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Page 2: FUTURE-PROOFING YOUR BUSINESS - FranchiseSpeakers · FUTURE-PROOFING YOUR BUSINESS Real life strategies to prepare your business for tomorrow, today! ... content may be reproduced

2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]




Real life strategies to prepare your

business for tomorrow, today!

Presented by TROY HAZARD (CSP)

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


About your host, TROY HAZARD…

VP US SMB & Distribution, Microsoft Corporation - "Troy’s anecdotes are a great balance of business acumen, energy and humor!”

CEO Entrepreneurs’ Organisation - "Troy Hazard is crisp, funny and smart. A true winner." Director Bank of Houston - "Troy goes straight to the heart! Dynamic, informative and great take home value." Donn R. Wilson, Former Head McDonalds Training and Operations and Senior Executive at Wendy’s, & Blockbuster - “Troy Hazard’s presentation on how to Future-Proof Your Business is fantastic! Troy has a unique way of making learning fun while delivering concrete steps that can help transform anyone’s business.” Choice Hotels - “His delivery style is highly dynamic and creates the perfect balance of business and motivation." VP of Marketing Communications, Annex Brands - “He really brings to light the simple fact that if you are out of control in your personal life, you can’t expect your professional life to be in order.” Past Chairman World Franchise Council - Chairman Franchise Council of Australia - “Troy Hazard stands out as one of the few speakers in this world who truly understands franchising. His depth of experience in the category is without question.” Senior Director of Marketing TBC Retail Group / Big O Tires - “Awesome… Fabulous… Overwhelmingly Great! I particularly appreciate his great sense of humor and the way he carefully and authentically connects.” VP Operations Coldwell Banker Real Estate – “Troy has expertly crafted a solid platform of tactical, practical business tools that really resonate.”

More video testimonials on Troy’s Vimeo Channel at – www.vimeo.com/troyhazard

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


Important Information About This Program

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please contact Troy Hazard International LLC.

AUSTRALIA Ph + 61 (7) 3620 1031 Townsville QLD [email protected] USA Tel: + 1 (323) 313 4007 Florida USA [email protected]

Web: www.troyhazard.com / www.troyhazard.info Twitter: @troyhazard Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/troyhazard Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/troyhazardinternational

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


INTRODUCTION Congratulations on making the decision to Future-Proof Your Business. It takes commitment and courage to work on your business and to take stock and look at it with an honest and critical eye. This workbook has been designed in conjunction with the 4 video episodes:

1. Taking Responsibility 2. Review YOU! 3. Your Reality Check 4. Routine + Rhythm + Revolution = Revenue

Each of the workbook exercises coordinate with the messages given on video, so it is important to use the workbook in tandem with each of the video episodes. The key with this workbook is to be honest. Take your time with some of the exercises – contemplation may be required so you can observe your behavior, and that of your team. There is no rush and no need to complete the program by a certain time or date. The most important aspect is to stop doing what isn’t serving you and your business, and start implementing what will support your goals and future success. Make it a team experience and share some of the exercises with your staff. Ask for their input and involve them in this evolution of your business. Sometimes we can become too close to the business to be able to see it objectively and our staff can offer some invaluable insights into what the business may need to grow and evolve. Most of all enjoy this journey. Good Luck, and thanks for spending some time with me! Troy

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]




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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



Every successful businessperson takes responsibility for the business they create, the people they lead, and the position they hold in life. An authentic business leader is honest and courageous. It takes these two essential qualities to sit in true reflection. Ask yourself the following question, “Where have I not shown responsible behavior for my business in the past and how can I become more responsible for the future of my business, and those I lead?” This section of the program is about becoming more personally accountable. Consider the following questions in an honest manner.

What will you do to take responsibility for the future of your business? What is stopping you from being the best you can be? When does your ego get in the way of accepting full accountability for your business and the people you lead?

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



The ability to learn is not about aptitude - it is about attitude! So often we get in our own way and limit our ability to grow and develop. Ask yourself this: 1. What do I need to do to change ME? 2. Am I willing to let go of my ego to allow myself some important introspective thought? When I considered what was stopping me from taking responsibility in my business and my life, I came up with four “bad beliefs”. I realized that if I wanted to be able to get the lesson of learning, then I needed to eradicate these bad beliefs:


“I wish there was more time in the day” is the cry of many stressed business owners, however the greatest amount of time wasting occurs between our ears. We can free up so much more quality time for ourselves by de-cluttering our “head.” Where will you start?

BAD BELIEF NUMBER 2 - Not ASKING enough Questions!

We can become too proud to ask questions. There are great teachers all around us and yet our ego or our own insecurities can stop us from looking to those who have the knowledge. Consider the people of influence in your life right now. List three questions you would ask right now, if you had the opportunity. 1. 2. 3.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



When we limit our learning by thinking we are “different” to other businesses and business leaders, and by thinking we are unique, we stop ourselves from getting the wisdom of those who have gone before. We really are all very similar. If we weren’t, marketing would not work on the scale that it does. When our arrogance and ego get in the way, we want to believe that we are different – that our business is unique, that our circumstance is unique. Rather than say, “My business/circumstance/world/customers/ life/ (insert anything you like in here)… is different, look for the similarities – where can you apply what you are learning to what you do. Lateral thinking breeds transferable learning. In another segment we’ll further explain why key transactional drivers PROVE it is NOT different for you in your business.

BAD BELIEF NUMBER 4 – I have no VISION How far in to the future do you look? 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, longer? Without clarity of vision we cannot set a path to achieve our goals. Take a longer look into your future, what do you and your business look like in 12 months, 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years? Make some notes on that and set them aside for the moment. We’ll have a longer conversation about developing your vision soon!

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



What are you going to do to uncover the lesson of learning? What are you going to do to get this information, to think about it laterally, and apply it to your life, and your business? Journal your thoughts below:

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



We can get so caught up in the illusion of business. It is often said that the stock market is run by fear and greed – when greed becomes the motivator, people buy too much and when fear sets in, they sell too early. It is this emotional roller coaster that ends up unsuccessfully driving a lot of business, rather than the truth and reality of the situation. Ask yourself if all of the decisions you make are truthful? How many of them are based on reality? How many are based on fear and greed. We sometimes confuse greed with growth. Many businesses fall into the trap of believing that “growth is good” rather than “growth for a reason”. It all depends on your objectives and your TRUE desired outcomes. When we are first building our business we can be fooled into only focusing on growth, yet without a strategy and vision, there never seems to be enough growth. Then, in the name of growth, we bring on clients that are not good for the business because we become so focused on growth rather than growth for a reason. When we are not clear on our truth and reality, we can make poor decisions that do not serve our business or us. We must be AWARE when making decisions – are they based in FEAR & GREED or TRUTH & REALITY!

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


TAKE A MOMENT! In order to truthfully assess if we operate from a place of fear and greed or truth and reality, we may need to contemplate our previous decisions to help consider our future decisions. Give yourself some quiet time to reflect on the past – and consider the future. Where have you made decisions based on fear and greed and how have these decisions affected your business and/or life? Using the following categories as a guide, journal your thoughts. CLIENTS STAFF RELATIONSHIPS OTHER

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



Congratulations on being honest! Now that you have been able to stand apart from yourself and identify whether your decisions are based in fear and greed or truth and reality, consider the following questions for each of your future situations.

1. Are you dealing with the REAL position or the PERCEIVED one? Example: Perceived - “We are $1,000,000 in debt!”

Real - “I led us to being a $1,000,000 in debt. I am the leader and I am accountable.”

The perceived position is usually the easiest one to digest but the most dangerous one to believe.

2. Do you CLAIM or BLAME? Do you make accusations or are you accountable? Do you BLAME your team / your customers / production / your suppliers? Or do you claim responsibility for what happens in your business?

3. Have you shared enough information with your team to support them in the achievement of their goals? Have you created a clear enough picture for them? If they can’t SEE it, they can’t SELL it or SOLVE it.


What can you do to find the TRUE you? Sit in contemplation and BE HONEST! This is your chance to come clean. When we have the courage to really sit in our truth, we are able to get clarity around what work needs to be done on ourselves and within our business.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



We create time to make ourselves feel fitter and healthier, don’t we? We make the time to go to the gym, or go for a run. Yet we don’t give our mind the same commitment. So, START your day in a DIFFERENT WAY!

1. Time to BRAIN dump! And get BUSINESS fit!

You need to clear your head to clear your day – everyday do a BRAIN DUMP for 10-30 minutes each morning for the following areas:

What I CAN change? What I HAVE changed? What I CAN’T change?

Give yourself control over your thinking habits by completing the following lists every morning: a) What CAN I change today? This is not your “to do list’ – this is simply identifying the things you can change in one workday. It could be 2 things, it could be 10 things. The key is to ensure that all the boxes have been ticked and there is nothing left on this list come end of day. b) What HAVE you changed but need to stop thinking about? We can tend to waste time thinking about things that we have no control over. Example: You have sent a sales proposal to a client, and you now have no more influence over the outcome until your next contact with them. When we waste time worrying or thinking about something like that, we take up space that could have been used for everything in the A) list. c) What things CAN’T you influence or change? This is where the drama sits – we have no control over certain elements in life yet we waste our time and precious thoughts thinking about issues

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


that don’t concern us. Be frugal where you place your attention – don’t be seduced into the trivial drama of other people’s issues, or issues that you have no influence over. If we manage to avoid B) and C) we will then have far more time and focus for A) which invariably is the ONLY area that will support and grow our business.

2. Question EVERYTHING! Ask yourself, is this the most productive thing I can be doing right now? Do I need to spend time on this or not? Is this going to influence my outcome in a positive way? If the answer is no, stop thinking about it!

3. GO with the FLOW!

So often we swim upstream. We think being different is going to make us stand out. Sometimes we can gain far more momentum by going with the flow of life and creating a fluency in our business.

4. Tap into your INTUITION – trust your gut!

Give yourself the time to pause and listen to your intuitive guidance. We all know that “feeling” when something is not quite right. Give yourself the time to pay attention to this and ask more questions. Why am I feeling this? Why does this not feel right? We have all made the comment, “I knew I shouldn’t have done that!” when we have ignored our intuition.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


TAKE A MOMENT! Consider the areas we have covered in this first episode. Go back through your notes and list the areas that you will work on, your greatest AH HA’s and the most powerful insights you have gained so far.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



Review YOU!

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



Building YOU! Too many of us rush into the “business” side of the business and fail to develop the one ingredient that affects the business 24/7. In this episode we are going to review YOU!

Let’s start with this: What do you want to be when you grow up?

TAKE A MOMENT! We begin our journey with great intentions and expectations and somewhere along the line some of us get lost. This section is designed to offer you clarity of your future, and a roadmap to ensure you achieve your goals.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



Reviewing YOU! The VALUE of VISION! When we are clear about what we want personally, we are then able to align ourselves to what we want for our business. The value of developing your personal vision is that it will be the fuel that will support you in driving your business vision. This is the difference between you working for the business or the business working for you! Think about what it is that you want for your life. Don’t judge your thoughts – just write whatever comes through. What do you really want be (and do, and have) when you grow up?

Start with your personal vision and then move on to the business vision.

Personal Vision: (Continue on a separate piece of paper if needed.)

Business Vision: (Continue on a separate piece of paper if needed.)

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


Your PERSONAL Plan! What I want to be when I grow up, and why? What are your values? What do you want to represent to yourself, or to others?

Your LIFE Plan!

How would you like to live your life relevant to the significant people you share your life with?



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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



If, as a team, you have values and goals that are aligned and shared, you will create far better flow and traction as a united and focused group. Together you can work out what your business can do for YOU!

Your PEOPLE Plan!

There is no such thing as a self-made millionaire. Nobody does it on his or her own! We all have people who help us in some way. So what is the plan for you to influence these people around you to help you execute your plan?



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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



Leaders are not born, they evolve! There are 4 key character traits to great leadership. These are not things you should be doing; they are things you should be focusing on. Leadership doesn’t have to be hard; you just need to be aware!

1. The MASTER trait. The master has vision. They communicate their values - what they want to represent. They are clear on how they want to operate. They walk the talk and live their values. You can’t lead anyone with confidence if your values are incongruent with your behaviors and actions. A master shows his or her vulnerability – they don’t need to have all the answers - they involve everyone in finding the solution. How do rate yourself?

2. The MENTOR Trait. The mentor’s job is to learn how to learn while they teach. A great mentor offers experiences before advice – “I have had this experience. This is what I learned – perhaps you can take something from that…”

How do rate yourself?

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


3. The MANAGER Trait. People react to how the manager acts! If you’re inefficient, ineffective, not punctual, a poor communicator, then expect the same from your team! If you send the message that this is completely acceptable behavior. The people you manage will react to the way you act. How do rate yourself?

4. The MATE Trait. There has to be some “mateship” with your team. We need to have empathy, understand their needs etc. But as a leader, what makes you a good “mate” is to be understanding, but not easy. Be friendly but firm. Your team does need to know you’re on their side, but this doesn’t mean you need to get caught up in their drama – remain separate but beside them.

How do rate yourself?

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


SEGMENT 4 - WHAT’S THE END GAME? There are many aspects to consider as a business owner, but one of the biggest questions we need to ask ourselves is, if we build it will they come? Just because you have a vision for what you’re doing, the vital question to ask is, is there a market for what you’re selling? Here are some areas to consider:

1. Business LIFE CYCLE

Where does the business sit in comparison to its competitors? We need to understand where our business sits in its business life cycle.

2. The FUN Factor!

If you’re not having fun anymore in your business, you need to get out of your business. But in doing so, the most important thing to remember is, if you want to get out of your business because you are tired of it, you need to get back into the business to get out of it.

3. How quickly can you ADD VALUE to the business? What can we put into it to make it go faster, improve the bottom line, get better management, improve the product or service offer, improve positioning to the consumer. How you can do it faster than the next guy. How do you add value quickly?

4. How much is ENOUGH?

Think about a succession plan? When is it done? How much will it be worth when you are done? The day you purchase your business is the day you should know when you want to exit.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]



The key to keeping it REAL is to be in touch with your REALITY every day.

1. The POWER of PEERS.

Surround yourself with SMART people. It is often said that you can measure your future success by the people that you associate with on a day-to-day basis. Are you receiving “quality” input and advice?

Sometimes we are too close to our business to see where it needs help. Allow yourself to be in a “receiving” mode with your peer group. This is one of the best ways to keep it REAL. Here are two questions that can support you in giving and receiving information from your peers:

1. What has been your greatest success, and how can I learn from that? 2. What has been your greatest challenge, and how can I help you?

2. People Who INFLUENCE your business.

List the people who influence your business on a day-to-day basis. Does this list add value, grow the “intelligence” of the business or does it create a glass ceiling for the creativity and development of the business.

We all need people that can keep us accountable, both in business and in life. In business, accountability is essential if you are to propel your business forward. Creating an Advisory Board is an excellent way to build objective input for your business. This doesn’t have to be an expensive or difficult thing to achieve.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


Think about 4 or 5 other business owners that you could meet up with on a regular basis to support each other. Over time, as trust and the relationships build, your group may provide you support that you never imagined possible as a business owner.

A key factor to the success of these groups is to allow yourself to be vulnerable and open. List the people/business owners that you would appreciate and benefit from being on your Advisory Board. Don’t just limit it to those you feel will say yes. Dream big! Put a couple of names down that may seem impossible.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


SEGMENT 2 - THE INFORMATION AGE! We can become so distracted by technology that we lose sight of what our business really needs. Let’s look at getting busy with REAL CONNECTIONS! To get great information from people we need to be skilled in the art of communication.


Be HUMBLE! Tell your story BUT be more focused on gathering information about the person you are networking with! It’s about SHARING.

Be COMPASSIONATE! Be there to help the person standing in front of you. Be interested in the other person.

Be UNDERSTANDING! Be understanding of what the other person is looking for in the conversation. Sometimes we get far too consumed in getting our needs met and not focusing on the needs of others. Create a presence! One hit wonders don’t make an impact. Networking events often create a “speed dating” type effect. Instead, take the time to get to know a few people rather than doing a “drive by” on a lot of people.

2. JOIN GROUPS and ORGANIZATIONS There is great value in belonging to associations, groups and organizations where you can meet like-minded people. Budget to join some of these groups for the development of yourself and your team.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


TAKE A MOMENT! List the groups, organizations and courses that could benefit your business in terms of knowledge, contacts, support and development.





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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


SEGMENT 3 - STRATEGY THAT STICKS Good information makes the strategy stick.

1. Strategy Be clear, deep and deliberate about what you represent to your potential clients or customers. You compete with 3,500 different pieces of information that your target audience receives every day. If you are not clear, you will get lost in the noise. What is it that you do for your customers? What is the pain you remove? If you don’t know what you do – you won’t be able to communicate that to your customers, let alone anyone else in your business.

2. Operations Make sure that what you are promising the customer is something you can deliver, every time. Good business is about improving the operating platform - every single day. Take a look at your policies and procedures, the processes that your people use every day, is there a clear direction for operational execution in the business? List what you have and what you need to add for your business to be more efficient and effective.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


3. Human Resources How do we fill the operation platform with good people? Get the right people, in the right roles, doing the right things, at the right time, and doing it right, every day. Do you continually improve, and how do you measure that?

4. Finance If you have the strategy right, the operational platform in order, and the right team in place, the financial execution of your business plan should be much easier to deliver.

5. Marketing How are you going to continue to market the business to keep the sales cycle going? What marketing efforts do you need to employ to create more sales opportunities that align with your strategy?

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


SEGMENT 4 - THE REWARD OF REWARDS! People + Positioning = Profits Don’t reinforce the behaviors you don’t want! Focus on and reward the behaviors you do want! Don’t give bonuses based on subjective areas that are not linked to clear objectives and formulas.

If you only reward people for their own performance, they’ll only focus on their own performance. As individuals if one of the team doesn’t perform, their result will drag the entire team down. The goal is to get everyone working together – to have each team accountable to their teams, and in turn accountable to each other. This brings unity to everything you do within the business.


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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]





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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


Routine Rhythm Revolution Revenue

• Getting in the groove

• Getting into flow.

• What are your habits?

• Increasing with ease.

Revenue Routine

Rhythm Revolution

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC / Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 / Email: [email protected]


SEGMENT 1 - DRAMA! GET RID OF IT! One of the biggest distractors in our life when it comes to creating powerful ROUTINES is DRAMA! What is the drama in your life? Where do you allow yourself to waste valuable time? List all of the drama filled moments in your life.

Consider the areas in your life that are in chaos. Which areas would benefit from a stronger routine? Which areas are inconsistent and do not serve your goals? Are YOU stealing your own energy? Example:

ISSUE BAD HABIT 1. Weight gain Buying an ice-cream every

afternoon. 2. Not meeting sales quota Not sending out proposals on


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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


TAKE A MOMENT! Let’s get some routines happening! Consider all the activities and tasks you execute to make up your day, week, month and year. When we’re clear about where our time goes, we can start to become clear about what we want to keep and/or delete.






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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


SEGMENT 2 - MEASURING MY TIME To assess where your time goes, record your activities in the following time bank in 15-minute intervals. List everything you do within each 15-minute time frame. Use your own record keeping system, or maybe try the following: 6:00am 6:15am 6:30am 6:45am 7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 8:15am 8:30am 8:45am 9:00am 9:15am 9:30am 9:45am 10:00am 10:15am 10:30am 10:45am 11:00am 11:15am 11:30am 11:45am

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


12:00pm 12:15pm 12:30pm 12:45pm 1:00pm 1:15pm 1:30pm 1:45pm 2:00pm 2:15pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:00pm 3:15pm 3:30pm 3:45pm 4:00pm 4:15pm 4:30pm 4:45pm 5:00pm 5:15pm 5:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:15pm 6:30pm 6:45pm 7:00pm

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


IF NOTHING CHANGES, NOTHING CHANGES It’s time for a personal STOCKTAKE! Take a few moments to consider the ROUTINES in your life that have either a positive effect on your life, a negative effect on your life, or are simply a waste of time.


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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


TAKE A MOMENT! Using your personal plan, CREATE a list of the ROUTINES required to achieve your GOALS.

GOAL Routines required to achieve this goal.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


SEGMENT 3 - BUSINESS RHYTHM It’s not, “It can’t be done. It’s HOW can we get it done.”

1. HONESTY SESSION The truth of the business starts with you. Be honest! What is it that you do that gets in the way of creating Routines and Rhythm? List the areas that need improvement on your part as the leader of the business. Pay attention throughout the day to your behaviors and habits that don’t serve the business in a positive way. 1. Example: Set meetings with my team and then cancel them. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


2. THE PATH TO RHYTHM To create RHYTHM, you have to create discipline around your daily ROUTINE. When your daily and weekly routines become habits, the business gets a rhythm and the team will follow that rhythm. The best way to get immediate focus and rhythm is to align your people at the start of each day. Every morning, have a 5-minute stand up meeting to regroup. ASK the following 3 questions every day, in the same order, to create a ROUTINE and turn it into a cultural RHYTHM. 1. What did you achieve yesterday? 2. What are you focused on achieving today? 3. What will you do better tomorrow? RHYTHM is created by ROUTINE in the business that happens at the same time each day, and is not negotiable for everyone, including you. What is some of the RHYTHM in your business supports the success of your business, and what detracts from it? Do a quick BRAIN DUMP and list the rhythm that you want to keep, and the rhythm you need to remove. ROUTINES to keep, to create RHYTHM in the business. ROUTINES to lose, to create RHYTHM in the business.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


3. MATCHING THE RHYTHM WITH REWARDS Which routines can you lock in to create rhythm in your business that can be rewarded? Daily:




½ Yearly

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


4. Business KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) Collaboration and inclusion are the keys to achieving engagement. Ask your team… “How do you think I have gone with my key performance indicators?” By getting your team to do a 360-degree review on yourself, they see that you are open to improving as well, and have the business’s best interests at heart. To get started, rate yourself on the following KPI’s. 1 = Lowest acceptable standard 5 = Performing at maximum standard

1. Project Management 1 2 3 4 5 Comments:

2. Business Development 1 2 3 4 5 Comments:

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


3. Client Management 1 2 3 4 5 Comments:

4. Competitor Information 1 2 3 4 5 Comments:

5. New Business 1 2 3 4 5 Comments:

6. Personal Development 1 2 3 4 5 Comments:

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]



STAGE 1. Using Post-it-notes, data dump each of the areas, tasks, habits, etc. that you would like to implement in your business as new routines. Don’t place them in any order – just allow the ideas to flow.

STAGE 2. Place each of the new routines into each of the categories within the business i.e. Sales, Administration, Production, SALES


Now rearrange into order of priority and set time frames for execution.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


SEGMENT 4 - REVOLUTION TO REVENUE The most important question to ask yourself right now is what are you going to do to continue this revolution in your business? It is so easy to lose momentum and not implement. What are you going to commit to continue doing? What are going to put on your personal vision and then transpose it into your business vision? What are you going to do differently, to achieve a different result?

TROY’s FINAL TIPS As you continue to grow and align your business, remember the following

1. BE AWARE of the things that happen around you. Be aware of yourself, your surroundings. If you feel flustered – pause – and just re-adjust.

2. BE more UNDERSTANDING of the people around you, of yourself.

Understand who is influencing you and your life and use that to your advantage.

3. CONTINUE your LEARNING JOURNEY. Never stop learning,

keep the passion for discovering new ways and new ideas.

4. STOP TALKING and KEEP LISTENING. You never know where that one gem will come from, but you have to be paying attention to hear it.

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2012 Troy Hazard International, LLC Florida USA

Phone: + 1 323 313 4007 Email: [email protected]


For more information on Troy’s products or speaking opportunities please visit:

wwwTroyHazard.com Or contact us on:

[email protected]

AUSTRALIA Tel: + 61 (7) 3620 1031 Mobile + 61 (412) 733 413 Townsville USA Tel: + 1 (323) 313 4007 Cell: + 1 (310) 430 1578 Florida

Web: www.troyhazard.com Twitter: @troyhazard Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/troyhazard Facebook: www.facebook.com/troyhazardinternational

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