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Page 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator"

The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FDR and the New Deal

File No. 1143

1938 July 8

Marietta, OH- Address

Page 2: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

/.r,.,L io!1,f)(/-/,_ /<f....f ~~ 1-J-u/ ADDHlSS 0! ':'r:l. l'Rl..:;)ml:liT

J"A.tcn:T A, OHIO JULY 8 , H'Z8

Lone: before l'i'BtJ there .,.,'ere Yhite men here , "tiJIYine

out t.bia l Pnc! or Canaan. " An intrepid outpoat breeCI they ,-ere - -

tlz scout a ud tbe alcil"'liahera or t1 e great American •teration.

The s t gl"t or er.oke from neie:tbor ' e chblneys llll€tlt taTe ¥Orri e4

them. But Indiene and redooata did not .

Lons beto:-e 1768, at Kaakaalcia e.nd Vincennes, With

acant t:elp trom the s-board., they had t.el c! their telO'fed

wilc:'ernees for tbe~rselves -- and tor \18 -- v;it.b their OND Dare

bands a nd tlleir CMn long rifles . But tl eir symbol 1a Vincennes,

not Carletta.

Here, w1 t.t. el. l honor to tt-a scouts and the alclraiaters,

we celebre.te Ute cof!line or e. di f ferent type of men &nd 'IYOn:en --

the first battalions o!' that organized a.rmy o!' oooupe.tion .... ttich

tran eple.nt e<l rror onr tt-e Alleghenies w!:.ol e llttJe oh111t.at1ons

tha t took :root end grew. They ware g1T1Jl8 e:z:preaslon to a genius

for organized colonlzaUcn, carot'Ully ple.nno d and ordered under

.... The mm d1o cme here before l'i'~ cue aa Lief Erickaon' a

Page 3: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

-. -men to Vlnelrnd, in a spirit all or adventure. But ti e men and

w;,r:::en of the Ohio Cocp41.ny l..hO ceo to t"arletta, came rather like

t.te ~r.en and Y.omon o! the !!:aaaachu:etta Bey Comranr to Beeton, m

organized society, unafraid to meat t~~r>porary adventure, b.lt

eerlous in eeekill£ permanmt security !or men and wonen and children

and homes. L!any ot tba:. were deetined to push on; but moet e11.me

1nten1!1ng to llteJ'. Suet i)eOple .a.y not be tre tlrat to oonq_uer

the earth, but Uley always l aet poeaeu i t .

Right bel:lnd the men and women who eatabl1dled t~a.rietta

one hundre· and ntty years aso moved that lnatro.nt Cit law and

order end cooperation - - goverwcent . A representative or the

nat1ona1 go•nrruru11t entered !'arletta to ac:hinlster the Northwest

Terri tory under t.ha :t'&lloua Northl'<eet Ordinance. AM y,·)'at we ere

eelPbratine today i s t· 18 eatablbhment of the tlrat cl Yll

e;overm:ent "'eat or t~e orJ.einel thirteen s tates.

Three provisions o!' the Northwest. Ordinance I abraye

like to ren:ember.

I t. provided tbat "no pereon derJ.eani1l8 himself in a

Page 4: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

- 3 -

peaceable and orderly manner shell e•er be moleete'j on account

or bia mode or worahip or tar reUgioue sentiment i n the eaid

territory" ,

It proTi,ed tbat "relit::lon, aorality and kn01vlec!ge

being neoeaeary to good pover11111ent. and the bappineea or n:e.nkind,

aohoole and mee.na or education ehall rore•er be enoouraged".

AM it provided ror t· a perpetual prohibitl on of

ala. very in the Terri tory ,

Free, educated , God~tearine men and ,,;or.en -- that 1a

•hat t he thirtean atatea hoped the new West ~ould exemplifY . It

baa well tult1lled that hope .

Every generation meata eubatantlally the aue problema

under it a own differe~ set of ci rowutanoea . Anyone apeoulating

on our great migra.tlon ''est~·:ard U etruck with the human parallel

between the dr11'1ng f orce beti nd tllet a!F.ration ~d the dr1•1D8

force behind the great eoclal exploration we are carrying on today,

Uoat or Ue people who went out to Ohio in 1788 and

who :t'ollov.'ltd wave on wave tor another hundred yeara went to U:tprove

Page 5: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

-. -their economic lot . In other words, ttey were tollowlns the eame

yearning tor aaourlty which la dri'fiD.t:,. us today .

At the end of the wagon n1 ta there we. a eor.etblllfS worth

the p hrsical rh.ka . The standard or Ute in a log cabin •1d

tleld e a t ill bl ackened w1 th halt- burned etumpa was not. hif)l , but

i t wee certain. A. tanol l y, or at moet a to.vnshlp , coulc'l be a Whole

aelt- su tt'1o1DB economic system -- plenty or rood to eat 1t a man

.,..oul d but reach out and shoot cr culthat e it; plenty or "arm

clothes i f t~e WQ!len of tJ:te faMlly ware w1111n.<> to apln ; always a

t1gtt roof over Ule f11Il11ly ' a head 1.r U.e little oo1111tunit.y woul~

respond to tbo call tor a roor- ra1a1fl6 .

Whatever he used was a :an ' s cr.m; be ne.d tile solid Joy

of po.sseealon -- or ownins hie horne and hie means or livelihood.

And it thin'·• did not pan out t ·ora wu ah'8.ya an 1nt1n1ta

eelf-~utt1c1ency beckoning weetward -- to new land , new gam • new

opport unity .

Under woh cond1t 1one tbor e was so much. to get done

wbtcb men oould not get dOne a l one , Uat tbe rront 1er8111en

naturallJ reached out - to go.ern.ent • as their greateet einel e

Page 6: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

-. -inat.rummt ot coopc;rathe aelt-help with the aid ot llhlOh they

could get th i nge done . To them tle uee of' governmEnt -.ea but

another tom or 'Ule cooperation or good nelghbare.

Ocwernamt. was an indbpenaable instna~ .. t ot their

dai l y livu, or the security or tt..tr li'OMn end tl'eir oh1l(lren

and their b0111ee and their opportunltlea . They looked on government

not as a tblllb apart - - ae a p~er 2!.!!. our people. They regarded

it ea a pm.er ~ tLe peopl e , ae a d•ocratle npreealon of'

oreanized self- help like a frontier bualdne; bee.

There were worried legalleta back in the Seaboard t.ov.ne

tltlo were !Nr'll it waa unconat1tut1onal !'or the l"e~eral GO'Ul"nEet\t

to help to put roe.de aoi railroads and canals through t he .. new

territories-- vho were rure that tt.e nation would never get back

the money it waa pl owine; into dnelopttent of tile natural and human

reeouroee or tb.e Northwest.

But Abrabu::l Lincoln, Who incarnate~ tte spirit or the

peopl e Who were actually H v ine; in the Northweet Territory, swmned

up tte1r attitUde when be a&1d : "Tbe leg1t1me.te obJect or

Page 7: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

- . -goverrmtent 11 t o do ror a oc.munlty ot peopl e whate·nr tle,y need

to have done , bu t cannot do at all , or cannot do ao well , for

tb•selvea , in their separate and 1nd1•1dua l oapeo1t1e8 . "

Today under new oondltlons a wb.ole nation , Ule origina l

t hirt een stat u and all the \1eat and South the.t has grown out or

ttem, is on a mental .Ure.tion, dhaat.htled with old eoruHtlons ,

seek ing like tbe little band tl at ou• to r.:arlette. to create

ne"' conditione -- ot security . And again the people see an ally

i n their ONn ~O'terW!'ent .

CaDy a 11laD does not OHD hia cabin any more; hh

poseesstons a re a bank deposl t.

Scarcely any man can cell hie neighbors to raille his

root any u:ore -- he peys a cont ractor cosh end t-..aa to have

mortgage nnsncin£ to t1Dd tLe cull . And 1t that t1nenc1n,. 1a

o r tt.e wroag kind or goes bad -- e 1CQ' need hel p to aava bla home

trom !oreoloeure.

Once ol d age wa11 oat'e because there wee &lY.a.ya aomet .- 1ng

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- 7 -

usefu l ~i ch men and women, no rmtter bo.v old , might do to earn

8ll bonorablfll aintenenoe. Tllat time 1.a @PDII; and 110me new kind

or argi!U'llz~ old-age insurance tuu to be provided .

In theee perplexltiee tte 1ndh"14ual tume, ae he hall

always turru.cl., to tbe collective uour1ty of the w:l..ll11\Vleee or

his fellow• to cooperate through t be use or government to help

hlJII end each otl'e r . The spirit ot tbe frontier buUing bee 1s

round today 1n oaretully- drarted etatutea -- statutea insuring

bank depoai te; atatutea providing mortgege money tor homes through

P . H. A. ; statutes ~rovldlng help lhrouE;h H. 0 . L . c . tor those

in danger of foreclosure. Tbe cavalry captain who protecte4 the

log cabins of tho Northlnst la now cupplanted by legl!l latora,

like Senator Bulkley, toillnp; over the dr attlne; or such statutes

and over the ettlcleney of government machinery to a&nlnhter

them ao bat euch protection ant. bclp or goYern:.ent o" be

extendetl to tbe run.

On a tb.ouse.nd f ronts sovernm.ent -- state and municipal

as well as federal - - is pla.yiD£ tbe eare rol e of the insurer or

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- 8 -

security tor the a:nrage man, woman and child that U'le Arrr.y

detaohJr.en t.a played in the early 11aye or the old Nortbweat

Territory . When you think it tllroue;b , at tt>~ bot.tc.. &oet ot

tte great proteotl•e statutes or tod8J' era in eaaenee ~r.utual

ineurance oompan1ea , and our recent legislat ion la not a

departure !rom but a retum to Ue healthy praotioea of mut.uel

.elf-help or the early eettlara or the Nortt:weat.

Let ue not be atraid to help each other -- let us

never forget thet goverment 1 a ~ Md not an allen po?er

over us. The ultlmo.te rulers ar our dmocracy are not a President

and senatora and con,c:rreasmen and GO'V'ertllr.ent otf1c1ala rot the

TOter a or thla country .

I believe that t.~e Alr.erlonn people , not afraid or

thei r own capacity to onoose forward-looking repraaentatiTea to

run their ;orerrur.cnt, want ttoe 881"8 cooperative security and

beve the aue courage to achieTe it , in 19:58 aa in 1766. I am

sure they know that we will al,m.ya te.ve a rrontier - - or l!loo1al

problema -- ancl; that we must a l way• n:.cwe in to bring law and

Page 10: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

v - . -

order to it . In that oonf14enoe I em puah1ng on. I am sure you

rill puah on With me .

• •

Page 11: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

kDl!RKJB OJ' T!IE l"fit:liDDn' .:art ettl , OhiO

11ll7 e, 1938, 9 . 30 .. .u.

~ O...VXY , ~'!'CII: 91J1KL:,-y CP .. ,m:.:,w t"!!lTZ Al'tl YOU, 'l'HI PEC1>u:

or 1'!.- I:ORT'~~ TD!RI'I'CilY :

.- lens tlrle -eo I n l!uhtoe:ton t JJO old trhndt ot mine

c._ to tht Ubi u Ho\lllt Bob l!ulk1e:r tnd Bob Secreet , to ttk .- t o

c~ to ..... rtett.a ill 1~8. It e--.~ a 10!!£. .. Y o~~, but I rl'<IO:tae4

Loog be~ore that tw:loua :rtlll' ot 1788 ther e were white men

here, white l'!en to ute • Btbl1cal phrete, ~li'Ytoc out tbh land or

c~. ~ 11.1:1 tr~t:r-.}>14 out?Ott breed they we:ra - -the ecoute tl'ld t'le

tn~hher~r or tt. ar•t .-rtoan tlltpthm. T!:e ll&bt or -*• tro.

.!. o"~bbor• a chi.am81h) •1&ht t:on worried tb- !.....£!:!!!...· But !b.!,

Ind11lll end lli rec!coe.tl did not.

Lone: bttore 1768, at nataekta l.ll4 Vttteellllet , wttll 1ca21t.

their owe 1008 rltlaa. But their 1~1 h Vitleer.l>tt , not H&rtett.• .

Htr~, ..-ltb all honor to (th•).!.!:!!?..!!. ~~eouta ~d (tha) 111:1r-

or oco\ipto.Uoo wbtcb tn..~~ap1tntH ~ {our)~ tt.a Allet.hent•e

wbo1a lttt.-.a c1Yllht•tlona tb&t. took root and £r8W. Tt.t~y were l!h-

Tile t. II lobO - hare before 1'1£8 _.II Uat ~1cktcll ' l

Page 12: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

t l..tor a ry

Thh h a t ranec!' lpt r~J.I!e by the 'lh ite llouut etenov~pher f:-oa h1e • boruumd · note• tllken ut tint t•~o t he 1peeob ••• ude. Underl tn11·.~~; Jt.d1oate 1wOr de er. teapor a:II QII.IIly adi!ed t o t.b• p r e•iou.ly pr .,arfld rea d n& c tly te&t. r ord• in par llltbe• e• a:e .,,. • t ba t • era o-lt tfld ahen tbe epeecb waa t. U Ya !'ad, tiK!oulh \ bay appa.aY i n t be pr11•l ou. ly pt"epared rf!llld · n« C-'P1 tl'lt .

Page 13: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

WCIIMII or uae Ohlo Ca.tp.ey ..tlo CUll to rleua - retber like

tbe uo end ill- n or t be *•••u~:bueetta Bay (C~r..y) ~to

Boaton , llll DrVtntud society , \lnllt'r-14 to IIIII\ t-.por-ry 14YIDt'll'l,

oot be tht tlrlt to conctuer the .. rtl:l, but tbl:y ~ el•ye ~


lil&ht behird ~. the 111en end wu::.en who eetabltehed

~'!i.rlett.e on.e bundnd and fifty ,. .. re e~ • .end thet lllltri.DOnt or

later tl:ie r;'orth-.et Territor)' uader Ue te.nwa )torthreLt OTd.liMliiOe .

C1Y1l 00YirDU;Dt Wilt Dt th" Or1r.lnlll thirteen etatee ,

mDde ot IIOrtt,l or :-or rel1r1Gul eent1rent In the eUI! urrttocy,•

~ tt proYllled tt.at " rel1e:lon, ~rel1ty end lmow114ct~

belllf HCIIIU':f to !"ood r<JYin'l"Cit ID \be bappillflll or •nklnd,

aehoole ~>.ad.._,, or education eball rore•er be anoourec" ·"

AM 1t prortt.ed , tlcallz , tor th pupetual pr«JtlUOD

Fl'ee , llluoet ed, God-reerlna ~~en ead wcmen -- that h

Page 14: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its


on cw- &HC't alcr•Uon .. st-.rd h ~truck (wltb) ~ tl h~

pe.nllel Mt-.r; t» dr~Tlll.i tore• beb1r.4 tMt :rr.tsnuon aDd the

rrluc on t.o4a,.. ~:oat or the peo;.le •bo went out to Ohio (In 1788) .!E.....l!1.!

!!_1'.!2..j.!l!, t.zld who followed .,.., on wan tor eaotter huDC!rN :r•r•

lowlnc the ...,. J-.ratnc tor -w-lty hMch) ~ 11 4r1Ttr-c 1.1•


plent) o:' fOOd \0 eat 1t a -.a ....u:4 but r•eb out aDd ehoot .!1 or

culth&te It ; r l ant)- or-"' oloth" lt' tbe •or.en or the t.lll)'

-.ere wllliiiC to lplr.: elwaya e \lpt:t root O'l'lr the fUIU)' ' I hM4

t.4 the 110Ud JOJ or poan .. tOD - - or owah::• btl hc.e ead ~ hts

2:!':!!. -• or U...-.Ubood . And If tbl~~a• U4 DOt pan out there • •

al•y• aD lnttnHe aelr-•urrlchnc)' beckonla;e: ~ weetwai"C!. -- to

Page 15: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

or eooptl'Un ••lt- help wit h the ald or whteb they eoul4 cet thtna•

4ollll . 1'1::1 \h• \b• u•e ot Go1'•l'lll!l&nt •e• but anoth•r tor. ot the eo-

Hue, ot tba .. ourtty or their '"*"" eru!o (their ) c~.tld.:ren , (end) e,t

their hom•a an4 (their) cpportunltlee. 'l'bay looke4 on Go1'tMIIIent not

aa a tb1na apa:rt -- •• a power OTI!r (OUl') people . '%'bey re£*1'4~ (H)

~ •• • power or the people, •• • 4&DDCnt.Uc e~rea•len or

or4§ae1t.e4 aelt- l>•l- Ulr.e a troatter buak1.c&; bee, onl• on • bluer

and h\Wt.D :otaouroee or the !;orthw"t Territo!"\" .

l!ut A.bno.ha.m Lincoln, who 1ncune.te4 tM eplr l\ or the people

who were actually lhlna in the etatla l!lllk:ln!l up t he !:crt bw"t Terri -

tory , e-.:Ad u11 their en1tu4e when he ~~&ld: "'"'e ler:Hlre\e obJect

~ to4o.y under new condttlona , !.!.• whole netlon, .!h!,

klerlran ll!Ople, the orlrlnal t bl r \ H n a\atu end ell the l:'eet enG

Page 16: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its


soutb tNt.t bat ft'OW!I out or n:•, I h) they are on • -1.&1 •tcre­

Uoo , dh•thfhd wttb old eondlt1ona , -kin& Uh the Uttle bt.nd

perber• (ue I • be.nt d•ro•t t .

Scarcely any llllll!. can ull hh llei8hbor• {to l"'ll" hta root

any .a:re) to 1111£ biz hu1lc! hit heme '"'!.Y IICJre. ~ t:e !'flY• 1 eon-

to ••• tal boc trOll foreclosure .

ow k1D4 or orp.a.tzed old..agto lnJU.r&nce h•• to be pro1'1dt(l.

h tbue perplutttu, ..t-.at hapeoe'? D• t~h·t~h•d turu,

•• be bae ab•:r• tura..S , to the oollecthe neurtty or the wUUP.s-

help bia and ti.IOb othtor . The tplrH of the trootter hUiklllfl btl h

depotUt; tta.t11tu pro...l.Ullf: ~rteltf• .on•r tor h~t t~ !h!,

(F . H..l.) Feder.• P.oua~!t io.dr.icht raUNii tt&tut u ~ldlDf help

throuth (fl. O.L, C, ) tbt l!Me Ownerl ' Loan COf'N;re.Uon tor tbOM 1D

proteohd the lOf' ee.htnt or the Northweet 11 now tupplanted by lesh­

It.tou, !!!!. lilr.e se~~o~~tor Bulkley, toU tll( 01'@r the i!Nt'Unc or F.teb

Page 17: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

!!.!,. oa a t.hou•zut fl'Oilt.a OO't'trnJ~•t -- Stat.a ~.

(~t.t~d) lal.nlelpa.l GoYera~~tt~t. Co\ul.tr Conm,..!lt. , u wdl 11 PIIIIINl--

ia pl111111 tha - roll or tba la~r or aaeurl t,. tor tta '"""P

u.a, -• 111~ chtl4 tb!ot tba J..:nv 4at..c~t8 playa4 1D tha eo.rly

4a)ll of the ol4 Northwest firrlt.OJ7 . When you think 1t throuRb, at

tl.e bot.t.* ~ 11101t. or the ar•t fl:l'Ot.ect.ha atatut. .. or t.ocla)l (are)

thera 111 the tact thft.t 1D aaMnca tb!l 11"1 autu.l loii\U'WICI cormanias,

torpt t)_..t Qol'lrM!ent i1 ~and not an ILllftll I'()ll'lr Ol'ar Ul.

'ft.• ultl.Dite rul*l'a or our 4-.ct""'c' ara not a ?re!li~ant, (1.114) !!U.

:;.matora and Concre•-n a.DCl Oo'fa~at ol'tlctala. (but tt:AI Yotara

ot t~.ia cOII.IItr"J'I ~" '-'ltlnote rultorl or our dtiO"llC:"aCY are tho! YOtara

or the co~mtrz H~•lt ,

I beUne tl'..llt the <\llllrlclln p.opla, not atre.1d ot their o.n

c~• to achl•u it, ill li~ u 111 l?et". (.\pplt.uM) ~ 1 • lll.l'l

!f.!!_ tt.~ \mow + 1 - will •lway ••• a rrontiar ·-~or

soet•l probl-. lllld economic problea -- &n4 the.t we •uat •l•Y• ..OYe

in to bri~ 1•• an<'l ordll' to (it.) the aolut.ion of tl'oae rrobt••· I n

that eontldiiiCI -- ln U:.et cont1c!eDe• 1 c!o not t b 1Dk I )l.ltu to tell

Page 18: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

zou tb&t. I .. puablft& OD. ~ I .,. 111,1.re (J·o1,1.} that H." reorlt or

~ wUl puth on w1t.h ~r~t. (Prolonged 11.pplauH}

;.ncl now I uz:clerat..ncl th11.t IICI90!bo"z h go1nr to pull 11.

lltrlna lt.Dd I hereby clecllc.h thh rrMt 1110n~nt COU"O!'!O,..Un!l onll

bllll4recl aDd tlrtr reera o'f l.lr<lilrh•anl,., ,

Page 19: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its


ohbt 11138


~: '!'cha&iNnoCth.eJirnldut,t.e botdoolinre«atllo.rh\t.o., Ohto, h!or r.lHoM I" all MH!•uor...,.....,.,.ra..,.ut~call\1 ....... uJD! n&LIU. than 9 :30 (.,1-U.I rtr) A.ll., u:ttiU II'Uouttl 'liii, J-..17 8,l!nl.

I'UBLICI.l'l~ :&JS? 1! lXUCilWJ 1'0 Plln'Ut PU:!ol'i".JU:

I'7D'ICIOIU&l.T s.c ... urr t.e u.. Jl ... atM~t

to.:,;t.orco,.l'/83~-coe,.. .. ,.. ot.ue ••boor., "or7t.,. ... , U.h 1.o.t1:1. or e-... • .t.c tul'l.~.d .,.., ,..,, ~,..... \AI7 .. ,.. - · ol:e 10011\1 u4 ti>l Kil'&itlr.a~• ..r "'"' cr-t .I..Mrlou .U,nuoa. l'lMo 1~1 ol PIIIDII rroa J:&t<S>bor'a ...,,_,, &l.fflt bue eorrl-.1. U..:a. »u.t lloU..,aan:l. Ndco&u4Ur.ot .

Lont; btoh N l?il~. U K&~o<&lllc'll al:d, YIRCin"U· wlU. U""t IIIII" troa ti\o S.abo&rd., ll.•r ba<llllld. ~~lr belowed wlldltiiiiU tor 1./.a-hu • •&M.torv.o--wlto\.ulro.>Mnhalldo...-.d tha lr o., \0<¥ tU'Iaa. h t lil.elr q-.l>ol \1 fii!ICOI&MI, LO\IIo.thlta.

Kt,.., .ttl: alll:.oAOt to U.. IKO\lh Nl4 U.e al<lr~Uboon,

" oat.tratl U. co:U¥ ol 1 dtthnat ~ ol ... """" _, -· U.. tlrn blotl.tJioca oi U>U o~IM4 ...... ot Ke.&p~otloa ot.ldl ,,......_ plln\14 r ..... ~wr u.. ,,lla~lu ~1• ltttla ehltt .. ua ... Wt '-OOl< root ..w.....-. tt.r .. ,.. ~t•t"' w;pr~aolo.:. l.la'W;IV.a r.r orp.al ..... COI" IOIIOHOO, c:&r"OM)¥ p~·- o,.rd. ~r Ia•·

'fh.- 'li.o- biN blotora 111•- at J.h ! i;rt~'• •a to ltaalaal., h a llflr:t all ol •• ,,..,..,.... ~H U.a ae11 &Qd.

- ol U...CI>to~-- to a:.rtnlo- ... u..r lU:a t.l:l -d-o! t.l>o lln••-t u...,. Co!1f1Ui7 to ... to&, aa • t(ll>l ..... to<!lltJ", -..-tl'&1d to_, I4':J>Of"&t7 odnata.n, '"\ •rlou.• t. -k--1~;~; JII...,UI ~IV !or- d _,an:!. lllllldND an:!.~~­

llolqo~ll'.•lllll'l<l'1111""<ltopolh011:bla aolle&a*hi•..Uac \<l

"~~~'· ~d.PIOi>ltU-1 ""'kill• flrat \o coaq~~ar tha..,.lll, W.\ lbtral..,...a iaUJ)Ocown u.

lll<ttt W.1not \M aoo Nld. -~ - n t abHWu4 lluhno oMt•"""•od. u.drir'Yr.,.n-.co~•Mihat hu......,t of lawan.t n<ltr"""' """Jo<~ration -.,o ... r...,.nl. 4 r.prtaon tathl ot \Ita ,._ t1o1111 ~wr-nt enur od. tlarla tto. to ..U.IIIhtar tht loru. .... u terrlurr =•• tbl ra:•a•u :10!'1'-out Or.u....,..... 1.n.1 ..,., ..., ......, othl>ratlc,c toM~' 11 tUt HtabH~t o1 t.1>o t1nt cl•ll ,.,....,,_ &IAI WU\ ollh•crlll:l""")t.olr\otllf\111 ..

l\ptc1YI4od.l!>&t 0 .. plt_ .. _i~t~t11\a.tll!ia•-­

N\e- . ..... ,17-• ..,.n ... ., '"•1• ...... _,..., or llh •.£. ot •rmtp or tor ralldOIU -11-\ 1a W.. Mlf. tarrtto.,..•

Page 20: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

Jt f"""l<l.-.1 UIU •NUSIOII , _,,..ll\7..., -lMtt MIIIC uc .. ee,.,. to Cood IP)'F'ermtfl\ enol t he Unpl MH or Mllblld, aehoob ..., ,...., or edw:utoa lhotll ro....,.r be aaoo•n·age<~• .

AnG It P"""lh4 tor \.Ill pe,etllfll r"'O!Utltloa o~ llenrr latbe~M'ItOI'J·

'1'rH, lot110et..t, Qod.r .. rta,:....,.,_d..,..,o ··liMit h

-~ liM tbt rt• o n.u. boJ>e.l ~~- .. tt -u •xu;.Utr. It lou ...,lll'ltltll114 U.t ~~ope ,

..,...,. ser;e~tUCII -•-1\.loaUallr tb• •- prcbl&a ....Wr i U-<II,........,tHtotal,._..,a_e, ...,._.,....lJotln& .. oa.• J:l'Mt 1!11!1r"'U ..... f\ ... :.1 \II S<Nd W\\b ~h IN::ooo: ,. ... Ual .,._ u.. •rtnq r.,...,. Mtttl!'l "'' ' .c.t'"tt"" - t» drhtoc ton• -11101 u .. 5r-t -.ht eqlo ... ue~~ .. , ~ .. ••'""7tac .. ~.

llolt o!' tbl JIII'OPl~ """" _, "'"' ~ ()bto Ia 1781 ...,_ - rou~ .,.,.. or~ .... "or u~tllltr INDtnd ,......, ..,n 1.0 l..,rO"'ttMirocca..-.1clot. raetr•rr.col'!lt, \tu17•..,rcU~=c UII_,...-T!IIII.!:I'Or .. ,..,,1.t)'•.U~\ . dri•IIIIIIIUIC!q,

,U tbt IIIII Of t!loo WI'&Cfl NU tiHoN WI IGOIU.I!l£ ""rth

U..ph)-1\""l rbb, 'Do ••••'•Mot lltlln llCC ccbJnwtd tlddt t tlll blact.nnd t1.tb ~~If·~.,,..,~·\ u~~q~• ,., ""' hlf'h, ~~ it •• oort~ln. t. ta>ll.y , or 1\ _,t o toooo.ohlr, .,..ld H • .tlolft Hlt• rJtflctno; tcor,..,\1 •r~tW\ •• pltntr or f<ICJ to e"'t 1r • .., • .,..td but ...... ~tout o.r.ll all<ot or e .. Ht""\1 u: pl~nw or -am clou~~e t• thlt -=or u.e ,...u, .. ,. >1111111£ "' .,tn ; •1""11 • U«bt rorr .... ~r u .. ttallr' • "-•d tr t~~ ttt•te eon:uflt tr _,14 Nqo~>i to t!loo e.~ l tort I'OO!•,.,UIIIC•

-tn~"' IL "'""- ... • - · • .,.., H 111'1 til~ ..,lid Jor or pcNO..,att ... •• or ..... tr;a bh !w-. aol ua ••• o! 11""11""""-. lol:d lftll.l .... dld""t ...... outt!>en ""'•1•71• hrt&IUKlt• wrrtu~DCJ b .. ~.b>alllf' .,.at•"' - ">.,.,.. 1.,.. , - ,....,, -Opport•lllttr.

UW.1 .. r -~~ e01111<1- tbuc •• eo r.c11 1.0 .,., ._ •tell •• cO<>U ..x .,., "'""' u-, t'\lt tt-• r,...u,........, •t~~nUy ~lied IN\"\0 CO"""""""' ... ' ~•lr P"MltU 1111511 tuuua.r.t o!' eoope ... tt·• ,.lt•bfol p ~~ t loo d~ or 'lill eb th.lr ooald 8"1 tll.lfiCI don~. 'l"o tb,.. '~" ,.,., ct p --~t-. llut -u .... ro ... or '~"C>O? nu~aor ~ a..t.o:l*<>N.

Go• rmu.nt ""'' eft 1~4111" nt~hh \rat=-"'' ot tl>elr ~•ttr H""" • or~"" Ho=t~rltr cf tb tr _., •nl tll .. tr clllldNa Ul4 tholr boerla ~nil tMir os::><>rt~~l\111. 'nl•l loclfrd Nl f:O"m:>ent IIOtn~ thlft«"prrt - · u•-ro•··rourrtoJ'l•-· ':'II'Jro· ll"r.:..t II ~• 11 _.,r of ttl. 1'1.01'11 , •• • d-rrtto •zpNr•loa or orpnlwd. " lf•ll'-l1> U P • f!'Crth~ hu.kllll" I• ,

- •• ..., ..:'!:";,"';:; ::.,".,::1!~!!;1•r:;e:~~,~:=..:...~ ">btl:>IOJ'J\ n:ch&Dil re.ilJ'Ot'!ln•IOt.rJ'h ~"""" U...ao. DCW ~uHorl.- -- wtc -.rr . ......, tt•t U.. llfl\1011 WC"•It _, ~<ot l>Kt

!::........,--:: !~ :: :.!.~~~~~~ <I '"1<:11'1'0'11 M' t'l<l Mtvo'l •Dil b1n:ll

Page 21: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

Do.l~ ~Lincoln, '1M Wttma'--d Lhe 1JP1I"U of U. pecpl.eMIO"nNKt=l.l¥:UY:U!,s:..'l~llo~tforriUO!r7,N3!Mid 1r.1 U.ll' 11tH~ """"" I• .-..~, "1':'• l.ttpt.W"- obJ~ ot :O"""*'t iJIWGof&ra~it)'ot~e .... t.n.rthq.....,t.chsve.loo:lo1 tNt eamot do 11.t .U, or Cll.llnOt do.., woll, tor U\-.1....,, ill U..ll' loptrll.toll.nd~iv1dull.lupo.c1t.WI ,•

fodeylnl<!r ,_-con(!J.U.on~~•..r..olon.otioP, U..ori,::1r~

U\~ 'tete. and &U t.';o ~o. .. lind SouU• u.n bu '"""" .... tor-­u.., ~on 11. -tel ~ti<ln, d.U•••Ufiod dU1 old oor:ditU...:, H41k1fl.llil:eUW.Uttltbul4tt.t-t.clla..~tetocJU;ten,.

oon:;I.U.Sonl - of tec:IU'it]'o And •p1n UM poop1o IM an ll.llJ' 1Jl tneil'-~t.

l:arl7•~doNilO~-:us eab:in~""'"' U. pcc: .. si­&nll.ba:lkdo.,oait.

~oq~cc..U~I'I<i;,bo:'lto:rai:r-.!lJ.sRIO! UV'-- - bo~~aocat.nc1.oo'~U>d. ... Whan.o~ts.­MriOfnctofirdtbeo:.uh. A:'ld uu .. •.l'11lao"oino;t..rdU>ewt'Onl"kind oriON blod - hcaeyncocl bolpto-hia ._ rr.:a ro~.

Or.-:.old.teo.,.,We t.c&,...U..rown:ll.~t-tMn.;: u oM 11fticb _,and.._.., no ~¥tt.ol' bow old, dji,t. do ~o um..,., banor•ble~:~a1zrt.e:-anee, ,_tti.,.1at'li\Oiand_l _n..,ld:>drd ot-ear.heclold-e.cei;~N.•tobopro..S.do<l,

Ill~ t~~~·~::~~!!~!. tJ\.:c;::~;'!~.:~~=:~ h1a l'ell- to eoopor~~.i..o!Jo.ro..;,htlle..llleot"'V11mlllll1ttot•lp11.1a4l'ld •cll.ot.htr, tt..•¢r1toft.hel"rfflltll'rhuk11\c:beeillt0lllld~ in ~"ted st.at,·to~ - at.a~t.M 1.'1r.:l'J.na t.n11: Mpodto; ll.t.llt\IVMI prvvidi."J: I>Ol"t.~ N;A)' for~ t.'lr'OIIl:h FoHo.l. ; l~tllt.oe ~help U~l!.o,!,,(', far t..- i."'~:JWO! COI"'elosuno, Tbo uVIIll'y ceF-..1.'1 ~ .....,toc:t.od- U.. loJ 011M"o o~ the llo,...-n 1a- ftOIPI.a-'lt.od t(1lc!,1.::.l•t<-n, lil;e k•tcr 1\olHq, toUin.;: '""= U.. d.n.tur.; or net~ at.a.-:t.ol: an.: lmn' Uw ofN.cl.clq or ~moccl. ~to..._!IL'"tert.l .., ..,tl.._t•c!'Lprot..ctla:IWIIelpod


(h . t'-".-.1 t'ront..c: ~t- .~.~~to...,_ -.1c4-J. ,.. 1I'Cll ur~- tspl.q.:...,-u...~.._rolootU' ... inr.>n!rofaoc:v.rlt,.rar U'oe.....,.,rn,_.,._.,Andd>WU..ttllol:rqclctact&cnt.ap]Myalin the> cu)J- dolor-: o! t.!".c oH lio..~t Tl::rrl.tc,, ~ rw thiN: 1t U-C!J., U u.., ~tl.aa II<Ct ot U'l<o £!"QQIt protoc:UY<I ~t.llto.W. od ~ "" in.,._ :.>t~ in.:l>=roeo c~d<*, au1 t'IU' Neont l OCUlation ~ not a dop=turo tron l:o!.t a r..t.<>rn t..c: tb l.c..ltll)" pr~ct1coa of .uwal ~e>lr-.~ ot t;,o .JU"l,y 1ottl""' or U\, •~oa-u-t,

Letll.!lno'.bcl\.h'":.d.o • .el.l>«~t;h<'>t"cr - letl!llncrvcr·

forl:(ltU.Gt':<f'IO>""'""tU~MCinotMalton~··overll.!l, 'nMiult:llu.ten>lcrsctCII.rl\_r,.c:;_·"re""t•l'reo~rrt.an\\S«<atcr~ u>dCot>U'O".....,,n:lc.m.~toffu:'\l.Jobu.t.U....ot.oreofU.isccun·~,-.


ce.poctty to.,._ !'ol"'t.~in& f"'J)nnHH!t.aU..,.. to run U..il' ~ aant, -.t U...- coopr.a.t.be MC~~r1t.)' n t1.ne U.... .- e~.., to ~i.l'loe1t, 1al9)8uinl7lll!. l•IVIU'..qt....u.u .. Yillll.l.­~ t11mo a t'ra'lt.iar - ot -w 9"Wl- - n.'ld u.t 1JC c•~ a11:11o:r.= -into~t-anSoN.ertoit, lnt.hatc~l..,.p>ahin£ on. t-n.f'O)'OU'Idllplahon.-tU.•,

Page 22: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

. LOGd before 1788 tbu• ••~ .tslu- !lere/ptla.,; out t.bt. lar.

ot canaan. An intrepid out poet breed t.be.r ,.,.. -- the aoo..u and U:le

nel&bbor' a chlae,-e •lt::bt lau worried tb.•• But IQdtau en4 redeoau

did not.~ Long be tore 178S, et Xaek:el!lkta t.lld V1neen,n , whh ICMt help


Ohio to.pany who CllN to ltttlrteH11. eii.CI8 rather llll:e tbe -en Md .otum .>

or tbe w. .. aebuntu S..y COI!IIpet~¥ to Boston, u oraant?;ecl aoclety, lUI-

Page 23: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its


,.,, de11t~d toE--Joa; b\11. aoe t etll'8 btlllf:H!lri to au,y. SuCb P"'i!le •1

~ a Rooeevelt I 1• a peraonal intero t hi tbe rQIIllllCII~<ho

rlae ot cial ori11.11l:n Uon n thla t "'na-.\lla&Jl bealn. Tor a -.bar

ot the RooM l ~ t.Uy tlrat but • and o~reted a et. bon dOWD l.!l.e

Ohio , do.n the i t taaatsstppt to t Gulf or Maxtco .

E.ent or the ttrl\ ch1.1 go•am.ment • •t ot tbe ortgl~~al thirt- at.ataa,

Page 24: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its


tilled. tbo.t. bope,

force btb1n4 tbet al&r&ti on a.-.1 tbe (trtvtng force betlind the a r ettt 10cJal

explo:aUoa n al"' careytrc; on toi~.

on wave tor another bUDd. red yea r • 'lfent t o l l'lproTI t heir eoonOIUc lot .

Page 25: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

wblch 11 drhtl!l WI tod.,- .

W1 t.b batt- burned ltWipe w11 not hieb , bu\ tt wa.a cer~in . A t~Utl ly , or

not get done alone t.bat tbe rron~ler .. n tlltunlly reached ou~t.o ..:011rern•ot ­J

Page 26: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

bua illS bee or • root "' Q& ore awappi r labor 1:1. eoail oth •e


opp.ort.unttl.el, They lookltd on ~em11111nt not as a thine; 'Pfl'"' ·- u •

Thor11 were worried legalilt l bllelt tn the Seaboord tOWI!.I Wlo were

~ ,. r, J. .• r eure t·- -• unoonat!t\rt.i<XW.l tor the Fe4eN.l Gore:t'1UA!!Dt to ..,1\ro.de

an~ n.tl•ot~ob eDd eanale Ulrout_'tl tbeM n .. urrltorte e -- wbo "r-. a.re

-were lt\l.l!llly lhtn,g tn the Northwest TerrltOl'J , ~ed up tbelr gttit ud.e

Page 27: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its


co-.~nity or peopl.a wbe.tt.,er tbey need ~o u.,, llO .. , but eat~ not do at.

dlYidu.l!l}. capaelttea.•

Today u.nder new oon41Ucma a '!lbol.o Dtl \.l on, the orlstnal tbl:-t.een

lit tle bttD4 that C8C4I to llarhtta to creotte new ooodltic.» --or teeurity.

loi!UIY a 111!11'1 do.• not. own ble cabin lll\)'MOre ; ble pOIUIISIOM are a

be P"JI a contnctor eeah and bas to ba1'1 .,rtaase t'1DP1nc1ng t o tllld. t be

ea8h. AM it that fi.Dand~~t; 11 or tbe wroar; UM. or goee bad -- he-.,.

Page 28: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

- 7-

iD dan&er ot torecl OIN.l'l. TM canlry oapta l n ..tlo protected tba log

at co,.rn~:~~nt C!lD be extended to the t\IU.

On a thouaa.ni!. rronta &O'Iernunt -- eu.te(~pal. •• well ••

Page 29: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its


or ;he .. rly eeUI.tire at \be NorUiweat.

¥0\'ern-ent h .2!!!:.!!!!..!! and not. an alien po.er ewer ua . The ulU~t.e

in 1938 u tn 1?88. I •• -=• tll._, ll::now "'-' •• will alweya ba1'a •

frontier -- ot eOciftl. proble .. _,;. aad the. t. we .uat a lways -• in to bring

bw and orOer to 1\ . In Lbat. oonf1donca 1 • pueb.tno on. I a a a~re 7011

Page 30: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

• AD:IRI QW '!"'" IDtJ,.

v l"A"'J T" A, OT"lO

lln.l' I" , 10!"'6

Lon ,. before 1'180 there -..or e h l t.e &tUI here , "spyJD£

ou1. tbla ltruJ or Canaan. '" An 1ntre-pl c:! out.~oat br.a" thOJ ... re -

tlem. rut lnUene e.nd ndcoat. did not .

1.oDI" t<etore 1'18e, at. JCaa'caalcla and Vlnccnoa, with

0 wl llcrnt'taa tor tbr .. oel••• - - ftnd for WI -- •1. 11' ttelr o 1'1 ,.are

t..ent1e ond tle1.r CMn lon,.. rlflce. P:ut t' ~lr !!7ftlbol Ia vtnoennea ,

not l.arlott.a.

lf~r• , Witt e.ll t ooor t.o t: • eoout.a end ttc atlral e!':era ,

we celabrat.e t.he COI'!.t n,. o1' a dl"teroot t ype of men and "'-lt. ell - -

tr&D~lantet' fro'"' ower ~· Ula,.h.,lea •~ole little oh111sattona

0 law,

Page 31: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

• u

me~n t.o Vl nel nd , in a Dplrtt e ll o" l'd 't'UltuT'c. ut 1: I' ll.cm nnd

erlOWI 1n ret t.- l N ·" ntanmt rcourlt.~ tar !>:~e n t>.1t'1 "O"'"CD anr. o!'ol l 'ren

a.n~ l:c:x Lt. t MJ or no (;!'e l"t'•llnr 1 to pua' on ; Nl root. clli:'O

lnt.en 1n Cl at.e7 . -eo..,lt- I".'IJ not. be- t: c 1'1rat to OCUI' uer

0 1 tt e' l r •. 1 t!c.. men"""\ t.or·oo ilo .utall l •hod At'let\.e

1'&:.:0\0... ! ..;.1 t. t.:lt. Jol1nancl. . -.~ at. • ere

ut o 1 e a:rl lr. l I t.t.LII alat.ea.

'MI:ree prov1 ton• o • Ue ortt..,~at Oritlncaoa I 11braya

u like t.o rfr • bar.

Page 32: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

• -. -0

peaceabl e ancs orderlr u.nner shall • • er ..,_ !!:Ole•te on a ooount

or hie aode ot wo:rllt l p or tar r ellptoua c.nt1v.m\. tn t he ~at.cl


bel l'l8 oeoeaaeey t.o ro~ ovornmmt. encl t1lo he.pplneaa or ranklnd ,

ala Tory in t a "'errl torr.

hoc , et'!uceto •, God- h·erlf\>" •en 8&1 •.-of"CCn - - ha t 1•

' '-t t he Ulrto(.n atatce t.ope tue new eat raul<" ezer-{111t)' . It

t•• •ell f'ulrLUo~ 1at hare .


under ita own dlfhl'crt. oot or c1 rouute.no es. Anrono ageoulat.log

on our l"Mt •ll'nt.lon ... -eat. .arCS 1s et.ruck -.itt U!t hW1lln para.llel

between ttf" rlYln ~orca tle1 1n' t.•..at al ration Md lba tr1Ylfl6

toroe bahlal! t he ~tteat I!IOc~l OXJ~lontlon •·• tre oalT)'ill;, on tocay.

0 I oat o t· e peopl e ll'ho ~•m. out. to Ohio ln 1'188 eod

Page 33: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

I" • -. -0

C'6lr c,oonc:rlo lot . In ot~Lr 'Ot1e, t 7 • ertl 'ollo ln \be..,.

t. t e Gl. o~ t • • 01'1 ru•• t ere •• •crC't ln. ?Ort'

tt as corta~::~ . !'I\: 11y, O" •t Ql:t e t-. n~l • ooul ~.a r.olf'

atlt'- .u!'rlcla. tooncr.l ant'!" - l r:. or "oo to • at !.! a r: n

clot. t a tr t c. .;;r~ n o a .• rr 117 wort' 1111:: 'O fl:lln ; "1 fiJ" •

·.r..- 11' ., l'l a ~I<! -:·1 rrt.n out '• r• ••• el eya an tnflnl•f'

~f'lf-auf1'1clency 1 f'c on1n •coat ftr.., - - t.o no:< lt•r,., , nc.w ·ro , new

Oi)r'OI"tunlty .

t"rh.oer :uo eoc ltlon11 Pcre •• 1110 llUO' to al f'ON'

0 W!lob • aoul cot ot toN' AlCik 1 •et. •"• ~11ttr r-.ea

Page 34: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

.. u



-. -lll•trq:tftt ol" ooopt.rath'e ealt- ":Ol.JI • I •te a l~ d 'II': let t,t"7

oould t• t. tl' lnt ·a ton.. -o U:e-- t. • •• o:" roTern!unt ...... t u t

4dl7 l!:ne, or t'('" r.eear1ty of t't:'r WX"..CD w:-! 1 tl!' c 11 reo

ar.d U•elr tc..•• 11r.<1 t tr o;;"~ortunltltll . 1"".a. l ool<:•4 oc rovcr:-.c- nl.

er.l· , 1111 e 4 ,.oc:rat.lc IIJ.it'C'OS!On Of

l' e money 11. .... lo l!". tr.t.., ..... ., l o:t"tl'lt o \.~oral f.l'l(! ltrut

l't.t. tra e::. l l c.o 1:-., w!:.o lac ·1.r.t~d t~to r·!rlt. o'" f'"c

p~le wt.o wore aotue..l ly l!Tln: Int. • en c ea\. ~trrl\.Ory , ~c;d

u, t~et at.tlt~ o •t.e~t Le "'atch ....... lef'llift-t.e olljte \. at

Page 35: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its


' I .. I -. -

\o tza•• c1oDe 1 but a~~nnot do a t all , or cannot do ., • ell, tor

'rodq UDder now oond1t10nl a wtol e -.~1011 , U"." orlflnel

t hirteen 1tetea Md all the eat and .iOUth •bat has F.rown out ot

t hea, b on a r ental n l ttr a t\on , dhHt.lltl e" wi t h old c0!14Jt.tone ,

Q new oondlUono -- or uouri t y . IZ\6 u d n t.t.f :;~e,orle aat. 110 11117

in 1.he1r ()a-D ~OYerllll!ent .

Luy a re.n ~oe• not. o. n bla cabin aDJ' aore; He

poe,.eaetona are a ban\ dep os lt .

oeroal.y l!llJ' lrAI'I enn call hh nel:"tltor• to ralse !'lh

root ..,,. r ore - t.e peya a contteotor oaeb £.nJ t-ea t.o ha• e

l!lortf'.A('e ttnm ol n to tiM thf! co.r . AM if u.e t t1nancln 1a

or the wron.- k ind or roe• bad -- a e.:t need Nll ) to M Ye bh tCBtt

free f«-eoloeure.

0 Once olr" as• waa oafe t.eoeu•• thoro • • • a l w&71J aonet in,?:

Page 36: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

• 0

-. -u aef\ll wbloh aea Gnd l!Omen , no u tter bQll ol !! , 111Bht. do to roam

an honorabl e N 1Dt.ene.nce. 'M:.e t u .. t. PJ)ne; ADd 101M oe• ldnd

of creanlzf»d Ol\!- af'8 l nl'UT'&nCa l;aa to tJa -roTt.d~o

In tbeaa J)eTpl ox1t1aa Ue lolth't~ual t.uma, •• t.e t.a

alr.a ya turnc(l , t o the col l6otJT(' aeourlty oi tr:e .d llln,"ll e aa ott

bia tello . a to C001)0Nte ti'rou- t. ~ o U."8 or O'f'cr~nt to he l p

bU. and .. c~ ot.tu·. ~l.e C~~ lrl t or t~ rront.1er hu•t n.s b- Ja

f oWl" t~ay Jn c&ratull y - llraf't.&d atAt.utea -- st.atutea lncur lnr

0 bnnil: Ge;o$l l.a ; at.a tut.ra rrov t dl n" ror tgoP:o TOner f'tr h0111ea tbrou .. b


T. F. . .... ; a t.et.utra .,t'OY1~1n t" l 'P U·rou ·h • 0 . L . C. fOt' t.boa e

l Ot ca H aa of tie r:cr-t.hweat la n o. u ppl n• t. e" lly lvl lat.ora,

U ke ~enntor F\al kleJ, t.ollln o ver U•t t' roft.lllE' o uct: u.at.uln

ud over ttla e f 1'l oteno1 of 01'~t;rll!'lent a ol.lnif'ry to e(t.Jnl.,t er

On a tt.our.e.n4 rron t.a ..,o.trna.,t -- state an4 aunlolpe l

•• wel l •• ra:1arel - - h :pl.a.yln the aa-t~ rob of the lnJNrer or

Page 37: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

•• 0



- 8 -

aeourlty tor t M •••raga -*' • wolllln and cb1l t1 t.t•t. tho Ar y

dataotz.nta J1~7ed ln the earl y c!aJa of t..~o old ltor\.hw .. t

depertun tTo• but a retum t.o t~ e bealtl:r prccUoaa ot mutual

.. lt-bal p o r tbo <ulr o\tllln ot t. o .lortt-weat. .

L•t \It not ba efra1~ to hlp e:aoh otf>c.r · - l ot u.

argot that gO'f'ornrtMt t a outoolYos au'l not an alton po.tlr

o•er uo. ~o ult.1 r'JD.to rolt:ra at our tlrocraoy erre not a Prealdent

...atore or tbl~ count.ry .

I ttolle 'ro tt-e.t t e .. :u·rloan P,t.O'l:}e , not a f'tald ot

bewa tt~ ...... oour.,;a to act.ln·a l\. , l n lt~ aa l n 1'8e· I •

oure UI•J Jmau tbe. t e wil l al .ay lave • t'rontier - or t'oole.l

pro bl e.a -- and tlat. a •\L t t~l .• ,. rcwe in 'o br1nr: lew .ad

Page 38: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

-. -0

orter t.o lt . In tbat contidenoe I • puehlnt on. I •• eura JOU

wlll push OD 1dth ••



Page 39: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

STAIE''ENTS FILE ... 11c t ,._

•·.=~::~.~+~ r,.oldan\, ~ boo 4»11...,114o\tt.r!uu., Oll!o, uror Nl-MIDall

~;;~·~ ":tf=-~~!j'l.~:.~:.=':r~WJ) .-na, ..J\1.4' e. 1938.


,_ """"""' s.c. .. u.ry ~ \1100 r:-ul.t.... \

' ( -- , ----- -------- -------------- ---~ J:>o!ono 1714 ~H .,.. ot:Ua •• be;:, "•n}a« \:,

\l:llo laM of c-.,,.., .&:. lu,..pld N•ro•t ,......., UWJ' .,.. -· ll:a -uu- U• lll<ltal.ll>uo ~ 1.e1a !'7H\ ol.arleu &14noUn. Tile

:!fi...ft..,•:•:/~!~~~·:.~'-1 •ll11• .,..,.. -orrlod Wa. y-

Lolli'i:boton~ 17U, olX.-'"""oaaol.'l ........... o, wi\1:1 Oa'Ul\ holp troa uw s..boat<l, lbq lla4 !>.14 lilolr Mlc•H .. uu ....... tor

V>a-lHo -· ....a for u ·" ol\n """It - .,._ ba<odo aW \l>oh """ IO<OC r1Ilao. lbt llldr ..,obolioflncu .. o, aotllaruua.

He,.., oUb oH honor to \M"=couu alld - llkll'ahharo,

~~::~~~= ~-~::,~ .. ~.!!~·::.. ~ 00~~~~::' ..,w;:",;:...!~ piN>"'~ fro.~ tJa 4U•d>..,lt1 eolo Hnh ohlllu.tlono \.!at '""""'lu.dc:rao. tbo)' .. rei'IYIIIof .... OIOII \OO""'l\llfll' .,.,.11'14 ""'""I aU.,.., .,....r,.ll,r rlan11d M4 or4or.4 ,...Hr. lao.

'l'bo..,.Lo-heroNtorog'lll-o U..tiErlcl<oo•'•

::L"' ..;1:-M~iol~r!!., ale!:' a:'~~:!:~ .! :-u.::·~~ ll!.o ---or U..llo.o...,...,..Uoh.T · toloo\OII,.., ~rp.allo4 -1•1.1. -.fral<l to_, "'~"'17 ao~ ... aw..., k\ •rlllll!.l I• -t-o

IJoC poru&ell\ -~~~.~ tor- - - - oiiJldrao"""' ~-•· lloiQ' or u-.•• .... Mllll>•<l \0 Pl-* ooo: ""' .coo~cau<Jot~cc"' nq. ,.... . •-.. ~ DO~ w u.o nro~ \o -..or tiM oaf'\1:1, "t<:.t lbt7••l....,~lan .JIO""'"'i1'1 ,"( ~

11',11\ bob1.odl1t.<>o ... &Iilii -•- ona~l\obo4 ll&rhU& - INMI.ro4 &Iilii tllt¥ 7Mtt W'Oj """"" ~~~ 111'1\,.._\ ot lAo o.r.ol. nUr alld <100f4r &\1on -.....:o ... r...,.M. ' Npl"tNn\&UYf or tho u­UOM-1 $Ytl'-~t o~urt<l. IC&r lo tt& to adaimlour U'.o lorU!.Mot 'hrti\O>"J'\lllilerU\.tfUoO'J.I:IOI'\IJotnON\I;o,IOO, Wwha\ .. a ... .,.,,~ ... uu. tod.lo,y h U:h n\Ol>Hoi:•H or 1-M t1rn ~1•11 , .,.,,..,.. •nt out or tho ori~lr.al '<lirtoao t\Uo.,

~ \0 ..-Ha~roa prO"O"hiooa o1 ~ ON.inanet I .u....,. lU:o

h ~I'CYIW \l:&t 0 M ptt- 4tMalllllt!l: IIU.Mlf lo o peac-o• Mlt .... ol"4ul.7.........,.K&l.l ... trM•hn""" oo-totb.lt •.&o Ill -.orolllp or !or rol~loo. -u-t lo Y>o ooU \Otrl\017."

Page 40: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its


H pr0"1d ... '!18' "Nlii1CC, -NlU1- ~oodp 'MIDC ... MMI7'Ct:CIOG-•"-~"-t"-""" '"-U'1'1-Ct-=l<tcd, .cboclt..,.,...,•cr..:~,.,.u.,..~ooourc'"""-""""_,_ _

Aro1 It pr<>Tideo!,.,tcr the pe.,..t""-1 p:-clllt>l\1011 ct elAW1'71att.o~rrltOf'l'.

J'!oH,o:IUCit-.l , l)od•tll ri!IIIMII"-nd-ll •• tboltle ,..., tto. thirteen n.•tn ~l'"'" •"-"" W.tt -u ueq~U!'y. ·~ ... •• ..,n ruuutO<Ithul>cpe.

-f7 &e"-""-""" -• -•t.DtleUr tho •- p..,bl ... ll..ttrlte"""dlrtu..,lltHtOtOI-\v.He.~lpt'CIIl•Un& C. 010:' U'MI a18fttiCII WU-I'd U ltNOk .......,,,~.- pe.Nlld .,._ U.. dri•LI:I! terce Mblll~ tllrt &lt:rf!UOCI too! t'M 4rh111C rorct '"-~1104 tile &.-t ....,1&1 eqolor<~Uca~wt tN cerT71"t: on too:!Q,

WcttottM,..,to-..o-'""'tootlt!/~­'lllilo toUo-d _.., ..., - !'or qctJl<Or ll>lc11"1111 ,...-. we.t to

!:"::. ~;":!c.!:!rl,!"~fl:tr::,~"!l"~~llo-iq .u ue •Dd or ,.,. - nau ~~·" •• ,_u.t.,. ... m

U..~thdrlob. 'nlc!etell'•l"'ofllt•IRelot:ccbla ... Jd tttU• ttlll 'lecl:e....t ••H~ balt..W.~ eu•:pa -• ""-' ~IF>. tut It -• u1'10aln. A tu:ollr, or •t -• • -~lp, eoW.d 1>o 1 -l•••~..,or<:r.ICH'aiWI•-:-Pl•atrottcocltcftt H "Nil "-""14 tout .,.,~II cut u.:l. lbe<lt or eutu .. ,,. u: pl.,.t:r ct -m doth .. 1~ tl>o.,..,... c! tt.t I'MilJ' .. ,.. aillln& to epl11; etw,-.,.ttf;llti'OCtOYC~thorMH1 ' '"'""\tt>:ellnleo<U:lU>It:r -.14 ""-""'~ to thou!l tore I'O<It•,..Uint•

Wbolu ..... ~"" ''"'"I-· • - ·• ,....;\),:·~-~ "'' ... ua' 'o:r or .,.... .. t\ofl •• ct .,...,1~..!1 M• "'- ttld bi"-I'W"'u o~ ll•elll>oo4, And It ~hillf!edld nO\ p<Wa <ail tb•N •"- th.l')'tl 1111 lbriiiiU H lt·

=~!!;~~;.ba.,mr.l..,;~n•r-1 •• 10- aM,- p:'OOI , .....,

.,.,._r-booiiiiU ..... \h,..-WIIOftloiliO!l'lt.t..... ......., .... could 1101. p t doU aJ.,..., the~ tt.e ,.,.tin..., •tunu7 ..... ~.-~ ... ~·-'<.a u .. t. '"'~''"" •1-.J• tau ...... ~ or cCOJ"'..-11-$ ult-11~1, "-itlo , .. ol1 or 1111~11 tl>•r e011H pt tt:l!le"- <lot:,. To u. • u ,. ,.., er p .....,,., •• 11o11 -tlo..f'tot"CottlleOOOJ<-"'tlcllar..,o.lii.IPl'ON.

Oo'F•I'Oft.nt .u u ladl.,...."*l" lut,_,~ cr tlool>' 4111111.,.., , or ~to. MCUrltt or tl>. lf' _... •11'1 .......... dlld.Na...,! Ulcl>'-"-tD(I-- onK>>'tu!llUU. ft,o)'l<>eto'OICIIIOn""'""' l

:::.0:: ~~"': ~~ ;; ~! .. '~!.•;;r.,7:.!!~; ,:',.!,.~~or erp.nlmtolr· l><>ll'llh' r..,r.Uul!uaklllf"~ • '- ,.

..,.,..., """' worrlfld l~CllliiU bACk 1~ U• Slftbe~ IOOtl\1 -.o ·~1'0 "-UI't It "'a IIIIOO!Ietltllt\Oft') f'er tM fOOIGnl Clc'I'CI'fii:IOU 14 l>olp • put ro<.l• ud rcn..,..,_,lld G~ll"la ~~'"""""' thoOM. n~•

!:'!!;:~t~,-~:':~~~n&~~o'::!.~:;..::':~ :-~~:.~::~ :"~ ~:!,. ,....,..,..uofthe iiO~""""'· ,t·

Page 41: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

- -- -, Ul~ ~= =~~~~;:t~·;~~~t~'"'/::.,";.1~ u-, ~""a~ ~U.on, di•natUtlld •lth '>14 con41t 1o:lo, -.~11\,1 U!:~ U>a llttl• baN tt.t c:a. to wanr.tr,;t.o ~roate ...,.. oonl11titN - or coe\:M.ty, Atld ar-111 tM ~ •o. an ~ 111 Ulelr-CO"~t. "),' .... '.\..-~

\aoe a blwlk~l~ dow 11¢...., IW ub1n -~-~ ~ po.oscaionl\'') '' ~ I I'

~-~~=:\ot'~Wlldo..:~~II!O~ Hf ..... c1J>ctol1:lllthoc.t:lh • .t.::dittNottw..c~UotU..-.onck::.nl or co- bod - blt...:a:rrw:at bel~ to .... hill"-m:..~.


=~~&:~:~;:F~7oE;?-~ ~~~ lll'~·h«<o].d.cC'II1.--.."&&''IOI!lutol>l'pi"'"s.s.do

In tb•,•• pM"plex:!.t!..el~ W1Ytalial tur:< .. ,.-U ""hu &lay~~ tu.."nt<!., t.o ~ho eoUe<:t1..., Meurit.y or thlt odll!n[::los: or hi.t:l tellca:r. \0 <lOOP"--&"" t~.N'~ _h the uao o! • rt to be}J> h.ia ..m :e~-~~:;!~~-:to~ -~u" ~ ~~~~./~~~~"I•"· •"t"m ~Sd.l-~: D<>rls;.co 1'10. for 1.-• t.'1f'<~o~Ch.J.<.K,-tr;f-at.:l.tutu ~l.olptt.r~·~,, tor-t...,..illd.an;...,rC>!!oroeloo>ln:.

~n:~~£1a~~.1;!::.,w"'~~ ~~~ ..... \ ::.=";:; :!,._~~~~:: .!''t;i":.!~,:;;~~ ~ ~~-;:nt ~~-';.-.o..-:tc.to.Jt.otd!\'.U,

• CIIa~frurt.<;~t - n...to..;,;-=1c1Jnl,.;""'\,~\,.. ut<'lllanl - U pl.o)<i:".£ u...-. f'Oh ott"" w~rer ot....,.rlty to:r tbllt ................ -=.ar.Jc.'dllt.."attllol.'"lqlk~l.&~111 \l".acoul,:r~o:tu.ol1f~tT.:rrit'-'"1• ~:ro>UI1N:i't.

~,attbp:,Ot:;.ca.,.,totU...."""'trrot.c.oUmat.llta.~"'""" -}::r-'11\l~:CO«q-.. llM,andOVI'ltCCIIt.loc1=-l&Uo:! a~f'rorlt.tar"I'Wft\ot.:,ol.aalt.)tf~ticoaof


Letu. no~bo,._"Tcctd .o'w!lp o;>cllot:>er - le\u r.07Y<tt'

tor.,aotUv•t~t !'~andi'!Ot~nllll«<powt'r<Nr>r u~. 'I'M\Iltil:.:lt..nll.enofNrd..-...ocr;~n,..notal're:ISd<'nt. J.!IanaWI

Ulii.C011£1'1#MmN>::IO<N<>r.r_..,tofl'1<:1<'lllj :.t(.'l· t . ~·~~.' ' "'

~t t.M ,l,m(JriGM JWO:!h, not ah-11.14 ct t.llo1r _,

=~;r~~l~~~~~~~E:--::~F ----~?----....,1:1tobr'...~ClP'MCI .. 1"6<1rto In_t. ~I•pu.ob1tl.l:

~- ·-~ ~ .~. \ (\.' ·n . ( l

"l. ,, -' . -~\,

Page 42: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator …Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but its

;\._, I

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