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Identifiers- *California, FullertonThis paper describes in detail the administrative and operational organization of

a program for 4,000 night students and 2,000 extended-day students. It outlines theduties of the Administrative Assistant in Instruction, who is responsible to the Dean ofInstruction, Liberal Arts and to the Dean of Instruction, Technical Arts. It also gives a

complete job description of the rest of the evening staff--Secretary to theAdministrative Assistant, Assistant Dean of Admissions and Records, Senior Clerk inAdmissions and Records, Assistant Dean of Guidance, Testing and Counseling, his

secretary, two extended-day counselors, the college nurse, her clerk typist, aswitchboard operator, the Placement Manager, and a mailroom attendant. Informationon enrollment and staff figures, hour .1, registration procedures and requirements, and

integration with the day programs is included. Recommendat:onz.; call for (1) moreclassroom space, (2) a stutdy to be made in the hope of preventing dropouts, (3) away to predict curriculum changes to meet community needs, and (4) improvement in

the counseling program. (HH)

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Roya R, MummyMay 214, 1968

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Introduction .0000 *000.0. .00 000. 1

Administrative Assistant 00000099*0 2

Adanistrative Assistant Secretaryo 0 0 0 0 .. 0 o 2

Atmitrtant Dean of Adassions and Records . * 0 9000 h

Adhissions and Racords Senior Clerk 0 0 0 * 0

Admissions and Records Clerk Typist *0 0

Guidance and Counseling Service 0 0

College Nurse 9 0)041 00 O 0Nursing, Clerk Typist 0 4, 0 0 0 0 0

Guidance rad Counseling Services Secretary 0 0

Placement Manager . 0 16

Mail Roca Attandant 000990 0 0 000 17

&Marl 9000 0 0 000 0 0 0 000 0 6 0 60 17

Recommendations 0 00.000 19

0 *

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 O0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0







Switchboard Operator. 0 0 0 0 0 000000 16

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The Extended Day program at Phllerton Junior College began we....1 the J y 1958school year. At that time, the A:Merton Evening Junior College, which io-

eluded the Adult Education courses, was split and the college level courses

were taught under the title of Wended Day Courses at the college. The

title, liti'lerton Evening College was maintained as the Adult Education of the

FUllerton mesa for several years, but the course work was below college level

and could be taken without credit if desired« The litalerton Junior College

and High School District continued to run the Adult Education program. Wien

the North Orange County Junior College District was formed and a vegeta

divorce was made from the PUllerton Union High School District, the Adult

Education section was given to the new junior college district.

The "father" of the Extended Day program of the Thillerton Junior College was

Eldon 1. Rodteck, present Dean of Vocational-Technical Education at the

college* At the time the program was adopted, lir. Rodieck became Dean ofthe Extended Day and Summer Session. The first semester, Hr. Rodieck, asecretarys a switchboard operators and a girl at the window to hand out classtickets, was the entire evening staff. Under his guidance, the enrollmenthas grown from W. students that first year to over WOO students who comeonly at night and another 2000 dar students taking Extended Day classes.

When the attended Day program began, the regulations ware not stringentand students took courses for which th ey had no background. After watchingstudents experience much frustration, becauee they took classes for whichthey were not prepared, studies were made, tests were given and pre-requisitesprescribed.

At Fullerton Junior Colleges the Extended Day, 89 well as the day student,must sign rp for an appointment to see his counselor and receive his approvalbefore he can enroll in wry class. Usually, a week before registrationbegins, the sign-up sheets are placed out on the counter in the Ci"...xidanceOffice and students sign up for counseling appointments. This happens inRemembers with December 1 being the date of registration for the Spring Sem-

eeter, and in April for the Nay 1 date for the pre-registeation of returningstudents for the next fan semester. In Augusts appointment dates are madein the Admissions Office for all new and re-entering students who did notpre-enroll in Nay. Only those persons who have taken the ACT, or the SCAT

and the Coop. English test are allowed to enroll in December, May and Aug-

ust. Those who have not taken the teats are called °Specials" and must waituntil the week prior to the beginning of classes to enroll and must presentevidence of having met any pre-requisites necessary.

The "Special" classification came about to allow persons idto had no desireto graduate from college but wanted to take courses for fun and credit.Those who do not care about credit, may take courses in the sale subjectarea through the Adult Education programs.

It was believed that such an action would allow the student desirous of aspecific degree, the first opportunity to get a class required for grad-

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nation or transfer. At first the "Special" could register at any time

without an appointment, but this became vezy annoying to the student who

had an appointment, to see the class he hoped to gat given to someone who

had no specific goals in mind. /)or this reason, the "Specials" were shifted

to the last week of registration.

ite enrollment increaned, more staff were required. Today, we have an

Adinistrative Assistant who works with the Dean of Instruction, liberal Arts,

and the Dean of Instruction Technical Arts. These two deans are responsible

for the entire instructional program of the college frce: 7:00 a.m. until

11:00 p.m. The Administrative Assistanv in Instruction works in a staff

capacity with the Deans of Instruction, especially on responsibilitl:a related

to the Extended Day program.

Administrative Assistant

The laninistrative Assistant is the "keeper of the keys" at night and is res-

ponsible for making minor decisions which relate to instruction in the even-

ings. During the periods of regisiration, he has the authority to assign

students with specW. needs into closed classes. His official responsibilitiesare as follows:

1. To work in i i staff evacity with the Deans of Instruction, especially asthose responsibilities relate to the Extended Day program.

2, To assist in the evaluation of instructors in the Extended Day program.

3. To assist in the preparation and publication of the annual MistBulletin and the Official Clam Scjvcbge, and Examination Schedule. To

assume other instructional responsibilities as the Vice President mayassign.

J. To prepare tha Agenda for the Vice President's weekly Instniction Meetings,the periodic Deans* Meetingsio the monthly Deane and Division Chairmen

Meetings and to write up and distribute the minutes of these meetings.,

5. To prepare and distribute the !acuity Directory at the beginning of eachsemester.

6. To carry out such research projects and adminietrative duties as tileVice President may desire and to prepare reports thereon.

Secre_Wz to Administrative Assistant

The secretary to the Administrative Assistant is designated by the working

title "Senior Secretary". She works from 100 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., except

on Friday when she works from 7:30-4:00. Her specific duties are:

1. Take and transcribe difficult dictation, including technical manuscript,

tabulations, statistical data, subject matter requiring exceptional skill

and ability.

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2. Transcribe similar material trot dictating machine or tape recorder.

3. Supervise the work of clerical staff of lower rank in the office.

Be responsible for files and general office routine.

5. Compile data for reports.

6. Arrange appointments and conference's.

7. Give out information as directed.

8. Compose routine correspondence.

9. Receive callers.

20. Operate office andior duplicating machines as required.

11, Prepare materials for mailing.

12. Perform bookkeeping functions necessary to the office assigned.

13. Maintain complete personnel files for Extended Day Staff, includingprocessing of credential applications for employment, scheduling eval-uation visits, typing confidential materials and reports. Maintainregular check on requirements and documents necessary for certificationof qualified staff.

Ilk Maintain correct and up-to-date ',Room Use book for Extended Day.

25. Prepare and keep up-to-date data on all classes, including class tally,cancellations, changes, etc.

16. Prepare, distribute, receive, compute and maintain payroll records for220-2b0 certificated Extended Day Staff and 90-110 Sumer Session Staff.

17. Prepare and maintain contracts, loyalty oaths, payroll information forms,etc. for Extended Da instructors.

18. Issue and receive records of keys, deek copies of texts and :supplies toinstructors, both Extended Day and Simer Session ; check-out staff atthe end of each semester and summer session.

19. Major responsibility for gathering, compiling and verifying all cpcj:.13..rusAglialia revisions and corrections, including proofing copy.

20. Preliminary work on the total Final Emanation Schedule.

21. Prepares and maintains weekly tally of class tickets of the total collegeprogram daring an registration periods.

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22. Maintains records hours, absences and substitute reports on instructorswhen 4bsent. Notification of absence to classes, etc«

23. Prepares and submits list of all ktended Day instructors along with their'payroll rate to the Board of Trustees for approval each semester and the'summer session.

211. The responsibility factor, because of hours of assignments, isthan regular day requirements in similar positions.

a. 6am:or Secretary on duty after 5:00 p.m.b. Greater versatibility required since most offices are closed and

service to the public requires at least a working knowledge of allschool operations, including scheduled extra-curricular activities,availability and use of facilities in the evening.

0. Receives and channels all requests by personnel, such as locked rooms,replacins of lights, audio-visual equipment, eto.

25. Has close assoaation with Adult Education due to the assignment of theclassrooms here on campus and use of the buildings.

26. Perform other related duties as assigned«

Besides the Administrative Assistant,or duty in the evening, the AssistantAssistant Dean of Guidance Services.1:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday andNxtonded Day classes taught on Fridayon Friday.

there are two Assistant Deans who areDean of Admissions and Records and theThese Deans begin their day,s work atwork until 10:00 p.m. As there are nonights, try work 8100 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Assistant Dean of Admissions and Records

The Assistant Dean of Admissions, Records, and Stuctent Research has many res-ponsibilities 'which are connected with both the day and Extended Day students.His duties are officlany itemized as follows:

1. Supervises attendance recording and accounting for Day, Extended Day andSureaer Sessions and works with instructors to make certain that theattendance cards are correctly narked and turned in on time.

2. Prepares county and state attendance reports including attendance figuresfor the Day, Extended Day and Summer Sessions.

3. Prepares, for billirg purposes, lists showing the attendance for eachstudent from non-Junior college territory end from each college distrbictthat owes the local district for -the education of its students«

Prepares Day, 'Extended Day and Summer Session enrollment reports for theCollege Predident.

S. Completes questionnaires and supPlies .other information as required byOther various branches of the county, state and federal governments and

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PatrA 4.

other authorised organisstions concerning the Day, attended Day andSummer Session programs.

6. Cooperates with the Dean of Admissions and !Words in earmiug out theresponsibilities of the Admissions and Records Office as they relateto the Extended Day and Sumer Sessions which linvolvess

a. Interviewing students and parents concerning admission.b. Supervising the Extended Day and aimer Session registration pro-

cedures.a. Interviewing persons applying for permits to attend other junior

colleges and making necessa27 reccemeendations for approval ordisapproval.

d. Evaluating college work tedeen elsewhere.e. Evaluating the edncational experiences of students who have served

in the armed forces.f. Explaining the college's scholarship probation policies and inter-

preting them to students, pArents, counselors and instructora.is. Approving program changes, drops, and withdrawals from colleges

where special problems are involved.h. Checking and explaining graduation requirements.i. Supervising and controlling of the release of information on

students' addresses and phone numbers, and messages to studentsduring class time in emergency situations.

J. Supervising the distribution of quarter and semestro grades.k* Supervising the issuance of FUllerton Junior College transcripts

and other student personnel data to colleges, employers, andindividuals.

10 Checking the records of instructors' at the end of each semesterand summer session.

a. Supervising the Assistant Admissions and Records secretary and theAssistant Attendance secretary in carrying out their duties in aneffecuive and efficient manner during the evening hours.

7. Cooperates with the Vice President, the Deans of Instruction and theDean of Guidance Services in implementing the addesions and recordsfunctions of the Detended Day and Summer Session.

8. Works under the supervision of the Dean of Admissions and Records incarrying out all the above responsibilities and in performing such otherduties of the Admissions and Record. Office as may be assigned to him.

9. Is on duty from 1100400 p.m. and 6:0040:00 p.mo on ilisidays, duringthe registration peviod. When regiatratioti is not in process, he willwork the regular cley hours.

10. Zs in charge of the Admissions and Records aefice in the absence ofthe Dean of Admissions and Records.

In the actended Day program of the college, a Senior Clerk and two Clerks areon duty in the Admissions and Records OiTice.

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Senior Clerk in Admissions and Records Office

The Senior Clerk must have had clerical experience and a knowledge of officemethods, methods, procedures and equipment. She mat have the ability towork under general direction, to perform general and amplex clerical workof above average difficulty requiring specialised and detailed knowledge;and to do related work as reqtdred.

1. To keep an accurate record of all extended day applications each sem-ester and meter session in order to provide comparative informationfor various reports.

a. Each application is listed by number, name, and major in the. Ectonded Day Record of Apilicatione book.

To evaluate and compute incoming college trarscripts for all students -day and Extended Day.

3. To classify, file and direct the filing of high school and collegetranscripts.

4. To plan direct and supervise the work of hourly help in the AcidasionsOffice :luring registration period.

5. To answer telephone and counter inquiries concerning admission, appli-cations, registration and routine school matters.

6. To send out letters of acceptance and other material for Extended Dayand Summer Sessiou students.

70 To make counseling appointments for Extended Day and Summer Session


a. Au appointment card is mailed to each student who applies beforethe registration period and to all students who apply at any timeby. mail.

8. To prepre and file cumulative :folders for all Extended Day and SummerSessicai students.

9. To assist in registration and pre-registration activities.

10. To compose routine correspondence related to Ertended Day and transcripts.

11. To perform other related duties es required.

Tzo Clerk_ ''st:a..,_LL._..alAdroissimalt anci.L.Becords OiTice

The two clerics are expected to have a knowledge of office methods and equipment;ability to understand and follow oral and written directions; ability to indexand alphabetize accurately; atility to type at a speed of 35 words per mina*.ability to. make simple arithmetic computations; ability to work cooperativelywith others. Each clevic toist worldng in the Admissions and Records Officeduring the &tended Day, has a specifid set of duties to perforia. One doesthe following .tasks:

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1. Assist day-time Attendance Clerk in her cbties =eluding Attendancereports.

26 Answer the telephone and counter inquiries from students and facultyrelating to attendance and enrollment.

3. To assist the Recording Secretary in figuring grade-point averages.

II. Collect fees for tilition from non-resident students.

.5. Help prepare transcripts for all students.

6. Perform other related duties as required.

The other clerk has the following assignments, besides assisting the RecordsSecretary:

1. Answer telephone and counter inquiries relating to transcripts03tudentprograms, add, drop and withdrawal petitions and permanent records andillness excuses for Ertended Day students.

Posting changes, withdrawals and iretructor drops to student programs.

3. Pile student program changes, withdrawals, drops, residence forms andother 7.,:aterial in emulative folders.

Is. To prepare transcripts of permanent records for students.

5. To prepare Social Security and Civil Service and Misc. inquiries relat-ing to attendance of studen.

6. Posting in:ovation to the permanent records.

7. Assisting in registration and pre-registration activities*

8. Other related duties as reqUired during the school year.

Office of Utri.dia.x...:ce it_ndConns...ervvimThe Assistant Dean of Guidance Services, Testing, Counseling and Guidanceworks a flexible day shift and from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Thurs-day eveangs. The day-time flexibility comes from his assignment to visitthe high schools from which our students cow, and other day-time appcintments.Me has the following responsibilities:

1. Atbinisters the testing program for entering students and such othertesting as may be required in connectIon with`the counseling services;arranges for the distribution of test results to members of the collegetrAft; conducts research connected with the testing program of theoollega. His specific duties connected with the testing program are:

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Be schedules the rooms and aeliges the tests adMinistrators and

proctors; obtains keys to rooms, inventories and orders test

*booklets answer sheets, moiler, test data cards, posters,


Alcketel, etc.; arranges gor thescoring of answer sheets, super-,

.'10.sing,the filing of answer 'sheets and of the test data cards, etc,

b. !Ork.a 4th the English and Mathematics Depailments on the retest-

ing of remedial students.c, Administers tests on an individual b i to counseleee referred

by their counselors; arranged for th4 eocring of these tests and

ler the dissenination of the results to the counselors involved.

Administers ninthpgrade and tenth-grade equivaleney tests to

members f the pdblic who desire them.

e0 .Arranges reserve testing sweions for the high school seniors who

want to enter Fullerton Junior College.

2. Distributes to the fe6der high schoOls, College Catalogs, Divisional

Brochures, other college publications, grade reports, admission posters,

applications and other materials.

Accepts student referrals from the College staff and the Connunity in

matters of academic planning, vccational choice and emotional problems;

channels further referrals to the appropriate perdone or agencies,

h. Arranges for and assigns dey counselors to evening duty as needed

during registration periods.

5. Assists in the performance of all duties assigned to the Dean of

Guidance Services and performs such duties in his absence, particularly

during the evening hours,

6. Works with the Ulsistant Dean of Admissions and Records and the Dean

of Instructiot. .y7Aended Day and Summer 3ession) in the coordination

of the counseli:, program with the work of those offices in dealing

with Extended Day and Summer Session stadents and in the maintenance

of adequate administrative supervision during the evening hours.

a. Meets With the Assistant Dean of AAtissions and Records as neces-

sary to consider the re-admission of previouay disqualified

students.L. Arranges for having counselors on duty til 5i00 p.m. during Summer

Session registration and on the first two days of Summer Session,

7. TO be on duty from 1-5 p.m. and frau 6-10 p.m. during registration


8. Supervises the College Placement Manager and assists the Placement

Manager in the follow-up.

9 Directs the operations of the central college production service for

typing, duplication and other copying or production work for the

instructional, student personnel and administrative functions of the


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10. To direct the distribution of mail in the College mail Room.

110 Maintains general oversight and control of tbAs production and milroom and the persones1 therein.

12. Supervise the Counselor's Reference Librrtry.

13. Interview applicants for clerical and counseling positions.

114. Observe counselors' classes and listen to taped sessions for evalu-ation purposes.

Evaluates records of non-high schobl graduates to rule on theireligibility to attend Fullerton Junior College.

16. Approves applications of superior high school students.

17. Counsels non-idgh school graduates (these working on their high schooldiploma) who are attending Retended My classes,

18. Arranges for 2nd participates in interviewing former Fullerton JuniorCollege students.

19. Visits college classes and speaks on the junior college role in highereducation.

20. Visits high schools, both in the district and out of it, and talksabout the ftllerton Junior College to seniors«

21. Supervises Veterans' Adarinistration matters for the college.

22. Supervises the College Health Service during &tended Day hours.

23. Supervises the Counaeling Center &tended Day secretarial staff.

214. Completes necessary paperwork for participation in the ACT StudentProfile Service.

25, Participates in committee work as aprvopriate.

26. Answers questions about the Selective Service rules and replations,

27. Counsels 1000 "Special" students each semester'.(By Special is meant students who de not take the Admission Placementtests and who either take a class with no pre-requisite or for whichthey carry evidence that they have completed the course.)

28, Performs +ha, above duties under the direction of the Dean of GuidanceServices h.A1, assists that official in such other ways as he may berequested to mist.

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At present there are two Extended Day counselors at litillerton Junior College(next year there will tre three), who are under the direction of the AssistantDean of Guidance and Counseling Services. They have the following responsib-Dittos:.

1. To provide personal and educational counseling for tilos students assignedto them, including

a. Vocational guidance to assist the student in selecting a goal appro-priate to hie abilities, interests and needs.

b. Educational guidance in the selection of courses appropriate to hiscr wen goal and constatent with major, transfer and gradtwationrequirements.

c. Assistance in coping with pereonal and social problems.

2. To refer students, when necessary, to the Dean of Guidance Services, theDean of Men or Dean of Women, or other staff members for special assistancewith educational or personal problems.

3. To encourage students to take increased responsibility for self directionas they grow in maturity*

L. To encourage good scholarship and assist in the administering of scholar-ship programs for entering and transferring students,

5. To teach careers classes each semester.

6. To assist in admissions testing and other testing programs, as directedby the Dean of Guidance Services.

7. To represent the College on liaison committees and other groups conuectedwith the counseling and guidance function of the College.

8. To be on duty daily from 1-9:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday and from8-41 p.m. on Priday.

9* To amuse such other responsibilities in connection with the guidancefUnction of the College as may be assigned by the Dean of GuidanceServices.

By far the heaviest responsibility of the rktended Day counselors is thevocational eounstaing of the older students Who desire to obtain a two-year,vocational degree or to transfer to a state college or university. The twocounselors planned vocational programs and otherwise counseled 2090 studentsduring the Fall Semester of the 1967-68 school year. Besides this ccunseling,another 1283 students came to the counseling center to ask questtons which tookless than five minutes for a counselor to answer. It must be pointed out thateach of the Extended Day counselors taught a career planning class in the eve-ning for the first quarter of that semester and these classes took two hoursa week from the lh haws available to counselees who wished to see theircounselor. Each counselor has approximately 1900 counselees per semester* InJune 1967, 10 of the graduates were Extended Day students.

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Bertdes the counseling, eath counselor spent 16 hours administering tests toWering and/or prospective students - either on a Friday night or a Saturdaymorning without itrther renmmeration.

The one Extended Day counselor was an alternate member of the Faculty Senateand attended all the meetings. He was chairman of one committee and a memberof four other camnittees eponsored by fleet auguat body. The other ExtendedDay counselor served on varYeens committees within the Counseling Department,

Colle e Nurse - ExtendedIAIL

Monday through Thursday, there is a registered nurse on campus from 640 NueShe is chargedwith such matters of health and safety as affect the edUcationaloperation of the college, the liability of the District, and the physical mel-fare of those who may be exposed to health or safety hazards beyond theircontrol while in attendance at college, In carrying aat her duties, she isresponsible to the Assistant Dean of Guidance Services, Her duties may belisted as follows:

10 Is responeible for maintaining ane devtloping the college health programunder the supervision of the Doan of Student Advisement and the collegephysician*

20 Assist, in the Safety Program in the College,

30 Maintains coeprehensive hoalth records,

11, Reviews health inventory and physical examination forms, as well asreviewing the supplementary laboratory reports on all students,

50 Is to followeap and refer to the proper individual or agency, all stud-ents screened or seen in coneultation.

6. Is available for health consultations,

7, Is available for physical edueation counseling (temporaey excuses,exemptions, program changes due to medical reasons, and special physicaledecation assignments).

80 Arranges student health consultation with the college physician,

90 Arranges the student psychiatric consultations upon approval by the Deanof Student Advlsement,

100 Notifies counselors and instructors of stadent limitations and physiciansrecommendations.

110 Renders emergency care for injuriee and sudden illness of students andstaff according to the college physicians "Medical tlrectivos for EealthService Personnel."

12, Prepares written reports to the District Office and the insurance covriersconcerning accident, liability and State Compensation reports,

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. . . .

13. Tai.tO prepare the semester summaries relating to accidents, physicaleducation exemptions, program changes dee to medical reasons, and assign-mints to special physical education class.

Ifs. Maintains records for the quarterly and annual reports to the Dean ofStudent Advisement.

15. Proviit a the faculty with data on health service and the location ofthe fi, At aid cabinets.

16. Cooperates with physical education personnel regarding athletes needingphysical eraminations, or the reporting of defecte which coald Limittheir participation or performance,

17. Cooperates with the house mothers on the extended campuses on matterspertaining to student's health problems. (The extended campuses are theOrange County General Hospital Nurses Haas, Othrys Hall 1 and 11, Cali:.State College at Fullerton.)

18. Cooperates with the divisions in Cosmetology, Dental and Medical Assist-ing, X-Ray Technology, Vocatiozial and Registered Nursing. Studentrosters are reviewed for the fateilbnent of pre-requisites in matterspertaiang to physical emanations, laboratory teats, and immunizations.

Cooperates leith the instractors in Child Guidance Classes by weighingand measuring the Rummy School Children.

20. Cooperates with the Dean of Woman in the Rad Cross sponsored annual blooddrive.

21. Makes reccemendations to the Dean of Guidance for the improvement of thesafety and sanitation programs in the College.

22. Cooperates with the local public health department in communicabledisease control. &elusion and readmission of students and staff arebased upon these directives.

23. &plains and interprets the college health program to the student,parents and faculty.

214. Makes known to the studants and faculty the legal aspects of collegeincurred injuries.

25. Recommends health programs for the group control of influenza, tabercul-oats, or arty other special health problem occurring on caucus or theextended campus.

26. Maintains a mileage invoice for reimbursement purposes.

27. Supervises verification of absence due to illness and quarantine.

28. Consultant for Adult &vacation in matters pertaining to medical smer-gencies.

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Assisting the nxtended Ditir Nurse is a clerk typist who has the foliatingduties:

1. Types all the assignments for program changes due to medical reasons*

2* Types and forwards to the District 6frice and to the insurance company,all accident reports, liability forms, and State Campensation Reports.

3. Assists in taking inventory and 'Wing the supply requisitions.

ii* Assists the =sae in the ltion of hnalth education materials forthe tralletin boards. She trAlers the materials and pamphlets to beused for health education in the units.

5. Makes the appointments for health consultation for the college physicianor the college nurse.

6. Assists with the annual Influenza Immunization Clinic for the facultyacd staff.

7. Types the annual budget and purchase retpisitions.

8. Maintains a record of the clerk-typist section of the Quarterly Report.

9. Types the semester summaries relating to accidents, physical educationexemptions, special physical education class, and the program changesdue to medical reasons*

10. Types the stencils for the health siArvice fonts.

11. Types and forwards to the counselors and instructors, the notificationof student limitations with essential heath education materials.Diabetes, epilepsy, hemophiliacs, cardio-vascular disorders, cerebralpalsy and any other special problem in health*

22. Types and forwards to the division chairmen a check list of first adsupplies for each semester. Fills the order for the division& firstaid cabinets and notation that the supplies are ready.

13. Types and Rails to each instructor, the orientation sheet on the healthservice program and the boc -jai:ye. of first aid cabinets.

Wt. Assists the nurse during registration in processing the health inventoryforms and the physical examination record* ls the letters to minorstudents who have not submitted an emergency ocnsent form. Maintaiesa list of sUidents who need to secure the consent*

15. Respests the health folders from the Palerton High Schools for thelc:students who are na: enrolling in the Junior College.

16. Maintaina a record of tfr crutches loaned to students and the date theywere returned.

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17. .7.asues. Abe,* Verifications to;s0ici4nts..:

Op pits, alpb.abetiaes and files students records, reports anci"51144:da.

190 Pheelca..140,03 and forma for ociageteness and accuracy.

20: ..AnsWerd rolititie questions or gives oat attandard Anformaticin.. . . , .

21 Type!: letters, 'Confidential reports to eCunselon and ini.tructoreFirebase orders, accident reporta, liability and State ComPeiiditionreports.. Also *Pee or poata prescribed information onto eitudentearecords and cards.

220 Proof-reads 14ped material for grammatical and spelling errors.

23. Changes all carbons on verification pads 'on the counter and have asecond set ready on desk to follow up with when the desk traffic isrushed.

2110 Pieptiliee a carbon and original sheet for verification count for thefollowing df.w.

25. Removes and checks the 'current days verifications and staples them to-sgather in alphabetical order* If it is a sampling period (taken oversix weeks) recheck second set of verifications for accuracy, correctand place in mailer and sendto II3X-ri8triet Office.

260 Cheek all the desks to make sure there are sufficient forms on eachdedk. Change dates on all stamps and calendars.

27. Clean and wash dam the counter and desks.

28. Follows the directives for First Aid as outlined by the College Phys-ician and notifies the Nurse for further evaluation.

29. Leeks. 'all the file cabinets and doors.



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The Assistant Dean of Guidance has a.seeretary, who besides having a know-ledge a modern officio methods, procedures and equipment; the ability to usea transcribing machine and to take dictation at an "acceptable" rate ofspeed; the ability to type at the speed of la words per minute, has the fol-lowing specific responsibilities:

1. Types up, makes copies of and distributes the President's Honor Listto the high schools as well as to the colleges of the District.

2. Types stencils, collates and distributes 250 copies of the "Guide toCareers Manual." Also, any requests of the counselors for additionalcopies of any page or pages of the manual are honored 'by her.

3. Converte the raw scores from the SCAT and aglish Coop. tests to percent-.ile scores and enters them on the test data cards after each testingsession. This amounts to 3791 students (Feb., March, April - 1728).

Type ditto of quarter and semester grades of Shperior High SchoolStudents, make copies and distributes them to the high schools concerned*

5: Sort and distribute quarters semester and summer grade slips accordingto counselors assigned.

6. Fill out nursing forms re: test scores.

7. Makes up and poste pre-registration appointment sheets for counselors.

8. Makes up registration appointment sheets. puns cum folders for newstudents and gives to counselors daily during registration tor bothday and extended day, and sees that they are re-filed.

9. Ca:piles units attempted* grade points, and grade point averages forformer Fullerton Junior College students now attending I4-year collegesand universities.

10. "Supervises" student he/per frau II-6 p.m. with regard to counselors'

filings office filing and general office work.

11. Takes care of the Counselors' Library, also the Palletins which acme infrau other colleges.

12. Handles the correspondence to and for the Guidance Advisory Committee*

13. Relieves the Switchboard tVerator at break time.

11:. Makes reservations for and handles correspondence on Counselors' Dinner.

15. Makes ready testing materials for the testing of prospective studentsand sees that the tickets for Um various sessions- are given out as per

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requests. Among the duties are sharpening pencils, mending damaged orworn test booklets, and placing answer sheets in booklets.

&tended NV Switchboard rOmattal

Because the college stays openoperator is on cbety until thattended Day classes are over byskills required to efficientlyspecific duties:

until 10 p.m. four nightshour. (it aght be noted10 p.m..) Besides havingtend the switchboard, she

a wevCc, a switchboardthat most of the Ex-the knowledge andhas the follcuing

3. Handles correspondence with the Selective Service. Typical tasks are:handling applioations, tgping forme and alphabetiving.

2.. Hands out tickets for testing seasions, files all tests, helps scoretests when applicable, alphabetizes and files test data cards.

3. Answers questions and transacts other business for Veterans who attendat night.

Sends out Alpha Goma cards and helNa toe the Presidentts Honor List.

5. Takes and relays varioue messages.

6. Answers relevant and all irrelevant questions asked her.

7. Does all the "little" jobs requested of her by her superiors.

On dat e. one night a week, thus making the job placement service available toEztende y students, is the Placement Manager. He reports to the AssistantDean a 1idance and CorAese ling and has the following responsibilities:

1.; To maintain a centralized service for parttime and fal-eme, tempmgryand permanent placement, this service to operate on the prineipladrecommending students only for positions in which they are prepared tosucceed and dealing frankly with prospective employers regarding thequalifications of persona recce:nude&

2. To maintain a system of student rating and records for all students invocational programs and for those seeking employment.

3. To maintain a system of records of all placement activities in theCollege.

II. 2o consult regularly with division chairmen and other College staffregarding procedures for deterafr.ling the qualifications of studentsseeking employment and other matters rela÷Ing to the operation of thePlacement Office as may be appropriate.

To process rating or reference forms for students who have applied forPositions.


60 To maintain personal contact with the business and industrial personnelof the area as a means of facilitating placement, keeping in close touchwith the needs of business and industry, interpreting those needs to the

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College, and assisting business and industry to know the College.

7. To pass upon requests of under-age Fullerton Junior College studentsfor State work permits and to sign forms for such pennits as he seesfit to grant.

8. To refer requests for work permits by foreign student:, under theminority of the Bureau of Immigration to the Dean of Ackaissions andRecords.

90 To do an annual follow-up on both terminal and transfer students,maintaining can/arable statistics from year to year and reportingfindings to the College administration, The follow-up should includeevaluations by employers of our graduates and sliced be in closecollaboration with the Dean of Guidance Services.

100 To cooperate with non-fee employment agencies to the extent that theyrecognize and serve the needs of the individual student injjob place-ment and to mdke available to such agencies any applicants on filewho qualify for a specific job opportunity.

11. To conduct the Industry Visitation Program of the College,

12. To perform such other functions as may be assigned to him by the Deanof Guidanoe Services.

13. To process Fa/erten Junior College student employment applications.

lh. To maintain a current tutorial referral list.

To aid the &tended Day, ae well as the day instruotors in their clericalwork and related needs, a mail roan attendant is on duty at night.

Mail Room Attendant

The ,Extended DAT mail room attendant is on duty at night until 9: l5 p.m.She has the responsibility to assist the Extended Day teachers who do notteach at the college during the daytime. She sees that they get their mailand answers questions. Most of the time, she runs the mimeograph machineand the collator, and assembles the requests of the staff for work sheetstests, and other such materialts that need to be "ran off,"

Surma. pilz

The actended Day program at Funerton Junior College has grown from 11408students in 1958 to an enrollmeet of over 6000. This does not include theAdult Education classes. With the growing, the staff has oeen expanded. Atthe present time we have an Administrative Assistant who worts with the Deanof Instruction, liberal Arts, and the Dean of Instruction, Technical Arts,These two deans are responsible for the entire instructional program of thecollege fres 7:00 a.m. until lli00 p.m. The Administrative Assistant in

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Instruction works in a staff capacity with the Deans of Instruction,especially* on responsibilities related the the Extended Da program.

The Administrative Assistant is the "keeper of the keys" at night andis responsible for making minor desisions which relate to instruction inthe evenings. He also performs other responsibilities as listed on the"Organizational Pattern in Instruction* chart. (see attached)

Besides the Administrative Assistant, there are two Assistant Deans whoare on dity in the evening; the Assistant Dean of Admissions and Recordsand the Assistant Dean of Guidance Serviced. These Deans begin their day'swork at 1:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and work until 10:00 p.m. Asthere are no Extended Day classes taught on Friday nights, they work 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. on Friday.

There is..contiiderable integration between the day and Extended Day programs.For example, Vle same Admissions Clerk who eValuates the :transcripts ofday students evaluates those of the night students also; the same Record4Clerk tits,o 'enters the grades earned on :the daytime students' traiscriPts entersthem on. Extended.Oay Maiden*, transcripts alsO; the same 'Clerk who evaluatesthe ciaytime students' transcripts to:see if they are eligible for graduation.,evaluates the Extended Day students'

The Deans of Instruction, of Admissions and Records, and 'of Guidance Servieesare responeible tO see that the budgets for their partimlar areas are 'Falb-.Mitte.d ani are also responsible for their areas of supervision* The, Asei,stantDeapEie work under their direction and make decisions which are in accord itiththe Poliaies of the respective deans,. the College President, and the Boardof Trubt4es.

The DiVision Chairmen and the Deans of Instruction are responsible for budgetplanning and recommending the hiring of faculty for the Extended Day programs.

The Administrative Assistant has a full-time secretary who, besides the reg-ular secretarial duties, does the bookkeeping on, and keeps the records,including payroll of all Extended Day instructors.

The Assistant Dean of Admissions and Records has three clerk-typists whoassist him in the afternoon and evening*

The Assistant Dean of Guidance Services has a secretary who works from 1:00 pal.to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8100 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday*There Ks also a telephone operator who works at the switchboard from 3:30 p.m.Monday through Thursday evenings.

Besides these, there is a registered nurse on duty until 10:00 p.m. eachevebing college classes are in session* She reports to work at 2:00 p.m. inthe afternoon. The nurse has a clerk-typist who assisU her each evening*The nurse is responsible to the Dean of Guidance Services.

Assisting the Assistant Dean of Guidance Services in counseling &tended Daystudents are two fall-time counselors whose working holm: are 1:0041:30 p.m.and 600-900 p.m. Monday through Thursday. After 6:00 p.m., they counselExtended Day students only. The evening students may come in for counseling*

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in the artarnoons if they so desire, tub the afternoon counseling hours ofthese counselors and from 8:004i:00 p.m. on Friday are basically spent incounseling daytime students.

During periods of registration (August 1st through September 11th, December1st through February 6th, and Flay lat through May 31st) datirae counselorsare employed to assist the regular Extended Day counselors in registeringthe incoming students* Each student has a counseling appointnent with acounselor at this time to help them aign-up for classes. Between registrationperiods, the regular Extended Day counselors counsel the students in vocat .ional and other areas. In June, 1967, one of each ten students who graduatedwas an nded Day student.


From this study, it is apparent that Fullerton Junior College is doing anadequate job of meeting the present needs of its nded Day students. Thefollowing areas need to be atm:led if this excellence is to continue.

10 the clabsrooms are now filled in the beginning of each semester withno room for adding more under the present schedule. A stutr should bemade to find more classroom facilities for students desiring to attendschool in the evenings. These may be in off-carapna facilities.

2. A study should be made to see if the drop-out rate can be curtailed sothat more effective room utilisation can be Ind. Included in this stillywould be the identification of drop-outs to see if there is a patternthat might be reversed.

3. A stactr should be made to predict present and future curriculum changeswhich will help the College continue to meet the needs of its community.

b. A study should be made to improve the coinseling program* While itseems to be effective, certainly its effectiveness to the WOO studentswho attend evening classes could be improved.

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