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Page 1: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community news1


Eltham High Schoolt (03) 9430 5111 | ABsenCes: (03) 9430 5299 [email protected]

TERM 1 / WEEK 2tuesday, 02 February 2016

DAtes to remember


Sunday, 7 February:Black saturday Anniversary

Tuesday, 23 February:swimming Carnival

Thursday, 10 March:student Progress interviews

Sunday, 20 March:

working Bee

Year 7 Instrumental trial eveningWednesday, 10 February

Photo catch-Up DayFriday, 12 February

Working beesunday, 21 February

// PrinciPal’S rEPort

Welcome Back

A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone had a restful and relaxing summer break and that you are ready and energised to embrace the challenges and opportunities that 2016 will present to us. in particular i welcome all of our year 7 students and all new students in subsequent years into the school and of course a big welcome to all the new families that have joined our learning community for the first time.

in one of the last newsletters for 2015 i farewelled a number of staff it is now my pleasure to welcome all the new staff that join us for the first time or are returning to us from either a period of leave or who have gained an additional short term contract position for this year.

we take this opportunity to formally welcome all the new staff to the school and to wish them a very positive experience throughout their time with us:

mrs Chizuko inoue-Andersson (Coach whole school instructional Practice; Languages-French)

ms megan Lawler (english)

miss susan wang (mathematics)

mrs nimma sagar (mathematics)

ms Lisa Castles (mathematics, technology)

ms Jitske wiersma (technology – Fabrics and Fashion)

ms sarah mcKinlay (english, Humanities)

ms skye Anderson (english, Humanities)

ms Lisa Bovezza (integration Aide)

ms shani Allen (integration Aide)

Furthermore we welcome back a number of staff either returning from leave or who have secured an additional contract in our school. i wish them all the very best for 2016:

mrs Amanda Celotti (Business management, Humanities)

ms tish Delaney (english, Languages-French)

miss Adeline tallarida (english)

mr Gavin Abrahams (Health & Pe)

mr Ben mcLeay (Junior school Coordination, Critical inquiry, Humanities)

1 Principal’s report4 assistant Principal6 Middle School7 careers7 languages8 Musical notes9 Parent and carers11 Sport13 Student Services (Wellbeing)14 Swim Squad15 Working Bee

Page 2: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community news2

FEBrUarY 2016

Wed 3•year 7 watermarc•year 12 Pathways/education Day @ Rmit•eHs Community Choir Rehearsal (7.30pm - 9.00pm)

Sun 7•Black saturday Anniversary

Wed 10•year 7 instrumental evening: 7.00pm•year 11 oes indoor Rockclimbing

thurs 11 •Headstart orientation study skills

Fri 12•Photo Catch-up Day

Mon 15•epworth sleep Clinic seminar

Wed 17•school Council meeting (7.30pm - 9.30pm)

Sun 21•eltham Jazz Festival•working Bee

tues 23•swimming Carnival

Sun 28•Home Harvest Festival

school cAlenDAr

i take this opportunity to remind parents of the use of the Compass Parent Portal, if you are a new parent and do not have your username and password please contact the relevant sub-school office through the General office on 9430 5111. the Compass Parent Portal gives parents up to date information about your children’s timetable, attendance, reports, upcoming events etc. it also allows you to approve your child’s attendance on excursions and make payments on line plus a host of other things. if you have accessed the Compass Parent Portal before but have forgotten your password please contact the relevant sub-school office through the number indicated above.

A reminder that we run a four period day timetable across a ten day cycle with each period of instruction being 72 minutes. the bell times are as follows:

08.45 warning Bell

08.55 Period 1 start

10.07 Period 1 end

10.12 Period 2 start

11.24 Period 2 end

11.49 warning Bell

11.54 Period 3 start

13.06 Period 3 end

13.50 warning Bell

13.58 Period 4 start

15.10 Period 4 end

i ask parents to ensure that students arrive to school on time and get to each class on time. A brief discussion at home around this expectation would be very supportive of the school.

the year has started smoothly and i look forward to our work together throughout this year.

Student Achievement

Congratulations to all the Class of 2015 for their success in their exams and for gaining entry into their selected courses. i once again i congratulate our school Dux, Kate Glynatsis (Class of 2015, stewart House) on achieving an AtAR score of 98.55 and securing entry into her chosen course, the Bachelor of Applied science alongside a master of Dietetic Practices at Latrobe university. i take this opportunity to wish all the students the very best in 2016and beyond.

Congratulations to Gabriella Alberti (Class of 2015, Stewart House) who has been selected for the Victorian season of excellence - top sound for her high achievement in music investigation. similarly Brandon waterworth has been selected for top music for his outstanding achievement in music Performance. i wish him all the very best with his future career path.

Congratulations to Artek Halpern-Laurence (Class of 2015, Andrew House) who also has been selected for the Victorian season of excellence – top Designs exhibition for his work in interactive Digital media. Artek achieved outstanding results in the subject and this acknowledgement also recognised his great talent. i wish him all the very best with his future.

Congratulations to Ruby Evans (year 11, Rutter House) as one of the Kwong Lee Dow scholarship 2017 recipients. Ruby is an outstanding student who always puts the very best in everything she does and is very worthy of this recognition. Ruby joins a number of previous eltham High school Alumni who have been recognised as Kwong Lee Dow scholars. i wish Ruby every success in this program.

i also take this opportunity to remind you of Skye Robinson’s (year 12, Everard House) achievement. skye has been selected to perform in the melbourne symphony orchestra secondary symphony Program. skye will perform an ambitious program alongside other students from across the state that has been prepared by the students, mso musicians and Conductor Brett Kelly. the performance will take place on thursday, 25 February in the iwaki Auditorium, ABC southbank Centre. Bookings can be made by phoning the mso Box office on (03) 9299 9600. i wish skye all the very best with her performance and for her music and work in 2016.

Page 3: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community news3

Black Saturday Anniversary

the anniversary of the events that took place on Black saturday, 2009 is on sunday, 7 February. we will be remembering this day by conducting a ribbon tying ceremony around the memorial tree which is located in the central courtyard of our school on Friday, 5 February at 10:30am. students and staff will be invited to attend this expression of remembrance.

Gay Pride March 2016

the Gay Pride march took place last sunday, 31 January. twenty students, four staff and a number of parents participated in the march this year. it was great to see the number of student there. once again we marched under the eltham High school Banner alongside the safe schools Coalition and minus 18. Congratulation to everyone that attended in support of our school value of Respect for Diversity. A great effort!

Student Accident Insurance

Parents/guardians are reminded that the Department of education and early Childhood Development does not provide personal accident insurance for students. Likewise the school does not have a whole-school policy for personal accident insurance for students. Parents and guardians are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including transport costs. Reasonably low cost accident insurance policies are available from some commercial insurers. these cover a range of medical expenses not covered by medicare or private health insurance. Parents/guardians may wish to purchase such a policy for individual students.


roStEr For JanUarY 2016

Wed 3•mary Adapon•Jenny Connor

thurs 4•Heather Greenhill•Jennifer miles

Fri 5•Robyn mcCorkelle•Leesa moar

Mon 8•Joanne Copeland•Jane Davis

tues 9•Kristin Conron•Kylie Andreette


wed: Fried Rice

thurs: sushi

Fri: Hamburgers

mon: Homemade wedges

tues: Lasagne

cAnteenroStEr & MEnU

Page 4: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community news4

// aSSiStant PrinciPal

Dress Code

in the assemblies held last week with all students, our student leaders reflected on the school values and spoke about the impact of the values across all aspects of school life at eltham High school.

i would like to consider the school values in the context of our Dress Code. we are proud to be members of a school community that allows students to express who they are through the way they choose to dress for school. in speaking with the year 7 students on their first day, i spoke about the importance of having a dress code and that there need to be expectations in terms of how students dress to come to school. the illustration outlines the expectations in a simple way. students need to ensure that their clothing is suitable for a school context.

Attendance and Absences


At eltham High school we recognise the importance of regular attendance at school and the links with likelihood of success in learning. Daily school attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. it is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age.

in support of regular school attendance the Department of education and training have produced resources for schools and families on promoting attendance at school. the resources ‘every Day Counts’ can be accessed at http://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/parents/behaviour/Pages/studentattendance.aspx.

Resources available for families include:




support to improve student attendance is available at school. Please contact your child’s sub-school if you have any concerns about getting your child to school.

Late arrivals:

Classes commence at 8.55am. if students arrive late please go to the general office and sign in at the Compass Kiosk. students then take the printed ticket with them to their class and give to their teacher.

FRAN MULLINS, Assistant Principal

Extra Maths Help

when: tuesdayLocation: Room 706time: 3.10pm – 4.00pm

Briony TurnerMaths KLA Coordinator

Homework club - Year 7when: wednesdayLocation: Room 142time: Lunchtime

Ashlea OatesEnglish/Integration Studies Teacher

it Support - Year 7Get to know your surface Pro 3

when: wednesdayLocation: Room 140time: Lunchtime

Katie ReedICT Leader

Smart not Scattered - Year 7A group for year 7 students wishing to get on top of their time management, goal setting and organisation.

when: wednesdayLocation: Room 142time: Lunchtime

Ashlea OatesEnglish/Integration Studies Teacher

extrA cUrrIcUlAr claSSES & tUtorialS

Page 5: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community news5

Eltham High School – Planning and Time Management Tools - 2016


in 2016 eltham High school will not be distributing school diaries to all students as the default tool for them to record their key assessments dates, school events and homework in. this is occurring for a number of reasons: the use of the diaries for most students has declined steadily over recent years and instead students are increasingly using electronic tools to manage their time. Compass school manager has also replaced the traditional role of the school diary in communication between parents and teachers.

through the 1:1 Laptop program students have easy access to a range of powerful tools to manage their time and set key dates – many students are already using these tools as well as others which they may have access to through their mobile phones.

For students who wish to maintain using a hard copy school diary, these are available upon request through the sub school offices.

All students have access to a range of useful tools through microsoft outlook. students are currently using outlook to at least some extent to access their email. in addition to email, the two key tools which students will be encouraged to use are listed below. Both of these functions are available to students through the outlook app on their laptops, but also through their email should they access it via the web on another device. these tools can also be easily synced with apps on other devices they may have such as a mobile phone or tablet.

outlook Calendar:

the Calendar in outlook can be viewed in a range of formats including daily, weekly and monthly. school events and assessment task due dates can be easily added. Reminders can easily be set to help the students set milestones or commence a task well ahead of a due date.

outlook tasks:

the tasks function in outlook allows students to set task lists and easily search these lists by level of importance, date, category etc. the tasks function also links to students’ email and allows students to flag specific email messages as ‘tasks’ to be followed up at a later stage.

students will be provided with guidance as to how they can access and use these tools and over coming weeks in both the newsletter and via Compass, we will post resources for you as parents to understand how you can support students with planning for and managing their learning at home.

TIM NATOLI, Assistant Principal

Home Harvest Feast

Celebrate local food and the summer harvest with us at the Home Harvest Feast on sunday, 28 February at edendale.

Register as a grower and supply your produce and you will be invited to join the Feast which is a community lunch where your produce will be turned into a delicious meal. the meal is created by local caterers with the support of eltham High Hospitality VCAL students and volunteers. it will will be served in the beautiful grounds of edendale accompanied by live music, stalls and drinks.

InterestedinbeinginvolvedintheHomeHarvestFeastbutyou’vegotnoproduce?Whynot volunteer? There areplentyof volunteeringopportunities for theHomeHarvestFeast on saturday, 27 and sunday, 28 February.

Find out more at www.nillumbik.vic.gov.au/homeharvest

DARREN SQUIRES, Assistant Principal

Page 6: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community news6

// MiddlE ScHool

i would like to welcome all of our year 8 and 9 students for 2016. students will find many engaging and challenging opportunities in both the curricular and co-curricular program. echoing the words of our Principal, mr Vincent sicari, when he addressed our new year 7 students, i encourage students to take up the opportunities that arise throughout the year. on that note, it is important all students check their school email regularly, and that families (parents and students) read the (weekly) school newsletter. too many students miss out on opportunities throughout the year simply because they were not aware of what was on offer.

Year 8 Surf Camp

year 8 surf Camps will be happening towards the end of this term. Further details will be provided to students in the near future, and dates for these camps are shown below.

8A & 8B: 16/17 march

8C & 8D: 17/18 march

8e & 8F: 21/22 march

8G & 8H: 22/23 march

8J & 8K: 23/24 march

ROSS MCKINNON, Middle School Leader


when: wednesday (Junior) thursday (Senior) Location: 111 Drama space time: 3.20pm – 5.00pm

George Franklin Drama/Coach Critical & Creative Thinking

Scrambled Prince Workshops

when: tuesday

Location: 111 Drama space time: 3.20pm – 6.00pm

George Franklin Drama/Coach Critical & Creative Thinking

EHS Swimming club

when: thursday Location: eltham Leisure Centre time: 7.00am – 8.00am

Phil Boyd

EHS Swimming Club Coordinator

interschool debating team

when: monday Location: Room 301 time: Lunchtime

Adaline Tallarida Debating Coordinator

Photography, Visual design & creativity club

when: thursday Location: Room 601 time: Lunchtime

Artek Halpern-Laurence Ex-Student

PriSiM(People - Respecting - indvidual’s - sexuality - identity - movement)

when: tuesday Location: Room 156 time: Lunchtime

Louise Heathcote Student Services Leader

tournament of Minds (Starts term 2)

when: tuesday (year 7 - 10) Location: Room 154 time: Lunchtime

Loren Clarke Tournament of Minds Coordinator

elthAm hs clUbsWHY not GEt inVolVEd!

Page 7: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community news7

// carEErS

Year 10

year 10 work experience 2016: monday, 2 - Friday, 6 may 2016:

All students are required to organise an appropriate placement for this time, with the emphasis being on a career related interest.

students can access the required forms via the intranet under the senior school link or obtain them from outside the Careers office.

Please make an early start on the placement and be aware that this is compulsory program that replaces all classes including year 11 enhancement.

ROSS PRINGLE, Careers/Pathways

// lanGUaGES

Eltham High School 2016 Tour to France: Payment Schedule

For students who have expressed an interest in the 2016 tour to France, you will shortly be receiving further information, through a letter and via Compass, regarding the payment schedule, passport requirements and insurance. Please note that deposits must now be collected to secure our booking with G.e.t education tours.

At this stage, the cost of the trip is $6,400.00 (to be confirmed once numbers are finalised). once the flight deposits are paid they are not refundable. the final cost will be communicated to families at a later stage, and is subject to change based on final numbers travelling and on the exchange rate. The first instalment is required by Thursday 11 February, 2016.

the proposed payment plan is as follows:

Instalment Amount Due Date

11 February, 2016 $1280.00 Deposit (non-refundable)

10 march, 2016 $1280.00 second instalment

14 April,, 2016 $1280.00 third instalment

12 may, 2016 $1280.00 Fourth instalment

13 June, 2016 $1280.00 Final instalment (subject to variation)

of course, you may pay in full at any time prior to the 13 June, 2016 if you wish. we will keep you informed as to any changes in cost. Reminder notices will be sent for each instalment.

Please complete the form accompanying the letter and return with a cheque, cash or credit card information to the school Cashier by Thursday 11 February, 2016.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information at [email protected]

MANUELA NICASSIO, Languages KLA Coordinator/Tour Organiser

Page 8: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community news8

// MUSical notES

we hope you all had a great holiday period and are ready for another great year of making music together.

Music Lessons and Rehearsal Times – 2016

music lessons and rehearsals will start from monday 1 February, 2016. Please ensure students check Compass for scheduled lessons and rehearsal times. Please see below for a list of the 2016 large ensemble rehearsal times listed below. some Large ensembles have changed rehearsal times, so please check carefully.

stage Band: monday 3.30-5.30pm

Jazz Band: monday 3.30-5.30pm

training Band: tuesday 7.30-8.45am (commences 15/3/2016)

Concert Band: tuesday 3.30-5.30pm

intermediate Band: wednesday 7.30-8.45am

Junior Jazz Band: wednesday Lunch

symphonic Band: wednesday 3.30-5.30pm & Friday 7.20-8.45am

senior strings: thursday 3.30-5.00pm

Junior strings: Friday 7.30-8.45am (commences 11/3/2016)

intermediate strings: Friday 7.30-8.45am

Year 7 Instrumental Trial Evening - Wednesday 10 February, 2016

students will be able to try all of the instruments that we offer as part of our instrumental music Program at our instrumental trial night.

the night starts at 6:30pm with a BBQ and a performance from our symphonic Band. this will be followed by a brief information session and hands-on opportunity to try all of the instruments. members of our staff will be present to assist, observe and assess the students during this session. An outline of the music Program will be presented, including information on purchasing instruments, fees and lesson structure. staff will also be available to answer any questions you might have about your child’s involvement in the music Program.

2016 Instrumental Music Program Fees

the fees are payable in three instalments the first being due on 5 February 2016, then 18 April 2016 and 16 June 2016. or for the training Band and Junior strings the fees are due on 17 march 2016, 12 may 2016 and 21 July 2016. the instrumental lesson fee is the first instalment due by 5 February 2016, the ensemble program fee is the second instalment due by 18 April 2016. the third instalment is due by 16 June 2016 and will be for any other fees i.e. instrument hire, percussion equipment fee etc.

you can pay via BPay, over the telephone (tel: 9430 5118) or direct to our cashier in the General office.

Please note, as the eltham High school music Program is a self-funded program, and in order to meet the commitment to staff, if a student withdraws from the music Program anytime during the year, full yearly fees are payable.

if you have any queries about the music Program, please contact the music office on 9430 5127 or email Jane, our music secretary, at [email protected]

RICK PLUMMER, Music Director

Page 9: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community news9

// ParEnt and carErS


inFoRmAtion FoR PARentsevery Victorian child should have access to the world of learning opportunities that exist beyond the classroom. the Camps, sports and excursions Fund helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. it is part of making Victoria the education state and the Government’s commitment to breaking the link between a student’s background and their outcomes.


school camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors, excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works and sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership. All are part of a healthy curriculum.

CseF will be proivded by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

if you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CseF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. the allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

the annual CseF amount per student is:

•$125 for primary school students

•$225 for secondary school students.


Contact the school office to obtain a CseF application form or download from www.education.vic.gov.au/csef

Closing date for applications: 29 February, 2016


For the CseF application closing dates and more information about the fund visit www.education.vic.gov.au/csef

2016 Victorian Public Transport: Student Concession Card and Student Pass Application Form

Proof of concession

All students aged 17 years and over, or those requiring a half yearly or yearly student Pass (regardless of age), are required to obtain a 2016 Victorian Public transport (VPt) student Concession Card as proof of their concession entitlement.

2016 Victorian Student Pass

the Victorian student Pass provides travel for students on all metropolitan trains, trams and buses, all regional bus services and all V/Line train and coach services operating wholly within Victoria. the Victorian student Pass is issued on a myki.

compass Parent Portal Log into for Information on:

•Collection of Laptops - year 10•music Lessons & Rehearsal times - 2016•music Program timbre test year 7 students•senior (yr11 & yr12)) interschool sport•tuning in to teens: emotionally intelligent Parenting•year 7 watermarc excursion

School Term Dates

2016teRm 1:

Finishes thursday, 23 march

teRm 2:

starts monday, 11 April

Finishes Friday, 24 June



T1-Nspire CX CAS Calculator with case and charger

(Excellent Condition)Approx $150

Contact: Lisa 0417 313 218

Page 10: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community news10

Students wishing to purchase a Half Yearly or Yearly Victorian Student Pass will be required to obtain a 2016 VPt student Concession Card, regardless of age, as proof of their concession entitlement. the standard $9 fee applies.

Students 16 years and under, who do not wish to purchase a Student Pass are not required to obtain a VPt student Concession Card but can still get a child myki for concession travel. A $3 card fee applies.

Application forms can be obtained from:

•eltham High school main office

•V/Line staffed stations and ticket agents

•PtV Call Centre by calling 1800 800 007

•online at ptv.vic.gov.au

Further information specific to student travel arrangements under myki can be obtained by visiting http://www.ptv.vic.gov.au/

KATHLEEN HANNAN, Business Manager

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Community news11

// SPort

Year 7 and Year 8 Physical Education Uniforms

A reminder that ALL year 7 and 8 students are required to wear the eltham High Physical education uniform in Physical education and sport classes.

year 7 student’s uniforms will be distributed during Physical education classes commencing monday, 8 February.

if you have not yet paid for the uniform could you please pay the cashier by Thursday, 4 February.



year 8 students who do not have a uniform can pay the cashier and collect the uniform from their Physical education teacher.

Changing for Physical Education Classes

A reminder that ALL students who undertake a Physical education unit in years 9, 10 and VCe are required to bring a change of appropriate clothes for practical classes.

ROB WHITELEY, PE/Health Coordinator

Eltham High School Volleyball

Volleyball team selections for 2016:

team selections will held in the showcourt, as follows:

monday, 1 February: Lunchtime – year 11/12 Girls

wednesday, 3 February Lunchtime – year 11/12 boys

thursday, 4 February: During year 7 sport (period 1) – year 7girls trial

During year 8 sport (period 3)– year 8 girls trial

Lunchtime– year 9 girls trial

Friday, 5 February: Lunchtime – year 7 Girls

monday, 8 February: year 7 sport -7 Boys

Lunchtime – year 10 Boys

wednesday, 10 February: During year 8 sport – year 8 boys

Lunchtime -year 7 boys

thursday, 11 Februrary: Lunchtime – year 8 boys

Friday, 12 February: Lunchtime - year 9 boys

monday 15 February: Lunchtime - year 10 girls

wednesday, 17 February: Lunchtime - year 10 boys

2016 Volleyball Dates:

18th February: senior Volleyball Round Robin

25th February: spikezone begins (4.10pm)

3rd march: year 7 Volleyball Round Robin

16-18th march: Victorian Beach Volleyball Cup

15th April: senior northern Zone Vollleyball

19th April: intermediate northern Zone Volleyball

19th may: intermediate state Volleyball Final

elthAm sPortstiMEtaBlE

Page 12: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community news12

20th may: senior state Volleyball Final

29th – 31st July: Volleyball Victoria schools’ Cup

11th october: year 8 Volleyball round Robin

25th october: year 8 northern Zone Volleyball

26th october: year 7 northern Zone Volleyball

26th october: intermediate 2017 Round Robin

22nd november: year 8 state Volleyball

23rd november: year 7 state Volleyball

4th – 9th December: Australian Volleyball schools’ Cup

if your child has a unique sporting moment or is selected in a state or national team please let us know so we can share the good news. (i have copies of the nillumbik sporting achievement grant application form if you require one). email: [email protected]

GREG THOMAS, Volleyball/Elite Sports Coordinator

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Community news13

// StUdEnt SErVicES (WEllBEinG)


eltham High school continues to be committed to supporting the emotional and social development of students in conjunction with their academic and cognitive development to further enrich their lives as well rounded people.


Here at eltham High we encourage a collaborative approach to developing the emotional and social wellbeing of our students. if you should have any concerns about your child’s progress, or have information that would be beneficial for both student and staff, we encourage you to first approach your relevant sub school Coordinator. Parents can be confident that the sub school Coordinators will apply the appropriate level of confidentiality and deal with the matter directly or refer the matter to student services (Louise Heathcote).

should a student require the services of student wellbeing, Louise Heathcote is available for counselling services or may engage in the school based services (eg: educational psychologist; student support workers; external and internal programs; peer support). occasionally we may seek the assistance of external services (eg: nillumbik Community Health; alternative school settings; Community youth services).

the student services team consists of:

Fran Mullins (full time)

Assistant Principal (student wellbeing, engagement and community involvement).

Louise Heathcote (full time)

student services leader (Coordinates student services team; triage student need; advise and support staff in their pastoral care of students; advise and support students and parents/guardians with regard to emotional/social developmental needs in relation to student engagement at school.

Vaughan Losewitz (Wednesday only)

educational Psychologist (Provided by the northern metropolitan Regional office Department of education).

Peter Di Leo (Thursday only)

educational Psychologist (Provided by the northern metropolitan Regional office Department of education).

Lyn Davis (Wednesday only)

Peer mentor Leader (Leads and fosters student volunteer mentors to become leaders in caring for vulnerable students in the school community).

noeleen tuke (monday only)

Counsellor assisting Louise Heathcote

Stephanie Francese (one day)

Counsellor assisting Louise Heathcote (student on educational training placement).

Sue Pickett (full time)

integration team Leader (Leads a team of dedicated and compassionate educational support officers who assist students with their learning difficulties; authors individual education plans for students with specific learning difficulties).

Ross Pringle (full time)

Career/Pathway Advisor (advises student career pathways and organises work experience and career evenings).

Marnie Wadsworth (full time)

First Aid officer (Provides excellent care to our young people and staff).

FRAN MULLINS, Assistant Principal

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Community news14

// SWiM SqUad

the eltham High school swim squad runs on thursday mornings from 7.00am to 8.00am before school at the eltham Leisure Centre and is a great way to keep fit, have fun, learn some new skills and make great friends. squad can be a great way to train for swim sports and then move on into our district and state teams, or do it just for fun! students from all year levels and ability levels are invited to sign up for term 1 2016 and become one of our squad members. each week we work on developing confidence, fitness and stroke with the emphasis on having fun and becoming part of a positive team of students who support each other both in the pool and around the school environment. After squad, students meet back in the main staffroom at eHs to share hot chocolate before classes commence for the day.

the squad is instructed by accomplished swimmer and Coach, neroli nixon and assistant coach, Aleks Leffley. Cost is $10.00 per swim which covers lane hire and coaching. new squad members are most welcome! meet on the pool deck at the eltham Leisure Centre by 7.00am each thursday. Payment for term 1 will be $80 and is payable at the school Cashier

swim squad will commence on thursday 4 February 2016 (week 2).

What to bring:




Clothes for school

Food for breakfast

the eHs swim squad is a self-funded, ‘user pays’ activity and payment is required at the commencement of each term. term fees cover both the cost of coaching and pool fees, as well as hot chocolate each week and the annual end of year breakfast held after the Lap-a-thon event in term 4 (an event we run to raise money and awareness for a charity the group decides upon each year).

if you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Phil Boyd at [email protected]

PHIL BOYD, Technology KLA Coordinator

Page 15: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community news15

// WorkinG BEE

Working Bees at Eltham High School in 2016

working Bees at eltham High school have been part of the community fabric for the last three decades and have been an important mechanism in improving and maintaining the environmental amenities for those who teach and learn in this educational establishment.

to facilitate these events the Grounds Committee comprising parents, past parents of students and teachers, plan and organise these events throughout the year.

the Grounds Committee is approximately 20 members strong, but we are always seeking new and enthusiastic parents to come on board and make a contribution to the planned events.

seven working Bees are scheduled throughout the year; always held on a sunday between 9.00am and 12.30pm, with morning tea and barbeque lunch provided for those in attendance.

the working Bee dates for 2016 are as follows:

sunday, 21 February

sunday, 20 march

sunday, 1 may

sunday, 5 June

sunday, 21 August

sunday, 23 october

sunday, 13 november

many parents will have already designated their commitment to one or more of our working Bees via the Parent Volunteer Form distributed in late 2015. Leading up to a designated event, a member of the Grounds Committee will phone volunteers to organise job allocation in advance which makes for a much more efficient effort on the day.

Working Bee: Sunday, 21 February

traditionally our first working Bee for the year is one that focuses on a clean-up, pruning, weeding, and watering of the many garden beds around the campus. Having planted around 2,000 plants in the last 18 months, much of our energy will be directed to these areas for the first working Bee.

Listed below are a number of tasks that have been identified as priority for the first working Bee on sunday, 21 February:

•3m³ of soil needs to be barrowed into the internal courtyard in the 100’s block to create a new boxed garden that will be planted out at the march event.

•stakes and bags will be removed from the plants that were planted in 2015.

•All those gardens created in late 2015 need to be weeded and re-mulched, where necessary.

•All the planting of 2015 were watered by the parent group over the summer period; this process will be continued at the first working Bee.

•Pruning and weeding of the garden beds between the 800’s and 900’s.

•Brush cutting and mowing in a range of locations across the campus precinct.

•Paving around the raised box gardens adjacent to the stadium.

if you are a volunteer for the working Bee on sunday, 21 February please park your vehicle on the hard courts adjacent to the stadium complex. Follow the directional signage to the area adjacent to the school Canteen where you will be signed in by a member of the Grounds Committee and directed to an appropriate task. Please remember to bring protective clothing, gloves, sunscreen, hat and water bottle on the day.

the Grounds Committee looks forward to your anticipated support on sunday, 21 February.

JOHN COATES, for the Grounds Committee

Page 16: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community AnnounCements16

DISCLAIMER: “Eltham High School does not endorse any company, organisation or product referenced in the Community Announcements”

Page 17: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community AnnounCements17

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Community AnnounCements18

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Community AnnounCements19

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Community AnnounCements21

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Community AnnounCements22

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Community AnnounCements23


montmoRenCy wiLL FieLD teAms in tHe noRtHeRn netBALL LeAGue (nnL) in 2016 AnD we ARe ACtiVeLy seeKinG ADDitionAL PLAyeRs to Join ouR netBALL PRoGRAm in seAson 2016. tHe nnL is A PRoFessionALLy Run LeAGue witH ALL GAmes (& tRAininG) PLAyeD inDooRs At HiGH QuALity Venues. we ComPete AGAinst otHeR nFL/nnL CLuBs witH GAmes PLAyeD on FRiDAy niGHts.


to ReGisteR FoR 2016 oR FoR Any ADDitionAL inFoRmAtion PLeAse ContACt:

mFnC netBALL mAnAGeR:

PeteR GRAy [email protected] 0412 480 809

Page 24: Friday, 12 February Working bee - Eltham High School · // PrinciPal’S rEPort Welcome Back A big welcome back to all staff and students to the 2016 school year. i hope that everyone

Community AnnounCements24

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Community AnnounCements25

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Community AnnounCements26

Breakthrough: ice education for Families________________________________________

"too many families are dealing with the devastating effects of ice. this innovative education program will provide them with the knowledge and skills to look after themselves and support their loved ones through treatment.”

minister for mental Health, martin Foley

turning Point, self Help Addiction Resource Centre (sHARC) and the Bouverie Centre are pleased to announce the rollout of their ice education program, Breakthrough, which will be delivered to more than 1000 Victorians before July 2016.

the first workshops begin this week so for information on workshops in your area and the registration process visit http://eepurl.com/bGLR8r

Please contact turning Point for further information at www.turningpoint.org.au/education/breakthrough or call 1800 iCe ADViCe, Family Drug Helpline 1300 660 068

8 Gardiner street, Brunswick, ViC 3056

Phone: 03 9385 5100 | Fax: 03 9381 0336

email: [email protected] | web: www.bouverie.org.au

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