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Dear Colleagues, Faculty of Science, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak (MP) is organizing a three day Workshop cum National Seminar on “Frontiers in Ethnomedicinal Research, FER-15” from March 9 - 11, 2015. The event will cover a wide range of topics form traditional ethnomedicinal knowledge of tribal peoples, the way this knowledge could be translated into medicinal molecules, strategies to be adopted to protect the intellectual property rights, marketing of the products, and conservation of natural resources. The three day event will feature keynote lectures by leading scientists from the respective fields, oral presentation by emerging young scientists, poster presentations by students and an interactive session between local practitioners and experts. Also, will provide an opportunity to the delegates to exchange new ideas, establish research relations and forge collaborations.

The program will cover following topics:   Tradition ethnomedicinal knowledge of Indian tribes   Legal frameworks to protect traditional knowledge, and conservation of resources   Medicinal chemistry   Drug designing & In vitro and In vivo drug testing  Bioprospecting and marketing strategies for medicinal plants

IGNTU is a central university established by the Government of India in 2007, with its jurisdiction extended to all over the country. The University is so designed to fulfill the long cherished dreams of tribal people of higher education. It aims to usher the positive improvements in social, cultural, economic and health environments of tribal people through quality education. Faculty of Science comprises five Departments namely - Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology, Environmental Science and Chemistry. Each offering graduate (B.Sc., Hons.), post graduate (M.Sc.), and PhD programs. The faculty also runs an integrated B.Sc-B.Ed program. For details please visit the University’s website www.igntu.ac.in

Amarkantak is a pilgrimage town in the district of  Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh, India. It is a unique natural heritage area; the meeting point of the Vindhyan  and the  Satpuras mountain ranges, with the Maikal hills being the fulcrum. It is also a birth place of river  Narmada, Sone and Johila. The nearest railway station is Pendra Road (CG), equidistance (nearly 24 km) from the Amarkantak and the University. The nearest airports are Jabalpur (M.P.) (approx 240 km), and Raipur airport (CG) (approx 223 km) receiving daily flights from Delhi and Mumbai . The weather of Amarkantak remains pleasant in February, a perfect time to visit nearby places of tourist interest. Day time temperature remains around 20-24ºC, while nights get little bit cold (15-20ºC). It will be better to bring couple of warm cloths during the event.

Registration form is available at www.igntu.ac.in, dully filled forms must reach to the Dr Virendra K Mishra on or before January, 20, 2015. Registration fee includes conference kit, and access to inaugural function, scientific sessions and exhibitions, tea/coffee breaks, lunch and dinner.

Abstract should be limited to 250 words, including brief introduction, methodology, results and conclusion. The title should be bold faced in Times New Roman font, with font size 14, followed by the names of authors and their affiliation (12 font italics). The dead line for abstract submission is 20th January 2015, and to be E-mailed at: [email protected]

Limited accommodation for students will be arranged in different hostels of IGNTU at nominal rates. Student delegates requiring accommodation in hotels either at Pendra Road or Amarkantak may forward their request to Dr. B. Maji, or may make their own arrangement. All participants must register and indicate their preferences in the registration form.


About Faculty of Science

About Amarkantak

Registration and Fee

How to Pay

Submission of Abstracts



Hotels/ Resorts in the Area Registration  Fee:    

Up  to  20th    Jan’15    

After  20th  Jan’15    

On  Spot      

Students   ֈՠԯԮԭԬԫԪԩԨԧԦԥԤͿ 500֍֎֏ׯؠٟ߽߾߿ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࠖࠗ࠘࠙ࠚࠛࠜࠝࠞࠟࠠࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥࠦࠧࠨࠩࠪࠫࠬ࠭࠰࠱࠲࠳࠴࠵࠶࠷࠸࠹࠺࠻࠼࠽࠾ࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘ࡙࡚࡛࡞ࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪ ֈՠԯԮԭԬԫԪԩԨԧԦԥԤͿ 300֍֎֏ׯؠٟ߽߾߿ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࠖࠗ࠘࠙ࠚࠛࠜࠝࠞࠟࠠࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥࠦࠧࠨࠩࠪࠫࠬ࠭࠰࠱࠲࠳࠴࠵࠶࠷࠸࠹࠺࠻࠼࠽࠾ࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘ࡙࡚࡛࡞ࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪ ֈՠԯԮԭԬԫԪԩԨԧԦԥԤͿ 200֍֎֏ׯؠٟ߽߾߿ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࠖࠗ࠘࠙ࠚࠛࠜࠝࠞࠟࠠࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥࠦࠧࠨࠩࠪࠫࠬ࠭࠰࠱࠲࠳࠴࠵࠶࠷࠸࠹࠺࠻࠼࠽࠾ࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘ࡙࡚࡛࡞ࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪFaculty  Members ֈՠԯԮԭԬԫԪԩԨԧԦԥԤͿ 2,000֍֎֏ׯؠٟ߽߾߿ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࠖࠗ࠘࠙ࠚࠛࠜࠝࠞࠟࠠࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥࠦࠧࠨࠩࠪࠫࠬ࠭࠰࠱࠲࠳࠴࠵࠶࠷࠸࠹࠺࠻࠼࠽࠾ࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘ࡙࡚࡛࡞ࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪ ֈՠԯԮԭԬԫԪԩԨԧԦԥԤͿ 1,500֍֎֏ׯؠٟ߽߾߿ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࠖࠗ࠘࠙ࠚࠛࠜࠝࠞࠟࠠࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥࠦࠧࠨࠩࠪࠫࠬ࠭࠰࠱࠲࠳࠴࠵࠶࠷࠸࠹࠺࠻࠼࠽࠾ࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘ࡙࡚࡛࡞ࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪ ֈՠԯԮԭԬԫԪԩԨԧԦԥԤͿ 1,200֍֎֏ׯؠٟ߽߾߿ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࠖࠗ࠘࠙ࠚࠛࠜࠝࠞࠟࠠࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥࠦࠧࠨࠩࠪࠫࠬ࠭࠰࠱࠲࠳࠴࠵࠶࠷࠸࠹࠺࠻࠼࠽࠾ࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘ࡙࡚࡛࡞ࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪ  Industry  People   ֈՠԯԮԭԬԫԪԩԨԧԦԥԤͿ 2,300֍֎֏ׯؠٟ߽߾߿ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࠖࠗ࠘࠙ࠚࠛࠜࠝࠞࠟࠠࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥࠦࠧࠨࠩࠪࠫࠬ࠭࠰࠱࠲࠳࠴࠵࠶࠷࠸࠹࠺࠻࠼࠽࠾ࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘ࡙࡚࡛࡞ࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪ ֈՠԯԮԭԬԫԪԩԨԧԦԥԤͿ 1,800֍֎֏ׯؠٟ߽߾߿ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࠖࠗ࠘࠙ࠚࠛࠜࠝࠞࠟࠠࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥࠦࠧࠨࠩࠪࠫࠬ࠭࠰࠱࠲࠳࠴࠵࠶࠷࠸࠹࠺࠻࠼࠽࠾ࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘ࡙࡚࡛࡞ࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪ ֈՠԯԮԭԬԫԪԩԨԧԦԥԤͿ 1,500֍֎֏ׯؠٟ߽߾߿ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࠖࠗ࠘࠙ࠚࠛࠜࠝࠞࠟࠠࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥࠦࠧࠨࠩࠪࠫࠬ࠭࠰࠱࠲࠳࠴࠵࠶࠷࠸࠹࠺࠻࠼࠽࠾ࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘ࡙࡚࡛࡞ࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪAccompanying        Persons    

ֈՠԯԮԭԬԫԪԩԨԧԦԥԤͿ 1,000֍֎֏ׯؠٟ߽߾߿ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࠖࠗ࠘࠙ࠚࠛࠜࠝࠞࠟࠠࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥࠦࠧࠨࠩࠪࠫࠬ࠭࠰࠱࠲࠳࠴࠵࠶࠷࠸࠹࠺࠻࠼࠽࠾ࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘ࡙࡚࡛࡞ࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪ ֈՠԯԮԭԬԫԪԩԨԧԦԥԤͿ 800֍֎֏ׯؠٟ߽߾߿ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࠖࠗ࠘࠙ࠚࠛࠜࠝࠞࠟࠠࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥࠦࠧࠨࠩࠪࠫࠬ࠭࠰࠱࠲࠳࠴࠵࠶࠷࠸࠹࠺࠻࠼࠽࠾ࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘ࡙࡚࡛࡞ࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪ ֈՠԯԮԭԬԫԪԩԨԧԦԥԤͿ 500֍֎֏ׯؠٟ߽߾߿ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࠖࠗ࠘࠙ࠚࠛࠜࠝࠞࠟࠠࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥࠦࠧࠨࠩࠪࠫࠬ࠭࠰࠱࠲࠳࠴࠵࠶࠷࠸࠹࠺࠻࠼࠽࠾ࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘ࡙࡚࡛࡞ࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪ

Scientific Sessions


ON Frontiers in Ethnomedicinal

Research (Traditional to Translational)

March 9-11, 2015

Organized by

Faculty of Science Indira Gandhi National Tribal University

(IGNTU), Amarkantak (MP)

  Hotel Kalaniketan , Pendra Road, CG

  Surabhi Lodge, Pendra Road, CG

  Narmada Lodge, Pendra Road, CG

  Hotel Holiday Inn, Amarkantak, MP

Contact person : Dr. Biswajit Maji

Registration fee should be paid via Demand Draft drawn in favor of “The Treasurer, FER- 2015, payable at Central Bank of India, IGNTU Campus, Amarkantak, MP. Details for e-submission of fee are given in registration forms. Complete registration form along with DD should be sent to Dr. Virendra K. Mishra, Department of Environmental Science, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak ( M.P.).

The best presentation in oral and poster categories will receive awards.

Contact person – Dr. Vijay Pramanik

Website: www.igntu.ac.in

Seminar 9th -11th Mar., 2015

Last Date of Registration

Last date of abstract submission

Jan 20, 2015 (without late fee)

Feb 15, 2015 (with late fee)

Jan 20, 2015

Important Dates

Patron: Prof. T.V. Kattimani Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Indira Gandhi National Tribal University

Chairperson: Prof. A.K. Shukla Dean, Faculty of Science Indira Gandhi National Tribal University

Convener: Dr. Naveen K Sharma Department of Botany, IGNTU

Organizing Secretaries: Dr. Virendra K. Mishra Department of Environmental Science, IGNTU

Dr. Vijay Pramanik Department of Zoology, IGNTU

Dr. Biswajit Maji Department of Chemistry, IGNTU

Treasurer: Dr. Prashant K Singh Department of Biotechnology, IGNTU

Venue & Seminar Secretariat

Prof RH Singh, Distinguish Professor, IMS, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Prof Indranil Manna, Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Mr. Jitendra Sharma, CEO, NMPB, New Delhi

Prof Mahendra K Thakur, CAS in Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Prof KP Mohanakumar, Dy Director, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata

Prof Ramesh Sharma, Department of Biochemistry, NEHU, Shilong, Meghalaya

Prof. Anupam Dikshit, Department of Botany, Allahabad University, Allahabad

Prof HK Singh, Ex, Dy Director, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow

Prof Pramod K Verma, DG, MPCOST, Bhopal

Prof Saumen Hajra, Dept of Chemistry, IIT, Kharagpur

Dr SK Puri, Director, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow

Dr Shailja Bhattacharya, Department of Parasitology, CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow

Dr  Neeru Singh, Director, Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals, Jabalpur

Mr Jayakumar A, General Secretary Vijnana Bharti, New Delhi

Prof Awadhesh K Shukla, Deptt of Botany, IGNTU Dr Ashok K Munjal, Deptt of Zoology, IGNTU Dr Naveen K Sharma, Deptt of Botany, IGNTU Dr Virendra K Mishra, Deptt of Environmental Science, IGNTU Dr Padmasana Singh, Deptt of Zoology, IGNTU Dr Khem Chand Devangan, Deptt of Chemistry, IGNTU Dr Tarun K Thakur, Deptt of Environmental Science, IGNTU Dr Ravindra P Singh, Deptt of Biotechnology, IGNTU Dr Pranveer Singh, Deptt of Zoology, IGNTU Dr Vijay Paramanik, Deptt of Zoology, IGNTU Dr Prashant K Singh, Deptt of Biotechnology, IGNTU Dr Ravindra Shukla, Deptt of Botany, IGNTU Dr Adhish Jaiswal, Deptt of Chemistry, IGNTU Dr Biswajit Maji, Deptt of Chemistry, IGNTU Mr Shivaji Chaudhry, Deptt of Environmental Science, IGNTU

Local -Organizing Committee

 Narmadakund and Associated Temples

 Ancient Temples of Kalachuri Period

 Sonemuda, Mai Ki Bagiya, Kapildhara, Kabir Chabutra and many other at Amarkantak

 Shri Jwaleshwar Mahadev Temple

 Shri Sarvodaya Digamber Jain Temple

 Achanakmar Sanctuary

 Bandhavgarh National Park

 Ghughua Fossil Park

National Advisory Committee

Major Tourist Attractions of the Area

Science Building Faculty of Science, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak (MP)-484886 Mobile: + 9406215277 E-mail: [email protected]

Target Audience

PhD Students, Academician, Scientists & Traditional Medical Practitioners

Commencement of Registration:

December 1, 2014

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