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Freelance Transcription for Rev

by Anna T · 18 comments

in Non-Phone, Transcription, Typing & Clerical, Worldwide Opportunities

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Rev is a company I’ve come across a few times on the forums that

regularly hires freelance transcribers and also translators. They are based out of San Francisco,

CA, and it appears that they are open to hiring freelancers worldwide. It looks like the

transcription you do for them is general, not medical.

Do you need experience?

They specifically state they are looking for skilled transcribers. However, the application page

doesn’t ask how much experience you have and instead just requests you provide two

transcription samples. If you can do well on your samples, you may have a shot at getting in

regardless of how much experience you have.

How much does Rev pay?

They pay between .40 and .65 per audio minute. There is potential for bonuses if your quality is

good, which is probably why the rates listed vary. If you’re not familiar with transcription and

how it works, remember that transcribing one minute of audio could actually take several

minutes depending on it’s complexity. The pay rate Rev advertises for freelancers does appear to

be very low and makes me think that this may just be an extra money thing or ―filler‖ work

between other jobs. It’s possibly a way to get your feet wet in transcription if you don’t have a

lot of experience. However, someone at WAHM stated that she can go pretty fast and is able to

average $10 an hour at Rev.

If you actually are a very skilled transcriptionist, you can probably get hired by other companies

that pay more than this.

When and how does Rev pay?

Rev pays weekly, every Monday, with Paypal. This is definitely a plus. It’s nice to have access

to side jobs that always pay weekly so you can depend on at least a little money coming in


What is the schedule?

The schedule is another good thing about Rev — there isn’t one. It appears you are free to log in

and work whenever you want, choosing from whatever jobs happen to be available to transcribe

at a given time.

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How does the application process work?

You have to fill out some basic information — name, address, and so forth — and then

transcribe two transcription samples for them. One is a single speaker recording and the other is

a multi-speaker recording. They do provide you with their style guide and word template before

you start. Then just submit and wait to hear back.

Warning – There is a chance you could go through the entire application process — submitting

the samples and everything — only to find out Rev is not hiring. A reader let me know that this

happened to her. Apparently they leave their ―Jobs‖ page up as though they are hiring all the

time even when they are not. The app process is fairly time consuming. Just wanted to warn you


How long does it take to hear back?

This will always vary, but there have been some people on the WAHM forum saying they heard

back within just a few days. It does look like they will email you to let you know one way or the

other, so if they didn’t accept you, you won’t just be left hanging and wondering if you got in or

not. If you don’t get in, you can take their test again in six months.

Keep in mind they are not always hiring. It looks like they always have their application page in

place regardless of whether or not they are actively seeking out transcribers. If they aren’t hiring

right now, you’ll probably get an email letting you know this after you submit your samples.

Feedback on Rev?

The feedback on Rev indicates that they pay reliably, which is important. Even though the pay is

lower than what you might get working for other companies, they offer weekly pay and you

could potentially get in with little/no experience.

Where do you sign up?

You can go here to apply for the transcription position at Rev. Please leave a comment if you

want to share any extra info about this company.

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Anna T

Read these, too:

1. Work From Home Transcription For Way With Words

2. Work From Home Transcription For Transcribe Team

3. Master List of Work at Home General Transcription Companies

4. Appenscribe Transcription

{ 18 comments… read them below or add one }

1 lindsay July 23, 2013 at 9:28 am

I have never tried transcription work though I think I can do this. Thank you for the info.

$0.65 per minute is actually a fortune for some people especially those living outside US


2 Sakeenah July 25, 2013 at 1:56 pm

It’s actually $0.65 per audio minute, which takes longer to transcribe. For inexperienced

transcribers, about 10 times longer or more. Experienced transcribers expect to trans in a

1:4-1:6 ratio. Standard rate is $1/audio minute.


3 Joe January 20, 2014 at 5:45 am

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Guess I heard about this too late. When I tried to apply, the web site started to load a

form, then showed:

Sorry, but this form is no longer accepting submissions.‖

Oh well, at least they did not waste my time applying when not hiring.


4 Anna T January 22, 2014 at 6:30 am

They may just not be accepting applications right now. You can always check back in a

few weeks or months because it could change.


5 Leon G February 17, 2014 at 11:23 pm

Anna, I’ve been working for a transcription company for 10 months now and I want to do

online transcriptions for extra income. Can you recommend me a good company that

pays well and reliable?


6 Anna T February 18, 2014 at 6:58 am

I have heard good things about Verbal Ink – http://verbalink.com/about-verbal-



7 Pat Pine February 28, 2014 at 10:14 pm

My granddaughter has completed her communications studies @UCSB…she has

completed quite a few internships and is and I believe she may do very well in the

transcription field until she finds her place in the communications field. How do I explain

just what transcribing is, and are there classes for this field?


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8 Valerie Hartman April 9, 2014 at 9:54 am

I am a former transcriber for the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands.

I applied to work for Rev, submitted the transcription test, and was… rejected with no

reason. I must say I am a native French speaker, bu my native American husband helped

me (he is an English major). So basically, my conclusion is that if you are ―over

qualified‖ they won’t recruit you. I’ve read similar comments on Facebook from other

qualified people. Some websites like this one may have the work, but will not want to pay

too high.


9 Paige June 24, 2014 at 6:37 am

I just received a rejection letter for this one. I’m a native English speaker, grad student,

and have transcription experience, so I’m not quite sure what they are looking for.


10 Sheeroh June 28, 2014 at 8:08 am

They seem to be extremely strict in how they choose candidates.I really wonder what

they’re looking for.


11 Sky Callen July 6, 2014 at 9:54 am

It is actually very difficult to get on with this company. They do reject you for no reason

at all. Also it takes a lot longer, then just transcribing, because you have to add the

caption to the video, then review the video to make sure that that the captions sync up

with the video correctly. So as a result, you are watching the video multiple times, which

takes time depending on the length of the video.


12 Kevin Velasco July 14, 2014 at 11:00 pm

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I spent over 8 hours going through the application process only to be rejected before the

final application step. Complete waste of time. Stay away.


13 Penny July 17, 2014 at 4:58 pm

Hey, I just found your website and read this article. Just wanted to let you know that I got

a response back fro m Rev.com and they said that they will be sending me an email with

all the hiring details, account setup info,etc… in about 3 months. They do send you a

copy of their style guide so you can download it and read it. Also they will be doing

another test of about 60 mins to help work on my training. So I will start out as a Rookie

but then when i get going and get better i can be promoted to Revver status and start

earning 25% more they say. Hopefully, I will hear back in about 3 months or so.

but they have NOT asked for any money to start working for them or anything. That is a

plus in their favor.


14 Leelah July 23, 2014 at 7:19 am


I also got a reply back from Rev.com about sending me all the necessary information in

about 5 weeks. Have you heard back from Rev.com yet? I’m worried it may not be

legit….even though this blog post says it could be.


15 Sam July 30, 2014 at 11:06 pm

Hey. Likewise. I’ve been waiting since early June – first got an email saying they’ll be

bringing me on-board in 5 weeks, and then received another one saying it has been

extended to an additional 3 weeks, because of the holidays and low work-flow. Are your

5 weeks over, Leelah? Have you heard back yet?


16 Sharon July 21, 2014 at 11:48 pm

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I applied and transcribed an audio. I also attached my resume, but my extensive

experience is mostly as a legal secretary and real estate broker. I briefly trained as a

medical transcriptionist but was not certified. I applied over the weekend and got a

rejection email today, which stated:

―Thank you for applying for the transcriptionist position with Rev. We have rigorous

minimum standards and unfortunately your application did not meet those.

Please do not contact Rev regarding this decision, as we are unable to further elaborate on

our reasons.

Again, thank you for your interest in working with Rev. You may re-apply in six


I doubt I’ll reapply because I don’t think I have enough transcription experience, even

though I’m pretty confident I answered all the questions correctly and transcribed the

audio correctly. Good luck.


17 Beckie August 15, 2014 at 1:35 pm

I didn’t even get that response. Mine basically said ―You did a good job, but we’re

looking for people who adhere more to our guidelines.‖ Nothing about what I missed, or

anything like that, even though I used the guidelines and video, more so the guideline, as

it says if anything is different between the video and guideline, to use the guideline. I

never got the one I submitted commented on or anything other than the ―thank you but‖

email. All I can figure is the timestamps may have been off, because I went back and

made sure the transcription was correct.


18 Crystal August 14, 2014 at 6:51 pm

Hi Everyone! I read this forum in June before applying for REV and then again just now

after having worked for them since August 1, 2014.

The application process went a little something like this.

1. You fill out the application.

2. They email you the style guide and a extensive ―how to‖ video.

3. They give you a test run video which they ask you to caption.

They review it. If you pass, they’ll give you another that’s a bit more

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challenging and a bit longer. They review it. If you pass, they’ll give you

one more. Each video is reviewed and commented on for your benefit.

If you pass all three, they welcome you into the company.

I can tell you that I have no past experience with transcribing or captioning.

This isn’t a job where you need past experience or a mastesr degree.

You just need to be very good at typing what you hear and you must follow their


I feel that the guidelines style guide packet is what makes people who get rejected

stumble in their application process. There are so many nuances to how Rev wants their

work done, which makes sense because they desire high quality. Unfortunately, I’m sure

many people just sort of skim the guidelines and start captioning. This would be a bad

decision if you want to get hired.

This isn’t a full time job. I read a comment above that stated they knew someone who

was able to make $10/hr. I actually don’t even know how that is possible. Minimum

wage is hard enough to obtain. When I started, I was slower and was probably only

pumping out work for $3/hr. But in just a couple weeks I’ve probably moved that up to

$4.50. So, you do get better. I hope that I can get up to $10/hr doing this. That would be


That being said, I am so grateful to work at Rev as my husband is the bread winner and

I’m taking care of the household. It’s extra cash. Plus, many of the videos are just fun to

caption. I’ve captioned a movie and music videos. But I’ve also captioned conference

speakers whose topics range from medical to recreational. I’ve learned a lot and really

enjoy it.

I hope the above information helps in your decision of whether to join Rev or not. I say

go for it if you have the time. It’s fun.


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