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Page 2: Free Geek Issue 2



Hello again! Can you

believe it’s now

March?! Time is flying

by. And luckily for us

this year has already

been packed full of

geeky goodness. I had

some lovely

comments about

starting this online

magazine and I’m so

happy and thankful

that people like to

read it. It’s not

intended to be

anything amazing. It’s

just so I can express

my love of geekery,

journalism and editing.

It is merely an

extension of my blog.

Which you should

check out and leave

me a comment!

- Kerry x

“There's a time and place for

everything, and I believe it’s

called 'fan fiction'.”

― Joss Whedon


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W E L C O M E T O I S S U E 2 O F F R E E G E E K !


The Award Winning Book

is finally coming to the BIG

SCREEN! Lois Lowry first introduced us to the

incredible story of Jonas in 1993 when

she published The Giver. It is a

complex story that for me re-sparked

my philosophical passion after finishing

University. The importance of memory

and remembering is an essential

memory. I am a complete lover of the

dystopian stories and the way we are

introduced to a strange new world,

with subtle gestures of corruption and

other disturbing aspects of life.

I read the book last year, and as soon

as I’d finished it I found out about the

motion picture. I am really excited to

see how they might do the colouring

aspect of Jonas’ world. Interestingly

IMDB has put the colouring of film as

‘black and white’ and ‘colour’. I hope

it isn’t as straight forward as black and


As my general understanding of the

world is that everything ‘appeared’

grey and dull. I was also happy to see

that casting of the film. Although I must

admit I am not altogether convinced

with some of the choices.

I believe that although we haven’t

seen much of Katie Holmes in any

decent roles recently; she will act well

alongside the lovely Alexander

Skarsgard. Looks aside there is no

denying that Skarsgard is an incredibly

talented actor. I am not very

knowledgeable on the actor cast as

the lead; Jonas. So it would be wrong

for me to come to an opinion on the

choice without seeing how he acts!

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However I think it is a shame that

maybe the studio has to appeal to

an audience with profit in mind.

Jonas is supposed to be younger

rather than the older 16 that the

character will be in the film. I’m sure

that the casting of Taylor Swift as

Rosemary means that her character

will be more involved with

everything. Knowing Hollywood I’m

sure an inevitable full-on romance

will be on the table. Jeff Bridges as

The Giver is an excellent choice

however. Although when reading

the book I imagined an older man

he is still an excellent choice.

From the very few pictures that

have been released I really like the

‘look’ of the film so far.

It is always really interesting to see

how books will be translated into a

big Hollywood film.

The outfits seem to fit a ‘cult’ type

style. All dressed in white basic

clothing, which fits what I imagined in

my mind when reading. I think there is

a big danger of this movie becoming

overly futuristic. However by the looks

of things so far; I think they have got it

spot on. Let’s hope I don’t have to

eat my words in months to come.

As of yet there is no hinting as to

when a trailer will be released, and

there has been very little press

surrounding the project as of yet.

My biggest fear is that this film may

become too much of a franchise. The

casting of older teenagers makes me

nervous that this film may become

something like the ‘Twilight’ franchise.

I really hope this is not the case.

Before I knew of the film being made I

thought that this story would make a

great indie film or art-house type film.

I hope that this film has the guts to be

independent and unique and can

portray this incredibly complex and

philosophically rich story in a simple

and humble way.

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IMDB has the film’s release date as 15th

August 2014 (USA)

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The X-men: Day’s of Future Past have

a fab new website up right now for

your awesome geeky eyes to wonder

at! Take a look at new character

photos and information. Also have you

heard that one character will be

completely CGI? Who can it be?!

Need to get your epic gaming fix after Black

Flag? The Order 1886 could be the fix you need!

Check out new game play videos on YouTube.

Mocking Jay Split!

My first response was WHAT?!! But soon I

calmed down and realized that we’ve

got to have a little more time with Katniss

and Co. The third installment of the

Hunger Games films is to be split into a

two-parter. Yes we’ll have to endure yet

another rage inducing cliff hanger, but

we’ll get to have extra cinematic

experiences of excitement. So YAY!

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Cherry’s work is amazing. It’s flawless and

magical. Her illustrations are mainly Disney

orientated. To be honest I think her drawings

may even be better than some of the new

Disney style animations. If you’d like to be an issue’s featured

fandom artist. Then email me:

[email protected]

Don’t be shy! It’s Free Advertisement!

All artwork on this page copyrighted to Brianna Cherry Garcia (All rights)

It’s clear that she’s a geek at heart, as this

comes across in her art work. Don’t forget to

check out her tumblr and deviant art. I think

she also sells things in online. So just head over

to her deviant art page for links!

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Supernatural; do you ever find

when you are explaining the show to friends that no explanation does it justice? I always manage to make it sound cheesy, and at times it is. But that’s the whole point! In 2005 in December I was laying on the floor watch ITV (UK Channel). That’s the first time The Winchesters appeared in my life. Immediately I knew I was going to watch it and love it. Luckily for me my mum has (sort of) good taste in television shows, and ever since then we’ve enjoyed watching Supernatural for the last 7+ years. I’m also a lover of mythology, and particularly Norse mythology. So when I see subtle references to the mysterious Norse mythology I love Supernatural even more! (Yes it is possible) Let me take you back to season one episode eleven; Scarecrow. This episode featured a small town of people sacrificing a women and man to a pagan god. The god appears as a scarecrow, its body made up of his victims. The scarecrow lives within in an ancient tree which was brought to America by Scandinavian immigrants. The sacrificing of a male and female were to maintain the successful growth and wellness of the town’s environment. This was the first time we can realize that Supernatural isn’t just going to stick with stereotypical

storylines of ‘modern’ religion. Sam and Dean also make reference to The Vanir who are a group of gods; they are bringers of youth, fertility, luck and health. Let’s skip forward to season five episode nineteen; Hammer of the Gods. Now we get to see some really awesome Norse magic. Sam and Dean are tricked into staying at a mysterious and strange motel. Trapped at the motel by an awful storm they soon realize something is not quite right. Although this episode features other gods from other religions, The Norse gods take the spotlight. We are introduced to Baldur, a brother of Thor; associated with beauty, love, happiness and light. Alongside Baldur is Odin who famously is the Allfather of Asgard and one of the most important figures in Norse Mythology. The angel Gabriel is also (I think) mistaken as the pagan god Loki. So we’ve put fast forward on now, and it is season eight episode two!

‘What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?’ We meet Mr. Vili who wants to win Thor’s hammer Mjolnir, on which he bids a bone of the frost giant Ymir and 5/8 of a virgin (I know how lovely!) However the most amazing part of the episode has to be when the lovely Sam takes hold of Mjolnir and takes an almighty swing at the evil Mr. Vili. I love how Supernatural isn’t afraid to step outside the boundaries of normal Supernatural themed TV shows. You never know where they’ll go with the storyline next! I know there has been some criticism that the show has become messy with its multiple religions and cultures fighting it out for spotlight. But I completely disagree. It wouldn’t be fair or balanced if it focused on one specific supernatural lore or faith. One thing that has always bothered me

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is the fact that America seems to be the one place where all the main important supernatural business takes place. But hey ho! That’s just part of the show. I would really love it if they eventually branch out into other cultures properly. Just maybe one episode a series, I think they’ve only visited another country once when they went to Scotland. I am going to give you plenty of warning now, that if you haven’t seen any of season nine, then you may not want to read any more. It’s not a huge spoiler, it’s just the plot of one of the episodes. So it is season nine, episode twelve and we get to see the funny Garth once more. Except this time he is not who he was the last time we saw him. He is a werewolf. Not only that but he is part of a group, who have formed an almost church for werewolf-kind. Sam and Dean find that Garth is married to a female werewolf named Bess. When Garth became a werewolf he became suicidal; but Bess and her family took him in and helped him. Sam and Dean stay suspicious about whether Garth’s pack can be trusted. As the story unfolds (I don’t want to give everything away!) The boy’s notice an inscription on one of the werewolf’s necklace, the inscription reads; Ragnarok. Dean finds that the werewolves worship the wolf god; Fenris. But let’s quickly see what the basics are of Ragnarok.

What is Ragnarok? Ragnarok is a series of events that are believed to happen sometime in the future in Norse mythology. It will eventually lead to the death of major gods such as Odin, Thor, Freyr and Loki. There will be lots of natural

again. Who knows maybe they will eventually go to Asgard! We got to see a little of Oz in one of the strangest episodes of series 9! Supernatural has managed to stay

It is great to see a mention of a huge part of Norse Mythology, it reignites my hope that this is something Supernatural will come back to time and new and exciting in a world that is heavily competitive genre. I’m really excited to see where the Winchesters go next! The great news is that Supernatural has been renewed for a 10th series. However I am a little concerned as in the past they have renewed quite a few series in advance. Maybe series ten will be the last of Winchesters, let’s hope that’s not the case. More exciting news is the prospect of a Supernatural spin-off series called; Supernatural: Tribes. Which stars Nathaniele Buzolic from “The Vampire Diaries” and Lucien Laviscount from “Skins.” It is most definitely certain that we can look forward to a whole host of exciting storylines. Us Norse loving people out there can keep our fingers crossed for more mysterious and fun storylines involving Norse lore. You can watch Supernatural on CW in the US on Sundays. In the UK Supernatural is usually available on Sky Living (Series 9 TBC) if not check out past series available on Netflix. Also Play.com’s prices are quite reasonable at the moment for Supernatural DVD’s.

disasters and the world will be submersed in water. It sounds like how the UK is right now! Odin is also swallowed whole and alive by the wolf Fenrir (Fenris). Fenrir is then killed by a vengeful Vioarr (Odin’s son). However in this episode of Supernatural it appears that the pack believes that at the time of Ragnarok wolves will rule over mankind. Dean explains to Sam about Ragnarok, exclaiming something like; “Thor, Loki, Norse Gods: Ragnarok!” I admit I clapped and yelped yay!

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Comic book shopping; is there anything like is? You managed to finally find that one book you’ve been waiting for,

to complete your collection of Mighty Thor comics for example. Well sometimes is can be tricky. As a buyer of back

issues and current issues I sometimes look to eBay for a good bargain. To be completely honest I find rummaging

through comic book stores much more rewarding. Not only are you supporting smaller business but you are also

having an experience of actually actively searching out the comic in the real world. Not sat in your room staring at

an inanimate object for 6 hours. Unfortunately not many places are fortunate to have local comic book stores.

Where I live there is only one, and they seem to have a problem with Marvel so that’s not great for me. A comic

book shop should be un-bias and full of varied and interesting comics not just DC and Marvel. London is a big place

and (can be) easy to get to. So if you are ever visiting the big city then be sure to pop into these amazing comic

book stores!

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If you are thinking of doing this London Comic Book store pilgrimage then be

sure to get a Travel Card for all zones. You’ll be traveling all over London and

it’s safer and cheaper to cover all your options on one travel card. If you are

already in London then you can just get a Travel Card for Zones 1 and 2 just

to be sure! You can use the card for both bus and tube!

In the heart of Camden Town is the charming Mega City Comics, it is right near to Camden tube station. Here you’ll find a great range of recent comics, with an incredible selection of Graphic Novels. You can also pick up a few back-issues for as little as 99p. This shop however doesn’t have many geekery items such as figures etc. You may need to check out some of the other stores for that! Postcode: NW1 7HJ

Tokyo Toys is such a cute and unique store! You may not find any comic books here but you will find Manga and Anime goodness. They also have some gaming merch including Assassins Creed. The Pokémon and other themed plushies are really well made and are usually around £18.00. I really wanted to purchase the Charmander one but I forgot to go back! Postcode: W1D 7DH

Orbital is my favourite! I walked in and thought I’d died and gone to Valhalla. Not only does it have the best collection of both Marvel and DC that I’ve ever seen, but also a huge variety of independent comics. They also have an amazing children’s section too. On top of that they have figures, T-Shirts and Posters, AND all their items are not over priced in anyway. Back issues and recent issues are all available at great prices. This store is a must! Postcode: WC2H 7JA

Basically if you are looking for anything you’re probably going to find it here. It can be busy but they do have a HUGE range of merch and comics. Upstairs you’ll find everything from a Big Bang Theory cushion to a Mine craft axe. Downstairs is whole library of comics, book, graphic novels and Manga. Good luck coming out empty handed! Postcode: WC2H 8JR

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This movie could become a movie that nobody hears about, but there is no denying that with its great cast and story-line it could be a hit. Starring Johnny Depp, who in order for his life to carry on is ‘uploaded’ into a computer ‘type’ programme. Anything dystopian always has me on board! Let’s hope it’s worth paying for.

If you are looking for a new film to fall in love with, go out and buy About Time on DVD. It is such a lovely and inspiring story that will tug on your heart strings. It is perfectly balanced with love, comedy, sadness and even a hint of science fiction. If you are fed up of the usually stereotypical chick-flicks this film will be a perfect and welcomes relief. Give it a go, you won’t be disappointed.

Who should your latest subscription be? Well it most

certainly should be Vsauce. If you have an inquisitive mind

then Vsauce is going to curb your appietite. Each episode

explores certain fascinating and weird subjects. Some

examples of episode titles are:

“What doea a human taste like?”

“How people disappear”

“What if everyone jumped at once?”

There tag line is ‘Our World Is Amazing’ and boy do they

show that it is exactly that way.

Get ready to have your mind blown then educated. You

are in for an enigmatic treat, a slice of our incredible

universe served to you for free; on Youtube!

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Contact Info:

Kerry Snode

For Press: [email protected]

For Writing, Competitions, Blog and any other inquiries: [email protected]

Felt Geek: [email protected]









Copyright 2014 – Kerry Snode

All rights to images used belong to those who drew or created them, only textual and design content

rights apply to Kerry Snode, unless stated otherwise.

Issue 2

February 2014


Viewable at: www.kerryshabitat.blogspot.co.uk/p/free-monthly.html for FREE

Anyone charging for this magazine is doing so illegally and has no rights to do so. Do not use for commercial

reasons unless permission is granted. No profit is made from this magazine.


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