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  • 7/30/2019 GADELHA Trainee June Good



    The traineeship is a supervised educative school act, developed in the work

    environment that sees the preparation of productive work of the college students that will be

    attending Language and Literature at college for being professionals in the education area of

    elementary and high school, special education, and even adult and young education. This

    practice of pedagogic character promotes the acquisition of professional competence,

    developing professional posture, ethic and personal improvement.

    The traineeship aims the learning of professional competence professional activity

    and curricular continuation, developing college student for life and work. It is compulsory

    due to certificate that the college student will have faced the life in a classroom observing

    not only students behavior but also how teachers deal with specific situations in theclassroom.

    The traineeship is not a job. It is a complement regular school, technical and superior

    courses according to the Law n 11.788 of September 25, 2008. This report has the goal of

    presenting a reflexive and theorical view of the activities developed in the classroom of 1st

    year high school in English subject at Deputy Josu Cludio de Souza state High School.

    Supervised Internship I was held from September to December 2011 at Deputy Josu

    Cludio de Souza State High School, with students from 1st year- 03- night shift, Manaus,

    Am. The stage was guided by teacher Maria do Socorro Pinheiro fonseca with 80 hours


    Supervised Internship II, was held on 09 March to 20 June 2012 at Deputy Josu

    Claudio de Souza state High School , with students from 1st year - 03 -, night shift , under

    the guidance of Professor Maria Socorro Pinheiro fonseca with the workload of 100 hours


    The Internship III, teaching in English Language was conducted with students from

    1st year-03 high school night shift at Deputy Josu Claudio de Souza state high school

    located on avenida: Beira Rio s/n in the neighborhood: Coroado III, in the city of Manaus,

    State of Amazonas. This step, with a workload of 150 hours, was began on 20 th July 20 and

    ended on November 30th 2012. The internship III aims to observe and apply the knowledge

    acquired in the subjects studied, as well as confront them with the pedagogical practice

    itself, seeking to establish a practice that is meaningful.


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    The supervised curricular traineeship is a moment of the professional formation of a

    future licensed teacher that will have the chance of observing the practice in educational

    institution or other proper educative environment. The supervised traineeship is fundamentalin the professional formation process and a challenge for English Language and Literature

    college student to obtain experience for the professional of the educational process. During

    the traineeship the college student has opportunity to show the level of knowledge obtained

    to guide the trainee in the profession that he will follow.

    2.1 CONCEPT

    The traineeship is a moment of the formation of students, in relation to starting of his

    course as an educator. It is the period of fusion between the theorical and practical factors

    resulting in good formation, qualifying him in the professional field in a complex of

    activities, where the trainee obtains knowledge and unite students and teachers.


    A Lei n 8.859,23 de maro de 1994, modificou dispositivos da lei n 6.494 de 1977,

    para a aplicao aos alunos de ensino especial, alterando o artigo 1, acrescentado o

    pargrafo 3, registrou a necessidade do planejamento, acompanhamento e avaliao do

    estgio em conformidade com os currculos, programas e calendrios. Assim, tornou-se

    obrigatria a atividade de estgio nas grades curriculares dos cursos de nvel superior,

    profissionalizante de 2 grau, ou escola de educao especial.

    Em de dezembro de 1996, atravs da Lei de nmero 9.394, a legislao nacional que

    dispe sobre a educao foi consolidada, estabelecendo novas diretrizes e bases da educao


    Art. 82. Os sistemas de ensino estabelecero as normas para a realizao dos estgios

    dos alunos regularmente matriculados no ensino mdio ou superior em sua jurisdio.

    Pargrafo nico. O estgio realizado nas condies deste artigo no estabelecem

    vnculo empregatcio, podendo o estagirio receber bolsa de estgio, estar segurado contra

    acidentes e ter a cobertura previdenciria prevista na legislao especfica. (BRASIL,



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    Dentre as modificaes nas leis de trabalho a mudana mais sensvel a maior

    fiscalizao e responsabilidade sobre as tarefas executadas pelo estudante, tanto pela

    instituio de ensino quanto entidade concedente. Trata-se de um meio de auxiliar a

    formao de profissionais de nvel mdio profissionalizante ou superior.

    O objetivo principal do estgio, portanto, a complementao da aprendizagem

    profissional. Por isso que no se deve ver o estgio como uma de suprir carncias de mo-

    de-obra ou obt-la de maneira menos onerosa.

    Art.3 A realizao do estagio dar-se- mediante termo de compromisso celebrado

    entre o estudante e a parte concedente, com intervenincia obrigatria da instituio de


    Acordo de Cooperao firmado entre a Unidade e a Instituio concedente;

    Termo de compromisso firmado entre o aluno, o Concedente e a Instituio de


    Seguro contra Acidentes Pessoais de responsabilidade da Instituio de Ensino;

    Ficha de Acompanhamento de Estgio com registros efetuados pelo estagirio,

    assinado pelo professor de estagirio e coordenador da habilitao;

    Relatrio de Atividades preparado pelos estagirios.


    Class regency is the dominion of ones class-room, utilizing teaching methods

    utilized by theoricians of education such as Piaget and other psychologists, and teachers.

    There is need to be dynamic, perceiving each lesson as unique and the need to make

    it possible to respond to the ardent desires of the students.

    To learn and to teach are activities that are unlinked, in this way you didnt only

    teach, but mainly, learnt to teach, and could in this manner, enlarge my tool to use in a

    future regency of the class as an educator.


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    Regency activity is without doubt a great deal of experience. Within a short period

    we are able to learn much about how to lead students/ pupils within and outside of the class-

    room. How to be acquainted with the students and how to behave in specific occasions.

    Giving lessons is not an easy task, there is much more behind it, such as the

    formation of the educator, capacity to lead in adversity, motivation and others. It is not just

    enough to have a diploma. Its much more. There is need to be courageous to face the

    profession and do the best possible for the student to understand the contents of the lessons



    Secondary school education is a level of education with different characteristics

    similar to the country. In many countries, it corresponds to the totality or partly of secondary

    education given to adulescents from between the ages of 10-18 years. In some other

    countries, however, it could correspond to pre-secondary or post-secondary education.

    The L.D.B. Leaves each state free to constitute its system in secondary education

    contents. Traditionally, a greater part of the system of teaching, secondary school education

    is composed of Portuguese language and Brazilian literature, Portuguese language with any

    foreign language,( Traditionally English, French and most recently Spanish), from natural

    sciences, ( Physics, Chemistry and Biology), Mathematics from human sciences, ( History

    and Geography Primarily, Sociology, Psychology and Philosophy secondarily), Arts,

    Computing and Physical Education.

    2.3 Traineeship at University

    By striving towards the teaching of trainees as god professionals, the universities work

    rigorously towards elevating the quality of their training for better results.

    As a result student who graduate are enabled in defending their thesis through the

    established existing standards a trainee teacher is able to observe a professional and learn to

    do same.

    2.4 The Matter of Curricular Traineeship in student / teacher formation

    Supervised Training is essential for the acquisition of professional practice.

    Considering the need to focus also on the practical training courses for teachers, it is

    understood that the curricular, if well founded, structured and directed, appears as a moment


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    of significant importance in the practical training of future teachers. The traineeship is a

    fundamental pre-requisite for the certification of the student/teacher trainee, in obtaining

    teaching license.


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    The first traineeship was held on the 19 th of august second semester of 2011, under the

    direction of Professor Margareth who gave the Term of Compromise forms to fill. And in

    addition, she emphasized on report of the past traineeship and the need for our Research


    The second traineeship, started on 09 th of march first semester of 2012, under the

    direction of Professor Margareth, we received instructions and directives from the

    internship, and filled the compromise forms in ESBAM.

    The third internship began on the 20th of July second semester of 2012 under the direction of

    Professor Margareth who gave the Term of Compromise forms to fill. And in addition, she

    emphasized on report of the past traineeship and the need for our Research Projects.


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    The English teachers in the school use as their teaching resources books,

    dictionaries, computers and other teaching aids as stipulated by the school pedagogies as

    their methodology.


    The first supervised English Language Traineeship was done during the fourth period

    of the second semester of 2011.


    The second stage of the supervised English Language Traineeship was done during the

    fifth period of the first semester of 2012. With Maria Socorro Pinheiro Fonseca the English

    Language teacher Deputy Josu Cladio de Souza. As in first Traineeship the objective of

    the second is to observe the teaching methods and the relationships between the teacher and

    students and classroom activities.


    The third stage of the supervised English Language Traineeship was done during the

    sixth period of the second semester of 2012. With Maria Socorro Pinheiro Fonseca the

    English Language teacher at Deputy Josu Claudio de Souza State High School its puporse

    to observe as well as giving lessons when possible.


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    Deputy Josu Cladio de Souza High School was inaugurated by the Decree Law n

    15.849 of 21/02/1994 and is located on Beira Rio Avenue in Coroado III, on the East Zone

    of Manaus. The name was given in honor of Deputy Josu Cladio de Souza who worked as

    State Education Secretary. The School has 1622 registered students distributed in three

    shifts. With 1st year High School 732, 2nd year High School 500 and 3rd year High School


    For a better quality education the school developed many projects such as: Jovem

    cidado, Mais educao, Rede Cidad Digital and Tempo de Ler e Escrever. The board

    directory of the school is made up of- Zuleide Pereira das Chagas, Maria Regina de Lima

    Geraldo, Altemar Leo de Oliveira, Ivete Ribeiro Rubim Fernandes, Jander de Lima

    Lasmar, Ana Rita Corra da Costa. The present principal is Jos Maria do Couto Junior.


    The school is located next to UFAM Campus UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO

    AMAZONAS, in Coroado III. The school is in good conditions, and is among the first

    schools in the eastern Zone of Manaus. The school has low and middle income earners

    families as students. The students are mainly from the neighborhood and adjacent areas.


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    Deputy Josu Cludio de Souza High School was founded under the decree Law n

    15.849 of February 21st, 1994, in Manaus, Amazonas. This school started its activity by

    attending the local and adjacent communities under the State Education Secretary (SEDUC).

    The School has elementary and high education with a total of 1622 students this

    year. It runs three shifts. Deputy Josu Cludio de Souza whom the school is named after

    made significant services for education as State Secretary of Education in the state.

    The school follows derectives from the State Secretary of Education (SEDUC) and

    the internal management board of the school in accordance with the internal Regiments

    (Art. 2) que afirma que o conceito da educao a ser elaborada inspirada sob a liberdade

    de conhecimento novos ideais voltada para a comunidade visando o preparo em pleno

    desenvolvimento no carter de todos os cidados.


    As an excellent and exemplary school the leadership of the school in conjunction

    with the community have very cordial relationship.

    As a result the Rede Cidad Digital in partnership with CETAM is being

    established in the school for the community.


    Administration: 06

    Security: 06

    Cook: 6

    General Services: 8

    Principal: 1

    Pedagogs: 3


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    Librarian: 2

    Technical support: 1

    Project Coordinator: 1

    Secretary: 1

    The School with 1622 students that is: 600 students in the morning, 522 students in

    the afternoon and 502 students in the night. Therere 58 teachers, divided in morning 20, in

    afternoon 20 and night 18. Therere 33 employees divided in three shifts in morning nine, in

    afternoon nine and nine in night, therere two securities in weekend and two securities who

    work full time, but 1 director and one secretary in integral time.


    Though the school is in good conditions but the principal thinks there is the need to

    make some reforms by the end of the semester. To start the reform the principal has the

    support of the Regional Secretary of the State Education - CREI and also The State

    Secretary of Education SEDUC.

    The School has three playgrounds, one indoor and two outdoor playgrounds for

    physical education, such as: handball, volleyball, futsal and other events.

    The School has the following administrative staff:

    Director: 01

    Secretary: 01

    Computing: 01

    Science: 01Laboratory: 01

    Archive: o1

    Teacher: 01

    Library: 01

    TV school: 01

    Deposit: 01

    Kitchen: 01

    Canteen: 01


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    Bathroom: 06 (02 students, 02 employees and 02 teachers).


    The Students come from the middle class and lower class groups. They and their

    families live in Coroado I, II, III and adjacent areas, like any other public school the students

    have difficulties to learning. Efforts from the school and the teaching staff are signs of good

    learning environment for the students.

    6.6 SCHOOL DOCUMENTATION (Pedagogical Project and Policy)

    The school began its pedagogical activities in the following areas. Elementary school

    curriculum, 04/2007 has the 8th and 9th year olds in the night, and the middle school

    curriculum 137/2010 having three shift making a total of 1,680 students.


    The school structures are in good conditions though some areas need reforms. Some

    need replacement of the WCS, the playing ground needs some filling. The school may be

    having some reforms next year.


    The school has recreational sports grounds such as the indoor sports hall for in-door

    soccer and 2 outdoor fields for volleyball and handball games.


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    7.1 Teachers Information

    The teachers name is Maria Socorro Pinheiro Fonseca, she is a graduate in EnglishLanguage and has Specialization in Methodology of English language, she has been

    teaching for 14 year and at the present school, she has being teaching for 5 years.

    7.2 Teachers Presentation

    The teacher dresses very well and has good eye contact with students She has good

    white board presentation and checks on students sitting arrangements ,makes the roll call.

    7.3 Class Planning

    The class planning are worked out every month following Seduc curriculum plans,

    with the teachers free to uses their own teaching methods.

    7.4 Class Performance (Methods, Tecniques and learning Resourses)

    The teacher uses the whiteboard, markers, photocopies and printed didactic materials

    as her teaching resources.

    7.5 Corrections

    She makes corrections adequately and help students understand where they erred.

    7.6 Difficulties Presented by the Teacher

    Poor attendance lateness to classes due to tiredness and lack of motivation on thepart of students.

    The lack of provisional didactic materials from the school, coupled with the lack of

    discipline of most students.

    7.7 Performance in Class

    Though there are these problems and difficulties, there is hope in the elevation of the

    students performances through extra curricula activities such as mental games for studies.


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    7.8 Evaluation (How the teacher evaluates the learning process of the students)

    The teacher evaluates students according to their level of understanding and helps

    them improve their understandings. She applies the four learning skills.

    7.9 Supervised traineeship in the school of training.

    The student trainee carried out all instructions given from ESBAM trainee programs at

    the school of training- Deputy Josu Cludio de Souza State High School.


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    8.1Teachers Information

    The teachers name is Maria Socorro Pinheiro Fonseca, she is a graduate in English

    Language and has Specialization in Methodology of English language, she has been

    teaching for 14 year and at the present school, she has being teaching for 5 years.

    8.2 Teachers Presentation

    The teacher dresses very well and has good eye contact with students. She has good

    white board presentation and checks on students sitting arrangements ,makes the roll call.

    8.3 Class Planning

    The class planning are worked out every month following seduc curriculum plans,

    with the teachers free to uses their own teaching methods.

    8.4 Class Performance (Methods, Tecniques and learning Resourses)

    The teacher uses the whiteboard, markers, photocopies and printed didactic materials

    as her teaching resources.

    8.5 Correction

    She makes corrections adequately and help students understand where they erred.

    8.6 Difficult Presented by the Teacher

    Poor attendance lateness to classes due to tiredness and lack of motivation on the

    part of students.

    8.7 Peformance in Class

    Though there are these problems and difficulties, there is hope in the elevation of the

    students performances though extra curricula activities such as mental games for studies.


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    8.8 Evaluation (How the teacher evaluates the learning process of the students)

    The teacher evaluates students according to their level of understanding and helps

    them improve their understandings. She applies the four learning skills.

    8.9 Supervised traineeship in the school of training.

    The student trainee carried out all instructions given from EBAM trainee

    programs at the school of training- Deputy Josu Claudio de Souza State High School.


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    9.1 Teachers Information

    The teachers name is Maria Socorro Pinheiro Fonseca, she is a graduate in English

    Language and has Specialization in Methodology of English language, she has been

    teaching for 13 year and at the present school, she has being teaching for 4 years.

    9.2 Teachers Presentation.

    The teacher dresses very well and has good eye contact with studentsShe has good white board presentation and checks on students sitting arrangements ,makes

    the roll call.

    9.3 Class Planning.

    The class planning are worked out every month following seduc curriculum plans,

    with the teachers free to uses their own teaching methods.

    9.4 Class Performance (Methods, Techniques and learning Resourses)

    The teacher uses the whiteboard, markers, photocopies and printed didactic materials

    as her teaching resources.

    9.5 Correction

    She makes corrections adequately and help students understand where they erred.

    9.6 Difficult Presented by the Teacher

    Poor attendance lateness to classes due to tiredness and lack of motivation on the

    part of students.

    9.7 Performance in Class

    Though there are these problems and difficulties, there is hope in the elevation of the

    students performances though extra curricula activities such as mental games for studies.

    9.8 Evaluation (How the teacher evaluates the learning process of the students)


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    The teacher evaluates students according to their level of understanding and helps

    them improve their understandings. She applies the four learning skills.

    9.9 Supervised traineeship in the school of training.

    The student trainee carried out all instructions given from EBAM trainee programs at

    the school of training- Deputy Josu Claudio de Souza State High School.


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    10.1 TITLE


    10.2 THEME

    Practicing reading from English text books for 1st year students.


    Reading and the comprehension of texts in English language with the first yearstudents of the night shift Deputy Josu Cludio De Souza hagh state school.

    10.4 PROBLEMS

    The first year students have difficulties in comprehension of reading in written texts

    in English language.


    (a) lack of vocabulary.

    (b) Inadequate didactics material for their level.

    (c) The Lack of the students envolment in the lessons activity.

    (d) Lack of practice in English reading.



    Enable the students the practice of reading


    (a) To analyze the methodology used by the teacher in the classroom.

    (b) To Check the practice of reading in language English classes.

    (c) To make students aware about the importance of reading for the future.


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    The field of reading in the contemporary world is essential for the exercise of

    citizenship, to live in autonomy, with full awareness of self and others, to take decisions in

    the face of our complex world of today. Determining cognitive development, cultural

    formation, access to information and knowledge, expression and critical judgments between

    other areas, is a basic skill that one needs to acquire in order to fulfill as a citizen in a

    professional contemporary society. This project is designed to burrow into reading the

    school community allowing them to become reflective and critical readers, participating

    actively in the society where they live.


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    10.8.1 What is reading?

    Most of us think of reading as a simple, passive process that involves reading words in

    a linear fashion and internalizing their meaning one at a time. But reading is actually a very

    complex process that requires a great deal of active participation on the part of the reader,

    affirms Mrcia Siqueira de Andrade (2006, p. 67).

    Reading is an interactive process of communication. The interaction between

    writer and reader is made possible through the text. Reading can include as animportant part when we analyze text, because it can help the students inanalyzing what kinds of text reading by them and the information from there

    reading itself.

    10.8.2 The act of reading is?

    Reading is the act of constructing meaning while transacting with text. The reader

    makes meaning through the combination of prior knowledge, and previous information

    available in text. According to David Nunan (2003).

    the act of reading can be described as a bottom- up process. This process begins

    with a text, or a collection of marks called graphic features, on a page,organized in such a way that readers can actually decode this data and

    construct meaning from it ( David Nunan, 2003 p. 88 )

    10.8.3 What is meant by a process of reading ?

    The reading process starts at a very young age, with decoding symbols and deriving

    with a meaning of the symbols. Reading, written information comes in the format of

    understanding what you have read and giving it a meaning. In the practice reading you learn

    in a creative and intelligent and solve everyday problems, how to deal with current

    situations with great ease, Jeremy Harmer, says that, Jeremy Harmer (1998)

    We need to promote reading and by our own espousal of reading as a validoccupation, persuade students of its benefits. Perhaps, for example, we can

    occasionally read aloud from books we like and show, by our manner of

    reading, how exciting books can be. ( Jeremy Harmer, 1998, p. 68)


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    10.8.4 When do we begin/start to read?

    We learn to read, then read to learn, and keep reading to keep learning, to gain

    knowledge and remain with the world. It's only through reading that we gain exposure to

    information from different sources. The latest developments in technology, advancements in

    science, breakthroughs in different fields, the inventions, discoveries, product launches,

    movie reviews, celebrity gossip, changing political scenarios; just everything around us can

    become knowledge, only through reading practice, says , H. Douglas Brown (2000).

    How many times have you been told to read something yet youdont know why youre being asked to read it? You did only a

    mediocre job of retaining what you read and perhaps were ratherslow in the process. Efficient reading consists of clearly identifying the

    purpose in reading something. By doing so, you know what yourelooking for and can weed out potential distracting information.

    Whenever you are teaching a reading technique, make sure studentsknow their purpose in reading something. H. Douglas Brown(2000, p.


    10.8.5 How do we begin to read?

    English language learners learn more words when the words are embedded in

    meaningful contexts and students are provided with ample opportunities for their repetition

    and use, as opposed to looking up dictionary definitions or presenting words in single

    sentences. For example, using words from texts appropriate for and likely to interest the

    students, combined with exposure to and use of the words in numerous contexts (reading

    and hearing stories, discussions, posting target words, and writing words and definitions for

    homework) led to improvements in word learning and reading comprehension. Accordingto Maria Jos (1996).

    The representation of writing can help us retain the names that have

    pronunciations Complex or unfamiliar. When we have to learn foreign words,the simple fact of being able to see them, even if it is only once helps us a lot.

    (Maria Jos, 1996, p. 89 ).


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    10.8.6 What is the purpose of reading?

    Reading with a purpose means approaching texts with a specific goal. When possible,

    students can be asked to read a text from a specific point of view, depending on what the

    text might suggest. In the classroom, students can be given reasons to read that approximate

    their purposes in a variety of real-world situations. They can read ads for apartments to find

    one that fits a particular set of requirements, look through movie listings and reviews to

    decide whether to see a particular movie, or respond to a written invitation. Says Jack C.

    Richards (1995).There are seven main purposes for reading To obtain information for somepurpose or because we are curious about some topic. To obtain instructions on

    how to perform some task for our work or daily life,Examples, knowing how anappliance works. To act in a play, play a game, do a puzzle. To keep in touch

    with friends by correspondence or to understand buseness letters. To knowwhen or where something will take place or what is available. To know what is

    happening or has happened as reported in newspaper, magazine, reports, etc.For enjoyment or excitement. Jack C. Richards ( 1995, p. 87 ).


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    11.1 Characterization of area for study.

    The methodology will be developed from observations realized in the classroom of

    the 1st year students of Deputy Josu Claudio Souza high school, and that gives us the

    opportunity to treat writing practice in English Language with the students. In this way, the

    teaching of reading using short texts will be realized.

    11.2 Research results.

    11.3 Type of research.

    Field research, in which the observation and collection of data, which occurs at the

    place of study through direct contact with same, without interference from the researcher

    (LAKATOS; MARCONI, 1996, p. 75)

    Field research proceed the observation of facts and phenomenon exactly as they

    occur, the collection of same referential dates, and finally, to analyze and interpreted thesedate, with base in a consistent theoretical fundaments, aimed at understanding and

    explaining the problem researched. Science and areas of study, such as Anthropology,

    Sociology, Social, Psychology, Psychology of Education, Pedagogy, Policy/Politics, Social

    Service, use field research frequently for the study of individual, groups, communities,

    institutions, with the aim of understanding more different aspects of a determined reality.

    As any other kind of research, field research follows same bibliographical

    consideration. Requires also, the determination from techniques of the collection of date

    more appropriate to the nature of the theme and, still the definition of the techniques that

    will be employed/used for registration and analysis. Depending from the techniques of

    collection, analysis and interpretation of date, field research could be classified as an

    approach predominantly quantitative or qualitative. In a research whose approach is

    basically quantitative, the researcher is limited to factual description of this or that event,

    ignoring the complexity of social reality. (FRANCO,1985, p. 35).


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    In this sense, questioning for possible analysis will means to plan, to observe, to act,

    and to think in a much conscientious manner, more systematic and more rigorous, what we

    do in our daily experiences.

    In this way, the date acquired from the questionnaire, and application of the activity

    composed of the relative exercises, from the of speaking using short texts will be realized.




    January FebruaryMarch April May June

    Bibliographical revision x x x x x

    Choose of the theme x

    Elaboration of the research


    x x

    Conclusion of the research



    Presentation of the research



    Application of instrument of

    the researchRising of data

    Analysis of data

    Revision of the research

    Fingering /Delivery



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    BIANCHI, Anna Ceclia de Moraes; ALVARENGA, Marina; BIANCHI, Roberto. Manual

    de Orientao: Estgio Supervisionado. 3.ed. So Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning,


    BRASIL. Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educao. Lei n 9.334, de 20 de dezembro de1996. Braslia/DF.

    BRASIL. Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais: ensino fundamental. Lnguaestrangeira / Secretaria de Educao Fundamental. Braslia: MEC/SEF, 1998. p. 120

    BRASIL. Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais: Ensino Mdio. Lngua estrangeira.Braslia: 1999.

    BROWN, H. Douglas. Teaching byPrinciples: An Interactive Approach to Language

    Pedagogy. 2. Ed. Ny: Longman,2000.

    HARMER, Jeremy. The practice of: English Language Teaching. 3. Ed. England

    Longman, 1998.

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