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  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item


    AGENDATEM 52KEYFOCUS REA: EconomicibrancyAGENDA ATE: January 2,2011coUNClLDISTRIGT{S}: 3DEPARTMENT: SustainableevelopmentndConstructionCMO: A. C.Gonzalez.671-8925MAP$CO: 514Q RSUBJECTA publichearing o receivemmments egarding n applicationor and an ordinancegranting SpecificUsePermitor gas drilling ndproductionn property onedan lRIndustrialResearchDistricton the south side of JeffersonBoulevard, ast of HardyRoadadjacento the watercanal n the westernmost uadrant f the HensleyFieldAirport ndNavalBaseRecommendationf Staff: Approvalor a ten-year eriodwith eligibilityor automaticrenewal f additionalen-year eriods, ubjecto an existing iteplan,operation lan ordrilling, peration lan orproductionndconditionsRecommendationfCPC: Denialwithout reludice2090-211{WE)

  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item




    zae0-211(wE) DATEFILED:May25,2010South side of JeffersonBoulevard, ast of Hardy Roadadjacent o thewatercanal n thewesternmostuadrant f theHensley ieldAirport ndNavalBase


    3Approx. .67acres

    MAPSCO: 51A-Q,RCENSUS RACT: 1s9.00



    XTO EnergyncCityof DallasDallasCothrumMASTERPLANAn applicationor a SpecificUse Permit or gas drilling ndproductionon propertyzoned an lR lndustrialResearchDistrict.The purposeof this request s to allow or the drilling, ndproductionf natural ason a siteat Hensley ield.

    CPCRECOMMENDATION: Denialwithout rejudice

    STAFFRECOMMENDATION:Approval or a ten-yearperiod with eligibility orautomatic enewalof additionalen-yearperiods,subject o an existingsite plan,operation lan or drilling, peration lan or productionndconditions.


  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item


    za9o-211(WE)BACKGROUNDNFORMATION' The applicant'sequest or a SpecificUse Permitwill allow or the operation ndproduction f natural ason Hensley ield, de-commissionedavalair base.Theapplicant roposeso drillapproximately2wellson a3.67acresite.. The request ite s one of several roposed aswell siteson HensleyField. Theapplicant ouldpropose p to 9 additional rillsiteson Hensley ielddepending nthe success f thissite. Additionaliteswill equireSpecific sePermits.. ln September A07, he City CouncilapprovedOrdinanceNo. 26920requiringSpecificUsePermitorgasdrilling ndproductionnall zoning istricts.. The City of Dallashas entered nto an agreement ith the applicanto lease hepropertyorgasdrilling ndproduction.' The request ite s zonedan lR lndustrial esearch istrict.An openchannelwatercanalseparateshe proposed as drilling ite from the single amilyuses. Theproposed ellsareapproximately98 eet rom henearestesidentialse .ZoninqHistorv: Therehasnot beenany recent oning hangesequestn the area.Thorouqhfa eslStreets

    Thoroughfare/Street Type ExistingROW ProposedROWJeffersonBoulevard Principal rterial 100 t. 100f t.

    Land Use:Zoning LandUseSite IR DecommissionedavalbaseNorth IR Undeveloped.enslev ieldSouth rR,R-7.s(A) Undeveloped,akeEast rR.R-7.5(A) Undeveloped,enslev ieldWest IR Undeveloped

    ComprehensivePlan: The comprehensivelandoes not makea specificand userecommendationelatedo the request, oweverhe onrvardDallas!ision llustrationscomprised f a seriesof Building locks hat showsgeneraland use patterns.Theyare generalized attemswithoutwell-defined oundarieshat indicatewhere certaintypesanddensities f development ight ogically ccur.

  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item


    zoso-211(wE)The request ite ieswithinan lndustrialArea uilding lock. ThisBuilding lockoffersimportant mployment pportunities,rcupy argeareasof landand usuallyare nearmajor roads and heavy rail lines. Evolving echnology nd the need for freightmovementhroughDallas o the restof the country nd ntemationally eans hissectorcan offergoodopportunitiesor jobs. Logistics nd warehousing, growing ndustrywith strongpotentialor upwardmobility f skilledworkers,would hrive n suchareas.Examplesnclude outhport nd heAgilePort,partsof WestDallas long -30,and heStemmons ndustrial rea. These areas ncludea mix of low- and medium-densityindustrial uildings nd industrial ardsand have argesurfaceparking or cars andtrucks. ndustrial reas elyon quality oadaccessand may be linked o rail or freightpurposes. treet anesare wide and intersectionsre large.Transit, idewalks ndotherpedestrianmprovementsre imitedSTAFFANALYSIS:LandUseCompatibilitv:The 3.67acresite s undevelopednd s located n HensleyField,a de-commissionedavalair base, and is in closeproximatelyo the City ofGrandPrairie.An openchannelwatercanal,which s westof the request ite,will actas a bufferbetween he proposed as site and an existing esidential evelopment.The nearest ingle amilydevelopments approximately98 feet from the proposedsite.The applicant's equest or a SpecificUse Permitwill permit the operationandproduction f gas drilling nd extraction. n the Development ode,gas drilling ndproductionmeans the activities elated o the "the extraction f any fluid, eithercombustibler noncombustible,hat s producedn a natural tate rom he earthandthat maintains gaseousor rarefiedstate at standard emperature nd pressureconditions, r the extraction f any gaseousvaporsderived rom petroleum r naturalgas."The Development ode equireshe applicanto providehe ollowing iteplans or agasdrilling ndproductionse:

    . Siteplanshowing xisting/originalonditions;. Site/operationlan or he drilling hase; nd. Site/operationlan or heproduction hase.The applicant assubmittedhe ollowing lans or heSpecificUsePermit pplication:an existing onditions lan,an operations lan or the drilling hase, nd an operationsplan or the production hase. The operation lan or the drilling haseaddresseshenatural-gas rilling. The plan shows he location f several emporary onstructiontrailers,water tanks, mud tanks, and dril l ingequipment. A dri l l ing ig with anapproximateeight f 160 eetwill be on siteduring hisphase.The building fficial il lconsider his as a temporary tructure, imilar o a craneused n constructing tallbuilding. heSUPconditionsil l imit he dri l l ing hase or 90 dayspercalendarear,

  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item


    z0s0-211(wE)because rilling with ighting) ill be done24 hoursa day,and noisecould mpact hesunounding ses.Thereare wo methodsor drilling:an open-loop ystem nd a closed-loopystem.Anopen-loop ystemuses a lined mud-pit o hold mud. The mud-pitmay be a safetyhazardand mayhave a negativempacton adjacent roperty. n contrast, closed-loopsystem ses anks o hold hemud. Thereare ewerenvironmentaloncemswitha closed-loop ystemand the applicants providing drillingphaseplans hat willinclude closed-loopystem.The applicants proposingo drillapproximately2 wellson site n an area hat s 70 eetby 170 eet.The producfion lanshowsan area n the southwest uadrant f the padsite hat willstore he equipmente.9.,horizontal eparators, ater anksandgas if tcompressors).The SUP areawill be enclosed y an eight-foot-highhain ink ence hat will haveavinylcoating.Theequipment eingused or the drilling hase onsists f waterpumps,rigs loor,pumps,anksgeneratorsndcentrifuge.The ocation f he request ite s located nan undevelopedortion f landwithina de-commissionavalair ield. Therequest ite s adjacento an openchannelwatercanaland s near heCityof GrandPrairie.The applicant roposeso drillapproximately2wells o extractnaturalgasfrom he site. Thereare severalmeasureshat are in placepursuanto the DallasDevelopment ode hat requireshe applicanto restorehe siteback to it naturalstate after the wells have been capped. In addition,here areadditionalprovisionsn the Code that require he right-of-waysinfrastructure)o berestored.Staffhasreviewedhe applicantsequestor a SUP or gasdrilling ndproductionndis recommendingpprovalor a time periodof 10 yearswith eligibilityor automaticrenewal f additional 0yearperiods, ubjecto the attached lansandconditions. heCityPlanCommissionadconcernsegardinghepotential ealth f thegeneral ublicand discussed olding he case underadvisement ntil urtherstudies/reportsereconcluded y the City of Fort Worth and TECQ. The recommendationsrom theproposed eportsare projectedo be releasednextyear. The applicantequestedhattheCityPlanCommissionoteon the zoning equest ecause f theirobligationsnderthe easeagreement.As a resultof the applicant'sequest,he CityPlanCommissionremmmended enialwithout reludice.The generalprovisionsor a SpecificUse Permit n Section51A-4.219 f the DallasDevelopment ode specificallytate: 1) The SUP provides means or developingcertain ses n a manner n which he specific sewill be consistent ith he characterof the neighborhood;2) EachSUP application ust be evaluated s to its probableeffecton the adjacentpropertyand the communitywelfareand may be approvedordeniedas the indingsndicate ppropriate;3) The city council hallnotgrantan SUPfor a use exceptupona finding hat he usewill: A) complementr be compatible iththe sunounding sesand communityacilities;B) contributeo, enhance, r promotethe welfareof the areaof requestandadjacentproperties;C) not be detrimentalo the

  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item


    zoe0-211(wE)publichealth, afety,or generalwelfare; nd (D) conform n all other respectso allapplicableoning egulationsndstandards.The request oesnot appear o haveanadversempact n the sunoundingoning nd anduses.


    Landscapinq: The proposed ad site or a gas drilling nd production se will nottriggerany landscapingequirementshatpertaino landscapeequirementsn ArticleX, as amended. The requestsite is heavilyscreenedwith vegetation long thesouthernand westernportionof the Property. Due to the naval base being anemergency ir base or commercialircraft, ny additional lantingmaterials round herequestarea would not be recommended.Additional lantingmaterialsmay attractbirds o the areaand could fiuse problems,f the de-commissionedir basebecomesoperationaln the uture.Traffic: The Engineering ection f the Department f Sustainable evelopmentndConstruction as reviewed he requestand determinedhat it will not impact hesunounding treetsystem or the proposed evelopment. he applicant roposesoacce$s he site romW. JeffersonBoulevard.Uponentering he naval base, he largetruckswill use the west taxiway o deliver he necessary quipmento the site. Aproposed30 foot gravelaccess oadwill be constructedrom the west taxiway o therequest ite.Miscellaneous Conditions: Staff ncorporateddditionalegulationsn the SpecificUse Permitconditionshat were proposed y the commissioner f the districteventhough he City Plan Commissionersid not recommend pprovalof the request.Theseadditional onditionsncluded: maximum umberof wells,ChemicalAdditiveReports,Evaporation nd Land Farming,DehydrationOperations,Water handling,NoiseManagementlan, eaks ndAirandProductionamplings.CPCAction (October 1 2010)

    Motion : lt was moved o recommendpprovalof for a SpecificUse Permitfor gasdrilling ndproductionor a ten-year eriodwitheligibilityor automaticrenewalof additional en-yearperiods,subject o an existingsite plan,operationplan for drilling,operationplan for production nd conditions(includingonditions istributedt briefing) n property onedan lR IndustrialResearchDistrict n the southsideof JeffersonBoulevard, astof HardyRoadadjacento the watercanal n the westemmost uadrant f the Hensley ieldAirport nd NavalBasewith he ollowing dditional hangeso the conditions

    DISTRICT SETBACKSFiini I siaenei Density Heigm LotCoverace SpecialStandards PRIMARY UsesIRIndustrial esearch 15' ,

    toresidentialOTHER:No Min

    2.0 FAR overall0.75office/ etail0.5 etail2AA',15 stories 80% Proximity lopeVisual ntrusion

    Industrial, holesaledistribution storage,supporting tfice& retail

  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item


    z0eo-211(wE)distributedt the briefing:1) Condition 4, NOISEMANAGEMENTLAN c)to readas follows:"detail ow noise mpactswill be mitigatede=r ncludingthe providingof acousticalabsorptionwalls around the site to shieldneighboring ses),consideringpecific itecharacteristics,ncluding, ut notlimited o, he nature nd ocation, roximity nd ypeof adjacent evelopment,seasonalprevailingweatherpatterns, ncludingwind directions, egetativecoveron oradjacent o the site,and opographyf thesite." 2) Condition 5,LEAKS o readas ollows: Al l iow ines, ompressionquipment nd shut-offvalvesshall be inspectedor leakdetection t leastannually, sing nfraredcameras,iltered nd tuned or the wavelengths f sunlight bsorbed nd re-emittedby naturalgas hydrocarbons, r other equallyeffectivedetectiondevices. Reports f such nspectionshallbe deliveredo the Gas Inspectorwithin15daysof nspection,nd no ater han90 days ollowinghe dateof thepreceding nfr{releport. The Gas nspector hallpromptlyonruarduch eportto the Director nd notify he Director f any potential iolation." ) Condition16,AIR SAMPLINGo read as follows: "Ambient ir sampling, rior o adri l l ingpermit being issued and dri l l ingactivitycommencing,must beperformedo establish baseline ample or air quality.A secondsamplingmustbe takenwithin60 daysof the irstwell entering productionhaseandannuallyhereafter.Air samplesmust be takenby a qualifiedirm approvedthe director f the officeof environmentaluality.Samples il lbe analyzed ya qualified rd party aboratory,ertified y industry tandards,'andll resultswill be provided o the elty 6r t lnspector ithin15 daysof issuance f thereport.The Gas Inspector hall promptly orwardsuch report o the Directorand notify the Directorof any potentialviolation." nd 4) Condition17,PRODUCTION AMPLINGo readas follows: Within 0 daysof the irstwellentering roduction,as Samplesmustbe takenand analyzed y a qualified3rdparty aboratory,ertified y industry tandards,ndall results rovidedothe rty Gas lnspectorwithin 15 days of issuance f the report.The Gaslnspector hall promptly orwardsuch report o the Director nd notify heDirector f anypotential iolation.Resultsmustprovide thorough reakdownof the gas and recordany presenceof benzene,hydrocarbons r otherconstituents."

    Maker. AnglinSecond:TarpleyResult: Failed: to 7For: 6 - Anglin,Bagley,Tarpley,Bernbaum,Wolfish,Schwartz,


    7 - R. Davis,Wally,M. Davis,Rodgers, avallaisaa,Shellene, eterson1 - Alcantar1 - District

  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item


    zas0-211wE)Substitute Motion: In considering n applicationor a SpecificUsePermit orgasdrilling nd productionn property onedan lR lndustrial esearch istricton southsideof JeffersonBoulevard, ast of HardyRoadadjacento thewatercanal n the westernmost uadrantof the HensleyFieldAirportand NavalBase, twas moved o hold thiscaseunderadvisementntilApril21 2411Maker: PetersonSecond: Wally

    CommissionerPetersonwithdrew his motion.CommissionerWallywithdrewher second.Motion: lt was moved o recommend enialwithout prejudice or a SpecificUse Permit or gas drilling nd production n property onedan lR lndustrialResearchDistricton south side of JeffersonBoulevard, ast of HardyRoadadjacento thewatercanal n the westemmost uadrant f the HensleyFieldAirport ndNavalBase.

    Maker: PetersonSecond:SchwartzResult: Carried:0 o 3For: 10- R. Davis, M. Davis, Rodgers, Bagley,Lavallaisaa, Tarpley, Shellene, Bernbaum,Schwartz,Peterson

    3 - Wally,Anglin,Wolfish1 - Alcantar1- District


    Notices: Area:Replies: For:Speakers: For:


    1000 Mailed: 480 Against: 3DalfasCothrum, 00Jackson t. ,Dallas, X,75202WalterDueease, 10 Houston t.,FortWorth, X,76102\MlliamCothrum, 00Jackson t. ,Dallas, X,75202Raymond rawford,647Southwood r. ,Dallas,TX,75233MarianaGriggs, 803Marydale r. ,Dallas, X,75208MarcMcCord, 660La BolsaDr.,Dallas,TX,75248Jennifer and,3905WeeburnDr.,Dallas, X,75229TimothyRuggiero,15StarShellRd.,Decater, X,76234Cherelle lazer,4815 arkoDr.,Dallas,X,75232DarrylBaker, 606Woodmere r. ,Dallas, X,75233MollyRooke, 825PalmLn.,Dallas, X,75206

  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item


  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item




    . BobR. Simpson Chairman f the Board. KeithA. Hutton ChiefExecutiveOfficer. VaughnO. Vennerbergl President. LouisG. Baldwin Executive icePresident ndCFO. Timothy . Petrus Executive icePresident Acquisitions. JamesL. Death SeniorVicePresident Land. EdwinS. Ryan, r. SeniorVicePresident LandAdministration

    . MarkJ. Pospisil SeniorVicePresident f Geologyr TimothyMcllwain VicePresident f Operations FW Divisionr LindseyDingmore VicePresident f GovernmentndRegulatory ffairs


    r AricA. Head Managing artnerr RichardR. Payne Managing artnero Patrick . Smith Managing artner

  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item





    USE: The only use authorized y this specificuse permit s gas drillingandproduction.SITE/OPERATIONLANS:Useand develophe Propertymustcompliance iththe ollowing ttached iteandoperation lans:

    {a) Siteplanshowing xisting/originalonditions;(b) Site/operationlan or hedrilling hase; nd(c) Sit6/operationlan or he productionhaseTIME LIMIT: Exceptas providedn Paragraph4)(b), his specific se permitexpireson (ten year rom passageof ordinance), ut is eligibleor automaticrenewalor additional 0-year eriods ursuanto Section 1A-4.219f Chapter51A of the DallasCityCode,as amended. or automaticenewal o occur, heProperty wnermust ile a complete pplicationor automaticenewalwith thedirectorbefore he expiration f the cunent period. Failure o timely ile acomplete pplication ill render his specific se permit neligibleor automaticrenewal. (Note:The Code currently rovides hat applicationsor automaticrenewalmust be filed after the 180th but be fore he 120th day before heexpiration f the currentspecificuse permitperiod. The Propertyowner sresponsibleor checkinghe Code or possible evisionso this provision.Thedeadlineor applicationsorautomaticenewals strictly nforced.)(b) The Operator hallnotify he building fficial n writingat least10 daysbeforepermanently topping as productionabandoninghe well).Once theOperator ermanentlytopsproduction,hisspecific sepermitexpires fter heOperator estoreshe Propertyn accordance ith ArticleXll. After he Operatorrestores he Property,a new specificuse permit s required or any othergasdrilling ndproductionperation.HEIGHT:Except emporary tructures uthorized y the buildingofficial,nostructuremay exceed24 feet n height.TIMELIMITSON OPERATIONS:he ollowingimits n operationspply o thegasdrilling ndproductionse:(a) DRILLING HASE:Gasdrilling ctivities ayoccur24 hoursa day,sevendaysa week. lf a residentialse s locatedwithin600 eet of the operation ite,the Operator hallbegindrilling ll of the wellsapproved y the SUPwithinoneyear after receiving gas well permit or the first well. See Section51A-12.105(dX6).




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    (1) Except s providedn this subsection,racturingmayoccurduringdaylight ours,sevendaysa week,except hat lowbackoperationsmay occur24 hoursa day,sevendaysa week. See Section 1A-12.105(m)(1) .{2) Exceptas provided n this subsection, eworkingmay occur 24hoursa day,sevendaysa week.(3) lf a residential se s locatedwithin600 eet of the operation ite,fracturing nd reworkingmayoccurno more han 90 days n any365dayperiod^

    (c) PRODUCTIONHASE:Gas production ayoccurat any imeof day,butthe Operatormust makeany repairsor improvements,ther han racturing rreworking, etween :00am to 9:00pm, Monday hroughSaturday, xcept hatemergencyepairsmaybe madeat any ime.MANEUVERINGURFACE: ehiclemaneuveringurfacesmustbe gravelor asimilarmaterialn the ocationshownon the site/operationlans.PERMITS:The building fficialmay not issuea certificate f occupancyor agas drillingand production se until he Operator btainsall required ermitsfrom the RailroadCommission f Texas,TexasCommission n EnvironmentalQuality, ndall other tate, ederal, r cityagencies.SIGNS:Signsmustcomplywith he provisionsor non-businessoningdistrictsin ArticleVll andgasdrilling ndproductionn ArticleXll.MAXIMUM UMBER FWELLS:Nomore han12wellsmaybe on hissite.CHEMICAL DDITIVE EPORTS:At least10 daysprior o commencementfdrillingor hydraulicracturing perations,he Operatorwill deliver o the Gaslnspectorbothas defined n Sec. 51A-12.102.b) completedMaterialSafetyData Sheet ("MSDS") ontaining n accurate nventory f chemicals o beinjectednto he well bore or the purposeof drilling r hydraulicracturing, rrelatedwell boreactivities.SuchMSDS eports halldisclose verychemicalobe used, includingquantity,concentrations,ombinations, nd formulations,sufficiento satisfy he Gas Inspectorhat full disclosure as been made. Al lsuch reportsshall be reasonably vailableo the publicupon request. Anyfailure r refusalo provide uchMSDS eportso theGas nspector s providedhereinshall be a violation s defined n Sec. 51A-12.105(h)nd Sec. 51A-12.109.EVAPORATIONND LANDFARMING:No openholding r evaporationitsor"land arming" rocessesas hat erm s commonly nderstoodn the industry)





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    shallbe allowed n the site,and all operationshallbe conducted n a "closedfoop ystem" asis, s hat erm s definedn Sec.51A-12142(5).DEHYDRATION PERATIONS:Unlessotherequivalentmeansare proposedby Operator nd approved y the Gas Inspector, ll gasdehydrationperationsshallbehandled y zero-emissioneparatorso minimizeugitive missions.WATER HANDLING: \Mthin a reasonableime (to be determined y theDirector)he Operator hall ransmit certified isclosureo the Gas Inspectorstating he amounts and sources of all wateractuallyused n any hydraulicfracturing peration.Withina reasonableime to be determinedy the Director)the Operator hall ransmit certified isclosureo theGas Inspector tatinghequantity f all flow-back or produced luids recoveredrom eachwill. Withinareasonableime(tobe determined y the Director)he Operator hall ransmitcertified isclosureo the Gas nspector tatinghe inal destinationof all luids,slurries ndmuds emovedrom he site ordisposal r reprocessing.NOISEMANAGEMENTLAN: Prior o the issuance f a gas well permitandthe commencement f operations, he Operator shall submit a NoiseManagementlandetail ing ow he equipmentsed n the dri l l ing,ompletion,transportation, r productionof the wellis) complieswith the maximumpermissible oise evelsset forth n the appllcable ity ordinance.The noisemanagementlanmust:(a) identifu peration oise mpacts;(b) providedocumentationf a professional2-hourstudyestablishingheAmbientNoiseLevelprior o constructiont thesite;and(c) detailhownoise mpacts ill be mitigatede.9., he providing f acoustical

    absorption allsaround he site o shieldneighboringses),consideringspecific ite characteristics,ncluding, ut not limited o, the natureandlocation, roximity nd ypeof adjacent evelopment,easonal revailingweather patterns, ncludingwind directions, egetativecover on oradjacento the site,and opographyf thesite.TheOperator hallbe responsibleor verifyingo the Gas nspector ompliancewith his condition ndwith the noisemanagement lanafter he installationfnoisegenerating quipment.Approval f suchNoiseManagement lanby theGas nspectorhallbe a prerequisiteo issuance f a gaswellpermitor he site.LEAKS: All flow lines,compression quipment nd shut-off alvesshallbeinspectedor leak detection t leastannually, sing nfrared ameras, ilteredand uned or hewavelengthsf sunlight bsorbed ndre-emittedynatural ashydrocarbons, r other equallyeffectivedetectiondevices. Reportsof suchinspectionshallbe deliveredo the Gas Inspectorwithin5 daysof inspection,and no ater hanoneyear ollowinghe dateof thepreceding nnual eport.




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    AIRSAMPLING: Ambient ir sampling, rior o a dri l l ing ermit eing ssuedand drillingactivitycommencing,must be performedo establish baselinesample or air quality.A secondsamplingmustbe takenwithin60 daysof thefirstwellentering production haseand annuallyhereafter.Air samplesmustbe taken by a qualified irm approvedhe directorof the officeof environmentalquality.Samples il lbe analyzed y a qualified rd party aboratory,ertified yindustry tandards, ndall resultswill be providedo thecity.PRODUCTIONAMPLING: Within 60 days of the first well enteringproduction, as samplesmustbe takenand analyzed y a qualified rd partylaboratory, ertifiedby industrystandards, nd all resultsprovided o the city.Resultsmustprovidea thoroughbreakdown f the gasandrecordany presen@ofbenzene, ydrocarbonsr otherconstituents.MAINTENANCE:he Propertymustbe properlymaintainedn a stateof goodrepair nd neatappearanre.GENERAL EQUIREMENTS:seof the Property ustcomplywithall federaland state laws and regulations, nd City of Dallas ordinances, ules, andregulations,ncludinghegasdril l ingegulations.



    .1 2

  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item



    DRILLING LANClosed oop mud system

  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item



  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item


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  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item






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  • 8/8/2019 Gas Drilling Agenda Item



    48 Prope,rty wnersNotrfred 50 pcrcels)g .,." EepliesnFavor 0parcels)3 Replies n Spposiiioa{3 parcels}IAAA' Ires of Notificationfi/?l/?gla tute 0g/16/?oto under Adviremenr


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