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Chief Instruction Office


REVISED APRIL 2012 Revision of original principal guide published in January 2012

April 2012 page 2 Chief Instruction Office

April 2012 page 3 Principal Guide 2: Maximizing Impact

Introduction The Full School Day ends the shortest school day and year in the nation, providing schools with the time they need to ensure that every student, in every community, receives a quality education that prepares them for success in college and career. To ensure schools design a school day that best meets the needs of their unique student body, the district has created parameters that define a small set of district standards, but also give schools significant flexibility in designing the school day to best meet the needs of their school community. These parameters were created based on research of the time required to ensure our students can learn and master the new Common Core State Standards as well as input from a number of different stakeholders. PURPOSE OF THE GUIDE This guide outlines the Full School Day parameters that were announced on April 10, 2012. This guide is meant to provide principals, teachers, parents, and community members with a clear understanding of the new student and teacher day for elementary schools, middle schools, and elementary grades of K-12 schools. The guide provides information about:

Student day parameters

Teacher day parameters

Local flexibilities

Content guidelines

Appendix A – Sample preschool and kindergarten schedules

Appendix B – Sample professional development schedules CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINAL GUIDE The guide incorporates several changes from the previous guide published in January 2012. Changes from the January 2012 guide include:

Student day (grades 1-8) o Students now receive a 7 hour student day (previously 7.5 hours) o Students now receive instruction for 6 hours (previously 6.5 hours)

Student day (preschool and kindergarten) o Students in full day preschool and kindergarten have a 7 hour day (previously 7.5 hours) o Students in half day programs have a 2 hour 40 minute day (previously 2 hours 50 minutes)

Teacher day* o Teachers now teach for 5 hours 15 minutes (previously 5 hours 30 minutes) o Teachers receive 85 minutes of planning and PD time (previously 70 minutes)

Schools should contact their networks and/or the Chief Instruction Office (Sundar Chari, [email protected]) with any questions regarding these parameters and/or revisions. * By law, CPS may determine the length of the employee workday. Nevertheless, CPS has an obligation to bargain with employee representatives over the impact to employees of any changes to the length of the day. CPS may implement changes to the length of the workday while bargaining. CPS is currently in negotiations with CTU over that impact of the 7 hour and 40 minute day to teachers and other employees. The scheduling parameters set forth in this document are contained in counterproposals to proposals made by CTU at the bargaining table. These parameters may change if agreements are reached with CTU but should be used for planning purposes.

April 2012 page 4 Chief Instruction Office

Full School Day Parameters


In elementary schools, middle schools, and elementary grades of K-12 schools, the average student day will be 7 hours. During the average 7 hour student day, students will receive: • 6 hours of instruction • 45 minutes of recess and lunch • 15 minutes for non-instructional activities (i.e., passing periods, bathroom breaks) SAMPLE STUDENT DAY

The average student day for preschool and kindergarten students differs by the type of program. Details are outlined in the chart below: Typical programs Preschool Kindergarten

Full-day program 7 hour student day 7 hour student day

Half-day program 2 hour 40 min student day 2 hour 40 min student day

4-hour program 4 hour program

Third shift programs 2 hour 40 mins student day

Appendix A outlines sample schedules for each program type.

45 mins recess/lunch

15 mins non-instructional time(i.e., bathroom breaks, passing periods)

Average student day is 7 hrs

6 hrs of instructional time

Non-instructional time

Recess / lunch

Instructional time

April 2012 page 5 Principal Guide 2: Maximizing Impact

7.0 hr student day

7.0 hr student day

7.0 hr student day

7.0 hr student day

7.0 hr student day

25 min self-directed prep

25 min self-directed prep

25 min self-directed prep

25 min self-directed prep

25 min self-directed prep

45 min principal-

directed prep

45 min self-directed prep

45 min self-directed prep

45 min self-directed prep

45 min self-directed prep

45 min lunch 45 min lunch 45 min lunch 45 min lunch 45 min lunchAverage student day is 7 hours

Principal-directed prep time

Self-directed prep time

Instructional time

Teacher day is typically 7 hours 25 mins


In elementary schools, middle schools, and the elementary grades of K-12 schools, the average teacher work day will be 7 hours 40 minutes with 15 minutes of each day banked over the course of the week or weeks for professional development. Consequently, on most days, elementary school teachers will be on-site for 7 hours 25 minutes (i.e., 7 hours 40 minutes minus 15 minutes banked for professional development activities). On 7 hour 25 minute days, elementary teachers will: • Receive a 25-minute self-directed prep period before the start of student day • Provide instruction for 5 hours 15 minutes • Receive a 45-minute duty-free lunch • Receive a 45-minute prep period with one prep period each week reserved for principal-directed collaboration time. • Supervise 15 minutes of non-instructional time (i.e., passing periods, bathroom breaks) SAMPLE TEACHER DAY

Please note that the graphic does not include the 15 minutes of professional development time that is banked over the week.

Notes: Preparation periods: Preparation periods are provided to teachers to enable them to complete professional responsibilities, including attending professional development, observing colleagues in their classroom, meeting and consulting with colleagues, parents and students, preparing lessons, grading, entering grades, etc.

April 2012 page 6 Chief Instruction Office

Professional development sessions: The 15 minutes allocated for professional development activities must be banked over the course of the week (or weeks) and used to provide teachers with principal-directed professional development after school and/or on weekends. On the days that banked minutes are used, the teacher’s on-site time will be extended by the number of banked minutes used. Principals have flexibility in how these sessions are scheduled as long as they adhere to a few district parameters, i.e.

Sessions must be at least 75 minutes in length

Sessions must focus primarily on professional development (although some time may be used for faculty updates)

Minutes can be banked over several weeks although schools are encouraged to schedule sessions throughout the course of the year to maximize the impact of these sessions

Please see Appendix B for sample schedules. In designing and implementing these sessions, principals should:

Gather input from teachers and other relevant school staff to create an appropriate schedule

Obtain approval of 50% plus one of the teachers and relevant school staff in a school vote if the principal wants to hold these sessions on Friday after school or on the weekend. (Please note that schools should wait until a contract has been finalized before taking any votes).

Submit a high-level PD plan to their Chief of Schools for approval before the beginning of each school year

Share a schedule of PD sessions for the school year with teachers by the beginning of each school year Please note that part-time and half-time teacher schedules will not be affected by banking of minutes.

IMPORTANT NOTE – Please note that schools should wait until a contract has been finalized before taking any staff votes. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Chief Education Office.

April 2012 page 7 Principal Guide 2: Maximizing Impact

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CURRENT & PROPOSED DAILY SCHEDULES Compared to today’s school day, the Full School Day:

• Increases the student day by 75 minutes, including 52 minutes of instruction and 25 minutes for recess and lunch • Increases the amount of teacher preparation and professional development by 23 minutes each day, which equals

close to 2 additional hours each week



Hours Mins Hours Mins Mins

STUDENT DAY 5 hrs 45mins 345 7 hrs 420 75 mins

Instructional 5 hrs 8 mins 308 6 hrs 360 52 mins

Lunch / recess 20 mins 20 45 mins 45 25 mins

Passing / entry 17 mins 17 15 mins 15 (2 mins)

TEACHER WORK DAY 6 hrs 15 mins 375 7 hrs 40 mins 460 85 mins

Instruction 4 hrs 36 mins 276 5 hrs 15 mins 315 39 mins

Duty-free teacher lunch 0 mins 0 45 mins 45 45 mins

Teacher breaks 20 mins 20 0 mins 0 (20 mins)

Supervision of non-Instructional activities 17 mins 17 15 mins 15 (2 mins)

Planning & professional development2 1 hr 2 mins 62 1 hr 25 mins 85 23 mins

Self-directed morning preps3 24 mins 24 25 mins 25 1 min

Principal-directed morning preps3 6 mins 6 0 mins 0 (6 mins)

Self-directed prep periods4 32 mins 32 36 mins 36 4 mins

Principal-directed prep periods4 0 mins 0 9 mins 9 9 mins

Principal-directed PD time5 0 mins 0 15 mins 15 15 mins

Notes: 1 Current state is based on the closed campus model.

2 The chart represents an “average day” over the course of a typical 5-day week.

3 Today, teachers receive a 30-minute prep period each morning with 4 days directed by the teacher and 1 day directed by the principal.

In the 7 hour Full School Day, teachers will receive a self-directed 25-minute prep period each morning. 4

Today, teachers receive an average of four 40-minute teacher preps. In the Full School Day, teachers will receive five 45-minute teacher preps with four directed by the teacher and one directed by the principal. 5

In the Full School Day, teachers will receive 15 minutes for professional development each day. This time must be banked over the week or weeks for principal-directed professional development.

April 2012 page 8 Chief Instruction Office

FLEXIBILITY WITHIN PARAMETERS The Full School Day parameters are meant to provide guidance around the AVERAGE daily minute distributions. Schools have flexibility in how they utilize those daily AVERAGE time allocations. Please see below for more details. Component Elementary

parameters Notes regarding local flexibility


School day 7 hours All elementary schools must provide students with a school day that averages to 7 hours a day. Schools may create a schedule where the length of each day is different (i.e., 7.5 hours during Monday –Thursday and 5.0 hours on Friday) as long as the average day remains 7 hours. Please note that schools require permission from their Chief of Schools and the Chief Education Office to provide students with school days of varying lengths; this approval process will be announced later this spring.

Instructional time

6 hours Schools who wish to create a schedule where the length of each day is different (see above) will also need to vary the number of instructional minutes offered each day. Schools may do that as long as they receive permission for different lengths of the day from their Chief of Schools and the Chief Education Office and they provide 30 hours of instruction over the course of the week.

Recess and lunch

45 minutes All elementary schools must provide 45 minutes of recess and lunch to students on a daily basis. (Schools that face extreme difficulty in providing students with recess should contact their Chief of Schools and/or the Chief Education Office for support.) Please note that recess and lunch do NOT have to be offered back-to-back although it is strongly recommended that they are provided contiguously with recess preceding as studies have shown that children who have recess scheduled prior to lunch instead of afterwards, consume significantly more food and waste less food.

Non-instructional time

15 minutes Schools can use these non-instructional minutes to provide passing time, bathroom breaks, homeroom, etc. Schools can also utilize these minutes for additional instruction as long as they can appropriately staff the instructional minutes with certified teaching staff and meet all other Full School Day parameters.

April 2012 page 9 Principal Guide 2: Maximizing Impact

Component Elementary parameters

Notes regarding local flexibility


Work Day 7 hours 40 minutes

In elementary schools, the average teacher work day is 7 hours 40 minutes with 15 minutes of each day banked over the course of the week (or weeks) for professional development. Consequently, on most days, elementary school teachers will be on-site for 7 hours 25 minutes (i.e., 7 hours 40 minutes minus 15 minutes banked for professional development). For school who wish to create a schedule where the length of each day is different (see page 8), the length of the teacher day will likely vary. In these situations, the teacher day should average 7 hours 25 minutes across the week (with 15 minutes banked for professional development). Please note that schools require permission from their Chief of Schools and the Chief Education Office to provide students with school days of varying lengths; this approval process will be announced later this spring.

Instructional time

5 hours 15 minutes

These figures represent AVERAGE minutes per day. Schools have flexibility in how these minutes are utilized throughout the week as long as the weekly totals are met. Please note that although teachers may instruct for a different number of minutes each day,

All teachers must be present for the entire length of the teacher work day

Teacher instructional minutes should average out to 315 minutes per day

Duty-free lunch

45 minutes Teachers should receive a full 45-min duty-free lunch daily. However, teachers can volunteer to supervise lunch, recess, and/or other activities during this time if they would like.

Non-instructional time

15 minutes Teachers can volunteer to provide instruction during this time if they would like.

Self-directed morning prep time

25 minutes Teachers must receive 25-minutes of self-directed prep time each morning.

Prep periods 45 minutes These figures represent AVERAGE minutes per day. Schools have some flexibility in how these minutes are utilized throughout the week as long as the weekly totals are met. Please note that each prep period should be at least 30 minutes long as prep periods must be long enough for teachers to have meaningful time for teacher planning and preparations. Schools can also provide additional prep time, as long as they can appropriately staff the instructional minutes with certified teaching staff and meet all other Full School Day parameters.

Professional development

15 minutes This daily allocation must be banked over the course of the week (or weeks) to provide principal-directed professional development (that is at least 75 minutes in length).

IMPORTANT NOTE – Please note that the district is in the process of determining exactly what schools must do to exercise these teacher work-day related flexibilities. Under the current contract, these flexibilities would require a waiver vote. However, as we are currently negotiating a new contract with our labor partners, it is unclear what exercising these flexibilities will require under the new contract. The district will inform schools of the specific steps as soon as they are able to do so. In the meantime, please note that schools should NOT be conducting votes of any kind, particularly waiver votes. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Chief Education Office.

April 2012 page 10 Chief Instruction Office

Content Guidelines The Chief Education Office has created a set of guidelines to help elementary schools create an instructionally sound Full School Day schedule. The following represents the district’s best thinking about how many instructional minutes students should be engaged in the core subjects each day and week. Schools are required to meet content guidelines for the four core academic subjects (or come very close to meeting them). Schools are also required to provide daily time for academic interventions with students in need of Tier II or Tier III intervention. DAILY GUIDELINES FOR MINIMUM INSTRUCTIONAL MINUTES PER SUBJECT (These are daily AVERAGES. Schools with creative schedules will likely have different daily distributions.) Subject Grades 1-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8

Literacy 120 mins 120 mins 90 mins

Math 60 mins 70 mins* 80 mins

Science 40 mins 50 mins* 60 mins

Social Science 30 mins 30 mins* 40 mins

Academic intervention

110 mins 90 mins 90 mins

Full Academic Offerings (as applicable)

Arts Education

World Languages


Physical Education

Health & Wellness

Social emotional learning & behavioral interventions (as applicable)

TOTAL 360 mins 360 mins 360 mins

* These figures have been changed from the original Principal guide published in January 2012. WEEKLY GUIDELINES FOR MINIMUM INSTRUCTIONAL MINUTES PER SUBJECT

Subject Grades 1-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8

Literacy 600 mins 600 mins 450 mins

Math 300 mins 350 mins 400 mins

Science 200 mins 250 mins 300 mins

Social Science 150 mins 150 mins 200 mins

Academic intervention

550 mins 450 mins 450 mins

Full Academic Offerings (as applicable)

Arts Education

World Languages


Physical Education

Health & Wellness

Social emotional learning & behavioral interventions (as applicable)

TOTAL 1800 mins 1800 mins 1800 mins

Within these content guidelines, schools are encouraged to think creatively about designing the school day. For example, schools may want to combine similar subjects into double blocks (i.e., explore math and science in a STEM block), embed literacy across all content areas, utilize project-based learning to explore concepts across several subject areas, and/or offer enrichment courses that reinforce learning in core academic areas (e.g., forensics, architecture).

April 2012 page 11 Principal Guide 2: Maximizing Impact

A few notes regarding schools with language programs:

WORLD LANGUAGE – Schools with world language courses should add the appropriate weekly instructional minutes to the guidelines for core academic subjects listed above. It is highly recommended that elementary schools with a World Language program provide 200 minutes of World Language instruction each week.

DUAL LANGUAGE – Schools with dual language programs should maintain the appropriate language allocation to fit their selected program model (e.g. 50/50, 80/20) and approach to biliteracy (sequential or simultaneous/ concurrent).

TRANSITIONAL BILINGUAL EDUCATION PROGRAM – Schools with TBE programs should provide instruction on the core academic subjects in the native language until the student reaches a level of English development that allows them to access content instruction in English with the appropriate scaffolds and supports. TBE programs should note in which subjects students are receiving content-based ESL. Targeted English Language Development instruction should ideally be provided during the intervention/acceleration blocks and/or during a portion of the Literacy period.

TRANSITIONAL PROGRAMS OF INSTRUCTION – Schools with TPI programs should reflect when the required ELD, tutoring, or content-based ESL will be provided.

For sample schedules, principals should go to the Full School Day principal SharePoint website and/or contact the Office of Language & Cultural Education. A note about special education students:

Guidelines for instructional minutes for each subject apply to all students within the district.

Depending on Individual Education Plans, students with disabilities may require additional / different minutes in particular subjects.

Principals should contact the Office of Special Education & Supports with any questions.

April 2012 page 12 Chief Instruction Office

Appendix A – Preschool & Kindergarten Schedules

FULL DAY PROGRAMS In the full day kindergarten and preschool program, students will be in school for 7 hours each day. During that time, students should engage not only in core academic instruction, but also recess/outdoor play/gross motor activities as this is an important component of the day for young children. Recommended student schedule (exact start/end times may vary across schools)

Time Student Activities Teacher Activities


Self-directed prep

8:00-9:30 Instruction Instruction

9:30-9:50 Outdoor/gross motor Facilitate activity*

9:50-11:30 Instruction Instruction

11:30-12:15 Recess and lunch 45-minute duty-free lunch

12:15-1:00 Enrichment, story time, toileting, hand washing, and/or quiet time 45-minute teacher prep period

1:00-2:00 Instruction Instruction

2:00-2:15 Outdoor/gross motor Facilitate activity

2:15-3:00 Instruction Instruction

HALF-DAY PROGRAMS In the half-day program, students will be in school for 2 hours 40 minutes each day, Monday to Friday. During that time, students should engage not only in core academic instruction, but also recess/outdoor play/gross motor activities as this is an important component of the day for young children. Recommended student schedule (exact start/end times may vary across schools)

Time Student Activities Teacher Activities

Teacher prep 7:35 – 8:00

Self-directed prep

AM Session (8:00am – 10:40am)

8:00-9:15 Instruction Instruction

9:15-9:35 Outdoor/gross motor Facilitate activity

9:35-10:40 Instruction Instruction

Teacher Break 10:40-11:25

45-minute teacher prep


45-minute duty-free lunch

PM Session (12:20pm–3:00pm)

12:10 -12:20

Supervise student entry*

12:20-1:20 Instruction Instruction

1:20-1:40 Outdoor/gross motor Facilitate activity*

1:40-3:00 Instruction Instruction

Please note that AM session must start at the same time as the school’s student day and the PM session must end at the same time as the school’s student day. * Please note that 15 minutes of this time is counted toward non-instructional time allocations for the day.

April 2012 page 13 Principal Guide 2: Maximizing Impact

4-HOUR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAMS Please note there are no changes to the length of this program from a student perspective. Teachers however will be asked to be onsite for 7 hours and 40 minutes (similar to all other elementary school teachers). Recommended student schedule (exact start/end times may vary across schools)

Time Student Activities

Teacher A 7:35-3:00

Teacher B 8:35-4:00

Teacher prep

Self-directed prep (7:35-8:00) Self-directed prep (8:35-9:00)

First Session (8:00 – 12:00)

8:00-9:30 Instruction Instruction Co- instruction (start 9:00)

9:30-9:50 Outdoor/gross motor Facilitate activity* Prep (9:30-10:15)

9:50-11:15 Instruction Instruction Co-instruction

11:15- 12:00 Instruction Instruction Lunch

Second Session (12:00 – 4:00)

12:00-12:45 Instruction Lunch Instruction

12:45-2:00 Instruction Co-instruction Instruction

2:00-2:20 Outdoor/gross motor Prep (2:15 – 3:00) Facilitate activity*

2:20-4:00 Instruction Co-instruction (end 3:00) Instruction

THIRD SHIFT PROGRAMS Recommended student schedule (exact start/end times may vary across schools)

Time Student Activities Teacher A 7:25-3:00

Teacher B 1:30 – 4:50

Teacher prep 7:35-8:00 Self-directed prep

First Shift (8:00 – 10:40)

8:00-9:10 Instruction Instruction

9:15-9:35 Outdoor/gross motor Facilitate activity*

9:35-10:40 Instruction Instruction

10:40- 11:25

45-minute duty-free lunch

Second Shift (11:25 – 2:05)

11:25-1:00 Instruction Instruction

1:00-1:20 Outdoor/gross motor Facilitate activity

1:20-2:05 Instruction Instruction


45-minute prep 40-minute prep (1:30 – 2:10)

Third Shift (2:10 – 4:50)

2:10-3:40 Instruction Instruction

3:40-4:00 Outdoor/gross motor Facilitate activity*

4:00-4:50 Instruction Instruction

To maintain the educational integrity of the instructional program:

Third Shift programs will no longer operate with “extended day” staff. Third Shift programs must be staffed by “Half Time” teachers– and a 4 hour parent worker beginning with the 2012-2013 school year

Half time teacher work 3 hours 50 minutes, half of full time teacher (7 hours 40 minutes)

Schools operating 3rd

shift programs utilizing kindergarten classrooms, wishing to continue, must discuss scheduling options with the program director

April 2012 page 14 Chief Instruction Office

Appendix B – Sample PD Schedules Schools have flexibility in how they schedule their PD sessions as long as they follow the district parameters. The following represent sample PD schedules; schools may choose from one of these models and/or use these models as a launching point to create a PD schedule that best fits the needs of their faculty. SAMPLE 1 – WEEKLY ALL-STAFF PD SESSIONS In this schedule, the school holds a weekly all-staff professional development session on a designated day each week.

SAMPLE 2 – BI-WEEKLY ALL-STAFF PD SESSIONS In this schedule, the school holds an all-staff professional development session every other week on a designated day.

7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


PD session

75-minute PD sessions every week on a designated day

7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


PD session

150-minute PD sessions every 2 weeks on a designated day

April 2012 page 15 Principal Guide 2: Maximizing Impact

SAMPLE 3 – WEEKLY GRADE-BAND PD SESSIONS In this schedule, each grade band (or department) meets on a designated day each week for a 75-minute professional development session. A variation of this sample schedule can be holding these grade band and/or department specific sessions every 2 weeks.

SAMPLE 4 – ROTATING GRADE-BAND AND ALL-STAFF PD SESSIONS In this schedule, schools hold PD sessions for specific grade bands and/or departments in one week. In the next week, schools hold an all-staff PD session.

7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


PD (6-8)75-minute PD sessions every week

Different designated day for each grade band

PD (3-5)PD (PK-2)

7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


PD (6-8)

7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


7.0 hr student


All-staff PD

75-minute PD sessions every week

Different designated day for each grade band

75-minute PD sessions every week on a designated day

PD (3-5)PD (PK-2)

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