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Page 1: Function of Education in the Society

Function of Education in the


Page 2: Function of Education in the Society

McNergney and Herbert (2001)

• They describe the school as first and foremost a social institution, that is, an established organization and a set of functions meant to preserve and extend social order. His image is concerned with preserving our heritage and adapt to social change and make change happen where it is needed.

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Functions of Schools

• The Intellectual purposes of schooling include the following: to teach basic cognitive skills, to transmit specific knowledge, and to help students to acquire HOTS.

• The Political purposes of schooling are to inculcate allegiance to the existing political order.

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• The Social purposes of schooling are to socialize children into the various roles, behaviors, and values of the society.

• The Economic purposes of schooling are to prepare students for their later occupational roles and to select, train, and allocate individuals into the division of labor.

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Technical/Economic Functions

• They refer to the contributions of schools to the technical or economic development and needs of the individual, the institution, the local community, the society and the international community.

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Human/Social Functions

• They refer to the contribution of schools to human development and social relationships at different levels of the society. As indicated in nearly all formal education goals, at the individual level schools help develop students to develop themselves psychologically, socially, and physically, and help them develop their potential as fully as possible.

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Political functions

• They refer to the contribution of schools to the political development at different levels of society. At the individual levels, schools help students to develop positive civic attitudes and skills to exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

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Cultural functions

• They refer to the contribution of schools to the Cultural transmission and development at different levels of society. At the individual level, schools help students to develop their creativity and aesthetic awareness to be socialized with the successful norms, values, and beliefs of society.

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Educational Functions

• They refer to the contribution of schools to the development and maintenance of education of the different levels of society. Traditionally, education is often perceived as only a means for achieving the economic, social, political, and cultural values and goals.

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"Manifest and Latent Function of Education"

It defined as the open and intended goals or consequences of activities within organization or institution.

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Six Major Manifest Functions of Education in Society

1. Socialization. Teach students role, specific academic subjects and political socialization.

2. Social Control. School are responsible for teaching values.

3. Social Placement. Schools are responsible for identifying the most qualified people to fill available positions in society.

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4. Transmitting Culture. As a social institution education performs a rather conservable function - transmitting the dominant culture.

5. Promoting Social and Political Integration. Education serves the latent function of promoting political and social integration.

6. Agent of change. Education can stimulate or bring about desired social change.

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1. CONSERVATION FUNCTIONThe school conserves and preserves through its libraries in the past generations such as knowledge, inventions, Math, Science, History, Literature, Music and arts.

2. INSTRUCTIONAL FUNCTIONThe main concern of the school is to pass on the accumulated experiences of the past generations to the incoming generations.

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3. RESEARCH FUNCTIONThe school conducts research to improve the old ways of doing things or to discover hitherto unknown facts or systems to improve the quality of human life.

4. SOCIAL SERVICE FUNCTIONTo render some kind of social service in the place where it is located.

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