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Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 1






For the appointment of companies that will be selected as preferred Integrated

Marketing Communication (IMC) service provider/s of strategy, brand, advertising,

public relations and communications to support Gauteng Tourism in marketing

―Destination Gauteng.‖


Released: 8 February 2013

Submissions Close: 1 March 2013

Before 11 am

Queries in writing to:

Kgomotso Phoofolo

[email protected]

Submission of proposals:

Hardcopies hand delivered to tender box

11th Floor, 124 Main Street

(cnr Main & Kruis Streets)

Johannesburg, CBD

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 2


1. PURPOSE OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) .................................................. 3

2. GOALS .................................................................................................................................. 3

3. OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................ 4

4. STRATEGIES ........................................................................................................................ 4

5. BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................... 5

6. REQUIRED SERVICES ....................................................................................................... 11

7 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 18

8 INPUTS FROM GAUTENG TOURISM ................................................................................ 19

9 INVOICES ............................................................................................................................ 20

10 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION .............................................................................................. 20

11 REQUIREMENTS FOR SECTION ONE OF THE PROPOSAL ....................................... 22

12 CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS ........................................................... 25

13 RULES OF PROPOSALS SUBMITTED .......................................................................... 26

14 TIME FRAMES ................................................................................................................. 28

15 ADDRESS FOR PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS................................................................. 28

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 3


The Gauteng Tourism Marketing and Communications Division oversees the development,

production and management of a variety of marketing programs including online and offline

marketing, visitor publications, cooperative marketing programs, advertising sales and

sponsorships, interactive and mobile marketing and public relations.

For the planning and execution of its strategic marketing efforts Gauteng Tourism is seeking a

service provider/s to work with the Communications and Marketing team to continue and

advance the provinces integrated marketing and communications strategy to achieve our

business development and tourism objectives described in Section three. Qualified firms will

provide brand, marketing, and advertising and integrated media, PR and communications

services to assist Gauteng Tourism in developing and executing strategies to deliver on its

mandate. Qualified firms must have offices in Gauteng.

From this RFP process, Gauteng Tourism will appoint pre-qualified service provider/s (hereafter

referred to as the Marketing & Communications Body Shop) to work alongside our appointed

digital agency. Appointed pre-qualified service provider/s will be utilised on a request for

proposal /request for quotation basis.

Service providers may submit proposals on any or all of the services elements described in

Section 6. Gauteng Tourism will entertain, and in fact encourages, partnerships among


Gauteng Tourism intends to award a two (2) year contract to the prequalified providers based

on their areas of expertise and experience. The contract period is 1 April 2013 to 31 March

2015. The total amount of the contract(s) resulting from this RFP is not yet known. This figure

will be determined based on final annual appropriations from the Gauteng Provincial Legislature

and budget allocation approval the Department of Economic Development.


The goals for the appointed service provider/s would be to:

Increase demand for the Province as a travel destination

Clearly differentiate the Province from its competition

Increase conversion of travel prospects to travellers in the province.

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 4


1. Target conversion from marketing campaigns

2. Marketing transitions:

a. Informative and interruptive to engaging, efficient and attentive

b. Media plan to channel and engagement plan

c. Brand awareness to brand community

d. Mass media to audience segmentation

3. Ensure appropriate marketing budget investment and allocation despite reduced budget

4. Refine creative, positioning and messaging

5. Ensure established performance measures, reporting and evaluation processes

6. Develop flexible and fluid plans to adjust to shifting market conditions and product

growth or changes, and tactical opportunities

7. Work in an integrated manner regardless of the appointed provider‘s area of specialty.


1. Evolve creative from image and brand awareness to brand and promotion/conversion

designed to increase visitation in the province using an integrated marketing approach

2. Ensure cross promotions of messaging, content and product

3. Maintain individual brand identity and messaging where applicable

4. Increase in interactive marketing and strategic social media

5. Embrace digital methods and devices to reach visitors in cluttered communications and

digital age

6. Develop appropriate balance of traditional and new media in a digital age

7. Ensure media/channel plan and delivery of messages by audience/interest base

segmentation, geography, seasonality; brand community through audience engagement

8. Emphasis on target audiences as well as the needs of new consumers.

9. Keep abreast of trends and tactics used in travel and tourism, marketing and the various

communications platforms.

10. Follow a 360 degree approach to attract, engage, convert and retain leisure travellers

and business tourism travellers.

11. Build appropriate reporting methods

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 5


Economically, culturally and politically, Gauteng is the heartbeat of South Africa boasting some

of the most forward-looking cities on the African continent. Gauteng is a place of contrasts and

diversity – old and new, traditional and progressive, local and global, city and country, art and

commerce. Whilst our outlook is decidedly modern, our region is steeped in history. It‘s these

intriguing contradictions that make it such a unique and vibrant place – a place where anything

seems possible and achievable. It‘s the place where it all happens – deals are struck, events

are staged, decisions made, and history is brokered.

In fact, you could say it all began here. The Cradle of Humankind is one of the world‘s most

important paleontological sites, home to a treasure trove of fossils from the earliest humans who

lived four million years ago.

The Gauteng brand is based around the key theme of ‗ignition‘. Ignition embodies the beginning

of all things, presenting limitless opportunities and exciting new experiences. It creates a

playground of new sensations, and becomes the birthplace for new ideas. Ignition is right for

Gauteng in so many ways ... after all, this is where humankind began, and this original and

primeval force continues to breathe new life every day. All journeys can start here and this idea

is flexible enough to encompass all of life‘s journeys and to capture the many different aspects

of Gauteng.

To achieve our strategic goal of growing Gauteng‘s visitor economy, we follow a strategy of

focusing on markets where South Africa‘s tourism brand leads and yields the highest return on

investment. By deepening our relationship with high—yield customers—those who stay longer

and spend more—we influence their travel decisions and increase Gauteng's tourism revenue

even when arrivals are down. In addition, by harnessing the collective energy of different levels

of government and the private sector, we can take the lead in communicating a strong,

consistent, global brand for Gauteng.

Our job is to develop local and global market potential for Gauteng‘s tourism assets. As part of

the Gauteng Provincial Government, we‘re working with industry to deliver growth on the

National Tourism Sector Strategy which has the following targets:

Arrivals – 15 million foreign arrivals by 2020.

Domestic tourists to grow from 14.6m in 2009 to 18m by 2020 and total domestic trips to

grow from 30m to 54m, with holiday trips increasing from 4m to 9m.

GDP – Increase tourism‘s contribution to the GDP from an estimated R189.4 billion in

2009 to R499 billion by 2020.

Contribution of domestic tourism to GDP to grow from 52% in 2009 to 60% by 2020.

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 6

Job creation – the tourism sector is committed to consolidating its efforts to create jobs

and aims to create 225 000 jobs by 2020 – 177 000 in the tourism sector and 48 000

through direct government investment.

The tourism sector‘s potential to bring about economic growth and employment creation is

supported by tourism‘s positioning as one of the six core pillars of growth in the country‘s New

Growth Path framework, which also recognises tourism‘s capacity to be a major contributor to

South Africa‘s global competitiveness.

Tourism is also one of the key sectors identified in our own Gauteng Economic Growth and

Development Strategy (GEGDS), which is designed to ensure convergence between the

economic and social strategies of government and promote a developmental state. It combines

a series of economic, social and environmental factors to ensure cohesion between sustainable

economic development, poverty alleviation and social protection, thus ensuring synergy and

promoting a developmental state through cooperative governance.

Attracting an average of 50% of the country‘s international tourists, Gauteng is a consistently

leading provincial destination and a gateway into the country and Southern Africa. Gauteng

plays a critical role in the tourism landscape of South Africa. The province is generally looked up

to for inspiration in advancing the development of the country‘s economy; including the tourism


Gauteng is the province with the highest number of foreign visitors in the country.

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 7

Gauteng accounts for the largest share of total bed-nights spent in South Africa. This is an

increase in our percentage share in the number of bed-nights spent by international tourists in

Gauteng from 37.1% in 2010 to 38.8% 2011, which is critical in dispelling the notion that tourists

mainly just pass through the province on their way to other destinations.

Gauteng also captures most of the tourism revenue to South Africa

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 8

The Gauteng Tourism Authority is a Gauteng Provincial Government statutory body, established

by the Gauteng Tourism Act, No. 10 of 2001 and is the vehicle through which the Government

participates in the tourism and travel industries. The Act charges the Gauteng Tourism Authority

with the following responsibilities:

1. To provide for the promotion and sustainable development of tourism in Gauteng;

2. To establish the Gauteng Tourism Authority;

3. To confer powers and functions and impose duties upon the Authority;

4. To establish the Gauteng Tourism Board;

5. To confer powers and functions and impose duties upon the Board;

6. To establish a tourism development fund;

7. To provide for registration of tourist guides, tour operators, couriers, accredited training

providers in the tourism industry, hotels, conference centres; restaurants, designated

tourist amenities and other accommodation establishments and possible future functions

relating to these categories; and to provide for matters incidental thereto.

The Gauteng Tourism Authority broadly carries a dual mandate: on the one hand to position

Gauteng as a globally desired destination through its marketing and promotional efforts and on

the other, to manage Gauteng as a globally competitive destination through ensuring that it is a

value-for-money destination and also ensuring that it develops products that respond to the

tourist demands.

The Gauteng Tourism Authority is currently in the process of merging with the Cradle of

Humankind World Heritage Site and the Dinokeng Projects which will result in one tourism body

in the Province – ―Gauteng Tourism‖.

The Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site (COH WHS) and Dinokeng Projects are geo-

spatial tourism development projects of Gauteng Provincial Government. These projects are

spatially located in economically depressed regions of the Province in regions that are

characterised by high levels of poverty and unemployment. The economic rationale

underpinning government investment in the projects is to stimulate private sector investment in

tourism development in order to promote broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE),

small, medium and micro enterprise (SMME) development, economic growth and job creation in

the project areas. Furthermore, these projects also aim to serve as tourism pull destinations for

tourism development in the neighbouring provinces of North West, Mpumalanga and Limpopo.

As mentioned the COH WHS and Dinokeng are tourism projects as they are undergoing

constant product developments guided by long term plans to develop premier visitor hubs in

Gauteng. They are also being used case studies for improved tourism product and institutional

development as guided by the Gauteng Tourism Sector Strategy to achieve key targets such as

inclusivity, BBBEE, job creation, linkages with other industries such as arts and crafts for

example, etc. Marketing, Branding and related services for these two destinations should

therefore consider that they are going through a product lifecycle (presently at growth stage)

and through government‘s investment into strategic infrastructure and other, should be branded

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 9

as premier leisure experiences in the province, largely perceived as a business tourism


The Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site (COH WHS), situated in the north-western

quadrant of the Gauteng Province in South Africa, was listed as a World Heritage Site by the

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1999. This area

together with the serially listed sites of Makapans Valley in Limpopo Province and the Taung

site in North West Province (both listed in 2005) form the UNESCO enlisted Fossil Hominid

Sites of South Africa. These are sites of outstanding universal value because of the wealth of

significant hominin fossils that have been unearthed in the area and in particular, the fossils of

human ancestors or relatives such as the Australopithecus africanus, Homo ergaster and the

latest discovery, Australopithecus sediba.

The COH WHS site is managed on behalf of the Minister of Environmental Affairs of South

Africa by the COH WHS Management Authority (MA). The MA undertook a comprehensive

master planning process in 2000 and this has been implemented over the last 10 years for the

site as a whole. The primary aim of the MA is to protect and preserve the site, promote further

scientific research, encourage community participation and stimulate tourism development that

will benefit local communities and ultimately contribute to Local Economic Development (LED).

The COH WHS is an area of outstanding universal value. As a premier tourism destination, the

COH WHS is based on the preservation, exploration and interpretation of the story of humanity

and its brand value encompasses ancient history, human beginnings as well as adventure and

discovery. Its complex of fossil-bearing caves contains a superbly preserved record of the

various stages in the evolution of humankind within the past 3.5 million years. The discovery of

the new species, Australopithecus sediba, by Professor Lee Burger from Wits University, is the

latest ground-breaking fossil find in the COH WHS. This approximately 50 000 hectare site,

some parts in near pristine condition, is home to a diversity of birdlife, animals and plants, some

of which are rare, endangered or endemic. Artefacts dating to the Early, Middle and Late Stone

and Iron Ages, as well as the Anglo-Boer War, have also been found in the area.

Dinokeng is a geo-spatial tourism development project of the Gauteng Provincial Government.

The aim is to establish a premier tourist destination in an area that is a relatively unspoilt part of

Gauteng yet close to the urban agglomeration of the province. Dinokeng is envisaged as an

―Africa in one day‖ destination.

The project aims to promote economic growth, job creation and social upliftment through

conserving and developing the historical, natural and cultural heritage of the area. It also aims to

enable many South Africans to experience tourism for the first time. Strong emphasis is placed

on the growth and development, and stimulation of the local economy through public sector


Dinokeng is aimed at stimulating job creation and investment through public-private

partnerships. The Dinokeng Project is focused on the development of strategic economic

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 10

infrastructure in order to leverage in private sector investment in tourism business activity in the

240 000 ha project area.

Due to the largely pristine and undeveloped character of the area, as well as the fact that the

area is not of high agricultural potential, makes it an ideal location for a tourism venture based

on wildlife and cultural experiences. The emphasis is on the sustainable utilisation and

development of the Dinokeng area, as opposed to only protection and conservation.

Dinokeng‘s key focus areas are:

Investment in tourism infrastructure – roads upgrading and tourism signage;

Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs) - which will encourage private sector investment in

major tourism facilities in Roodeplaat and Cullinan;

Development of the Dinokeng Game Reserve in the northern area of Dinokeng based on

agreements with private land owners in collaboration with the Limpopo and Mpumalanga

provincial governments;

Destination and investment marketing campaigns to encourage tourism flows and

investment in tourism;

Facilitation of tourism skills development and tourism enterprise development.

As ―Gauteng Tourism‖ our combined marketing objectives are as follows:

1. to market Gauteng as a tourist destination for interprovincial and international travellers;

2. to increase the number of leisure travelers to Gauteng and in particular our flagship

projects, the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site, Constitution Hill and Dinokeng;

3. to increase the number of business travelers to Gauteng;

4. to increase leisure tourists‘ length of stay at destinations in Gauteng; to increase

business tourist‘s length of stay at destinations in Gauteng;

5. to increase the amount of travel within Gauteng and the use of tourist facilities by the

domestic markets; both business and leisure

6. to improve and develop tourist facilities in Gauteng;

7. to support and coordinate the provision of tourist facilities in Gauteng; and

8. to provide more efficient and effective utilisation of investment in travel and tourism in


Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 11


In requesting and evaluating proposals, Gauteng Tourism intends to rely on the expertise of the

respondents, as professionals, to recommend and demonstrate the most advantageous and

cost-effective means of positioning the province and its sub-regions as a tourist destination; with

respondents taking into consideration, among other factors, the financial resources Gauteng

Tourism has appropriated for the project, and the multiplicity of independent and concerted

marketing efforts already being implemented.

The pre-qualified service provider/s appointed into the marketing body shop will be expected to

be specialists in their fields and must demonstrate in their proposals that they can deliver on

any or all of the following service required.

We are soliciting proposals for integrated marketing and communications services in the

following categories:

1. Integrated Marketing & Communications Strategy Development

2. Brand Development and Management Services

3. Marketing, Creative and Advertising and Sales Support

4. Media ,Public Relations and Reputation Management

Service provider/s in the selected categories of services must be able to demonstrate that they

have the expertise to perform the following within each category:

6.1 Integrated Marketing & Communications Strategy Development

In partnership with Gauteng Tourism staff, develop plans for long-term strategies

including but not limited to:

Audience segmentation.

Developing and finalizing a strategy that promotes Brand Gauteng and finding

most creative approaches to achieve the campaigns deliverables;

Strategy to include partnerships and joint branding opportunities;

Reviewing marketing elements such as media planning, PR, special events,

research, internal communications, and collateral with the goal of bringing

elements in alignment.

Electronic communication – in conjunction with the lead digital agency provide

assistance with exploration of new channels for promoting Gauteng Tourism,

advice on new strategies and expansion into new channels, and help

conceptualize new ways to extend the brand online.

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 12

6.2 Brand Development:

The service provider/s will be required to support the development of the Gauteng Tourism

Brand including:

Brand Strategy

Brand Architecture

Brand Positioning

Brand Portfolio

Employee Brand Engagement

Brand Design

Corporate Identity Design

Environmental Design

Packaging Design

Brand Management

Corporate ID Management Systems

Photographic and Video Acquisition

Our brand and campaigns must be able to transcend all of the current market segments:

Leisure, Meetings and Conventions, FIT and Group Tours etc. It should also allow for its use by

tourism industry representatives province wide. Gauteng Tourism also needs to amass a

considerable library of photographic/graphic images that must be archived, digitised, and

appropriately cross-referenced in support of all promotional campaign activities conducted.

These images would also be used in multimedia presentations including graphic, exhibit, print,

web, plasma screen, television, or other use

Deliverables will include but will not be limited to:

Produce corporate identity Brand Toolkits for use by stakeholder partners and

service provider/s

Design and produce branding material used for specific campaigns and promotions

including stand design for various trade shows/exhibitions as required.

Conceptualise and execute brand and other activations in selected areas including

airports, events and major tourism routes.

Design and produce promotional material such as brochure, fact sheets, banners,

uniform and gifts

Design and produce brand stationery such as letterheads, compliment slips,

corporate folder, fax cover sheet, Produce PowerPoint presentations and business


A brand tracking and impact assessment methodology and implementation plan

Reputation, measurement and performance tracking

Implementation of ROI programs with proven results. Examples of measurement

including but not limited to:

Increased visitors to Gauteng Tourism website

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 13

Increase in total overnight visitation in Gauteng

Increased incremental trips, spending and overall ROI

Image/Photographic and Video Acquisition/Licensing:

Contracting of suitable photographers and videographers to provide images to

support the brand

Provide creative direction and coordination to photographers/videographers under


Negotiate image and video use rights on behalf of the Gauteng Tourism.

Give the highest priority to not only Gauteng Tourism's possession of the tangible

images whenever feasible, but also to provincial acquisition of the underlying

copyright including all subsidiary rights, thereby providing for reproduction and

duplication rights on multiple platforms wholly owned by Gauteng Tourism.

Provide ongoing access to video, film, and/or digital production services for the

creation of a fully themed visual library. Including, in video and multimedia

presentations, ability to provide or subcontract for editing of images, slides, and

audio synchronization will be required.

6.3 Marketing, Creative, Advertising & Sales Support

The service provider/s will advise Gauteng Tourism on services related to the concept,

design and execution of advertising campaigns and marketing programs targeting leisure

and business travel consumers. Service provider/s are required to have extensive tourism

experience in domestic and international markets and must be knowledgeable about Gauteng.

Service provider/s should be able to create communications that define the breadth and depth

of the destination to the target audiences for the purpose of extending the length of stay

and creating repeat visitation. They should be able to suggest strategies to expand the impact

of advertising/marketing campaigns (by maximizing reach and frequency of messaging and cost

effectiveness) while allowing for the broadest possible exposure to the target audiences within

the available budget.

Deliverables will include but will not be limited to:

Annually evaluate and update the comprehensive marketing, advertising and sales plan

that identifies objectives, and describes annual tactics, target media, target markets key

messages and creative strategy.

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 14

The advertising plan should address key messages for target audiences, recommend

specific types of media (including interactive) to be targeted, include additional added

value promotional activities, and must identify specific measurement criteria that will be

used to determine the effectiveness of all advertising campaigns.

The plan must include cooperative advertising or other partnership activities that will

generate private sector match for provincial funds. Advertising should address all of the

above from a seasonal (i.e. spring, summer, winter campaigns, tourism month) and

product and segment perspective.

Creative Services will include regular and ongoing creative and graphic design work for

print and electronic media. Creative design work across marketing programs must be

coordinated to maximize the strongest possible provincial and Gauteng Tourism

image/brand identity, within individually targeted campaigns and to leverage cooperative

opportunities, while maintaining a focus on the specific message and target of the

agency. The creative team will be responsible for the overall look and feel and should

also be custodians of the brand together with the Gauteng Tourism team.

Under direction from Gauteng Tourism, the service provider/s will develop and

implement creative concepts for promotional campaigns including collateral materials,

with an eye toward impact, efficiency, and protection of provincial rights in the use of

promotional designs and standards. Creative design services to develop collateral

packages for Gauteng Tourism‘s individual targeted campaigns will be required. As

requested by Gauteng Tourism, the service provider/s/s will perform creative services to

meet the required promotional needs including, but not limited to:



rack cards

print ads

copy writing and content development

video and audio broadcast production

Trade and consumer show marketing materials




Branded giveaways

T-Shirts and Uniform

Annual Reports


Exhibitions designs

The service provider/s/s must be able to demonstrate that they have the expertise to

perform the following:

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 15

Creative - in the categories of OOH, Newsprint, Magazine, Web, mobile, TV, and radio

Creative Testing - Audience testing of creative concepts before taking to market and on-

going assessment of appeal to target

Production – for key campaign elements and manage production expenses to budget

Toolkits - (scalable vector art) with elements needed for use by Gauteng Tourism

designers to use on smaller and in-house executions (short lead time ads, collateral

pieces, internal communications, etc.) to ensure consistency with the broader campaign

(this helps to stay within current fiscal parameters)

Conceptualize new campaigns and produce all Marketing & advertising creative content


o TV

o Print

o Radio

o Interactive

o Outdoor

o Collateral

Manage the development and execution of creative and Promotions.

Managing the development of creative for campaigns, including, outdoor, and collateral


o Develop creative briefs ;

o Work with marketing team to ensure that all deadlines are met.

o Facilitate client approval of creative concepts and individual components of each


Develop and resize print ads for various publications.

Develop flats and programmed versions of each interactive banner for multiple ad


The service provider/s must demonstrate that they have the expertise in, and

management of, specifications for promotional material production into multiple forms of

creative. Service provider/s must plan for coordination and consolidation of printing bids

and press runs to achieve best pricing. Duties will include tracking of projects in

production and press checks for production quality.

Attend a minimum of 2 Gauteng Tourism Marketing Committee meetings in Gauteng

annually. These meetings will be for consultants to present plans for each quarter and

for client to approve the quarter deliverables.

Attend monthly meetings with the project managers so to be able to keep track of

deliverables, as well as relevant project meetings and presentations

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 16

6.4 Public Relations, Media Relations and Reputation Management

Deliverables will include but will not be limited to:

Develop Public Relations Strategy for Brand Gauteng; focus on both business and

leisure tourism;

Develop a media relations strategy that will be focused (Gauteng Tourism Reputation)

and must manage perceptions and expectations;

Develop and design a Gauteng Tourism Newsletter– quarterly.

Develop a consumer, tourism and media database for newsletters and press release


Research all media options based on the target audience, budget, timing, and


Utilize research tools to develop the optimal media recommendation

Develop media outreach plan for niche markets (core initiatives) identified by the

Gauteng Tourism (in‐market/out market) each year (2‐3 core/target initiatives each year)

Identify key/specific media audiences for each core/target initiative.

Create and use media lists, including local, regional, national and international markets,

for targeted stories/initiatives.

Research and develop a target media list that matches Gauteng Tourism‘s tourism

marketing needs, and apply this target‐list to the development of the media outreach

programs during the contract term

Identify and implement appropriate medium to reach the key/specific audiences and the

media outlets with file stories

Develop media outreach plan to promote Gauteng stories/events - Outreach tactics

should include:

o Creating events and talking points in target markets to generate media interest in


o Pitching, scheduling, and offering on-site support for media tours/news conferences

in major media markets at least one time per market during the peak season.

o Developing key messages for official spokespersons to use during media interview.

o Securing regional and national news coverage about major events and holidays.

o Securing regional and national news coverage about advertising campaigns.

o Sharing news coverage through Gauteng‘s official social networking sites.

Draft and pitch creative story ideas, news releases on trends, awards, accolades and

event participation (monthly)

Develop and publicize event success, grant and support opportunities

Create and maintain image library for Gauteng Tourism and specific Gauteng Tourism

sponsored events and media

Systematize outreach to event and media publications worldwide to publicize event

successes and opportunities

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 17

Secure timely and strategic media coverage on behalf of Gauteng at a provincial and

national level.

Produce an implied third-party endorsement from the media and complement the

branding messages conveyed in Gauteng Tourism‘s advertising and other forms of

marketing communications, all without the cost of placing paid media.

Negotiate added value in the form of discounted ad rates/costs, bonus spots/insertions,

premium positioning, billboards, sponsorships, promotions and trip giveaways,

endorsements, etc.

Create media presentations for client approval.

o Upon client approval, facilitate media buys.

o Create media summaries for each medium showing each publication including

month and dates of runs, Net Cpp/CPM Rate, Number of Spots IMPS/Ads, Net


o Monitor all ad placements for optimal positioning and impact.

Assist in growing and managing Gauteng Tourism‘s ambassador group who are charged

with spreading positive information about the destination and creating positive ―buzz‖

about Gauteng on a variety of sites.

o Tactics will include:

Recruitment and regular communication with ambassadors.

Managing incentives for ambassadors.

Daily management of ambassador Q&A site to monitor content.

Regular monitoring of target outlets to identify ambassador task

opportunities on forums, blogs, social networks, etc.

o Identification of new ambassador task opportunities and to ensure that all

ambassador activities are tied into Gauteng Tourisms relations/marketing efforts

and to coordinate ambassador incentives.

o Provide monthly reports on the results of the ambassador campaign.

2. Reputation management including:

o Reputation Building

o Reputation Maintenance

o Reputation Recovery

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 18


The Service provider/s/s should have:

7.1 Service Standards

1. The contractor will be assessed for the performance of its services and deliver its products

in accordance prescribed minimum performance standards set by the Gauteng Tourism.

2. The Service provider/s/s shall provide polite, responsive and efficient service at all times to

fulfil Gauteng Tourism‘s requirements. As a service objective, telephone calls and emails

should be answered promptly.

3. Service provider/s/s shall provide the following service hours: Monday – Friday between

8.00 am and 6.00 pm and during event arrangement.

4. Service provider/s/s shall acknowledge immediately any complaints and disputes which

arise and resolve them within ten (10) days.

7.2 Quality Control for the Services

1. The Service provider/s/s shall monitor the quality of the services provided to Gauteng

Tourism on a regular and continual basis. These procedures shall include a self-inspection

system covering all the services to be performed in the Contract, and shall include a method

for monitoring, identifying and correcting deficiencies in the quality of service furnished to

Gauteng Tourism. Gauteng Tourism shall be notified of any deficiencies found and

corrective action taken.

2. Gauteng Tourism reserves the right to conduct their own quality control surveys to ensure

the adequacy of the services and to compare unit rates for services with existing in the


3. The Service provider/s/s warrants that the personnel assigned to handle Gauteng Tourism

arrangements shall have a strong event management and hotel reservation skills and

experience and shall constantly be trained to be kept up to date.

7.3 Reporting

All reports must be in MS Word 2007 using Arial 11 font and single spacing

All photographic material and creative must be provided as high resolution images in

agreed upon formats. These images are the IP of the client and must be submitted

without any extra charge.

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 19

Master copies of all audio visual material must be provided to client without any extra


All draft and final reports must be delivered digitally and in hard copy (8 copies). Final

reports are to be bound with an agreed-upon cover page.

7.4 Copyright and confidentiality

The successful service provider/s will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement

as part of the contract. Copyright of all materials will belong to the client.

Copyright of information obtained through the course of the assignment will be the

property of the client and may not be sold or re-produced by the service provider/s

without the prior permission of the client.

All reports, collateral, photographic and audiovisual material developed are the

property of the client and are to be used or distributed only with the permission of the


No presentations of any materials may be made without the prior permission of the


The consultants may be required to release materials to other governmental

agencies without extra charge to the client.

The consultants may not charge any authorized third party, government or other

client approved recipients fees with respect to any of the deliverables or IP resultant

from this body of work.

7.5 Meetings:

The contracted service provider/s/s must be available to meet with Tourism Office staff or other

constituent groups within a 24-hour notice. The contracted service provider/s/s will be expected

to participate in routine meetings and planning sessions with Gauteng Tourism, and its‘

stakeholders and constituents, other provincial agencies and marketing partners.

The proposal must make provision for regular interaction with the client steering committee, the

other providers in the body shop as well as the appointed digital agency and the client project

management committee in order to obtain feedback and approval of the strategy and detailed

plans prior to work being undertaken.


a) Gauteng Tourism will provide available documentation and information.

b) Relevant staff of the Gauteng Tourism team will make themselves available for any

agreed workshops and meetings and will review and make comments on all draft

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 20

documents as per the agreed schedules provided by the successful service


c) The successful service provider/s(s) must assume that the Gauteng Tourism project

team will be identified and will be mandated.

d) Gauteng Tourism will also provide to the contractor an up-to-date list of Tourism

Gauteng partners.


a) Payments will be made against the deliverables and milestones in the approved plan

of work and as per contractual agreement.

b) Invoices must indicate the task and/or output and should include a short description

of work done referring to any relevant reports.

c) No up-front payments will be made. Government pays for work completed to the

satisfaction of the Department within 30 days of submission of an invoice.

d) All invoices must be addressed to Gauteng Tourism (Incorporating the Gauteng

Tourism Authority; Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site and Dinokeng Projects

e) A list of invoices to be submitted must be included in the draft plan of work, and

should be related to tangible outputs as mentioned above.

f) Gauteng Tourism reserves the right to commission only portions of the work as

contained in the submitted proposals.


Eight (8) copies of the proposal must be submitted with the following format:

Section 1: Covering letter of the service provider/s and attachments

Section 2: Interpretation of the brief and scope of work

Section 3: Case Studies and Work Portfolio.

Present up to three client case studies (preferably in destination marketing), which

made significant business impact for your clients, as follows:

Name of product or service

Scope of Services

Key problem or challenge associated with the assignment


Creative ability. Submit portfolio of past work and indicate the approach taken for the

development of those assignments

Include at least three examples of price proposals preferably for the case studies


Provide an example project execution plan for one of the case studies, including task

definition and allocation, project timeframes / timetable and milestones (the example

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 21

must be linked to the specified deliverables in this terms of reference) that you have

implemented previously for a client. Include a feedback and reporting plan and a

summary of critical success factors and project risks and mitigation plan.

Showcase measurement tool to be applied for ROI in marketing, advertising and PR

Key Strengths. Describe the kinds of accounts or categories in which you have

superior strengths and detail why your agency would be a good match for the

Gauteng Tourism‘s marketing needs.

Section 4: Client Portfolio

A list of a minimum of ten projects must be submitted. Information should include :

Client Name, address, contact phone number, and e‐mail address.

Description of similar scope of services.

Month and Year the project was started and completed.

Client references. List six client references (name, title, company, address,

telephone, email and fax) our Committee members may communicate with regarding

overall professionalism of your services.

Section 5: Capacity

List your project team and professional role / task for each member of the team with

abridged curriculum vitae, i.e. qualifications, expertise, experience and track record as

well as references of each member of the team. In cases of a consortium, a written

agreement among all parties comprising the consortium must be provided.

Section 6: Summary of company profile, as well as experience and expertise.

Current Size. Summarize the total billings, number of full‐time employees, and number of

accounts currently being handled directly by your office.

Current Clients. List all clients, brands, products and services currently managed by your

company. Rank them by size indicate the dates they were acquired and, if possible,

approximate budget ranges for each.

Account Gains. Of the accounts acquired within the past two years, please comment on

why your agency was chosen to service these new accounts.

Account Losses. Of the accounts lost in the past two years, explain why they left or were

resigned by the agency.

Section 7: Pricing

Include a rate card which includes hourly rates, plus estimated costs for items where

fixed pricing may be applicable e.g. Costs for the design of billboard ad, banner ads etc


Statutory requirements of tendering as set out in the documents supplied with this terms of


Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 22

Original Signed Documents required:

SBD4 - Declaration of Interest Form

SBD8 Declaration of Bidders prior SCM practises

SBD 9 Certificate Of Independent Bid Determination

Original Vendor Registration form with all relevant attachments

Original Valid Tax Clearance Certificate

Original Valid BBBEE Certificate

Any other relevant statutory certification as specified in the Terms of Reference

Failure to comply with the prescribed format and all the requirements of these terms

of reference will disqualify your proposal submission.


11.1 A covering letter signed by the service provider/s(s) accepting the rules of proposal

process as set out in the terms of reference with the following attachments:

11.2 Detailed price proposal

The price proposal of the service provider must set out detailed costs for each of the following

aspects of the assignment For the purpose of comparison please complete the following table.

Note that we will reserve the right to use your attached rate card to conduct a further

comparative study of bids received. Although Vat will be payable on each invoice, for the

purpose of the bid, it should be specified separately on the total sum only.

Contracts will be awarded as a fixed price contract with provision for part payment against

deliverables. However, in order to allow for comparative evaluation the proposal must include

unit costs for activities to be carried out as indicated in the tables to allow the client, in

adjudicating the bid, to exclude activities or reduce the frequency of activities. The proposal

must also include a table of persons allocated to the assignment (and where possible to each

task), and hourly rates to be charged per person. Failure to include this in the proposal will lead

to disqualification.

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 23

Integrated Marketing & Communications Strategy Development





Brand Development and Management Services





Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 24

Marketing, Creative and Advertising Services





Media, Public Relations and Reputation Management





Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 25


Criteria for evaluation are as follows:

a) Price

b) Preferential procurement and compliance with broad based black economic

empowerment policy of the Gauteng Provincial Government

c) Proposals are subject to the scrutiny and recommendations made by the by the Bid


d) Interviews, Demonstrations, and Presentations. Gauteng Tourism Bide Evaluation

Committee (BEC) may require top service providers to be interviewed. Such

presentations, demonstrations, and interviews will provide service providers with an

opportunity to clarify their proposals and to ensure a mutual understanding of the

Proposal‘s content. This will also allow the BEC an opportunity to test or probe the

professionalism, qualifications, skills, and work knowledge of the proposed candidates.

The presentations, demonstrations, and interviews will be scheduled at the convenience

and discretion of the BEC. The BEC may record any presentations, demonstrations, and


In accordance with the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000

(PPPFA), the 80:20 system (price: BBBEE) will be applied for final adjudication and


Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 26

The following criteria will be used by the Bid Evaluation Committee panel for the selection of a

suitable service provider/s:


Each proposal will be evaluated against the following technical criteria in each of the categories

the service provider has applied for. Complete one evaluation for each of the categories applied


Service provider/s would be required to meet a minimum qualifying technical score of 70% in

each category they submit for.


The rules of the proposals submitted for this assignment are as follows:

a) The service provider/s must be a single legal entity with all other necessary

expertise secured via subcontract. The client will enter into a single contract with

a single firm for delivery of the work set out in these terms of reference.

b) Tax clearance certificates dated within 6 months of the closing date of this

proposal must be submitted by all individuals submitting proposals.

c) Valid BBBEE Certification

d) Proposals must be submitted on fixed price basis and in compliance with Section


e) The costs of preparing proposals and of negotiating the contract will not be








Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 27


f) Gauteng Tourism reserves the right to withdraw or amend these terms of

reference by notice in writing to all parties who have received the terms of


g) Gauteng Tourism reserves the right to call interviews with short-listed bidders

before final selection.

h) Gauteng Tourism is not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted, and

reserves the right to call for best and final offers from short-listed proposals

before final selection.

i) Gauteng Tourism reserves the right to negotiate price with the preferred bidder.

j) Service provider/s may ask for clarification on these terms of reference or any of

its annexures up to close of business 48 hours before the deadline for the

submission of the proposals.

k) Any request for clarification must be submitted by email to Ms. Kgomotso

Phoofolo at [email protected]. Answers will be emailed to all individuals

that register an interest in this project, without revealing the identity of the source

of the questions.

l) Any effort by a bidder to obtain additional information through verbal interaction

may result in rejection of the proposal of the individual concerned.

m) Service provider/s may not contact Gauteng Tourism on any matter pertaining to

their proposal from the time when proposals are submitted to the time the

contract is awarded. Any effort by an individual to influence the evaluation

process may result in rejection of the contract concerned.

n) The service provider/s(s) must complete all documents supplied with this terms of


o) Bidders must comply with government supply chain management requirements

and administrative requirements of Gauteng Tourism.

Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 28


The timeframes for awarding this assignment are as follows:

Output Deadline

RFP Issued 8 February 2013

Submission of proposals 1 March 2013

Adjudication 2 – 11 March 2013

Presentations by shortlisted providers 11 – 15 March 2013

Awarding of contract 18 March 2013


Completed proposals must be hand delivered to: Tender Box 11th Floor124 Main Street,

Johannesburg Attention: Ms Nomaswazi Lamola before 11am on 1 March 2013. LATE BIDS


Request for Proposals Integrated Marketing & Communications Support (Version 5-Final) 29


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