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Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space www.space4peace.org • 207.443.9502Cosponsored by:Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom www.ReachingCriticalWill.orgKnow Drones (US) www.KnowDrones.comDrone Campaign Network (UK) www.dronewars.net

In another historic moment, we must decide: Shall the people of earth submit to full corporate surveil lance and domination of every aspect of our lives? We say no! Military satellites now allow surveillance under programs like NSA and NRO. Eyes in the Sky can target every place on the planet, as the killer drone program reveals. While the US and NATO encircle Russia, China and other nations, Eyes in the Sky

Local Contact:

October 4-11, 2014

enable the functioning of “missile defense” and other provocative “forward deployed” military operations.

We of The Global Network, working with friends in local and international movements, stand in opposition to “full spectrum dominance” by pledging non violent “full spectrum resistance” until our lands, resources, citizens and govern-ments are free from corporate control!

Full Spectrum Resistance toFull Spectrum Dominance

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