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Computer Science Education

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Is pair programming more effective than otherforms of collaboration for young students?

Colleen M. Lewis

To cite this article: Colleen M. Lewis (2011) Is pair programming more effective than otherforms of collaboration for young students?, Computer Science Education, 21:2, 105-134, DOI:10.1080/08993408.2011.579805

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08993408.2011.579805

Published online: 17 Jun 2011.

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Is pair programming more effective than other forms of collaboration

for young students?

Colleen M. Lewis*

Graduate School of Education, University of California – Berkeley, Berkeley, USA

(Received 1 November 2010; final version received 1 April 2011)

This study investigates differences between collaboration methods intwo summer enrichment classes for students entering the sixth grade.In one treatment, students used pair programming. In the othertreatment, students engaged in frequent collaboration, but workedon their own computer. Students in the two treatments did not differsignificantly in their performance on daily quizzes or responses toattitudinal survey questions. However, the students who worked ontheir own computer completed exercises more quickly than thoseusing pair programming. This study compares two learning environ-ments with high levels of collaboration to isolate aspects of pairprogramming that are and are not responsible for the reported successof educational research focused on pair programming. This studyexpands our understanding of pair programming by moving beyondsimplistic comparisons of learning environments with and withoutcollaboration and by extending pair programming research toelementary school students.

Keywords: pair programming; collaboration; Scratch

1. Introduction

There is recent enthusiasm within computer science education aboutadopting and researching the software engineering practice of pairprogramming. Pair programming is the practice where two programmerswork together to solve problems using a single computer. Typically, theseprogrammers will alternate which individual is using the keyboard andmouse, a role referred to as the ‘‘driver’’, and which individual isproviding support to identify errors or opportunities for improvement, arole referred to as the ‘‘navigator’’.

Prior research has shown that students using pair programminghave increased competence with computer science concepts (Braught,Wahls, & Marlin Eby, 2011), have higher grades (Mendes, Al-Fakhri,

*Email: [email protected]

Computer Science Education

Vol. 21, No. 2, June 2011, 105–134

ISSN 0899-3408 print/ISSN 1744-5175 online

� 2011 Taylor & Francis

DOI: 10.1080/08993408.2011.579805





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& Luxton-Reilly, 2006), are more likely to complete the course(Carver, Jenderson, He, Hodges, & Reese, 2007), have increasedenjoyment of programming (McDowell, Werner, Bullock, & Fernald,2003), and have more positive views of their individual performance(Braught et al., 2011).

These benefits are often attributed to the opportunity for increasedcollaboration (e.g. Preston, 2006). While collaboration has long beenshown to be beneficial for students’ learning (e.g. Johnson, Johnson, &Smith, 1991), pair programming requires a trade-off of hands-onexperience for increased collaboration. This study compares two learningenvironments with high levels of collaboration to isolate aspects of pairprogramming that are and are not responsible for the reported success ofpair programming in education research.

We examined the differences between pair programming andcollaboration without pair programming during a summer enrichmentprogram for students entering the sixth grade. In the first treatment, ‘‘pairprogramming’’, students worked with a partner each day using a singlecomputer. The students in the pair programming condition switchedwhich student was using the keyboard and mouse every 5 minutes. In thesecond treatment, ‘‘intermittent collaboration’’, students were assigned apartner; however, they completed all tasks on their own computers. Thesestudents were required to discuss any problems with their partner beforeasking an instructor for help and were required to stop programmingonce every 5 minutes to discuss any recent progress or challenges withtheir partner.

The two treatments in the current study were designed so that each hashypothesized benefits over the other. It is possible that the pairprogramming treatment is superior because it provides an increasedrequirement of collaboration. It is also possible that the intermittentcollaboration treatment is superior because it provides students withmore individual experience in programming. This is the first knownresearch that examines the trade-offs between two collaborative educa-tional contexts in computer science. To build upon the body of researchshowing the benefits of collaboration in other domains (Linn & Hsi, 2000;Vygotsky, 1978), research needs to extend beyond comparing pairprogramming with conditions with no collaboration.

The article presents data collected from daily quizzes, pacinginformation collected from the online curriculum, survey responsesrelated to students’ attitudes about programming, and observations bythe course instructors. Students in the two treatments did not differsignificantly in their performance on daily assessments or responses toattitudinal survey questions. However, students in the intermittentcollaboration treatment completed exercises more quickly than thestudents in the pair programming treatment. These findings suggest the

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existence of alternative methods of collaboration that can support novicecomputer science students. Developing understanding of the costs andbenefits of various collaboration techniques holds promise for improvingthe quality of computer science education and is an important directionfor research.

2. Previous research

2.1. The strengths and weaknesses of each treatment

The current study compares two well-motivated educational environ-ments to develop our understanding of the boundaries and affordance ofthe pedagogical technique of pair programming. Both treatments includeample opportunities for collaboration that can help students breachchallenges (Schoenfeld, 1985), gain experience discussing technicalconcepts and plans (Chi, de Leeuw, Chiu, & La Vancher, 1994), andutilize support to execute tasks within their zone of proximal development(Vygotsky, 1978). While both treatments in the current study involve andrequire collaboration, the pair programming condition has greateropportunities for collaboration, and the individual condition has greateropportunities for individual exploration and experience. In the followingsection, we summarize previous research that characterizes the strengthsand weaknesses of the pair programming treatment and the intermittentcollaboration treatment.

2.1.1. Pair programming – strengths

While both treatments involve collaboration, pair programming has anincreased requirement for collaboration, which may afford additionalopportunities for students to:

. support and be supported by a learning partner, which can enablecompetence on tasks that would not be possible individually(Vygotsky, 1978);

. avoid a wild-goose chase during the problem solving process(Schoenfeld, 1985);

. engage in self- and peer explanations, which is helpful for conceptualdevelopment (Chi et al., 1994);

. learn from peer explanations that may be better matched tostudents’ existing understanding (Linn & Hsi, 2000);

. view computer science as a collaborative, rather than isolating,process, which is a common misconception regarding computerscience (Margolis & Fisher, 2003);

. describe a programming process in human-understandable terms, acore competency in learning to program (Soloway, 1986), and

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. plan changes to code with a partner rather than making random ortrivial changes to code when facing a challenge, a pattern frequentlyobserved by educators and in previous research (Jadud, 2006).

2.1.2. Individual work – strengths

While the intermittent collaboration treatment in this study requiredsome collaboration, the requirements were less significant than in the pairprogramming treatment. The realization of the above benefits of pairprogramming may be mediated by the decreased time engaged incollaboration. However, with decreased collaboration came increasedopportunities for students to:

. exercise greater control over their individual learning, whichneurology research has shown is advantageous for learning becauseit involves recruitment of distinct neural systems (Voss, Gonsalves,Federmeier, Tranel, & Cohen, 2010);

. increase their intrinsic motivation by taking ownership and pride inan accomplishment (Deci, 1971);

. pursue their individual interests within a project, which may increaseenjoyment and reinforce learning (diSessa, 2000), and

. progress at a differentiated pace determined by their individualunderstanding and competence (Tomlinson & Allan, 2000).

In addition to these advantages of individual learning, collaborationcan have drawbacks, for example:

. it is difficult to construct a learning environment where pairs engagein productive discourse to make progress in their conceptualunderstanding (Linn & Hsi, 2000);

. students, particularly children, may lack the skills to engage inmeaningful collaborative discourse (Johnson et al., 1991), and

. opportunities for collaboration may inadvertently lead to off-taskbehavior or conflict (Lemov, 2010).

2.3. Researching a young population

Research has found that students in middle school are at a critical pointin shaping their interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, andMathematics (STEM) fields (Jacobs, 2005). There are three knownstudies that investigate pair programming at the middle-school level(Denner & Werner, 2007; Werner, Campe, & Denner, 2005; Werner &Denning, 2009). These studies examined the behaviors of pair program-ming with middle school students and considered learning gains

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(Werner et al., 2005) and patterns of interaction and problem solving(Denner & Werner, 2007; Werner & Denning, 2009). They found thatstudents developed competence with some information technologycontent and found significant evidence of persistence patterns amongstthe pairs when facing challenges. These studies extend pair programmingresearch to this population, which is an important target for intervention(Jacobs, 2005) and may present unique constraints when applyingresearch of adults using pair programming.

With a similar population, Inkpen, Booth, Gribble, and Klawe (1995)compared the role switching behaviors of pairs of boys and girls in middleschool. These participants were observed sharing a computer with twocomputer mice to play a puzzle-solving computer game and were placedin one of two sharing conditions. In one condition, the students who werenot currently in control could click their mouse button and take controlfrom their partners. In the other condition, the player in control had toclick a mouse button to give control to his or her partner. They measuredthe number of puzzles completed by each pair. They found that pairs ofboys were most successful in the game in the condition where they couldtake control and that pairs of girls were most successful in the conditionwhere they could give control. This study highlights the complexityof collaborative relationships. In contrast to this research, the currentstudy attempts to remove patterns of role switching from considerationby imposing potentially unnatural, but consistent, rules for roleswitching.

These studies are the only other known studies investigating pairprogramming or computer sharing with this age population. This is instark contrast to the prevalence of outreach efforts targeting studentsat this age. Additional research should mirror research at the college levelto investigate the application of pedagogical techniques with thispopulation.

3. Research questions

The following two research questions are parallel in structure with anemphasis on students’ learning, attitudes, and pace.

. Do the increased levels of collaboration in the pair programmingtreatment produce greater learning outcomes, greater interest andconfidence in computer science, and an accelerated pace of taskcompletion?

. Do the increased opportunities for individual task execution in theintermittent collaboration treatment produce greater learning out-comes, greater interest and confidence in computer science, and anaccelerated pace of task completion?

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4. Methods

After introducing the curriculum and treatment groups, we present datasources and analysis methods regarding the three main analytic themes:students’ understanding of programming constructs derived from dailyquizzes, pacing information derived from students’ online curriculumlogs, and students’ attitudes toward computing derived from surveys.Statistical significance testing is determined using a Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test, which is similar to a t-test without the assumption that thedata are normally distributed. A standard threshold of 5% is used forstatistical significance.

4.1. Summer enrichment program

The study took place in two offerings of a computer programming courseat a summer enrichment program. The summer enrichment program wasdesigned for academically advanced students, and the current course wasrestricted to students entering the sixth grade. The courses met 4 days aweek over a 3-week period. Each of the 12 class days had 3 hours of classtime. The study took place in the morning and afternoon sessions in thesummer of 2010. The author co-taught the course with a colleague, andthe two instructors had the support of a volunteer teaching assistant mostdays.

4.2. The curriculum

The curriculum used by both treatments was identical and had beendeveloped over multiple iterations and used by both middle schoolstudents and college students (www.colleenmlewis.com/Scratch). Duringthe evolution of the curriculum, it was adapted to an online deliverysystem, Moodle. This online delivery system presented students withreading, programming tasks, and online quizzes with immediate feed-backs akin to the activities used in lab-centric instruction (Titterton,Lewis, & Clancy, 2010).

The majority of the class time was dedicated to students using theonline curriculum. During the 3-hour class, students spent on average1 hour and 49 minutes using the online curriculum. Other offline activitiesincluded the following:

. quizzes;

. surveys;

. lectures;

. activities from CS Unplugged (http://csunplugged.org/);

. other non-programming activities to reinforce or introduce pro-gramming topics.

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The course used three programming languages: Scratch, Logo, and avariation of the Scratch programming language referred to as Snap,formerly Build Your Own Blocks or BYOB (Harvey & Monig, 2010).Scratch was the primary language in the course; approximately 3 hours ofclass time was dedicated to learning Snap, and approximately 30 minutesto experimenting with Logo.

Table 1 shows the outline of the curriculum, describing brief details ofthe skills covered and the specific programming tasks. The curriculumwas designed to cover new content each day and provide an opportunityfor open-ended practice at the end of the day. Depending upon students’pace throughout the activities, the open-ended practice activity wouldvary in duration. This allowed students in the class to progress throughthe curriculum together, despite differences in pace during a single classsession.

Sample quiz questions appear in the Appendix, and sample program-ming tasks are described below to provide concrete examples of thetasks undertaken for purposes of methodological rigor (Nawrocki &Wojciechowski, 2001) and to highlight themes emphasized in thecurriculum for use by educators.

4.2.1. Emphasis on iteration

A programming concept that appeared throughout the curriculum wasthat of iteration. Beginning on the second day of class, students beganwriting procedures that iterated through a series of values. Table 2provides a description of multiple iteration tasks and solutions written inScratch. Iteration was emphasized throughout the curriculum for two

Table 1. Overview of topics covered on each day of the 12-day course.

Day Topics

1 Introduction to Scratch, sounds, songs, and repeat2 Variables, iterator pattern, and event-based programming3 Drawing regular polygons and drawing shapes with iterators4 Using variables to draw shapes – Part 15 Using variables to draw shapes – Part 26 Coordinates moving the character with the keys and implementing a game

of tag7 Random, broadcast, making plays, and implementing a rock paper

scissors game8 Animation, lists, and implementing a number guessing games9 Scratch platform game techniques: flying and jumping and Snap: composition

of functions and functions returning numbers or Boolean values10 Drawing a brick wall and iterator pattern with sentences11 Final projects – Part 112 Final projects – Part 2 and Open House

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Table 2. Example programs from specific days within the curriculum.

Day 2: Play the notes from 60 to 69.

Day 3: Draw a squiral (square þ spiral).

Day 5: Say every item in a list.

Day 8: Draw a line that increases in thickness.

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reasons. The first is the applicability to professional programminglanguages. The second is the opportunity for students to practice thepattern across multiple problem contexts, which, based upon previousresearch, was assumed to be beneficial for learning (diSessa & Wagner,2005).

4.2.2. Emphasis on iterative development

Below we show a series of exercises that students were given on the fifthday of instruction to show the pattern of iterative development, whichwas emphasized throughout the course. Before beginning the first task,students were shown the goal, an image of a multi-colored flower, shownon the right in Table 3. Each exercise introduced a new level ofcomplexity in accomplishing the final goal. For example, students startedout drawing a single petal, and then drew a series of petals, until theyfinally changed the color of each petal to accomplish the final goal.

This scaffolding of students’ work through iterative development wasdesigned to help students be more successful in writing complex programsand to model the process of breaking goals into multiple intermediatetasks.

4.3. Assignment to treatment groups

Before enrolling in the class, parents and students were informed that theinstructor would be researching the course. However, they were not awarethat there would be differences between the morning and afternoonofferings. Students were, therefore, not able to self-select into a treatmentgroup. This research design is called quasi-experimental (Campbell,Stanley, & Gage, 1966), indicating that assignment to treatment groups isnot random, but using existing classroom populations.

Table 3. Iterative development steps in creating the rainbow-colored flower.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

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The final number of class participants was not confirmed until thefirst day. On the first day of class, the morning section was selected asthe pair programming treatment because there was an even numberof students. If there had been an odd number of students in themorning class, we planned to have the afternoon class assigned to thepair programming treatment so as to decrease the likelihood that wewould have an odd number of students in the pair programmingtreatment.

Before the class began, two students in each treatment chose not toparticipate in the research project, leaving 18 students in the pairprogramming treatment and 22 students in the intermittent collaborationtreatment. There were 13 female students in the sample, but differences ingender are not the analytical focus.

4.4. Pair programming treatment

Students in the pair programming treatment worked together on onecomputer for all programming activities. Students were assigned seatsdaily. At the beginning of each class day, students sitting at eachcomputer were assigned to be either ‘‘Partner A’’ or ‘‘Partner B.’’Whenever students were programming, a Scratch program was projectedthat displayed a large ‘‘A’’ or ‘‘B’’ depending upon which partner shouldbe acting as the current driver and using the keyboard and mouse. TheScratch project played music every 5 minutes to indicate that pairs shouldswitch roles. On the first day of class, for six iterations, the Scratch projectplayed music every minute to practice switching driver and navigator.The Scratch project was stopped when announcements were made by theinstructors or during the class break so that each partner was ensured5 minutes as the driver before switching. Five minutes was chosen by theauthor for the previous offering of the course (Lewis, 2010) as an estimateof what might be reasonable for this population. Based upon the visibleimpatience of students waiting for their turn as driver in the previousstudy, we chose to maintain the use of 5-minute intervals. To supplementthis experience, it may be more appropriate to base this time on empiricalevidence regarding the attention span of the population. In the work ofWerner et al. (2005) with middle school girls, 15 minutes was the averageduration between switching roles, and they did not report any adverseeffects.

Pairs were reassigned each day, and pairing was random except incases specifically intended to improve consistency of pacing. If a pair ofstudents had difficulty in completing the activities, the next day, theinstructors attempted to pair each of those students with a student whohad progressed at an accelerated pace. Poor communication, conflict,

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or off-task behavior often delayed a team’s pace, and we estimate thatinstances of a delayed pace were frequently not the result of a lack ofstudents’ understanding.

In the previous iteration of the class, all students used pairprogramming and were verbally reminded to switch roles every5 minutes when a timer rang (Lewis, 2010). In that offering, we haddifficulty with students losing track of who was the driver and thenavigator, using the keyboard and mouse when it was not their turn, andfrequently arguing about turn taking. A substantial amount of instructortime was dedicated during that summer to mediating arguments,monitoring role switching, and pairing students to avoid conflict. Theinstructors observed that these conflicts were not present in the currentoffering and attributed it to the visual record of who should be using thekeyboard and mouse. Even if a student used the keyboard or mouse outof turn, they could easily return to the assigned role by consulting theprojected letter.

In the current offering, there remained challenges in the execution ofpair programming. Occasionally, we had to remind students to payattention while their partner was using the keyboard and mouse. Astudent using the keyboard and mouse would sometimes ask aninstructor for help before consulting his or her partner. While thisbehavior differs from the idea of pair programming, based upon ourexperience using pair programming with college students, we believe thatthis lack of attention, when not using the keyboard and mouse, iscommon.

4.5. Individual treatment

Students in the intermittent collaboration treatment worked individuallyon a computer. At the beginning of each class session, students wereassigned a partner. Before a student asked an instructor a question, theywere required to have discussed the question with their partner. This wasused to encourage students to engage with their partner arounddebugging tasks.

Similar to the pair programming condition, whenever students wereprogramming, a Scratch project was projected on the screen. This projecthad the sole purpose of playing music every 5 minutes. When the musicplayed, students were required to stop what they were doing and talk totheir partner. On the first day of class, students practiced this, stoppingevery minute for the first 6 minutes. During this practice, students gaveeach other a high-five and were encouraged to use the starting line ‘‘Heypartner, you stuck on anything?’’ or ‘‘Hey partner, what are you workingon?’’ Most students continued to use one of these lines to initiate

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conversation throughout the course. Students were expected to discusstheir work with their partner the entire time that the music played, whichlasted approximately 28 s. When the music began to play, studentscovered their monitors with the fabric curtains; however, they could liftthe curtain on a computer to discuss a particular program.

Few partners made particularly productive use of this time, and someengaged in off-topic discussion. However, between these exchanges,students would frequently discuss and resolve their problems without thehelp of an instructor, and we hypothesize that the interruptions andopportunities for discussion reinforced the pair relationship. We observedthat it was infrequent that a student would consult another student whowas not his or her partner, even if he or she was the same distance away asthe student’s partner.

Partners were assigned each day randomly, except when intended toseparate students who engaged in off-task behavior during class. Unlikethe pair programming treatment, students’ pace was not taken intoaccount when assigning partners.

4.6. Students’ understanding

Students took daily quizzes from the second through tenth day ofinstruction. Quizzes typically lasted 15 minutes, and the amount of timeprovided on the quizzes was recorded and was standard between the twotreatments. If students completed the quiz before the time limit, theywould work on worksheets from CS Unplugged, and most studentscompleted quizzes within the time limit. Quizzes were administered at thebeginning of class and emphasized content from the previous day. Thequizzes had an average of 15.7 questions (min ¼ 11; max ¼ 21), and themajority of the quiz questions asked students to predict the result of aprovided Scratch program as is shown in many of the example assessmentitems in the Appendix.

All quizzes were graded by the author and digitized for statisticalanalysis. Questions were graded as a single point, with no partial credit.Questions with multiple parts were graded on each part separately. Themean performance on each quiz was calculated per treatment, byaveraging students’ scores in each treatment. A mean performance of80% would indicate that the average performance within that treatmentfor a single quiz was 80%. Students’ individual-mean performance wascalculated by determining an individual student’s mean percentagecorrect across all quizzes. An individual-mean performance of 75%would indicate that the student averaged 75% correct across all quizzes.A Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test was performed to detect statisticaldifferences between the classes for individual quizzes and for students’individual-mean performance.

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Table 4. Survey questions administered on the ninth day of instruction, using a four-level Likert scale.

I plan to continue to use Scratch after the class.I am good at writing computer programs.Writing computer programs is easy.I want to be a computer scientist.I want to take another computer programming course.I understand more about how computer programs and games are made.

4.7. Students’ attitudes

We hypothesize that positive changes in attitude could be observed instudents in one of the treatments, responding more positively tostatements regarding their desire to pursue computer science.

On the ninth day, students answered survey questions, shown inTable 4, regarding their confidence in programming and their intentionsto pursue learning more computer science. All responses were made on afour-level Likert scale, with the categories of ‘‘Agree’’, ‘‘Agree some-what’’, ‘‘Disagree somewhat’’, and ‘‘Disagree.’’ To simplify the analysis,students’ responses were coded from 1 representing ‘‘Agree’’ to 4representing ‘‘Disagree.’’ This coding was necessary to calculate statistics,such as the mean response on each question for the treatment groups.However, this simplification technique may exaggerate the differencebetween ‘‘Agree’’ and ‘‘Agree somewhat’’ and may underestimate thedifference between ‘‘Agree somewhat’’ and ‘‘Disagree somewhat’’.

On the 11th day, students answered additional survey questions,shown in Table 8, regarding their perception of the difficulty of learningparticular programming skills and of accomplishing specific program-ming tasks. All responses were made on the same four-level Likert scaleand were coded as aforementioned.

4.8. Students’ pacing

Logs were collected from the online curriculum and processed in anattempt to identify whether the students in either treatment workedthrough the curriculum at a faster pace. At 89 points throughout thecourse, students were prompted to submit a project through the onlinecurriculum. Each of the steps, which prompted students to submit aproject, will be referred to as a single submission point. A relative durationwas calculated for each submission point as the average time between thestudents’ submission for the previous and current submission points. Wewill consider a student’s pace to be determined by the duration betweenconsecutive submission points, despite the fact that there were differentactivities and different step types between each submission point.

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If no project was submitted for a submission point, the duration forthat and the next submission point was treated as missing data. If astudent made a submission out-of-order, any out of order submissionpoint was considered missing data. At the end of each class, studentsoften submitted partial projects to their current submission point. Thisartificially lowered the mean duration for the submission. As aprecaution, we removed any submission from consideration if anystudents submitted the project within 3 minutes of the end of the timeprogramming that day. Of the 89 submission points throughout thecurriculum, we selected 35 that had reasonably complete data. Submis-sion points were rejected if they contained data for less than 70% of thestudents’ submissions. For each of the 35 submissions, we calculated themean duration for students in each treatment.

We conducted t-tests to identify whether the differences in the meansubmission time for each treatment were statistically significant at the 5%level. When conducting 35 independent t-tests, we would expect that 5%of the 35, approximately 2, would show statistical significance purelybased upon random variation. We calculated the standard deviation forthe duration of each submission point to determine if there were differentpatterns of variations within each class.

While we hypothesized that students’ pace might vary between thetreatment groups, an increased pace does not necessarily represent a corepedagogical goal. For example, if students submitted incomplete orincorrect projects, they may progress at an accelerated place. Afterexploring opportunities for assessing differences in quality and correct-ness, we determined that students’ submissions were not a viable datasource. As aforementioned, the rate of missing submissions was high. Inaddition, the submissions frequently appeared to be a wrong file or anincomplete version. It is possible that students forgot to save their currentfile before submission and therefore submitted an incomplete version.

5. Results

The populations in each class were found to be comparable, despite thelack of random assignment. Based upon students’ self-report of previousexperience, there is no information to suggest that the populationsdiffered in prior programming experience or other relevant character-istics. We further validated comparability by (1) comparing standardizedtest scores between each treatment, (2) attempting to standardize andmeasure the amount of time students programmed, and (3) usingtechniques to ensure that students in each treatment were attentiveduring announcements and lectures.

We compared anonymous standardized test scores submitted to theprogram. While the mean for both Mathematics and English tests was

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slightly higher in the intermittent collaboration treatment, the differenceswere not significant at the 5% level for either Mathematics (t(28) ¼ 0.706,d ¼ .25) or English language arts (t(29) ¼ 1.39, d ¼ .25).

We compared the number of minutes programming across thetreatment groups. For most students, in-class programming representedthe entirety of their programming experience. No programming home-work was assigned and few students reported programming at home. Toverify whether students in the treatment groups had similar amounts ofin-class programming, logs from the online curriculum were mined todetect the total amount of time students spent programming. On the 11thand 12th days, the students worked on a final project, and there was notsufficient log data from the online curriculum to detect the duration ofactivities. We found that students in the pair programming treatmentspent a total of 17 hours and 53 minutes programming. Students in theintermittent collaboration treatment spent a total of 18 hours and28 minutes, an average of 3.5 minutes more per day. Given the smalldifference in the daily averages, the treatments are considered comparableregarding time programming.

We used techniques to standardize students’ level of attention.Although the students in the summer program were typically excellentat following instructions, during the previous offering of the course, wehad difficulty making announcements while students were in front of theircomputers. In the current study, the instructors constructed fabriccurtains that were used to cover the computer screens. When studentsbegan to work, they were told to raise their curtains. When an instructorwished to make an announcement, students were told to lower theircurtains. In this way, we eliminated classroom management interruptionsduring announcements, directions, and lectures and, we believe, ensuredthat students’ level of attention was more consistent.

These three techniques help in validating the comparability of thetreatments and the comparability of the populations within eachtreatment group.

5.1. Students’ understanding

Figure 1 shows the mean performance within each treatment group foreach quiz. Students in the intermittent collaboration treatment had ahigher mean performance on eight of the nine quizzes. However, thedifferences in quiz performance between the treatments were notstatistically significant at the 5% level for individual quizzes or students’individual-mean performance.

While the mean of the students’ individual-mean performancediffers minimally between the pair and the intermittent collaborationtreatments, 66.2% and 72.4%, respectively, the differences in

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distribution are noteworthy. There was a larger range of individual-mean performance among students in the pair programming treatment.Table 5 shows the range of each quartile, and Figure 2 plots each ofthese quartiles in a standard box plot. Students’ mean performance inthe pair programming treatment spans from 32.0% to 89.0%, while inthe intermittent collaboration treatment, the means span a range of only53.0–85.2%.

Table 5. Distribution of individual students’ average quiz percentage.

Pairs (%) Individuals (%)

Maximum 89.0 85.2Q1 75.3 81.1

Median 66.7 74.2Q3 56.3 66.9

Minimum 32.0 53.0

Figure 2. Box plot of individual students’ average quiz percentage.

Figure 1. Average percentage score per quiz for each treatment.

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Table 6. Average response to questions regarding goals to continue programming where1 indicates a response of ‘‘Agree’’ and 4 indicates a response of ‘‘Disagree’’ and results ofsignificance testing using a Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test.

Mean response(1 ¼ ‘‘agree’’;4 ¼ ‘‘disagree’’)

Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test

Questions Pairs Individuals z p-value

I plan to continue to use Scratchafter the class

1.5 1.18 71.265 0.2059

I want to be a computer scientist 2.39 2.05 71.182 0.2372I want to take another computer

programming course1.83 1.45 71.506 0.1321

5.2. Students’ attitudes

5.2.1. Plans to pursue computer science

For the three survey questions related to a desire to pursue computerscience, the students in the pair programming treatment responded lesspositively; however, the difference between the treatment groups was notstatistically significant.

For each treatment, one student was absent during the survey, so theresponse rates for the pair and intermittent collaboration treatments were94% and 95%, respectively. Table 6 shows the average coded responseand results of each Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test.

Regarding the statement ‘‘I plan to continue to use Scratch after theclass’’, 81% of the students from the intermittent collaboration treatmentand only 59% of the students from the pair programming treatmentresponded with ‘‘Agree’’, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Distribution of responses to the question ‘‘I plan to continue to use Scratchafter the class’’.

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A similar pattern, shown in Figure 4, occurred regarding the statement‘‘I want to take another computer programming course.’’ Sixty-twopercent of students from the intermittent collaboration treatment andonly 29% from the pair programming treatment responded with ‘‘Agree’’.

As shown in Figure 5, less than 20% in each class responded with‘‘Agree’’ regarding the statement ‘‘I want to become a computerscientist.’’ However, the distribution of responses for this questionshowed again that students in the intermittent collaboration treatment aremore positive about pursuing computer science. Seventy-six percentof the students in the intermittent collaboration treatment and 47% ofthe students in the pair programming treatment responded that they‘‘Agree’’ or ‘‘Agree somewhat’’ with the statement: ‘‘I want to be acomputer scientist’’.

Figure 4. Distribution of responses to the question ‘‘I want to take another computerprogramming course’’.

Figure 5. Distribution of responses to the question ‘‘I want to be a computer scientist’’.

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Table 7. Average response to questions regarding confidence in programming ability,where 1 indicates a response of ‘‘Agree’’ and 4 indicates a response of ‘‘Disagree’’, andresults of significance testing using a Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test.

Mean response(1 ¼ ‘‘agree’’;4 ¼ ‘‘disagree’’)

Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test

Questions Pairs Individuals z p-value

I am good at writing computerprograms

1.89 2.09 0.770 0.4415

Writing computer programs is easy 2.33 2.55 0.676 0.4990I understand more about how

computer programs and gamesare made

1.11 1.23 0.279 0.7800

5.2.2. Confidence in programming ability

The students in the intermittent collaboration treatment were slightlymore positive regarding confidence in computer programming, as shownin Table 7. None of the differences were statistically significant. The shapeof the distribution of these responses was nearly identical between the twogroups, and hence, the graphs have been omitted.

5.2.3. Perception of difficulty

On average, students in the pair programming treatment rated thedifficulty of various topics as slightly less difficult; however, the differencesbetween these averages were not statistically significant using a Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test (z ¼ 0.545; p ¼ 0.586). The average difficultyratings for the pair and intermittent collaboration treatments were 2.59and 2.50, respectively, indicating that students in the pair programmingtreatment rated survey items as slightly less difficult. The mean codedvalue for each question was computed for each group and is shown inTable 8, with the larger group mean shown in bold.

A Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test was performed on each of the 13survey questions related to perception of difficulty. Only one question haddifferences that were significant at the 5% level; however, given the largenumber of tests, this is assumed to be the result of random variation andnot indicative of differences in the perception of the difficulty between thetreatment groups.

5.3. Students’ pacing

We compared the mean from each treatment and found that for 24 of the35 submissions or 69%, students in the pair programming treatment had

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a higher mean time to completion. We calculated the sum of the meantimes to complete each submission. The total duration for the 35submission points for the pair programming treatment was 7 hours and35 minutes. The total duration for the intermittent collaborationtreatment was 6 hours and 33 minutes. That is 13.7% less time is spentby students in the intermittent collaboration treatment across the 35submission points.

Nine of the 35 t-tests indicated the difference between the groups to bestatistically significant at the 5% level. Eight of the nine were in caseswhere the mean duration for the pair programming treatment was higher.We would expect two of these tests to show statistical significance dueonly to random variation. This suggests that the faster pace of studentsin the intermittent collaboration treatment was not an anomalyattributable to only random variation. For three of these eight, the resultwas significant at the 1% level.

For 14 of the 35 submissions or 40%, students in the pairprogramming treatment had a higher standard deviation. While wefound higher variation on assessment performance in the pair program-ming treatment, there appears no significant differences of variation inpace between the two treatments.

The instructors observed that when students in the intermittentcollaboration treatment would get stuck, their partner would show themthe correct answer. The students, who were stuck, were then able to copythe answers and move on in the curriculum. For example, for step 3of the multi-color flower exercise shown in Table 3, two students from theintermittent collaboration treatment who were working as partners

Table 8. Survey questions administered on the 11th day of instruction, using a four-level Likert scale and mean rating, where 1 indicates a response of ‘‘Agree’’ and 4indicates a response of ‘‘Disagree’’, bold indicates a higher mean response.

Pair Individual

It was difficult to learn to use Scratch 2.44 2.59It was difficult to learn to use BYOB 2.78 2.41It was difficult to make the squiral [square þ spiral] 2.56 1.77It was difficult to make the rainbow 1.33 1.68It was difficult to learn to use lists 2.56 2.73It was difficult to learn to use and 3.00 2.82It was difficult to learn to use if 3.50 3.27It was difficult to learn to use variables 2.78 2.32It was difficult to learn to use broadcast 1.17 2.91It was difficult to make the brick wall 1.78 1.77It was difficult to learn binary 2.39 2.55It was difficult to make the flower petals 2.06 2.68It was difficult to draw shapes 3.39 3.05Average rating 2.59 2.50

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submitted identical code. These identical solutions made the mistake ofchanging the pen color within a single petal rather than between eachpetal. Given the diversity of other submissions, this would be nearlyimpossible to occur if the students had not been extensively collaborating.

On the same problem, the two students sitting in the row with thesestudents also showed clear signs of collaboration in their solutions, shown inFigure 6. There are minor differences between their submissions, and noother students in the intermittent collaboration treatment used a variable inthis program. The only significant difference between these two submissionsis the placement of the ‘‘change pen color by’’ block. The solution on the leftcorrectly places this block to change colors between each petal. Thesubmission on the right makes the same mistake as the two identicalsubmissions described above, by changing the color within each petal. Thesubmission on the right may have been influenced by his or her neighbors,the pair of students previously mentioned, who had made the same mistake.While this was a common mistake, Figure 6 shows clear evidence ofcollaboration between this partnership and plausible evidence of collabora-tion between members of the two partnerships.

6. Discussion

6.1. Students’ understanding

Previous research has shown greater learning gains for students using pairprogramming than students working individually (Braught et al., 2011).

Figure 6. Submissions from a pair of students for step 3 in the multicolor flower exerciseshown in Table 3.

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This pattern did not hold in the current study, where students working ontheir own computer had support and intermittent collaboration.

While the differences in performance on quizzes between thetreatments were not statistically significant, the lowest scoring studentin the pair programming treatment scored much lower on average thanthe lowest scoring students in the intermittent collaboration treatment,averaging 32.0% and 66.2%, respectively. The expectation that pairprogramming can improve the performance of the weakest studentsthrough peer scaffolding does not appear to be enough to explain theresults in the current study. This observation of much lower performanceby the lowest scoring student in the pair programming treatment violatesour expectation about this potential benefit of pair programming.

It is possible that a lack of engagement from the student not usingthe keyboard and mouse depressed his or her performance in the pairprogramming treatment, resulting in slightly lower quiz scores andgreater variation in quiz performance. While these are most likelyattributable to random variation, it is possible that pair programming hasa greater differential benefit for students than the intermittent collabora-tion treatment. In our experience with college students, less experiencedstudents frequently report passively watching their more experiencedpartner program. These college students are able to articulate their lack ofunderstanding and explain that they rarely ask questions when they donot understand the actions of their partner because they do not want toinconvenience their more experienced partner. While a common narrativeamongst our college students using pair programming, this considerationis rarely articulated in the pair programming literature. We hypothesizethat this less productive experience is also relevant to the youngerpopulation in the study and may explain the result of Braught,MacCormick, and Wahls (2010), who found that students in the lowestquartile of initial competence were most successful on examinations whenpaired with another student from the lowest quartile. Perhaps the lessexperienced student in an unbalanced pair will be more likely to sit backand watch his or her partner without understanding, creating adifferential benefit of pair programming. Based upon this research, ourstrategy of dividing up students who were progressing at a slower pacemay have increased the difficulty for students who were not progressing asquickly as their peers.

6.2. Differences in attitudes

6.2.1. Plans to pursue computer science

In this study, we observed that students who engaged in pairprogramming were slightly less positive when asked about pursuing

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computer science. While this result was not statistically significant, it is ofinterest because pair programming has been shown to increase enjoymentand interest in computer science (McDowell et al., 2003). It is possiblethat the hypothesis of increased interest and enjoyment does not holdbecause it is rare to compare pair programming with another highlycollaborative environment or because the current focus on sixth gradestudents makes previous findings inapplicable.

Students in the pair programming treatment may have been lesspositive regarding pursuing computer science because of conflicts ordiscomfort in working with a partner, a decreased sense of ownership forthe products of programming, or frustration given the slower pace of taskcompletion. There is some evidence to suggest that students in theintermittent collaboration treatment had a greater sense of ownership.For example, on the second day of instruction, they persistently requestedto share their electronic keyboards with the class.

6.2.2. Relationship to prior work

The previous year, the author and co-instructor taught a course with thesame name that included programming in Logo and Scratch (Lewis,2010). In this course, all students pair programmed and shared acomputer. The study considered the effects of programming environmenton students’ understanding, perception of difficulty, and confidence.

One treatment group programmed for 18 hours in Logo, while theother programmed for 18 hours in Scratch. These two programmingenvironment interfaces differ substantially. In Logo, students typecommands, while in Scratch, students drag and drop commands tocreate programs. Despite these differences in user interface, much of theunderlying structure of each language is the same, and students in eachtreatment completed the same programming tasks.

The study found that students who learned Logo were comparativelyless competent at answering questions related to conditionals. Despitethe Scratch students’ better performance, the Logo students were moreconfident in their programming ability.

Students in the previous study responded to the same prompt asstudents in the current study: ‘‘I am good at writing computer programs.’’Of the students who learned Scratch in the previous study, 38.5%responded with ‘‘Agree’’, compared to 70.8% of the students who learnedLogo and responded with ‘‘Agree’’ for this statement. This findingunearthed the question of whether Scratch, which may be perceived as agame rather than a programming environment, can support students indeveloping confidence in their programming ability.

Despite the fact that students completed exercises that they knew wereused in an introductory course at University of California, Berkeley, in the

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current study, we see an even smaller percentage of students responded with‘‘Agree’’ for this statement. Across both treatment groups, only 13.2% ofstudents responded with ‘‘Agree’’ for the statement ‘‘I am good at writingcomputer programs.’’ The distribution of responses did not varysignificantly between the treatment groups. These data replicate the patternof confidence by students learning Scratch in previous work (Lewis, 2010).Future work should investigate children’s perception of Scratch andcomputer programming to evaluate the potential for Scratch to buildstudents’ confidence in computer programming.

6.3. Differences in pace

One observable difference between the treatment groups was indifferences in pace between points at which students submitted projectsthrough the online curriculum. Students in the pair programmingcondition operated at a relatively slower pace than students in theindividual condition while completing required activities.

One reason for this result may be the overhead of communication inthe pair programming treatment. Research has found that students areable to solve more difficult problems when working in pairs (Hanks,2008); however, negotiations, discussions, and explanations may slow theoverall progress of students using pair programming.

However, our most robust hypothesis is that students can morequickly reach a correct solution when they can each experiment on theirown computer in parallel. In the Scratch programming language, it isvery easy to test whether a current program is correct and to makemodifications to retest the program. It is likely that two students workingin parallel using this type and trial-and-error technique may stumble uponthe solution more quickly than if those two students were workingtogether on a single computer.

While the instructors assumed that this practice of sharing answerswould be detrimental for learning, there were no measurable differencesbetween the two treatment groups. This informal practice may account forthe accelerated pace of students in the intermittent collaboration treatment.

6.4. Threats to validity

The primary threat to validity is the concern that the population differedbetween the two treatment groups. There were only 40 students in thestudy. While there were no statistically significant differences instandardized test scores reported, standardized test scores have beenshown to be a poor predictor of success in computer science classes(Simon et al., 2006), and not all students submitted scores. This threat tovalidity is similar to previous studies that lack information regarding the

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comparability of initial populations (e.g. Kuppuswami & Vivekanandan,2004; Mendes et al., 2006).

While there were no differences detected for students’ understanding inthis study, as in any study, it is possible that assessments were misalignedwith the competencies developed in the treatment groups. For example,no assessment determined students’ proficiency in communicating andclarifying plans to a learning partner. This proficiency may have increasedto a greater extent for students in the pair programming treatment, butwas not measured in this study.

The current study considered the pace of students’ submissions withouttaking into account the quality of those submissions. Based upon asampling of submission points, this was not utilized as a method within thestudy because there were a high number of missing submissions and manyerrors could not reliably be attributed to students’ lack of understanding theprogramming content. For example, occasionally, students appeared tosubmit the wrong file or an incomplete file. It is not possible to tell in thesecases whether the student was unable to complete the activity or whether heor she submitted a file that did not contain the most recent version of his orher work. It may be possible to remove these barriers in future studies bytargeting relevant computer literacy skills explicitly.

7. Conclusion

This study compared two highly collaborative learning environments toisolate aspects of pair programming that are influential for supportingstudents’ understanding, attitudes and interest in computer science, andpace. There were no statistically significant differences between students’performance on daily quizzes; however, there was greater variation inperformance on daily quizzes for students using pair programming. Therewere no statistically significant differences between students’ responses toattitudinal survey questions; however, students who used pair program-ming were slightly less positive for survey questions related to interest incomputer science. Students who worked on their own computerscompleted exercises more quickly, but it was not feasible to validate ifthe quality of students’ work was similar between the two treatments.

There are obvious benefits of pair programming over environmentswithout support and collaboration. Alternative forms of collaboration,such as the intermittent collaboration treatment described here, mayprovide opportunities for improved performance over solitary efforts,without some of the drawbacks of pair programming, such as increasedlikelihood of conflict and frustration (Lemov, 2010).

The level of conflict observed in the previous offering of the course is atestament to drawbacks of pair programming, and the current study mayachieve a more ideal instantiation of pair programming than should be

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expected in a typical classroom. While some frustration may be germaneto learning to collaborate, the levels of conflict in the previous offeringseemed to exceed the levels that were pedagogically valuable.

The current study nearly eliminated the need for teacher-mediatedconflicts between pairs. While the role-switching techniques used in thecurrent study drastically reduced conflicts in the classroom, the strategyof rigid and public role switching may not be appropriate for olderstudents, and it is likely that any techniques would need to be refined for agiven population. Future work should investigate adapting this techniqueto work with older populations.

The author hypothesize that some instantiations of pair programmingare unproductive for students’ learning, engagement, and success and thatthese dysfunctional pairings are common in pair programming relation-ships. Additional research is required to understand the differential effectsof pair programming for students.


The author would like to thank her co-instructor Brittany Murlas, their laboratoryassistant Navin Eluthesen, and the students and staff of the enrichment program. AndreadiSessa, Michael Clancy, Angie Little, Nathaniel Titterton, Katherine Lewis, and theanonymous reviewers provided substantial reviews of the work, which greatly improvedthe quality and clarity of the work.


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Appendix. Sample questions from each of the nine quizzes

Quiz 1: How many times does the note 67 play when you double click the script below?

Quiz 2: What numbers does the character say when you double click the script below?

Quiz 3: Fill in the blanks below to draw a 10-sided shape.

Quiz 4: The character starts at the arrow, facing the same direction as the arrow. Drawwhat the character draws when you double click the script.

Quiz 5: What numbers does the character say when you double click the script below?


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Quiz 6: What is the value of x after double clicking on the script below?

Quiz 7: If the script below is double clicked, what color would the pen be if the mouse isat each position described in the table below? [table omitted]

Quiz 8: Draw a script that would say every element in the player-list, no matter how longthe player-list is. You can use the variable ‘‘index’’.


Appendix. (Continued).

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Quiz 9: We have made this new block:

What will it say when we double click on the script below?

Appendix. (Continued).

134 C.M. Lewis




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