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Page 1: Gas Warfare By: Nelam Bidja Cristina Mozumdar Sarah Gonzalez.

Gas Warfare

By: Nelam BidjaCristina Mozumdar

Sarah Gonzalez

Page 2: Gas Warfare By: Nelam Bidja Cristina Mozumdar Sarah Gonzalez.

What is Gas Warfare and how is it used?

A chemical weapon used in World War

Gas warfare was used in the trenches even when no attack was going on.

Unlike machine guns gas warfare was silent but deadly

Soldiers blinded by gas poison

Page 3: Gas Warfare By: Nelam Bidja Cristina Mozumdar Sarah Gonzalez.

Four Primary Types Of Gas Were Used In WWI

1. Lacrimators: effected-the eye and made it irritant and also called "tear gases”

2. Sternutators: effect- nasal irritants also called "sneeze gases” & "vomiting gases"),. “Sternutator gases were mixed with the other, more lethal, gases in order to interfere with the men wearing their protective gas masks. Often a soldier could be taken down up to 48 hours after the attack.  It was later mixed with chlorine to cause the vapor to be spread more widely and more deadly.  It was usually delivered in high explosive shells leaving the troops unable to immediately recognize its presence.”

3. Lung irritants: made people feel suffocated & caused respiratory irritations.

4. Vesicants caused skin irritation and escharotics

Page 4: Gas Warfare By: Nelam Bidja Cristina Mozumdar Sarah Gonzalez.

History behind gas warfare

Chemical warfare agents were used extensively in World War I (the United States had approximately 70,000 chemical casualties)

By 1918 the use of gas warfare was a widespread and effective measure used to protect the troops but it to lost some of its popularity because it lead troops to make and wear masks leading to the loss of element of surprise

Page 5: Gas Warfare By: Nelam Bidja Cristina Mozumdar Sarah Gonzalez.

Long Term Disabilities Gas Warfare caused a huge number of disabilities, leaving many people unable to work and suffer.

Flash- Blindness and Blindness Mental Illness Skin diseases CancerTemporary Effects (rare)

Page 6: Gas Warfare By: Nelam Bidja Cristina Mozumdar Sarah Gonzalez.

What were some of the technological

advancements ? Used as a weapon for hiding soldiers in the war so that there were no enemies left. (sneak attacks and improved attack and defense tactics)

Used to kill many enemies

Poison gas was indiscriminate and could be used in the trenches even when there was no physical attack occurring

Page 7: Gas Warfare By: Nelam Bidja Cristina Mozumdar Sarah Gonzalez.


It was also said that often time soldiers would soak clothes in their own urine and place it over the mouth to give protection against a chlorine attack.

Soldiers also used make-shift gas masks if they were caught in the open without a gas mask during a gas attack

By the end of the war gas masks were available to all soldiers which caused the use of gas as a weapon to become very rare

Page 8: Gas Warfare By: Nelam Bidja Cristina Mozumdar Sarah Gonzalez.

How important was the usage of gas warfare?

It allowed the unthinkable, by permitting the Allies and Germans to attack from the trenches without ever having to worry about soldiers being shot.

It was a easy way to eliminate the enemies

Page 9: Gas Warfare By: Nelam Bidja Cristina Mozumdar Sarah Gonzalez.

Did any particular warfare change the course of the war?

The widespread use of the agents of gas warfare, and wartime advances in the composition of high explosives, gave rise to an occasionally expressed view of World War I as "the chemists' war”

Gas warfare can never be used again in fighting leading as a result of it’s use in WWI, the last war in which this method was utilized.

Page 10: Gas Warfare By: Nelam Bidja Cristina Mozumdar Sarah Gonzalez.




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