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  • 7/24/2019 Gelernter_The End of the Web, Search, and Computer as We Know It | WIRED.pdf




    PEOPLE ASK WHAT the next

    web will be like, but there

    wont bea next web.

    The space-based web we

    currently have will gradually

    be replaced by a time-based

    worldstream. Its already

    happening, and it all began

    with thelifestream

    , a

    phenomenon that I (with Eric

    Freeman) predicted in the

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    1990s and shared in the pages

    of Wired almost exactly 16

    years ago.

    This lifestream a

    heterogeneous, content-

    searchable, real-timemessaging stream arrived

    in the form of blog posts and

    RSS feeds, Twitter and other

    chatstreams, and Facebook

    walls and timelines. Its

    structure represented a shift

    beyond the flatland known

    as the desktop (where our

    interfaces ignored the

    temporal dimension)

    towards streams, which flow

    and can therefore serve as a

    concrete representation of


    Its a bit like moving from a

    desktop to a magic diary:

    Picture a diary whose pages

    turn automatically, tracking

    your life moment to moment

    Until you touch it, and

    then, the page-turning stops.

    The diary becomes a sort of

    reference book: a complete

    and searchable guide to your

    life. Put it down, and the

    pages start turning again.

    Today, this diary-like

    structure is supplanting thespatial one as the dominant

    paradigm of the cybersphere:

    The End of the Web, Search, and Computer as We Know It

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    All the information on the

    internet will soon be a time-

    based structure. In the world

    of bits, space-based

    structures are static. Time-

    based structures are

    dynamic, always flowing

    like time itself.

    The web will be history.








    space-based, like a magazine

    stand; we use spatial termssuch as second from the top

    on the far left to identify a




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    particular magazine. A diary,

    on the other hand, is time-

    based: One dimension of

    space has been borrowed to

    represent time, so we use

    temporal terms like

    Thursdays entry or

    everything from last spring

    to identify entries.

    Time as a metaphor may

    seem obvious now. Especially

    because its natural for us to

    see our lives as stories,

    organized by time.

    Yet it took us more than 20

    years in computing to get

    here. The field has finally

    moved from conserving

    resources ingeniously to

    squandering them creatively.In this new environment, we

    can focus on the best way

    instead of the cheapest, most

    conservative way for the

    internet to work.

    And today, the most

    important function of theinternet is to deliver the

    latestinformation, to tell us

    whats happening right now.

    Thats why so many time-

    based structures have

    emerged in the cybersphere:

    to satisfy the need for thenewest data. Whether tweet

    or timeline, all are time-

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    ordered streams designed to

    tell you whats new.

    Of course, we can still browse

    or search into the past: Time

    moves forwards and

    backwards in thecybersphere. Any

    information object can be

    added at now, and flows

    steadily backwards like a

    twig dropped in a brook

    into the past. You can drop

    files, messages, and

    conventional websites (those

    will appear as static, single

    elements) into the stream,

    which acts as a content-

    searchable cloud file system.

    But what happens if we

    merge all those blogs, feeds,chatstreams, and so forth?

    By adding together every

    timestream on the net

    including the private

    lifestreams that are just

    beginning to emerge into a

    single flood of data, we get

    the worldstream: a way to

    picture the cybersphere as a


    No one can see the whole

    worldstream, because much

    of the information flowing

    through it is private. Buteveryone can see part of it.

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    Imagine an old-fashioned

    well with a bucket on a rope,

    with the bucket plunging

    deeper and deeper into the

    well. This well of time is

    infinitely deep, so the bucket

    will plunge forever and the

    rope is always as long as it

    needs to be, so there will

    always be more rope to

    unwind. (The infinite

    scrolling we now experience

    on many timestreamed

    websites is merely the ropeunwinding.) The bucket

    represents the head or start

    of the worldstream, the

    oldest data object. The rope-

    axle represents now, and the

    rope (plunging deeper and

    deeper into the past) is thestream itself.

    Instead of todays static web,

    information will flow

    constantly and steadily

    through the worldstream

    into the past. So what does it

    all mean?

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    SEARCH GAMETodays operating systems

    and browsers and search

    models become obsolete,

    because people no longer

    want to be connected to

    computers or sites (they

    probably never did).

    What people really want is to

    tune into information. Since

    many millions of separate

    lifestreams will exist in the

    cybersphere soon, our basic

    software will be the stream-browser: like todays

    browsers, but designed to

    add, subtract, and navigate


    Searching content in a time

    stream is a matter of stream

    algebra, which is easier than

    the algebra of space-based

    structures like todays web.

    Add two timestreams and get

    a third (simply merge the AP

    news feed and my friend

    Freemans blog streams into

    time-order); and contentsearch is a matter of stream

    subtraction (simply subtract

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    all entries that dont mention

    cranberries to yield all the

    entries that do). The simple,

    practical features of stream

    algebra have one huge

    benefit: giving us made-to-

    order information.

    Stream-browsers will help us

    tune in to the information we

    want by implementing a type

    of custom-coffee blender:

    Were offered thousands of

    different stream flavors,

    we choose the flavors we

    want, and the blender mixes

    our streams to order.

    It becomes part of a universal

    timestream. Instead of

    relying on Amazon the site to

    notify me if theres a new

    Cynthia Ozick book or new

    books on the city of Florence,

    I can blend together several

    booksellers lifestreams and

    then apply my search since

    stream algebra allows any

    streams to be added (new

    and used books) and content

    (Florence, Ozick) to be


    Every news source is a


    Every sites content is

    liberated from the confinesof space.

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    We shouldnt have to work to

    find whats new, yet the way

    the web is currently

    architected its no different

    logically than having to visit

    a thousand separate physical

    shops. The time-based

    worldstream lets us sit back

    instead and watch a single,

    customized fashion show

    across sites.

    Worldstreams thus let us

    blend and tune our

    information any way we like:

    My preferred Yale football

    news, book updates, andshopping recommendations

    are interspersed with all my

    email, other messages, posts,

    documents, calendar notes,

    and so forth. Think these

    features already exist in an

    app somewhere? They dont.They cant, not until the

    millions of different streams

    E-commerce changes


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    each telling their own stories

    share the same interface for

    the stream browser to draw


    Does this sort of precise

    control limit theserendipitous nature of the

    web? In a way, yes. But its

    about time: Bring me what I

    want is almost always more

    useful than Let me rummage

    around and see what I can

    find. No matter how fast it

    seems, most search is a

    waste of time. In a way, we

    are using time (i.e., the time-

    based structure) to gain


    Instead of doing an endless

    series of separate searches,we tune the knobs on our

    stream-browser to

    continuously feed us just the

    information we need.

    This future doesnt just kill

    the operating system,

    browser, and search as weknow it it changes the

    meaning of computer as we

    know it, too. Whether large

    or small (e.g., a smartphone),

    a computers main function

    in the near future will be

    tuning in to as a car radiotunes in a broadcast station

    the constantly flowing

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    global cyberflow. We wont care

    much about the computer devices

    themselves since well be more focused

    on the world of information and our

    lives as attached to it.

    Finally, the web soon tobecome the cybersphere

    will no longer resemble a

    chaotic cobweb. Its already

    started to happen. Instead,

    billions of users will spin their own tales,

    which will merge seamlessly into an

    ongoing, endless narrative: the earth

    telling its own story.

    Editor: Sonal Chokshi


    UPDATE from author(posted

    14 February 2013):

    Given the various reactions

    to this piece, Id like to point

    out that while metaphors

    help clarify a far-future

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    vision, software helps build

    towards that vision now.

    How should we arrange all

    the stuff on the internet?

    Conventional solution: use

    links to form a web. Usersfollow links from one

    information-object to related

    ones. Unconventional

    alternative: use narrative

    streams (individually,

    lifestreams; blended

    together, the

    worldstream). Users follow

    time-ordered sequences from

    one info-object to the next,

    and these streams flow: their

    tails lengthen constantly as

    new information

    arrives. Which suggests an

    unconventional GUI, using

    virtual 3D: objects flow

    towards you out of the future

    and away from you into the

    past. Weve actually *built* a

    first draft of this future:

    prototype software that

    makes the vision concrete.Go to lifestreams.com to

    request an invite. There,

    youll see a narrative stream

    made of only five sources

    (Twitter, Facebook, mail,

    RSS, memos). Eventually

    there will be billions ofsources: probably 100 or so

    right on your control panel

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    that track people,

    institutions, blogs, photo-

    streams, businesses. Put

    these billions of streams

    together and you get the


    Its wonderful that

    computing today is full of

    non-academics; wonderful

    that my piece on Wired has

    more influence than any

    journal article I might write.

    But no matter who or where

    you are, the same powerful

    processes drive this field: We

    see big visions, then use

    existing technology to build

    software that takes little

    steps forward. Ive made

    correct predictions in my

    time (the cloud, Carriero and

    Gelernter 85; the web etc.,

    Mirror Worlds, 91; blogs,

    chat-streams, and others,

    Lifestreams: Bigger than

    Elvis, 1995) and so I can

    tell you that being right is

    worth exactly $0.0. But itmoves the field forward; and

    its fun!

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