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  • My beautyDiaryHow to get rid of SpotsDiet

    DIY Products


  • The guide on How to get rid of Spots Chapter 1. How my fight to get rid of spots started ............................................................. 2 Chapter 2. Finding the right products ...................................................................................... 5 Chapter 3. Lowering your stress levels to get rid of spots ................................................. 9 Chapter 4. Skincare urban myths to get rid of spots ......................................................... 12 Chapter 5. Treatments to get rid of spots .............................................................................. 16 Chapter 6. How to get rid of spots starts with your diet ................................................... 20 Chapter 7. Hormones and your skin ....................................................................................... 25 Chapter 8. Winter vs Summer skin. The impact the weather has on our skin. .............. 29 Chapter 9. DIY solutions .............................................................................................................. 35 Chapter 10. Recapping how to get rid of spots. ................................................................... 40

  • Chapter 1.

    How my fight to get rid of spots started

    I should probably start off by saying that I have never had terrible skin. My skin can be extremely sensitive and reactive at times, so finding the right products can be a challenge. I sometimes suffer with spots, which is probably what I hate the most! However small the spot is, it makes me feel especially self-conscious and I have tried a number of different things to try and cover them up. Most things never work! Which always adds to the frustration. My beauty routine

    I started to become aware of skincare in my early teens and I remember my mum telling me the importance of washing your face and having a proper cleansing routine. I started off with a pot of Nivea cream (this has always been what my mum has used on her skin and she swears by it). I dont know about you but when I first start using a new product, I see immediate results with my skin as I did with the Nivea cream. I loved the texture and the smell and I noticed my skin had an instant glow to it so I was hooked from the beginning. Unfortunately after about 3 months of using this cream, it lost its appeal and my skin wasnt as glowing as it was when I had first tried it. So I was on my quest to find another cream that worked better. I suppose this could have been when I first really started to pay attention to my skin and I was aware of any spot that appeared.

  • My skin can be quite reactive at times and I have tried the cleansing, tone and moisturising routine but it just doesnt work for me. I have naturally dry skin so I find a toner just dries my skin out completely (perhaps I have tried the wrong ones but it has put me off using them). I also dont particularly like the texture of the toners either (I have tried a number of water based ones where you apply it with a cotton pad. A lot of toners contain alcohol, which isnt good as it can dry your skin out even more).

    When I was suffering from a breakout I tried a number of exfoliators and facial scrubs but this turned out to be counterproductive. I started to suffer with spots underneath my skin on my forehead and I later discovered this was due to using too much exfoliator on my skin and it was making the problem worse. It has taken me a long time to truly figure out my skin type and understand what is best to use on my skin. It is something you have to continuously re-educate yourself on as your skin changes all of the time dependent on climate, age, lifestyle, hormones, etc so it is a constant battle. Rule number one on my search for finding a solution on how to get rid of spots and get glowing skin: keep it simple. It may be easier to slather on product after product hoping one of them will give you what you want but this unfortunately isnt always the case. Makeup vs spots

    In my early teens, I also started to experiment with make up because my mum had introduced me to concealer, which I found was amazing for covering the odd spot!

  • I never understood if you have spots why you would cover them up under layers of foundation instead of finding a proper solution. You need to let your skin breathe and whenever I suffer from a breakout, I have learned that its best to leave your skin make up free. This is all personal from me so of course what works for me may not work for you. That is something I have learned along the way too, know your skin type. Your skin is very complex and if you are like me then you will know all too well the amount of information that is readily available. This can lead us to feeling completely overwhelmed so we can end up splurging on products that arent right for us. With my series of articles I aim going to share my journey with you which is packed full of information on my quest for the perfect skin (or as close to perfect it can get, without airbrushing!) I will also share with you my top tips on how to get rid of spots, the right way! The articles will include the impact your lifestyle can have on your skin, as well as treatments, products, hormonal changes, the weather, DIY recipes, urban myths and searching for the ultimate skincare routine. Please join me for the start of my journey to get rid of spots and get the glow ...

  • Chapter 2.

    Finding the right products

    As you know from the previous chapter, my obsession and fascination with skincare started off with my first pot of Nivea, which was given to me by my mum. Whilst this Nivea cream initially gave my skin an amazing glow, after a couple of weeks it lost its appeal and I was onto finding something else that could give me the same results but for longer. From that moment on, I have been completely hooked on skincare products and in this chapter I will share my discoveries with you. But first, experimenting with makeup to get rid of spots.

    Once I started experimenting with make up at the age of 14 (the more orange the better!) my skin became even dryer than before. I am guessing this was because I was using matte bronzers (my mum told me to stay away from foundation as it can clog your pores and lead to breakouts). Although my skin was usually dry, I did go through stages of breakouts as most teenagers do. At that time I didnt really know what to do other than try to cover the spots up with concealer. I did come across a range of products, which were made by Boots themselves. It was a little like the Witch sticks which have an Aloe Vera gel at one end (claiming to calm irritated spot prone skin) and at the other end a concealer, a handy two in one! This became my go to product that I would keep in my school bag at all times, but I think I used the Aloe Vera side excessively sometimes and it dried my skin out so much, but at least it got rid of my spots!

  • Using too much make up that isnt suitable for my skin didnt do me any favours whatsoever. Thankfully as the years have gone on, I have learnt that less is most definitely more! My quest to finding the right products

    The first step to finding products that are right for you is to analyse your skin type. My skin can be very dry and is prone to eczema when I am not feeling too good or when the weather is cold. I am all for trying new products and testing, but there is something to be said for trying too many products, especially all in one go. I have learnt over the years that it actually takes time for your skin to get used to a product (minimum 14 days), so you arent going to see amazing results straight away and you have to be patient.

    My teenage years were filled with trying out the latest skincare product, whether it was right for my skin or not. I also went through a phase of trying the Clean and Clear range and even a natural range from the Body Shop. These products were aimed purely at acne prone skin. Apart from leaving my skin dry, irritated and red, it didnt do anything for getting rid of the very few spots I did have! I also visited the doctor to ask if they had something stronger to get rid of spots. They gave me a repeat prescription of Benzoyl Peroxide (which I still use now and then but now I know how to use it!). This is strong stuff and whilst I was pleased with it being able to get rid of my spots over night, it really is like a chemical peel for the skin (especially with sensitive skin like

  • mine). Something to use in moderation, but better than any of the other spot products I had tried before! As I got older not only did my knowledge on skincare grow, the amount I spent on products also grew to quite a lot too. I went through a phase of cleanse, tone and moisturise but this just left my skin dry and higher maintenance than it had ever been before. Toners would dry out my skin and every cleanser I used contained exfoliator, which would lead to more dryness and irritation. The problem is that I couldnt win, if I tried a product filled with ingredients that aimed to clear spots it would dry my skin out. If I were using products that were rich and used to intensely moisturise my skin, it would leave it greasy and I would get more breakouts. Over the past 5 years I have gone through a bit of a product clear out and have tried to keep my skincare routine to a minimum. My latest discoveries to get rid of spots

    A year ago I discovered the Clarisonic Mia, which has been amazing for my skin whilst I have been travelling. I would highly recommend this product as it cleanses 3 times deeper into the skin than any cleanser product out there. My other products that now take pride of place on my bathroom shelf are Claudia Fallah Azulene Gel (I use it as a cleanser with my Clarisonic). This is a recent discovery of mine, which I now kick myself about asking why I didnt know about it sooner! It is great for all skin types, but Claudias range is made with sensitive skin in mind. So I am currently trying out her other products too.

  • I also love Eve Lom Cleansing Balm and the rescue mask which I use once a week and when your skin needs a bit of a pick me up. My no nos

    Another tip I have learnt along the way when it comes to exfoliating: if you are going through a breakout stage, stay away from exfoliators all together as it will only irritate your skin further. I am also known for using exfoliators excessively, which in turn left spot like bumps underneath my skin on my forehead (now I only use once a week as advised!) As for makeup (gone are the days of being orange!), I prefer a glossy look as opposed to a matte finish. I keep it fresh with a tinted moisturiser (chantecaille), a concealer (by terry) and mascara (YSL). I am pretty minimal when it comes to make up! Over the years I have tried and tested lots of different products for my skin, but I think the most important lesson I have learned is that less is more and to not use products excessively as this can be counterproductive. I have spoken to lots of facialists (with amazing skin!) and when I ask them what their beauty routine consists of they usually tell me its very minimal! Try out different products and see what works best for you. I still get the odd breakout but I tend to get less stressed about it nowadays. I believe the more stressed you get, the more spots will appear!

  • Chapter 3.

    Lowering your stress levels to get rid of spots

    In the last chapter, I focused on finding the right products for my skin, on my quest to get rid of spots in exchange for glowing skin. In this chapter I am delving deeper into the issues that your skin faces when you are stressed. It can almost be a vicious circle if you already suffer with spots, because you end up becoming stressed by them and hey presto, more spots appear. I usually stress over my skin whether I have spots or not, so I want to see if there is a solution to solving this. I am sure a lot of people will say well dont stress and they will go away, but how easy is that to do? Whether you are like me and stress over your skin or you have everyday stress affects us all in one way or another at some point but in order to be able to deal with it, I want to uncover what stress really does to your skin and how to solve it once and for all! Spotting the problem

    I have done a fair bit of research online to see if there really is a link between spot and acne outbreaks with stress (or whether its just me being too conscious). But research has proven that there is in fact a link between spots and acne with stress. Now for the scientific part, it happens because when your body is stressed, the increase in stress hormones can throw off your equilibrium and you can experience all sorts of changes such as weight gain, increased blood pressure, and there you have it worsened acne and an uneven complexion.

  • However experts are divided on whether stress actually creates acne or just worsens it. Stress does increase the amount of oil your skin secretes, which can clog pores and cause breakouts. I found this discovery really interesting as there is so much out there about how stress can affect other parts of your body, but now I had found a link between spot breakouts and stress too.

    What should I do to stop my stress induced spot outbreaks?

    Controlling stress can be hard and it has taken me a while to find solutions that actually work. We are all different, so what may work for me might not work for you. But it is important to try so you can see what does help reduce your stress and clear your breakouts. I am not really the sit down type as I am always on the move at 100 miles an hour, which I am sure doesnt do my body or stress levels any good. I took up yoga at 15 and have been a fan ever since. It is probably the only time in the week where I do sit still for 20 minutes of meditation and yoga practice. It clears my mind and by the end of the 90-minute class I feel completely calm, not to mention the amazing sleep I have that night! This has really helped reduce my stress levels, and I would definitely say I have seen a change in my skin since I have tried to slow down to create a bit of me time.

  • But the other question is how do you tell if your spots/acne is stress related? I would advise to take note of when your breakouts tend to occur and examine your stress levels from the preceding week. If breakouts tend to match up with the times that your body is feeling stressed then there is probably a link. The effect stress has most definitely takes a toll on my skin and I would recommend 7-8 hours sleep each night too (although this can be difficult if your mind is busy). I always keep a notebook by the side of my bed in case I cant sleep or wake up with my mind racing. I make a list and I would say 9 times out of 10 things turn out to be so much bigger in my mind than when I write them down on paper. I am going to be one of these annoying people now that say dont stress but really that would be my advice to help your skin if it is suffering from spot outbreaks due to stress. Your skin will be cleared up in no time once you stop worrying!

  • Chapter 4.

    Skincare urban myths to get rid of spots

    I am all for trying out new recommendations or products when it comes to finding a solution on how to get rid of spots in exchange for glowing skin. In this chapter I am focusing on the most popular urban myths when it comes to skincare. With so much information out there, how do we separate what works and what doesnt without trying it? I have searched the Internet, read through magazines to find out the most popular skincare myths around. In this article I will uncover the truths and see if any of these recommendations to get glowing skin actually work! Urban Myth 1 - Put toothpaste on a spot to get rid of it

    This is something that I have read about in various places online and in magazines. I also read that Cheryl Fernandez-Versin is a massive fan of this method for getting rid of spots.

    So why do we think its good? Toothpaste contains triclosan. Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal agent. It is an ingredient used in many personal care products and this ingredient is commonly used in acne treatment products as a preservative.

  • Now for me this just didnt work. I discovered that toothpaste contains some other ingredients that actually can irritate the skin, causing more redness or even an allergic reaction. Some potential allergens that toothpaste may contain are sorbitan sesquioleate derivatives, propylene glycol, cocamidopropyl betaine, sodium benzoate and benzoic acid. This is not something that you want to be putting onto your skin! Find out more on toothpaste on a pimple and what other beauty users are saying here. Urban myth 2 - Squeeze a spot to get rid of it quicker

    Now this is a very popular one that some people just think is okay to do. I would say it is absolutely not okay to squeeze a spot. Leave it alone and it will go away! Just to put you off of this urban myth that so many people think is okay. Squeezing spots spreads oil and bacteria and it can lead to scars that will stay with you for years. Plus, giving in to squeezing that spot will not give you the quick fix you had in mind. Squeezing your spots actually aggravates the pore and the surrounding area, which makes it difficult for the skin to hold concealer like it normally would. So next time you are so tempted to squeeze a spot, just remember this: it is likely to stay around for a lot longer and can lead to scarring!

  • Urban Myth 3 Exfoliate your skin more regularly when you have spots

    I have actually fallen for this one in the past and thought it was the right thing to do. I thought if I scrubbed and exfoliated my skin daily, this would break down my spots and get rid of them quicker. But I learnt that your skin isnt sand paper so it shouldnt be treated like it! The more I exfoliated my skin, the more spots would start appearing and this is where I started to notice pimples underneath my skin on my forehead. This was simply due to over exfoliation and my skin was reacting to having too many harsh products on my skin all the time. Exfoliating should only be done on your skin twice a week and only once if your skin is more sensitive or dry. When we exfoliate our skin looks bright and seems clearer because the exfoliator is removing the dead skin cells. If you are exfoliating to excess (as I did), the skin becomes weakened as it becomes dry and can be red. This causes the skin to create more natural oils as it is trying to protect the overly dry skin, hence more spots appearing! Urban myth 4 Spots are normally caused by poor diet

    I do agree that you are what you eat; so dependent on your diet and lifestyle, this will have an impact on what your skin looks like. As I always want a glowing complexion I make sure that I drink plenty of water and eat the right foods. But this isnt where it begins and ends for perfect glowing skin and your answer to getting rid of spots. Unless you have an allergy to some ingredients in food such as fatty foods or dairy, for example; people with an allergy to dairy products may react to consuming milk by

  • breaking out into spots. But the rumour regarding fatty foods and chocolate making your skin oily and pores blocked just isnt true. Urban myth 5 Not washing my face regularly is causing spots

    Cleansing your skin (especially when you are going through a breakout stage) is very important and it is general maintenance when it comes to looking after your skin.

    This is a difficult one because as I said on myth 3, over exfoliating your skin will actually have the opposite effect and will end up making your skin worse than before. But of course not washing your face enough will lead to oil build up and clogged pores which in turn can lead to spots appearing and an all round dull complexion. I think with this myth, it is all about getting the right balance and doing what is best for your skin type. My problem was never that I didnt wash my face enough; it was washing it too often, which only leads me to more skin problems!

  • Chapter 5.

    Treatments to get rid of spots

    In order to maintain healthy glowing skin, I think it is necessary to regularly see a professional as it helps look after your skin and keep it looking healthy. I am all for trying new treatments but I have always been wary and I have to have 100% trust in the specialist and company before I go ahead with any treatment. But where do you start? It can be a complete minefield of skincare treatments if you arent used to. I have narrowed down my top 3 treatments that focus on skincare maintenance and getting rid of spots. Facial treatments

    I always notice a huge improvement in my skin overall when I have facials, as it seems to keep my skin in tip top condition for the coming weeks. As I have mentioned, finding the right facial for you can be hard if you are new to it. In my opinion the therapist should be recommending which facial treatment is best for your skin, dependent on your skin type. As I am a massive fan of Eve Lom products, I love their Signature Facial, which is 90 minutes of absolute heaven! It does include a painful extraction (I have no yet found an extraction that isnt painful!) but it is completely worth it at the end. Your skin is left fresh, revitalised and I have an even skin tone that glows for weeks to come.

  • Claudia Fallah also offers amazing facials and when I had the extraction, my skin was instantly calmed with her rescue mask, which meant that I didnt leave the salon looking red like Rudolph! Claudia starts by analysing your skin thoroughly so that she can recommend which facial is best for your skin type. My treatment was 60 minutes and not only was I left absolutely glowing, but I had a more even skin tone and the treatment that was chosen for me focused on my dry skin and sensitive areas. Getting rid of the odd spot and getting the glow are my most important aims when it comes to skincare. Extractions literally get the rubbish out of your skin that cleansers and exfoliators just cant reach. If you tend to suffer with breakouts, I would definitely recommend a facial that includes extraction. There are specific clinics that offer facial extractions (alongside your usual cleansing routine) for acne sufferers and it includes a treatment on a weekly basis for 6 months. Painful but definitely worth it if you suffer with acne! Laser treatments

    I have been fortunate to never suffer with really bad acne and have managed to battle with just the odd breakout. When I was looking into treatments on how to get rid of spots, I came across a few laser treatments.

  • I did read that before opting for the laser approach, it is best to treat the acne first with facial treatments. Laser is usually the second step in treating acne and is mainly used for acne scaring. This is what I found out when looking into laser treatments "In laser resurfacing, a laser beam destroys the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and heats

    the underlying skin (dermis). As the wound heals, new skin forms. Less intense lasers (non

    ablative lasers), pulsed light sources and radio frequency devices don't injure the

    epidermis." These treatments heat the dermis and cause new skin formation. After several treatments, acne scars may appear less noticeable. Make sure you seek a dermatologist or skincare therapist before opting for this treatment. Microdermabrasion

    This isnt a treatment I have ever had done but I have read a lot about it. If you are looking to get rid of blemishes and are after a more even skin tone, microdermabrasion claims to help. It is for the application of tiny rough grains to buff away the surface layer of the skin. Studies suggest that repeatedly having microdermabrasion treatments at regular intervals will influence the way the lower layers of your skin grow, as well as removing deeper blemishes over time. There is some evidence that

  • indicates that rapid loss of skin moisture can be what triggers the lower skin layer overtime. This is something I will look to try in the future, but for now I am quite happy with facial treatments! If you were looking for regular maintenance on your skin, I would recommend that you start with the less aggressive treatments first (such as a facial every 6-8 weeks). Laser and microdermabrasion are very specialist, so if you are looking to seek this treatment due to acne for example, please double check with your doctor in the first instance.

  • Chapter 6.

    How to get rid of spots starts with your diet

    For the past few chapters I have been sharing my skincare journey with you on all things to do with getting rid of spots in exchange for glowing skin! I have talked about products and treatments and the urban myths that have us believing that putting toothpaste on a pimple can actually work! There is of course something that we need to take a closer look at if we do want glowing skin. Creams and facials can only go so far in helping us to achieve perfect skin. There is one thing that is missing and that of course is our diet. My relationship with food to get rid of spots

    If we are eating rubbish food full of sugar and saturated fat, we cant expect our skin to be glowing and our eyes to be bright full of health, can we? As you know, I am pretty obsessed with my skin so it probably doesnt come as any surprise to you that I am also pretty fussy when it comes to my food choices. I have spent the past year in Egypt so whilst my relationship with food has probably grown better (due to just not having much choice on what to eat!) I am still always concerned about the food I am eating having an impact on my skin. I tend to have times when I dont eat enough, especially when I am stressed or I eat enough but not the right food. I am vigilant on making sure I drink at least 2 litres of water a day, as I know this has an impact on my skin if I dont drink enough.

  • So do certain food types make us break out?

    Its common knowledge now that certain nutrients help specific body parts work better. Healthy bones require calcium and vitamin D, and our heart may do better when we eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. When it comes to our skin, there are some food groups that definitely have a negative impact: Sugar

    We all know that excessive consumption of sugar is bad for our health for many reasons, but it can also have an effect on breakouts. Sugar alone does not have a major effect on acne, but a combination with other fats can increase spots and breakout inflammation. So if you are already suffering with acne, its a good idea to minimise your sugar intake. I definitely notice a difference on my skin when I cut down on sugar. I dont have as may spots appear and my complexion looks and feels better too. Annoyingly I have a sweet tooth so usually by 4pm my energy levels are feeling a little low and I could do with a sugar pick me up. Recently I have battled my sugar demons and swapped sweets for liquorice or chai tea. It sounds boring but these teas are so sweet it actually does the trick! (And they are good for you!)

  • Saturated fats (processed foods) There is a lot of information out there now which tells us to stay away from processed foods, not just for our skin but also for our overall health. Greasy foods (chips, pizza) or processed foods that dont actually contain many nutrients will not be benefiting your skin at all. Fried foods arent just an issue for your fat intake, but they can cause oil build up in your body. They are also believed to possibly trap bacteria in your body and on your skin, causing you to break out more frequently. Salt

    This fits in line with saturated fats, but I wanted to give salt its own heading because it really is terrible for your skin. It causes your tissues to swell, making you look puffy and unhealthy. This also has a negative effect on acne as it can aggravate it. Always check labels before buying packaged foods and snacks (you would be surprised how much salt is in a pack of certain crisps!).

  • Caffeine Now this one makes me sad, because I absolutely LOVE coffee! I am not so obsessed that I drink too much a day, but I would say I drink 3 cups maximum each day. This can however have a negative effect on our skin, leaving it dry (due to caffeine dehydrating us) and less likely to heal spots that we already have. Cut down on your coffee intake (maximum 2 cups a day) and if like me you cant live without it, have a glass of water with your coffee so you can rehydrate at the same time! What should I change in my diet to get rid of spots?

    Our body needs a well-balanced, healthy diet in order to stay strong and our skin reflects this when we are eating right. I would say I notice more of a difference if I stop eating salad, fish, etc. or drinking enough water. My skin appears drier and my complexion isnt as even and glowing as usual. So avoiding spots is something we all want to do and I have spent a lot of time researching the foods we should be including in our diet, to minimise our risk of spots. These include: - Wholemeal pasta - Low-GI basmati rice and brown rice - Grainy breads and flours - Low-GI fruits like watermelon and apple

  • - Drink at least 2 litres of water a day (if you arent a fan of plain water, add lemon or drink coconut water) - Fish such as mackerel, salmon, crayfish - Tomatoes - Chicken I would suggest avoiding too much juice, as it increases sugar levels and insulin. Opt for fresh fruit instead. So to conclude whilst I have discovered that certain food groups dont actually cause acne, it can encourage those already suffering from acne to become worse. I would never want to cut out my sugary treats completely, but I have definitely learned that it is everything in moderation. I am now swapping the sweets for a healthy snack come 4pm! It makes all the difference to how I feel!

  • Chapter 7.

    Hormones and your skin

    For the past couple of months, I have been sharing my skincare diaries with you on all things to do with getting rid of spots in return for glowing skin. Something that I believe goes hand in hand with good skin is how well your hormones are behaving. I have always been really interested in the link between hormones and how much control they have over your complexion. From oily and dry skin to breakouts and uneven skin tone, your hormones are in control most of the time! I have been looking forward to doing this diary entry for a while, so lets see how much of an impact your hormones have on your skin. Is my skin hormonal?

    Its always around a week before your period is due that you may start to see spots and breakouts. Hormonal spots are usually linked to your chin or jawline; this is due to hormonal fluctuations and imbalance. Of course our body and skin needs these hormones in order to work properly and keep us healthy. If like me you have been lucky to never suffer from bad acne breakouts, then its always a shock when your skin does start to breakout. I never know what to do or how to keep it under control. My skin will usually start to calm down towards the end of my cycle, but it can sometimes continue if I am stressed or havent been getting enough sleep.

  • How do I keep my hormonal skin under control?

    It has taken me a while to workout what works for my skin and how to keep breakouts at bay come that time of the month. Getting rid of spots isnt easy, especially those that are persistent and keep reappearing. I have put together my top tips on how to keep hormonal skin at bay, as it can be trial and error to find out what works best for you. But with these simple steps you will be pre-empting your skin from becoming worse when that time of the month arrives. My top 3 tips for hormonal skin

    #1 De-stress and get plenty of sleep

    I know this is a pretty obvious one and it is easier said than done, but clearing your head and getting good nights sleep can make all the difference. We are all so busy that it comes to the end of the day, it can be really difficult to switch off for a bit of me time. Did you know that stress and a lack of sleep could negatively affect the skin? Stress not only affects acne flare-ups, it generally worsens the overall condition of the skin. It induces the adrenal glands into overproduction of cortisol (a steroid), which in turn makes sebaceous glands produce more oil and make skin extra oily. Sleep and stress imbalance your hormones and I definitely notice a change for the worse in my skin when I am feeling stressed and tired.

  • My tips: - Aim for 7-8 hours sleep a night. - Switch off technology at least an hour before bed (hard I know, but our minds need time to calm down before we go to sleep). Read a book or write in a journal to get your thoughts out of your mind before you go to sleep. - Take up yoga or meditation to calm your mind. This has made all the difference for me. Just 10 minutes of breathing exercises and silence clear my mind. - Use a pillow spray (I love sleep spray!). I love the smell and its calming effect. #2 Limit sugar and foods high in carbohydrates This is another key aspect for preventing hormonal breakouts as it could be linked to what you are eating. Those sugary carbs a lot of women crave during their period (for some reason I dont) can cause a prolonged increase in insulin levels and may be the very thing causing breakouts to occur.

    My tips: - Try cutting back on the carbs and sugary treats (especially prior to your period). - Drink plenty of water, especially during your period as you can become dehydrated due to the imbalance in hormone levels.

  • #3 Use a gentle and calming cleanser to help aid hormonal breakouts

    The chemistry of our skin changes during our menstrual cycle so you may find switching cleansers (not your entire skincare regime) can help head off a breakout. Your skin can be extra sensitive at this time of the month so if you are suffering from breakouts, exfoliators are a no go (trust me, I have experienced first hand!). If your spots are whiteheads and they hurt (usually these types of spots do), exfoliators will only aggravate your skin more. Be gentle to your skin, especially at that time of the month when it can be overly sensitive. My tips: - Opt for a gentle cleanser to calm your skin. I love Claudia Fallahs Azulene Gel as its great for even the most sensitive of skin. - Stay away from exfoliators as this can damage your skin and you could make your breakouts worse. - Leave a facial until after your breakouts calm down. I am always eager to go for a facial (especially during my period) as I think it could help my skin and calm me down. But actually it can have a negative effect, especially if the facial includes extraction. Your pain threshold isnt too good at this time of the month so best to opt for one that doesnt offer extractions. These tips may seem pretty obvious but you would be surprised at how many people miss out sleep and use the wrong products on their skin. It can make the biggest difference between a clear and bright complexion vs. hormonal, imbalanced skin! We will beat those hormones!!

  • Chapter 8.

    Winter vs Summer skin. The impact the weather has on our skin.

    I have always found it fascinating how my skin can change from oily to dry dependent on the temperature and humidity of the weather. From hot and humid to breathtakingly cold, the weather may not always be your ally! Climate is a big thing when it comes to looking at why you may be suffering from acne and spot breakouts. So on my quest to get rid of spots, I have looked at just how much the weather impacts on our skin. In this chapter I delve further into climate and our skin Winter Skin

    My favourite kind of weather is crispy cold and sunny (what I call sunglasses and faux fur coat kind of weather) but when its freezing cold outside my skin can react in not a very favourable way! Colder climates can be tough on your skin, and as I suffer with dry skin its a constant battle to keep it moisturised throughout the winter months. Cold temperatures often mean low humidity, which dries out the skin. My skin becomes rough, dry, reactive and sensitive and I breakout in dry patches on my face and neck. I tend not to have spot breakouts this time of year, but instead I swap to my eczema prone skin and my quest for glowing skin isnt so easy to accomplish.

  • So if like me you suffer with dry, sensitive skin in the colder months then you may want to read my top tips that I have researched and tested to get your skin back to its glowing self! My tips

    Avoid long hot soaks in the bath

    There is nothing I love better than coming home after a long day and having a soak in a hot bath. Unfortunately this isnt your skins favourite thing, especially if you suffer with dry skin! Its better to opt for a warm bath and mild soap (preferably natural) to soothe the skin. Team this with a moisturiser (also natural) to keep the skin hydrated. Wear an SPF Although this may not be the most obvious time of year to be getting out the sun cream, it should still be a necessity to your daily skincare routine even on a cloudy day. No matter what the weather, the sun should always be your main concern. Exposing your skin to sunlight is one of the major causes of wrinkles and premature ageing, so wearing a high SPF sunscreen can help your skin look young and fresh whilst also protecting it.

  • As I suffer with sensitive skin, I buy a specific sunscreen for my skin type. I love La Roche Posay SPF 50 and I use it all year round. It has a lovely feel to it and is really creamy so it doesnt feel thick like usual sun creams. I use it as a day moisturiser and it gives my skin a dewy look and feel whilst keeping it moisturised and protected from the cold! Exfoliate

    This may not be such an obvious one for winter, as people tend to be more focused on their skincare regime come summer time. I have learnt that even when my skin is dry and sensitive, I still need to exfoliate once a week (this may be more for you dependent on your skin type). Exfoliating gets rid of dry skin cells and renews your skin to leave it fresh and smooth. My favourite is Claudia Fallahs exfoliating scrub as this brand also focuses on sensitive skin. However, if I use an exfoliant too much, I breakout, so beware!

    Eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated I have written about a healthy diet in one of my previous diaries, but this really is a necessity for great skin. Its important to be getting your vitamins and nutrients. Remember to add fruit and vegetables to your diet so you are getting the daily amount you need. I am also a big advocate of drinking water (mine is a bit of an obsessive amount at least 3 litres a day). But even I can lapse in the winter months when all I want is an extra hot chai latte!

  • I also notice a big difference in my skin when I havent been drinking enough water. I tend to be more susceptible to dry patches and my overall complexion is duller. Summer Skin

    I have been living out in Egypt for the best part of a year, so I know too well the problems heat can cause to your skin. The temperature there can reach over 55 degrees. I suffered it last August and it definitely impacted on my skin. I had to stay indoors because it was really unbearable! I was surprised that even applying makeup was a problem in the end (and this had nothing to do with my skin not matching up to the colour of my tinted moisturiser). In warmer climates, increased heat and humidity can cause the skin to sweat, which I hate! It will leave you more prone to breakouts, especially if you already suffer with oily skin. As you know I dont suffer with oily skin but as soon as I stepped off the plane to a sunnier climate, my skin was complete grease! The next day after I arrived I woke up to a few spot breakouts around the chin area and on my forehead. I wasnt completely kitted out to deal with it so it has taken some research to understand how to look after my skin in the dessert! The heat can also lead to other skin problems. Among them is heat rash; which I have also suffered with, even though I thought it was mainly for people with really pale skin.

  • My tips

    Use a Clarisonic and a water based cleanser

    I have mentioned my trusty Clarisonic before but its an everyday facial for my skin. It cleanses so much deeper than any cleanser can on its own, and I love that its traveller friendly so I can use it on the plane to freshen up too. For the winter I tend to opt for a thick cleansing balm such as Eve Lom, but when in the heat I have to go for a water-based cleanser. Claudia Fallahs Azulene gel is always great and its gentle enough to use both morning and night. I usually only cleanse my skin at night but if I wake up sweaty, its a must to wash your face properly.

    Wear protective clothing and cream Not exactly the most fun thing to talk about, as most of us want to go away and come back with a lovely tan but I must stress the importance of covering up when necessary! 10am-3pm is the hottest part of the day in the summer and when the sun is at its strongest. So if you do want to stay outside, its always recommended to wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your face from the sun.

  • I dont actually like getting a tan on my face so covering up isnt a problem for me. If I have left my face out in the sun for too long, its never a nice look or feeling when it turns red and starts peeling! Stick to a high SPF and treat yourself to some new sunglasses. Keep your face out of the sun and protect it! Give your skin a break

    As I am not a big fan of a tan on the face I like to compensate by applying tinted moisturiser to my skin. I try to stay clear of heavy makeup when in the heat as I just find it a complete waste of time! If the weather is warmer I always like to take a break from make up and give my skin a chance to breathe. This will pre-empt clogged pores, more spot outbreaks and leave my skin looking and feeling fresher. The less you put on your skin, the less it has to react to! Stay hydrated Hydrated skin is better skin. I find it a lot easier to drink water and stay hydrated in the heat as your body needs it more. Dehydration results in dry-skin, frown-lines, spots, a sluggish complexion and a lack of glow. Exactly the things I do not want! Water will hydrate skin and flush out toxins that can keep your complexion glowing and blemish free.

  • Chapter 9.

    DIY solutions

    For the past 8 chapters I have been looking at how to get rid of spots and looked at many different methods. I want to finally see if there is a solution out there to help me get the glowing skin that I so desperately want! From products to hormonal imbalance, I have looked in depth at the common causes of acne and spot breakouts. In this chapter I am going natural and looking at DIY recipes to help fight spots. I am all for trying and testing recipes if there is an inkling that they will work! DIY remedies are especially good as they dont pull at your purse strings and most of the ingredients can be found in your kitchen cupboard. It must be good for your skin if you can eat some of the ingredients, right? I put 3 DIY recipes to test 1. Honey and Cinnamon facemask

    2 tablespoons of honey + 1 teaspoon of

    cinnamon + paper towels I was a little apprehensive with this recipe as cinnamon is spicy and honey is sticky, so I couldnt see this being a good combination to have on your skin! Surprisingly while it may sound strange, honey and cinnamon are a killer (literally) combination when it comes to fighting acne and spot breakouts.

  • Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties, so it can help stop bacteria from getting out of hand. If bacteria do get out of hand, the honey is a natural antibiotic, which is ready and waiting to get rid of the bacteria. Directions Wash your face with warm water and pat dry. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon together (until its blended thoroughly and forms a paste). Apply the mask to your face (or simply apply to spots). Leave mask on for 10-15 minutes. My verdict I loved the smell but wasnt so impressed with the sticky texture I felt on my skin, I felt like my skin couldnt breathe at all. After the 15 minutes had gone by, it took a few attempts to finally wash off the entire mask. Its a sticky mixture; so make sure you have paper towels to hand! My skin felt lovely and soft after and it had a healthy glow to it (which as you know I love!) I noticed more of a change in the texture of my skin as opposed to the mask getting rid of breakouts and spots. This mask would be good for skin that suffers with the odd spot but not so good if you suffer with acne on a regular basis. It was good for my skin as I can sometimes suffer with dry patches, and this recipe gave my skin an instant moisturising boost!

  • 2. Papaya mix

    1 fresh papaya I absolutely love the smell of papaya and it has fast become an essential ingredient in a lot of beauty products. I have discovered that plain raw papaya is an all-natural acne remedy that removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, leaving it soft and smooth. Papaya also contains an enzyme called papain, which reduces inflammation and helps prevent pus from forming. Directions Rinse your face with warm water and pat dry. Mash up the flesh of the papaya well (until the consistency can be easily applied to your skin). Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off completely with warm water. My verdict I loved the smell and texture of this and it literally is good enough to eat! I had a few spots when I applied this mask and after a few hours I did see a reduction in the redness of my spots! This mask is great to use on a regular basis and is brilliant for spot breakouts. I tend to use this mask in the summer months when my skin can become clogged and is oily. When my skin is dry and sensitive, the mask doesnt work as effectively. If you suffer with breakouts regularly (and have oily skin) then this mask is definitely worth a try!

  • 3. Jojoba and Tea Tree Oil recipe

    Jojoba oil (60%) + Essential Tea Tree oil

    (40%) I have read a lot about the benefits of tea tree oil, especially using it as a home remedy. Its an ingredient that has long been used for skincare, but specifically acne. You may be a little skeptical to using oil if you have acne, as you are probably thinking that suffering with oily skin and then adding more oil will only clog your pores even more. Tea tree oil isnt like the oil your skin naturally produces, it is more like a solvent that cuts through the extra sebum and dead skin cells, and unblocks the pores. Its antibacterial properties also kill off the acne causing bacteria and better still preventing further breakouts! As for Jojoba oil, its a liquid wax that is often used for moisturising, spot treating and cleansing acne-prone skin. So the combination of tea tree and jojoba is a fighting mixture for getting rid of acne breakouts. Directions Watch the directions here. My verdict This recipe is a promising combination to get rid of spots and yet again, I loved the smell! I dont suffer with acne too often so this recipe is definitely one I would use for any acne scarring, brown spots left after a breakout or if I was going through an acne phase. Its a go to remedy for the treatment of acne!

  • Its worth trying if you suffer with acne on a regular basis, as its great for drying out spots and getting rid of bacteria causing breakouts. My skin is quite dry so this isnt a treatment I would use all the time. Its better for those who suffer with oily skin and breakouts on a regular basis. It doesnt leave you with a glowing complexion like the other DIY recipes I have tried.

  • Chapter 10.

    Recapping how to get rid of spots.

    For the past 9 chapters I have been sharing my skincare diaries in search for a solution to get rid of spots in return for glowing, healthy skin! I have tried and tested many different things along the way and I am sure you will agree with me, it is all trial and error so some worked better than others. I wanted to share my conclusion and findings to round everything up over the past 10 chapters. Discover the products that work for you

    I love discovering new skincare products and the feeling of anticipation is so great when its new and you have high hopes for it working miracles. I found that products containing Rosehip oil are great, as this ingredient is brilliant for dry skin or if your skin is feeling a little sensitive in places. If your skin is oily in places and you are prone to breakouts, dabbing a little tea tree oil can work wonders to calm your skin and reduce redness. Lower your stress levels

    Without having something tangible to get your skin glowing, its hard to believe that the mind is so powerful that it can actually control what your skin looks like!

  • We all have busy lives, which leave us with very little time to ourselves (this is something I am very much guilty of!) When our stress levels are higher than normal it throws our hormones into overdrive, which means we can experience an increase in spot breakouts and an uneven complexion. Finding time for myself is still a work in progress, but by attending yoga classes and spending some time out of my day by just reading or writing down in my journal, its definitely helping to calm me down. Lower stress = glowing skin! You are what you eat

    I have mentioned this quite a few times in my diary, but what you put into your body reflects your skin and outside appearance. You are what you eat!

    Eating a healthy balanced diet will not only increase your energy levels but you will find that your skin will look a lot healthier too. My problem is I tend to skip meals quite a lot and then have a 4pm slump and head for something full of sugar to keep me going (which isnt good at all!).

  • After educating myself on the foods your body needs to keep you fit and healthy and your skin glowing, I am making it a priority to eat healthier. My skin is thanking me for it too! Take control of your hormones

    Hormones really do have the power to mess up your skin, but its time to take control! It has taken me a while to workout what works for my skin and how to keep breakouts at bay come that time of the month. But I am confident that I have found a solution that works for me, time for you to find a solution too! Tailor your skincare routine to suit you

    If there is one thing I have learnt from this, its that what works me might not work for someone else. For example; cleanse, tone and moisturise. The beauty industry says this is what everyone should do. Personally if I used a toner on my skin everyday it would be completely dry! Dont go overboard with products and take care in really looking at what your skin needs. The more products you apply to your skin, the more it has to react to.

  • Mybeauty

    DiaryHow to get rid of Spots

    portada_guia_acneGuide - How to get rid of spotsportada_guia_acne_detras

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