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We Love Islam. Helping children in

the home. A Parent Guide.

Gems Wellington Primary School- Dubai September 2014-2015

GEMS Wellington Primary School- Dubai

P.O. Box 114652 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +9714 343 3266 Fax: +9714 343 8862

Website: www.gemswps.com


‘An ever evolving experience, for ever-evolving learners.’


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Why do we learn Islam?

- To understand your responsibilities in life as a good Muslim.

- To increase your knowledge and awareness of Islam.

- To give you a deep sense of security of ethical belonging.

- To avoid sin, learn how to respect others and follow Islam.

- To get the reward from Allah relating to your good deeds.

Understanding Islam

Parents can help their children understand Islam by encouraging them to:

- Seek knowledge about Islam - Follow Islamic teachings - Follow the Prophets. - Learn about Islamic life

Practise Islam in daily life - Give a weekly time to your child to read the

Quran verses with them and discuss the meaning

- Encourage your child to watch selected Islamic educational programmes e.g. “YouTube & DVD videos

- Discuss with your child what great Islamic manners are.

- Recite and memorise Surah from the Holy Quran

- Share time in going to the Mosque to perform Salah /prayer

- Encourage your child to read Islamic Stories. E.g. Stories from Quran & Stories about the Prophets.

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Worshiping (Ibadah) 1-Salah (Prayer)

Encourage your child to perform the five daily Prayers.

Prayer recording chart

Prayers Fajr Dohr Asr Maghreb Ishaa

On Time


Always reciting Qur'an. Learn and

memorise the following verses by heart (http://www.quran411.com)

(www.mounthira.com) 2-Recitation of Quran

Chart of Memorising Ayyat

Al- Fātiĥah

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

X -


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

X -

Al-Falaq 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10

X -

An-Nās 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10

X -

Morals (Ikhlaaq)

Morals reflect good behaviour towards: Humanity: Always respect others regardless of their colour, culture, religion or gender. If they mistreat you, show them your good behaviour. School: Encourage your child to

have friends who demonstrate good behaviour and commitment towards Islam. Mosque: Take your child to the mosque and show them how to respect and behave in the mosque community. Time: Encourage your child to make better use of the internet (http:// en.wikipedia.org / five )

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Seerah“The life of the

Prophets” As you know the lives of all the Prophets are great lessons and good models of how to become a better Muslim. Encourage your child to learn about Prophets by : 1- Reading books that highlight a Prophet’s life 2- Searching about the lives of the Prophets on the Internet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v http://www.youtube.com/watch?v http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJTUJYhgBzY

3-Discovering and discussing stories with your child about the Miracles of the Prophets. e.g.

1. The Miracle of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

2. The miracle of Prophet Musa.

3. The miracle of prophet Sulayman.

4. The miracle of prophet Younus. 5- The miracle of prophet Nuh. 6- The miracle of prophet.

Hadith(The Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH)

1- Guide your child s’ learning about Hadith: Help your child to understand that hadith is related to what the Prophet Mohammad PBUH said, did and approved. Encourage your child to read Hadith from the Hadith books and what they have learnt in Islamic class at school.

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Aqeedah (Belief) Practising together the five Pillars of Islam

1. Shahadah: ( Belief) 2. Salah:(Pray Five times a day) 3. Sawm: (Fasting) 4. Zakat: ( Charity) 5. Hajj: (Pilgrimage to Makkah)

Link: About the introduction of 5 Pillars of Islam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB5YHMVM0Eg

Discussing together the six Pillars of Faith (Iman) 1- To believe in Allah 2- To believe in Allahs’Angels 3- To believe in Allah’s’ Books 4- To believe in Allah’s’ messengers 5- To believe in the day of Judgment 6- To believe in fate, the good and bad

Fiqh (Muslim rules) 1. Cleanliness: Make sure your child knows “Tahara” which means Purity. when they are ready to pray they should:

1. Carry out ablution (Wudoou) before going to pray 2. Clothes need to be neat and clean 3. Pray in a clean place

2. Things that break the Wudoou: * When you use the bathroom * When you pass gas *If you fall asleep before Salah *If you eat camels’ meat.

We make a

Ghusle each

Friday &



Make sure that your child knows what

Ghusul is and when they need to do it?

Ghusul is like a normal shower, but with some extra steps.

1. Carry out ablution “Wudoou “ 2. Wash your head. 3. Pour water on the right side of

your body three times. 4. Pour water on the left side on

your body three times. 5. Pour water on your whole body.

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Parent Support & Guidance in Learning:

Encouragement: Encourage your child to speak out about their knowledge in public (in different kinds of gatherings) to increase their pride, self-esteem and responsibility. Praise your child all the time: Remember to always praise your child and let him or her know that you are proud of their achievements for not only achieving, but also for trying hard. Organise competitions: Within the family that encourage the child to increase their knowledge and improve their practices. Quran learning: Encourage your child to read at least 10 verses of the Quran every night in order to develop a stronger link and understanding. Talk with him or her about the reward of the Friday Prayer: Why is this day is very important for a Muslim? Highlight what we have to do in this day eg. - Make Ghusl - Go early to the Mosque - Recite Surat-ul-Kahf.

The Islamic Festivals

The two main religious festivals in the Islamic calendar are Eid-ul-Fitr This festival marks the end of Ramadan (the fasting period). Families get together for a feast and often children receive money or gifts. It is a big celebration and a public Holiday in Muslim countries Eid-ul-Adha

This festival marks the end of Hajj. Muslims also believe that the Prophet Ibraheem (one of God's messengers) was going to sacrifice his son because that is what Allah had told him to do. This was a test to see Ibraheem’s obedience to Allah. Allah sent a sheep to be slaughtered instead of his son Ismaeel. Muslims often slaughter animals like (Sheep, goat, cow and camel) to remember this sacrifice.

Thikr is easy Ibadah great Rewards:

-Do the daily Thikr.

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Thikr (The Remembrance of Allah) TAYPES OF THIKR:

1-Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah) or- Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi (Glory to Allah and

praise Him) Rewards of doing Thikr: ( A tree will be planted for you in paradise) Link about: How to do Thikr http://productivemuslim.com/dhikr-for-extensive-reward/#ixzz2i4yOmIQM

2- Alhamdulillah (All praise is for Allah)

Reward (Your scales will be tipped full of rewards on the

Day of Judgement

3- SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah, wa la ilaha illAllah wa Allahu Akbar.

This combination of Thikr, one most beloved by Allah, when you say them, sins fall off you, like leaves off trees. http://productivemuslim.com/dhikr-for-extensive-reward/#ixzz2i4zphuSZ

4- La hawla wa la quanta illa billah (There is no power or might except (by) Allah). Reward: (You will enter through a special

door in Paradise for those who often use this remembrance. 5-SubhanAllah (x33), Alhamdulillah (x33), Allahu akbar (x34). Can be recited after salat and before sleep http://productivemuslim.com/dhikr-for-extensive-reward/#ixzz2i539Th2h

6. Astaghfirullah (I seek Allah’s forgiveness.) Reward : (You will get protection from Allah’s punishment) http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-purification-soul/134292456-easy-dhikr-light-tongue-but-heavy-scales.html 7- Quran: Ultimately, the best dhikr is reciting the Quran Reward:(You will be rewarded 10 rewards for every letter read ) http://productivemuslim.com/dhikr-for-extensive-reward/#ixzz2i4yn6Dcy

8-Download for your child the ‘dhikr program http://productivemuslim.com/dhikr-for-extensive-


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