I quickly rested my head on his chest, weeping as he wrapped his arms around me protectively.

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“And you” Leah said , pointing at Jacob “Are comforting that little creep!” Her voice sounded as if two stones were being smashed together to create the sound and it kept hurting me from minute to minute.

“Leah, stop!” Jacob growled, as he shook slightly.

“You wanted her killed! You wanted her to be destroyed in front of the Cullens! Then why didn’t you just rip this thing!” She shouted again.

“Leah” Jacob said, sighing “Calm down” He stepped in between me and her.

“I won’t. I won’t until you kill her with your own hands!”

“Leah… Shut up” Jacob snapped but she still continued.

“You wanted her dead. More than we did. Then why can’t you kill her right now!” She snapped, growling at him.

“Leah, I said SHUT UP!” Jacob bellowed, his entire body quivering with anger.

“Jacob, NO!!” I shouted and ran towards him, desperate to stop him. ‘Please, don’t’ I touched his cheek and thought. But it was too late.

Jacob’s human length was soon grasped by the wolf in him, his huge paw making direct contact with my body….

A pained scream rang through the air from me as I fell on to my knees, the blood from my right arm flowing freely into the dirt….



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