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  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final


  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final




  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final



    Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is blessed with the most congenial soil and

    climatic conditions for growing all types of fruit and vegetables.

    Unfortunately, the marketing aspects of Fruits and Vegetables have

    received very little attention .

    It is very difficult to sustain any production system with out an ensured

    outlet of the farm produce and an efficient marketing system.

    Farming community of the province had long been deprived of

    disposing of their agriculture produce in regulated markets where theyvebeen exploited by middle men.

    Peshawar, having its important central position; can play a cruitial role

    in the marketing with central Asian countries, Gulf, Afghanistan etc.

  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final


    Project Approved by ECNEC on 24.05.1989.

    Project Period & Cost. = 60 Months; Rs. 58.733 Million.

    Asian Development Bank Share = Rs. 46.550 Million ($ 1.1834 Million)

    Provincial Assembly in the year 1990 constituted a four members MarketSite Selection Committee.

    Bashir Ahmad Bilour, Chairman Abdur Rehman Khan, Member Syed Masood Kausar, Member

    Bakht Jehan Khan, Member

    Summary of the site selected by committee was approved by the ChiefMinister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

    Area of the Market Acquired = 158 Kanals.

    Land Cost (Rs. 4200.00/Marla)= Rs. 13.272 Million.

    Project Approved by ECNEC on 24.05.1989.

    Project Period & Cost. = 60 Months; Rs. 58.733 Million.

    Asian Development Bank Share = Rs. 46.550 Million ($ 1.1834 Million)

    Provincial Assembly in the year 1990 constituted a four members MarketSite Selection Committee.

    Bashir Ahmad Bilour, Chairman Abdur Rehman Khan, Member Syed Masood Kausar, Member

    Bakht Jehan Khan, Member

    Summary of the site selected by committee was approved by the ChiefMinister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

    Area of the Market Acquired = 158 Kanals.

    Land Cost (Rs. 4200.00/Marla)= Rs. 13.272 Million.


  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final


    The building was constructed by the Peshwar DevelopmentAuthority on December 1994. The market was handed over toMarket Committee Peshawar under an agreement dated10.6.1997. Main features of the agreement are:

    I. Allotment of plots / shops etc. to the beneficiaries asper policies and rules set up by the Government of NWFP.

    II. Maintenance, including repair of infrastructure namelyroads, foot paths, platforms etc.

    The building was constructed by the Peshwar DevelopmentAuthority on December 1994. The market was handed over toMarket Committee Peshawar under an agreement dated10.6.1997. Main features of the agreement are:

    I. Allotment of plots / shops etc. to the beneficiaries asper policies and rules set up by the Government of NWFP.

    II. Maintenance, including repair of infrastructure namelyroads, foot paths, platforms etc.



  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final





    One member from the Agriculture Extension Department.

    Nine Members from amongst growers.

    Five members from amongst the license holders of the Market

    (Arhtees etc) One member from amongst the Palidar, weighmen, or broker.

    One member from the consumers community.


    According to Rules/Market Act; the committee should be chaired by a FarmerMember and Vice Chairman from amongst the Arthian/Licence Holders of the


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    Name of the Chairman/Administrator Period Remarks

    1. Mr. Javed Zaffar Jhagra Chairman 30.06.1993 30.04.2004 Farmer

    2. Mr. Qayyum Jan Administrator 01.05.2004 31.10.2005 Govt. Employee

    (Agric. Extension)

    3. Mr. Alam Khan Jhagra Chairman 01.11.2005 07.07.2007 Farmer

    4. Mr. Inamullah Khan Caretaker Chairman 08.07.2007 04.12.2007 Farmer

    5. Mr. Usman Alam Chairman 05.12.2007 06.10.2010 Farmer

    6. Mr. Gul Nawaz Khattak Administrator 07.10.2010 13.3.2011 Govt. Employee

    (Agric. Extension)

    7. Mr. Muhammad Taslim Administrator 14.03.2011 Till date -do-

  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final



    Regular Staff 12 Nos.

    Contingent Staff 99 Nos.

    Key Punch Operator 1 No.

    Khateeb Masjid 1 Nos.

    Total = 113 Nos.





    Tube-well Operator

    Class IV

    Total Monthly Salary = Rs. 7,20,840.00 P.M

    The Salary is paid from Market Income

    Note: No market income is derived due to non payment ofContract

    Money by the Contractor awarded contract of Entrance Fee i.e.

    main source of income to the market. The payment of salaries to

    the staff and payment of utility bills have been pending since

    December, 2010. The contractor has lodged / filed a case for

    extension in its contract and court has dismissed his appeal on

    28th May 2011. The Contractor, again went forward to the higher

    court and filed a writ-petition against the decision. The hearing

    would be on 14th, June, 2011.

  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final




    S.No. Block No. of Plots


    Cost per


    Total Cost Amount




    1 A 24 11,304,000.00 8,777,925.00 2,526,075.00

    2 B 24 11,304,000.00 10,122,490.00 1,181,510.00

    3 C 24 11,304,000.00 10,286,800.00 1,017,200.00Total 72 33,912,000.00 29,187,215.00 4,724,785.00

    1 D 43 165,000.00 7,095,000.00 7,095,000.00 -

    2 E 15 680,000.00 10,200,000.00 10,200,000.00 -

    3 F 16 680,000.00 10,880,000.00 9,740,000.00 1,140,000.00

    4 G 12 1,307,500.00 15,690,000.00 15,692,400.00 -

    5 H 25 680,000.00 17,000,000.00 17,000,000.00 -

    6 W/Brd 18 110,000.00 1,980,000.00 1,610,000.00 370,000.00

    Total 129 62,845,000.00 61,337,400.00 1,507,600.00

    Malik Sohni Bl 18 110,000.00 1,980,000.00 1,980,000.00 -

    Minishops 180 90,500.00 16,290,000.00 16,270,000.00 20,000.00

    Total 400 - 115,027,000.00 108,774,615.00 6,252,385.00


    If some one defaults, the Market Committee issues notices and license of that defaulter does not

    renewed till payment of the default amount either installment of the plot/shop or electricity dues.

  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final



    A vehicle Toyota Corrola Model 2003 was purchased for ChairmanMarket Committee, which was registered in the name of MarketCommittee.

    The Vehicle remained in use of Mr. Inamullah Khan the then ViceChairman Market Committee.

    He did not handed the vehicle over to the Chairman despite anumber of notices served by Chairman Market Committee.

    In the meanwhile an accident took place by the occupant Mr.Inamullah in his village.

    The depreciated / book value of the vehicle at the time of accident

    was summed up as Rs.5


    394/- against the purchase value of Rs.10,10000/-

    The Ex-Officio Member of the Chairman reported the matter to thegovernment with suggestion of recovery of cost of the vehicle.

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    The Director General Agriculture Extension endorsing the suggestionwrote to the government for termination of membership as well asrecovery of the loss/damage.

    Market Committee had called upon a session for discussion / solutionof the problem on 13.2.2009 and decided to dispose the damagedvehicle off through open auction.

    The person at fault viz Mr. Inamullah Khan has been panelized under aunanimous decision with losing his position as Vice Chairman MarketCommittee.

    The Vehicle then auctioned on 9.3.2010 observing all codal formalitiesand the cost derived viz Rs. 6,70000/- has been deposited in to theaccount of Market Committee.

    According to the GFR, a vehicle having fulfilled its economical life (i.e.

    about 6 years or exceeding 1,00,000 kms coverage) should bedisposed off.

    The vehicle, in its damaged shape fetched good price and minimumloss occurred to the market.

  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final



    The allottees of mini-shops have constructed the doors to the road side as well

    despite the fact they should use its original entrance / exit from the market side.

    The doors to the road side merely are established to fetch better business but a bit

    violates as they should get proper permission of the market committee.

    Rather market committee have never observed the action nor issued any notice to

    the allottee to abide & lemmatize their business up to F&V Market.

    The encroachment made by some vendors/ shop allotees near auction deck has

    strictly been eliminated and the committee in its capacity issued notices to the

    persons at fault.

    There are some administrative problems in getting the orders obeyed due to use of

    influence by the persons at fault, yet market administration in his full capacitydiscourages such like acts.

    If some one violates encroaching in building, other than its allotment on either side,

    they are dealt with under rules by the Market Committee or High Way authorities in

    their capacity.

  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final



    The ex-Vice Chairman during holding the position ofChairman due tosudden death of Mr. Alam Khan Jaghra, alloted five rooms of theOffice Block.

    The ex-officio member have taken a serious notice and brought thematter in to the notice of Director General Agriculture (Extension) aswell as to the Government.

    The Director General Agric. Extn. Immediately called upon a meetingon 16.9.2008 and cancelled the illegal allotment of these rooms &

    issue was settled according to the rules.

    Any of such like matter, when occurred, government take appropriatemeasures to stop forth.

  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final


  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final




    1. Cabins/Huts outstanding amount of

    Rs. 5,83,200 needs to be recovered

    from the defaulters within 15 days

    in the PMC account.

    The report made public on 27th of May, 2011.Department , analyzing the situation, and

    preparing a strategy for recovery which wouldshortly be done. Any how notices to the

    defaulters have been issued.

    2. Rent ofCabins/huts is not reasonable,

    proper assessment according to

    prevailing market rate.

    The Department has approached to Works &

    Services Department who would depute anexpert for rent assessment. On receipt of report,recommendation would be implemented in true

    letter and spirit by open auction.

    3. Main gate entry fee. Main Gate auction is floated in the news papers and

    the contract would be awarded to the highest

    bidder through open auction.

    4. Retailer daily collection Tehbazari:

    Collection of receipt system is not

    correct. Open auction recommended.

    Advertisement to be publicized in the national press

    which would shortly be completed through open


  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final


    5. Parking of fruit and vegetable market:

    collected by TMA-IV Peshawar. The

    parking and fruit shops in front of PMC

    are the property of PMC and the same

    is required to be handed over to PMC.

    Case has been taken up with TMA Town IV with the

    request to exclude parking of PMC from their

    list. Action on the side ofTMA Town IV is


    6. The contract of the retail price list

    needs to be dis-continued. Award of

    fresh contract of the retail price list

    to be completed by administrator.

    The contract is signed for a period of 3 years which

    would be ended by 2013. The department is

    sending the case to law department for its legal

    status and action would be taken accordingly.

    7. At present all the powers are vested

    with the committee. There should be

    an equal powers sharing amongstthe government market committee

    and market association to have

    proper check and balance to run

    market in transparent manner.

    The market committee exercises its powers

    conferred on him under the Agriculture Produce

    Market Rules. The Government being regulatory

    authority looks in to the matters of the market.

    There is no imbalance of powers between the

    market committee and the government. All

    possible efforts are made to run the market

    affairs in transparent manner.

  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final


    8. Contract of toilets.Award / auctioned toilets through open

    competition to increase the receipts.

    The contract was awarded by the ex-Chairman MarketCommittee using its discretionary powers as norecord of conducting open auction etc wasavailable. Contractor is being served with a noticeand Open Auction advertisement would be floatedin the national press as per rules.

    9. Allotment in the Fruit Portion of market isgetting shape of housing society. Thepractice must immediately be stoppedand in future construction should bemade according to the approveddesign/plan.

    Recommendation conveyed to the Marketauthorities for follow up the recommendations.

    10. The unregistered Arthian in the

    market should be registeredimmediately to increase the receipt.

    The expired licenses of Arthian should

    also be renewed to legalize the status

    and also to increase the receipt.

    The Arthians, have lodged an appeal in the Civil

    Court to keep the status-quo in issuance oflicenses, their renewal etc before constituting

    the Market Committee. The action would be

    taken on the decision of court.

  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final



    8,005,599/- The Enquiry Report highlighted a case of misappropriation under which they have

    not been provided any proof of cash collected by some individuals as cost of

    shops/plots but no deposit in to market accounts. The amount marked against the










    Haji Taj







    s. 49,83,750 s. 90,000 s. 5,45,500 s. 5,67,500 s. 1,17,500 s. 10,000 s. 16,91,329 s. 80,05,579

    The PMC staff is conveyed the matter with the direction to issue

    notices to all above individuals for immediate return of money

    or provide with the proof of deposit in to the market account. In

    case the money is not deposited in to market account, the case

    would be registered against the defaulters. Further more the

    interest would also be charged on the amount kept by them for

    whole period.

  • 8/6/2019 Fruit & Vegetable Market Final



    According to the Market Committee Rules, committee shouldbe constituted immediately soon after dissolution of acommittee due to completion of its normal tenure (5 years).

    The Administrator should have to nominate and get notifiedthe Market Committee with in 90 days in normal condition.

    On dissolution of the committee, an Administrator,nominated by the government should have look after the

    affairs of the market and recommends a panel of themarket committee which after thorough examination /scrutiny, notify the committee giving vide publicity so that noone may be affected or register his reservation if he have.

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    The Committee, on completion of its tenure dissolved in October, 2010.

    The Government has nominated an Administrator to run the market business.

    The Administrator, fulfilling its constitutional duty, asked the district government to

    nominate/recommend a panel as new Market Committee.

    The Executive District Officer Agriculture, suggested a panel for approval to theDistrict Government / DCO Peshawar.

    The District Government during processing its scrutiny, have received someobservations from farming community as well as Arthian of the Market.

    The District Government, keeping in view the reservation, stopped the process andadvised to re-frame an un-disputed panel so that constitution of the committeeshould be transparent.

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    In the meanwhile,National Accountability Committee, having received somecomplaints have taken away some important record for investigation.

    The NAB kept the record for 1~2 months which returned back after itsclearance/clean chit.

    The EDO Agriculture, keeping in view the reservations of farming community,re-started the process.

    As the FarmingCommunity/Stake holders different view points their were anumber of hurdles in framing new panel.

    The Arthians, coming in front, lodged an appeal in the Civil Court to keep thestatus-quo in issuance of licenses, their renewal etc before constituting theMarket Committee.

    The Case is still under Trial in the Court of Law.

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    The Administrative Department, keeping in view all the problems convened

    a meeting with rival groups of Arthians on 19.5.2011.

    After a thread-bearing discussion the Chair, viz Secretary Agriculturesucceeded to reach on a conclusion creating mutual consensus amongst allstake holders.

    The Arthians have also been asked to share the problem of salary of MarketStaff and extend interest free loan for payment; the proposal agreed uponby both the groups of Arthian.

    A road map for issuance of licenses / renewal and constitution of marketcommittee is framed as a result of the decision arrived at.

    The process, in light of road map is undergone and would shortly becompleted.

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