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Franklin D. Roosevelt - "The Great Communicator"

The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 2: " You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FDR and the New Deal

File No. 1213

1939 April1

Warm Springs, GA­Georgia Hall Dedicatory Ceremonies

J!:DICA'ro!'!Y ::.'CZRCISES PlM 1e 1n •em.or:r o: George roeter PeRbody

0eorr;1a Hall , Oeor{;1A t.'11m 5pr1n:,;ft Foundation ·.it~rv SJ)rln. ·e 1 ·leor:J.a

Aor11 1 , l'J39

:Jt. 0 1COIINOR:

Ladl es and gentlet~en :

As you all know , }J' , George Foster Peabody we.e one

of the Uret tru11.tua or this Foundation and he continued

aa trustee unt11 t~.e time or ~Ua d eath . Tl".rough the

seneroa1ty ot his daughter , Xra. ~·alte, a very beauti­

ful pl8cue hae been glven t!» the Foundation,

Dr . Johnson, apeakl ng ror J..lrs . ~ja1te , wi ll now make

the fortonl preaent11 t lon or tht\t plaoue to the roundPtlon.


At1 a favori te reeort or Georal a o.nd other aouthern

people, ',"ar::c Sprlnee was well :-:nown to Geor t;c F:=~ster

Pcabod]", and henr!nc thle property t:aa tor sale, he

resolved to look lt over wlth the 14ea ln mind or turn-

!.rld: lt lnto "Recreational P~r:< Mf! -oreeentlrltl lt to

;;la mr.tlve State -- Geor;.:la . So the next op))Ortunl ty

found hl ::: here being a:.om~ about by !-!r. l.oyleaa ( a

well-known nowePf!.permt~n ot ColU!liOua, G-e:orgln, Hr.

Poe body ' a nntlve city) 1 ~.-ho called h1B attention to A

young men Wl.nclng 1n t."l.e Hotel. 'I'h1s J.!r. Joseph had

been 11 vlotlr:t or Infantile Paralysis tor several yeare

but ror two sWimer n had been exerc1e1ng 1n the pool

l!.nd vas nov poi nted out 11e dancing 1n t.~e Hotel.

Jr&J>tll\.11 t, l\01)41e'feU U brUT

tblel• • ti'GI•tr!J't •4•l>Jlh• "'tW Bou.~~a •leMitnpll.el' fro- b'to rt bAft& nou• taken a • - tne .~ ., t. ' '" .ad•• IJbd rl n n& I 1 a!e• ""6. utdpO:' " p •• '1al)' pnparod , 4a ~ JIII.I'M\1.' • • • • t~t •~ro oat1ta4 •bm ~ • • •••t •. vtrld, ~~ tbe7 llp;lel!.l' n tho pre't'tOUSl7 prepe.ra4 ,.,.4,..,, rrtut.

::r. ?e11body' a quick aln4 t:-.ou~r.t at ~nee or . .1a

friend or ti~e yettra ln !'Ol1t1cal ll!e, 1n I;ew Xor:t

and ln '.."118-•ln..;~on -- f'ranklln Delano P.ooaevel t , ~~.nd

wlth.ou~ delAY wro~e .~r . Roosevelt v:tat he had aeen ,

uro1na hlm to cocut at once to flee !or h i !Deel! what

tho Sprinre clr:h~ do tor him, 11r. Roosevelt wu inter­

ested tor he had been told by Dr. Gold~hwe1~e. or

Boston, th&~ exerci ainc_. tl1e muscl es 1n W&r::::l water waa

the beat treat.ent a polio eurrerer could have. Ac­

co:::~pe.n1cd by Hre. Roosevelt I.e cace i~~media~ely and

the reet o! the story ia known to tile world et b.rce.

'!'he ori ginal or t;.h ))Ortr al t ln bronze o! Georre

roster Peabody wna ml'de !rom lltc by ::Velyn Lonf:l:l.!!.n

Botchelder· l:lnd wne t;1vcn to tile Hnll o~ Springe, So~~.ra­

tosa Sprincs , :lew ''ork. Th1a rcpl1cn 1s the c l tt or

:;ar jor1e Pesb;>cly t:nlte tu\~ Allma Gilbert Pardee, and

lt la my pleasure, ln their behalf, to presen t lt to

you, !:.r. President , 88 ~~:leo the Presi den t o! GeorgiA

"J11rm Snrlnc;s Fou:\dtltlon.

1-11. o• co::::ort: And now, the Presi dent o! the United States.

I a:~ verv "lAd lnde.S to 11ccept this plll~ue on be­

hlt.lf ot the ?oundatlon tor two resaons : The tlret le

thnt the F'oundo.tlon ln ll very true sense would not be

ln existence todoy httd l t not been for Hr. Peabody,

Dr. Johnson ha• told you or those enrly yeara, or

the csae of younf Joaep."l And or ;ay comlnf" oown here.

I can re::teaber &~so when the first patlenta caue nn~ I,

very III'.J.ch panic atrlo:::en - - ror t!-.ey i-.&d coce without

warnltl6 or notice - - telep.'1oned over to Dr. Johneon

to please coae over ,.nc aee 1! t~.ey were t,-oln:.. to live .

So Dr . Johm1on himself WIIB one or t:.e pioneers and I

hope thst he tllll be wl";;h tl:o rounMtlon Just 11a loflG

1111 I rom f'n(!. thnt mei'Ono juot lUI lonr; ne we live.

'.:'here la nnother t!~out;ht, too . Those or ue who

knew l.r . Pe11body rer.te:tber t}~r.t :1e llvce to ,. very r i pe

olQ. "'re . At the ali.Cle tlre we re:::te::::.ber tM:t ::r. Pf'Abody' a

heto_r: wae Just 1110 younr when he wna up 1n hie e1ght1u

110 wtcn he waa dow:~ 1n hie twent1ea. We ahall alwaya

rece;aber that youthful 8pl r1t nnd tl:.e tact tt'.at fl:ll

through hi s ure , Juat aa much in h i e lAter yetora aa

1n h1o early ye11rR , he was t r yl nK to do g;ood tor man~

kin~ , not Just here rt the Foundation but 1n lllllny other

J)lncea , ouch ae Sllr lll.tO&fl and How York Ci ty , trying to

'o e·ood t or hUC11l11 bel1~11 , :can Pnd wor..en of every oolor

and race and creed. ':'),eae t:u.nga ,.,.111 b~ re:~~eabared ,

-·-not to41'Y, Out throurh I'll tl~e ;reArs to come.

AnG. so we, on the f'oune.n t1on, nre very proud tM t

l.e WAS aasoo1o.te4 w1 th uA !rom the beE:1nn111{;.

lrtlo'Q.~.fAl. !U::AKX~ Or '.1.'1"1.:. rr.i:.~I.&>&i'!' OH '!'"r!E OCCASIOI! OF THE DEDICATIO!l 05' T~ PUQ.tlt I N UI:::oRY OF GZORQ.E ~OS~

p~:&IA HALL \·TA.l\1! SPRniGS FOU:1DATIO!l,

~ A!)rll 1, 19:59.

G I o.a very L].ad i ndeed to accent this ulaoue on bohalt

he Foundn.tion for two reo.sone : T:'le first is that the

dntlon in a ver';/ true flllnee voull\ not oe in e:cietcnoe

y h:Ld it not been for 'h· , ?eabody.

Dr . Johnson has told you of t!:.osc early years, or

the case of youn~ Joeenh and or !:IY coo in~; l1oHn ~-ere . I

can rrneoOOr a l P;O 11hcn the fil'P;t: ;m ticnts cane ant\ I,

very cuch !)llnic stricken -- tor t hey bnd cone t:i thout

warninr or ~otlce -- telo.,honed over to Dr . Johneon to

nlcc.""e Col:le over e.nd eee U' t 1:.ey we e '~int; to live .

So Dr. Johnson hl~ulr r.na one ot the '"'lioneers e.nd I hopo

that he will1 lf1th the J'oundntion jus t as lonr; as I ao and

thrt neane just as lo~ tUI we live .

There le enothcr t'tour·ht, too. 'i'hose of ua who knew

Hr. l'cnbody re:nenber that he lived to a very ri!)e old nee .

At t he se.~e tlme we re!:lember that !lr. Peabody ' s heart 11411

Juet as younr,o; when ho wnc~n hie eirhtles ne ~:hen he ~10.8 down ln hls twenties. We ahnll nlwo.ys remenber that

youthful s lirit and the tact thnt all throurh hls llte,

just ae much in hls later yco.ra 0.11 ln his ee.rly yeara

he wae !Jrying to do cood tor cn.nkind, not Just here at the

til . I OBNSOtft

DJDICAT<In' Ul!ltCIOJ8 PLl(lUI Ill UlaLORT 01 Oli<IIIJI J'OO'f'm P'So\BOVf

OltCI!OlA BAll., lARW fiPRntCG l00Jm4'1'I OW Ap1'1l l , 1931


wu. SpriiiP •• ..u u.o.. ~ ~ ron .. '-MOo ead. a_,...

1al; \bh pro~ ... to-, •la, M n•l" ... k look 1\ HW ri\tl

\he u ... la •la6 or ,val., u l aM • RM,..U--.1. Puk au pn-

..,..,..,.,..fit eot.-., o.c.wi•o r.:r. P•bob'• •U" ettrl,

111M) Hll .. ~. •U•Uo. t o a JQ'-1 - t .. ab& la \b.o Rnelo

-I -

~~ ,...,.. 1A poUU oal Ute, lA "" Tork •114 1a l'alllt.IICtoa -

tnakUa De,lt.oo P.-rr•U., aa.4 wlt.bout delay W%'0\1 Jlr, ROOHftllt

1ilbat be b&4 ,._, IO'Jial bla \o ~ at "" to - tor bt.aHlt

.... , \ale 9Jrillll• a!Abt do tor bill . )tr . aoo ..... u •• hterenM

tor be bM Mea told b)' cr. Ool41thaUe, of BMtn.0 tMt e.u.h ­

lac tM -~ .. b ..u. •••r ••• Ule ••• \I'M.-...t • poUo ..r­

ru- 101ll4 baYI , A.o_,..le& bJ "'*'•• RooarreU. hlo ._. '-t­

latelJ ud th ren ot tM do17 h Don. t o the 1KII'l4 ot J.up,

'ftlo wS,l-.1 ot tb.h portnt.t 111 broDM ot C.Orp J'onw ~

-. _.. ,..._ Ute .,- :IW!TD ..._... IDWM14• &114 •• 11,.. W

the IIAU ot S,.. .... 1, .,....._.. s,r.u..-, ..... Torlr:, ftll UpU•

h tu cltt or t~azJor~ ~MQ W•t.t• .... Alt. oub.n J'utM,

... U h 10' plMIIIno 1a tbeil 'NMlfo to pHMIIt U: to )"D'I,

Mr . PrH14 .. t, •• abo the Phaldlot or 0.CW&1• Yo. ! prtac­

J..UUoa •

.:R. 0'0CiJII'Citl

W IIOW, tho Pn•14•t of tho oatk4 8tatM.


I .. Wl'f &la4 lla4ftlt W IO..,t tbh plaqve OG bo"lf

Of \bO r~UOG tor hO 1'-~1\.11 'f'b.1 flJ'p 11 that \ bol Palla•

4&t1oa 1a a 'fVJ' tn.o •- would aot M 1A e:r.hteDOo to41l7 bM.

1\ aot Mel tf8 l!l'o "-'*'7•

llro J'olia80D )lou \DU JCM Of \)loOM .. 1'1.7 ,_,.., Of the l UI

ot JO'-C IOM'pb aDd of.., ocal.lc dfMfa Mn, I oa.a r ...... tN alM

Wb• \be fir•\ s-Uch - aad :r, Y_,. -..u. puh •tri•U. -

t e \b8J' ba4 oOJM wi\bw\ w.ral"ff or M UM - telepMMII o.,.,,

to Pr. r-..o.. '' pl- - " .. • • - J.t , .. .,. ...,. pi .. ••

-.-lh'a , So tb' o lotuaeoa b.S...lf -.. o .. ot \M p lMMn U4 I

bo,_ "•' M wUl N wltb \ M J'ou.U\1n jut a a 10111: a a I -

&ao4 ~·• ..,...,. j u..t •• loac aa "' lha,

'I"Ura h aaothw t~t, \00, !'110M or u l!fto m .. n .

P•Mb ......_, \bat: be U,..a \o 1 .. _., n.,. oU .... At n a

- ·~ .... ~ \ tat ac.-. ,_~·· Moen ••• ,... •• ,_.,.

wben M ... up ill b.11 ai&ti.Uaa 11 tlbea 1u •• 4~ l a bh ,_

Uaa. I a aMJ.l l lw.)'l .._.... t bat JC)\Itbt\1.1 lplrit U d \ h

hot nat a u \I#O"fb. hla u r a. Jwn u -b. 1a 11111 Htn JMr•

u 1• b la nrl:t ,..,-,, M -. \J7JDA to 4o &oo4 tor -:tlM, .n

Jut lrlne at nte to.ul4at1oa bwt. S.. __,. oU.w pl.MM 0 1110b ••

&ua\0.., q~. w .. Twll CU J , \JTI.ac to •• aood tor 11- M1_.,

- aM ._, of nU')' 1 01011' a d Hll 111111 OI"Hdo ,.... Ut.i.Jtce

wt.U M r ..... l'tllt, 110\ t.OO..J, bu.t tb.roucb au u.. ,....n to .....

..... .. "'• OD tba P-.oaUOil, &r. ._, prou& tbat lll •o

aa.o.I.II.\M Wl\b. - t'rca \M Mclaalaco

JiGi , o •cotoKih

DR, JotliSOfll


OICWOIA IIAU.0 BRW srtlD OB ~TIOif April 10 l t3t

' \

Ao • h\'GII'lt.o ....-.art. ot Oeor•.l& allll ot.hv .out.Mn ,...,1•,

Wuw 8prl .... -• .. u tao. t.o OIOrc• Fo.t.«r ~bof:r, aa4 11.....­

S.... \ll.h popwt.J' -• t'~n •h, 1M r.•h ... t.o look lt. .... _. wl\h

-t.LDc U t.o hh .. u ... St.at.o - o.orpo. So t.M .. :n opporh•·

lt.,. tou4 11111 Mn Mbc a ... abo\lt. -.,. wr. l.OJ'h• (• .. u-kHn

.. .,.,.-., ot Col.-uo 0..-'•• lo:J', P•M47'• Mt.lft ou,.),

1lbo oallM lt.to at.t.•Un t.o a ro-. - Caaela& la Ut.o !IDt.ol.

u4 MO ... polat.M out. " 4&DI~ 111 t.IM Kohl.

-·-th J.U. 1a pollttoal Ute, 1a Rw Tort "" b •••llll'"- -

P'nl.aklla O.lalto P.OCN..,Ilto U.( Wl\~t 111117 .rot• Kro Roo-It

wt..t he t.4 ..... urct.c hta t.o • - ' ' oa•• t o ... tor ll-..lr

'llbat tbl Sprt. .. l at«ht 6o fOl' bS.. NJ' , ROOM"t'llt: •• ht~-' ...

tor bl bad Mea told '117 Dr. Ooldtb•U• , or Boa10a, ,.,, nltftll~

lac t h• au.Mh• h wua •tn ••• tbe Mit '"*-.at • pollo ..r. ,....,. o<Nl4 li&Tio Al~ll& llJ' MJ'Io Jtoo...,1l\ hi ·- u..f•

laUlJ ud tM r••t ot t he etor, h bon. t o the 11C111'l4 •t lu,.,

fte ort&lll&l O't Uah portn.U la lln.H ot Georp fo.t• ~

•• -... tr-e. Ute ll7 JWl.p ~· lot•UU,_. u4 •• d~ te

tbe Ball or BPI'~ • ..,_-... SpJ'lJI&e, ,.. TGI'k. ft ll replt. ..

II U• c l n of IIIArjorl• P•bo47 'lf.S.h u.t. Al~ OUhrt -,...a .. , 11111 1t h ., plMIIlN1 la \heir ll1Mlf, to pr1-t U to J'O'Ilo

Hr . '"-l de11t, •• aho n e Pl' .. 14,Dt or Oeoral• YllN s v lap


J.a4 IIOW, tbe Preeld•t or \be Ol!J.ut 8\&t.ee.


I ua "I'J' &1&4 laMM to u..,t tlt.le pJ.aq• oe b.t\&lt

of tb• J'o.a4at1oa tor t'IIO r .. toul fte ttrn t. that t bl ~·

4a\1oa 1D 1 • err true llriH 1oultl aot be 1a 11btiRI tOOly M4

U aot ll"ll tor lfr, Peabod,J,

Dr . 1~a b•• told JOU or t ho .. • r lJ' ,_,., , ot \lll 1111

Of FO\IUC lN. &All ot tV IQidlc 4Gtm IMH, I caa J'- ber 11M

• • \bl run ,.u.h - aa4 r, "flr1 .. o ~11 • \rhha -

t« Vl'7 lid ,_ w1 \hout ~ or 110t11• •• hl•pkl"" O't.,. to Dr· 1._ \o pl- - ner •M ... 1t tb.,- ..... cotac te

-.-1o Dr. loha- llb!Mlt -• 0111 or n.e plottMrt •• I

bope \lw.t U ~lU M •nb \lie J>CIWM!Attoa Jut u ln« •• t ..

&Did Ua\ ... u jut •• loDf • • w UYe,

t'Ure h aeot.t:er t~t, Mo . fto.e ot v.e who n .. VJo,

P•liM7 .._.._ t llat be lh .. \o • "fWY n,. o14 ace . At tlrr.e

- u .. •• r~ t.bat ltr'. fl•ltotJ'• beari ••• Juet. •• ,._..

.tin lie -• v;p 1.a bta eJ.cbt1ea •• llbeD 1:11 -.a do.a t:c till ,,...

Ute, We eball t l 'R1'1 l'«WWIIb.r \hat JOII.thtul epll'U a.lll t he

faot tha t. aU t.broU.Ch h11 U te , Ju.t. .. .ah b bh later reue

- 11. lala e&rlJ ,-.ue, t. -. \1'7ht« W do cood tor ..Ula4, an

Jut MH at tM folz:llhU= '"'' 1A -...,. otllv pl.ao .. , nm • •

SU.t~ &D4 Nft TOZ'Ir: cu,., t!'J'bc to do tood for hWIIU Mtec-,

... eM '110111 of "'"" e olor aad ra .. aDd aHM. ,..._., tbiJicS

Will M J' ...... J'H, IWt to4aJ 0 b lot\ 'h~ Ill '\M )'MH to 0 ...

ADf. ",.., •• tb.e P~Uoa, v. ,..,.,. pn..t tba\ he -•

••-t.».t.M wsn u tl'<a \he McU.S....


.,CF.,orto,tr(,eot'tot~<•r"la & oWr .. 0..,~· :n p.,oplu , ' I'I'I .. Jn'li\,I!'S • \ol ·ll ~nown ~o ~JJo ."'o t1.or ?oab0d,1 &lli! _,rir. -.~ia prol'!· t tt t.at f or ,_10 hC N oho4 to l ook 1\0'for WI t.h woa ~~ m.1n4 or \lll'nin 1t

1n\o a 1oeroa\lonal Park I. pNtont­tn.r u to hie rur.tho . bto - aoor d•

0 h no:~:t opporC~LnltJ' >outd hlll In;- rhollil'l eboo\ bJ lllr . Loyl"•

woU t:oown nudPI.JIO~ of Col~ v. , . ,ll;r. J\Io.bo4J' ' ' Dlltl,.. eUJ') PO called hb etton.UOII \0 a )'0\Uio­

_,, (l.c,nein,!' 111 t.tu -~\.til : thiS lro Jo~ fh hii.O :t.n e YleU• or lnfen\llo P..rel,Jth tor se1'0ral yoart ,_,. tor \1f0 mu-r• . .o.d boon e:~:eretdr.~ In \oW pool e.n4 -.r~o.l now polnt.e4 out •• 4011Jle1n.-ln tAO ~Wl• •. r . 1'- abody ' a ,._uiek aln4 tnu"''h\ a t or.co o< hh friend. of ~h• •"' In J!Olltlet.l lifo , tn l\<Jw Yor~ enG 1n

at ol1. ton - : ranllln lt.no . ..oo:ou­Yoh ell!! ... lt!\01,1t OOla../ WT<It~ kr. ~Oit>YOH ,.h .t ~ .111d 1 un ,ur ·lne bh1 to eo~~oJ at ollCo to •.-: ror •II ... •olr .... -...t tbo .s~r1rv-• a1 h\ do tor hi•• a.t . !!oOBO'fO} \ 'Oj88 11'1\.GNB\04 , for bo hll.d :(>on \ol d 1:1)- Dr. ·old\hwalt! or ~•;on t.h~~ot oxorcllin,g t.ho -•clos lnwe.rm-.wr-1 tho ioOit troat..cnt. a polio aurroror ocul4 haYO . 4CCOMPo.ft­lod b)' Lr" . ft)OIOntlt Ql COM l.-..i1ut 1.7 and t.;.o rvlt of tho UOr / b lalo<m to \ho 'M)r ld 11.\ largo . ,'ho Ot'l·lnal Of thh ;:ortrdt in toronso oi ?cOI"F':'Q Poat.or Poabod,y waa ~"'ido !roc lito bJ' :.,ol ,.n Lon,.~n Bote.~ 14or ami wo• ·hon to thu Hall or ~pri/IP.I , feratore

.,p..-e I<Y. hil rapliea 11 tho I"Ht ot l.:arJorlo Peabocy .,ai\1 ond .. u. Cll<>ilrt h.rdeo ond h 1' rtlil ploe11uo tn t.netr bohalr to Jll'OMn\ h to .1011.

kl'. Proeldont, o• alao \ha Prosldant ot :Jo;;or~a ·ara prillf"l :'ouna -:lor..

DEI>ICA'l'OR'l EXJo:RCIS£8 \ieor-:;la 1:1tor:::l Sprint•• FounJ.to t1on So~100l

Geor>l ll i:Ara SDrlnce Foundation .:ai"'Q Sprln,ae, Oeore:;l A

Apr11 1 , 1939, (&bout 0 .00 P. J.:)


J.!r . Prealdent , triendA or tho Foundation:

I M certain that this h a very happy day tor all

or u e . \o'e !".ave a double taek -- a triple taek today

but t.lJ.ey are all very plealltlllt undertaklnge.

V.y poaltlon today 1e me:-el:r that or =aeter or cere­

a onies and I ahall try to ~bide b7 that role.

I think 1t 18 most appropriate that I should read

to you a letter w ·.ich I hAve Just received this aor ni ng

trom l4rs . Tuck who, aa you know, hes given tllll'l School

t o the Founda.tl on:

'D::IbAny o! t.lJ.e United Statea of k:lerica

J.iy deu l:r . O' Connor ,

buenos .Urea , Arc;entina, :.arc!\ 25th, 1939.

Your letter or ,;arch 17t."-l tell1ng co t hat

t:1e ee.':ool ia to be dedicat&d 11t 3 . 00 P. ~! . on

A!Jrll first , rer.ched r.1e t~~il!l morning. I have .1t.

g rellt long:lll{; to be pr esent on t h.:l.t day , - it i a

with sincere And deep regret tha. t I lUll unable to

do so. I had cona1dered !lying to klerica but

having- ~~ade the trip to Ch1le by plane two veeke

ago to see my tully, I gave up the i deA , knowing

fr1ll\lr.lh' D. ttoo .... h Ltc •• -rr

Tbl• ts a tr""scrlpt •d• bJ ths Ybns Kousa stsnor.ri'Pitr"t rro• II:• st('rt~ not•• tiP~• at. th• \l~:e tbe r.""~h ... ub. ·,-, arl ntnr; on41·•t•• wtl"4s sr.uapora- !y a4tle4 t · •" f • •tou•lJ prepar<t4 ·I&( Y1 UI • lc:4e ln ~~til••·•• &I'• w-.r4• t~t •fr& ca~ He4 when thr •peech WaR dettn:!'M., tl:lo\lfth t.bey III'JIS""" 11'> th!ll prev.101ll117 p!'apt.n4 readhll: copy tnt.

it h"aa ore t:.11:1 I c~u1.d unu.ertll.ke .

•t 1'1 11.vnr~ of t.:,. t11ot tf:~~ t you r:uty re~~:d

t.:1P letter At t:.n tt 1e the School 1a decUctlted , -

I r eallr.o till\t the Proaif,ent rl ll be t.">J.er e ; t hi e

i e a e,-ren t honour nnd I am most gr a t eful tor the

Prea!dent 1 a oreoence. I wou ld 11:te t o t:l'lke A few

::dnutee or your ti1:e to toll tlle stor y or 10w the

?lt>..ns :or tl.e School be;nn.

•r~ .:u~e . 1!):5? , l.r. ilullitt, our A'J.bttaaador

in ? n.ria ea!~ed e to :.elp :'li~ Vi tL tr.e <o.soorAting

ond tur n1ah1n.; ot his i.ouae in th2 country. We were

caalt:i ne t! tour or t>:e rlnt1cue shops in 1.11' c~tr one

dey HhC!"'I he sn1d t? ~te , 1 It ever I ct'n do ttnythlnc:

for you or your huob11.nU, lilll you !et me :~now? 1 I

t :.t'nt:e6. ~.1.:~. , enc. tole. ;1in I l".cC. a re('uest to r.~alte

ir:;..;edlt!toly! I Yt'ntcd to :-r~"lO"It.' H t:1e Preaiucnt

'O:oul cl P.l Wl':fl c: lnt11in hie kt'en an<!. I'Oti ve i ntereAt

1:"1 'Jr-r.:11 S-pri~a . t1· . 9·Jll1t t ani <l. he nou_:h t 80

t'nci Vll.:tted to "":now '-'~~ I r·11l:ed t..'te c•Jeatlon. I t ol d

.:ill I t:tO'.~.Lht eo , too , Out ti14 t I wanted l' definite

on awer to 1:11 oueatlO:"J ! I to l d him thnt since 1919

I l:.nd beon ver y t:~uoh interested 1n wor k tor phyal ­

cally hllnd1capped chlldron, i n per t i cul !\r the phyfl i O­

t he r ep:r nne. aoholnati c par ts o f the YOr k , - f'nd tht~ t

I wanted to lve n echool but t:'t8t I wf'n ted to ,!five

t he school to fin lnfltitution t..lut t was or-t>!"'llr.ed and


poel"CCl'nent, ,.tm tl'u•t I co•Jlc! sele-ct no better tj:fln

lJ".e 1nat1tut1on tl:11t Willi under t."'te guidance and

leadera..'Up or our Preolci.ent . Ill'. Bullltt eoma~unl­

cttted wttr tl'-.e Prealdent 11.ne ::~y offer wAe , I l'll:l

moa t happy t o llll.f , ncoept ed.

"I tall th1a stor y bec~tuse I &hould like to

hl\ve !:r. Bull1tt 1Uentltle4 with tl':.e ded1CI'I t1on O!

the School today; he "''"' eo largelY lnetrw.:.ental

and helpful ln =tt..'<:ln!; todiQ' ?OeG!t.le , ~tnd ll ·rut

lnnplrntl:)n dur!n • t.:.e tt.·o ye11rt thl!t ve were prl vl­

let;eC:. to form nnrt of .!a et11fr .

"I _·1ve tl.lll School to t.'te ~Ol"f.'ln ;:,.rm Sprlnr;e

Foundt'tlon wtt: A deep lnterl'at &nC. nf!eotlon tor

the ch1ldren vho w1ll CJ"'RB 1 ttt threshold, I enrn-

eetly hope thflt tt.e Hr11d hletreeB end teachers will

t ake an 1ndlv16.\UIIl lntereet in ePch tnd ever:r ch114

rnti t:-"..st tl'.ue o~llc!.ren wll l l errn !ro• ~.eu not

only t.~e!r 41'11)' lonona but t..'le rreater leuon or

lenrnlne:; to adJust t.~e 1nd1v14ulll. probh:u t.~at eon­

front t.'lem , to llte, wlt; oonr1e.ence Anc_ courage .

•r ll!:l "'t present 11v1ng 1n A rnr 41•tnnt lf'!nd ,

:::.nrrled to " ro:relr;n Re1·v1oe otflce:r. lie have our

problorae t o fl'oe fiG well , rnd 1nep1:rPt1on , courer-re

And oonfl dence oonee to us ln t.}o,.e knowledCe t hflt we

nre wor:tlne; not only tor o:l-r country but !or our

?rcllldent ,.;lo Me Wtf'Ded. 110 ra.r l'bove IUld beyond

-·-h111 :oereonal proble=• to the grest pl ace he occu­

pies in t he world tor good a nd right. Our probleaa

boco~e ao un.ll in eor:~par111on and lllll I look at the

photograph he eo ~lndly· save us , I am given troeh

courage each day to try and do r.IY tiny shAre.

• •!Ar thl e School help t o give the Presi dent

a little added pride in the [;r eat a nd splendid worl:.

he 1e dolna: at the Goort;ll!. lla:ro S))rlngs Foundation -­

t..'l.le 1e 'IA7 aoat earnest hope,

• t s.l>.all be with you Pll ln thought on Satur­

day, Apr11 !lrat, at three o ' clock.

~'lory alncorely yours , Katherine ruck. •

I suppose there 10 no one better equipped to tell ua

wha t this Sch ool will r.IBI'In to the Foundation than your

Head l:latrees , Mre . Huntln~ton.


I t."llnk lt should be lntercetlns on t..,1a occt~ elon

to he11r a few facta connected with t he hletOr J ot thla

School . 0! courae lt l a obvloua that A school , auch

All we have trled to operate , requlrea dl tterent han­

dU ne t :ro:1 a reoular ae~ool. Firat, each pupil re­

qu1rea :;~ore pereonnl nttentlon ; eecond, the hours tor

1notruct1on are ehort; t h ird , we have to have a wider

variety ot equip~:~ont 11nd , fourth , each pupi l require•

:ore floor apAce . Our present setup illua tratea thi a .

The aedical treatment, ot cource, tnltea pr ecedence


en ... ahoulll, ln 117 oplnlon, never be ot:-.erwlae .

U!'J untll t.'le ;~el'r l~'ZS , t~ere w11:a no re-ubr

rouOCatlon School, there beln merely ~rlvrote t·ltor­

lnr- f'or ro t'e\; Pl'-tl enta done by A j)lltlent . In 19~ ,

~1ilen I came we !111d only 11 nort or klnderr;Rrten, ln­

c lwUng three oatlen t a 11nd two Able bodied, ln }:re .

L . PAttlaont a nursery . It was R prh•ate school. In

1929 the echool becAUe a ]lllrt or tte Founa.auon wrk.

3rou)) clt>sses ttere held ln the old pl~ty~.ouse ftnd ve

h:l.d four teen pupils. In the next ceve!'t yenr a "'•

:.ov ed b:oclt rnd !'ort:1 be tween t::ere, t:.1e old Annex

Rn(l t:ie prlvate dlalrw rooc or Geor ,.l P. Hnll.

In 1936, two rooms were tlxed over 1n the Bradl ey

t.:o ttn,~e . one ror .;roup .... or~t rnd one ror tutorln:,. . Up

to t.'lat tlme tile tutorln • h"d been 11one coat Any plfloe

llnd still l s , to sone extent.

i:3et;lnn1nf" in l!J~:? nn.l tor tlve yeArs, :-:ra . tacky

Allen wc.a on our a .. P!!. S!.:tce 19~, ::ra. s;-:lpp haa

Q.One tuto!'ln::. .\rt!:ur Dolter, P !~tlent , tutored

yepr be!'o:-e l~>at ~tn<l lrat fflll John Barroua Vfl.e Pdded

to our stat!, to; 1V1flt' opeclt\l Pttentl on to t !:.e boye .

Our Pttendance !lgurea do not furnloh P. truo :JOPOure

o:r vnlue . At t1111ea we have hrd 45 pup ils . \'Je now have

2P, 19 r>~~t1entfl ~tnd three t'.ble-bocUed children.

In 1928, the OcouJ)II.tlond ':'herap:; :;ePttrUent wae

11tarted 1n one roon o! t.'\e t;1en unoccuo1ed Lovelac e


Cottase. It vl'la begun by a phydo, !:ancy W11taon find

one or l:er 1)6t1ente, Dick i:cFeely, Aa "' leatter craft

hobby , vhlch gradua1ly drell' an lntereeted group. 'l'he1

moved t:> t:"':e old plAyhouae whe r e metal cr aft WA& nddtd.

'i":leae cr11fta wore continued by the houee a~othor , J.lre .

Patt1Aon, end Ster11r'lg Haver tor A. year nnd a hlllt .

In September, 1932, r ror::aer patient, our Jeanette

Ileal, toolt over cJ•att potlvltlaa 1!.8 a det1n1ta depart ­

~ent and i t wae ar;A1n locnted ln one- hPlt o~ t.'le Love-

l ace Cottnge. Arter Geory:lc. P.l!ll ~:na ~llt lt vaa

loce.ted in ita Aouth wing. ~-en be6an the develop:~~ent

ot tl1e t.'terp;peutlc Vlllue 'lf occupational t:terapy, t>dllpt­

l ng Mndlcr.~~rta ae ar::~ oxeroleea . T::1ls ,.ork t~an be­

cnme a branch or the i:adloRl :Jopnrt~1ent . ::1ea Flora

Spur.:con l".es recent ly been adlled to the starr to assist

You c~>.n np!)reci l\te !ro:l t l.e torer;o1n.; aketchy hhtory

t~t ve have, t~roUGh t hese ten years , bee:t hMdi oapped

b;t t:1e lac~ or a ' ho:~~e ' and ? rol')er ec,ui;>aent. 'O'hanka

to Hra. '!'uck, t he cooperation or the 'i"ruatcea and other

poraonnel , we no~ look rorw&rd to a lnrger :II:OAaur e or

auoceso . On behalf of t ho Ststf' , I wish t o express my

doepoot approc1At1on ! or t !1in magn:.nce:1.t new buildinG

end hope thn.t we ohnll be aOle to produce such reaulta

t:tnt neither i:ra. Tuck nor any of' you will ever re? ret

having ::wde th1a pou1ble.


!:R. o• co:J::oR: I think I oua:ht to eay to you youngsters that you

have Just had a del1Chttul treat . You may htLv e eat

ln your eehoolroo:!le on Clll.ny oocaalons in rear or your

teacher but I oa.n assure you that &..'le has just etood

before you ln even greeter ten.r . I can only say I

hope you handle yourselves lUJ well betore her as ahe

hAs before you.

I tL:I 1nrormed t:1at a11 or the orators today , even

including the President, have very bad cases or the

Jitters. I only arrived thle Mrnlng, eo 1 don ' t

know whs: t thll. t mlch t be due to .

The next epenker 11 one who knows '.lan Springe as

well as MY or ue . She hAa been here tor lllany yenr a .

She hee been devoted to t!'le work here a nd she le one

ot the cuatodlo.na or the tund provided b7 Kra. Tuck

fro:~ Yhle!'l. th1e School vlll be maintained during the

next ten years .

Kra . 'l'ue:t 1a very eh.d and eo are we to have Hra.

Plereon represent Hra. Tuck on thla ocecBlon .

MRS. Pie:RSOll :

!:rs . Tuolt aeltcd me to expreea her alnccre regret

l n belng unablo t o be pr esent today.

Since ehe vaa a very youfl8 g1rl , Hre. Tuck haa

been helping ;>}lyalel\llY hftnd1oapped children. She

used to be ,. Yery actlve worker at the Detroit

OrthopeC.ie Cllnic. Later ehe gave a beautU'ul pool

to the Sigma G8.llllllla Convalescent Home. Then, believ­

ing that education iA ae BreA.t a need for the hllndi­

cnp!)ed e.e health, ehe gav e a well- equipped hospi t al­

school to thla sue Home.

'l'houeh Mre . Tuot. hAs been livine abroad for some

yet're, ahe hl>d heo.rd o! the wonderful accompliehaents

at i:iarm Sprint;e. She came to ue a few year& aso and

ae!ted about the eduoatlonal work bei!'lij done here .

Upon hearing of the lllok or adequate t'aellitlea, 8he

generoualy offered to donate the tunde to ceet thle

need. This beautiful bullding io the r esult.

I wish i-!re , Tuolt could be her e to see tor her self

how ::~uch it 111 going to mean to c.ll or us nnd we hope

the next tioe she comee hoe~e fro:~ ti:.e Arsentlne ehe

will be our cueet here At liarm Sprlnga.

~!R. 0 1CO!Ili0!'1. :

Le.dl ee 11nn Gentle:~~en, the orator thnt neede no

introduc tion; the Preeiden t or the United Sta tu:

-·-'1'HZ Pit.:<iiDE::'J' :

V.e111beN or the Vnr::~ Springe !Milly and tellow­

jltterer e :

I think that thoee of UB who )uwe been ln irlllrll

Springe elnce the early daye of "t:le Foundn tlon ~re

perhnpe gl11d thAt tho completed Rrtlcle di d not oocte

into belns nll At one tlll'le; ln other words, that lt

hll& taken r creat ~ny ;yenre tor ue to develop our

physical Plllnt . Becauae lt ht!c tll.l:.e::~ eo long, t.·e

have probably avoided a e:r ent cany ml etakee t..'>tat we

to:o~d h.·we eo:"!:''1tted 1! ~11 theee bu1ld1nt;e had been

put up at t he beglnnlne.

There agnl n , I \H1nt to emphasize one thought to

you t odny Pbout the Foundllt1on . Peopl e think ot :~arm

Springe u Just B pb.oe dedlcstod to "'!Bdlcal ca.re,

Juet another hoepltal. And yet, thinking back, they

cAnnot realize eor::e ot the 2any problema that we have

had to face and et1ll hli.Ye to race. I r. tor exuple,

War:n Sprin,ga Foundation were locAted ln a clty, th!.nk

of all the thlnte that we vou1d not have t, hDve.

Th1n!t or the eduollt10nAl taoll1t1ea of " large co~~:~~u­

nlty. l.'e would not M ve to hnve a tire depart::~ent ;

we .,.ould not have t o have roeda . We would not hAve to

have the care or t he !l.l.Gilllee or the pa. tlente A.nd ,

bclleve ce, that 1l aulte a c~re . \1e would nat have

to work on t:'le eoo1al proble!ll 1 ! l:B were located ln R

city. Here we Mve t.heae MnJ outaide ut.tere to

t:1in!.t o! and to care tor , and one ot t.he11 hae been the

oueetion ot eduoRt.lon. It haa not 'been , again , aerely

the cueation ot run ni ng a village echool, 'becauae in

each caoe we have httd to t hink or the i ndi vi dual pro­

bl em or t he boy or g i rl who receives instruction. We

have had to think not only ot book learning but, AI

ti::.e Me gone on, the reb tionah1p of book learning

to vhat t!1e 1nd1•1dual o~~1lu can do p.'l;relcdlJ &nd,

vi th t hat , thle crow' nr ac1ence or educnt1onlll train~

1ng, the need o! !1 tt1n.) each case into the broad

c1 r<:Ulls tnncee or that caee .

So , here at './Ar;;l SorintJA, I ar.1 ·:lad thllt t~e have

developed elovly. Thio butldtnc lo r:o1ns to torm a

ver~· t-~onder!ul center. ActuAlly , 1 ;o back a G()od

:ntmy yeAr s before J.trs . Huntington, whe:J the only thing

we luld in the WBJ" o! learning wa• a little bit of "

rooo called ''i'he Librnry ' and people , v!:.en they sot

throu::;h vith detective stories and other ratry talee

1rould give their boOke to the LibrAr y . Th•t wae the

only voluntery instruction or the eArl i er dAye. SO

you eee how t he plROe hl\e grown. 'l'he whole educational

proi:lle~ has gr own w1 th the t~dVAnce or medical sci ence

that coea with the car e ot the indivi dual patient.

I am ver y happy becauee or thlo spl endi d ~itt or

l:r c . Tuck and I u •ure that i apeak tor enrybod7


here Y~en I sugt;est thkt J.i.r. O' Connor send her a

tclegrft.tl to tell .~er or then del1ghttul dedicatory

excre1eee , tnat all or t;\4, U11.m Spr1nc;e tam1ly were

here tond tha t t:1cy hope very much when she returne

to t Le Un1tod Stntcn eho will C'>~e dovn to Warm

Spr1nge 111nd v1o1t ue.

Dl:l-ICA'roRX B.it.ERCI SES I 'lARK 6PB[~08 FiXJKDi.fLN SCHOOL .l.o I

/ AprU 1, 19}']. '_/

~r. Pruhlel.t., t rlen.J.a or t he Fowu1&t -onl

I u. cerw.1n t .Ult t.nia h • ver-; ha.po)f day for all

le :lave a double t.Mak -- a t r 1 iJl e tioa:C: tod"Y

M¥ pos_u ... n t.od4 1~ .::aer e.l.y t..'1.at or u~ter or

oer•onl u 1.nd I ll!luH try t <l ab1..:e by that role.

I thi.niC 1t 1a .oa.J!lt a~,,ro;.ril..te t.lult I should na:i

t o f.:>U a letter •h1cn 1 rwve Ju .. t rec eive .. thh •.J:-n1ni

fr.JW U.r s . Tuck 'll'bo, *8 you kt\01111\...B a1ven thill Scho.>l

to the Found a t1oru

"~baSI)' ot the Unit~ Statu ot ucrlca

KJ dear Mr. O•C~or,

E.uen.,a Alro&, .Ar,;es.t.lna, K.urch 25t.h, 19J1o

Y ur lt.tter ot M1lr ch 17th t.elll 11.1 111e ttt.t the

:;cbo~l 1a tJ be doutcate>l a t ,3 . 00 p . U. on J.prll

f i rst , rc!lt.Ch.ed a e this ~aornlngo I twve a area t

lonatne: t.u he presout .m that dl>,( , - U. 1s 'lllit.h

sincere ~on ... doolp re.ar e t. t.~u. L I WI wuu .. l e to do ao.

I had conrld -re t l.)'106 t.o Amurlca bu t hit. lin.,. aud.e

t..u trlp t<l Chile 4 1Jlt.n• t110 '-e&.it.J "'o 1.0 tee llY

taaUl· , 1 &a.ve U) \.hO ide., , .wo·dn& 1t wt.l •.}re

t han 1 could. w.d.er tllt.ke .

•1 •• ... al"e Ol Lta l&c:t. taa t. )0\1 wy r"d

t:ti latte r a t tJl& tb.e t.-te .. cl\001 1~ 11od1cated, -

I radl-e tnat tile f"re~ldant will be t.'lere ; thla

i s a l r'&ll.t h.J~oour ttnd I ... awlll t ara. tetu.l tor t.i\e

President' • ,lreae: oe. I ould like to tat.lc:e a fa•

ait>utes ot y<JUr t i ll& t<> tell tbe s t J I')' ot tun• t~e

plli ... a tor the &chool bea:t•Jt.

2 .

• I n June, 19J7, llr. Bull! t t , our Nab..asalior

1n P .. rt:s ••'-~ r.o to nelp h ill •.t.h L'l& oec .ratlnl

and 1\;.rlll~b;..l\4 ot hla aouae in the e<>untry. Ia ware

._.,lei!..& a tour J! t.•u• ~or.ti uo sh. '9' n hl car one

da)' •n.on na s .. ld t.l a.e, •It e•OJr I c n d:l IUlYthin&

tor y,;,u or )'our hu.1baud, t 111 you lot toe .if.DO•? '

I tht:.ll .. ;ted ht. , ud t.;,ld :11 ... I h· d r.. re ,ueat tu lr.l<~f&

b.aedlately. 1 1 tr.a.n -~ t.o no" i t -~• Pre ·t.aut

W<>al.d ~~ol•loJIJ -11lt1l1.n .J.,.. ;t&Ul !...ll..o t.C l1Y8 intllf'&l t

1n 'kar:: bprin&.J.o lllr · Blll.litt :sllld .e thlli .. Qlt ao,

WJ.d ••. nted t.o .. uo• ~ 1 .. ~._ked t.'le ..,t.~estl m.

I wld h1.:l I tnou;ht ao, lo~, b'.lt tnt. t I ••ntec a

de: 1nlte ~on::~ur to rq touoatiunl I lold t.1.a tnat

since 1918 I hat. be\;n 1017 much 1ntcrutod 1n work

tor P1 1¥S1call.y tu.•.U1c:a.ppeJ chlldre , in pc.r t1cular

t.he ~s1other&pf r.oo Jcbol a.. t1c purt.5 O! the wori<, -

t.nd t.:wt I •• n.e .. to , .s. ve a. ac.aool but t.b.ot. I

wante4 to 11Ye t..'le acbool w hn institution t.hat

•u or .. ni&ed and per:.l.oollent, and that I coultJ. .. b e t

'· no bett er Ulan t.he l natitolt.llln t :\lat ••- under the

JU1do.nce and lea\Oershlp or our Preddent. Mr. !ul.lltt

COCIIIIUJ.1Ce t f'<l with the PreSident a.od 11:1 o r r r waa , t u

III03t t\uppJ t u SU:J, L COeptedo

•I tell t U' tt.o· y t)ocnuse 1 ab.oul d l1ku to

hftve th·· Bullitt 1d 11tl lev Yltn l.":e d!Kll or.tl n or

the I!Ch.O\ll t,')d; j'; b.G .... 10 lar.ely inatr~.~.aenu.l

ud holpt'ul lu ~ tod.lll .,lO;;~lc.le, u:. A "' ~rut

in :;t1r.::.t1 n aurlna: uae two y a.r:l. tb&.t e •~re

;n·l 1lll'd4Kl to rnra ;u:rt or 1.1 ;..~rr.

111 1i1v• tf\!a .:t,;D!,)Ol ta the G ... ..:.r61 t. t .. n.

C. rln~::. ?vll!.~ t.l .n 1 h .. U• -P 1nt.ertaL ur.. -..roc-

t1 ·D !o!' t.10 ol\.ltJl'Ci1 11u 111 crus. 1 t.1.0 threahul d .

I 111 rno:Jtly .l::Jye Uv. t tho llea.J lliatrea:s l.Dd t otochera

.:lllld, •ra tll"t t..1o ~ cnU<.ren 1-- l tiarn tr.:a;a tn•

D'lt .Jill,/ t..'lll11' d~U.;. 1 !)SOQ._. b u t t..'>le jrfl .. t.OI' l81t:OD

or le•rn1tl4 to dJu ... t tho 1; • ..:1v1daal .Qr'O.llu:u tJuot

COrd!"OOt \..1.Lt1 t, l ! ie, it!l conf! ,.(.o .. CO "-II.J COUl'&4e o

II I ... llt preae.nt livin~ Ln 0 rur disto.nt

l ttnd , tab.rr1~ to • orei10n 11erv1ee o1'1 1ecr. J.e h& •

our Jrohlcun to "&&ce us •~U, t.nd LA.>pir .. t 1 ... n ,

courta.:.• t~.nJ. co1l!il.l •. co co ... ea to us in the mo .. l.cila

t bb.t •• &ore wordn..; u.>t .. ml.( r~r JUr country bUt

tor our rre.:s1dent .tlo nos p&St'ed so tar ab.>va and

beyood tlh per .. out.l probl a.s t o the &rfl.t nla

cc..oi'1•~ 1n t.·\• •., rl. r r .. rr ... r!.:u .• (l ;r

• :·? .. len~ bo:.: • ao l.L •.. cce.• L-.:.~ ••• wo~,~ •~ I lQ k

rre.~l e ·u~· .... o t1 ell 1!.. 1 t .... t.t·; _ • .,. d_.. '""' t •• .;~ .. ~ro.

!f • t~a : \ )<. .l. .u:u.v .. u .. 1ve l..nl rr" .u.;)'(lt a

I tU,J 1)~0 t:ler• 1 .1 n oe1e fl.etter ,,_,u ._"~ '-'· t. ..... l. u•

Oo:1&'.. t.a1 11 C\::n. ' 1 1 .. .._ .Q;..n ~-' t.:10 F "'1\;.U.:tl..Jll ooi'Uol• )' Ul'

Ho .. d. lllst.reJ-111 Yr z . lf~.o , f. JA& f..:klo

I t:'.".n. :t s"l !d • ~-n"r•!lt1u( ;L t'~ltl cc .. a ..... n

t.~ .:· • a tew: .. , t r.: . .cto.. •.:. t.."l t.:.e .l~t. rJ r th1a

~CI\tc : .. ~ f C Ul' (.0 11. .. 1 ol>Jl )' t t t. etCh ~l, .. u...:h

r.a .,. .. ~~ .-e tl'~t.~ t• , er. tc, "' .u.!.re::~ 0!1'taruat ~ ... n<tltn.l;

t'ro--.-. t. :-oo-.l:...r o.;h;)>!. r1r:~t , ft4:.!l <Up1l re 1i1"0l a .ro

,1er m •. l ,,-r;te t1 •UJ ,. ·c .nu, t...e :t.ut' ~ r'~-r n tT"Uot l .• n

e~ul1:uut" t'\1

:-.u!'t..:\ 1 oc.:,, lU)ll r e.u.lros M-re tl')• l'

.,.&~.c~. .Qt' "~~"• .. t. •otu) ll.Lust rat.es l. .13•

':...1<1 u~ie£.1. trOl. • 1<~ 1 r c..,ur;o, t4iC:t~ i'l'OCed•!nCe


tJp Wlti ... t...u yttar li"il, there ••• no ro.-.llar P'ou.oda­

ti.)J'I Sc.oool, t.1ere teins aarely prl"rate tuturinc tor •

few p .. tienU d;,ue t:y ,. patient• I n l9.t.3 1 •hen 1 cwae

we had only :.. . ort. of ltincler a .. rten, 1nclud1.fl.a l.hree

patients -.nd tvo aole bod1K, 1.n lira. L• P~o.tusou • a

nura&r)' · It ns e prlvat.e acnovl . In 19.t9 t.'le sc!l.O<)l

w.er e n6l.4 .n tne o.~d T'IL...Jhou a iond u h&..<l. ro ... rteeu pupils.

In t.hu l'ltJXt ev«~ yrera a a.Jv-.. t. .. e .. .. :." l >rth be t

t.'l.ere , t _lo ;l.,~. A •x ILr1oJ 1.:1e a1rlva~ .. 1n1ni rooa or

Geor&i&. Rllllo

In l9J6, t•,., !'·-"•• were tb.ed over in ~10 Br"dley

Coi.I.I.Ke, .ne tor &r:Ju11 roorx. Llul . .me tor tutorln&• Up

to t nat tl1e thd tutOr1nl htd r.e"n done moot a u)' plr.ce

tu.U .till 1. 1 t.o ose ..,te.lt.

Be;:L.n1t>& in 19J" ~d tor file yetora, M.rs . iUcq Allou

.,., 1)1'1 uur s~,..i..ll. Sl.rtce 19JS, Urs. Sb1~7 he:; done

w.t.Jr1ng. ;.rt..'1ur B~lter, e patient., t.;.t~red ye&.r before

l est. • .ru! l c. t. Fa.~l J~>tl.n B.. rrowa ns .. cL...ed t:> our a tart,

1111v1nt.: s~C1hl .... t t.O•:t1.on to the DIJ)'s.

Our lilt.te.\d ... lCO t~c<lre:;; dr.t l..I.Ot !'..lrli1.Jll b. t n.e Hloflll.,Ul"O

or .,"lue. At t1~•~~ "~ nate n~:.d. 45 pui)ilO. \ e no11 ht.ve

2.<., 19 nt1wn.a a.nd \.t!.UJO abla- bod!.ed child. e1t.

In 19"8 , the Occup!. t 1 •• n..U. nhtra. i Dei)artllent .. aa

at..arte-. 1n -ne r0011 o! the tl\cn un:~ccupled L<J 1elace

Cot ta.l•• It • a be&~u by * p:t~alo , ~ at.aon a . .d


one or ner pa:.1ent.a, Dic.c Me~, a.l .. luther craft

h'luby, ah1c'l craclWt.ll)' dnw an inte re.ted ll'®, . T'or,t

.1aveJ t..> t.iur old lA¥h iJ\UO !'lore etal c raft ' • d..ood.

Tlte:.e aru!t:s 11or u cont!nu by t.nc h;,u:sa aothor, Mrs ,

P ... tti:Jon, uu 1-'tarlln; U1 v:::- i •r u. :rotor =nd a ~11".

In e;toa'>or, l l) ... , • 1"<Jrcer , .. tl :'lt, our J ew.notto

.tJ'tn G.J:Ol'61a !t<-!1 "'0' Wilt lt "•~ l~ .. to !.'1 its .,.rutn

<t~lr~ · '!..te.. bo.:~• t.:tlll uo ...... .., ':l.e;lt. .l.L '.l't• t Jrll)W'.itle

v ... luo ot occu.,.. tt .... .!. tnera., 7 , •l).aptlns .I •· '1.crll1'1; ·•

arm oJo.et·cl.Jo:. . Tuls ""' • t .• e. t.eco...~.e a. bn .• co or tho

~,:,u ct.n "Pr'l'Ld&.tlt trva tno l .noooln.; ~;~.Utc:J1,)'

~i:st .-, t.wt "' l~.;.o.vt., u.r<Ju•'· t'•£ .... t:~ y; •r. , bo>Al

all.ndlcJ:.;>:·fK- by t..'le .U.c.c: J~ I. ' l-"-11 1 .. r.- il'),l-l' 6..,Uij;k1Gllto

Th!..t~:J to :.Irs. u.c.c, t.oe c: .;Juer• tt n .;.1 u~• Tn. .. tH

ge"*':s~,::rer -:~t l!l.;.~:ccs... 0.1 Ail.- Lr tno !. t. .. CJ., 1 1 ' I to

BA}re:a cy do pe~t ~>;lprilcL .. tJ.,m .. :o:- :.ni; "<i.-.11t1.co.\t

ne'51 bu1l d1n!: ~onro n.J ,e t.'lt. t. ..... anu!.l .-e a .... 1.0 ~1'<>1h1ce

such re.JUlt~ tbu. .. l.o .. ther Hrc. 'l'ucl< nt)r a:.y 01 you Yrill

7 .

am. o•co1 0&1

I Ull.n.r. 1 w.,.nt to ~· c.o you J oJWlJatera ~:at JOU

Nt.ve JuA. lad a delt.~Shti"ul t reat. I:.~ .ey h ve ~t.

J.n y.Al:- acho<1lro 'IllS 011 ~· ·1y lCCt~sl n3 1n fet~r pt y .u ..

t~acner but I c n ••sure 'I ·u t n.ct she u Just S"::lod

betore 7 u ln evun j1"8~>ter 1·ear, I ...r-.. Ollly ~.y

I ~o·e you h .• .ue JIUU .Lva~t 11' ~1 bet,,~ !1. r a

'1.&4 _b4!"?1 8 1 Uo

I w: l.l.!'o,... ·..J. t 1. L •.l.l .lt !..'I· or • ra t.}d~ ,

•· u 1nclud.:.n,a ~he rr l·ll!ut, .u.:e to:--., .. Cl c .. o~e~ of

the J ~tter; . I o,1J.., .rrolv•J• tni3 C!..>!"nin.., , ~ I Cl. ·n ' t

l(now •Ju .. t t.ill•t alt;bt W <.\u.e to.

l'ho n .u. •P rt:cer 1.11 une \U'o) .c..-..u ... :l \llrtl Syr11" 1l

atl •us.:.l LI:S l af .J.f Ua o .. ne HtHI Ot.lllt bt:l't,l 1 ..Jl ICIUtY

years. !:he n c bt.u.n uev"'t""' to thu ~:or.~~: uere .. u,. ana

1 .;u.· of t :a col.=lo. ""hn .. o. \..HI r.u...1 ~r.H.i.ta.d .. y

Mra. 'f'uc:C !ro.;.. ... ,ich t;,1 .. Sc:u:-.;,1 ill be .... !.;..It 1nf.<.:l.

UuriD.;. t:10 uu: t ten yt:ar!:l •

llr:~. T' .. clt !.s ver~ cJ. ar.o ... o 1.re \ e to :11 ve

Urs. rttr on repr• "nt Mrt . l'u~o:.t .:>n tld~ uccu11 11o


1n be~ '-· al.-• W be .. rt~:e. t vCU>.r o

... 1nco she a.a a ve-rt )'.AW• ¥1rl , Mrs . Tuck hAl

be$1 bdpln& .>h:(olc .. ll-1 b..nd1ca?ped. chiltoren. She

.. U# .. - t. ~ a very ¥~ t1.,.a 1(. r ,.c, the Det roit Or tb!)­

~1c Cl:.n1c. .W. t u he ~..,, tl bet.oJ.t ll\11 .,.wl to the

&!1.,:- 0~ Coov ... le•oant H....... The.~, b4.l1e '111\, th~t

.C:.uc utl JR is t..to 1>'~•\. t , ,e~o~d f " r :.il e .1 .. n ... ic .·.•· 1.

h tnd.t..'l , he "tao ,. " U-fl~\.lJl.,o... llo..;vit.d- :.c;,.., .• l t. 1

t .. u , '!r.e ba1l .~rd o.l. \.he y..J.e:-!'u.l. t.c .. ..o.~.;~!.j.~«•t2

at 'f n Cpr!..nJ•• L> h J c .. .::.e tu • .. .o·e~ Je~r:• ..,_OJ ~ui

aa~O<J -b ...: t \..'le eJoJCAt!.n"'l •~Jr.: ueJ..•G Q.AG n .. T •

u.,,n ,\A!'l n , <Jt U18 lAC~ t l.do~, ..... t.e .l"~tclll!.J.e.,. a:1e

geJJer..:~~.tcl:,• ottel'e- t..l uJru;.t• t.r.u l\u.J- 4 .o -••.\. tn1.;~

n etod. T!:ll fl u. ... .nl :ul bU1lU.l1o4 1.s t tl.e re.-.ul t..

I • 1- "1 Nr~. 'f\.c ~ C.JoJ.d 11• n t.r e to • • t or bcrl• l t

t.1e ...... c. t.LA Jot.e c .JWCI r •. ae rro ... tao 1-1•• l.l~>O woe

nut PRS: tmt. r :

lls..obeu ' t the '•ro ~pr1nc• t..:~ity ... ud tello,.­


C;>ri.ll.,.;:; ~1:1C t.no •t. •l,J- d 1 • .•t t.~e !'...u.uJi. t.L ~ll ar•

p ... r.w,; z..:.. G. t..".a t tt.• c: ,•l~t.mJ t.rt.iele .. 11.1 ,ac. C>1d lnt 'l

t.e1r'-u ._!.!. :.t. .r t1 .t>t Ln .. tr.er worda, t.: ... t u. 1•• t ,;.en

.t.r. ere. 1: ~ :J J e r: : .Jl' u:a t .. d.o~ot.-.ou our h.. .11co~ pl&o•.t.

Be\! ..... e .!.: .... a t. ,.,_, l l• • • " l ... ve ~l'.)b_l..ll.J' a . o!.cl-.4

• Gt"CI;..~ ~ -1~t. ~OS ~1•t a W'JUld hi.Ve ~:~e4 tr

all t.: ... :a:;: ba.:lo.:..~. b~:S bo •n puL up at. t.u1 bo~lnnil\i•

T.o:;:rc u~Llt., t .-a t t? tt ;h1 d. • cme th:A.~~ht to

"I AI t..:xl.t.,t· ~ 1.1..,. 1.:}0 F~•·•ldlltl fl o Po "IJ.C tit nk Qf J'ar::.

Ju t • n L. r •• > ;.t. l . Jnd J•t~ ~ a1.J111:!.n~ a~o:k , t.,.,, c. ~.r..Jt. r~o.l • o.-l' ~ . ..ne :..t. 1 rr"''•la.=.~ t.tu.t •• ht ve

! :11.1& ,.,: t.~o oduc .. t..:. 1~l ! 1u:L .. it.hlf or;~. l t.r6• co;a.~uity.

io<; \>_,,..1u 10t .uue t ·' ,.,o • tire t.•llt~r~entJ • • would

n.Jt n~\-e w a. v e :~ul.l :... \ • •oul.a r.Gt n.t.llfl t 11. 'I flo the

cer e ·.J:" we ra .... air,. o~ t.:tc 1 t.tl··nt. a.tod, bftl.Lavv ce,

t;..'lJ.t. l a ..._ ... lu '· 1!- U • ~e ou.l4 ao t n..ve W o:-k on the

~oclaJ. porJbltu 1r n •ere l uca t.e !.J\ a clt )' . Her e wo


!UYO t fiOH ~" OU\.I.ll rJO ._ttcr .. \.") t.:ll.!l.,; O! &.Jod 0 C01"0

ror , er& wa ot t;;.L~ .1... L•M~ t.lo ,. .. e!:~ .i. .Jn ... r ~uc~o!O~ n .

I t JV.A :l':)t " ••• .~~ • • '-~&.lt1 , """~'•l.l to•• , .. e.w. 11 H n. ,,.:.r.c

• v11J.ua.e ccll.~ol , bco .. u. e .. n " o.n ~.: .. :lu ..... ! .... ,.. '""d t .>

\.:llw>. O! t."le 1.~;, iG.ol . ... . n·..ot.J.e., 0.1. ~.e ~~ .-r a.rl \.h!:

rDCel vca. u. t.ruct...w•• ''" lllr.ve n •. J t.a t.lic.k; n ... t. <.. • ..ly Q!

b....J.c: lt:t-rrlh.,. o~t.u. , L:.. t !. e ........ .. e c.n, t.llo re~.t. <;l nt.l'll;>

1110U.!.~.o ~1/W tl.id~ r' \).).J .. ,. t... t.10 L-.Jr~I"J'o 'r.l;..t to&.. t.~e

only o.J ... .._, t... .'l in .,1"\oC L>.-.>• Vl t.lC ""-r lit.r d-i' -'• :0 i U

118~ .l~ .. t.n" ~.1. • ..:u roJ.U ll'Uwt. . .i.ne 111:1 l e ·.-·~l.le · ~ •;:al

pr.>blf!:.l ,1...;\ ;r • .o tJ .. t..l t..:Ut a.:1VIdlio:O ,Jl d -.licul I Cl t;I'I.C 1

t.:W.t. Do"'"·'"' w.;..t t.IO care .Jl' t.1• _ol .tiv1d~l ~w11lnt..

I ..... VOJry ;u-.,11~ l·UCku~e ur t.A.J ·pl tn41l1 glt t or

ih ' l o 'iuc.. lohU. 1 o.. c: ..re \..U•t. 1 va<O..k f:lr OVC17b.xlJ' here

hen l a.1rt.be.,l. t. lilt "r· .; IC.XUt..,r aeud h .. r a t olecraa

;,..") t.ell h l' o t.'1a·e .:•U llU ·l die• ey exer ahet,

t.::oo.t. u..: u~· t.;\e Sar .. lt,nlr4• te•11J Ot'~ here 1 n4 t llt.t

t....e~ t'. ·• vary •1cn .ten .n• ret.Jr.;18 t.o t.ha Uult.ea

t.ate:. she w1l:. co;:e c.l '"u to h&N .,;~>rltllt 1ond '11G1t.

ll ,


_,______, · · .:nee I:"FO;>;W.. !'.t::AAT.s 0;' ':"r-Z PSS!DE!:'l' A'!' 'Z'K"" D'":DICI TICII OF ~ WAru! SFP.Il:GS i'O:":~DA'i"IO:I SCmOL

Apt•ll 1, 19~9

I thi n!· thc.t those ot ua trho ht\ve been in · ·aro 5Qr1nto

since the enrly dnys ot tho Founilntlon ru·e :peri".arJa Clad thtLt

t 11e oo...,.,leted uticlc ·"ld not oor.e !.nto be".!".£' all at one

t11·e; ln ot:-tcr l:iorda that 1t haa taken a (;rent I!UI.ny yel'\ra

tor ua to devoloo our "hyBlctll "lant , Bccnuse lt l'>.aa t~en

ao long we hr.ve .,..,robnbly avoided a creat !".nny '!118tctea thct

we would hnve co~ltted 1! rll ther:e bu1ld1n.;e !'.ad been ":lUt

up at the bec1nnln!;. thou:-h't

'there ac.:e.tn , I uant to 0:11haalt:e o:~nef?~ to you

todAy about the :"ounllntlon, Peo-.lc thlnlt or Wa.I':!I Snrln,..,

ae Juat o. nlnce dedlcnted '& '"IO~lcnl care , juflt l'.nother

hoa1)1to.l, And yet , th1n1t1n'"" ~c.ck , t!:.O!' c.:'tn::~ot N"al1:te

ao~•e or the ~.~J -:-ol:'le,a thtlt ~ Ju..ve 1'-.n.d to 1'aee o.nd et111

have ;o 1'ace , It , tor extl.'ll)le, t."t!.r::!. Sprln"'ll E'oun&ot1on were

loco. ted ln a city, t hlnk of nll the t:llnge that we w-::tult. not

have to have . Thln'' ot t~c e~uc~tlona! fae111t1es or n larc;e

CO"'L~Unlty . lie would n t !".n.ve to have a fire de....,ert~ent;

we ~lould not hlt.ve to hnvc ronde , We would not ho.ve to hcwe

the co.re or thtJ ftL!:'11lloa of tho .at1ente nnd , believe l:le ,

that is quit e A care. \1c would not hnve to work on • the

eoolnl problea i r we Wf"re located in n city. He1•c we hnve

-2- Uchool •peech)

tl:e.e canr outttldc "'.o.tter • to th1nk ot and to care tor, and

one or theo has been tl~ c:uutlon or edl.,catlon, It M• not

been, o. •o.ln, ~erely the question or runn1n•· a villaGe school ,

because 1n each case t:e ht>.ve hall to 1h1nk or the 1nd1vt4ual

1)l'Oblem or tho boy or r•1rl W!\0 recolvnl' lnstt>uct1on . lfe hnve

hnd to 1h1nk not only or .book lenrn1nr·, but , aR tl"!e hns cone

one, the rolat1onsh1y or boolt lettrnln..,. to what t~ 1nd1v1~ual

oh11c1 cnn t"o !)hyslcally . ttnd, w!. th ~httt, t~s cr~w1n-: ec1enoe

ot eeucntlonal tre.ll'!;!n::;, tl..e "'Ced or t1tt1n: eec:;. case into

the broad c1rc1.Cista~ces ot t!l.n.t casfll .

So, here at 'JaM S!lrin!"~ I o.n ·~lr.d tl:.at t'O h.o.ve devclo")Cd

slowly. Thle Ou1ld1ns: 1s r:oln, to torn ll 'let-:· ~~on!er!ul center .

Actually I .. r;o 'back a rooc.". !:".any years before !!ro , ?!unt1nt;ton ,

when tho onl~ !".ad l n tho way 'nr lonrnlnc; was a little

bit or a rooa cc.llcd •Tl~y• ant' 'QOOplc , w:Ocn they r;o t

throu;-h with ...... detectlval\n~ oti'f't' fair;• tnles would r•1ve

tto1r bookn to t:-te Library: Tha was the only voluntary in­

struction or the earlier da;ys . 5o :rou ue how the nJ.ace ha•

erown. '!''.o ,.;hole ec1.-.c .. 1orwl ..,roblc::::~ ~s •·rotm ··1th thfo ad­

vance o! :.et•co.l t:c1cnce t~.at ""'tlee with t:1e care or the 1n-

d1v1dua l nntlcnt .

I o.m vet"'J ht-."?ny because of t'1le Anlend1~ &1ft or :!rs . Tuck

nnd I on cure tl"w.t I eponk tor everybody hel'tt¥.xx1.uul'):;r:~tH

\:bon I au!;< es t thr..t ;:r . O' Connor ecnd.. hflr a telcc;rM to tell

her or theoe de~ lr:httul ~oc.".1cc.tory exercises , t~t o.ll ~

- 8- (School e-,ceoh)

ot the V&rO SprinG• t81:11lY ~ere here .and tha.t they ho-e verr

much when •he return& to the Un1ted Stnt~ will cooe down

to Wo.m 8:pr1n::11 o.nd v1R \ t u1 .

DCICA.'ORY EXEnCISES ::o~ '.Ill eon . emor1ttl Hoe'!)1 ta1 Geort;ill 'Jnr:: Spr1nt.;G Foundn.t1on

::ar::::~ So:~r1flr;"ll , Georc1a April 1, 19_,9

I think. to all or us who followed the notiv1tiee

ot this Foundation tor twelve years , thie J.iedioal

Bu1ldi!1ii; co:aee about ae oloee to the reali:tation or "

drea.::1 as one could expect .

llo one can tell you better whAt it Elle&ne than JOUr

present Surgeon-in-Chief. ll:e have Md only three or

thoee creAtures here in twelve yel\ra Anci. I tl~1nlt thAt

is I' tine record tor thill Foundfttion.

As you :mo~l , ,. .• firet hrd that g lorious individunl,

Dr. Hubbard. tic then hltd the eminent ltnd able Dr. Hoke.

'"Je no1t1 hAve R.ll or them coQbined in Dr. In.-in .

DR. IR>1!11:

l:r. Preside!lt. !:r . O' Connor, frien:!~:

I feel t..~11.t we are &athered here todaJ to celebrate

the Ach1eve:!lent or a COAl , to :ne!!tOrial i :r.e, 1! you please,

the t~.c!.vent or a new era in tile progress t.ltnt hD.e been

mnde at the Georgi a '.1nm Spr1n(;e Founda tion in the trel\t-

ment or t.ltnt phaee of infantile paralyei e tor which thie

1netitution was founded . Thill modern phyeical plant which

epreade before ue thi e afternoon, possessi ng all t.'le

facilities neoeeel'!ry for the correct :rcatment or the

rranUtn D !.! .. .,.1\ Li\lurr

~~- • a tr.v~..:rtpt •d• bJ till fbU• lk!UaOI •t.nocn.~r t..,. b•• lbC'rt~ ll(lt .. Wen a \be e UM •pe.eb . .. •dl .,.1 ndtcah·• ~r1:.. u:t.-pc; t pr..-u,..1r p1'epuM.rea • r 1tn par~~~:; b.el 1 1.1 • 1 hAt • ,., Cllll\Ut• •hon tb• • • • • 1 nr .. , tboqb th"Y appear In tM r .. u:rudy ptolpe.r .. ,. .. 8411111: P1 t~l\.

Yl'riou!l nroble:'lll l'riein& lifter tl;e ~cute c~nvAleecenco ,

1a t."le recllt.&tion or r1 eren.., tht>t Md ita ince~t1:m

in t.~e hct>rt 10nd. mind or our beloved Pre11ident who w1u

lta Found.er 110ne t\.'elve ye!'l ro IIGO · In t.'1e beginning ,

the pool or n11turttl warm wnter lccnted Elt the root or

thio hill WPB t}.e one b1c;: nt~ohlne or tool uoed to

reohlon all ot our end reeult11 . At t."lat t1:11e it (Ud. a

nne Job end et1ll oont1nueo a ::~oat 111portant cog in

the wheels o!' our p reeent- Gay uch1nery and eervee 11

epeci!1c pu!"ppIIe in cr~rr11"o out tre&t::sent tor thoee

patients tor w!.om hydrotherapy ill ir::C. i cate~. 'l'oday

1 t st&nl!e as " ClOnument 118 havinG been t!":.e mean11 or

t:c lplflG create renet1cd interest 1n lnrantlle par11lyels

th r ouchout ti'.e country.

As tloe pnceed, condit1ona mn.d..e lt necciiSal':f to

broc.den our rleld or eoo1)e or trellt~e:J. : , to !IUI)pleoen t

:-.yt~r:~t:.er!IPY wl tl. llddl t1onAl cet.""lode r.e all problel!le

c..1d not lend t.~e::~ulvce to ti:e cftlCf'CY or " alnc;le

re£imen . !:arty caeee t:l thln ,. few t·eelta after t .. e l r

l!Cute onset prel'lented t:ce:=~oelvea tor treat:'!ent - - t!'elr

oondl tlon on ~d:!l1u1on deaa.nded prolonced reat 1n bed

wlth medlcsl t~nd nuralnr c11re , t•hlch tie t1cre unab l e to

provide . ;~e had to be ~n the nlert to prcvont detorm1-

tlee "·;1110 111prove::tE'nt ln mueole power w~ts taking plllee.

A -rent number or cflees ht>d well- defined detormltlea

on awslsslon which needed correction before any t YPe


or phydclll ~\erApJ could be of nl1.1e . In aome

lnetA:~cea thla could be IICCoapllehe<l by br ... cea or A

11er1ee o! corrective plaeter caet• or , ln Advanced

CPeee, euri!'lcal intervention wAs neceaee.ry. All

Llloee phaeoe or treatment , lind many core t oo numeroue

to mention 11.t t:11e tine, hnve been added during the

paat few years , but not without 80111.8 1nconven1ence ~-

Md ye t not to tJ.e IUUle degree ae t."'ul.t experienced by

our Founders ln tr,clr l."Orl':. durin~ t.."'te early ye11re.

Anol ee oar results fro:~~ thle •ore 1n~1v1<iual1ud type

or treAt=ent :~~erltec. epti.CII tor lt contlnUl'noe , tl'•ll

Truateee ~ve eeen !lt to provide us t:lth tr.le modern

up- to- 6nt e "'·or:~Bhop which houses a co11plete armauentarluc,

~ epeclfic tool tor every probleo . On cocplet.lon lt

till no longer be ll:lpoulble to 1)l"'vlde ;>roper ortho­

pne"ic supervision l\nd r.U.ec::unte aedicsl an«. nuralnll'

core tor tjlOIIO individual• handicapped to t l'.e extent

t2.at uneiG.ed ~.e7 would be unable to tU.e care or their

per aoMl nceda. It vill no lo"Ler be nece~ear7 to do

P.ll surcer:r in" dht11nt locality with added 41aco:~~tort

to the patient end 1noonvcn1ence to the etatt.

!lecdlesa to oay, the prov1sl on ot these rao1l1t1u

f 1llo :1e ll1tr, 1nexpreeu.ble Joy nnd no1~ ony I , repreeent­

lne the !:edi clll )epa.rt!Dent of the Foundtl.tlon, Plk all

of tou to unl te w! t:l u• 1n aeeklnc; GoU. ' e gui dance l\nd

direction ln t;;e utlll:tatlon or theee tac1lltlee th&t


ve, a~ all tl &Q C, 'ltl. f oxercleo t:'le necelllltll"f vladoa

IHtt e:a11 whlc:. !.a t .. e end will heve provided ll richer

end fuller aervlae !or t.:ou lndlvl!!uelB entruated to

I thnnk: you!

U\. 0 1 CO:!l:OR:

At t.~e cloeo o! theee exerclsea t:.ere lil.ll be burled,

tor the ecilt1cnt1on or tuture llrc:..o.eoloc;lete, ln front

ot t.'-\e Hedlcal Bulldlng a sealed cop!)er box contalnlnc;

the following artlclee:

One lens- leg walkln: brace. One cor11et coa~plete with at tachl::lent. One thtli:lb e!)l1nt . One pa~er contA1ntn. tho Birnaturca or all

brace shop eoployeee -- John 1!1!! that! One envelope oontalnlne n uaoaaf>e !t•om the

Honorable Frflnl:l1n D. Rooaevelt . A copy or t;,e Atlt\ntn Co:-aetl tut1on and 11

copy or the V.11.m 9ur1nga !:lrror.

!.o one could. ::D.ke t."\e clrcult Ye Mve just ClAde 10nd

not retlllze !ull;r thnt only tLn exce;>tlonal vlaton tvelve

yeare t\b"' coul~ r.~>ve foreecen vh~tt \l'e see today. I

thln:< 1 t 1e only talr to eay sl..aply thn.: there are tew

~:~en who l>'OUlcl have !'.ad t:1e couro.ce, the perseverl.'nce

and the foreotcht t:) carry through an lnotl tut1on or

t111e klnd up to 1 to J'roeent develop::tcnt llnd ! kno~1 t hat

no one takes treto ter pleneure t'tan t he Pree1G.ent 1n

dedlc&tll'IL t:.le new 1-ledlcftl Bu1ldll'l6. The Presi dent

ot tl•e Uni ted Stn.tu .

':'HE P:!\!:SID:::i'i' :

Dr. Irwin wae rlY,ht \then he apol:e or thla nev

bulldln;: fl tho attni~ent of one or the oajor t:OAla

that ~<:e bwe been etrlvl~ for for "' e rent t'.any yca.re .

I tlan:~ 1 t 11118 eleven ye11re nco tht>t Henry Toombs nnd

I one nlcht worked on eoMe eketch pl~:.ne tor t he Cnmpun .

At t."lnt tlot~e t:1ere wae no Cl'.lllpus . There "'RS the old

woo~en hotel t."lrt aany or us reoeo'!:ler 11nG a few orr­

center, rP...:ashncitle cottf'lSeS dovn ~t th1e end &nd to !ew

a1o11Rr o!r- oenter l"'llltlft!~o ;le cottll{;es at ti:e ~t!.er end.

':here W!H! no order, no plrn . At thl!t t1ce Henry 'l'oombe

and I put down on ptl!)er the t1rat sketch or w~t ie now

t~~e Wn~ Sprlncs Cnm.pue.

I rtt1 t;ll'ld thnt :>r . Irwin hao nlno told you eo:nethlnc

about the great e t rleee 1n the c11re or 1nrttntlle pAralyelA

durlnG' these intervening :fellrB. If a t that tl~e we hnd

done .:::tore on t!'.llt orlglnlll pbt.n tha."l to put a IIQUllre

C.own nt t:lis end or t~~• ?ropoeed Cl'..::~pns an<l bbel it

·~:e41el'l Center, • i f we i111d "ttecpted to draw the plane

of P Medlcl'.l Center, medical eclenee would ht>ve out-

6.1stanceli. ua before the bulldlnt; lt&B n year old,

!!ow, however , I think t;e I'll reel that we ,.re work-

lnc l'long lines of por:Jrnoncy in the developc:~cnt or

med1ct~l cn.ro and thl't thie bulld111(; will lnat !or

generf'tione to cone bece.uae it hloe bee:'l deaiened r1&ht

and built rlcht .

So it 1B wit."'J. ~eat plea1ure t.:.'l..rt I dedicate thla

bulldlng t:>dl\7 , ~~:nd I llllpht t1 :c! t:1e c-.~!JCht tl'.at the

br~ce• anC. other 11'11plelllentl v .. ich are about to be

burled in the box "ro a ey~:~bol or what we are doing

here at l·i":rm Sprint:• for the pntlents , e;ettlng rid

or 9hyeical h.nndi cl'pl or every torn and , uhcre we

CIII\1\0t te t rid 0~ tl.CID llltOgether , l!lakint;: t."J.eiD 10

1nt'lnltecl::l.al, eo inaicnit'lcant ln the life o! the

indlvldunJ. t:utt t •. cy no lO!I,i&r count.

I ti:ink t.ry_at to4ny c11n oo put ~Y:I as one or the

ereat red- letter di\YI i:l t.;e h1ator;r or t he Foundation.

t:e dedicate t.:.lll builCl.il\f" not only to those who Are

here no1o.· nn<l those w~.o t.'ill be .. ore in the days to co:1e ,

not onl:r to t:lnt ver' flr.l111l frAction or infnntile

Pllrlllyaie sufferers tl"t.rt we now l.t~ve root:~ for , or will

ever have roo::~ ror l'lt \:r.r"..l S•orin_:s , but ~:e de.Ucate thi1

bull~in£: to cri~'led !)aye rn<! -1rla t>ll over t.'le United

Statee pnd other countries tor ecnerationa to coc:e.

'" ... ~~'O(f ~ .. Cl .. .-..$

!m!IIUJ. I'I.IJY.)H XDf()ltiAl. fi.IOn,.Al. liMii U'klt.Cb .tiJI.ol,iJ.l'l..O. , ........ :..l>:aJ:to30 cr..:>RO:U. .,.,.u l , 19)9

Ol'MtUNI hl'W lJa tftl•a 1•1'W 1<14 l \ J:l.l.U t.hat h I (11:1 N001'd

tor \hla FowldaUOil,

.U l"IU lulo•, • • f'lrU b.cl 'tht. 8 l ol'1.011a lcdll'ld.u-.11

Dr. !ilbbtlnt. •• \hen bac! tba lllll.D&II\ a.nc! abla Dr. Hoka,

Kr, ~114-.t., Sir, Oti:Qiulor, f r111A411

1 f"l \.lat ill'l IN i l\lll""- ba" t oday \ o llllMn.\1

ut lat..DUh p~~Nl)'ala t or di.O sillt. tsaausuuoa • • r~"·

'nlla -odam p!~Jo"1loal Olla».t. wlllU apr-aGe ll•t lln Ill Uil a.na.r-.

-·-Uoa 1a n.e •~ n4 a1aot. or our "•lont PrM14 .. t 1lbo •• ne

ro~aA• ._ t•lw ,._,., •••· Ia th• , .. lut,.., \hi pool 01'

•UNJ .. ,. wwr loo.t<td at tb• root or thh 11.111 "' U• .-

'tt.c _.lu or tool uM \o r .. llln. aU or CMll' e.a "-.J.h. At:

Od tt. U 414 1 t1.ae Jo" aad lUll eo.Us•• a •-' l.llpor11tat

ooc 1a \be wbM.la or OU' ,... .. ,,....,.,. ... blAerf u.d ....,,, •

.,MltlO p'lll"pCNII 1a IUlTbi ""' \rM ... IIt fn \bOll ,.U11t1

for Wbc. IIJ"vot:IMII'I.P7 11 bdlM\M, !'MiaJ 1\ ,.._,_II I.,. ••

_, .. M't'la& 't•• tu _ .. or Mlphc -• r.....,. .. ,_..., 1a IAf'-..\111 JU'&lllll ·~· "'' •••tl7·

.U tS. pu..C, oo.dlU•• .Ue 1t ... ,eMI'J' to ........

OU' t1el4 or Mo,. ot ,,... .. ~~,,, \o ""'1-at hJ4rfthe""' wU~

e441U.-l .,.,._. •• all pi'0\1- 414 aot lelld ,._ .. 1••• to tb

em .. .,. ot • •LQch reai.Ma • ....,. •••• d\hb • tn ... u

anw tbeU ••'- caM\ pn-ut t~•l.,., tor trM-..t ·­

thlr ....,lUCID oa Mat .. toa 4-.lM prolo.pd "'' b , .. wit~

..UMJ. . ........ ..,.., nJ.Cib •• ·- --t. ... '""''··· .. bad to lll - ~ llel'\ to ,N't'eat 41tol'a1UII DUI !.pi'O'f-at

1a -.el• pow• ••• W.k1ac pla11 . A cn.t ,.._ of •••• M4

•ll-41n..& defond\111 Oil ...... 1dn. 11tt.ltll ...... IOft'MU ..

Hftln ~ tne or PJ'a1Ml tMr.n .oald 'M ot nlu. Ia ...

~· t'bh eCN14 M •••-.u-... _,. .,.. .. , 01t a .. :rl•• Itt

OOn'M\h'• plae\v ...... or, 111 .,...,. ... ••-•• IIUI'Il•l .. ,_._

T•Uoe •• ••".u'T• All 'be" pba ... ot ,ree..._,, a a4 _,

.we 'oo •~ \o •aUoa '' U.h u .. , be.Te to- MW tvbt:

\b.e ,. .. tn 7Mr•, to•\ ao• wlUuta' ._. lao__.., .... ·- Nil ,.,

•t to \tl,l - 4...,.. 11 ""' o~r1-•..., ov PO\I.M•1 1a

u.11r work 4v.r1q ""I ..,.1J ,...,.1. Aad •• CIIU' n111U1 trw~ nh

-- la41'114~1 .... t,. ot tr.. ... at •rltM .,. • • tor lt• ooaw

t~1, t111 'f'n&1t"1 ban • - t1t to prvrid1 •• wUb t hh

_._. ... W...Mo WOI'ktihop 'lltllola b CNMI I ... lltl ....... \u'l'!a,

• •11!'11 toel tor ..,_,. prou.. 0a 1~1eUoa u will •

lOIIf;Of' \ 1 bipollibll to pi'CJ'~UI P"'P'f' or\bop11dl1 •JIIInidOII

.., &dl!llllte ••t.oel '*' a•nhc o1r1 tor '*I hdt'lldud1 M.0-

1Mppe4 to ttlo utoat thlt -1414 th17 would l11 ~m~"l• to teh

OU'I ot \llolr penoalll. a-u. It wU1 ao loacer lll aiiiiiiZ'J

to •o ll.1 nr•l'f bo • dllt .. t lo.lltJ with .., .. 41Mwd'.t to

th1 ~U•t aad laeo~-.. to tM •\41.11'· •1141•11 to NJo the JII'O't'lllloa or thin feoUlUH

tlll1 • with laexpre ... bll JOJ ud -.ow •r I, rlpHift.tiJII tbo

liN leal 01-pi.MIIut of thl TouAatloa, •N ell ot rca to IUI.l t1

wi\tl Vol 1a IM4k1 .. Oo411 pl ..... • U 41~\loa la ttl1 uUU•w

\loa or .aa ... tUUltt. .. tMt .. , •t •11 tt.••· •r -.t.M \hoi

-~~ wlMa. .... lkU1 111!.llb la tbl 111111 will Mw pron.•• • rleiiG' q4 t1lllw 1-rT111 tor tho .. l'lldh14•h 1atrv.et .. to


A\ thl lloll of tblll IUI'Il ... t.,.. will \1 Msrl .. ,

tor U.1 •t.rt. .. uoa 1f' f'llMJ'I U'UaMliCl•t•, 1a h'oat or tM

X.UIIl. !Nil.Uac • e-.114 1op,.r 'M'I: toatalal1t1 tb1 tollowt.,

&1"\lll .. l

-.-OM ..,. ... -lote wlt!t ••••'--•'· 0.. &l:ilalb .,u ••. 0.. ,.,.,. eoatalalaa na atp~~.tUNa ot au

larue lhop -.,101"1 - lob U 4 U..U 0.. .... ,1.,. .-talalac a ..... , trc. t U

1:0.-bla :r....klh D. RooN'I'aU. A OopJ fit \ be AU&a\a O.oUt.U• aM a

eow or '-Jio leJ"'l Bpi'Lap lUn"'r.

talr to M Y oillpl)' U..t theH a re t• Mil 11\0 would ba.•o U4 t1lo

IKillftP0 tM perarr.-a .. .a4 tU fol'Ml&bt to IQ'l)' tbi'O\If'JI. -

110 tbat a..J7 'rMDI U.4 I ODI atp\ WOI'bd 01 ·- .ntob plllU

tor tbl ca.pu. At t)lat tS.. tbl..- ._. ao C~a. '!'ben -• tblt

,.....kll on ..... eo.. at tllh , .. eat • t• alaU.ar ott ... •Mr

~Iitle eft....,_ at Ulo ot:bN" aM, 'ftlen .. , • ,.,..,.., •

pl&ao At tU.t U• leuT "'-1N . .. I P'&\ 40.. .. ,.,.. the

th•ot ••w~ ot ••• h *"' n.o wuw. llpl"iat• capa ,

I - alU U11.t or. Irwb M e •ho h14 :rw -.tbbc

-.-CVl ........ bt..., .. la& )'Mrlo U a t \M.\ U• WI bU. '-•

•n 011 tMt art.clMl plu , ... t o pv.\ • "IIU'e 4CMQ. at \!Ill

n4 et tb.e propo ... ~~~• ut la'Ml U -»MlO&l C•at•,"' lt

.. bad aU._ptad '\o dn..- the plua ot • UH.leal ChteJ' , M4l.al ,

Mlaa" wolll4 M•• ouWhW.aaecl 11a ~.rore the tnaU41lt.a •• a

y.u ol4.

JJow0 bownft', I tlt.i.U •• aU t"l tbat •• are wont ..

u-. 11••• or ,.....,...., 1a na MYelos-at ot •41-.1 aua aM

'"' tllb lnl1U1af: will la-' tor .... rUlaae to 10.. ~-... U

Ma '-• 4MlpM. r~t ... ~"1U. rl&llt.

8o 1t h wi\11. cr-t plNnn that 1 4.UMte tb.h

WlUJ.ac ,._, • •• I ailb.t ..... tbl tboupt that tbl bJ"'.III ....

otbN' S.pl-a\1 wh1Q an alMN.t to ·u lNr1a4 1a th• llo:r •r• a

~1 or what •• are doh& Mre at wu. SF1ac• tor n.a li"U•h,

1n uq r14 ot ,..,11 .. 1 bu41 .. ,. or ... .,. tOJ"a au, -. ... •• __ , pt r14 or Uro- altocaUI.r, 11t.kbc ''- .o 1Atla1\ut..l,

.. 1ul&alt1PJ:r.t a u. Uta orne 1a41T1e.J. nat n., ao


1 tUM tbat toa.y ou lte p~o~t Iowa .. - of \lle pMt

rK-let.tar di.JI 1a tb.a tllatOI"J or the TcnaUU011. n 4 .._1Mte

tbh balldl.q aot OGlJ' to \boN 111:1.0 .r'l beN aow &ad tbOH wb.O

1fill lte heft 111 na &lye to •••• aot ftl.7 \o tbat 't'lrJ' .all

rr .. un. ot 1atu.tll• ~1111• Mlttft'•• tbt we no. be,.. :ro..

to~, v will eyu be.,. J'OQa tor at w..r. 8prlap, but •• ••~U•W

n1e tnaUHaa to •ri»PlM boJ• aad 1 1r1a all onr ne O!Ut ..

atatae ~ o'her .... vs.e tft' ,.r;anU•• to .-...

~-:-o'\l'{f Ua,.ll,. ... __.

!,.):Dft.t.f nwo:; IUitJ !Ill!. ~ITA-""A:li ...... u:"""' l~ .... ..,. ... l .... , ........ - .u...w, ;._ ... ,t;;..,

Aprlll , 19)9

tl!.h hWidaU oa tor t"ln , ... ,.., Ula KH l ul. ltulldlat ,.,..,

,,..,..a., t\lrc-· U · Clr.ht. .. ••• bad oal7 t il,... or tho ..

OrMlii.HO llor. la lftl\'0 1"" ond I lhlllll: l"-1. lo a t Uio ,._ooN

All )'0\1 &no•, •• tlr•t Mtl n.u dot101.1a l11d l'tl1111ol,

Dr • .ll.itttt.N . "' then j:'yd tllo •tllllll1. and oblo Dr. llolr:o,

-.-Uoa 1a tbe ll•n aa4 • tal or 01&1' bel" .. PrM14ed N •• lU

ro.A• ... t•lw y.-za ap. fa the , .. lu!aco the pool ot

•WZ&J. .,.. -'-' l.oM.W u tba foot of tb.h 11111 -• tiM o..

) lf: --• w Mol ...., W r .. llloa all or ov ... n Ma.lta. At

tMt tt. u 414 • tt.ae JM • « atU l ••U••• • •n laportaat

eoc 1a the •llHl• or ouo pnMat4e7 ..._.s.a_,. aa4 ..,.., •

.,..ttla ,..,... ta • ..,.,lac 111ft ,,....,p; ror tboaa paUeah

tor ._lilf~P7 11 111111•W• TMa)' n aMa41 u a -­

..n u brtt., Mea tU .-u of MlpU, ..-.M ~ ..... l at_...t

1a latutuo ~·te '~ no "•b7· Aa tt. ~. aa.&lUoa~ liMo U _ _, to br-Md•

oar tlolf or .ope ot ,__._..,, to ~1-at b74ro'h- P7 wt.\11.

&UlU-.1 •UMHa &I a ll probl .. 414 ..ot laa4 tb ... l,..l to t ill

•ttt•~ et • •l.acle nas-a. Mt.IQt ...... wUllta • '",...Ita &n• tMlr •••• •• pn-w '"--•ln• tor h ... ._., -

't!Mlr ..... u ... • "'-laaloa ,__,.,. pro~ Nit 1a •• wtn

..ct .. laa4 .,.. ..... ...-., ••• • • wen -u .. w ,......,... ••

•• to -.. • \M al.n t o ,...,..., 4ota.~u .. Cll• llr)t'of-n

1a .... 1e ~- ••• Nldac plau. A , .... , • ...,_. or ..... bU

•ll--4ottaM 4atona1U•• 011 ...Ua.toca 1ilbltb __.., oo"'"u ..

'Mfon .., t,. of I*JII1Nl. \Mnw ••U M or Tahw. 1a ._.

J..anaaMa ns• .-111. 'M .. ~u.., .,. -. ... or • ••1•• er

eonMU1'o »J,aatv -.u or, 1a &dftMelll ••••• ..,.t-1•1 ._,_...

••U•-. .......uJ• m ,.._ ...... ot \ne.._,, ••• _,.

-. \oo a-.. \o ... u. • ' _,._ u .. , Mn , .. MU« '-bl

'b• pad r.. 7.-r•• 'IIIII\ .. , wlU.OU' .-. ~Mon•l .... -- •M pt\

-.-.,, t o "'·' - ..... u \hat o:rpert-116 .., o~ar ro..~ .. ill

tHI.r - k 4\lriae; tho ..,.17 ,._ro. 11111 •• oar uoulU ~ tbb

..,.. tMhlt•ll ... tn- of t~tlllut .-rtW4 ••• tor U• ._ ..

U-•· tbo '"'''"' .... •- tU to pi'Vriclo '" wltll U..lo

_..,.. ... ......,.,, _ .. .., 1drot D ~~-·a --.111-.e ...-..•n•, a .,.,U'to toel tor .. .,. JIN'l• · o. ·~~uoe u wtll ..

1 ... .,. M s.po .. nltl w ,.-onu VOPI" onbo,-.ah -~"htoe

aM &4.._,..,, •th•l •JIIII a\lr'UQI ''" to• t'llon hclh·1.duall 11 .. 111-

t•PJM \o *• oawat t bat _,,_. tb.,. wwl4 \o v.Datlb to tot.

_,.. If \Hlr ,..._cal ...Uo U will .0 loapr M IIMIMU'J

to to all lurpi'J 1a I UII\AII\ t.o.ll\J .-!th add .. dt--ron 1Jo

\ale pt.U•t t.M ~~ ... to tbol e\&t'to

...u ... to ..,., u. .....-tGOII of ttt.M tutuu ..

fUll M wUb l....,n .... bltl JOJ U4 - ~ I, ropnonU~.& tM

MMl•l D4pan..t of tiM! ro..uuoa. oak • U ot JCN to auo

ri\tl u 1a Melid.IIC oot•o p..l ..... nt 41rMUos b U11 •Ull•­

U OII of ..... tadU.U .. t Mt •• ot oU ,._., •T __.. ... tbol

.... NUT wteco. ut .till etob h tM n4 rill ._ ... P""la.&

• rlobw Ud t \lllv o..noo for Uloeo l.Shlt•h oatna.n .. to

IGI . O' CCM!Kill

At \llo olo• of tMM ,._., ... tM7e w111 'llo Wrl.,,

tor Ulo .. itiMUo. ot r.M .. ..,...,...loctota, la ft'oat of tM

WMJ.Ml lillll.tial 1 oeal .. ,.,,... lin 10ataUS... n.• r.uowt ..

u\hl .. l

-.-0.. ..,. ... -.pleM """ atta.-..t. 0.. tb•b apUat. OM ,.,.r ocatatas.., no dpatuna or aU

....... ·~ .... lOJ-- 1oba d14 tbatl 0.. o•nl_,. .o.M1alac 0 •-ce r .... tbt

llotMII'ablo l"rU.klla D. Roo...,.ol\, A oopy fit tM Atl.Qt. oo .. \lhUca oM •

ct0117 or Uo ,.,.. ftprt.c;. JU.JTw.

010 OR14 ban tOH_..,. .m.t wo OM tofo~, I t.hbll: U 11 anl7

t&lr \o M Y d iiPlJ Ule.t t t.H •" t•..,., 1lho .oul4 bon bfl4 tho

oUhlae: r... tor • an-t ..., J"MZ'•• 1 tb.J.alr: U woo oln• ,..an

op \bat ~ or-bo &114 I no atpt WOI'r.4 oa •- ahtoh pl ...

tor Ulo C&lrip\Y. At \bat u .. \ben -. .., C~o. 'l'bere wao tbe

pl&ao At that u .. ~ ~ oM I ,et 40. 0. ,.,.., Ulo

u ... t Mot.eb. or wt.t h- tbo Wuw. Sprbso c-pu.

1 - elM that Dr. lrwt. b .. olao tol4 "" ... ntac

-.-tut.c n ... ht.,•lAc ,....u. It •• tbllt tlM •• Mt .._,

_,.. • nat orJ.aln&l plab tbQ to put • "~ towu at Ulh

..., ot "'' propo.., Ce.M»ua a.O l•"-1 1t .,...t.Ml c.n ... ,• sr

.. -.. an...p:M to dno the plau of • l!MI1•1 Ceater, ..Cl-.1

....... wo.l4 .. n OU.Wlfta&Md •a hf'ON tU 'be.l14lac •• &

,..., olf..

JJow1 ~tor, I tl:llU .. dl fMl \Nat wo IJ"tt -l'tlac

•1-.: l~o ot ~-•7 1a ""' ~llo,..at or •41•1 .. ro ••

\kat tbh bllildlat: Will laa\ tor ...... u-.o to ,.,. ........ 1t

M.. ~· ........ rlcllt aH hUt rlcU•

.. lt S.. wtth peat ll"t~~re Qaat I 4M.1•W thh

WlUbc ,...,, au 1 alcllt att Ulo tt.ouctat that tho bnooa nl

otMr Uipl...to -.bleb u .. otNNt to h tlvl od 11:t tile boa on o

.-Dol or wbat- an 4o1DC Mro ot WUil SFbc• t'llr tho ,.u.ta,

ae\Uac rlt ot pb:Jat.Ml HA41•pe or ..,....,. ,_ ...,, wMn ••

-.ot an r14 of' ttl• •HocotM:ro •tt.« tbM 10 httaltea-.J.,

110 lllltip.Ui.._.t 1a \a.. Ute ot tho t..eh't..-.J. tbU tb., M

l.o!tGv eout.

I tblAk tb.u toGa, ou 1M put f.owa • • a.. or tbo .,...,

...a-t.uu •~• h. th.o b lato17 ot tM To\ad&Uoa. wo f.Mt.Mto

\hh 'hJ.lf.l,aa aot. oel.J to tboM wbO are Mn .OW AD4 t bOM who

wUl 'M llan 1a til• _,., \0 oc:.., DO\ -17 \o tbat ,..,., -u

f'raoUoa or i.A.r.atllo ~oh l'lf't__.o tbat-- Mn ~

tor, or "S.U 111111' IIA'I'I roc. f or at ~ 8prlatl•, tna\ •• •••U•M

\bh 'n'U'l .. \.0 uJpplM boy1 aad 1irb •U oYW \b1 Oll.Uad

8\a\al •U o\Mr •~U'l11 tO'r pnenU'*' \ o -..

D ... IICJ.. JH E•.,·CI.::-tS :IOP:.II..AL_ U~~ :.il:liJ!HAL H.l .. PirnL,

h.F.loi • t~fi I .. l.i~ !'OJ, OA!f ,J, , Y.AfiM SP:iiNGS1 Gta . AprU. 1 , l9J9 .

I tnink: to ..... 1 ol' us 1u1u follo~oeu t.:1e <oct l vitiell o r

t:tlll Fou.,a:.ti n for t10e11e j'ears, tnis l.!e.JL.;;a.J. Bu1l.t1ns

coo~s ~:~buut IllS CJ.:I ... tl t.l tne reuliz.uti~n of u dre ... r.a

one co.A:lu exp~ct .

N.:) one C{!.:t te ... '" you bttter •hr.t it 111eto.:1S t :at: JOU!"'

present fttrgeDR- Ln-C.li t!. \ e h.·1·1e n;..d or>l.,.· t.oreo 01

tn.:)Se cret~tur<es here ~n tMe .... ve yeaH':> h'"-' I think th:~.t is

a fine rec >rd i"~r t...'lis i'o•tauuti· n .

As yuu Kn...,,, 1.e first. tu.d tnast glori?us in(tiv1,1Ul&1 1

Dr. Hutward . ~e t.L 11 :tli\1 t;UJ eiJiiuent lt.•Q .o.l.e 0:- . th.JAe .

~.o uow nh•'e t~J.l or L.1e• co .. bluull i n Dr. Irwin.

LR. I!"Y.LI :

Wr • Pre;>LI.leut , Ur . •J ' Coun::.r, lrieaa.s :

I feU t·u:.t

(Co.)' A)

,It t.:1e cloiie o1 ti'!.e!Je e.-.erctses Lilet"e wiJ.l be ourie<.l

i'or tne ea.i.1"1catt.,n of future .:..rc.to.eolo~ists (c:.ecit spel..l..ln. )

Ln !'ron:. of tne lil.e<.~i !ld Out ..... a~ u :oeaJ.e.i copper Dux

Ot.e: loni-~eg t~tolli.Lu' bruce. vna cJr ... et COi:Lpl.Jt~ t~.il.:\ uttaeh ... ent .

.:m t.1 ...... b8f11l"t -

ll•• ~=~.e~-;~l;~~"t..,/' • - J nn diO t.n.ootl <Jn•J .n'el..1~ .,..,,.~,.tn:n a _,...,.,; ·• .rua t.'lt

lf.,nor~rPle rraolf;\1r. o. II. - ~•~·lt . ACI"J JttneAu .... u.conJt.l t utl••n ••·o•

col)yortnt' ... u llprin,t Mlr ror .

UQ "''' e<JUlO :=..kt t:~.t clr cuH • • n., .,, ~u : ~ auot o.n<!

not.n1rHtfull7 t.>&t.<ll'll,r lotltliCtpt. fl.ll.l Y1lli•"l- H e l Ye

, .. r• a,o C""-.1.<1 haYt r.,rtst<>n •h~t •• ... r.oo.,- . I tn l-""

a.;ulJ:~&O't _,.,t...ecv:.>ra.e, UltpttH•trtn;t:.n t."ltf:~re-

to ltl rest'>t dtYtlopAtnt. Ul>l I "n• taat tl:) ''' U.&ttS

ltN~tr pl ... are r.c.an t.'lt Prt~loJ..n~ 1n awtc• t lf\; toll ~~. ..

(Cov B)


00~ 11e are l"at.he,-ed here toda., lo celebrate t ho acl>tflve~~~t~nt or 11

p-oal, to mol:)():raliu., if you plooeo, the advent or a new era in the

proll'reos t hat haa been made at the noorr:ia Wam Spri~s Foundation

in tho treatment or that fbeso or infantile paral.ya18 for wl'.icb this

inatl tut1on was founded . This J:K>dern rhyalcol plant which aproada

before ua t his a!temoon, poaaeadnp all the faci l ities neceaaary

f o r t he correct treatment of the va1•1oua probleca arlsinr after the

acuto convalescen ce, 1s t he realizat.ion or a d:rellrn that. had ita i n­

ception i n the heart and mi nd of our beloved Pre11i dent who waa ita

Founder aoo:~e ~0~ years a ll'o . ln the be..-inniM• tho pool of

natural warm water located at tho foot of this hill was the one bl,.

machinE! or tool used to fashion all or our end reaulta , At that

t1e;e i t di d o tine job end still continuoa a most i mporh,nt COft in

tho wheel a of O\U' present da y ma chinery and aorvoa a 11peci rtc rurpoae

i n c ar ryi np ou t treatment for tho110 r ati cnta for whom hydrothorary

ie indicated. Today it ata.ncb as a monument as havlw been tho

oeans of l".clpln::r create rene•ed interest in 1r.!'~Ulo 1"8re.lya1a

throu...,hout the eountl')' .

As time paacod, conditions made it necessary to broaden our

fiel d or scope of treatn:ent , to supplement hydrotheraJ y witt adcll tlon­

al mottoda as all problems did not bnd thell'ael vea to tho efficacy

of a s in~le r e,..i r.en. l.tany cases within a f'ow weeks af'ter their

acute onset preaonted ther::taelves for treabroent - their oon41tioJ1

on admission der.~anded. rro l onred reat in bed .,lth c:edie(l.l and. nursirl,ll'

c are which we wore \lnablEI to provide . ile had to be on the al ert to

pr e ve nt def'ormitio s whi l e improve~ont in muacle povter waiJ takintr pl ace ,

A ; rest number or case• had we l l defined def'onlli tlca on admiealon

which ne eded oorroet1on before any type of physi cal thera17 eould be

-·-or ve.luo. In acre 1nataneea thh could be aceomr.llahed bJ braooe

or & aer1ea of corrective plaa er casta or, in advanced eaaea,

aur"'ical intervention wae neceaau~ . All these rhaaoa of treatment,

and ~an,- rrore too numerous to mflntlon at t his tl111e, have boon added

~urlnrt the peat few yeare, but not wit.hout some lnconvenlence - ard

:vet not to the s&l!1e deyree aa that experienced by our Founders

in their work duri n"' the early years . And aa our results fror.~ thla

DW)re 1nd1v1dual1zed type of treatment ner1ted apace tor ita cont,n­

ue.nce , the "'ruateea 'l-ave seen rtt to provide us with this modern

up..to- date lfQrl<ahop which houaea a complete amamentar.hm, a sroclf1e

tool for every problem . On comrletlon it wi ll no lonrrer A:c. 1mroa­

a1ble to provide proper ortl'opaecUc supervision and adequate medical

and nural~ care for those lndlvlduals handicapped to the extent

t11at unaided they woul(j be tmo.ble to take care o! their personal

needs . I t will no lon,.-er be neceua.ry to do all sur,..ery in a dl atant

l ocality with added dlacomtort to tho patient and lnoonvenlence to the


Needless to sa.,., tl'le provillon ot theae tac111t1ea tllh me with

lnexpreuable joy and now 111ay I , repreaentlllf' the Medical Derarti!Mint

ot the Foundation, ask all o: you to unite with us in aeekinf God•• I"Uid.ance and di rection ln tho ut1l1r.at.lon or the.:~e tac1lot1ea that

we, at all tlrrea, may exerclae the necessary wi ddom and akill whi ch

l n the ond will have provided a 1'1Chor 11nd fUlle r service tor thcae

1nd1 vSduala en t rust ed to ou r cor e .

I thank you J



{J r--::. Ir.•1n ""' rir·ht w:"n ho '""" or t h1o new bu1ld1ne I ae the attaln::~~ent ot one or tho r:m.jor ''OI'.la thn t t:C have been

atr1v1ng tor !'or a '1'ert many ~reera . I th1n!t 1t tmB eleven

year11 a--·o tho.t B:enry ':'oo::~ba an(!. I one nlr-ht worked on eoM

8ketch nlMa tor the Ca.r:~')Us , At ti"w.t t1~ the-re was no Cac':ltla ,

There was the old wooden hotel tilr.t l'!an:• ot us reoe:nber and

a few ott-center, rnoshnckle cottar·e• do·..m nt t:'l!s end and a

!cw s 1a1la.r off- center ro.ashackle oo~ta~s at the otht-r c,d,

Thera was no order, no olnn , At tMt tine Henry Toooba and

I put down on na:oer the tlrc.t aketoh ot whet 1s now the ~!arm

S:>rlnus Clll:l'Jua .

I a:n •:lacl that Dr. !rwln has also told you socet~ lng

. about the rrent atrldes ln t!:e cnre or l:tfant;lle nttr,:lyala

durin"" these lntrrventng years . If at tl-.at tl'"':e we i'Ad¢me

more on tho.t orlr;lnal plan thnn to pUt a square down at

thle end or t::e ""lro":XIsed Cti.I!I!)U8 and lAbel lt •!!ediott.l Center•,

1! we ho.d atterroted to (!.raw the .,lana of n ::e('l.loal Center,

medlOl\1 oo!.cnee 1o:ould hcve out-tUatnneod us before t he bu11.dlncr

wna a year old.

Now, however, I thin~ we all feel thnt we nrc t:ork1nP, o.long

-2- (HOSPITAL S?::::::cH)

lines or -oe:rmanency in tho c'eve lonment or me dical care and thnt

t h1e bu1ld1ng 1'till last for r eneratlons t o co~,e bool\use lt hn•

bo(! n c'eeisned right nnd built ri~:ht .

So it ls ~11th rrreat olea&u1'0 thnt I t'l.cdlca te t:-:l s buUidlng

today, and I olght add the thou:--ht that t he braces and other

1cl'~leocnt• which r r e about to be b.lried in the box arc a

symbol or .·ho.t we ttrc dolnr here nt Uo.rm. S:orin•·s for t he

'!)&t1ente, gettlr.g rid of nhy11e.nl ~:nndlcn'>c or eve;-;.· !'oM r.nd ,

t:here we cannot set rid or thee nltorcther , I!IC.kir.!': t hem 10

infln1tea1nnl, so insicnltlonnt in tho life or the individual

thnt they no lonr-cr C::)unt .

I t h i nk ttu:.t todey can be nu t down no one ot tho r;retlt

ret! - letter days in t he hletor;:.• of t ho Foundation , We de(l.ieate

t :111 bu1ldln1J not only to thol!le w::o nre l>..f' :-e now e.nd those who

w1ll be hero • n the C::t.:·s to c l"'!e , not only to that v ery e:-:&11

t1· ct1on or l n!'c.ntlle !)llral·•a1.- autterere thc.t we now have roo~

tor , ot· tt1ll e ver hrve rooa tor at ilara Spr1n:;!l, but wo

dedicate t:·,1e bu1ld~.n .. to crir>nled bo ·a and f"lrls all over the

United St ate s and other countries fo1· c eneratlon!l to cone ,

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