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  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    Dr. Robert Hickson 29 December 2014 Saint Thomas Becket of Canterbury

    in! Saint Da"i# the $sa%mist

    Francis Fukuyama's Neo-Hegelian 1989 Essay and His Contrasting 2014 Book on

    i!eral "emocracy's #ani$est "ecay and %aralysis &enty-Fi(e )ears ater


    'The End of History [and the Last Man(1992)* +as ne"er %inke# to a s,ecifica%%y-merican mo#e% of socia% or ,o%itica% or!anisation. o%%o+in! ,leandre .o/(e

    1902-198/ the Russian&rench 3talinist and neo-Hegelian *+iloso*+er 3and

    close $riend o$ eo trauss and ,lan Bloom +o ins*ired my originalargument/ be%ie"e that the uro,ean nion moreaccurate%y ref%ects +at t+e

    orld ill look like at t+e end o$ +istorythan the contem,orary nite# States.

    The 3s attem,t to transcen# nationa%* so"erei!nty an# tra#itiona% ,o+er ,o%itics

    by estab%ishin! a transnationa% ru%e of %a+ is more in line it+ t+e '*ost-

    +istorical' orld t+an t+e ,mericans' continuing !elie$ in 5od6 national

    so(ereignty6 and t+eir military.5 (rancis ukuyama/ 'The History at the n# of

    History/5 The Guardian(-,ri% 2007)/ a British 6e+s,a,er7my em,hasis a##e#)


    'any institutions in the nite# States are #ecayin!....$o%itica% #ecay of 'the core

    cate!ories5 of 'state/ ru%e of %a+/ an# mechanisms of #emocratic accountabi%ity5*in this instance sim,%y means that a s,ecific ,o%itica% *rocess...has become

    dys$unctional. This is the resu%t of intellectual rigidityan# the !ro+in! ,o+er of

    entrenc+ed ,o%itica% actors es,ecia%%y 'the outsi:e# ro%e5 an# ,o+erfu%'accretion of interest !rou, an# %obbyin! inf%uences5* that ,re"ent reform an#

    reba%ancin!. This #oes not mean that -merica is set on a ,ermanent course of#ec%ine....nstitutiona% reform is/ ho+e"er/ an e;treme%y #ifficu%t thin! to brin!

    about/ an# there is no !uarantee that it can be accom,%ishe# it+out a ma/or

    disru*tionor 'systemic crisis5* of the ,o%itica% or#er. So +hi%e #ecay is not the

    same as #ec%ine/ neither are the t+o #iscussions unre%ate#.5 (rancis ukuyama/

    'The Decay of -merican $o%itica% nstitutions/5 The American Interest( December 201=)7my em,hasis a##e#)


    'The nite# States/ as t+e orld's $irst and most ad(anced li!eral democracy /

    suffers to#ay from the ,rob%em of ,o%itica% #ecay in a more acute $orm t+an

    ot+er democratic *olitical systems. The %on!stan#in! distrustof the state thathas a%+ays characteri:e# -merican ,o%itics ha# %e# to an un!alanced $orm o$

    go(ernmentthat un#ermines the ,ros,ects of necessary an# %ike%y autocratic?*

    co%%ecti"e action. t has %e# to vetocracy. mean by "etocracy the *rocess+herebythe -merican system of checks an# ba%ances makes co%%ecti"e or '#emocratic

    centra%ist5@* #ecision&makin! base# on e%ectora% maAorities e;treme%y

    #ifficu%t....The -merican ,o%itica% system .!i"es e;cessi"e re,resentation to the


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    "ie+s of interest !rou,s an# acti"ist or!ani:ations....The nite# States is tra**edin a !ad euili!rium....any of these ,rob%ems cou%# be so%"e# i$ the nite#

    States mo"e# to a more uni$ied *arliamentary systemof !o"ernment such as

    'the so&ca%%e# estminster system5 of reat Britain/ 'another %on!stan#in!

    #emocracy5*/ but so radical a c+angein the country3s institutiona% structure isbare%y concei"ab%e. -mericans re!ar# their Constitution as a uasi-religious

    document sic*. $ersua#in! them to rethink its most !asic tenets short of an

    outri!ht system co%%a,se or 'a maAor #isru,tion5 or set of 'shocks5@* is hi!h%yun%ike%y. So +e ha"e a ,rob%em.5 (rancis ukuyama/ 'The Decay of -merican

    $o%itica% nstitutions57> December 201=7my em,hasis a##e#)


    Throu!h the a%ertness of a frien# an# throu!h his informati"e recent note to me/ soon #isco"ere#

    many more thin!s about rancis ukuyama3s Euite une;,ecte# %atest book/ +hich is entit%e# Political

    Order and Political Decay: rom the Industrial !evolution to the Glo"ali#ation of Democracy (2014).

    -ccor#in! to the author1 himse%f/ +ritin! in his o+n b%o! on The American Interest +ebsite/ it +as

    sche#u%e# to be ,ub%ishe# on =0 Se,tember 2014/ +hich is no+ three months a!o. -n# so it +as7

    a%most e;act%y 2F years after his 'The n# of History@5 essay +as ,ub%ishe# in the summer of 19>9.

    But/ from +hat can #isco"er from rea#in! ,arts of ukuyama3s o+n recent te;ts7to inc%u#e his

    con#ense# essays e;,%ainin! an# ,romotin! his book Aust before it fina%%y came out7he has not mo"e#

    much from his !rim an# #emora%i:in! "ie+s su##en%y e;,resse# in t+e concluding *assageof that

    ce%ebrate#/ but eEui"oca%/ neo-Hegelianessay/ 'The n# of History@5 n 19>9/ ukuyama fina%%y/ !ut

    regretta!ly/ came to see that the actua% fu%fi%%ment (e"en the "ery ,erfection) of a then a%rea#y

    seemin!%y trium,hant an# !%oba%%y s,rea#in! Gibera% Democracy +ou%# itse%f ine(ita!ly an#inesca*a!ly,ro#uce #rabness an# sa#ness an# #u%%ness an# bore#om an# s,iritua% s%oth. Ho+e"er/ in

    2014/ on%y t+enty&fi"e years %ater/ ukuyama/ +hi%e retainin! his same ideology (or 'normati"e

    stan#ar#5)/ no+ a%so sees that the on!oin! im*lementationof indis*ensa!leGibera% Democracy itse%f

    7es,ecia%%y in -merica7has unmistakab%y resu%te# in a !ra"e state of #ecay an# ,o%itica% ,ara%ysis.

    or e;am,%e/ in the Se,tember&ctober 2014 ssue of orei$n Affairs/ ukuyama +rote an essay

    entit%e# 'The Sources of -merican $o%itica% Dysfunction/5 +hich at the en# of his fina% subsection

    (entit%e# 'No ay :ut5) conc%u#es +ith the fo%%o+in! uncheerfu% +or#sI

    The #e,ressin! bottom %ine is that !i"en +o sel$-rein$orcing the country3s,o%itica% ma%aise is/ an# +o unlikelythe ,ros,ects for constructi"e incremental

    1 rancis ukuyama is current%y a Senior e%%o+ at Stanfor# ni"ersity3s nstitute for nternationa% Stu#ies. ore

    s,ecifica%%y/ he is %i"ier 6ome%%ini Senior e%%o+ at the reeman S,o!%i nstitute of Stan#for# ni"ersity. n Se,tember

    of 2014 his recent book +as ,ub%ishe#IPolitical Order and Political Decay(6e+ JorkI arrar/ Straus an# irou;/2014)/ K>F ,,. t is a%so inten#e# to be a seEue% to his 2011 book/ entit%e# The Ori$ins of Political Order.


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    reform are/ the #ecay of -merican ,o%itics +i%% ,robab%y continue until someeternal s+ockcomes a%on! to cata%y:e a true reform coa%ition an# !a%"ani:e it

    into action. (my em,hasis a##e#)

    oreo"er/ in her Se,tember 2014 book re"ie+ of ukuyama3s Political Order and Political

    Decay/ a re"ie+ +hich itse%f bears an ominous an# monitory tit%e/ ' 5lo!al arning/5 Co%umbia

    ,rofessor Sheri Berman/ says the fo%%o+in!7by +ay of an incisi"e an# some+hat #oubtfu%/ but

    a%to!ether cynica%/ summary7after she ha# com,%ete# her rea#in! of the entire L00&,a!e bookI

    here i%e%/ +here"er* this cyc%e of Gibera% Democracy3s on!oin! #ecay an#

    #ecom,osition* %ea#s/ ...it is no+ere good....ukuyama3s rea#ers are thus %eft

    +ith a de*ressing *arado. Gibera% #emocracy remains sic* the !estsystem for

    #ea%in! +ith t+e c+allenges o$ modernity/ an# there is %itt%e reason to be%ie"e thatthe Chinese/ Russian or s%amist a%ternati"es can ,ro"i#e the #i"erse ran!e of

    economic/ socia% an# ,o%itica% !oo#s that a%% humans cra"e. But unless %ibera%

    #emocracies can some+o reform themse%"es an# combat institutiona% #ecay/

    +istory ill endnot +ith a ban! but +ith a resoun#in! +him,er.


    (my em,hasisa##e#)

    But/ +e shou%# kno+ that ukuyama himse%f #oes not offer any ,referre# or obAecti"e%y better

    a%ternati"e to Gibera% Democracy as the '6ormati"e Stan#ar#5 to be im,%ante# an# fu%%y im,%emente#.

    n this conte;t/ #o you not no+ a%so +ant to kno+ an# to contrast ho+/ t+enty&fi"e years a!o/

    rancis ukuyama himse%f conc%u#e# his $esti(e19>9 6eo&He!e%ian essay/ 'The n# of History@5

    &&+hich +as essentia%%y about the conce,tua%%y an# #ynamica%%y Trium,hant/ an# ,ur,orte#%y then

    ;,an#in!/ $ara#i!m of Gibera% Democracy t+roug+out t+e orld@ -ssumin! that you #o/ here are

    the com,arab%y #emora%i:in! +or#s of ukuyama3s fina% ,ara!ra,h in 19>9/ +here the *er(asi(e

    o*timismof his essay no+ so su##en%y (an# Euite re"ea%in!%y) turns fast aroun# an# !oes into re"erseI

    &+e end o$ +istory ill !e a (ery sad time . The stru!!%e for reco!nition/ the+i%%in!ness to risk one3s %ife.../ the +or%#+i#e i#eo%o!ica% stru!!%e that ca%%e# forth

    #arin!/ coura!e/ ima!ination/ an# i#ea%ism +i%% be re,%ace# by economic

    ca%cu%ation/ the en#%ess so%"in! of technica% ,rob%ems/ en"ironmenta% concerns/

    an# the satisfaction of so,histicate# consumer #eman#s. ;n t+e *ost-+istorical

    *eriodthere +i%% be neither art nor ,hi%oso,hy/ Aust the ,er,etua% caretakin! of t+e

    museum o$ +uman +istory...."en thou!h reco!ni:e its ine(ita!ility/ ha"e the

    most ambi"a%ent fee%in!s for the ci"i%i:ation that has been create# in uro,e since194F/ +ith its north -t%antic an# -sian offshoots. $erha,s this "ery*ros*ect o$

    centuries o$ !oredom at t+e end o$ +istory+i%% ser(eto !et history startedonce

    a!ain.=(my em,hasis a##e#)

    2 Sheri Berman/ '%oba% arnin!I rancis ukuyama3sPolitical Order and Political Decay/5&e' (or) Times7Sun#ay

    Book Re"ie+711 Se,tember 2014.= See rancis ukuyama/ 'The n# of History@5 in The &ational Interest(Summer 19>9)/ ,. 1>7the entire essay +i%% be


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    Consi#erin! this Rei!n of Du%%ness7marke# by #rabness/ sa#ness/ ennui/ s%oth an# the seemin!

    corrosion of ho,e%essness7+e sha%% mo"e on/ once a!ain/ to the Jear of 2014/ +here our author no+

    es,ecia%%y sees that there e;ists an intert+ine# State of $o%itica% $ara%ysis an# Structura% mba%ance/

    +hich is a%so/ therefore/ in %ike%y nee# of an e;terna% shock (or burst of e;terna% shocks)/ he says/ to !et

    thin!s mo"in! a!ain (es,ecia%%y a ,utati"e 'reform coa%ition5)7ener!etica%%y 'cata%y:in!5 an#

    '!a%"ani:in!5 an# -%% That/ or Somethin!. Ho+e"er/ the actua% content of this #esire# reform is

    uns,ecifie# an# %eft/ in effect/ 'content&free/5 but he im,%ies that it +i%% ,robab%y be rather harsh an#

    more autocratic (if not #es,otic)/ at %east 'in the transition5 to some emer!in! (but a!ain uns,ecifie#)

    con#ition +hich he ho,es to be less sclerotic. n!a!ements in further +arfare +ou%# a%so +ake us u,@

    (e shou%# reca%% here $resi#ent rank%in Roose"e%t3s o+n #esi!ne# 'Back Door to ar/ 19==&1941.54)

    Back in 19>9/ ha# ironically,reten#e# to be%ie"e that the artfu% rank ukuyama +as actua%%y

    atiri9 6eo&He!e%ian ssay/ +hich +as so fu%% of Se%f&Sabota!in!

    Hubris an# ani,u%ati"e CaAo%ery an# ace&Sa"in!/ %usi"e rony7yes/ e"en t+enty&fi"e years a!o.

    y o+n une;,ecte#%y a,,reciate# an# some+hat +i#e%y circu%ate# 19>9 essay +as entit%e#I'Fukuyama's Cultural %arody on t+e ,!olition o$ History and its iterary ?oots in i$t and

    The Dunciad5 (=0 Se,tember 19>9). Therein attem,te#/ "ery sincere%y/ to ,raise rank ukuyama

    an# his artfu% %iterary*ersona/ an# to #o it "ery +arm%y as +e%% as !enerous%yM !ut ; also anted to

    *raise +im6 not $or +at +e as6 !ut $or +at +e oug+t to !e . -n# thus ironica%%y consi#ere# him

    to be7an# ,resente# him to be7an -rtfu% Giterary enius in the m,ish%y Deft an# ho%ehearte#%y

    ronic Giterary Tra#ition of Chaucer/ Dry#en/ S+ift/ $o,e/ an# Dr. Nohnson. oreo"er/ in the many/

    sometimes e;,%anatory/ footnotes of my o+n fun#amenta%%y Serious S,oof/ a%so stro"e to !i"e some

    reinforcin! Christian insi!hts of +is#om/ an# to #o it +ith "i"i# %iterary e;am,%es an# e"en by +ay of

    ,ro,osin! a c%arifyin! counter,oint/ on the ,remise that contrast c%arifies the min#.

    foun# on ,a!es =&1>.

    4 Char%es Ca%%an Tansi%%/+ac) Door to ,ar: The !oosevelt orei$n Policy- ./001./2.(Chica!oI Henry Re!neryCom,any/ 19F2)/ K90 ,,.


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    @0 e*tem!er 1989

    "rA ?o!ert "A Hickson

    =Fukuyama's Cultural %arody on t+e ,!olition o$ History and its iterary ?oots

    in i$t and &+e "unciad>

    This essay/ incom,arab%e to ear%ier tributes/ ,ro,oses to enuc%eate the %iterary !enius of rancis

    ukuyama3s artic%e/ 'The n# of History@5/1an# to ,ro"i#e a foi% for his s,ark%in! cu%tura% ,aro#y/

    +hich can teach us a%% so much about our #estiny an# the teachin! of history. $%ato3s nuance# thou!ht

    is in#is,ensab%y !ras,e# throu!h the %iterary form an# tone of the Dia%o!ue/ +hereby the master

    subt%y re,ro#uces "i"i# an# ironica% ,hi%oso,hica% characters an# con"ersations. Simi%ar%y/ by

    sho+in! the %iterary sources an# ana%o!ues of ukuyama3s heretofore unsus,ecte# satire/ this

    a,,reciati"e critiEue aims to c%arify his sin!u%ar ca,acity to combine the art an# thou!ht of his

    %iterary antece#ents/ as he further 'o,ens u, the canon5 of estern Ci"i%i:ation to inc%u#e its oft&

    for!otten ,oets. These ,oets themse%"es ha"e mo#est%y antici,ate# ukuyama3s ne+ !enre of

    ,o%itico&%iterary con"ersationI the mock&heroic/ missionary history of n%i!htenment cu%ture an#


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    ukuyama3s insi!hts an# %iterary strate!y +ou%# be insufficient%y a#mire# an# sa"ore#. -t the heart

    of his satirica% !enius is his subt%e use of the ,ro!ressi"e%y +an#erin! an# unra"e%%in! 'narrati"e

    ,ersona5 (seen in Nohnathan S+ift)/ = in combination +ith the theme an# mo"ement of -%e;an#er

    $o,e3s Duncia#. This contention +ou%# ha"e too %itt%e ,%ausibi%ity un%ess +e ,rom,t%y consi#er the

    en# of ukuyama3s artic%e.4

    The key an# ti, off to ukuyama3s ironica% cu%tura% "ision come in his %ast ,ara!ra,h. He e"en

    echoes the nosta%!ic +or#s of #mun# Burke/ that sentimenta% %# hi!/ about the #eath of the a!e of

    chi"a%ry an# the #rab succee#in! a!e of so,histers/ share&shuff%ers/ an# ca%cu%ators.F oreo"er/

    ukuyama3s 'narrati"e ,ersona5 fina%%y yearns to break out of this %unatic arth%y $ara#ise of Gibera%

    Democracy/ Aust as $rince Rasse%as (in Dr. Nohnson3s mora% ta%e/ Rasse%as) ori!ina%%y yearns to break out

    of The Ha,,y

  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    hint about the trea#mi%% return of eterna% cyc%es of re&ener!i:e# historica% time&&es,ecia%%y in "ie+ of

    ukuyama3s ,ur,orte# boosterism/ throu!hout his artic%e/ for the He!e%ian +or%#&"ie+ an# for the #o%s

    of the He!e%ian ca"e/ from +hich one seemin!%y cannot an# shou%# not +ant to esca,e@ n!%ish %iterary

    history c%ear%y ,ro"i#es the ans+er.

    ukuyama/ the State De,artment officia%/ is other than his carefu%%y #esi!ne# an# artfu%%y

    mani,u%ate# narrati"e ,ersona/ an# ',roAector/5 'rancis ukuyama.5 By +ay of ana%o!y/ the

    historica% ,oet/ eoffrey Chaucer/ is #istinct from the humorous%y ,%um, %iterary character an#

    ,i%!rim/ 'eoffrey Chaucer/5 in The Canterbury Ta%es . The '$i%!rim Chaucer5 te%%s ta%es (Meli"ee-

    3ir Tho*as) that are ri#icu%ous/ ,aro#ic/ #u%%/ an# '#rasty stuff5M an# he sits (!a,in! an# '#umb as a

    stone5) a+k+ar#%y ato, his stunte# horse. Rea#in! a%ou# his o+n Canterbury Ta%es to a cu%ture#

    court%y au#ience/ Chaucer/ the ,oet/ cou%# thus ha"e e"en more ,%ayfu% humor. So/ too/ ar!ue/

    cou%# rancis ukuyama/ +ere he to rea# a%ou# his ski%%fu% artic%e for those +ho ha"e cu%ture# ears

    to hear?

    Nohn Dry#en/ a +arm a#mirer of the e"en more +arm%y humorous Chaucer/ is a secon# ,oet +ho

    has c%ear%y inf%uence# ukuyama. ho but the mu##%e# an# uncu%ture# cou%# contest the inf%uence of

    Dry#en3s ,oem 'ac %ecknoe5 (i.e./ about 'the s,iritua% son of %ecknoe/5 +ho +as himse%f/ it seems/

    a #u%% ,oet an# 'un+ea"er5 of +or#s) u,on the %iterary ,ersona of 'acHe!e% ukuyama/5 himse%f 'the

    s,iritua% son of He!e%5@

    n or#er to make the ,oint more unassai%ab%e an# beyon# ca"i%/ sha%% cite some %ines fromDry#en3s 'ac %ecknoe/ or a Satire ,on the True&B%ue&$rotestant $oet/ T.S. Thomas Sha#+e%%*.5

    sha%%/ ho+e"er/ make some Au#icious substitutions/ in or#er to em,hasi:e the mar"e% of ukuyama3s

    a%%usi"e !enius. Consi#er no+ ukuyama3s %iterary ,ara#i!m an# further a,,reciate his o+n im,%icit

    ima!inati"e transformationsI

    'ac He!e%/ or a Satire ,on the True&B%ue $hi%oso,he&a!ician/ .. rank


    -%% human thin!s are subAect to #ecay/-n# +hen fate summons/ a!i* must obey.

    This He!e%* foun#/ +ho/ %ike Thrice Hermes*/ youn!

    as ca%%e# to em,ire an# has !o"erne# %on!Mn ,rose an# thou!ht*/ is o+ne#/ +ithout #is,ute/

    Throu!h a%% the rea%ms of 6onsense/ abso%ute.

    This a!e# ,rince/ once* f%ourishin! in ,eace/


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    -n# b%est +ith issue of a %ar!e increase/orn out +ith !nosis* #i# at %en!th #ebate

    To sett%e the succession of estate*M

    -n#/ ,on#erin! +hich of a%% his sons +as fit

    To rei!n/ an# +a!e immorta% +ar +ith +it/Crie#I '3Tis reso%"e#M for 6ature ,%ea#s that he

    Shou%# on%y ru%e/ +ho most resemb%es me.

    rank* a%one my ,erfect ima!e bears/ature in #u%%ness from his ten#er yearsI

    rank* a%one/ of a%% my sons/ is he

    ho stan#s confirme# in fu%% stu,i#ity.The rest to some faint meanin! make ,retense.

    But rank* ne"er #e"iates into sense.

    Some beams of +it on other sou%s may fa%%/Strike throu!h/ an# make a %uci# inter"a%M

    But rank3s* !enuine ni!ht a#mits no ray/

    His risin! fo!s ,re"ai% u,on the #ay.5....

    Here sto,,e# the !oo# o%# sire/ an# +e,t for Aoyn si%ent ra,tures of the ho,efu% boy.

    -%% ar!uments in rank3s essay* ,ersua#e/

    That for anointe# #u%%ness he +as ma#e....He!e%3s* mant%e fe%% to the youn! ,ro,het3s ,art/

    ith #oub%e ,ortion of his father3s art.

    s it not c%ear from these "erses that the artfu% ukuyama #esi!ne# his o+n humorous '%iterary

    ,ersona5 to be 'ac He!e%5@ ith on%y a s%i!ht trans,osition 'ac He!e%5 fits the arch#o%t 'ac

    %ecknoe/5 Dry#en3s #eft%y crafte# fi!ure of "iscous #u%%ness.

    Nohnathan S+ift is the ne;t ,oet an# ,rose master c%ear%y to ha"e inf%uence# rancis

    ukuyama. S+ift himse%f +as not on%y inf%uence# by his o%#er satirica% contem,orary/ Nohn Dry#en

    (+ho #ie# in 1L00)/ but S+ift +as a%so the ,ro;imate s,iritua% ancestor of -%e;an#er $o,e3s The

    Duncia# (1L42). Get us no+ consi#er but one instance of S+ift3s inimitab%e !enius +herein he has

    ,ro#uce# a c%ose ana%o!ue/ if not the actua% source/ for ukuyama3s 'The n# of History@5

    s,eak of S+ift3s bri%%iant satire +hich makes use of a ,ro!ressi"e%y unra"e%%in! an# se%f&

    re"ea%in! 6arrator&$ersona/ +ho is #esi!ne#%y #ifferent from S+ift himse%f an# mani,u%ate# by theauthor so as to #ee,en his satire.

    The fu%% tit%e of S+ift3s satire/ +ritten in 1L0>/ a%most a century before He!e%3s theo,hany in

    Nena at the si!ht of 6a,o%eon3s martia% arri"a% on horseback/ is as fo%%o+sI


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now




    To Prove- that the

    A"olishin$ of 4hristianity

    in En$land-

    May- as thin$s no' stand- "e attended 'ith

    some inconveniences- and *erha*s- not *roduce

    those many $ood effects *ro*osed there"y%

    ho but a trif%er an# ,iff%er cannot see in this e;,%icit tit%e the ,ara#i!m for ukuyama3s im,%icit

    tit%eI name%y '-n -r!ument to $ro"e/ that the -bo%ishin! of History in Cu%ture an# Consciousness/

    ay/ as thin!s no+ stan# be atten#e# +ith some incon"eniences an# termina% te#ium/ an# ,erha,s/ not

    ,ro#uce those many !oo# effects ,ro,ose# thereby5@

    -fter seein! ukuyama3s coruscatin! artic%e in the %i!ht of his true tit%e/ #o not the sca%es fa%%

    from our eyes@ Do +e not no+ better see the %o+er %ayers of his %iterary ,a%im,sest/ e"en if his

    in"isib%e +ritin! may not yet be fu%%y "isib%e@ This hermeneutic/ think/ cannot/ +ithout

    cons,icuous buffoonery/ be !ainsai#.

    Ho+e"er/ am "ery sensib%e +hat a +eakness an# ,resum,tion it is to reason a!ainst the

    !enera% humor of the a!e an# its rei!nin! inter,reti"e e%ite. am e"en more sensib%e +hat an

    imbeci%ity it is to reason a!ainst the humor%essness of ashin!ton/ both the current of the ,eo,%e an#

    the !nosis of the cu%turati. Besi#es the fo%%y of it/ it is a manifest break of the fun#amenta% %a+ in our

    %an# that makes the maAority of o,inion the "oice of o#.

    n %ike manner/ an# for the "ery same reasons/ it may ,erha,s be neither safe nor ,ru#ent to ar!ue

    a!ainst the -bo%ishin! of History at a Auncture +hen a%% a#"ance# ,arties a,,ear so unanimous%y

    #etermine# u,on the ,oint. Ho+e"er/ kno+ not ho+/ +hether from the affectation of sin!u%arity or the

    ,er"erseness of human nature/ but so it unha,,i%y fa%%s out/ that cannot be entire%y of this neo&He!e%ian

    o,inion/ +hich has a%so been so trenchant%y (thou!h ironica%%y) ,ro,ose# by rancis ukuyama in his

    insufficient%y a,,reciate# an# a%to!ether subt%e essay/ 'The n# of History@5.

    n the contrary/ an# as an a#mitte#%y #u%% foi% to ukuyama/ +ish to a#"ance an unironica%


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    ar!ument to ,ro"e that the -bo%ishin! of History in the nite# States an# e%se+here/ may/ as thin!s no+

    stan#/ be atten#e# +ith some incon"eniences/ an# ,erha,s not ,ro#uce the many !oo# effects ,ro,ose#

    thereby. oreo"er/ ukuyama3s subt%y ironic '"ision of increasin! te,i#ity/ ennui/ an# entro,y5 o+es a !reat

    %iterary #ebt not on%y to S+ift3s #e"ice of 'the unra"e%%in! fictiona% 6arrator/5 but/ fina%%y/ to -%e;an#er

    $o,e3s The Duncia#.

    S+ift ins,ire# $o,e3s o+n #e"e%o,in! an# #ee,enin! "ision of The Duncia#/ es,ecia%%y the

    conc%u#in! Book

  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    (=/ F99&K00/ K0=&K0K/ K2L&K2>)

    Du%%ness && %ike ukuyama3s S,irit of Bore#om an# Cu%ture of Democratic Ca,ita%ism && ha"in!

    trium,he# in the contem,orary +or%# of affairs/ no+ has her Secon# Comin!. $o,e/ %ike ukuyama/ !i"es

    a ,ro,hetic "ision of her numbin! an# so%"ent effectI

    'She comes? she comes? the sab%e throne beho%#

    f 6i!ht ,rime"a%/ an# of Chaos o%#?5 (

  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    hen man on many mu%ti,%ie# his kin#/re one to one +as curse#%y confine#M

    hen nature ,rom,te# an# no %a+ #enie#

    $romiscuous use of concubine an# bri#eM

    Then srae%3s monarch Da"i#* after Hea"en3s o+n heart/His "i!orous +armth #i# "arious%y im,art

    To +i"es an# s%a"esM an# +i#e as his comman#

    Scattere# his aker3s ma!e throu!h the Gan#. (1&10)

    So/ too/ +ith the inf%uence of 'the estern i#ea5 as a 'see#5 "arious%y (or ,romiscuous%y)

    ,ro#ucti"e of 'the en# of history5I fina%%y stre+in! its "a!ue an# sa,%ess 'centuries of bore#om.5

    ukuyama3s o+n increasin!%y ambi"a%ent 'narrati"e ,ersona5 is stark%y b%in#/ ho+e"er/ to certain

    e"i#ence/ seemin!%y unsett%in! an# contrary to his missionary "ision/ name%y contem,orary

    #emo!ra,hic facts. He #oes not comment/ for e;am,%e/ u,on ho+ many of the 'tra#itiona%5

    autochthonous uro,eans are no %on!er scatterin! their aker3s ma!e throu!hout the Gan#/ ,erha,s

    out of their o+n ,ro,hetic sense of #ee,o+n ho,e%essness. ,on a foun#ation of #es,air they #o

    not +ant to brin! chi%#ren into the +or%#. They seem/ rather/ to +ant to re,ro#uce other %i"in! ima!es (or

    icons an# i#o%s) for e;,ort/ name%y the cu%ture an# consciousness an# broo#in! S,irit of Gibera%

    Democratic Ca,ita%ism. t is a or%# S,irit seemin!%y free of the +or%#3s ori!ina% anufacturerM an#

    unboun# by that anufacturer3s o+n 'nstructions.5 This emanci,ation seems to constitute +hat Tom

    o%fe has ca%%e# 'the fourth free#om/5 that is/ 'the free#om from re%i!ion.5

    ukuyama3s 'narrati"e ,ersona/5 #esi!ne#%y !ro+in! out of rationa% contro%/ as if ,ossesse# himse%f

    by some other im,ersona% He!e%ian (or S+iftian) 'ine"itabi%ity5 (,.1>)/ sho+s fina%%y +hereto this ne+

    emanci,ation ('free#om from re%i!ion5) %ea#s. ukuyama/ the master artist/ !i"es us a fina% "ision

    of s%oth/ in!ratitu#e/ an# suffocatin! bore#om.

    ;ce,t by the mani,u%ation of a 'fictiona% ,ersona5 of himse%f/ ho+ e%se cou%# ukuyama ha"e

    mo#est%y (an# safe%y) su!!este# a fe+ s%i!ht b%emishes on our n%i!htenment cu%ture3s #o%s of the

    Tribe@ He c%ear%y #i# not +ant to be an arro!ant an# o,en counter&re"o%utionary iconoc%ast/ an#

    thereby be mocke# an# #efenestrate# by the anti&estern co!noscenti an# other f%atu%ent aca#emica%

    thimb%eri!!ers. Such im,atient an# art%ess ,rofessors too o,en%y #esire the humi%iation of 'theestern i#ea5 an# the e;,iation of the missionary (or im,eria%) est. They #esire an e;orcism of the

    est3s #estructi"e an# intrinsica%%y #u%% im,eria% ci"i%i:ation. Des,ite the re"o%t of the %outs an# other

    reactionary ma%contents (ami#st so much other+ise o"er+he%min! kno+%e#!e an# %o"e of the

    n%i!htenment foun#ations of ,resent estern Ci"i%i:ation)/ the masterfu% ukuyama +ante# his


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    criticism to be much more subt%e an# safe%y se%f&ironic. ther+ise his #ee, critiEue +ou%# ha"e foun#

    no hearin! amon! the inte%%i!entsia an# cu%turati.

    Ho+e"er/ by bein! ab%e to #isa"o+ the inconsistent an# unra"e%%in! "ie+s of his o+n ironic %iterary

    ,ersona/ ukuyama cou%# #eft%y sho+ ho+ he +as rea%%y on%y s,oofin! himse%f an# some others +ho +ere in

    on the Aest. He cou%# thereby c%aim/ if sus,ecte# or #etecte# as a reactionary/ that he +as ,%ayfu%%y

    confessin! himse%f to be a cu%,ab%e in!rate +ho #i# not yet a#eEuate%y a,,reciate the Gibera%

    Democratic Cu%tura% System. His momentary reactionary in!ratitu#e eru,te# in the en# on%y because

    the n%i!htenment System a,,eare# !ra#ua%%y to usher in/ o# orfen#?/ The Cu%tura% He!emony of

    Hukster#om an# So,histry. By subt%y critici:in! himse%f throu!h the instrument of his inconsistent/

    insufficient%y e"o%"e#/ an# incom,%ete%y e"an!e%i:e# ',ersona/5 ukuyama can a%so c%aim to be

    chastenin! the re,resentati"e im,iety/ in!ratitu#e/ an# %ack of ,atriotism sti%% amok in our %an#/ an#

    e"en +hi%e our he!emony of n%i!htenment cu%ture an# consciousness is bein! so !ratefu%%y an#

    b%ithe%y recei"e# a%% o"er the +or%# at this "ery moment.

    Des,ite the artfu% #o#!es an# rea#y #isc%aimers/ ukuyama is foun# out? His s%y/ reactionary

    critiEue of our n%i!htenment cu%ture re,ro#uces Nonathan S+ift3s o+n ,ro,hetic antici,ation in

    u%%i"er3s Tra"e%s. S+ift3s increasin!%y #emente# narrati"e ,ersona/ Gemue% u%%i"er/ starts out +ith

    assum,tions about mankin# +hich are effecti"e%y Rousseauean an# en#s u, +ith assum,tions about

    mankin# +hich are effecti"e%y Hobbesian. n the ,hi%oso,her/ -rthur . Go"eAoy3s/ famous terms/

    u%%i"er starts out +ith the +or%#&"ie+ of 'soft ,rimiti"ism/5 an# en#s u, +ith the +or%#&"ie+ of 'har#

    ,rimiti"ism/5 +herein %ife is #rab/ so%itary/ ,oor/ nasty/ brutish/ an# short&&an!uishe# unti% '#eath by

    #u%%ness.5 The Rousseauean&n%i!htenment assum,tions about man #o not he%, u%%i"er account for

    the actua% human beha"ior that he encounters. He therefore becomes more reactionary/ un!enerous/

    constricte#/ an# e"en misanthro,ic/ as he sa#%y an# more insane%y embraces another fa%se/ but %ess fra!i%e

    +or%#&"ie+. a%se/ sha%%o+/ an# fra!i%e o,timism en#s u, +ith corrosi"e an# sentimenta%%y

    cynica% ,essimism. n S+ift3s "ie+/ they are t+o si#es of the same i%%usion about the nature an#

    ,otentia%ities of man. The first ,osition ,re,ares the #isso%ution/ the %atter har#ens the #isso%ution

    into numbness an# #es,air. ukuyama/ %ike S+ift an# The Duncia#/ ,resents this un#erstan#in! by

    +ay of bri%%iant satire an# cu%tura% ,aro#y.

    Those +ho +ou%# refute my thesis about ukuyama3s satirica% %iterary !enius in the tra#ition of

    #istin!uishe#/ but no+ for!otten/ forbears/ +i%% #eny that there is any #ifference at a%% bet+een


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    'ukuyama the +riter an# ,o%icy man5 an# 'ukuyama the inconsistent an# a##%e,ate# %iterary

    ,ersona.5 This #arin! "ie+/ common%y foun# in the Sahara of the Bo:art amon! o"er&earnest/ sub&

    %iterary/ an# humor%ess #ru#!es/ +ou%#/ ho+e"er/ re,resent a ReAoin#er Chur%ish an# an nsu%t Direct.

    t +ou%# e"en cast !ra"e #oubts about ukuyama3s o+n enta% $o+ers/ Sa"oir aire/ an#

    Sense of Humor. Such chur%ish critics #o not reco!ni:e ho+ the "ery fineness of humorous tone

    (,art of his consummate art) itse%f transforms satire (+hich is/ a#mitte#%y/ a%%&to&often scurri%ous).

    These #u%% critics #o not rea%i:e +hat ukuyama3s o+n master/ Nohn Dry#en/ sai# in his Discourse

    Concernin! SatireI

    6either is it true that this fineness of rai%%ery is offensi"e. - +itty man is

    tick%e# +hi%e he is hurt in this manner/ an# a foo% fee%s it not. The occasion of

    an offense may ,ossib%y be !i"en/ but he cannot take it. f it be !rante# that in effectthis +ay #oes more mischief/ that a man is secret%y +oun#e#/ an# thou!h he be not

    sensib%e himse%fM yet there is sti%% a "ast #ifference bet+een the s%o"en%y butcherin! of a

    man/ an# the fineness of a stroke that se,arates the hea# from the bo#y/ an# %ea"es itstan#in! in its ,%ace.

    So/ too/ has ukuyama #eft%y satiri:e# the ,resum,tuousness an# inner s%oth of an out+ar#%y

    hectic 'cu%ture an# consciousness of the estern #ea/5 as incarnate# in the n%i!htenment3s Gibera%

    Democratic System/ an# in 'the n%i!htenment #ream of uni"ersa% e#ucation/5 +hich/ (sai# $resi#ent

    Bush in Char%ottes"i%%e to the !o"ernors) 'in many +ays/ +e3re c%ose to fu%fi%%in!5?

    Can it be easi%y ima!ine# that ukuyama3s 'fineness of rai%%ery5 cou%# ha"e been %ost on so

    many of the cu%turati +ho ha"e commente# so ,rofoun#%y/ as +e%% as so so%emn%y/ on his artic%e@ Do

    these critics themse%"es ,erha,s sus,ect an# fear && if +e may be momentari%y ri#icu%ous && that

    ukuyama3s cu%tura% "ision is rea%%y an e"en #ee,er ,aro#y of some sort@ Cou%# they/ ,erha,s/ ha"e

    uneasi%y !%im,se# in the fina%ity an# fineness of his rai%%ery that the "ery cor,us of He!e% an# the

    #eri"ati"e cor,us of estern n%i!htenment Gibera% Democratic Cu%ture ha# recei"e# 'the fineness of

    a stroke that se,arates the hea# from the bo#y/ an# %ea"es it stan#in! in its ,%ace5@ Does their o+n

    su##en/ thou!h humor%ess/ en%i!htenment e"en ,usi%%animous%y fear this "ery bu%k an# hu%k of

    cu%ture that they ha"e he%,e# to ,romote/ es,ecia%%y in "ie+ of its a,,arent%y int r ins ic ,ro,a!ation

    of Tri"ia%ity an# Bore#om@

    f this be the case && an# if truth be to%# && then these cu%turati ,usi%%animi shou%# turn for further

    refreshment to Dr. Nohnson3s bracin! "erse satire (+hich com,%ements the ,rose a,o%o!ue/

    Rasse%as )/ entit%e# 'n the

  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    oreo"er/ e"en the bum,tious an# f%i,,ant ,resum,tion of ukuyama3s ictiona% 6arrator&

    $ersona&&so ea!er to s,rea# He!e% an# the n%i!htenment3s 'estern i#ea5 && mi!ht be ,ro,er%y

    sobere# +ere he to turn to another ,ortion of Dr. Nohnson3s Rasse%as. s,eak of the insi!htfu% +or#s

    of $rince Rasse%as3 counse%%or/ m%ac. m%ac3s +or#s are un%ike the a#"ice of the fa%se counse%%or/

    -chito,he%/ in Dry#en3s '-bsa%om an# -chito,he%.5 m%ac3s +or#s more c%ose%y resemb%e the +or#s

    of Rona%# -. no;3s nineteenth&century satirica% seEue%/ 'The -bso%ute an# -bitofhe%%.5

    m%ac3s ,ertinent insi!hts be!in in Cha,ter 4= of Rasse%as an# continue into the fo%%o+in!

    cha,ter/ +hich is re"ea%in!%y entit%e# 'The Dan!erous $re"a%ence of ma!ination.5 m%ac thus saysI

    To mock the hea"iest of human aff%iction i.e. insanity* is neither charitab%e

    nor +ise. e+ can attain this man3s i.e./ a %earne# cosmo%o!ist3s* kno+%e#!e/

    an# fe+ ,ractice his "irtuesM but a%% may suffer his ca%amity. f theuncertainties of our ,resent state/ the most #rea#fu% an# a%armin! is the uncertain

    continuance of reason.... Disor#ers of inte%%ect...ha,,en much more often than

    su,erficia% obser"ers +i%% easi%y be%ie"e. $erha,s/ if +e s,eak +ith ri!orous e;actness/no human min# is in its ri!ht state. There is no man +hose ima!ination #oes not

    sometimes ,re#ominate o"er his reason/ +ho can re!u%ate his attention +ho%%y by his

    +i%%/ an# +hose i#eas +i%% come an# !o at his comman#. 6o man +i%% be foun# in+hose min# airy notions #o not sometime tyrannise/ an# force him to ho,e or fear

    beyon# the %imits of sober ,robabi%ity. -%% ,o+er of fancy o"er reason is a #e!ree

    of insanityM but +hi%e this ,o+er is such as +e can contro% an# re,ress/ it is not "isib%e to

    others/ nor consi#ere# as any #e,ra"ation of the menta% facu%tiesI it is not,ronounce# ma#ness/ but +hen it becomes un!o"ernab%e an# a,,arent%y inf%uences

    s,eech or action.

    To in#u%!e the ,o+er of fiction/ an# sen# ima!ination out u,on the +in!/ is often thes,ort of those +ho %ike ukuyama* #e%i!ht too much in si%ent s,ecu%ation. hen

    +e are a%one +e are not a%+ays busyM the %abor of e;co!itation is too "io%ent to%ast %on!M the ar#or of inEuiry +i%% sometimes !i"e +ay to i#%eness or satiety.

    He +ho has nothin! e;terna% that can #i"ert him/ must fin# ,%easure in his o+n

    thou!hts/ an# must concei"e himse%f +hat he is notM for +ho is ,%ease# +ith +hat heis@ He then e;,atiates in boun#%ess futurity/ an# cu%%s from a%% ima!inab%e

    con#itions that +hich for the ,resent moment he shou%# most #esire/ amuses his

    #esires +ith im,ossib%e enAoyments/ an# confers u,on his ,ri#e unattainab%e

    #ominion. This min# #ances from scene to scene/ unites a%% ,%easures in a%%combinations/ an# riots in #e%i!hts/ +hich nature an# fortune/ +ith a%% their

    bounty/ cannot besto+.

    n time some ,articu%ar train of i#eas fi;es the attentionM a%% other inte%%ectua%

    !ratifications are reAecte#M the min#/ in +eariness or %eisure/ recurs constant%y tothe fa"orite conce,tions/ an# feasts on the %uscious fa%sehoo# +hene"er she is

    offen#e# +ith the bitterness of truth. By #e!ree the rei!n of fancy is confirme#M

    she !ro+s first im,erious/ an# in time #es,otic. Then fictions be!in to o,erate as


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    rea%ities/ fa%se o,inions fasten u,on the min#/ an# %ife ,asses in #reams of ra,tureor of an!uish....

    Such ...are the effects of "isionary schemes. hen +e first form them +e kno+them to be absur#/ but fami%iari:e them by #e!rees/ an# in time %ose si!ht of

    their fo%%y.

    These +or#s of m%ac/ ,erha,s/ may a,,ear too !reat a ,ara#o;/ e"en for our +ise an# ,ara#o;ica%

    -!e to en#ure. Therefore/ trust that ha"e han#%e# it +ith a%% ten#erness/ an# +ith the utmost

    #eference to that !reat an# ,rofoun# maAority/ +hich is of another sentiment. 6e"erthe%ess/ shou%#

    sti%% confess that/ in the ,resent ,osture of our affairs at home or abroa#/ #o not yet see the abso%ute

    necessity of e;tir,atin! History from amon! us.

    Some other eccentrics/ +hom b%ush to a#mire/ ha"e been sensib%e of the im,ractica%ity of

    reasonin! +ith the #im&bu%be# !enera%ity of mankin#/ es,ecia%%y in robust an# ath%etic -merica.

    "en in the cu%ture# #ays of 19=F/ the ironic e#ucationa% reformer (an# confesse#%y 'su,erf%uousman5)/ -%bert Nay 6ock/ su!!esti"e%y obser"e#I

    The hea%thy co%%e!e&bre# ha%f&+it/ ma%e an# fema%e/ makes the best kin# of

    serf&min#e# a#u%t. e ha"e turne# them out in shoa%s an# +ith sha%%o+s?* for

    thirty&fi"e years/ an# their s,irit ru%es the country.11

    The ironic reactionary/ rancis ukuyama/ has bri%%iant%y a%%o+e# us to un#erstan# the ,er"asi"e

    s%othfu% s,irit of our frenetic (an# s,rea#in!) n%i!htenment an# cu%tura% he!emony/ +hich is

    e#ucatin! the +or%# for bore#om an# ser"itu#e. n !ratitu#e to the u,%iftin! an# +itty ukuyama for

    rescuin! us from #u%%ness an# +orse/ +e/ in our chi%#hoo#/ may sayI 'B%esse# be he +ho has restore#

    us to hi%arity. B%esse# be he +ho has ,reser"e# us from ennui. B%esse# be he +ho has sa"e# a

    chi%#3s heart from #es,air.5

    Ho+e"er/ ukuyama/ un%ike the ,resent +riter/ may be/ after a%%/ a sentimenta%ist/ in nee# of

    certain s,ecious%y conso%in! re%i!ious i%%usions an# crutches to he%, him an# other mere chi%#ren (of

    the +or%#) to face the sa# n%i!htenment3s rea%ity of fina% #es,air/ an# to face it +ithout re"o%t an#

    Aoy%essness/ an# +ithout the corrosion of ho,e%essness. But/ is any buoyant "ision of en%i!htene#

    #es,air fina%%y ,ossib%e an# sustainab%e@

    n the one han#/ ukuyama seems unsentimenta% an# c%ear&si!hte# enou!h at %east to see +hat rich

    romm sa+/ e"en in 19K=/ +hen he summari%y s,oke at the -merican rtho,sychiatric -ssociation3s

    meetin! in San rancisco. hat romm sai# of man a,,%ies e"en more to the mo#ern 'chi%# +ithout


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now



    'an sits in front of a ba# te%e"ision ,ro!ram an# #oes not kno+ that he is

    bore#...he Aoins the rat race of commerce/ +here ,ersona% +orth is measure# in

    terms of market "a%ues/ an# is not a+are of his an;iety.... Theo%o!ians an#,hi%oso,hers ha"e been sayin! for a century that o# is #ea#/ but +hat +e

    confront no+ is the ,ossibi%ity that man or chi%#hoo#* is #ea#/ transforme# into a

    thin!/ a ,ro#ucer/ a consumer/ an# i#o%ater of thin!s.512

    This numbin! an# increasin!%y in!raine# inattenti"eness to the sou% of chi%#hoo# c%ear%y

    inc%u#es/ for ukuyama/ the i#o%atry of the sa# n%i!htenment3s estern #ea (as subt%y satiri:e# by

    ukuyama) +hich cannot/ ho+e"er/ fina%%y #istract or #ecei"e e"en the chi%# from a rea%i:ation of fina%


    n the other han#/ ukuyama may be too sentimenta% an# murky&si!hte# to face Sir Bertran#

    Russe%%3s manifest%y uni#o%atrous "ie+ of 'a free man3s +orshi,5 an# its ,rofoun# im,%ications for

    ethics an# ,o%itics/ for the teachin! of history/ an# for the future e#ucation of the chi%#. Russe%% #enies

    the ine"itabi%ity of an inca,acitatin! corrosion of ho,e%essness/ an# unf%inchin!%y saysI 'on%y on the

    firm foun#ation of unyie%#in! #es,air can the sou%3s habitation henceforth be safe%y bui%t.51=

    -ssumin! that this ,ro,er an# mature foun#ation +i%% be firm an# that this ,ro,er #es,air +i%% be

    unyie%#in! an# '+ithout the bitterness of im,otent rebe%%ion/514Russe%%3s ,oetic ,rose !i"es us the

    mature "ision to be ke,t a%+ays before us/ it seems/ in our en%i!htene# e#ucation of a chi%# unto 'the

    beauty of tra!e#y5I1F

    n the s,ectac%e of Death/ in the en#urance of into%erab%e ,ain/ an# in theirre"ocab%eness of a "anishe# ,ast/ there is a sacre#ness/ an o"er,o+erin! a+e/ a

    fee%in! of the "astness/ the #e,th/ the ine;haustib%e mystery of e;istence/ in+hich/ as by some stran!e marria!e of ,ain/ the sufferer is boun# to the +or%# by

    bon#s of sorro+. n these moments of insi!ht/ +e %ose a%% ea!erness of

    tem,orary #esire/ a%% stru!!%in! an# stri"in! for ,etty en#s/ a%% care for the %itt%e

    tri"ia% thin!s that/ to a su,erficia% "ie+/ make u, the common %ife of the #ay by#ayM 'e see surroundin$ the narro' raft illumined "y the flic)erin$ li$ht of

    human comradeshi*- the dar) ocean on 'hose rollin$ 'aves 'e toss for a "rief

    hour5 from the $reat ni$ht 'ithout- a chill "last "rea)s in u*on our refu$e5 all theloneliness of humanity amid hostile forces is concentrated u*on the individual

    soul- 'hich must stru$$le alone- 'ith 'hat of coura$e it can command- a$ainst the'hole 'ei$ht of universe that cares nothin$ for its ho*es and fears%1K

    This is a "ision of heroic #es,air. t is a "ision for heroes/ at %east for those +ho can yet muster

    moments of heroism. But/ Bernanos3 CurQ of -mbricourt ha# a sentimenta% "ision for co+ar#s as +e%% as

    heroes/ for he be%ie"e# in a master (+ho e;em,%ifie# an# enab%e# sa%"ificus #o%or) +ho #ie# for


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    co+ar#s as +e%% as heroes. The CurQ himse%f !enerous%y embrace# sufferin! an# its innermost form

    of sorro+/ trustin! that his %i"in! master +ou%# not be out#one in !enerosity. Reco"erin! an#

    besto+in! 'the sou% of chi%#hoo#5 as a !ift/ the CurQ #ee,%y ( thou!h sentimenta%%y) truste# that the

    fina% tears +ere not the tears of sorro+/ but rather the tears of AoyI 'sunt %acrimae rerum/ mentem

    morta%ia tan!unt .5 Sorro+&&re#em,ti"e sorro+/ it seems&&cou%# bui%# a bri#!e/ a bri#!e to Aoy.

    t is to this secon# "ision/ foun# in his %iterary sources/ that ukuyama himse%f !i"es

    sentimenta% !%im,ses an# mi!ht e"en be %e#/ out of a !ratitu#e further mature# an# ma#e festi"e in %uci#

    (thou!h i%%usory) ho,e. Throu!h rancis ukuyama3s '#is&i%%usionment5 an# cu%tura% ,aro#y of the

    n%i!htenment "ision of cu%ture an# #eath/ others (sentimenta%ists) may a%so come to see the "i"ifyin!

    im,%ications for e#ucation of Bernanos3 ne+ Beatitu#eI 'B%esse# be he +ho has sa"e# a chi%#3s heart

    from #es,air.5

    Gest / %ike ukuyama/ a%so be sus,ecte# of so%emn (instea# of ironica%) sentimenta%ity/ %et us a%%o+Gor# Bertran# Russe%% the %ast +or#. He/ too/ after rea#in! ukuyama/ mi!ht +e%% ha"e more

    !ratefu%%y uttere# his o+n ,urifyin! +or#s of $anta!rue%ismI '$ut in a nutshe%%/ the chan!e in my

    out%ook comes to this/ that no %on!er re!ar# so%emnity as a means of attainin! truthM obser"ation of %ife

    sho+s one that so%emn ,eo,%e are !enera%%y humbu!s/ an# so%emn moo#s a%so contain some humbu!!in!

    Eua%ity.51Lukuyama3s mirth in"ites us a%% to a more festi"e communion an# cu%ture. bi c aritas

    !au#et/ ibi est festi"itas .

    1See The 6ationa% nterest (Summer 19>9)/ ,,.=&1>. Si; mirth%ess res,onses to acHe!e%

    ukuyama (i.e./ the s,irtua% son an# #isci,%e of the !reat abori!ina% He!e%) may be #e,ressin!%y consu%te#in the same issue of The 6ationa% nterest/ ,,.19&=F. The "iscous res,on#ents are/ seriatimI -%an B%oom/

    $ierre Hassner/ ertru#e Himme%farb/ r"in! risto%/ Danie% $atrick oynihan an# Ste,han Sestano"ich.

    2Those +ho think that The Duncia# is too fu%% of to,ica% references to the names of insi!nificant an#

    no+ irre%e"ant ,eo,%e shou%# kno+ that these names are 'annua%%y re,%aceab%e5 (in the +or#s of Dr. Gucier3s



    Reca%%/ !ent%e rea#er/ the unra"e%%in! an# +an#erin! +it of Gemue% u%%i"er #urin! his +ayfarin! inu%%i"er3s Tra"e%sM a%so - Ta%e of a TubM - Discourse Concernin! the echanica% ,eration of the S,iritM -n

    -r!ument -!ainst -bo%ishin! ChristianityM an# other +a!!ish !ems. See/ at your %eisure/ u%%i"er3s Tra"e%san# ther ritin!s (e#. Ricar#o Puintana) in The o#ern Gibrary te;t (6e+ Jork/ 19F>).

    4That +a!/ ukuyama/ has recent%y be!un to tease us/ an# e"en to in"ite us to a ne+ hermeneutic #e,rofun#is. n the Sty%e Section of the ashin!ton $ost (2L Se,tember 19>9)/ for e;am,%e/ ac He!e%


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    himse%f ans+ere# the Euestion/ 's the ,iece a Aoke@ s he A ust ,%ayin! +ith us@5 (my em,hasis a##e#)/ asfo%%o+sI 'Jou ha"e to fi!ure that out for yourse%f.... -s to ho+ much of it mean/ an# +hether 3m fu%%y

    serious in a%% ,arts/ you ha"e to fi!ure out for yourse%f. f you rea# oA"e Commentator a;imus et

    irabi%is* you see that he is "ery ironic.5 sa+ it before he e"er sai# it/ before he shot his hint of +it?

    Fac He!e% ukuyama s,eaks of the Re"o%utionary n%i!htenmentI

    'the trium,h of the est/ of the estern i#ea....an unabashe# "ictory of economic an#

    ,o%itica% %ibera%ism.... the fina% form of human !o"ernment...a uni"ersa% homo!eneous

    state....e mi!ht summari:e the content of the uni"ersa% state as Gibera% Democracy inthe ,o%itica% s,here combine# +ith easy access by

  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    of Cha,ter 1). The CurQ kno+s the ,ro!ressi"e %ink bet+een 'the sa#ness of the +or%#5 (tristitiasaecu%i)M ,eace%ess/ rest%ess/ Aoy%ess 's%oth5 (ace#ia)M an# '#es,air5 (#es,erantia) . -s he himse%f

    !ro+s/ he restores an# con"eys 'the sou% of chi%#hoo#5 to others/ an# he !ratefu%%y reca%%s him +ho

    ,reser"e# him from #es,air/ as he saysI 'B%esse# be he +ho has sa"e# a chi%#3s heart from #es,air.5

    9This rest%ess an# #rab #isor#er/ often masEuera#in! as ener!y an# e;citement/ +as ca%%e#

    's%oth5 (or ace#ia) by those crack,ot me#ie"a% obscurantists. eor!e Santayana ,%ayfu%%y/ but

    ,ers,icacious%y a%as/ #efine# a 'fanatic5 as 'he +ho/ %osin! si!ht of his aim/ re#oub%es his effort.5The fanatic3s Cyc%o,ean "ie+ +as a%so ca,ture# by ...Cummin!s in his ,oem/ '

    14bi#./ ,.F=

    1Fbi#./ ,.F4

    1Kbi#./ ,.F4. n his 1929 $reface to the book/ Russe%% has some ne+ Eua%ifications about his essay/ '-

    ree an3s orshi,5 (ori!ina%%y ,ub%ishe# in 190=). He sai# that the essay seems to

    '#e,en# u,on a meta,hysic +hich is more ,%atonic than that +hich no+ be%ie"e in.

    no %on!er re!ar# !oo# an# e"i% as obAecti"e entities +ho%%y in#e,en#ent of human

    #esires/ nor can fin# emotiona% refu!e in the rea%m of essence +ith the same inte%%ectua%confi#ence once fe%t.... $ra!matica%%y/ ho+e"er/ sti%% see a certain "a%ue in the moo#

    e;,resse# in 3- ree an3s orshi,3/ since it is ca%cu%ate# to be usefu% in times of stress


  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    an# to reinforce a #esirab%e kin# of obstinacy in the face of obstac%es.5

    1Lbi# ./ ,.>/ ,. 194). or more

    heartiness/ consu%t Nosef $ie,er3s %uci# an# mirthfu% ,hi%oso,hica% stu#ies (these are not thin ,otations/

    anemic an# hy,othetica%/ but rea% stu#ies/ fu%% of beef?)/ es,ecia%%y The n# of Time/ Ho,e an# History/n Ho,e/ an# n Tune ith the or%#I - Theory of esti"ity.

  • 8/10/2019 Francis Fukuyama_25 Years Ago and Now


    @0 e*tem!er 1989

    Hickson's Counter-?e(olutionary *oo$ o$ Fukuyama

    The Desi!nI

    1. Be !enerous an# !enerous%y festi"e +ith ironic ,raise.

    2. $raise ukuyama not for +hat he is/ but +hat he ou!ht to be.

    =. ake ukuyama a,,ear to be a +itty/ cheerfu%/ an# subt%e Counter&Re"o%utionary && a!ainstthe n%i!htenment3s Re"o%ution (an# its ori!ins an# i%% fruits of #isor#er/ #u%%ness/ an# #es,air)

    4. se the footnotes as a contra,unta% affirmation of s,iritua% chi%#hoo#/ true chi"a%ry/ an# ho,e&&fina%%y the %uci# ho,e of the martyr

    F. ,en u, to the rea#er some too %itt%e kno+n an# sa"ore# 1>th&Century Giterature/ its antece#ents/ an#subseEuent ana%o!ues && a%% of +hich are ,art of the reat Tra#ition of the Giterature of Christen#om.

    K. Try to critiEue ukuyama3s hubris an# #u%% errors in the s,irit of charity/ a%acrity/ an# mirth.

    L. Try to be a #e%i!htfu% anta!onist & as +e%% as a +orthy one & a,,ea%in! to se"era% #ifferentau#iences/ +hi%e %ea"in! them yet a %itt%e uncertain about my #ee,er intentions an# irony.


    O 2014 Robert D. Hickson


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