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Page 1: Funtions - FÁBIÁN

7/28/2019 Funtions - FÁBIÁN

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Expressingyour opinión (In at the deep end)

• I think / expect / suppose / assume / reckon / presume ...

• I should think ...

• I fírmly / strongly believe that...

• As I see it .. .

• The way I can see it...

• From my point of view ...

• From my perspective ...

• I am inclined to think that...

• It is my f i rm belief that...

Supporting others' ideas ( L i v i n g in social groups)

• Exactly. / Absolutely. / Definitely.

• That's what I feel, too.

• I couldn't agree more.

• I'm of exactly the same opinión (as...).

• X raised some good points.

• It sounds sensible to ...

• I can see the attraction of that.

• I'd l ike to endorse your view.

Contradicting others' opinions 1. (No place l i ke home)

(a rather'straightforward jnanner)

• I don't see it that way.

• I have my doubts about that.

• You haven't convinced me yet.

• I see things rather differently myself.

• I'm afraid, I entaely disagree (with ...).

• It's very doubtful whether ...

• I can't say that I share your view / assessment (of...).

• Personally, I tend to think that...

• Personally, I would be more inclined to think that...

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Contradictingothers' opinions 2. (Off the beaten track)

(a more modérate manner)

•Granted, but...

• You may have a point there, but...

• To.,a^ertajn extent, yes, but...

• There is no doubt about the fact t h a t b u t . . .

• We l l , while I agree with you on the whole,...

• I think we are very much in agreement on this. However,. ..

• There's a lot of truth in wnat_you say. S t i l l , . . .

• While it is true that...

• But on the other hand ...

• Although it must be admitted that...

Repeating, emphasising (Fighting fit)

• As I have mentioned earlier,...

• As I have said already,...

• I repeat / stress that...

• I / Let me remind you that...• I would l ike to say once again that...

• I would l i ke to emphasise that...

• Let me note that...

Askingso that tobetterunderstand (The career ladder)

Checking that you have understood

• If I've understood right...

• So is the basic / general idea that...?

• I am sorry if I seem a little slow, but I am not sure I understand. Do you mean ...?

• I am not quite with what you've just said. Do you mean ...?

• If I have got the picture, then ...

• Wo u l d I be right in supposing ...?

• Wo u l d I be correct in saying ...?

• The implication seems to be ...

• If Tve followed you rightly ...

• Just to be clear / certain about what's just been said / decided ...

Asking questions during a discussion

• Cou l d you please comment on ...?

• Can you elabórate on ...?

• I was wondering if you could ...

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Describing tendencies (White lies)


• According to the (survey),

• The (survey) found that...

• The staíistics show / reflect / demónstrate that...

• Research suggests that...

• Verbs: state, claim, a r g ü e , acknowledge, comment, declare, announce, confirm,

wonder, compliment, deny, insist, wara, remind, blame, accuse, disclose, inform

Describing change

increase lowering decrease cut

fa l l expansión improvement broadening

deterioration shrinking growth lessening

decline establishment strengthening contraction

tightening up reduction relaxation extensión

upward trend enlargement raising phasing out

Dramatic increase, dramatic decline or no change in statistics

• to surge, to shoot up, to soar, to rocket, to jump, to leap,

• to plummet, to plunge, to slump, to crash, to sink, to tumble.

• to remain stable, to level off, to remain constant, to staghate, to stabilise

Giving apresentation or briefing (A good grounding)

Getting started

• Ladies and gentlemen, welcome ...

• First let me say that...

• Let me start with ...

• As you ( probably) know ...

Changing topic

• Now I would l i ke to turn to ... (other issues)

• Now let's go to ...

• As for ... is concerned ...

• I would l i ke to move on to ...

• If we could / Co u l d we move on now to ...

• The next item on the agenda is ...

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• Basically it all comes down to ...

• The basic question is ...

• So, what it boils down / comes down to is ...

• To put it in a nutshell ,...

• In short,...

• In a word,.. .

• Br i e f l y , then ...

• To sum up,...

• To summarise,...

• To pulí the threads together,

Giving an example (In danger of extinction)

• L i k e for example / instance.

• Let me take an example ...

• Let me just make clear that...

• An example of that would be ...

• A striking example of this ...

• To give you an example of what I mean, take ...

• To illustrate this point, let us look at / examine ...

• To illustrate what I mean, let us consider ...

• Let me / A l l o w me to cite an example / an instance/...

Giving or avoiding reply to questionsfrom the audience (No news is good news)

Answering questions

• Let me start with ...

• Let me just say for my part that...

• As for...

• In reply to your ... question ...

• To the ... question the answer i s . . .

• We l l , three things I would l i k e to say in reply to your question. The first thing is ...the second point is thirdly ...

• 1*11 píeased to comment on ...

Refusing orfailing to reply

• I apologise for not answering your question on ...

• Thank you for reminding me ...

• I am not authorised to give you the figures.

• I really do not want to add anything on that subject.

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Expressing acceptance and refusal (Cultural differences)


• be pro

• welcome

feel strongly (about)• be convinced (of)

• be in favour (of)

• take a keen interest (in)

• be a supporter (of)

• be a passionate believer(in)

• strongly approve (of)

• be tempted to agree (with)

• be prepared to accept


• be against

• be suspicious (of)

• be a fierce opponent (of)

• refuse to accept .

• be opposed (to)

• feel strongly (against)

• dread to think that

• reject

Expressing degrees ofprobability (A brand new world)

• ... looks inevitable ...

• ... almost certainly ....

• ... may / might / could (have)...• ... seems set to be ....

• In all likelihood / probability .. .

• There is a distinct possibility that...

• ... most l i k e l y . . .

• ... is anybody's guess.

. .. is s t i l l in the balance ...

Hopes are fading ...

Fears are growing ...

.. . not the remotest chance of ...

... seems unlikely ...

Prospects oí... look s l im .

There is little likelihood ...

It is extremely doubtful whether .. .

.. . is on the cards.

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