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Page 1: Game Setup
Page 2: Game Setup

Game SetupPlace the game board on the table, choosing one side

Western Europe or Eastern Europe… in our case, the chosen map is Western Europe Now, place the Barbarians on the map


1 Barbarian Fort in each Capitaland 1 Barbarian army in every other provinceNow, the map is ready! You have one Barbarian Fort in each Capital And one Barbarian army in every other province

Place the Province tokens on the map.Match each Province token with its province

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Game SetupSeparate the tokens and make them available

for all the playersResource tokens

Food Products Weapons


Victory Points tokens

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Game SetupLet’s say that this game is played by 3 players

John, Mary and TomThey will pick their starting countries

Find the country cards…Shuffle them and place them on the back

John picks firstand he discovers Ireland and chooses the blue color

Tom chooses thirdand he gets England and chooses the yellow color

Mary picks secondand she gets Burgundy and chooses the red color

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Game SetupEvery player gets a




…and resources,1 Food, 1 Weapon and 1 Gold each

John identifies his country’s capital province andremoves the Barbarian Fort

Takes possession of the Province token

Then places inside one Fortand all his 4 Princesses

The other players follow his exampleand do the same

Each player gets a Fort Victory Point tokenworth 3VP for the Fort they just placed in their Capitals

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Game SetupPlayers get 3 Development tokens and

place them on their Play-mats as they wishJohn



John places 2 Development tokens on Productiontechnology and 1 on Military technology

Mary places 1 Development token on each of Production,Trade and Military technology

Tom puts 1 Development token on Production technology and2 on Military technology

The setup of the game finishes andthe play can start!

Place one Development token on turn marker number 1and remember to move it forward at the beginning of each turn

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Turn 1

I. Upkeep phaseJohn



Feed armiesPay to the bank 1 Food/Infantry, 2 Food/Archer, 3 Food/Cavalry

Johnhas no armies, so nothing to feed

Maryhas no armies, so nothing to feed

Tomhas no armies, so nothing to feed

Gather resourcesPlayer can do this simultaneously

John is on level 3 on Production and level 2 on Militaryso his multipliers are Food 1x, Products 2x, Weapons 1x

His provinces have together 0 Food, 1 Product and 1 Weapon symbols

Mary is on level 2 on Production and level 2 on Militaryso hes multipliers are Food 1x, Products 1x, Weapons 1x

Her provinces have together 0 Food, 1 Product and 1 Weapon symbols

Tom is on level 2 on Production and level 3 on Militaryso his multipliers are Food 1x, Products 1x, Weapons 1x

His provinces have together 0 Food, 1 Product and 1 Weapon symbols

John will harvest2 Products and 1 Weapon

Mary will harvest1 Product and 1 Weapon

Tom will harvest1 Product and 1 WeaponII. Trade phaseOnly players controlling a Trade Center may enter the Trade Phase

so neither of the three player can trade this turnIII. Development phasePlayer take their 1st Action in order

from lowest to highest number on the Country cardsSo Mary, then Tom and then John

Mary builds an army (Infantry)She pays 1 Weapon and places the Infantry in Vlaanderen

Tom upgrades Military technology placing one Development token on his Play-mat

John builds an Infantry He pays 1 Weapon and places the Infantry in Dublin

Players take their 2nd Action in reversed orderso, John first, followed by Tom and Mary

John builds another Infantrypaying 1 Weapon and he places it in Dublin

Mary upgrades Production technologyShe places one Development token on her Play-mat

Tom upgrades his Military technology againplacing another Development token on his Play-mat on the Military path

No one has reached an ability that allows extra Actions

Players may upgrade one technology at the cost of anotherSo, in order (Mary, Tom, John), they are allowed to move one Development token

Mary chooses not to move any token

Tom upgrades Military at the cost of Production

John chooses not to move any token

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Turn 1

IV. Maneuvering phaseJohn



Players enter and play this phase in order,according to their country cards: Mary, followed by Tom, then John

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Turn 1Mary - Move armies:

The Infantry from Vlaanderen moves into Brabant, using 1

Action Point(AP)In Brabant there is one

Barbarian army, so the second AP will be used for battle

Mary – Solve battlesThe Infantry deals 1 damage to the Barbarian army, causing it

to retreatThe Barbarian deals 1 damage

to the Infantry, killing it

Mary – Move PrincessesMary moves 1 Princess

to Brabantand takes possession of

the Province token

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Turn 1

Mary’s maneuvering phase finishedJohn



Tom starts his Maneuvering phaseHe does not have any armies to move and chooses not to move any Princesses

John starts his maneuvering phaseFirst, he will move his armies

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Turn 1John – Move armies

John moves 2 Infantry to Connaught using 1 AP

for eachThe remaining 1 AP will

be used for battle

John – Solve battlesJohn’s Infantry units deal 1

damage each to the Barbarian, so it dies

The Barbarian army deals 1 damage to one of John’s

armies, which dies

John – Solve battlesJohn will also take

possession of the Province token of Connaught

John – Move PrincessesJohn will move one

Princess to Connaught, preparing for next turn’s movement

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Turn 1




John’s maneuvering phase finishedHe also gets 1 Victory Point for killing a Barbarian army

The Maneuvering phase is over.The last step is the Down-keep, where nothing happens. Turn 1 is over!

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Turn 2




Move the turn token to the next positionI. Upkeep phaseFeed armies

Mary and Tom have no armies, therefore nothing to feedJohn has 1 Infantry, this ‘eats’ 1 Food

The next step is to gather the resourcesRemember, look at all symbol resources on the Province tokens

and at multipliers on the Play-mat

Mary gets6 Products and 1 Weapon

Tom gets2 WeaponsJohn gets

6 Products and 1 Weapon

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Turn 2




II. Trade phaseOnly Mary and John may enter the Trade phase, Tom does not control a Trade Center

Mary opens a Trade Route with Johnand she also exchanges with the bank 6 Products for 1 Food

No one else wants to trade anything, so the Trade phase is over

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Turn 2




III. Development phase1st Action is taken, in order, by Mary, Tom and John

Mary upgrades Military technologyputting one Development token on her Play-matTom builds an Infantry and places it in London

This costs him 1 WeaponJohn builds an Infantry and places it in Connaught

for the cost of 1 Weapon

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Turn 2




III. Development phaseThe 2nd Action is taken in reversed order: John, Tom, than Mary

John develops Production technologyplacing a Development token on his Play-mat

Mary builds an ArcherShe pays 2 Weapons and 1 Gold and places it in Brabant

Tom upgrades Military technology and placesa Development token on his Play-mat

No one has extra Actions, so they move to upgrading one technology at the cost of another

Nobody wishes to move any tokenThe Development phase is over

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Turn 2




IV. Maneuvering phaseThis phase is played in order: Mary, followed by Tom, then John

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Mary – Move ArmiesMary moves her Archer

to Calais

Turn 2Mary – Solve battles

The Barbarian army deals 1 damage to the Archer,

the Archer deals 2 damage to the Barbarian

Mary – Solve battlesThe Barbarian dies!

Mary collects the province token of Calais and 1 VP for killing the Barbarian

Mary – Move PrincessesMary moves one Princess

from Vlaanderen to Calais, to keep the province in

case the next turn she will move the Archer out

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Turn 2




Mary finished her Maneuvering phase.

Tom is next …

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Turn 2

Tom – Move armiesTom moves his

Infantry from London to East Anglia

Tom – Solve battlesThe Infantry and

Barbarian deal each other 1 damage. They

will both retreat!

Tom – Solve battlesTom’s Infantry will

retreat back to London.Tom chooses that the

Barbarian will retreat to Yorkshire

Tom – Move PrincessesTom moves two

Princesses from London to East Anglia and takes

possession of the province token

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Turn 2




Tom finished his Maneuvering phase.

John is next …

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Turn 2John – Move armies

John moves one Infantry unit from

Connaught to Ulster and one from Dublin to


John – Solve battlesBoth battles are solved the

same way, the Infantry deals 1 damage to the Barbarian

army which retreats, and the Barbarian deals 1 damage to

the Infantry which dies

John – Solve battlesThe Barbarian army

from Munster retreats to Normandie and the

one from Ulster retreats to Wales

John – Move PrincessesJohn moves one

Princess from Dublin to Munster and another one from Dublin to


John – Move PrincessesJohn takes possession of the

province tokens from Connaught and Ulster and,

as he controls 4 out of 5 provinces belonging to

Ireland, he claims Unification

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Turn 2




John has just finished moving his Princesses and has claimed Unification.

He controls 4 out of 5 provinces belonging to Irelandso he will get immediately 3 Actions

John’s Unification Actions1st Action – upgrade Production

John’s Unification Actions2nd Action – upgrade Production

John’s Unification Actions3rd Action – upgrade Trade

Once John took his last Action, the Maneuvering phase is over.There are no end-of-turn actions (down-keep) to be completed,

so the second turn is over

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Turn 2




The players, new at the game, forgot so far to award the Builder, Trader and Warrior tokens, each worth 3 Victory Points

Nothing is lost, it can be done easily…John gets the Builder token, being the most developed on ProductionThe Trader token will not be awarded as long as two or more players, in

this case Mary and John, are tied for most advanced on Trade technology Tom gets the Warrior token because he is the most advanced on

Military technologyLet’s now count the Victory points of each player

John – 14 VP, Mary – 10 VP, Tom – 11 VPTurn three will start next, but this is the end of our presentation

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