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Spiritual Keys to a Happier Life 2020 Massachusetts ECKANKAR Seminar

Friday-Sunday, January 31-February 2

Sheraton Springfield Monarch Place Hotel, Springfield, MA

“As we go higher and raise ourselves in the spiritual consciousness, we are able to solve the problems of life. We are happy. We are at home in every environment."

—Harold Klemp, Touching the Face of God, p. 74

Friday Evening

8:00 - 9:30 Workshop: Opening the Door to Inner Guidance – Workshop facilitated by Shelley and El Hyndman

Saturday Morning

9:00 - 9:30 HU Song in Main Hall

Saturday Morning Session: 9:50 AM – 11:30 AM

Theme: On the Threshold of a Happier Life

“When you are with others, realize they too are lights of God trying to find their way home to a better, happier, more graceful life.” --Harold Klemp, The Awakening Soul, p. 28

9:50-10:00 Welcome, introduction to morning activities: Finding Keys and Opening Doors to a Happier Life

10:00-11:30 Family workshop, open to all attendees: Your World of Dreams, facilitated by Shelley and El Hyndman

10:30-11:30 Roundtables in adjoining room:

Seeing Everything as a Blessing–Everything

The Spiritual Side of Family and Relationships

Finding The Harmony of Self Love and Divine Love

The Healing Properties of Patience and Love

11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Lunch Break

Saturday Afternoon

Saturday Afternoon Session: 1:30 PM – 4:40 PM

Theme: Discovering Golden Keys to Spiritual Freedom “ A person’s state of consciousness makes him happy or unhappy. It’s what you do with what you have that makes all the difference.

Whenever something comes into my life, I try to get the most out of it I can.” --Sri Harold Klemp, The Awakened Heart p. 84

1:30 Talk: The Path of Spiritual Freedom

1:40 Workshop: Embracing the Essentials of the Spiritual Life

2:42 Creative Arts

2:54 Panel: Singing the Sound of Soul to Open Your Heart

3:09 Break

3:19 Discussion Circles:

1. Embracing Life with Joy and Laughter

2. Kinship with All Life - Connecting with Spirit through God’s Creatures

3. Gaining a Quiet Mind and a Peaceful Heart

4. Dreams - Doorway to Your Inner Worlds

5. Expanding Your Awareness with Soul Travel

6. Discover Your True Self - A Spark of the Divine

7. How to Rise Above Your Fears

8. Finding Keys to Inner Peace

3:49 Break

3:55 Talk: Embracing Life’s Turning Points with Gratitude 4:18 Creative Arts

4:28 HU Song

4:39 Final announcements and Thank You

4:40 – 7:10 Dinner Break

Saturday Evening

Saturday Evening Session 7:10 PM – 9:10 PM

Theme: Unlocking Doors to a Greater Love

“Before you can improve your life and find a measure of happiness, you must learn to do one thing every day out of pure love.” --Sri Harold Klemp, The Awakening Soul, p.32

7:10 HU song

7:20 Spiritual Art Slide Presentation with Accompaniment

7:32 MC: Welcome

7:35 Talk: Giving-The Secret of Getting the Most from Life

7:52 Creative Arts

8:04 Talk: The Blessing of Gratitude - Key to Graceful Living 8:12 Talk: Steps on the Path of Spiritual Freedom

8:23 Talk: Asking Life to Teach You - The Key of Receptivity

8:32 Creative Arts

8:44 Keynote Talk: Opening the Golden Door to Happiness

9:09 MC: Final announcements and Thank You

9:25 Café

11:30 HU Song in Contemplation Room

Sunday Morning 7:30 HU Song - Main program hall

8:05 Light and Sound Service - South Ballroom

Sunday Morning Session 9:30 AM – 12:00 Noon

Theme: Stepping into a Greater Life

“Another way of being in the life of ECK (Holy Spirit) is to be able to see Spirit working with you in your daily life.

The best way to have assurance that you have been touched by this higher power that you never had before is when you find that

It smooths your way throughout the day, if you let It. It will make things go smoother for you and give you confidence and even happiness.” —Harold Klemp, How to Find God, Mahanta Transcripts Book 2, p. 138

9:15 Opening Music

9:30 MC: Welcome and HU

9:35 Creative Arts

9:47 Talk: How I Found Spirituality in my Everyday Life

10:04 Panel: Stories from the Heart of Life

10:31 Creative Arts

10:43 Talk: Mastership - A Model for Every Hero’s Journey

11:05 Creative Arts

11:17 Keynote Talk: Living Life with Joy in Service to Spirit

11:42 MC: Closing thank you

The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL, and VAIRAGI, among others are trademarks of ECKANKAR.

Copyright 2020 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317 USA.

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