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Page 1: Gaussian Processes for Crime Prediction - viXra · Gaussian Processes for Crime Prediction Luis Perez1 and Alex Wang2 Abstract—The ability to predict crime is incredibly useful

Gaussian Processes for Crime Prediction

Luis Perez1 and Alex Wang2

Abstract— The ability to predict crime is incrediblyuseful for police departments, city planners, and manyother parties, but thus far current approaches have notmade use of recent developments of machine learningtechniques. In this paper, we present a novel approachto this task: Gaussian processes regression. Gaussianprocesses (GP) are a rich family of distributions that areable to learn functions. We train GPs on historic crimedata to learn the underlying probability distribution ofcrime incidence to make predictions on future crimedistributions.


The increased availability of open crime statisticshas made it possible to use new machine learningtechniques to aid in crime detection and preventionin order to help cities decide how to allocate scarcepolice resources. For example, foreknowledge on wherea crime is likely to occur can tell police departmentswhere and when additional officers could be stationedto preempt any crime. Detecting these crime-prone ar-eas, also known as hotspots, has been a fixture of crimeprevention. However, law enforcement agencies acrossthe United States have only recently begun movingaway from outdated analytic techniques (such as hot-spot identification ) towards predictive approaches, suchas hot-spot identification, regression, classification, andclustering models [6] [8]. Despite the increased interestin predictive analytics with large data demand andcomplexity, two problems remain: (1) conventional ap-proaches remain prevalent due to their ease of use, and(2) more recent advancements in the ML community,such as neural networks and Gaussian processes, havenot been explored with respect to this problem.

In this paper, we focus on tackling the second issue.In particular, we apply Gaussian processes (GP) to thetask of predicting crime distribution in the selectedcities of Boston and San Francisco. GPs are powerfulnon-parametric models that have proven effective inpredicting other real-world, cyclical time-series datasuch as CO2 emissions and human motion [12]. In the

[email protected]@alumni.harvard.edu

Fig. 1. Distribution over the geography of tested cities withdifferent models.

following sections, we explore the the state of the art interms of positive definite kernels [3], and compare theresulting crime predictions with current baselines. Weconclude with a discussion on the applicability of GPsto crime prediction, including their increasing accessi-bility, which combined with their power, demonstratestheir usability in helping police departments and otherinterested individuals efficiently allocate resources.


Formally, a Gaussian process is a collection of ran-dom variables, any finite number of which have a jointGaussian distribution [7]. An intuitive interpretation ofa GP arises when we think of it as a distribution overfunctions. GPs are a generalization of normal distri-butions to then infinite space of continuous functions(rather than continuous r.v.s). In this interpretations, anyfinite set of functions generated from a drawn functionf must be jointly distributed. Therefore, in training, weattempt to learn the underlying function space as seenin 2. Continuing the analogy to a normal distribution,if a function f(x) follows a GP distribution, then wewrite

f(x) ∼ GP (m(x), κ(x, x′))

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where the GP is completely specified by a meanfunction m(x) and positive definite covariance functionκ(x, x′). Each are defined:

m(x) = E[f(x)]

κ(x, x′) = E[(f(x)−m(x))(f(x′)−m(x′))]

Following the definition of a GP, given a collectionof points X, f(X) follows a multivariate normal distri-bution:

p(f|X) = N (f|µ,K)

Kij = κ(xi, xj)

µ = (m(x1), . . . ,m(xN ))

The most important hyper-parameter when workingwith Gaussian processes is the choice of the kernelfunction. The predictive performance of the GP isalmost exclusively determined by this parameter. Thisis due to the fact that the kernel function determinesif two points are “similar” in the input space to thedrawn functions. It is this similarity between the pointsxi ∼ xj that force the output variables f(xi) ∼ f(xj)to be be close in value (with some added ε noise)[4]. Thus, the kernel function determines the range ofpossible shapes that the GP will learn, and as we movefurther “away” from the input training data, impactmore directly the predicted results.

One of the most common choice in literature, andone that has proven effective in many methods, isthe squared exponential function 1. We present themultivariate form:

kSE(x, x′) = σ2f exp(−1

2(x− x′)>M(x− x′))

where M is a diagonal matrix: M = diag(l−2). Theparameters are σ2f , the vertical scale of the function,and l, the horizontal scale with ld the scale factorfor dimension d. A large scale factor for a dimensionmeans that the feature is relatively less important. Oftentimes we also assume that we have noisy output, so weadd the noise term σ2ε δxx′ with δxx′ = 1 if x = x′, 0otherwise.

Two other kernels worth mentioning because wemake use of them in this paper are the periodic kernel:

kper(x, x′) = σ2f exp(−1



(sin( πλd

(xd − x′d))l


As the name suggests, the periodic kernel is periodic,and thus is useful for capturing cyclic patterns in

1Also referred to as the the radial basis function (RBF)

data. The parameters σ2f again controls the verticaland horizontal scales respectively, and serves a similarpurpose of measuring the importance of each parameteras is the case with the exponential kernel. On the otherhand, λd controls the wavelength along dimension d,which relates to the frequency with which the kernelrepeats itself 2.

We also have the linear kernel:

klin(x, x′) = σ2b + σ2f (x− c)>(x′ − c)

The parameters σ2b and σ2v are the bias and scaleterm, similar to that of linear regression. In fact, if wewere to simply use the linear kernel as our covariancefunction, we would actually be performing Bayesianlinear regression [1]. The reason we include this kernelis that we can combine kernels via simple operationssuch as addition or multiplication and still have a validkernel. Combining kernels in this way allows us tomore accurately model different types of patterns.

Fig. 2. Mixed graphical model for a noisy Gaussian process withtwo training points and one test point x∗. The function values fi =f(xi) are all interconnected with edge weight κ(xi, xj) while yiis the noisy output. We want to be able to predict f(x∗). Figureborrowed from [4]

Figure 2 shows the general graphical model for aGaussian Process.


We now describe how to make predictions withGaussian process regression. We assume we have seendata points {xi, yi}Ni=1 where yi is the noisy outputof the underlying function f . In other words, yi =f(xi) + ε with ε ∼ N (0, σ2ε ). We denote X = {xi}Ni=1

and y = {yi}Ni=1. We want to make predictions on anew set of inputs X∗ = {x∗i }Mi=1. Equivalently, we want

2For a more detailed, yet accessible approach to kernels, werecommend the Kernel cookbook by David Duvenaud

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f(x∗i ) for all i, the entire vector of which we denotef∗.

From our model, we know that y and f∗ are jointlyGaussian distributed:(

yf∗)∼ N


Ky K∗K>∗ K∗∗

))where we assume that the mean of both is zero,K∗ = cov(y, f∗), and K∗∗ = cov(f∗, f∗). Then wecan use standard Gaussian conjugacy results to get thecondition distribution of f∗:

p(f∗|X∗,X, y) = N (f∗|µ∗,Σ∗)

µ∗ = K>∗ K−1y y

Σ∗ = K∗∗ −K>∗ K−1y K∗

We take for our predictions the maximum a posterioriestimate, which for a Gaussian is the mean. Once theresults are calculated, we convert them to a standardprobability distribution by normalizing over the featuresspace.

One immediate complication is that it is not numer-ically stable to simply invert Ky to compute the mean.Instead, we use a Cholesky decomposition, which weknow exists because the kernel is positive definite. So,the final algorithm, which we take from Murphy [4], isas follows

Algorithm 1: GP Regression1 L = cholesky(Ky)2 α = L>\(L\y))3 µ∗ = K>∗ α4 log p(y|X) = −1


i logLii −N2 log(2π)

Note that this algorithm is independent of the chosenkernel function. Therefore, we can abstract the kernelfunction so that we are free to explore different kernels3.


Though the data-driven techniques for crime predic-tion have received increased research focus in recentyears, there has been surprisingly little research on ap-plying machine learning techniques to the task of crimeprediction. The current cutting edge relies on oldertechniques, such as linear regression and clustering.Even current research in the field tends to approach theproblem from a more analytic perspective, rather than

3For more details, check our github.

a predictive model-focused approach. Traditionally, re-search has focused on either identifying hotspots ofcrime or clustering criminal activity by type of crime.Our paper falls in the former, and we proceed as such.

The simplest approach to crime hotspotting, andindeed one used often in practice today [5], is simplyto analyze historical data and take historical high crimeareas to be the high crime areas in the future [6].We base our baseline model on this common methodof crime prediction. The current state of the art incrime prediction is kernel density estimation (KDE), atechnique similar to Gaussian processes. Some made-for-police software employs this technique [6], and itis still prevalent in research, as Gerber [2] used itwith Twitter data to predict crime. To our knowledge,complex machine learning models such as Gaussianprocesses, neural networks, etc. have not been appliedto this domain. Even those techniques that have foundsome success are nonetheless not typically applied dueto their difficulty or un-interpret-ability. In this paper,while we focus on exposition of a novel technique,we make an effort to make our results and softwareaccessible to other researchers in the hope of creatingguiding the production of an intuitive system.

However, shifting focus back to the research pre-sented, we note that most attention has gone towardsidentifying spatial patterns in crime data, such as geo-graphic distribution of crime. Extension appear limitedto more complex categorization of the crime by type,weapon used, etc. Temporal patterns in the data receivefar less attention [8], though it is common knowledgethat crime tends to be cyclic. In this sense, the afore-mentioned approaches are limited in that they do notseek to incorporate temporal patterns or changes. Therehave been some attempts to consider temporal featuressuch as time of day or season [6], but to our knowledgethere is no comprehensive model that takes into accountspatial features as well as larger macro trends to befound in spatial data.

Gaussian processes have been quite widely studied[7] and have been used for a variety of regressiontasks, ranging from real-time tracking [9] to waterresource usage [11]. In general their application totime-series is not a new; their ability to predict time-series data relatively well is known. In fact, we findit surprising that these models have not been appliedto the seemingly simple task of predicting crime data,and therefore maintain a very simplistic approach inour model to avoid over-complicating the research.

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A. Dataset

We use public city crime datasets from Bostonand San Francisco. These datasets document reportedcrimes that occur from 2012-2015 and 2003-2015 re-spectively. The datasets contained 253075 and 1834080entries respectively. We also performed preliminaryexploration on a the crime data set from Chicago,though the size of the data proved restrictive with ourlimited computational resources. Each dataset containsinformation on the type of crime, the time and date ofthe crime, geographic information including ward andlatitude/longitude, etc.

For our experiments, we extracted the latitude andlongitude of the crime, and the date of the crime. Wecreated n buckets for each of latitude and longitude, fora total of n2 buckets, where n is an additional hyper-parameter to tune. We attempted tuning of this hyper-parameter using standard techniques such a gradientascent on the log-likelihood. However, we found nooptimal parameter, with the log-likelihood increasingfor the tested values of n, which ranged from n = 1 ton = 25 on the Boston data set and n = 2 to n = 15on the San Francisco data. We also convert the date tomonths since first month in the dataset. Lastly, once thedata has been partitioned for a fixed n value, we countthe number of crimes in each region as specified bythe Latitude and Longitude. We also clean the data ofoutliers, in particular, we remove the last month of thecrime data from each data set as each is incomplete.We found no other immediately discrepancies in thedata, even after thorough preliminary analysis

Testing data consists of two methods: (1) holding outthe last year of crime data and (2) randomly splittinginto 80% training data and 20% testing. We foundmethod (1) to be the most informative and also the mosteffective, and therefore trained all of our models underthis method. Method (2) was used for training onlyfor the baseline and the standard exponential kernel.Due to computational limitations, we refrained fromcontinuing the use of method (2).

All data in the obtained data sets was ignored exceptfor the three features mentioned above. We expect thatincorporating more of this data, while increasing thecomputational complexity of training our model, willprove extremely useful.

B. Baselines

Our baseline for future months is historical averagecrime count per bucket. This is an approach still

employed today, mainly because it has proven effective.We then normalize the count in each bucket by the totalin order to get a probability distribution.

To compare our method against the baseline, wecompute the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence of boththe baseline distribution and the GP distribution withthe true distribution for the most recent year. That is,we compute:

KL(p||q) =∑i

p(i) logp(i)


KL divergence gives a measure of the cost of model-ing distribution p with distribution q, so a lower KLdivergence is better. Furthermore, KL divergence isinterpret-able as measuring the Multiple interpretationsof KL divergence exists, but among the best, we have(1) KL divergence as a measure of information gainedwhen we move from the distribution q to the distri-bution p (from the distribution our model computesto that computed observed). In this sense, the KLdivergence measures the amount of information lostthrough our model as opposed to actually waiting toobserve the data. A second interpretation, which mightbe more intuitive to computer scientists, is that of KLdivergence measuring the expected number of extrabits required to encode samples from p using a codeoptimized for q rather than the code optimized for p.The latter interpretations is the most suitable for ourmodel.

C. Implementation

We implemented Gaussian process regression our-selves as well as two kernels, the squared exponentialkernel and a periodic kernel. To verify the correctnessof our code, we compare the computed likelihood ofour model against that of the GPy library for thesame kernel and inputs (https://github.com/SheffieldML/GPy). After verifying correctness, weuse our own kernels for future computations, with theexception of computations found to be too expensive(such as training over a large parameter space). Insuch scenarios, we make use of the GPy frameworkto calculate results presented in this paper.

Newt, we fix the noise variance to be the standarddeviation of the training data, then attempt to tune theparameters by maximizing log likelihood (as computedvia 1). While this fixed value was picked based onintuition, we have consider some other alternatives. Forexample, we can make use of the law of total variance

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to calculate the appropriate noise values as given ourdata D to be:

E[Var(X | D)] = Var(X)− Var[E(X | D)]

Further exploration into this idea is useful, though wedefer such exploration to future research.

We use the scipy implementation of L-BFGS fora max of 150 iterations, or less if the optimizationprocedure converges beforehand, in order to optimizeour kernel parameters. All parameters for all kernels areinitialized to the default values if using the GPy library,otherwise all parameters are initialized to a defaultvalue of1. The kernel’s are then optimized using thelog-likelihood as the output function. We do not expectover-fitting to occur, especially given the statisticalnature of GPs.

Once we have the tuned model, we generate predic-tions for the amount of crime in each bucket for themost recent year (or the random points, if that was thehold-out data). The predictions tended to be in par mostof the time, though we did find that some of the resultsappeared somewhat intuitive.

For example, most of the he models predicted posi-tive values, but some times a model would try to predictslightly negative values. In such a scenario, the valueswere clipped to be some ε > 0. Then, we normalizeby the total crime across the entire test set to get aprobability distribution of crime for the most recentyear. This way, we are able to not only get relativeprobabilities of crime across geography, but over timeas well.

We also decided to explore combinations of kernels,for which we used the GPy library. Using [1] as guide,we decided to fit the following kernels: linear * periodicand squared exponential * periodic. The reason for thischoice of kernels is obvious. We wish to incorporatesome fixed periodicity into our data. We propose thatyet another kernel available for exploration is thelocally periodic kernel, which might prove sufficienton its own at tackling the task of correctly interpolatingthe crime data points.

For each composite kernel, we use the same opti-mization process as described above. We also calculatethe marginal likelihood and the KL divergence usingthe predictive methods already described.


Our main results are presented in Tables 1 and 2 forBoston and San Francisco respectively, presenting ourmain quantitative findings. We also include Figures 7,

Fig. 3. The crime count (top) and crime distribution (bottom) overour entire sample set using the results of our baseline model. Notethat the baseline model tends to over-predict as we move furtheraway from our training data, temporally.

Fig. 4. (Left) Crime count predictions using a combination oflinear-times-periodic kernel. The results are promising, though westill run into the issue of under-fitting the crime predictions. Thepredictions are for the month immediately following our trainingdata. (Right) We presented the normalized distribution of crime overthe regions for the final month in our testing set. The distributionis for the final month in our testing data. The plot is a cleardemonstration of the predictive power of GPs.

3 and 4 for reference in the discussion, as they providea qualitative interpretations to our data.

Figures 3 show the predicted distribution overlaidwith the test data distribution. The average appears tobe quite adequate at predicting crime in the future,especially when it comes to geographical predictions.However, it has many theoretical limitations as it willnot be able to learn from previous cyclic patterns, andin particular, it is unable to learn that crime has ageneral decreasing trend.

We first explored the hyper-parameter n to attemptto find an optimal bucketization of our regions. Wediscovered that such a problem appears to be somewhatill-defined, and the results provided little insight. Morecomputational resources are required in order to verifythe existence of an optimal, though we hypothesizedthat the log-likelihood will continue to increase as thehyper-parameter n increases. See Figure 7 for a samplegraph of the results. KL divergence was too found tobe insufficient in this regard (See Figure 5), as it tooincreases without bound. We settled on picking a value

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Fig. 5. KL Divergence plotted against bucket size. The calcula-tions are done on the Boston data set and occurs with optimizedlinear*periodic kernels. The optimization is done using standardmaximization techniques.

Fig. 6. Crime Count and distribution for the optimized standardexponential kernel.

which matched the computational resources availableto us.

We expected the composite kernels to perform bestas they would be able to capture not only the temporalcycles in crime behavior, but also the larger macrotrend of decreasing amount of crime. Interestingly,however, the linear-periodic kernel had mixed results.In Boston, it achieved the lowest KL divergence but thehighest likelihood, both by significant margins. In SanFrancisco, it had the lowest likelihood but the highestKL divergence. We speculate that one reason for thisis that the composite kernels have more parameters.For a periodic kernel alone, there are two parameters,wavelength and scale, for each dimension. Combiningwith a squared exponential or linear kernel adds tothe number of parameters to be tuned. With additionaloptimization, we think the composite kernels wouldbe able to perform better than the simpler kernels. Inparticular, we’ve begun exploration of the input param-eter space through the use of Spearmint, a BayesianOptmization framework based on GPs [10]. Resultsare currently preliminary, and the results presented inthe paper make use of more typical techniques such asgradient descent/ascent and LBFG-S.

A particular point of interest was the inability for

the normal square exponential kernel to predict precisecrime counts in far out into the future. As we cansee from Figure 6, the standard exponential kerneldecreases rapidly temporally after the first few months.We believe this either to be a (1) limitation of the modelitself, as we assign as 0 mean function prior or (2) anafter-effect of over-optimization which might have ledto over-training on the spatial parameters rather thanthe time-parameter. The second explanation appearsreasonable as it accounts for the fact that the modeldid not perform well . Despite the above limitationshowever, the model appears to predict the distributionof crime still relatively well.

Another salient point is the significant differences inorder of magnitude between the scores of Boston andSan Francisco, especially for KL divergence which istwo orders of magnitude less for San Francisco. We at-tribute this to the smaller bucket size we were resource-constrained to choose for San Francisco (n = 5 vsn = 10 for Boston). Because of this, the distribution forSan Francisco was smoother than that of Boston, andthus easier to fit. Furthermore, in general we believethat KL is increasing in n as we are trying to fit moreprobabilities, and thus adding more terms to the sum (ofKL divergence for a discrete distribution). Therefore,we do not use KL divergence to compare Gaussianprocesses for different n. Instead we use likelihood,which we present in Figure 7.

Fig. 7. Log likelihood vs bucket size, using the standard ex-ponential kernel (left) and a linear*periodic kernel (right) on theBoston data set. It is indeterminate as to what to expect for otherkernels. Theoretically, the n is regularized in the likelihood term(−N

2log(2π)), so we expect the likelihood to fall off beyond a

certain n, but due to computational restrictions, we weren’t able tofind that point.

We now consider the order of magnitude of ourresults. We were unable to find any papers that presentresults in terms of the KL divergence when consideringGaussian processes. However, intuitively, we interpretthe results to be inconsistent. The baselines for bothcities are orders of magnitudes below the results ob-tained though GPs. We believe the reason for thisdiscrepancies has to do with our already low probability

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distributions over the region. Any small mismatch canlead to large p(x)

q(x) values which can cause the logfunction to increased rapidly. However, as with anysoftware project, despite our best efforts it is entirelypossible that there exists some sort of bug in our codethat leads to the values presented. Despite this, we’rerelatively certain that the results are not invalid, andinstead opt for a second explanation. KL divergenceappears to the ill-suited for our task. The predictivedistributions plotted both as heat-maps and line-graphsappears to math the test distribution extremely well.


Method KL Divergences LikelihoodBaseline 0.138 NASq Exp 16264.067 -17409.365Periodic 13922.491 -17801.469Lin*Per 10979.432 -24808.536SE*Per 14265.814 -17204.823


Method KL Divergences LikelihoodBaseline 0.436 NASq Exp 632.411 -30978.876Periodic 631.510 -30192.276Lin*Per 923.175 -29498.413SE*Per 648.268 -32984.243


The paper explored the intersection between practicalcrime prediction and novel ML techniques for timeseries prediction. Results show some promise, thoughwe propose a more thorough discussion of the topic ofaccurately gauging the predictive power of our models.

As referenced throughout the paper, we now focuson some possible extensions to our work. The first andsimplest involves simply generalizing our methods tolarger data sets. It would be of interest to see whateffects this would have on a Gaussian process. In partic-ular, we recommend extending the work to the Chicagodataset which will require significantly increasing theavailable computational resources or exploring sparseGP methods.

A second extension to our work is two-fold: (1)exploring further combinations of kernels, and (2) opti-mizing the parameters of the currently explored kernels

further. This second extension is a natural continuationof the first. While both parts of the extension are ofimportance, we recommend the second. Parameter op-timization has shown to be effective [10], and we expectsuch results would also prove true here. Furthermore,Bayesian optimization is particularly promising for GPmodels and for data sets of similar size of our own.

Additionally, we maintained a rather simple model.We seek to predict crime at a particular location andtime, and therefore used only three parameters forinputs (latitude, longitude, month). However, we expectthat including and correctly incorporation additionaldata into the model will prove beneficial to our abil-ity to predict crime. Most importantly, the Gaussianprocess framework we have presented in this paperis easily generalization to include more features. Thedomain of the function f : Z3 → R+ is easilyextensible to incorporate additional parameters. Weexpect such additional data will increase the need forcomputational resources.

To address the final issue directly, future work inthis area could focus in exploring sparse Gaussianprocesses. At at introductory level, sparse Gaussianprocesses find a smaller number of pseudo-data pointsto get a fair approximation of the GP while being moretractable as the size of the training data increases.

Another area of improvement is log-Gaussian Coxprocesses, which would constrain positive predictionswithout need for clipping or converting to log-space.We suspect that a reason for our extreme KL diver-gence values is the necessity of adding ε for numericalstability, which caused extreme values in the sum of theKL divergence. An alternative approach to this positiveconstraint might lead to better metrics to compareagainst baselines.

We expect all of the above explorations to provefruitful.


In this paper we presented a novel approach tocrime prediction that makes use of Gaussian processes.Despite the fact that our proposed metrics for valida-tion, such as log-likelihood, RMSE, and KL-divergencehave shown to be somewhat ineffective at capturingthe predictive ability of our system, we believe GPsto be a tool worth exploring further. With improvedobjective measures of predictability, such as teasing outthe effectiveness in learning the proposed dimensions,we expect future research to prove significantly more

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Fig. 8. Early exploration of the Chicago data set shows promisingpatterns. While most cities across the united states have been ex-tremely effective at reducing overall crime rates, Chicago’s declineis the most pronounced. We expect such a problem for patterndiscovery to be well-suited as a testing framework for the predictivepower of GPs.

fruitful, as our more qualitative measure of performanceshow significant advantages over baseline.

This paper only serves as exploratory step intoapplying advanced machine learning techniques to theproblem of crime prediction. There still remains muchwork to be done and a lot of promising areas topursue: modern sparse kernels, new data sets, featuretransformations, etc.

While the results we present have only been shownto have adequate predictive power for the cities ofBoston and San Francisco, we expect such methodsto generalize well to other cities. In particular, werecommend their application to the city of Chicago,which as shown in Figure 8 has the potential for posingunique challenges by pushing the predictive ability ofGPs. With further research, we believe GPs are goodcandidates for incorporation into the current system ofcrime prediction and analysis in place thorough majorcities in the United State.

It is our sincere hope that this paper will spurfurther investigation into applying current ML methodsto practical problems facing our country today.

All code can be found at https://github.com/kandluis/crime-prediction, and the specificdata used can be accessed upon request.


We would like to thank the CS281 staff for puttingon a great course. In particular we would like to thankProfessor Doshi-Velez and David Duvenaud, both ofwhom gave us excellent advice at numerous points on

how to proceed. Furthermore, we would like to thankthe students in the class who contributed to our ideasthrough their honest discussion.


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