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Birth: July 6, 1907Coyocán, Mexico City

Death: July 13, 1954 (47 years) Coyocán

Nationality: Mexican

Education: self taught

Frida Kahlo, the great Mexican painter, born July 06, 1907, he painted a lot of color photos and self-portraits

On September 17, 1925 Frida Kahlo had an accident, when a tram hit the truck where she viaba. His spine was fractured and he was immobilized for a while.

Suffered more than thirty-two operations, but never fully recovered. Was forced to corsets of different materials, and could never have children, a fact that mortified the rest of his life. During her recovery she began to paint.

The Broken Columm

The two Fridas


Frida and Diego Rivera

In this painting we see two Fridas; the one on the left is the Frida who has just been rolled out of the operating room on a hospital trolley and the other is the forceful upright and cofident figure of Frida.

This was Frida’s first work done after her marriage to Diego Rivera.

This unfinished painting depicting the “would be” cesarean procedure is belived to have been started prior to the miscarriage and is an expression of both hope and fear.

Graffiti dedicated to Frida Kahlo in Los Angeles.

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