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From: The Huffington Post and The Daily Green

Many people forget that 11 men died in the explosion that started the oil spill.

Their loved ones now have to find ways to provide for their families.

"It seems like people have forgotten.“ - Michelle Jones, Wife of Victim of Explosion

“I hope and I pray that when they get the oil spill cleaned up that they will have some kind of memorial for them and for the families out there.”

- Janet Woodson , Sister of Victim of Explosion

Damage cannot completely be known for years to come.

BP has released dispersants to break down the oil (more chemicals into the Gulf).

400 wildlife species are threatened by the oil spill.

“This is probably the biggest environmental disaster we have ever faced in this country. It is certainly the biggest oil spill and we are responding with the biggest environmental response.”- Carol Browner, Barack Obama’s adviser on Energy and Climate

Oil can be turned into a vapor which when inhaled can cause health problems.

Oil is damaging to the skin.

Stress on families in the region caused by loss of jobs can lead to divorce, violence, alcoholism, or suicide.

"Studies (of oil spills) have shown us consistent evidence for neurological and dermal exposure as a result of exposure to volatile organic oil. Short-term lung, kidney and liver functions could also be affected.“-Dr. Nalini Sathiakumar of the University of Alabama

Fishing industry (between Mississippi and Florida) has been shut down.

Oil could deplete, not only, seafood species, but also microscopic creatures they feed on.

“I have been fishing here for 25 years and I have never seen anything like this. It’s very, very sad. You’d normally look out here and see dozens of fishing and shrimping boats fishing. Now it’s just us.”- Frank Lensmyer, Louisiana Fisherman

Tourism brought in $100 Billion a year across the Gulf Coast.

Hotel Occupancy rates between Pensacola and Panama City declined 30% the summer of 2010.

“Gulf Coast residents have every right to be mad about the Gulf oil spill, but I hope that a free beach concert will help lift up the economy for even a weekend.”- Jimmy Buffett, on Tourism on the Gulf

BP is currently spending $10 million a day to contain the oil spill.

One economist predicts that BP will spend $5-$15 Billion for cleanup, damages, and lawsuits.

“The cost for clean up has risen to $10 million a day for the clean up of the oil spill Gulf of Mexico.” - BP Chief Executive, Tony Hayward

Legislation is already being introduced to regulate oil drilling methods.

There is more support now for legislation to protect the environment than ever before."In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was

shaped profoundly by 9/11, I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come." - President Barack Obama

60,000 barrels: The amount of oil believed to have gushed from the spill. That's twelve times more than the original estimate of 5,000 barrels a day. In all, 60,000 barrels a day means an estimated 2.5 million gallons a day was leaking into the Gulf.

11,300 miles: The distance around the world the current amount of leaked oil would stretch if it was placed in milk jugs lined up side by side. To quantify, that's farther than New York to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and back.

12,000: Number of Louisiana residents who have filed for unemployment since the spill, most of which have come from the southern part of the state most closely impacted by the spill.

102: The number of school gymnasiums that could theoretically be filled floor-to-ceiling with oil from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Ways to bring about Social Change: Violent Resistance Non-Violent Direct Action Community Action Political Action

It is your turn to take action to address the Gulf Oil Spill problem!!!

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