+ All Categories

Garlyn DanikaJulian M. Joey

Celeste Loveng

Hannah Crystal

Kayla LarissaEmilyAlerte


Karen A.



Israel Marie

Ricardo Zuri

Front of Room - BoardRm. 407


Silent Do Now:•Find your notebook and take your assigned seat.•Make the heading of your paper look like the header in blue writing on the board.•Draw a circle on your paper, like the red one on the board.•Inside the circle, write what you want in your life when you grow up. This may be just words or short phrases; you do not need to use complete sentences.• Examples: Broadway dancer, happy, own my own house, three dogs, Senator of

Massachusetts, travel to Spain and South Africa, support my family, learn German, learn how to cook, have a garden, dancing

Week 1: September 6 - 9

Introduction to Course and Summer Reading Assignments


Tommy Cassandra

Beverly Jamesly

Trevon Yamile


Jason Joelle


Natalie N.





Lorena McHenley


10A BoardRm. 407


Tommy CassandraTrevon Yamile

Amanjat Jason JoelleJameslyBeverly

Natalie N.




Emiliano DavnysStan Lennin

Lorena McHenley

10D Front of Room - BoardRm. 407


Silent Do Now:•Find your notebook and take your assigned seat.•Make the heading of your paper look like the header in blue writing on the board.•Draw a circle on your paper, like the red one on the board.•Inside the circle, write what you want in your life when you grow up. This may be just words or short phrases; you do not need to use complete sentences.• Examples: Broadway dancer, happy, own my own house, three dogs, Senator of

Massachusetts, travel to Spain and South Africa, support my family, learn German, learn how to cook, have a garden, dancing

Silent Do Now:• Find your notebook and take your assigned seat.• Make the heading of your paper look like the header in blue

writing on the board.• Draw a circle on your paper, like the red one on the board.• Inside the circle, write what you want in your life when you

grow up. This may be just words or short phrases; you do not need to use complete sentences.– Examples: Broadway dancer, happy, own my own house, three dogs,

Senator of Massachusetts, travel to Spain and South Africa, support my family, learn German, learn how to cook, have a garden, dancing

Wednesday, September 7, 2011 (double block)Objective: by the end of this lesson you will be able to…1. describe and execute the expectations of the “Do Now” procedure (30 minutes)2. describe and explain our class’ BIG goal and how it will help you to achieve your personal goals.3. Identify and describe the

Agenda:• Do Now … 6 minutes• Our BIG Goal … 5 minutes• “Do Now” Expectations … 15 minutes• Partner work expectations … 2 minutes• Work on Class Expectations Assignment … 20 minutes• Groupwork Expectations … 2 minutes• In order to innovate in our classroom… activity … 20 minutes• Summarizer … 15 minutes

Wednesday, September 7, 2011 (double block)Objective: by the end of this lesson you will be able to…1. describe and execute the expectations of the “Do Now” procedure (30 minutes)2. describe and explain our class’ BIG goal and how it will help you to achieve your personal goals.3.

Our Class’ BIG Goal

• We will be INNOVATORS who have the skills and mindsets to be successful in college.

• To do this, we need: – to define who we are and who we want to be.– to develop, through practice, the skills and mindsets to

be thoughtful listeners, critical thinkers, and “idea risk-takers”.

– to communicate our ideas professionally so that others will listen to us.

“Do Now” Expectations• What?

– It is the first thing we do at the beginning of class.– It is a quick assignment (less than five minutes) that requires you to review

yesterday’s lesson or to think about connected knowledge you already know.

• Why does it matter that we do it well?– It helps us prepare our minds for English class. This is not just busy work.– It allows us to get our physical materials ready (pen/paper).– It save us hours of learning time over the course of the year when we transition

from the hallways.

• How?– Each row will have a Row Captain who is responsible for passing out each row’s

“Do Now” notebooks and folders. S/he also collects the “Do Now” materials at the end of every class.

– Every row will also have a Materials Manager who is responsible for passing out 2-3 material boxes and collecting them at the end of class.

• Row Captains: • Materials Managers:

Silent Do Now (take II):• On the back of your “Do Now”, set-up your header so

it matches the new header on the board• Outside of the circle, write what you don’t want in your

life when you grow up. Again, this may be just words or short phrases; you do not need to use complete sentences.– Examples: snow, small house/apartment, a meaningless job,

drugs, financial debt, someone bossing me around, no friends

Wednesday, September 7, 2011 (double block)Objective: by the end of this lesson you will be able to…1. describe and execute the expectations of the “Do Now” procedure (30 minutes)2. describe and explain our class’ BIG goal and how it will help you to achieve your personal goals.3.

Group work Expectations

How does our BIG Goal and

• In order to innovate in our classroom… • Student actions• Teacher actions

SummarizerPlease answer the following in complete sentences

and restate the question in your answers.1. Box 2-3 individual goals inside of your “Do Now”

circle that are most important to you.2. What is our class’ BIG goal?3. Choose one individual goal from those you boxed.

Tell me how our class’ BIG goal will help you to achieve this individual goal. (write something you are comfortable sharing These will be posted in our classroom without your name on it)

Silent Do Now:• Read and complete (with

your BEST work) the student survey.

Homework:• Read and annotate the

expectations, absence/lateness policy, and grading policy of the syllabus

• Parent signature on course contract (due Friday!)

• Course materials (due Tuesday!)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011Objective: by the end of this lesson you will be able to… 1. tell me about yourself by taking a student survey2. describe what this course is about and summarize the essential questions and themes of the course3. describe and execute the expectations for partner work in English class4. identify specific routines and procedures for the course that match each of the course expectations described on the opening expectations letter from day one

Garlyn SophieJulian M. Marie

Hannah Loveng

Joey Crystal

Israel LarissaEmilyAlerte

Brunyr Karen A.

Trae Celeste

Ricardo Zuri


10A - Front of Room - BoardRm. 407


Silent Do Now:•Row Captains – collect your class’ GREEN notebooks from the front•Material Managers – get material boxes for your row (2-3)

•Get in Dress Code!•Put your backpack underneath your seat!•Take out your syllabus.•[if you didn’t already turn it in] Rip off the parent contract and last night’s homework and leave it on the right hand side of your desk.•Take out the worksheet labeled, “10th Grade English Do’s and Don’ts”•Silently READ THE DIRECTIONS and underline what you have to do.•Fill out the worksheet by using your syllabus!

Friday, September 9th, 2011 (double block)Objective: by the end of this lesson you will be able to…1. List the top ten English Do’s and Don’ts by using the class syllabus2. describe and illustrate the seven elements of culture

Silent Do Now:•Row Captains – collect your class’ GREEN notebooks from the front•Material Managers – get material boxes for your row (2-3)

•Get in Dress Code!•Put your backpack underneath your seat!•Take out your syllabus.•[if you didn’t already turn it in] Rip off the parent contract and last night’s homework and leave it on the right hand side of your desk.•Take out the worksheet labeled, “10th Grade English Do’s and Don’ts”•Silently READ THE DIRECTIONS and underline what you have to do.•Fill out the worksheet by using your syllabus!

Friday, September 9th, 2011 (double block)Objective: by the end of this lesson you will be able to…1. List the top ten English Do’s and Don’ts by using the class syllabus2. describe and illustrate the seven elements of culture

Agenda:•Do Now•English 10 Top Ten Do’s and Don’ts Share Out•Review objectives and agenda•Announcements•Culture Vocabulary lesson•Summarizer

Friday, September 9th, 2011 (double block)Objective: by the end of this lesson you will be able to…1. describe and illustrate “culture” in terms of the seven different elements of it2. describe their peers’ backgrounds by participating in the Cultural Artifact Bag activity3. List the top ten English Do’s and Don’ts

Agenda• Do Now - English 10 Do’s and Don’ts• Objectives and Agenda• Announcements / Homework• Vocabulary lesson on “culture”• Cultural Artifact Bags – share out• Summarizer

Our Class’ BIG Goal• We will be INNOVATORS who have the skills

and mindsets to be successful in college.• To do this, we need: – to define who we are and who we want to be.– to develop, through practice, the skills and mindsets to

be thoughtful listeners, critical thinkers, and “idea risk-takers”.

– to communicate our ideas professionally so that others will listen to us.

Friday, September 9th, 2011 (double block)Objective: by the end of this lesson you will be able to…1. describe and illustrate “culture” in terms of the seven different aspects of it2. describe their peers’ backgrounds by participating in the Cultural Artifact Bag activity3. List the top ten English Do’s and Don’ts so that we can have a successful year as a class!

Announcements / Homework

• Parent Contracts due!• Supplies due Tuesday!

Friday, September 9th, 2011 (double block)Objective: by the end of this lesson you will be able to…1. describe and illustrate “culture” in terms of the seven different aspects of it2. describe their peers’ backgrounds by participating in the Cultural Artifact Bag activity3. List the top ten English Do’s and Don’ts so that we can have a successful year as a class!

Culture (noun)



1 2 3 4

Name: ________________________

Background knowledge – What do you think of when you hear the word culture? What do you think this word means?

Describe culture in your own words (without copying off the slide):


1 2 3 4


Element of culture Drawing/representation of this type of culture

1-2 sentence description or explanation of this









• There are many different definitions of culture. For some people it may refer to the appreciation of art, literature, food, etc.

• Culture is a powerful concept, yet it is also something that is easily changed and lost because it only exists in our minds. Governments, buildings, and other man-made things are products of culture, not culture itself.

• For our class we will be thinking about culture as:

The shared attitudes, values, goals, practices, and norms that characterizes a group of people.


Seven Elements of Culture[noun]

• Element = things / categories that all cultures have in common

1. Social organization: the way a culture organizes its members into small groups

a) Families: nuclear or extendedb) Social class: a way of ranking people based on their money,

education, occupation, ethnicity, race, etc.


Seven Elements of Culture[noun]

• Element = things / categories that all cultures have in common

2. Customs and Traditions: the written and unwritten ‘rules’ and expectations of behavior in a culture

a) Gender roles– the rules/expectations for the way men and women are expected to behave.

b) Food– the types of food eaten, the ways food is eaten/served.

c) Danced) Holiday Traditions and Celebrationse) Rites of passage– marriage, birth, coming-of-age.


Seven Elements of Culture[noun]

• Element = things / categories that all cultures have in common

3. Language: the way that beliefs and customs are passed down and communicated.

4. Arts and Literature: a) These things serve to teach about a culture’s valuesb) They promote cultural pride and unity


Seven Elements of Culture[noun]

• Element = things / categories that all cultures have in common

5. Religion: the belief a group of people have about God or why we are here.

6. Forms of government: how a group of people govern themselves for a country, state, or city

7. Economic Systems: a) These things serve to teach about a culture’s valuesb) They promote cultural pride and unity



• 3 objects that represent your culture• Materials due Tuesday!



• On the other note card, answer:– How do you define culture?– What are four elements of culture?

• On one note card, write a school appropriate question that you want to ask a peer in your class.


Illustrating YOUR Three Elements of Culture --- FILL OUT BEFORE SHARING

Directions: Sketch/illustrate or diagram the three objects you brought in for your cultural artifact bag. Underneath each of your three illustrations, write a caption:

• explaining why you brought it in• identifying which cultural element it represents and why• explaining how it represents your culture.

Objective: By the end of this class, you will be able to…Identify and describe “culture”.

1: 2: 3:

Your illustration:


Expectations for Partner Work

• Partners will treat each other with kindness and respect– no one will publically complain about having to work with someone else.

• Partner talk will be focused on the topic– partners will not have unrelated, personal conversations.

• Partner talk will be only loud enough for each other to hear– partners will not use loud voices that might distract others.

• Partners will sit with their knees facing one another. • Each partner will contribute to the discussion equally– one person will

not dominate or refuse to participate.

*** Partner work/partner talk will always be graded (individually) based on rubric– this grade will be a part of your citizenship grade for the course. Objectives: By the end of this class, you will be able to…1. Describe and execute the expectations for partner work in English class.

Partner Work Rubric4 3 2 1

Student treats his/her partner with kindness.

Student encourages his/her partner to talk/share/build on his/her ideas and comments.

Student asks his/her partner thoughtful questions.

Student uses a reasonable volume to communicate with partner.

Student remains seated and facing his/her partner and refrains from wandering or engaging in conversation with others.

Student is productive and completes task/assignment.

Student treats his/her partner with kindness.

Student encourages his/her partner to talk/share/build on his/her ideas and comments.

Student uses a reasonable volume to communicate with partner.

Student remains seated and facing his/her partner and refrains from wandering or engaging in conversation with others.

Student is productive and completes task/assignment

Student treats his/her partner with kindness.

Student uses a reasonable volume to communicate with partner.

Student remains seated and facing his/her partner and refrains from wandering or engaging in conversation with others.

Student treats his/her partner with kindness.

Student is sometimes distracting or distracted by others.

Student does not face partner or engage in meaningful/thoughtful conversation.

Student does not use time wisely and does not complete the task/assignment.

Cultural Artifact Bag ProtocolDirections: For this activity you will be working in small groups of three to share out your cultural

artifacts. You will follow the below guidelines in order to facilitate the discussion. You will individually, be graded on the Citizenship Rubric.

Guidelines:1. Decide who will share first.2. The presenter describes each of his/her three objects that s/he has brought.3. Each of the other group members make respectful predictions / guesses / ideas about how

the object relates to the presenter’s culture. They also identify what element of culture this represents and write these in their graphic organizers.

4. The presenter confirms/corrects and explains how the object connects to his/her culture.5. Do the same protocol for the other two objects.6. THEN… Presenter --- explain how you would define your culture. Group members --- add on

if you think anything else adds to his/her definition. Write this definition down on your notecard!

7. Do the same protocol for the other group members.Friday, September 9th, 2011 (double block)Objective: by the end of this lesson you will be able to…1. describe and illustrate “culture” in terms of the seven different aspects of it2. describe their peers’ backgrounds by participating in the Cultural Artifact Bag activity3. List the top ten English Do’s and Don’ts so that we can have a successful year as a class!

Illustrating Your Group’s Elements of Culture

Directions: Sketch/illustrate or diagram the one object for each of your group members. Name the object, write whose it is, and draw a representation. Underneath each of your three illustrations, write a caption:

• explaining why you brought s/he brought it in• identifying which cultural element it represents and why• explaining how it represents his/her culture.

Objective: By the end of this class, you will be able to…Identify and describe “culture”.

1: 2: 3:


Your illustration:


Groups!• Group 1: Trevon, Yamile, Cassandra, Jamesly• Group 2: Amanjat, Lilliana, Imani, Tommy• Group 3: Lorena, McHenley, Natalie N, Erick• Group 4: Jason, Joelle, Emiliano, Beverly• Group 5: Nathy, Victor, Davnys, Lennin

Summarizer – on your notecard

• Based off of today’s activity and the three objects you brought in,– How would you define your culture?• Be specific!• Give at least three characteristics and explain why!• Write at least three sentences!

Teacher Responsibilities

I will be responsible


Coming to class prepared with all


Getting to know the learning needs of

each of my students.

Treating all students with respect and

holding all students to high academic and

behavioral expectations.

Having a sense of humor!

Creating and maintaining a safe

and respectful learning


Re-teaching and requiring you to persist when you haven’t reached standards yet.

Finding out what knowledge and skills you have acquired on an ongoing basis.

Identifying and communicating

objectives clearly and consistently.

Communicating standards and

criteria for success clearly and


Establishing work procedures and communicating expectations to

help you be responsible.

Designing learning experiences that require you to be involved and that provide you with


Student Responsibilities

I will be responsible


Doing my best work.

Re-doing work and coming for extra help with my first

effort does not meet the standards.

Coming to class prepared with all

materials I need in order to learn.

Monitoring my attention and

participation and refocusing as I need


Self-evaluating my work to make sure it meets the criteria

and standards.

Cultural Artifact Personal Essay

Assignment Overview: The purpose of this personal essay assignment is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the concept of culture as it applies to this class and the essential questions we will be working with throughout the year. This essay will also help you make a personal connection to the following essential questions before we dive into the content of the class: What is culture? What is my own cultural perspective? Finally, completing this essay will give you more practice with organizing your ideas in writing, analysis and contextualization (skills you worked on last year that we will continue to improve on in 10 th Grade English) before we apply these skills to complex literary texts.

Guidelines: • Your personal essay needs to be organized into an introduction, 2-3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. (4 points) • Each paragraph needs to be at least 5 sentences long. (4 points) • Introduction: (20 points)

– Begin your essay by explaining, in your own words, your understanding of the word/concept “culture”. 10 points– Describe your own culture and explain which elements of culture are most important for understanding your cultural perspective. 10

points• Body Paragraphs 1 and 2: (60 points– 30 points for each body paragraph)

– Describe each of your cultural artifacts. 5 points for each paragraph – Give background information (contextualization) to your reader about each of these artifacts. 5 points for each paragraph – Why did you choose them as representatives of your culture? 5 points for each paragraph – What do they reveal about you? (analysis) 5 points for each paragraph – What do they reveal about your culture? (analysis) 5 points for each paragraph – Which element of culture do they connect to and why? (analysis) 5 points for each paragraph

• Conclusion: 10 points– 5 points for each bullet-pointed criteria below. – Revisit your description of the word/concept “culture” and summarize the main points you made about how your two cultural artifacts

reveal your cultural perspective. – Leave the reader with “food for thought”– why is it important to understand the elements of culture? Why is it important to identify

your own cultural perspective? What impact might an understanding of your own cultural perspective have on the way you interact with others?

• Make sure you proof-read your writing. (2 points)

Unit One: Cultural Artifact Personal Essay Outline

Introduction: Begin your essay by explaining, in your own words, your understanding of the word/concept “culture”. 10 points Describe your own culture and explain which elements of culture are most important for understanding your cultural perspective. 10 points

Body Paragraph 1Describe each of your cultural artifacts. Give background information (contextualization) to your reader about each of these artifacts . Why did you choose them as representatives of your culture. What do they reveal about you? (analysis) What do they reveal about your culture? (analysis) Which element of culture do they connect to and why? (analysis)

Name: _______________

Cultural Artifact Personal Essay Outline: The Conclusion

Body Paragraph 2 (same criteria as body Paragraph 1)

Conclusion: Revisit your description of the word/concept “culture” and summarize the main points you made about how your two cultural artifacts reveal your cultural perspective. Leave the reader with “food for thought”– why is it important to understand the elements of culture? Why is it important to identify your own cultural perspective? What impact might an understanding of your own cultural perspective have on the way you interact with others?

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