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Page 1: Galina Arlov July 2010 Ef Link

E F LINK Keeping You in the Link.

July 2010 Issue #39

Om...Mind. Body. Spirit.Wellbeing for the Whole of You

Take10 Minutes for


Advocating Company Wellbeing

A Leader’s Reflection

Relax... Personal Examples that Show Us How

Our Best Summer Reading List Yet!


Pictured on the cover: Kathy D’Angelo from People & Culture!

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E F LINK upfront

July 2010 / 2


ELL I Can Take Those 10 Minutes

We find ourselves in a wildly creative and stressful time. Since the layoffs and re-shaping, many people in the company are experiencing much more on their workday plates and time feels like it’s shrinking. The list at EF is long and the one that’s waiting for us at home is certainly not getting any shorter! Compounding the stress we feel at the office is the guilt we feel for not being there for family, friends and home as much as we would like. And where does “Me” fit in there?

It’s times like these when taking time for ourselves to nurture, to stretch, to breathe, to, dare I say, relax, is crucial. We cannot continue at such a pace without replenishing or we burn out.

We can have that 10 minute chair massage, in fact, we need to. We can go out for a 10 minute walk, use the quiet room to take 10 minutes to meditate and breathe or stretch. We manage to find 10 minutes for many things in our lives….we can do it for ourselves, our health and our happiness.

Here are some tips from our employees for quick ways to de-stress and rejuvenate:

Monique Wyman (Madison 2)has two Wellness practices that she uses consistently. She takes the time to stretch throughout the day.When she’s faced with a challenging customer, she practices a moment of meditation for release.

Jennifer Johnson (Customer Care) says, “I usually take a 10 minute break twice a day and do 30 push ups. It helps me regain focus on my work and it’s a great workout!”

Rose Wagner (EILEEN FISHER Lab Store) says, “Every day I encourage the staff to go outside and look at the river and breathe!”

Rebecca Kleister (Montgomery) says,“In my role as store manager, there are many times that lunch is just ‘eat quickly and get back to work.’ Lately, I have decided to use the break time to re-compose myself by allowing for a few minutes of knitting time before returning to the task at hand. A little quiet and peaceful activity has been very helpful!”

Liz Yager (Design)“Deep breaths, walking around the block, laying on your back with your knees up, elbows bent with hands on abdomen and thinking ‘lengthen and widen’ (Alexander Technique) [help me relax]. Also, I think of things I am grateful for, focus on the positive and let go of things that are bothering me and remind myself it is not important.”

Kimberly Lin (Sales)“I like to take time every morning to look through my planner and review/maintain a checklist that pertains to my life outside of work. This allows the work day its best opportunity for focus, peace of mind, and least distraction. I also make it a point to step outside once a day even if it’s just to take a lap around the block, breath in some fresh air, and give my eyes and mind a hiatus from the computer screen.”

Gina DeTemple (Manufacturing)I take 10 minutes and go and sit by the water and just close my eyes and think about nothing!

Marian Spurrier (Retail LL&D)“When I’m feeling stressed I take four deep breaths. I breathe all the way in, hold for 10 seconds, then breathe all the way out, hold for 10 seconds (then repeat four times). Inevitably this slows me down and releases some tension!”

by Leslie Ritter Wellness

Denise Mizrachi (Soho store)Hand Massage with herbal scent “therapy”On an occasional Sunday before the Soho store opens, you will find the staff participating in 10 minute hand massages by Denise. The team will wear warm mittens after their hand massage, put their feet up, close their eyes and listen to soothing music to help facilitate relaxation. The air is scented with herbs such as rosemary or mint. Denise has found that the scent of actual herbs will last longer than that of essential oils used for aromatherapy. What a great way to start the day!

Zita Bettig (Soho store) The Half-Smile Meditation During moments of stress, or the anticipation of stress, to relax during the day Zita practices the Half-Smile Meditation. She tries to find a quiet place, relaxes her face into a half-smile (a closed lip smile.) Then she inhales and exhales gently with three deep breathes while maintaining the half-smile. She suggests the focus should be on your breathing. This was originally a Buddhist meditation.

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E F LINK upfront

Galina Arlov “I practice ‘Vipassana Meditation’ during lunch hour. It only takes 10 minutes and it is great way to keep my focus and equanimity through the day. Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation. It was taught in India more than 2,500 years ago as a universal remedy for universal ills, i.e., an Art of Living. For those who are not familiar with Vipassana Meditation, an Introduction to Vipassana by Mr. Goenka and Questions & Answers about Vipassana are available. This is a link to the web site: http://www.dhamma.org/

Sheila Rigoni &

the Sanibel Team“One cute thing we have printed on a paper on our board to view is some words of wisdom to meditate a minute to…These are words from a book we read called ‘The 4 Agreements’:

Always do your best•Never assume•Be impeccable with your word•Never take it personally•

We also have a therapy band that you can use to stretch with, also therapy putty…for hand issues.”

Leslie Ritter (Wellness)“Kathy D’angelo (Irvington) keeps a diffuser for organic essential oils at her desk. She knows a lot about the oils and can choose those that create the energy she’s looking for; calming, restorative etc. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons I’m drawn to her desk several times a day!”

“You can make an appointment with Patty Heilman (Irvington) who offers 10 minute sessions where she gives light, a healing and relaxing energy. I’ve done this with her and it is wonderful and very rejuvenating. Patty does not charge for this; it is a service she offers as part of her spiritual practice. Take advantage of this gift, you will be glad you did.”

“Another nice breathing exercise is to take a deep breath in through your nose to the count of four, hold it for the count of seven and breathe out through your mouth with a whooshing sound for the count of eight. Repeat three or four times. Do this any time you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or having a hard time focusing.”

Maggie Orellana (Sales) “The sound of a waterfall…possibly a small fountain somewhere is calming and beautiful.”

Carmen Diaz & the Secaucus Company Store teamWe bought a cardio twister machine and employees go there to make some steps for 10 minutes. We have our team partic-ipate in 10 minutes free chair massages at the EF warehouse. We offered team members to have ice cream (EF warehouse shared with us) to refresh themselves on a very hot day. We talk a walk in the EF warehouse (of course this is not 10 minutes) in order to stretch their legs a bit from short walking on the sales floor. We are planning to take 10 minute walks in pairs around the block when days are not hot.

The “Ladies who Launch” courtesy of the Soho StoreBreath work is one of the most important wellness tech-niques we can integrate into our lives and one of the easi-est to implement: No resources, no props, no pretzel limbs required. Believe it or not there are many different ways to apply breathing techniques, but even without taking a lesson or reading instructions, breath work is something we can all engage in on our own. Why is breath work so important? We all have the tendency to “hold our breath” when going through a challenging or uncomfortable experience. Learning to breathe is the equivalent of learning to let go—it frees up our energy, and serves as a tool for releasing old patterns and breaking up stale thoughts. When we breathe deeply, we can only be rooted in the present. During the act of focusing on the breath, there is nowhere else to go, nothing to get and no thoughts to hold onto. Whether you’re climbing a mountain or sitting at your desk, breathe deeply throughout the day as restorative measure and goal-quenching strategy.

Susan Kushnick (Product Development) Clear away that clutter! If you find yourself surrounded by “stuff,” you don’t have to tackle it all at once which can be a bit overwhelming—every time you go into a room pick one thing to put away or throw out. Before you know it, the room will be free of clutter and will welcome you with serenity.

Maryanne Morella (Sales/remote) My favorite centering and restorative time is taking a few minutes to walk into another room, sit on the floor with my two very calm Beagles and have a little “pet therapy” time with them. Looking into their big soulful eyes, and embracing their unconditional love completely restores my sense of well being and releases any tension that unknowingly builds up.

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Recently Leslie Ritter spoke with Susan Schor, our Chief Culture Officer, to hear Susan’s thoughts on wellness and the commitment we have to supporting this beloved value:

I know that personal wellness is very important to you. Can you tell people some of the things you do to take care of yourself in the midst of such a busy life?I make certain commitments to appointments, for instance yoga or pilates class, and I keep that. I walk most days—not only for the exercise but because it gives me some time to be by myself. I do some deep breathing; I stop and take three or four deep yoga breaths. I find that to be very helpful. I also focus a lot on my role as a listener. I find that very calming. When I’m in meetings, I not only listen to the topic and content of the group but also my own wellbeing. I think about what I want to say, in terms of whether or not it’s important for me to say it; perhaps someone has already said it, and it’s not that important for me to accentuate. I try to monitor my participation in meetings thoughtfully. And I find that it reduces my hyper-ness.

What a great point. I’m sure that those of us who spend time in meetings with you are aware of what a great listener you are. I am often amazed by how focused you remain.It’s probably very related. I also take two or three breaks during the year to attend yoga/meditation retreats. Those really, really help me stay centered. I do some meditation on my own as well, and my walks are very meditative. I also make time for my friends in the evening instead of working. Well, sometimes I need to work at night, but I make regular dinner plans with friends and make that a priority.

With the reshaping, branding work with IDEO and now the Business Visioning Company Priorities projects, many people are feeling a lot of stress and often a sense of overwhelm from the increased workload. So I’m wondering if you could speak about the company’s philosophy about maintaining a healthy balance while we’re working so hard.I think that it’s one of the key responsibilities of leaders at EILEEN FISHER to check on their teams and find out how people are taking care of themselves. It’s incumbent on us as leaders to understand this responsibility—that it’s how we stay healthy and whole as a company. It helps people stay focused and put their work into perspective. Eileen has always felt very strongly about family, about taking care of yourself, and putting work into the perspective of one’s whole life. I feel it’s a responsibility in working for her company to teach leaders and reach out to each person to make sure we’re doing that.

We’ve invested so much in this company with regard to wellbeing; the wellness benefit, having the position of a

Leading By Example:A Q&A with Susan Schor

wellness leader, the practitioners we bring in, the workshops we offer, they all speak loudly to our commitment. To me, the individual and leader responsibility for encouraging wellbeing is a leg of the stool that’s not as strong as it needs to be. It’s a part of our role to take care of ourselves and our people and to advocate for the company.

I don’t want to diminish in any way the demands of what’s happening in the company, but we need to have people find ways that they can have more balance and wellbeing while meeting the demands of their jobs and their passion for their jobs. We don’t want people to burn out. So for the health of the company, it’s essential.

Do you have a vision for where we might go from here?I’d like to see everyone in the company sharing the responsibility for raising the consciousness around what wellbeing means and how we can expand our awareness and take real care of ourselves and each other. It would become woven into our lives here at work and outside of work, an integral part of who we are. What if we had a “wellbeing meter”….how well are you and your team doing in your work/life balance and sense of wellbeing?

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by Pamela ShawLeadership, Learning & Development


These days when people talk about work/life, they’re less likely to talk about “balance.” Whenever I hear “work/life balance,” I picture a smiling person sitting cross-legged in a meditative pose on the middle of a seesaw that is perfectly horizontal. Then I see visiting relatives, children having tantrums, flat tires and pets piled on one end of the seesaw, and a large stack of files about to fall over on the other. I see someone with bumps and bruises struggling to push things off the seesaw while anxiously tilting back and forth in the middle trying to avoid that teeth-jarring “thunk” that occurs every time the seesaw hits the ground.

For most of us, “work/life balance” occurs rarely and exists for a nanosecond—which is why I prefer the idea of “Work/Life Fit,” which came into vogue several years ago with the help of Work/Life guru Cali Yost (author of Work+Life: Finding the Fit that’s Right for You and blogger at http://worklifefit.com/blog/).

The Right Fit for YouFit is about crafting work/life strategies that are right for your particular situation, at work and outside of work. It recognizes that everyone’s needs and circumstances differ—not just from person to person, but from week to week or even day to day.

“Fit” seems particularly appropriate for people at EILEEN FISHER. To create our own fit, we need to understand what’s required by our jobs what’s needed outside our jobs and design a way to fit those things together.

What does that look like? It varies enormously, like the people and the jobs. For many of us, fit starts with the possibility of taking a morning or afternoon to go to the doctor or attend a child’s play, or take care of an aging parent. In retail,

The Well-Rounded Life

fit might involve working evenings in order to spend the mornings taking a course. If there are tasks associated with your work that can be done on a laptop, you may be able to work at home occasionally—in fact that may be the best place to concentrate without interruptions.

Getting StartedDesigning your fit starts with a realistic assessment of the nature of your job. Is your work site-dependent, for example working in a store, or at the Distribution Center? Does it involve a lot of meetings, for example fittings that require you and others to work on a piece of clothing together? Can you plan your own work flow for the most part, or do you need to respond rapidly to external demands? Is most of your work done at your computer?

In addition to taking into account the requirements of your job, fit also has to accommodate your leader and your team. Knowing that everyone occasionally makes compromises so that each person gets at least some of what they want can make the process easier. So does giving others the kind of support that helps you when you are trying to fit your work with the rest of your life.

Each of us has a unique work/life fit. It changes—from day to day, and through different periods of life, as job and external requirements change. Even though we may fantasize about not EVER having to work, in fact most of us derive some satisfaction from our paychecks and from contributing to a common enterprise, as well as from our lives outside of work. The challenge is fitting the pieces together.

Designing Your Work-Life Fit

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Looking for More To Life? Call or Go Online!EF employees with questions about how to manage their jobs, time, families, finances or health should consider start-ing with an often overlooked resource: our Employee Assistance Program (EAP). This program provides access to information and referral on a tre-mendous range of topics (see sidebar). It is a great resource if you are exploring a new geographical area, a new stage in your life (parenthood, aging parents, divorce, etc) or an unfamiliar topic (sell-ing a house, buying a car, or traveling to Toronto or Tahiti) and would like to start with a little more guidance than an internet search provides.

You can get that information as per-sonally or impersonally as you wish. You could start by going online to the website at www.moretolifeonline.com (username: eileenfisher, password: guest) and exploring numerous topics including working smarter, wellness, parenting, finances, childcare, elder-care, travel, pets and home repair, to name a few.

Or, if you have a pressing problem but you’re not sure about what steps to take, you can call 1-888-777-0052 (toll-free) and speak to someone who will find out what’s on your mind, then arrange for you to receive a call back from someone in your geographical area who can help you with your spe-cific issue, whether it’s daycare, elder-care, financial or legal advice, or help with personal distress or concern about a family member.

For example, if you want to find out about eldercare resources in your com-munity, you can go to the home page on the website, select “Older Adults Search” from “Locate Resources” menu on the right, type in your zip code, and see a list of local resources meeting your requirements that you can print out. If you’re not sure what your requirements are, you can call the toll-free number, talk to a counselor, and she or he will have someone in your area call you back to help you refine your search.

All employees (or those living in their household) have access to an hour each of free financial and legal advice, and five free hours of counseling face to face (be sure to ask for a counselor who

takes your health insurance, so that can kick in after the five free sessions).

All contact with the EAP, whether on the phone, online, or in person, is anony-mous. The company receives quarterly statistics grouped by kind of issue (ie. family, financial, work/life) and roughly by job category (manager, hourly employee, etc.). No personal informa-tion is shared with anyone else at the company.

The gateway for our EAP services is Corporate Family Network, (the pro-vider for our EAP services in the New York area). Beyond the NY area and on the web, services are provided by More to Life, a national company linked to a host of local providers across the country.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR EAP Call 1-888-777-0052Or online at www.moretolifeonline.com - username: eileenfisher password: guest

INTERNATIONALImmigration to the U.S.•International Immigration•Relocating Abroad•Living Abroad•Working Abroad•Families Abroad•Repatriation•

(Under each heading you’ll find addi-tional resources such as:

Audio•Calculators•Legal Forms•Online Seminars•Skill Builders•Assisted Searches•Glossaries•Provider Searches•Online Seminars•


Adoption•Child Care•Developmental Stages •Kids' Well-Being•Education•

AgingAdults with Disabilities•Aging Well•Planning the Future•Government Programs•Housing Options•Home Care•Health•Caregivers•Grief and Loss•

EMOTIONAL WELLBEINGBalancing•Personal Growth•Communication•Families•Relationships •Grief and Loss•Mental Health•Addiction and Recovery•

HEALTH AND WELLNESSHealth Tools•Live Healthy•Healthy Eating•Medical Care•Infants' and Toddlers' •

HealthChildren's Health•Adolescents' Health•Women's Health•Men's Health•Seniors' Health•Health Challenges•

WORKING SMARTERAccomplished Employee•Effective Manager•Career Development•Career Transition•Training and Development•Workplace Diversity•Workplace Productivity•Workplace Safety•

DAILY LIVINGConsumer Tips•Home Improvement•Home Buying or Selling•Moving•Financial•Legal•Legal Forms•Errands Online•Safety•Pets•Travel and Leisure Time•Fraud and Theft•

by Pamela ShawLeadership, Learning & Development


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E F LINK ef earth

by Shona QuinnSocial Consciousness

Sometimes, we can’t help but be influenced by Western Culture – individualism, legal rights, capitalism and scientific principles have become underpinnings of our society. We may forget that other cultures see life in a whole different way. Unfortunately, many years of being trained to adopt a science-based and fact-proven attitude has made me wonder ‘Exactly what does an indigenous culture have to offer?’

Since returning from a recent trip to Peru, I’ve been fascinated with learning more about the indigenous Andean people’s relationship to nature. During a time of web upgrades, production deadlines and satisfying the emerging customer, I wonder if there might be something for us to learn from the Andean people.

As written by the researcher Dr. Gordon Oakley, Andean people see the world differently. They have an intimate, loving and reciprocal relationship with the universe, particularly with Pachamama (the great spiritual being planet Earth). For the Andean people, everything is connected. The vast universe is connected by a web of filaments of energy. This connection establishes kinship among everything that exists. The Andean views the individual as one part of a much larger system, a role that can be compared to a finger on a much larger body. For example, when one connects his energetic filaments to a tree, one can discover the beautiful way the tree experiences sunlight. Reading this, reminded me of James Cameron’s film “Avatar” and the connection

illustration of Pachamam


made between people and nature. It is interesting to note that Cameron has an extensive background in natural sciences.

Sometimes we do experience a sense of incredible mystery or awe of nature – like experiencing a sunset, a walk on the beach or standing under a dome of stars in a dark night sky. Yet when we sense this awe, to whom do we attribute it? It can’t be Mother Earth, can it? Western culture has taught us that Earth is an inanimate rock – an important rock, but still just a rock. We may even feel love for Mother Earth, but she can’t really love us back, can she?

The Andean people experience the Pachamama as a loving mother who nurtures one’s whole being and informs one’s behavior. Pachamama can also restore one’s sense of balance and harmony by removing “hucha” or “heavy energy.” “It’s not ‘negative’ or ‘evil’ energy, it’s just heavy,” writes Dr. Gordon. An example of hucha would be the feeling you have when you return home after a long and frustrating day at the office. Hucha can be removed by yourself or others in a variety of ways – meditation or physically placing yourself within a “sacred” landscape would work. The hucha is given to Pachamama, and she takes it willingly. This is one of her acts of love to her children, and it will do her no harm. This process gives Andean people a sense of being supported and loved by nature.

Crazy as it may sound, I think our Irvington building was placed on a sacred setting. The sun engulfs each room, and the river always seems willing to wash away my heavy energy. So in these fast times of western thought, don’t forget that the Pachamama is there ready to remove your hucha. And don’t worry, she can take it.

Source: “An Environmental Epistemology of the Andean People of Peru” written by Dr. Oakley Gordon.


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We asked 17 people to share what they do to relax and what wellness means to them. Here are their responses...

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E F LINK light

EileenWellness is always a priority for me personally and I hope for most people in the company. I know stress is an ongoing issue for many of us and I would like to share something with you that I find helpful.

When I find myself in a difficult situation or do not know what to do or say,I often practice the following technique*:“3 Breaths”First, take a breath in. On the out breath, say, “let go.”Take another breath in. On the out breath say, “be still.”Take a third breath in. On the out breath say, “now what?”

I love the idea that the breath can be an opening for inspiration. Perhaps it will be for you too.

*(This technique comes from the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh.)

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Wellness encompasses many aspects of a person’s life. It not only means being free of illness (physically), it also means that the emotional, spiritual, intellectual, social and occupational parts of your being are healthy. Wellness is an on-going process of improving yourself and making choices that will help you get there.

To relax, I play with my baby, sing,

Samuelwatch a comedic television show or movie and sleep. During the summer, I will garden occasionally.

I also consider going to the gym, playing pool and Wii, participating in church activities and projects, spending time with family and friends, cooking, decorating cakes, and participating in different committees at work to be some of my wellness activities. Any of these activities help me unwind after a tough day at work. They help me recharge so I am refreshed and energized, creating a clear mind for the next day.

When I’m in the office and need a moment of mental and physical relaxation, I simply look at pictures of my family.

His Motto:…listen closely to My words…for they are life to those who find them and health to a man’s whole body. Proverbs 20-22

To relax, I like to do yoga or pilates while watching my guilty pleasures of “Young and the Restless” and/or “Housewives of…Anywhere.” I do this at night after the baby is asleep and the homework is finished.

Exercise and stretching not only helps me maintain my weight and tone my body but doing it while I watch mindless TV just helps my mind let go of everything. I am able to forget

whatever stress factors that I held onto during the day, but didn’t need to. It’s like one big long exhale....

When I need to release at work, I often listen to very upbeat music, anything from Jill Scott to Lady Ga Ga, while I channel my inner Tina Turner. I also chew gum (sugar free) and pop my gum excessively.

Her Motto:Always embrace each day. Everyday is a good day no matter what. Why? Because I was able to wake up, get out of bed and see the day! People expect you not to do good; do good things anyway!

Wellness means enjoyment and fulfillment, anything that makes you happy. It doesn’t necessarily have to be relaxing or serene. Wellness could be taking part in an extracurricular activity or hobby; an interest that makes you feel empowered mentally.

I love to knit, walk and shop as well as spend countless hours with friends. I have never been a fan of sports or fast-paced exercising, but I love social activities and having stimulating conversations with people.

I really enjoy reading. I have recently been drawn to magazines and articles. I believe that “vegging out” and reading about pop culture is a perfect way to relax. I also love reading EF Link or the EF News Briefs when I have a free moment. These newsletters let me decompress from an overwhelming day at work. I also love to bake! Not particularly when there is a heat wave in the middle of August, but baking is very helpful when I want to relax.

These different relaxation activities allow me to have a moment to myself. Walking away from a stressful situation and talking to friends outside of the workplace can help clear my mind and allow me to talk through my anxiety.

Her Motto:Indulge in whatever makes you feel good, even if that means spoiling or pampering yourself because life is too short to hold back.

OliviaDistribution Center



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When not at work, I have two big dogs that I love to walk. This is exercise for them and down time for me. I am currently training for the Louisville Ironman, which consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and a full 26.2 marathon run. I love to workout,

Wellness is peacefulness as well as being in tune with your outside, inside and your surroundings. I have a Saturday routine that I enjoy which includes an early morning walk with my two pugs, coming home to garden for four to five hours, showering, then settling down under the shade tree in our yard to relax and read. I lounge on a beach chair while the pugs lay quietly next to me facing the wind. It’s very peaceful, probably because they

Joannecan’t speak or use cell phones.

I hardly ever really relax. I’m still learning how to do that but I do find gardening very relaxing. I spend a lot of time with my dogs and family. I recently took a trip to Cape May and stayed at a convent on the beach. I spent the weekend taking classes in watercolor and gouche, which is a technique of painting dark to light as opposed to the typical light to dark method. I love drawing, painting and listening to music, especially late at night when you aren’t expecting phone calls or disturbances.

EF actually taught me a lot about how to fit wellness into my routine and take time for myself. I have noticed a large difference in myself as I have progressively allowed myself to be mindful of wellness. I was very much into yoga when I was younger so having this peaceful wellness feeling here is great. When I can, I participate in the classes and activities that EF provides including massage therapy. The physical atmosphere at EF also promotes balance

because of its serene views and open spaces! Wellness, without question, makes a difference in your lifestyle.

My children are also very active in regards to wellness. My son, Daniel, lives in Vermont and is always on the go. He loves to snowboard (he migrates towards the snow) and mountain climbing. He is always exercising by riding his bike, and he is an organic farmer! You should see what he can do with a potato! He is the epitome of wellness. My daughter, Mika, majored in dance and currently teaches core techniques and strengthening, coaches ice skating, and is now back at school studying to become a physical therapist. My oldest son, Brian, played for Northeastern University and West Chester University in basketball. He currently coaches both sons in soccer and basketball.

Her Motto:To live. To laugh. To love. That has been my motto since high school and has always stuck with me.

so most of the time this is a way for me to relax. I also get massages every couple of months to reward my body for the hard work that I put it through.

Most of my workouts are bright and early in the morning. Depending on the length of my training for the day, I could be on my bike or on a run as early as 3:30 or 4:00 a.m. My second workout is normally at the pool after work.

I think the mental clarity that I get from exercising just keeps me going all day long. It is so much easier to just get my workouts done in the morning, and then I can focus the rest of my attention on work during the day. Otherwise, I beat myself up all day or talk myself out

Sara during the bike leg of the half-Ironman that she finished in June

of doing a workout at night because I am too tired. I’m also very thankful to work for a company that allows me to do all of these races and supports me through the wellness program.

Is there anything you do specifically when you’re in the store to give yourself a mental or physical relaxation moment?I take power naps on my lunch break!! 10 minutes for lunch, 20 minute nap….honestly the only thing that will get me through the rest of the day sometimes. Also, I take some time to stretch or get some fresh air outside.


Chevy Chase

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I think wellness means finding any kind of balance. It has to do with unlocking your true potential without the mindset that there is an end result...it’s an ongoing process. It’s a conscious effort to enhance your physical, mental, spiritual state or overall well-being.

Wellness is about taking care of all the facets in one’s life—eating well, staying active, challenging the mind and physical ability, and nurturing the relationships with family and friends.

Well, I don’t have any shortage of hobbies! During the spring, summer and fall, I enjoy playing golf. I also rejoined the EF softball team this season which has been fun. During the winter I like to hibernate, so knitting is a good way to stay inside and still be productive.

PamHuman Resources


I practice yoga…I dance hula…I’ve also been attuned at the reiki 2 level. I’m very interested in massage.

Also if I’ve been glued to my desk lately, I’ll get out of my chair and just clasp my hands behind me and bend forward bringing my arms behind me and over me…forward bends are generally calming and there’s a lot of tension that is stored in the shoulders from sitting hunched at the computer. This simple stretch helps release that.

I try to come back to my breath throughout the day since it’s easy to be on auto pilot, especially when I’m multi-tasking…I’ll get out of the chair to do that forward bend to release tension that builds up in the shoulders and lower back.

In yoga, you learn breath control (Pranayama) to help control the energy in the body. I know there’s a scientific

reason about carbon dioxide and oxygen and the acid alkaline balance in the body, but breath control is also the ultimate reminder of balance in life and teaches you to be present….focusing on the exhale, then the inhale…it simplifies things that have gotten too complicated and really helps to come back into the moment…a lot of times we worry about what had just happened, what we will do about something or what could’ve been done, when really we only have to deal with now. When you focus on that cycle, you realize that there is that natural balance in life. This is where “The Facts of Life” jingle pops into my head, “You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have…”

Her Motto:I don’t really have one motto, but I like the simple: just breathe! Ha-ha go figure.

Golf is not only a physical sport but a mental one, which might be surprising to some. Not only are there physical mechanics of a swing but there are numerous decisions that have to be made on the course in a minimal amount of time. The thing about golf is that everyone has room for improvement, and each new hole brings the promise of a great shot (that’s what brings every golfer back!). This translates to work because there are times where we are faced with great challenges, and the hope is that when you overcome the challenge, you are stronger and better prepared the next time around. That’s how we thrive.Strangely, I find organizing to be very relaxing. When life gets chaotic, I clean out my closet, a filing cabinet or my kitchen cupboards. There is something about the process of purging that makes everything seem manageable.

Her Motto: Always challenge yourself. Challenges can be very humbling.

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July 2010 / 13

Wellness for me is not just about the physical part of being well, but the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects all tie into it as well.

Alan I go to the gym five days a week and the routine varies. One day I may train with weights and the next will be an entire workout dedicated to cardio. Other times I mix it up with interval training. When I come back from a workout, I feel like it’s a new start and am ready to kick ass. Incorporating it into my day really helps with managing work and wellness. And when I’m in the office, I find that stepping away from my desk for a minute helps immensely.

Going out to dinner is always a great way to relax. I love being served. Other times, I really enjoy a particular computer game called “World of Warcraft.”

His Motto:Do what you like when you like. If you’re not feeling it, then don’t do it.

I try to do the Qi Gong energy movements daily at home before work and on my days off. There are 10 movements as part of the “Dragon’s Way,’” a six-week program developed by Dr. Nan Lu (founder of Tao of Healing and Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation) for stress reduction, eating for healing, and as a by-product, weight loss. The entire process has changed my life. The catch is consistency. When one does not do Qi Gong every day, you really feel the difference – both in energy levels and physical well-being.

LorraineWhile all of the movements in sequence are important, the tenth movement is the most important and can be done by itself for an initial time of two minutes. It is recommended that you eventually increase your time to ten or fifteen minutes.

The process of the 10th pose:Relax, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent. Lift your arms chest high with elbows out, make a fist, hands/knuckles facing forward with your thumbs out facing each other but not touching. Close your eyes. Stand calmly, breathing normally for a minimum of two minutes in this pose. You might feel the need to stretch afterwards, or move your head from side to side…almost as if you engaged in physical activity…hummmm. You will feel calmer, refreshed, and eventually more energized.

For more information, please go to www.tcmworld.org or www.taoofhealing.com, the two related organizations, for the complete wealth of offerings from Dr. Lu including acupuncture.


To me, wellness means feeling good and having time for yourself and your family. You should be at peace and relaxed as well as doing what makes you feel best.

I am a single mother so I don’t typically have time for myself, but I am a strong believer in prioritizing your own wellness. When free time presents itself, I kick box or create my own wellness. I will go outside, sit in the yard and stare up at the sky and stars. It is almost my own form of meditation; a moment of peace and quiet.

I also love to play around with my daughter; she is turning 11 in a few days. Because she is an innocent child, when we play games together I am able to forget about the real world and reminisce about my own childhood.

EILEEN FISHER is the first company where I witnessed wellness prioritized within a corporate environment. When you are working in an office, you take home both the good and the bad of the day. But here, you take so much more good. I like to think of it as a domino effect. The positive and upbeat atmosphere, along with the wellness activities that EF offers, affects the attitudes of its employees and thus the attitudes of close friends and family. The wellness introduced at work transfers over to the wellness within your life.

Her Motto: Go with the flow and no matter how bad it is, it can always be worse. If something goes awry, you begin to feel sorry for yourself. But then you catch a glimpse of the chaos mentioned on the news and you realize that everything is not so bad. You tend to forget why you were upset in the first place.


Madison 2

Distribution Center

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July 2010 / 14


My life changed for the better the day Mr. Magoo (my 2 ½-year-old pug) came into my life. I relax by taking Magoo on walks daily, going to the park for exercise and playing and cuddling at home. After a busy day at work, I can’t wait to get home to see Magoo; and; by the way he goes crazy the minute I walk through the door, I know he feels the same way too. My neighborhood is

full of pet owners, so I have been able to make new friends just by walking Magoo. It’s true that owning a pet is a great way to meet people!

We take walks very early morning, afternoon (if possible ), and when I get home from work.

I think with Magoo in my life my time management skills have improved. Having this responsibility waiting for me at home has forced me to, for the most part, work my schedule and not stay a lot later to finish something like I had done in the past.

Is there anything you do specifically when you’re in the store to give yourself a mental or physical relaxation moment?I try to get 15 minutes of thinking time in, and I surround my work area with pictures of Magoo and my sister. Just looking at those pictures can help ease those stressful moments.


I’ve always gotten a tremendous amount of joy and satisfaction helping people understand their dogs and coping with dog issues. In October of 2008, I decided to make it “official” and began a year-long course of study to become a professional dog trainer. I graduated with honors from Animal Behavior College in October of 2009.

Since that time, I’ve been teaching group obedience classes and doing private behavioral consultations with dogs and their people. The relaxation part comes for me at the end of every day when my dogs and I go for a 1-2 mile hike. Even when I’m not in the mood to walk, I’m always glad I have; plus a tired dog is a happy dog!

There’s federal conservation land in my area that me and my two Basenjis can walk without leashes (I keep mine on!). We’re out in this area all year so we get to watch the seasons change. Leaves come and then fall; birds nest and forage; rabbits run across the paths in front of us. It’s very peaceful, and I get a special sort of connection with Mother Nature while watching my dogs interact with it.


To relax, I practice T’ai Chi (Yang Short Form) and love to walk.

I try to practice daily, and have class every Tuesday evening. There are five major principles of T’ai Chi, one of them is to relax. I am now much more aware when my muscles are tense and find it easier because of this self-awareness to relax. And I can practice anywhere! I have even practiced in the break area of our stock room here at work!

I am very fortunate to work for a company that values balance, and am scheduled so that I can attend class weekly.

To relax, I do fused glass projects and needlepoint and spend time with my grandchildren. For the glass, I have a studio we set up in a friend’s garage and go there at least once a week after work. I make plates, bowls, and other serving pieces. Other evenings when I am at home or on my days off, I work on needlepoint projects. I make pillows out of the finished canvas or frame them.

This has helped me find balance with work at EF by allowing me time for myself and to be creative.

Water Tower St. Louis

Northhampton RuthSanibel

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July 2010 / 15


I’m not sure I’d call what I do a relaxing activity; it’s definitely a stress release. I play roller derby! I’m on the Rose City Rollers recreational roller derby team, The Wreckers. To give ya a feel for the organization, here’s the Rose City Rollers Mission Statement: “The Rose City rollers are women of attitude, athleticism, and passion, playing a hard-hitting sport of speed and skill.

They were pioneers in the rebirth of roller derby and continue to foster its growth. Their goals are to serve their community by empowering women, providing entertainment for their fans, and supporting charitable causes. They are a 501c3 non-profit formed in 2004, and a founding member of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association.”

Unfortunately, I’m currently on the disabled list with a knee injury. When on the active roster, I typically have two 2-hour sessions of roller derby team practice during the week. I also skate indoors or outdoors (weather permitting) two more times during a given week. It’s such great exercise! We start each practice with a fast-paced 30 laps around the flat track.

Because of our Wellness program, I was able to purchase my roller skates

I love to take long walks on the beach – listening to the waves crashing on the shore, smelling the crisp clean air, and feeling the rush of the wind on my face.

There is no better time to walk than early morning. I try to get my walk in at 6 a.m. This is a perfect time, while everything is still. You can hear the birds and all the sounds of nature without interruption. This is the most peaceful moment for me to reflect on where I am in my life, where I want to go, and how I am going to get there. This is my meditative moment.

My “me” time is so important for me. I am a strong believer that if you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else. I love to help people whenever I can, so I need to have that time to regenerate so that I can better serve my staff and my customers.

JaqcuiIs there anything you do specifically when you’re in the store to give yourself a mental or physical relaxation moment?I always find a moment to step away and bring myself to a quiet state of mind. We are so blessed to have a beautiful garden in the back of the store. It is magical. Just a moment seems like forever, and I am regenerated and ready to go.

and protective gear. I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity. Roller derby is fun! I moved to Portland a few years ago, not really knowing many people here. Through roller derby, I have met so many amazing wonderful women. I enjoy the camaraderie and friendships I’ve made.

Is there anything you do specifically when you’re in the store to give yourself a mental or physical relaxation moment?I read on my breaks. I just finished the Stieg Larsson Trilogy, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. What a great read!

Bridgeport Village

East Hampton

Rebecca Kleister, manager of our Montgomery store, with one of the rugs she creates. She dyed all of the fabric in this rug, which is an interpretation of a Paul Klee painting.


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University Village – Beautiful Toes-iesWe really enjoy doing our store wellness as a team. For the past two years, we have had a Pedicure Party at Julep Nail Salon just down the street from our store. We get the entire salon to ourselves, bring our own food and wine, and the salon provides plates, glassware, and enough estheticians for all of us to sit and enjoy our pedicures. They even have a “manly”cure for the men! The team enjoys this so much and it’s becoming a bit of a tradition. It’s so nice to get together as a group and have fun while being pampered.

Retail Stores Pamper with Pedi-Parties

Wellness in Walnut CreekWe are always challenged with how to use our store wellness money. I think the most fun we ever had using it was when we had a store “Pedi-Party”! We have a lovely little nail salon in town that was happy to stay open late just for us on a Sunday evening. After we closed at 6:00 p.m., we all headed over there to be pampered. We had full use of the salon for about three hours. As they only had four manicurists working, we were happy to take turns…getting our pedicures, drinking champagne, and eating lovely little hors d’oeuvres and sweets. Since we don’t get to attend the EF summer party in New York, we used our store summer party budget on the food and drinks. We all left this great bonding experience feeling totally pampered and very appreciative of Eileen’s generosity!

University Village

Pedi-fabulous at Pine StreetWhat sounds better after a hard days work on your feet than a yummy wrap, a glass of wine, and some pampering? Maybe a nap…but a pedicure at our local Julep all-natural, toxin-free nail parlor made for a perfect relaxing end to a busy day! Thanks to our wonderful store Wellness benefit, we were able to go as a group to “chick flick” night at Julep and enjoy spa pedicures including soak, massage and polish – while watching Jane Austen’s “Sense and Sensibility.” It was such a treat to spend time together as a group, and we practically had the whole salon to ourselves. While some were scrubbed and scraped others ate and drank…and then we switched. The movie was only background noise; this was the perfect opportunity to chat and read trashy magazines. It was a girl’s night out that we all needed after a busy holiday season and months in close-toed shoes. Thank you Eileen for this perfect gift!


July 2010 / 16

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June Report

“EILEEN FISHER is making some noise at the Make Music Festival in Pasadena, CA! This was our first community event in the Pasadena area since Store 60 opened its doors on May 24. We had a beautiful booth set up to introduce ourselves to the neighborhood just feet away from the Main Stage at the festival. As the many musicians played throughout the day, many people stopped by our booth and were thrilled that we had opened up shop right down the street. Melissa and Brent from Store 60 and John from Store 25 worked the booth and got to know our local clientele. Since the festival, we have had many customers come into our store and shop with us. It was an absolutely positive experience and we can’t wait to get back out into the community!”

$102,889 was generated from the sale of 2510 EILEEN FISHER recycled garments since the Lab store opened on Sept. 16.

Thank you for your continued support.

Pasadena store eventstorescoop

On April 24, David Greenberg from our Madison 1 store participated in the two mile Parkinson Unity Walk in Central Park. The Parkinson Unity Walk is the largest grassroots event raising Parkinson’s awareness and funds to find a cure. One hundred percent of donations go directly to Parkinson’s research. More than 10,000 people participated in this year’s 16th annual walk!

“I decided to walk in the Parkinson Unity Walk because my stepsister and step father’s mother and aunt died from this terrible disease,” David said. “It was close to their hearts.” He recruited his girlfriend, family members and the 10 people evolved into “Team Lebowitz.” “Between EILEEN FISHER employees, friends, and family we were able to raise $2,130 for more research,” he shared. “I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this cause.”

Walking for Parkinson’s Research

by Lorraine EngelhardtMadison 2 store

July 2010 / 17

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July 2010 / 18

Designer’s Corner:Mimi Wong-- ed. Susan Kushnick

As many of us know, transitioning from maternity leave to the workplace is sometimes challenging. In returning to work on June 18 after being home with her newborn son and three-year-old daughter, sweater designer Mimi Wong was given the opportunity to experience this for the second time. Getting a little person ready for daycare in the morning puts a whole other dimension on getting herself to work. “I never knew a toddler could have so many opinions,” Mimi said. “What she wants to do in the morning, what she likes to wear. We want her to have a mind of her own, but it does get in the way of that constant morning routine sometimes!”

Tell me a bit about your background. What piqued your interest in fashion design? When I was in elementary school, I excelled in art classes. Recognizing how artistic I was, my teachers put me in the art honors society. As I grew older, I realized I drew more figures with clothing, hats and accessories. In high school, most people drew landscapes and houses, but my drawings were always about a female figure with clothing. I learned this is called fashion design. After high school, I went to FIT where I had this revelation: I found a whole other direction and felt like I belonged. While at FIT, I entered and won competitions. One was for the UN. There was a panel of 10 judges from around the world, one of whom was Sally Fox [whose naturally-dyed yarn we sampled at EF]. I was the only U.S. designer selected. I represented the country in Paris, and I had a fashion show at the Louvre. One of my pieces, for a company called Wellman that makes fabrics out of recycled bottles, was showcased at the Bryant Park Fashion Show.

How did you get to EILEEN FISHER? I worked in the industry for many years even while I was in school. My first full-time job was at Donn Kenny, a missy

company that sold to JC Penney. I changed jobs every two years, gaining more experience each time, but I wasn’t finding a home for myself. When I saw an ad in Women’s Wear Daily for an EF sweater designer, I had been working as a sweater technical designer at DKNY for two years. I wanted to go back into design. I loved the EF philosophy. I thought, ‘how can I convince these people I can do this job?’ It seemed like a long shot but I wrote a long cover letter about the company’s mission and finally got a call from HR. I met with Sheree Lee and Helen Oji and, after two interviews, I was hired! And now I’m here for seven years! I finally found a home.

What’s your personal creative process when designing? First I do a lot of listening and observing – observing what we did before historically, what may be trending. I do a lot of study on that. Also I listen to people around me – what are they buzzing about? Our new creative space allows us to do that really well. It’s great because there may be a meeting happening near me, and I can hear what’s going on. Then I gather the materials that inspire me – from runway shots or shows, a mood, or a picture. I take that inspiration and translate it into the EF aesthetic. Before the space redesign it was much more difficult. Now voices and visuals just flow to me.

What’s your favorite piece on the Fall ’10 line? I love the whole ‘motorcycle girl’ kind of look. I love how we’re trending to the younger, emerging customer. I love our new promotion ads. It’s very inspiring. I feel like it helps me to design into that direction. There’s this whole other spectrum to design for. At first I thought, it’s a little dark. But the more I see it, the more I realize I see it has to be because it creates this edgier energy. It sparks my creativity, too, to design to this next level. The ads are so inspirational themselves.


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July 2010 / 19

Off theCuff Mimi tells about some of her

favorite things and people.

My childhood nick name was… Pig Nam. When I first came to this country from China in the eighties I was eight-years-old. I used my Chinese name: Pin Nam. Kids can be cruel and they made fun of me. They turned it into Pig Nam.

My hobby is … Food, travel and of course, fashion.

My weirdest habit is… I’m a heavy sleeper! If I’m on vacation and not traveling, I could sleep uninterrupted for a whole day. Back in the old days [before children], I could sleep until 5:00 p.m. I would totally miss out on the sunlight. I love to sleep.

My favorite piece of clothing to wear is… A t-shirt. Something I don’t have to think about. Something I could throw on in the morning. On weekends, I just throw on a t-shirt with my jeans.

My favorite movie is… Gone with the Wind

My favorite season is… Summer

The living person I most admire is… Helen Keller. I know she’s not alive anymore but she seems so real to me.

My music artist of choice if I was on a deserted island is… Madonna

Word I most overuse… Uh-uh

My favorite food… Spicy food from all over the world. From

Korean to Mexican to Indian to Chinese, Uh-uh…Szechuan, Vietnamese, Malaysian. Anything that’s spicy, I love.

My life motto… Life is what you make it.

Is there anything else you’d like people to know about you I haven’t asked?I want people to know that my two children are my life. Although it’s tough and challenging, there’s so much joy in watching them grow up. They complete me.



Helen Keller

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July 2010 / 20

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Law of AttractionBy Diane AhlquistThis book is about positive thinking, turning your thoughts around, how to bring great things into your life with positive energy, and motivational strategies. Submitted by Sheila Rigoni, Sanibel Store

Our EF Summer Reading Reading RoomOur 2010 summer reading list was created with your selections, and I’m sure you’ll find a book or two to add to your bookshelf. I think it’s so nice that we can share things like this. The folks who submitted their choices were thrilled that EF LINK asked again! So find a comfy chair and a shady spot (not too much sun, or use good sun screen!), a tall cool drink and, voila, you are all set!

We have passionate readers, and I thank you all for your enthusiastic response. I would also like to point out that I think it is very exciting that one of our choices was written by an employee’s husband, Charlie Smith (his wife is Daniela Serowinski from our 9th street boutique); look in the list below for his book, Three Delays.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo / The Girl who Played with Fire / The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s NestBy Stieg LarssonOriginally written in Swedish and translated into English, these crime novels will keep you on the edge of your seat (or lounge chair). The minute I finished the first one, I ran out to buy the second one, and then had to wait two painful weeks for the third one to come out (in the US). Submitted by Valerie Fisher (Bridgeport Village also recommends this series!)

Outlander seriesBy Diana Gabaldon Her writing is brilliant, and the characters are so well developed. This is historical fiction at its best…ancient standing stones in Scotland serve as a time portal, and the year goes from 1943 to 1773…the rest is a fantastic read!Submitted by Lauren O’Boyle, Northampton store

Tuesday’s with MorrieBy Mitch AlbomIt’s such a great inspirational book, makes you want to live life to the fullest with a kind heart. Submitted by Magdelene Orellana, Specialty Store Sales, New York

Zen and the Art of HappinessBy Chris PrentissIn Zen and the Art of Happiness, you will learn how to think and feel so that what you think and feel creates happiness and vibrancy in your life rather than gloominess or depression. A quick read that you would want to read over and over again. “Everything that happens to me is the best possible thing that can happen to me.” The author uses this powerful statement as a foundation for overcoming stress. Submitted by Beate Skyes, Fillmore store and Mill Valley store

Three DelaysBy Charlie SmithThree Delays is the story of Billy Brent and Alice Stephens, bound by love since grade school. Their love; however, is of the combustible variety. Their story – laugh-out-loud funny at times and so tragic it may make you weep – takes us from Venice to Miami to Mexico, but the only terrain that really matters here is the heart. Submitted by Daniela Serowinski, Ninth Street Boutique

No Angel ~ Temptation~ Something Dangerous. A series by Penny VincenziOur entire store read this engrossing family saga about a family-owned publishing house in London. The first book takes place during WWI when the men go off to war and the women run the business. The second book follows the next generation during WWII, and the final book takes place in the 50’s in the US. We were turned on to this series by our wonderful friends at Pine Street (#16) and then it just swept through our store…we couldn’t finish the books fast enough for each other! Submitted by Kathy Hunt, Walnut Creek Store

The Shadow of Your Smile By Mary Higgins Clark A woman who was adopted traces her genealogy. Unbeknownst to her, she is the biological granddaughter of a deceased nun who is being considered for beautification…and some people have a vested interest in making sure she never knows this biological connection. Murder and espionage abound! Submitted by Allison KingInternal Communications

--compiled by Carol Gazzetta

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July 2010 / 21

When Will There Be Good NewsBy Kate Atkinson A spellbinding murder mystery with superb character portraits. A real page turner. Submitted by Sheila Johnson, Customer Care / Personal Shopping

Behind the Scenes at the Museum By Kate AtkinsonA novel about a girl growing up in the city of York, England, based on her own life, and featuring flashbacks about the history of the family from the 18th century onward.Submitted by Sheila Johnson, Customer Care / Personal Shopping

Modoc: The true story of the greatest elephant that ever livedBy Ralph Helfer (review from Amazon.com) Modoc is the joint biography of a man and an elephant born in a small German circus town on the same day in 1896. Bram was the son of an elephant trainer, Modoc the daughter of his prize performer. The boy and animal grew up devoted to each other. When the Wunderzircus was sold to an American, with no provision to take along the human staff, Bram stowed away on the ship to prevent being separated from his beloved Modoc. A shipwreck off the Indian coast and a sojourn with a maharajah were only the beginning of the pair’s incredible adventures. Submitted by Rebecca Kleister, Montgomery store

The ZahirBy Paulo CohlhoSet in Paris and in the enchanting landscape of central Asia, this new novel by the author of the international bestsellers The Alchemist and Eleven Minutes, follows the journey of a man obsessed with finding the wife who left him without an explanation. The narrator of The Zahir is a bestselling novelist who lives in Paris and enjoys all the privileges that money and celebrity bring. His wife of 10 years, Esther, is a war correspondent who, despite her professional success and freedom from the conventional constraints of marriage, is facing an existential crisis. When she disappears along with a friend, Mikhail, who may or may not be her lover, the authorities question the narrator. Submitted by Cesar Omar Sanchez [temp]

Book: A Yellow Raft in Blue WaterBy Michael Dorris The story weaves together the lives of three Native American women, incorporating the topics of race, religion, motherhood and love. Submitted by Shona Quinn, Social Consciousness

True BloodBy Charlene HarrisThis series of books, which has also become the HBO series, is all about the life of Sookie Stackhouse who is a telepath and also part fairy. She has a relationship with vampires and other supernatural creatures such as shape shifters, which are humans who can change forms and become any animal they like. Dracula lovers, this is all about the modern day vampire, and it depicts the good ones as well as the evil ones. After the first book you will be addicted…that is my warning. Submitted by Fran Morris, Accounting

Sweet LifeBy Mia KingSweet Life is about successful, 40-year-old Marissa Price whose husband gets offered a job with his firm in Hawaii. He talks her into moving there after they spend a week enjoying the sights. She believes this will be just what she needs to reconnect with her husband and daughter and finally be a stay at home mom. They buy a fixer-upper home, her husband starts spending a lot of time at the gym and pointing out their differences. Just as the light bulb goes off in her head, he blindsides her with an “I need some time” comment. Heartbroken, Marissa asks him to leave the house, and it is then that I feel the book really takes off: Marissa finds a new life with some other wayward women and together they fix up the house, help each other out, homeschool their kids together, and make a family. Submitted by Carol Gazzetta, Facilities

Cane RiverBy Lalita Tademy(review from Publishers Weekly) Five gen-erations and a hundred years in the life of a matriarchal black Louisiana family are en-capsulated in this ambitious debut novel that is based in part upon the lives, as preserved in both historical record and oral tradition, of the author's ancestors. In 1834, nine-year-old Suzette, the "cocoa-colored" house servant of a Creole planter family, has aspirations to read, to live always in a "big house" and maybe even to marry into the relatively privileged world of the gens de couleur libre. Her plans are dashed, however, when at age 13 a French migr takes her as his mistress. Her daughter Philomene, in turn, is maneuvered into becoming the mother of Creole planter Narcisse Fredieu's "side family." After the Civil War, Philomene pins her hopes for a better future on her light-skinned daughter, Emily Fredieu, who is given a year of convent schooling in New Orleans. Submitted by Norlisa Ashton Internal Communications

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by Carol GazzettaFacilities

Last November our dear Roy Nelson retired from EILEEN FISHER after working in our Accounting team for many years! Once he didn’t need to make his long journey to Irvington anymore (Roy lived in Pennsylvania), he decided to write a book. He titled his book, 18/18, representing his 18 years in the south, and his 18 years living in New York.

When I had heard that Roy had written a book, I was envious. So many people say they want to and never do. I then thought it would be great if he came back to the office for a day to have a book signing and sell some of his books. I knew I wanted to buy one! Joanne Lawson in Accounting contacted him and asked him if he would be interested and he was. A few weeks later, he came to Irvington and had a sell-out success of his book sales.

His book is delightful —just a simple, honest account of his life during those years.

It starts out explaining how he and his sister set their house on fire by accident – quite a beginning! The book also revealed their upbringing. They didn’t have much money, and they were paid so poorly and worked so hard! His story of the time he cursed (he said “damn”) is kinda funny!

What I come away with most from reading this book about

Alton Le Roy Nelson is that he loved his family dearly. He was very close with his brothers, had such a passion for music, and found the woman of his dreams. He truly ended up with his place in the sun.

I plan to give this book to my granddaughter. She loves to read, and I know without a doubt she will enjoy this book!

His book is delightful – just a simple, honest account of his life...

A Place in the Sun

July 2010 / 22

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Over 20 EFers participated in Bike-to-Work Week on May 17-21. They slogged through traffic, pollen, hills and heat to get to and from work at least one day that week. For every gallon of gasoline saved, they eliminated an average of 19 pounds of carbon emissions. They burned anywhere between 400 and 1,000 calories per hour (depending on individual weight and speed). Most important, everyone felt a sense of accomplish-ment, well-being and excitement about riding to work.

Here are inspirational comments and photos from some of our cyclists. Maybe we’ll see you on the bike path during Bike-to-Work Week next year?

Bike-to-Work Week: Perspectives at 12 MPH“I had a wonderful time riding my bike from Grand Central to Mad 2. I have my co-worker, Susan Shier, to thank for this new ad-venture. She said to me, ‘Why don’t you ride to work every day that the weather is good?’ It’s great to experience the city and the skyline as I rode uptown. I also hope to shed a few pounds in the workout. My next job is to learn how to repair my bike instead of taking it to the shop.” -- Carolyn Levine, Mad 2

“On the day I biked to work, I had a full breakfast before leaving and was starving by the time I got in. Cardio in the morning!” -- Cynthia Power, Creative Center

“I’ve been riding to and from work since 1992. What started out as a challenge grew into an every day part of my life. The bike has become my mode of transportation everywhere. Mostly I’m happy with my choice. There are times when I’d like to scream, like when I get caught in the middle of a downpour, or a huge Chicago wind makes me pedal hard and hold on for dear life. This however is what I’d like

to think of as the road of life with all of its twists and turns. It’s a continuing experience of both breathtaking moments and possible danger ahead. It’s what I want it to be, always freeing.” -- Collette Roggow, Water Tower

“I rode to work once by myself and once with Hillary Mager. It was much more fun with Hillary and we plan to do it again whenever pos-sible. Even if it’s just once a month or once a season, the exhilaration and feeling of achievement are totally worth the pain.” --Amy Hall, Social Consciousness

Dhirajlal Gadhiya, Secaucus Annie Lusk, Pine Street, with Tina

New York City Cyclists: You can now park your bikes at the Cre-ative Center! Thanks to the hard work and patience of Sharon Cassidy, EFers who ride to 111 Fifth Avenue may now park their

bikes safely in the building’s basement. BUT you must get your name on the list ahead of time. If you are interested, please contact Sharon at x4362.

Lorraine Engelhardt (Madison 2), shares with us: “As an advocate and a rider, I wanted to let everyone know about the exhibit at the new Museum of Arts and Design (in Columbus Circle), “Bicycles as Objects of Desire, Handbuilt Bicycle Exhibit.” It will run until mid-August. There have also been a number of mini articles about specialty shops selling older type Schwinn bikes or handmade new ones – featured in The New York Times and, a number of months ago, in Women’s Wear Daily.

July 2010 / 23

by Amy Hall Social Consciousness

Other participants: Hillary Mager, Irvington

Jill Staats, IrvingtonBill Miller, Irvington

Nicole Benuska, Creative CenterChristine DeVera, Creative Center

Danielle Febles-King, Creative CenterDavid Sugiaman, Secaucus

Maurice Mascarenhas, SecaucusJenna Nishimura, Bridgeport Village

Darcy Martin, Bridgeport VillageAmy Evanko, Highland Park

Danielle Malles, Highland ParkGay Barton, Woodbury

Page 24: Galina Arlov July 2010 Ef Link


June 2010 / 24

Potato and Summer Squash Salad with Marjoram-Lemon Vinaigrette (6 servings)

3 tablespoons lemon juice•2 tablespoons minced shallot•1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons chopped marjoram•1 teaspoon finely grated lemon peel•1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil•1/2 pound small fingerling potatoes, unpeeled, halved •lengthwise½ pound zucchini cut into 1/3” thick slices•½ pound yellow squash cut into 1/3” thick slices•1 red bell pepper, cut into 1-inch-wide strips•

Whisk lemon juice, shallot, 1 tablespoon marjoram, and lemon peel in small bowl. Gradually whisk in 1/4 cup oil. Season vinaigrette with salt and pepper. Place potatoes in large saucepan; add enough salted water to cover. Bring to a boil, partially cover, reduce heat to medium and cook 15 to 20 minutes. Drain. Transfer potatoes to bowl. Heat remaining olive oil in a sauté pan over medium heat. Add squash, bell pepper and remaining marjoram. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add to bowl with potatoes. Arrange potatoes in single layer in grill basket. Grill until tender, 5 minutes per side. Transfer to large bowl. Grill squash and bell pepper until tender, turning occasionally, 10 minutes. Transfer squash to bowl with potatoes. Add vinaigrette. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Summer Salmon Cakes with Zucchini Fennel Slaw (1 serving)

6 tablespoons mayonnaise•4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice, divided•6 tablespoons chopped chives•2 teaspoons grainy mustard•1/4 teaspoon cayenne•1/2 pound skinless salmon fillet, •8 Ritz or saltine crackers, coarsely crushed •2 medium zucchini, coarsely grated (1 1/2 cups)•1 small fennel bulb, trimmed and thinly sliced•2 tablespoons olive oil•Veggie stock•

Put salmon in a sauté pan with straight sides and add veggie stock to cover. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer until salmon is done (about 5 or 6 minutes).Remove salmon from liquid and cool. Whisk together mayonnaise, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, chives, mustard, cayenne, and salt and pepper in a medium bowl. Stir together salmon, crackers, 1-1/2 cups zucchini, and half of mayonnaise mixture in another bowl. Add fennel and remaining zucchini and lemon juice to mayonnaise mixture in medium bowl and toss to combine slaw. Form salmon mixture into 2 (3-inch) patties. Heat oil in a small skillet over medium heat until hot, then cook salmon cakes, carefully turning once, until golden and salmon is just cooked through, 3 minutes on a side. Serve with slaw.

Summertime EatingSummer’s here, so bring on the good eating! Susan Kushnick is sharing some of her best recipes for this time of year – so get your pots and pans ready, and we’ll see you in the kitchen!

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June 2010 / 25

Pasta with Summer Veggies (Serves 2)

8 ounces pasta•2 1/2 cups fresh corn kernels (cut from 4 ears)•3 tablespoons olive oil•1-3/4 cups sugar snap peas•6-ounces assorted tomatoes, large ones halved•1-1/4 cups sliced basil•1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese •1 cup veggie stock•

Cook pasta. Heat veggie stock. Place 1/2 cup stock and 1/2 cup corn in blender. blend until smooth. Heat oil in heavy large skillet over medium heat. Add peas and remaining 2 cups corn. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover and cook 5 minutes. Place pasta in a bowl. Add tomatoes, basil, corn mixture from blender, salt, pepper and cheese.

Last Fall, Bonnie Betters-Reed, professor of Management at Simmons College in Boston, conducted her sabbatical research at EILEEN FISHER to learn more about our approach to leadership and organization. Upon the completion of her research, Lisa Ann Schraffa of our Chestnut Hill store caught up with Bonnie to hear more about her experience:

Going into this project, what were your expectations?In forming my relationship with EILEEN FISHER, I wanted to establish trust and respect in our process together because this would aid in the depth of our work together throughout the year. Generally, I found myself being quiet while attending meetings because I wanted to let the voices of the organization speak for themselves and this required intense active listening.

I also assumed that, in order to understand the EILEEN FISHER leadership model, I needed to study it from inside the organization, learning about your commitment to collaboration and inclusion.

Now that you have completed it, were your expectations met? I had expected to find a leadership style that was gendered, and one that could produce a best practice model. I did – on both counts. I observed an organization’s leadership that was based in social consciousness, inclusion, diversity, and humanity.

You are such a values-driven organization. As I observed Leadership Forum in its meetings, I was so impressed by

the commitment to devote an entire day to thinking together as a collective group in generating ideas and actions for the company and moving them forward each month. After spending time with Leadership Forum and conducting individual interviews with several people in the company, I really felt that I was working on the oral history of EILEEN FISHER.

If you were consulting another organization that was looking to re-charge its culture and leadership model, what aspects of EILEEN FISHER would you recommend they consider adopting?First, a team that reinforces the importance of greater connection and fewer boundaries within a team truly works. Communications and listening are key. Second, organizations that are more flat structurally, less hierarchical, allow space for people to reflect and open up, rising to the highest level of their potential.

I was fortunate to be at EILEEN FISHER while you were having your re-shaping dialogues, and I saw how you were able to keep innovating and moving forward while continuing to hold the values that are core to your organization.

Catching up with Bonnie Betters-Reed

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ef well

July 2010 / 26

From Lisa GlickmanChiropractic, Applied Kinesiology, Soft Tissue

Therapies, NutritionDr. Carol Goldstein

850 Seventh Avenue, Suite 602NYC


From Katie BlumhorstDr. Tyran Mincey

Applied Kinesiology, Chiropractor295 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite 5

Montclair, NJ 07042 973.744.1155


From Julia SandersonDr. Kenneth Ketay

Dentist 509 Madison Avenue, Suite 1704

NYC Expensive, you have to pay up front and they file the claim situation)


From Pam Yip and Shari SimberkoffDr. Robert Inesta

Westchester Sports & Wellness266 White Plains Road, Suite B-1

Eastchester, NY 10709914.771.9355

[email protected]

From Cynthia Power:I love my acupuncturist-

Kelly McDonald 212.868.1120

Offices in the east village, 23rd street and 6th ave. She is 100$/session and doesn’t take insurance.

From Anne MacDonaldStephen Witlinski

Hudson Chiropractic54 Main St.

Tarrytown, NY914.631.4998

From Cheryl Campbell and Kathy D’angeloCary Brosius Acupuncturist

Dobbs Ferry, NY914.426.7620

From Joanne CosonasDr. Maria Michael Ph.D

Medical Intuitive, Healer, Spiritual CounselorIf you’re interested in learning more, contact Joanne

or Leslie

Frank Lipman, M.D. Acupuncturist Eleven Eleven Wellness Center

Complimentary HealthcareNutrition, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Detox,

Chiropractic32 West 22nd St.


From Joanne CosonasDr. Maria Michael Ph.D

Medical Intuitive, Healer, Spiritual CounselorIf you’re interested in learning more, contact Joanne

or Leslie

From Lorraine Engelhardt

Dr. Nan LuTao of HealingAcupuncture

34 West 27th St., Suite 1212NYC


The Health Care Practitioner Source

We had such a huge response to our request for your recommendations for our Health Care Practitio-ner Resource List that we didn’t have enough space for them all! So we’ve taken one from each person for

the list below and the full list will be on EF Public in the Wellness folder. Please feel free to continue to send Leslie your recommen-dations as she will be updating regularly... for EF Public now and for the intranet when it’s up and running.

Page 27: Galina Arlov July 2010 Ef Link

EF LINK is the internal newsletter of EILEEN FISHER, INC. If you have ideas for a story, email [email protected].

Editorial BoardE F LINK Allison KingInternal Communications

Carol GazzettaFacilities

Joanne LawsonAccounting

Lisa Ann SchraffaChestnut Hill Store

Lorraine Engelhardt Madison 2 Store

Lauren BusingHuman Resources Norlisa Ashton

Internal Communications

Pamela ShawLeadership, Learning & Development

Susan Kushnick Product Development

Danielle AndersonNaples Store

ef well

July 2010 / 27

From Carol GazzettaDr. Martin G Wertkin, MD

Breast Surgeon 1034 North Broadway

Yonkers, NY 10701-1328914.965.2026

“He is awesome and so is his staff, they are so efficient and kind. He made my road so much easier!”

From Rebecca PerrinDr. Keith Raskin Hand Specialist

317 E.34th St. NYC


From Sarah PhillipsDr. Megan Thomasch

Family General Practice 200 West 57th Street, Suite 1201


From Marian SpurrierDr. Edward Gorecky

Energy Medicine, Chiropractor, Nutritionist853 Broadway, Suite 1601,


From Amy HallGeri Brewster

Nutritionist and NAET Practitioner491 Lexington AvenueMt. Kisco, NY 10549

914.864.1976www.naet.com for more information


From Janine ZeccardiDr. Scott Kloorfain-Chiropractor 85 Kinderkamack Rd, Suite 100

Emerson, NJ 07630201.262.1918

I have been see-ing my Chiroprac-tor for almost 30 years and highly recommend him to anyone who lives in NJ! I would never go anywhere else.

From LeslieFran Sussman

Holistic Health Practitoner, Homeopath, Kinesiologist

Goshen, NY845.496.0385


From Laura MikellTami Hinden

Acupuncturist, Craniosacral TherapistDobbs Ferry, NY


From Ann GilliganI have the best OBGYN in the world!

Dr. Tani Sanghvi 51 East 73rd Street


From Several Folks at 111 5th AveDr. Joanne Weinrib D.C.



Page 28: Galina Arlov July 2010 Ef Link

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