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Page 2: Game Theory


problem set 11

from Binmore’sFun and Games.

p. 563 Exs. 35, (36)p. 564. Ex. 39

Page 3: Game Theory



• Set of bidders 1,2….n • The states of nature: Profiles of valuations

(v1,v2,…..vn), Each is informed

about his own valuation only.

• Given a profile (v1,v2,…..vn), the probability of having a profile (w1,w2,…..wn), s.t. vi ≥ wi is F(v1)F(v2)…...F(vn). Where F() is a cummulative distribution function.

first & second price auctions with independent private valuations

iv v v

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• Actions: Set of possible (non negative) bids • Payoffs: In a state (v1,v2,…..vn), if player i’s bid is

the highest and there are m such bids he gets [vi-P(b)]/m . If there are higher bids he gets 0.

• P(b) is what the winner pays when the profile of bids is b. It is the highest bid in a first price auction, and the second highest bid in a second price auction.

first & second price auctions with independent private valuations

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Auctions, Nash Equilibria

• In a second price (sealed bid) auction, bidding the true value is a weakly dominating strategy.

• If the highest bid of the others is lower than my valuation I can only win by bidding my valuation.

• If the highest bid of the others is higher than my valuation I can possibly win by lowering my bid to my valuation.

first & second price auctions with independent private valuations

Hence, truth telling is a Nash equilibrium (there may be others)

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Auctions, Nash Equilibria

• In a first price (sealed bid) auction, bidding the true value is not a dominating strategy: It is better to bid lower when the highest bid of the others is lower than my valuation.

first & second price auctions with independent private valuations

A simple case:

First price (sealed bid) auction with 2 bidders, where the valuations are uniformly distributed

between [0,1]

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Auctions, Nash EquilibriaA simple case:

First price (sealed bid) auction with 2 bidders, where the valuations are uniformly distributed between [0,1]

There is an equilibrium in which all types bid

half their valuation: b(v) = ½v

Assume all types of player 2 bid as above.

If player 1 bids more than ½ he certainly wins (v-b).

i.e. if player 2’s valuation is lower than 2b. This happens with probability 2b.

If player 1 bids b < ½, he wins if player 2’s bid is lower than b,

In this case his expected gain is 2b(v-b).

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for v > ½ the payoff function is:

Auctions, Nash EquilibriaA simple case:

First price (sealed bid) auction with 2 bidders, where the valuations are uniformly distributed between [0,1]

½v b





The maximum is at b = ½v

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for v < ½ the payoff function is somewhat different but the maximum is as before at b = ½v

Auctions, Nash EquilibriaA simple case:

First price (sealed bid) auction with 2 bidders, where the valuations are uniformly distributed between [0,1]

½v b





i.e. each type of player 1 wants to use the same


There is an equilibrium in which all types bid

half their valuation: b(v) = ½v

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Auctions, Nash EquilibriaA simple case:

First price (sealed bid) auction with 2 bidders, where the valuations are uniformly distributed between [0,1]

½v b





i.e. each type of player 1 wants to use the same


There is an equilibrium in which all types bid

half their valuation: b(v) = ½v

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Auctions, Nash EquilibriaA simple case:

First price (sealed bid) auction with 2 bidders, where the valuations are uniformly distributed between [0,1]

There is an equilibrium in which all types bid

half their valuation: b(v) = ½v

A player with valuation v, bids v/2 and will pay it if his valuation is the highest, this happens with probability v, i.e. he expects to pay v2/2

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Auctions, Nash Equilibria

second price (sealed bid) auction. (2 bidders)

• Each player’s valuation is independently drawn from the uniform distribution on [0,1]

• A player whose valuation is v, will bid v. • He wins with probability v, and expects to pay


v 2




Now consider this simple case for a second price auction

same expected payoff as in the first price auction

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AuctionsFirst price (sealed bid) auction with n bidders. Valuations are independently drawn from the cumulative distribution F( ).

let be the bid of player whose valuation is .iβ v i v

assume that (a symmetric equilibrium)

and that is an increasing function of .

iβ v β v

β v v

We look for a symmetric equilibrium







The inverse function



dβ b 1=

db β β b

-1 -1 -1β β b = b β β b β b = 1

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assume all players use the bid funtion b = β v .

Pr a player whose valuation is and who bids expects

to earn (All other bids )

v - b




.if h a is vplayer w aluationill bi isd -1 b β b

the probability that one player's valuation is





F β




the probability that n -1 players' valuation are

s i


-1 -1β b F β b

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assume all players use the bid funtion b = β v .

Pra player whose valuation is and who bids expects

to earn (All other ) bids

v b

- b bv

.if his a player valuatio will b n isid -1 b β b

the probability that one player's valuation is




β b

F β b


the probability that n -1 players' valuation are



-1 -1β b F β b

a player whose valuation is and who bids expects

to earn n-1

-1v - b F β b

v b

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a player whose valuation is and who bids expects

to earn n-1

-1v - b F β b

v b

he should choose his bid to maximize his expected



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max n-1

-1v - b F β bb

n-2-1 -1



v - b n - 1 F β b F β b- F β b + = 0

β β b

now if the bidding function is an equilibrium

then should be the solution of the

above equation.


b = β v

substitute in the equation abo e. vb = β v

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n-2-1 -1



v - n - 1 F β F β- F β + = 0

β β

b b bb


n-2n-1 v - n - 1 F v F v

- F v +β v

= 0β v

n-1 n-2


β v F v + n - 1 F v F v =β v

v= n - 1 F v F v

n-1β v F v

n-1 n-2vβ v F v n - 1 F x F x dx


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n-1 n-2v

β v F v n - 1 F x F x dxv


n-1F x

n-1 n-1v

β v F v x F x dxv

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n-1 n-1v

β v F v x F x dxv

integration by parts :

n-1 n-1 n-1v

β v F v v F v F x dxv

n - 1

n - 1

vF x dx


F vβ v v



n-1F x

β v v dxF v

Is this an increasing function of

v ???

Is this an increasing function of

v ???

Page 21: Game Theory


The Optimality of Auctions

• A seller sells an object whose value to him is zero, he faces two buyers.

• The seller does not know the value of the object to the buyers.

• Each of the buyers has the valuation 3 or 4 with probability p, 1-p (respc.)

•The seller wishes to design a mechanism that will yield the highest possible expected payoff.

An example:


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The Optimality of Auctions

Consider the ‘first best’ case:

If the seller can identify the buyer's type

he could earn : 2 23p + 4(1 - p )

the probability that at least one buyer values the object at 4

2= 4 - p

the probability that both buyers value the object at 3

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The Optimality of Auctions

Posted Prices (take it or leave it offer)

the probability that at least one buyer values the object at 4

Posting the price the seller will earn 3, 3.

Posting the price the seller will earn 24, 4(1 - p ).

only 3,4

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The Optimality of Auctions

Posted Prices (take it or leave it offer)

Posting the price the seller will earn 3, 3.

Posting the price the seller will earn 24, 4(1 - p ).

If then <2 20 < p < 1 3, 4(1 - p ) 4 - p .

the first best

If then 2p < 1/2 3 < 4(1 - p )

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The Optimality of Auctions

Second price auction

Truth telling is an equilibrium :The expected payoff is

2 24 1 - p + 3 1 - 1 - p

the probability that both buyers value the object at 4.

2= 3 + 1 - p

if then

if th en



p < 1 3 < 3 + 1 - p

2< p < 1 4 1 - p < 3 + 1 - p


Posted price 4.

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The Optimality of Auctions

Modified Second price auctionThe buyers are restricted to bid only .

The winner pays the of the two bids.average


Truth telling is an equilibrim.

It is optimal for

(the player with a low valuation ) to bid .


3 3

Player H (High) :If he bids 4 he wins against L and gains :

1 1 14 - 3+4 = , i.e. he gains p.

2 2 2

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The Optimality of AuctionsModified Second price auction

Truth telling is an equilibrim.It is optimal for

(the player with a low valuation ) to bid .


3 3

Player (High) :If he bids he wins against and gains :

, i.e. he gains .

H4 L

1 1 14 - 3 + 4 = p

2 2 2

If he bids he wins against with probability

and earns


L p2

1 11 p = p.

2 2

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The Optimality of Auctions

Modified Second price auction

Truth telling is an equilibrim.

The buyers are restricted to bid only .

The winner pays the of the two bids.average


The seller expects to earn :

2 214 1 - p + 3 + 4 2p 1 - p + 3p

2= 4 - p

if then2

0 < p < 1 3 + 1 - p < 4 - p

Second price auction

if then 21 < p 1 4 1 - p < 4 - p4

Posting price 4

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