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Are you looking for customers or users? So why are you waiting? Here we are for you.Here at GoBranding we provide one stop solution for all your business requirements from planning upto deployment and maintainence.

Ÿ BrandingŸ Product PhotographyŸ Video ShootsŸ WebsitesŸ Mobile ApplicationsŸ Packaging

Ÿ Content/Creative WritingŸ Digital/Printing collateralsŸ Voiceover/JinglesŸ SEOŸ Digital marketing

We offer:

Branding / Rebranding

Brand identity is the image that a company establishes in the market and amongst its customers. It may consist of features, attributes, benets, performance, quality, services support and the values that the brand possesses. The brand can be viewed as a personality, a set of values and the position it occupies in people`s minds. In short, brand identity is everything the company wants a brand to be seen as. A strong corporate identity supported by strategically planned brand identity builds the right brand image. We set up this brand image for you, so that you don your own plan in the market.









Having a business website is a huge benet. It is the single most inexpensive and effective way to advertise your business and to reach customers and prospects searching online. In this article, we’ll outline the top benets of a good website that will help you understand why having your own website is important.

1. Reach new customers

The top benet of a good website is that it provides another avenue for customers and prospects to nd your company. Having a good website shows professionalism and provides customers and prospects with an easy way to engage and share your business online. In essence, your website is available and ready to promote you when you are not. It’s self-sustaining and a great way to attract customers.

2. Build brand awareness

A website is an extension of your business and your brand. It provides you the opportunity to present your solutions and products in detail without having to make a pitch. Your website sells for you and allows visitors to read leisurely about what you offer, before making an informed and happy decision to do business with you.


It is the rst thing you see in the morning and last thing at night and remains close to you about 80% of the time. It is personal, singularizing and almost your shadow – got that? It’s your mobile phone silly.

Your target audience not only relies on this medium to stay connected, informed and make decisions, it is almost a lifeline to their personal and professional worlds. The irony is that this medium usually gets missed out while chalking out the marketing strategy, or is perhaps just an after-thought.

Mobile appUI designing & Development


There is a growing demand for skilled web content writers on the Internet. This is because quality content often translates into higher revenues for online businesses.

Ÿ Analyze all the tasks before sending to the content writer, and to give a task regarding promoting for the particular website given for reference URL.

Ÿ Check for keywords or generate a keyword and give it to the writers to use in the article, and provide them with the limitations for the keywords.

Ÿ Create or copy edit to inform the reader, and to promote or sell the company, product, or service described in the website.

Ÿ Produce content to entice and engage visitors so they continue browsing on the current website. This operates on the premise that the longer a visitor stays on a particular site, the greater the likelihood they will eventually become clients or customers.

Ÿ Produce content that is smart in its use of keywords, or is focused on search engine optimization (SEO). This means the text must contain relevant keywords and phrases that are most likely to be entered by users in web searches associated with the actual site for better search engine indexing and ranking.

Ÿ Create content that allows the site visitors to get the information they want quickly and efciently. Efcient and focused web content gives readers access to information in a user-friendly manner.

Ÿ Create unique, useful, and compelling content on a topic primarily for the readers and not just for the search engines.

Website owners and managers depend onContent Writers to perform several major tasks:


Logo is the single most visible manifestation of the company within the target market. It’s the visual road sign that offers clues about a company’s personality and character – a powerful marketing tool. It’s the basic unit of a larger brand identity that includes company fonts, colors and document-design guidelines.

Having just any logo, however, is not enough to create a brand identity. A badly thought up logo can very easily destroy the image, whereas, a carefully designed logo can reach the consumer with the precise communication. Therefore, everything depends on the design of the logo.


Three-dimensional design technologyhelps improve the design process that

in turn benefits business.

Manufacturers nd that migrating from 2D to 3D tools makes design work more efcient and accurate,producing better overall design quality and fewer (expensive) errors.

Exploration of new design ideasbecomes easier because engineers don’t have to spend time making new 2D drawings in order to look at design alternatives. The use of 3D tools also can help communicate concepts to a diverse audience, withoutsacricing tried-and-true modes of communication with suppliers and partners.

360 Degree Videos gives people a wider perspective and allows them to become investigative themselves. Our natural instinct is to become better learners, so why not use this to build an environment where viewers can really become engaged.


All Type ofPrinting Creatives


The unique capabilities and improved quality level of digital printing have made this process an important tool for direct mail marketers. While offset lithography remains the predominate process for high volume commercial printing, digital printing technology offers some distinct advantages. Understanding these advantages is important for advertisers looking to maximize the return from their printing dollars.




Invitation Cards



Video has the potential to transmit large amounts of information. A simple 2 3 second video can transmit tons of historical, emotional, and academic information simply from the imagery portrayed in the shot. After you create your own video, you can use it to communicate in ways that other marketing tools don’t.

Ÿ The reason video is more persuasive than other types of content is the human brain requires emotional input to make decisions. And no technology is better at conveying emotion than video.

Ÿ Video caters to the brain’s visual and auditory systems, picking up on cues like body language, facial expressions, imagery and music. This elicits an emotional bond that will inuence a person’s choices and actions.

Ÿ In fact, studies show that over 80% of people say they are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it.


Packaging is the protector of the product within.It protects the product from physical impacts such as hitting, wetting, and bruising.Packaging allows for the product to reach the consumer in the most economic way possible and creates ease of storage.Another important role is to provide the consumer with ease of choice and usage with the information it holds. The weight, price, production date, use by date, ingredients, name of producer company, usage details written on the packaging provides major convenience to the seller and the consumer.

Packaging is the encasement of products in packages, protective wrappings or other external covering that can provide protection, information, security and marketing benets.AT GoBranding we use modern packaging methods that are safe as well as attractive.It includes wooden packaging, plastic packaging, metal packaging.


Did you know that the majority of us learn best with the use of pictures, color association and observation? The importance of great product photography may make or break your website demand and especially your ecommerce sales. The more appealing and clear your products look, the more you will sell. This is really the case not just for products, but for any photographs featured on your website. The better they look, the more trafc you will drive in.

When shopping online, high-resolution photographs are the closest a customer can get to picking up, touching the item, and inspecting it. Photographs are the only tangible representation of the product, so it’s your job to make sure your images showcase your products in the best light possible.


A majority of online consumers start their quest for a product or service through a search engine. Studies have also shown that users normally don’t click beyond the rst three pages of search results; many don’t even go beyond the rst page. Keeping that fact in mind, SEO can actually make (or break) an organisation’s prospects.

We are is one of the pioneers of SEO in India and perhaps the rst Indian digital agency to introduce guaranteed search engine results to its clients many years ago. Today we manage SEO campaigns for some of the largest brands in the world.

Needless to say, each one of your competitor wants to optimize for those keywords/phrases that are so crucial for your company or brand. So you need a SEO partner who can help you outperform the others. Besides this, ensure that search engine spiders revisit the pages, understand how they are crawling the website, plug-in the right content management system, web crawler analysis, manual submissions and trafc and rank analytics. All this goes into achieving once simple goal – that when a prospective customer comes around looking, your product or service is prominently visible to her.

Like the old Indian retail saying goes – Jo dikhta hai, wahi bikta hai! (Only what’s visible gets sold).

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing allows you to reach a broader, more engaged and targeted audience fast than traditional marketing and is more cost effective.

It adds a lot more science and tracking to marketing as well as allows companies to be more relational in their marketing efforts.

It adds a lot more science and tracking to marketing as well as allows companies to be more relational in their marketing efforts.

With digital marketing you're speaking to a specic audience and really test things and iterate quickly. So if one ad doesn't work you can try variations of it and track progress.


Video has the potential to transmit large amounts of information. A simple 2 3 second video can transmit tons of historical, emotional, and academic information simply from the imagery portrayed in the shot. After you create your own video, you can use it to communicate in ways that other marketing tools don’t.

Ÿ It conveys a sense of objective truth

Ÿ It lls content gaps the interviews and footage had left or partially left

Ÿ It lends a cohesive voice that runs through the whole video and connects the audience to it

Voiceover has severalunbeateableadvantages:


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