+ All Categories

AAAU. See Association of American Universities (AAU)abandonment, and land rights, 142, 166n4accountability, 24, 25, 56–57, 509

of CDD projects, 61and governance, 33mechanisms for, 69

accumulating savings and credit associations (ASCAs), 86, 96, 120n1

ACEs. See civic extension associations (ACEs)acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 1, 2

and agricultural markets, 193and child-headed households, 603, 635n7, 635n10contract clauses concerning, 380coping strategies for, 433, 434b10.5in fishing communities, 578and food security, 14and forestry sector, 651, 652b15.1, 654, 668n2impact of, 305, 310n1–2

on MDGs, 645on rural households, 613

and JFFLSs, 305–8, 310n107and labor rights, 337and land and water degradation, 456and local knowledge systems, 461b10.14and rural infrastructure, 368, 374as safety risk for women in workforce, 321Tanzania, 303and training programs, 197workplace awareness campaigns, 326See also health and health care

ACT. See African Conservation Tillage network (ACT)ActionAid, 544

Action Plan for the Reduction of Absolute Poverty (PARPA),Mozambique, 681b16.5, 700b16.13, 703b16.17

active labor market programs (ALMPs), 324ADB. See Asian Development Bank (ADB)administration, monitoring of, 694ADR. See alternative dispute resolution (ADR)advertising, to promote women’s economic activity,

101, 120n6advisory services, 265, 268, 269, 270t7.3, 271advocacy, for women’s voice in farmer organizations, 70AET. See agricultural extension and training (AET)affinity groups, and value chains, 210b5.17affirmative action strategies, 323, 324Afghanistan, poultry farming, 204, 205b5.12Africa

conservation in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, 665–68dairy farming, 662b15.12Gender and Rural Transport Initiative, 377, 377b9.1Improved Seed Systems for Agroforestry in African Countries

project, 663Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation, 534rice farmers, 272unproductive soil in, 529, 529b12.4

Africa Educational Trust, 393African Conservation Tillage network (ACT), 303African Development Bank, 272African Highland Program, 277African Women Leaders in Agriculture and Environment

(AWLAE), 286Africa Travel and Transport Project, 379Agence Nationale d’Appui au Développement Rural (ANADER),

74–76Agha Khan Rural Support Program, 66



Note: Boxes, figures, notes, and tables are indicated by b, f, n, and t, respectively.

AGRECOL, Bolivia, 393agribusiness, regional opportunities and constraints in,

174–75Agribusiness in Sustainable Natural African Plant Products

(ASNAPP), 205b5.11agricultural extension and training (AET)

good practices and lessons learned from, 283–87guidelines and recommendations for, 287–88overview, 280women’s participation in, 280–81See also extension services; trainers and training

agricultural extension field schools, 63, 64b2.14agricultural fairs, 622agricultural innovation systems (AIS), 258–60, 263, 265agricultural labor. See labor forceagricultural markets

marketing extension tool, 211–14supporting agricultural value-adding strategies, 206–10See also markets and marketing

agricultural production. See productionagricultural sciences, study in, 280–81, 284, 284b7.12agricultural services reforms, Côte d’Ivoire project, 74–76agricultural support, versus food aid and sustenance of social

capital, 507–12, 516n3–4Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), India,

270–71Agriculture for Development Policy Brief, 522agriculture water management (AWM)

gender mainstreaming in, 229–34groundwater development and management, 242–46multiple-use water services, 235–41See also water services; water supply

agrobiodiversity, 15–16, 433b10.4, 440, 459–62, 468n1agroenterprises, 278agroforestry, 211–14, 441, 643, 645

designers of, 647–48domestication programs, 435and home gardens, 645, 659–60knowledge and practice in, 658–64, 669n2See also forests and forestry

Agro-Innovation and Competitiveness Project (INCAGRO), Peru, 261b7.3, 268, 269, 271

agroprocessing, 342, 374, 413n3aid modalities, 43

examining gender activities of donors, 706–8experience and achievements in, 698–702gender indicators, tools, and methods for, 702b16.16monitoring gender in, 684, 697–98monitoring PRSPs, 702–6joint monitoring missions, 706, 707b16.19

AIDS. See acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)AIS. See agricultural innovation systems (AIS)all-season roads, 378, 413n6ALMPs. See active labor market programs (ALMPs)ALs. See alternative livelihoods (ALs)alternative dispute resolution (ADR), 149alternative fuels and energy, 293b7.17, 451alternative livelihoods (ALs), 580, 582–87, 594n1–2, 594n8

ANADER. See Agence Nationale d’Appui au DéveloppementRural (ANADER)

analytical capacity, 38, 41–42, 44Andean region, participatory research in, 276–77Andes community, 298–301Andhra Pradesh District Poverty Initiatives Project (APDPIP),

India, 112–16, 121n1, 210b5.17Andhra Pradesh Rice Credit Line Project, 17Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Project (APRPRP),

India, 112–16, 121n1, 203, 215–19, 223–24n1–3, 683b16.6Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Marketing Federation Limited

(APMARKFED), India, 217animal diseases, 611–16, 636n1, 636n5animal genetic resources, 435b10.6, 435b10.7, 437, 633–34animal health, 613–14, 628animal health workers, 615animal husbandry, 603, 615, 629animal production, 603animal waste, 384, 385Annan, Kofi, 23Anthra, 613APDPIP. See Andhra Pradesh District Poverty Initiatives Project

(APDPIP), IndiaAPMARKFED. See Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Marketing

Federation Limited (APMARKFED), IndiaAPRPRP. See Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Project

(APRPRP), Indiaaquaculture, 561–67, 593n1–5

accessing and managing resources, 568–71, 593n1–3alternative livelihoods for fishing communities, 582–87,

594n1–2, 594n8aquaculture extension project, 220–22, 224n1associations for protecting livelihoods of fishers, processors,

and traders, 577–81, 594n1CARE Bangladesh, 591–93coral reef rehabilitation and management project, 588–90family-based systems in Asia, 572–76, 594n1–3

Aqua Finca, Honduras, 581aquifers, overexploitation of, 243Aridity Index, 468n4armed conflicts. See conflicts and crisesArmenia, Network and Capacity Building for Rural Women, 396arsenic poisoning, 243, 243b6.4artichokes, 179, 180b5.3artisanal fisheries, 329, 580, 582, 594n1ASCAs. See accumulating savings and credit associationsAsia

agricultural resource management, 456–57family-based aquaculture systems in, 572–76, 594n1–3wood energy in, 653

Asian Development Bank (ADB), 568, 620, 621, 679b16.3,723b16.22

ASNAPP. See Agribusiness in Sustainable Natural African PlantProducts (ASNAPP)

assessments, gender sensitive, 511–12assets, 4–6

access to during crises, 480, 515n7in agriculture sector, 16f1.4


asset–sharing strategies, 490and GAL framework, 427link to technology development, 629livestock sector, 605, 606b14.1structural barriers to, 480, 515n7

Association of American Universities (AAU), 286ATMA. See Agricultural Technology Management Agency

(ATMA), IndiaATMs. See automated teller machines (ATMs)audits and auditing

gender audits, 98–99, 120n4, 387, 707of projects, 509

Australia Agency for International Development (AusAID),677b16.2

automated teller machines (ATMs), 96, 105avian influenza, 611, 612, 614AWARD program, 286AWLAE. See African Women Leaders in Agriculture

and Environment (AWLAE)AWM. See agriculture water management (AWM)

BBadia Livestock Extension Project, Jordan, 628b14.3Bangladesh, 40b2.3, 296, 568

CARE Bangladesh, 570–76, 591–93Centre for Mass Education in Science, 330crop selection, 535, 535b12.8cyclone in 1991, 449Empowerment of Coastal Fishing Communities for Sustainable

Livelihoods Project, 585–86flooding in, 489–90food security project, 197governance issues in, 71–73Greater Noakhali Aquaculture Extension Project,

220–22, 224n1Greater Options for Local Development through Aquaculture

Project, 591Livelihood Empowerment and Agroforestry Project, 198,

211–14Livestock Development Program, 620, 621marketing extension tool, 211–14Meghna–Dhanagoda Command Area Development

Project, 568–69NGOs in, 197Oxbow Lakes project, 568–69Rural Roads and Market Project, 379, 379b9.3solar home systems, 388b9.5women in growth center markets, 191b5.7

Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), 296, 568

BBC World Service Trust, 393BCRCA. See Buhoma Community Rest Camp Association

(BCRCA)Bhairahawa Lumbini Groundwater Irrigation Project (BLGWIP),

Nepal, 244b6.5bicycles, 378Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 286BINP. See Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP)

biodiversity, 428, 432–34, 465n3–5Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, 665–68Convention on Biological Diversity, 434, 456in dry lands, 454good practices and lessons learned from, 434–36guidelines and recommendations for practitioners, 436–37impact of intensive agriculture on, 521and LinKS project, 459–62, 468n1management of, 262, 277monitoring and evaluation of, 437overview of, 431–32policy and implementation issues of, 434, 435b10.6, 435b10.7,

466n8trends in, 423, 424b10.1, 431b10.2

bioenergy, 421, 428–29definition, 467n11gender issues, 443–47, 467n1–6production of, 445sources of, 443, 467n2trends in, 423, 424b10.1

biofortified crops, 521, 554n3biofuels, 443, 444–45, 467n6, 467n11Biofuels Association of Zambia, 446biomass

definition, 467n11transfer of, 660–61use of, 383–85, 414n3, 440, 443, 444, 653

Biorganika, 204biosecurity, in livestock sector, 611–16, 636n1, 636n5biotechnology, 177BLGWIP. See Bhairahawa Lumbini Groundwater Irrigation

Project (BLGWIP), NepalBolivia

adjusting local agriculture to loss of rural labor, 523b12.3AGRECOL, 393Noel Kempff Climate Action Project, 440

Bosnia and Herzegovina, rural producer organizations in, 201b5.9Botswana, labor-saving technologies for crops, 290b7.15BRAC. See Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC)Brazil, 402, 403b9.8, 542b12.11breeding

improvement of local breeds, 627–28livestock, 461b10.13, 607, 633–35of plants, 262, 436, 437, 541, 543, 543b12.13sheep, 631–32

brewing, 294bribery, attitudes about, 31b2.2B2B. See business to business (B2B)budgets

budget support, 684experience with PRSPs and SWAPs, 698–99gender budget initiatives, 705, 706b16.3gender-responsive, 28b2.1, 37, 41, 44, 79n3, 405–6in newer aid modalities, 697–98operating, 696reasons to monitor, 698

buffalo milk, 604Buhoma Community Rest Camp Association (BCRCA), 667


Buhoma village walk, 666–67Burkina Faso, Centre for Low-Cost Drinking Water Supply and

Sanitation, 402Business Edge, 197business environment, 184–91

business plans for CeCs, 412gender equity in accessing rural energy enterprises, 387nontraditional business opportunities, 193

business incubators, 198business to business (B2B), 221, 224n2bus service, 351Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP), 665–68

CCA. See conservation agriculture (CA)Cafe Femenino, Peru, 203, 203b5.10Cage Aquaculture for Greater Economic Security (CAGES), 591Cambodia, 501–2, 679b16.3, 701–2Cameroon, indigenous vegetables, 432b10.3Canadian International Development Agency, 713capacity building, 56

for agricultural services reforms, 75in aquaculture, 572in chain partnerships, 203for control of animal diseases, 613to cope with disasters, 451–52in fisheries, 580, 587and livestock disease protection, 612and MARENASS project, 300and participatory research, 275b7.8rural roads project, 410for small-scale women entrepreneurs, 192–99for social economic reintegration, 507, 508and sustainable land management, 457training for, 72

capitaland land acquisition, 138and veterinary services, 618

capital requirements, 216b5.18capture fisheries. See fish and fisheriescarbon emissions, 440–41, 643, 660carbon sequestration, 441, 467n3CARE Bangladesh, 570–76, 591–93Care International, 490Cargill, 338, 350–52The Caribbean, 346t8.11, 581

gender and agribusiness, 174women entrepreneurs in, 195

Carnegie Corporation, 286case law, 337cash crops, 18, 425

jatropha oil, 446views of, 523–25

cash payments, by procurement centers, 218caste, 370casualization of labor, 317–18, 337–38casual wage laborers, 328–29catarrhal fever, 613

CATIE. See Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza (CATIE)

cattle. See livestock sectorCBD. See community-based development (CBD); Convention on

Biological Diversity (CBD)CBDP. See community-based disaster preparedness (CBDP),

IndiaCBIK. See Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge

(CBIK)CBNRM. See community-based natural resource management

(CBNRM)CBOs. See community-based organizations (CBOs)CBRIP. See Community Based Rural Infrastructure Project

(CBRIP), VietnamCCMC. See community credit management committees

(CCMCs)CDD. See community-driven development (CDD)CDFs. See community development funds (CDFs)CeCs. See community e-centers (CeCs)CEDAW. See Convention on the Elimination of All Forms

of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)cellular telephones, 390–91, 391, 464CEM. See Country Economic Memorandum (CEM)Ce-Mujer, 198census data, 717Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge (CBIK),

543b12.12Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 278Center for Tropical Agriculture, 277Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA), 175Central Asia, gender and agribusiness, 175Central Dry Area Smallholder and Community Services

Development Project, Kenya, 291, 292b7.16Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, 584Centre for Low-Cost Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation

(CREPA), Burkina Faso, 402Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for

Fishery Products in Latin America and the Caribbean(INFOPESCA), 581

Centre for Mass Education in Science, 330Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), 230Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza

(CATIE), 664b15.13CGAs. See country gender assessments (CGAs)CGIAR. See Consultative Group on International Agricultural

Research (CGIAR)chain mapping, 178–79chain partnerships, 203, 204, 205b5.11Chari River, 580chemical fertilizers, 530, 531–32, 533b12.5chemicals

exposure to, 338, 345–46, 552, 553reducing access to hazardous chemicals, 552–53See also pesticides

Chiapas, Mexico, 604–5, 631–32Chiapas sheep, 604–5, 631–32child labor, 319, 352n3, 352n5, 593n2

in export crop production systems, 346


and gender, 322and working conditions, 341

children, exposure to natural disasters, 449Chile

informal workers in horticulture, 346, 346t8.11producer organization for marketing, 266b7.6

Chinaalternative fuels for domestic cooking, 291b7.17forestry and farmers’ self-help groups, 656b15.7seed fairs, 543b12.12women’s access to resources, 619b14.2Wulin mountains minority-areas development project, 457

CIAL-CIAT. See Community Agricultural Research Groups(CIAL-CIAT)

CIARA Foundation, 271CIAT. See International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)CIFOR. See Center for International Forestry Research


citizen report cards, 26as customers, 29

civic extension associations (ACEs), 271civil service reform, 29–30civil society

civil society organizations, 579–80and governance, 25and reforms, 30

civil status, and land rights, 155Civil Supplies Corporation, 218Clean Development Mechanism, 441, 442b10.9climate change, 421, 428

and disaster mitigation, 486gender dimensions of, 438–42, 466n1–6, 466n10–11,

466–67n13impact of desertification on, 454impact on forests, 643–44negative impacts of, 438, 439b10.8and risk management, 489and rural infrastructure, 368–69trends in, 423, 424b10.1

coastal storms, 448codes of conduct, 323

in agricultural labor, 343–44expansion of, 349fisheries, 578, 579–80, 581Guatemala, 339importance of, 346–47, 353n2

coffee, 203, 203b5.10, 341–42COHRE. See Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)Collaborative Research Programs, 274Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP), 276b7.9collective association, 185collective bargaining, 318, 336collective economic action, in agricultural markets, 200–205commercial crops, 532commercialization, 177, 433Commission for the Verification of Corporate Codes of Conduct,

Guatemala, 339

commoditiescommodity exchanges, 219revenues from, 341and working conditions on plantations, 341–42

common property, 140communicable diseases, and forestry sector, 651, 652b15.1,

654, 668n2Communication for Development, 390, 390b9.7communications

in Hills Leasehold Project, 160and LinKS project, 461in sanitation, hygiene, and potable water, 400–402and seed systems, 543–44social processes of, 264–65for women, 59

communitiesalternative livelihoods for fishing communities, 582–87,

594n1–2, 594n8animal health workers in, 614community-managed procurement centers, 215–19,

223–24n1–3Community Professionals Learning and Training Centres, 722community seed fairs, 541, 542b12.11competition between, 299–300and ecotourism, 666–67empowerment of, 487financial systems in, 112–16, 121n1forestry programs, 159–61, 167n2, 645, 650gender issues

building community assets and opportunities, 278community-based water programs, 291–94and decision making, 400, 426to enhance women’s participation in community projects,

404, 405t9.7forest management, 645, 650IKP project, 112–16, 121n1and land dispute mechanisms, 148–49and natural resources management, 426in watershed development project, 463–65women representation in community organizations,

265–66identifying and strengthening community organizations, 587initiatives to reduce disaster risk-factors, 490and land rights, 136–37, 151, 166n2postcrisis assistance in, 507, 508preventing elite capture of programs, 134rural poverty reduction projects, 215–19, 223–24n1–3and seed production, 544–45self-help groups in, 584training of to carry out project planning, monitoring, and

evaluation, 721–23Community Agricultural Research Groups (CIAL-CIAT), 262community-based development (CBD), 53b2.9, 465n4community-based disaster preparedness (CBDP), India, 487,

487b11.5Community-Based Enterprises for the Conservation of Biodiversity

at Bwindi World Heritage Site, Uganda, 665, 667community-based natural disaster management, Nepal, 451


community-based natural resource management (CBNRM), 139,166n7, 568, 569

community-based organizations (CBOs), 251, 508and agroforestry-related issues, 663, 669n2and aquaculture extension project, 221and forestry-related issues, 655–56and gender-sensitive assessments, 511–12and marketing extension process, 211–14and sanitation, hygiene, and potable water issues, 402, 403b9.8See also rural producer organizations (RPOs)

Community Based Rural Infrastructure Project (CBRIP), Vietnam, 56, 57b2.11

community credit management committees (CCMCs), 248, 253n1Community Development Carbon Fund, 446community development funds (CDFs), 52, 55community-driven development (CDD)

approaches of, 53, 54b2.9definition, 32, 53b2.9gender issues, 53–55

challenges for, 61–62gender-responsive actions in, 55–56good practices and lessons learned concerning, 56–60guidelines and recommendations for practitioners, 60–61

and governance, 31, 32–33overview, 52–53in Sri Lanka, 77–79

community e-centers (CeCs), 411–13, 415n1Community Empowerment for Rural Development Project,

Indonesia, 723b16.22Community Link Workers, 628Community Professionals Learning and Training Centres, 722community seed banks, 541, 542b12.11community seed fairs, 434–35Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy 2002,

Vietnam, 681b16.5, 703b16.17conflict resolution, 489conflicts and crises

and access to food, 17countries involved in armed conflicts in forested regions,

652b15.2gender issues

agriculture during crises, 475–76, 479–81conceptual framework for agricultural programming in

crises, 481–82food aid versus agricultural support and sustenance of social

capital, 507–12, 516n3–4forestry sector, 647, 651, 652b15.2, 652b15.3, 655–56integrating gender perspectives in, 482–83and JFFLS approach, 310n3link between food aid and agriculture in emergencies, 492–98managing land and promoting recovery postcrisis, 499–506monitoring and evaluation of, 483, 484t11.1multidimensional issues of agriculture in times of crises,

477–79overview, 475strategies for, 485–91, 515n2women entrepreneurs in war zones, 195–96

impact of natural disasters on, 448

impact on forest products, 646See also natural disasters

Congo, Democratic Republic of, rape as weapon in conflict,652b15.3

Conradie v. Hanekom and Another, 339consensual unions, 156–57conservation agriculture, 530Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Agriculture

Development Project, 291conservation agriculture (CA), 302–4conservation areas, perceptions about women working in,

573, 573t13.3conservation of natural resources, 298–301conservation of protected areas, 665–68conservation tillage, 533constitutions, and land rights, 503consultations

involving communities, 508and land policies, 505

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research(CGIAR), 541

and IPM, 549b12.16research initiatives, 262, 274, 277, 664b15.13

consumersconsumer protection, 111and livestock technologies, 629

contract labor, 318Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 434, 456Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination

against Women (CEDAW), 334, 335t8.8, 339, 503b11.7, 602, 635n5

cool chain distribution, 328–29cooperative organizations, 67COPRAUL. See Regional Cooperative of United Farmers Ltd.

(COPRAUL)Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program

(COREMAP), Indonesia, 569, 588–90coral resources, 588–90COREMAP. See Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management

Program (COREMAP), Indonesiacorn, 467n4corporate social responsibility (CSR), 323, 342, 343t8.9corporations, and working conditions, 352corruption, reforms to reduce, 30–31Costa Rica

Payment for Environmental Services Programme, 440–41,466–67n13

solar-powered cookers, 447costs

associated with sustainable land reform, 501of biosecurity measures, 615–16of conservation agriculture implements, 303–4of human resource programs, 351for multiple-use water services, 238of occupational segregation, 192

Côte d’Ivoire, gender in agricultural services reforms, 74–76cotton growers, 552b12.17Country Economic Memorandum (CEM), 41


country gender assessments (CGAs), 41–42, 717Country Social Analysis, 717cover crops, 534, 535b12.7craftswomen, 396credit, 103, 104–7

access to, 80n3, 189b5.5, 190b5.6, 380, 502as barrier for women entrepreneurs, 186fishing sector, 583–85forest-related technologies, 664historical perspective, 96–97link to land rights, 153livestock sector, 620postcrisis issues, 502See also loans

credit market, 153–54CREPA. See Centre for Low-Cost Drinking Water Supply and

Sanitation (CREPA), Burkina Fasocrises. See conflicts and crisesCritical Rating Index, 113, 121n1crop agriculture, 513, 554n1

areas for intervention, 526–27crop varieties, 539b12.10development strategies and trends, 519–20, 520–21, 554n3monitoring and evaluation of, 527–28policy and implementation issues, 549–53selection of crops, 534–36and soil productivity management, 529–37technologies for processing, 290b7.15versus livestock production, 455women as vital components of, 521–23

crop management practices, 524–25, 529, 532–34crop protection, 523–26, 548–49

guidelines and recommendations for practitioners, 554overview, 547–48, 555n1strategies for, 526

cross-border exchanges, 620cross-breeding interventions, 31CRSP. See Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP)CSR. See corporate social responsibility (CSR)culture

and agrobiodiversity, 468n1cultural relativism, 503culture-bound assumptions in Peru, 276b7.9and discriminatory attitudes against women, 186and entrepreneurial skills programs, 198–99and formal law, 127and insurance products, 109and interventions during crises, 496–97and land rights, 155–58monitoring culturally-related questions, 718b16.21Noel Kempff Climate Action Project, 440as obstacle to knowledge sharing, 489postcrisis issues, 500and use of long-handled hoes, 289–90, 295

curriculaagricultural education, 627animal health, 614revision and modernization of, 282–83, 284, 285b7.13

customary law, 336–37customary systems

for access and ownership of land, 127–31, 134–35, 136–40,165n708, 165–66n10, 166n1–4, 166n6–7

agroforestry in Niger, 659b15.9dispute management, 148–50, 166n5invalidation of, 144postcrisis issues, 501and resource availability, 477and women’s access to knowledge skills, 574and women’s property rights, 141–46, 166n2, 166n4–5

CWANA. See Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA)

Ddairy farming, 207, 603, 617, 618f14.1, 626, 662b15.12Danish International Development Assistance, 568Darfur, 448, 466n6data

availability and collection of gender-disaggregated data, 717–20census, 717employment, 326experience and achievements using gender-sensitive

indicators, 710guidelines in designing gender-specific indicators and

verification sources, 710–17reasons for using gender-sensitive indicators, 709–10recommendation for improving collection of, 720

decentralization, 25, 53–55, 71of decision making, 66definition, 53b2.9gender-responsive actions in, 55–56good practices and lessons learned concerning, 56–60and governance, 31–32guidelines and recommendations for practitioners, 60–61and multiple-use water services, 239–40overview, 52–53

Decent Work for All, 336decent work for women in agricultural labor, 334–40decision making

decentralization of, 66gender issues

in agricultural resource management, 456–57concerning resources, 569energy issues, 313n4, 385, 386t9.4ensuring women participation in, 570–71gender equity, 364Indian carbon sequestration project, 441livestock sector, 602–3, 612, 613, 622postdisasters, 450raising gender awareness in rural transport, 377in sanitation, hygiene, and potable water, 400in watershed development project, 464women as decision makers, 37–38, 57, 78–79, 79n4, 88, 299

on infrastructure services, 361participatory, 67

deep tubewell (DTW) development, 244b6.5, 245deforestation, 369, 448, 455, 466n10, 476b11.1degradation,


of environment, 476, 476b11.1of land, 429, 454–58, 468n4, 476b11.1of natural resources, 448of water, 429, 454–58, 468n4

demand-driven mechanisms, 60demand-oriented approaches, and energy issues, 388demand-side strategies, 24–26Democratic Republic of Congo, 493, 652demographics, in agricultural labor force, 317, 318t8.1, 319t8.2,

321t8.4Department for International Development (DFID), United

Kingdom, 179, 520b12.1, 536, 580conceptual framework for gender equity in sustainable

livelihoods, 4–6gender audits, 707–8gender mainstreaming, 681integration of gender-specific indicators into monitoring, 718–19research in poverty in fishing industry, 180b5.2role of agriculture in poverty reduction, 520b12.1

Department of Forests (DOF), Nepal, 159–61, 167n2Department of Livestock Services (DLS), Nepal, 621desertification, 429, 466n6

gender issues of, 454–58, 468n4trends in, 423, 424b10.1

design of projectsin agricultural labor, 322–26, 353n8gender-sensitive M&E component, 679–82ground water development and management, 245–46LADEP project, 251multiple-use water services, 240–41with national extension programs, 269–72rural roads projects, 409–10for self-help groups, 68–69

development, 2development cooperation strategies, 44East Asia Region CDD operations, 56, 57, 57b2.12interventions for women, 68strategies and plans for, 36, 79n1

development agencies, and energy assistance programs, 383, 413n1Development Assistance Committee (DAC), 43, 680b16.4,

698, 700, 706development cooperation agencies, 677b16.2, 678, 698Development Credit Agreement, 508DEWA. See Division for Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA)DFID. See Department for International Development (DFID),

United Kingdomdietary diversity, 18, 174–75Digital Broadcast Initiative, 394Dimitra Project, 395disaster management, 452–53disaster risk reduction, 449discrimination against women, 89

and access to financial services, 87and disaster recovery, 496as entrepreneurs, 185and gender equality strategies, 482and governance, 25

discrimination in education, 282

diseasescommunicable, 651, 652b15.1, 654, 668n2livestock, 607, 611–16, 636n1, 636n5water borne, 249See also acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS); health

and health caredisplacement, 499

displaced persons, 494, 504b11.8, 651internally displaced persons, 477, 482, 499, 501, 502and rural infrastructure, 368by transport infrastructure, 375

dispute resolution, and land rights, 133t4.1, 147–52, 166n1, 166n3dissemination, of labor-savings technologies, 294–96distance education, 394, 411distributional gains, mapping of, 180b5.3District Poverty Initiatives Project (DPIP), Andhra Pradesh,

India, 112–16, 210b5.17diversification, in agriculture, 433–45, 526Division for Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA), 488divisions of labor

in agriculture, 524–25in fisheries, 562, 582–83, 593n2gender issues in, 230–31and natural resource management, 425and risk recovery, 490and water management, 455within households, 291

divorce, and land rights, 142, 166n4DLS. See Department of Livestock Services (DLS), NepalDOF. See Department of Forests (DOF), Nepaldomestic animals, and local knowledge, 603domestic energy, 383–85domestic markets

for food, 176growth of, 175

domestic relations, 90domestic violence, 161domestic water supplies, 235–37donor agencies, 53, 79n1, 287, 410, 502

for CeCs, 412donor policy-lending instruments, 42examining gender activities of donors, 706–8

Downsizing Options Simulation Exercise tool, 41DPIP. See District Poverty Initiatives Project (DPIP),

Andhra Pradesh, Indiadroughts, 618drug trafficking, 476drylands, definition, 454, 468n4DTW. See deep tubewell (DTW) developmentdump pickers’ project, 402b9.8

EEALA. See East African Legislature Assembly (EALA)early warning systems, 487–88, 494earnings

gender gaps in, 329from informal work, 332See also income


East African Legislature Assembly (EALA), 38East Asia, and agribusiness, 174–75East Asia Region CDD Flagship Report, 56, 57, 58b2.12eBario project, 412, 415n1ECLAC. see Economic Commission of Latin America and the

Caribbean (ECLAC)economic access, 125–26economic and sector work (ESW), 38, 42, 310n3Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean

(ECLAC), 346t8.11economic development, terms for joint review missions of,

707b16.19economic empowerment, 361–62

gender equity in rural infrastructure, 365–66and livestock production, 604and market access, 580and rural transport, 375in sanitation, hygiene, and potable water, 402–3and watershed development, 464

economic growth, 375and food security, 16and women’s access to financial services, 87–88

ecosystems, 421, 466n10coral reefs, 588–90, 594n8destruction of, 477impact of intensive agriculture on, 521mangrove, 594n8role of trees in, 660See also biodiversity

ecotourism, 665–68education, 76

access to, 262, 367addressing imbalances in, 394–95agroforestry, 664b15.13animal health practices, 614curricula, 282–83, 284, 285b7.13, 614, 627financial assistance for, 351higher, 280–82impact of disasters on school attendance, 450interventions for women, 283, 283b7.11JFFLS approach to, 306and labor-saving technologies, 289–97and land rights, 505management of for disaster mitigation, 488–89, 515n2and occupational choices, 325in participatory research, 274–79in pesticide management, 548Radio Teacher, 393and rural transport, 375–76in sanitation, hygiene, and potable water, 400–402women’s enrollment in AET, 280See also agricultural extension and training (AET); trainers and

trainingefficiency, and women’s access to financial services, 87–88EFTA. See European Fair-Trade Association (EFTA)e-government projects, 395Egypt, Matruh Resources Management Project, 457e-Lanka Development Project, 394–95

el Balcon, Mexico, communal forests in, 657b15.8electric power, 385, 443, 467n6elite capture, 165n8

challenges of, 32of community programs, 134definition, 636n4of land, 158monitoring of, 630risk of, 56

El Niño, 488El Salvador, 490e-mails, 393emergencies

emergency kits, 489, 515n2emergency responses to crises, 480–91emergency transport, 367, 374, 375, 380and food banks in Niger, 513–15link between food aid and agriculture in emergencies,

492–98employment, 365

access to, 337for AET graduates, 286–87conditions of, 579crop production as source of, 522–23employee benefits, 351–52in fisheries, 562–66in forest industry, 645generation at local level, 217increasing opportunities rural areas, 324link to migration, 619–20rural opportunities, 323, 324seasonal, 324, 328–29, 332, 337, 346share by sector, 317, 318t8.1, 318t8.2, 321t8.4temporary, 337, 346, 347in transport enterprises, 374, 379–80

empowerment of women, 13, 60, 65, 90, 173and access to financial services, 88in agriculture organizations, 63–65in COREMAP project, 588–90during crises, 480–81in financial sector, 91–92and innovations in financial product development, 111and insurance, 108–9Jharkhand-Chhattisgarh Tribal Development Project

in India, 655organizational models and strategies for, 96–102, 120n1practices that increase commitment to, 265and remittance transfer services, 103, 104, 110, 111b3.10and rural finance, 104, 105b3.6, 121n2savings and pensions issues, 107–8through group action, 160–61through self-managed microfinance associations, 117–20versus sustainability, 98, 99b3.3, 120n3

Empowerment of Women in Irrigation and Water ResourcesManagement for Improved Food Security, Nutrition andHealth (WIN project), 13

ENAM. See Enhancing Child Nutrition through Animal SourceFood Management (ENAM)


ENERGIA, 387energy sector, 367, 368

gender issues, 383–87, 414n4gender equity in accessing, 385guidelines and recommendations for practitioners, 387–89overview, 383, 413n1

and modern biofuels, 445, 467n6source for ICT access, 391wood as source of energy, 644, 653

enforcementof land rights, 127, 144–45, 146of laws against exposure to hazardous chemicals, 552–53

Enhancing Child Nutrition through Animal Source Food Management (ENAM), 620

Enterprises, 395and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, 665–68gender equity in business creation, 365small-scale seed enterprises, 544–45

entrepreneursterms for joint review missions, 707b16.19women in forestry sector, 654women in livestock, 622

environmental issuesand bioenergy, 443–44, 467n5degradation of environment, 368–69, 476environmentally sustainable practices in livestock

technology, 627impact of natural disasters on, 448role of trees in, 660water for livestock, 236See also deforestation; desertification

environmental services, 440–41, 466–67n13epidemiological services, 612eSourcebook, 411–12ESW. See economic and sector work (ESW)ethanol, 467n4ethical operational principles, 581Ethical Trading Initiative Impact Assessment, 348b8.10Ethiopia

Household Food Security and Nutrition Project, 17links of food aid and conflict, 493no-free-grazing project, 659b15.9PARIMA project, 620Seed Systems Development Project, 543soil fertility management in, 534, 534b12.6

ethnicity, 370ethnobotanical knowledge, 436ethnoveterinary applications, 611, 612Europe, women in forestry, 644European Commission, 395European Fair-Trade Association (EFTA), 343, 344b8.8excreta disposal facilities. See sanitationexpenditure patterns, 90export agriculture, 344–46

agroprocessing industries, 342good practices and lessons learned from, 346–47, 353n2governance structures, 342–43guidelines and recommendations for practitioners, 347–49

overview, 341plantation agriculture, 341–42

exportscrops, 523–25export value chains, 177markets for, 318timber, 657b15.8

extension agents and workers, 26, 196, 310n6extension services, 72, 264, 280, 607, 611–12

Badia Livestock Extension Project, 628b14.3definition, 265demand for, 257gender issues, 261–62, 268–73, 273b7.7Ghana, 533b12.5for rural farmers, 215staff and postcrises issues, 502and technologies under CDM, 442b10.9and technology transfer, 282types of, 268–69

external factors, gendered impacts on, 481–82

Ffacilitators, 306–7, 310n5–6, 722FACs. See farmer advisory committees (FACs)factory workers, 577–81FAESIS. See Food and Agriculture Education Information System

(FAESIS)fair trade, 319, 352n3Fair Trade and Ethical Trading Initiatives, 323, 346, 347, 348b8.11fair trade cooperatives, 201Fair-Trade Labelling Organisations (FLO) International, 342, 343,

344b8.8Fair Trade Organization (FTO), 348b8.11fair trade organizations, 342–43, 348b8.11fallows, 660–61families

family approaches to aquaculture, 572–76, 591–93, 594n1–3family farms, 321family law, 145, 184, 337

FAO. See Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)FAOSTAT, 710FARC. See Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)FARM. See Farmer-Centered Agricultural Resource Management

(FARM) programfarm animal genetic resources management, 436farmer advisory committees (FACs), 270–71Farmer-Centered Agricultural Resource Management (FARM)

program, 456–57, 620farmer field schools (FFSs), 219, 260, 262, 274, 306

and conservation agriculture, 302–3and knowledge of hazardous chemicals, 553and participatory research, 275–76and pest management project, 550

Farmer Life Schools (FLSs), 306farmers and farming, 291, 436, 622, 634

in drylands, 454–58farm equipment and tools, 289–91, 295, 303–4farmer interest groups, 270–71


farmer research groups, 63, 64b2.14farmers’ rights, 434, 435b10.7farmer-to-farmer training, 299gender issues

agricultural resource management, 456–57agroforestry technologies, 660–62and climate change, 439–40farm tools and equipment, 289–91food security, 522management of gender-based farmer groups, 592as pathway out of poverty, 519–28, 554n1self-help organizations in China, 656b15.7social biases in labor force, 175in watershed development project, 463–65women as trainers for, 196women’s view of, 523

increasing farm power, 289–91Integrated Rural Resource Management, 275b7.8junior farmer field and life schools, 305–8, 310n1–7and landmines, 500off-farm activities, 293–94, 323on-farm activities, 289, 317, 323postharvest processing and storage, 186–87, 190, 190b5.6procurement centers for, 215–19, 223–24n1–3rice farmers, 272use of ICTs, 393and use of liquid biofuels, 445wholesale and assembly market, 187, 190See also livestock sector; seeds

farmers’ organizations, 193, 266, 266b7.6experience, impacts, and benefits from gender-responsive

actions of, 65–66, 80n1as extension service, 269and GAL framework, 427good practices and lessons learned from, 67–69, 80n3group functions, advantages, and disadvantages, 63–65guidelines and recommendations for practitioners,

69–70overview, 63policy and implementation issues of, 66–67and rice projects, 272

farmers’ rights, and seed systems, 545b12.15farmer training demonstrations (FTDs), 248FEDEV. See Femmes et Développement (FEDEV)fee-for-service programs, 268, 269feminization

of agriculture, 526of labor markets, 317

Femmes et Développement (FEDEV), 66fertilizers, 529

chemical, 530, 531–32, 533b12.5use of, 536

FFGs. See Fish Farming Groups (FFGs)FFS. See farmer field schools (FFSs)FIAS. See Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS)Fiji, Foundation for Rural Integrated Enterprises and

Development, 395financial planning, 111

financial sector, 88, 198community financial systems, 112–16, 121n1financing for light and power, 388b9.5financing of agricultural advisory services, 269, 270t 7.3financing of CDD projects, 60gender equity in accessing markets, 366gender mainstreaming in, 91–92and ICTs relevant to rural women, 393IKP project, 112–16, 121n1KRC project, 117–20monitoring of, 694overview, 85–86postcrisis recovery, 502–3and rural development, 96–98savings and pensions, 103, 104, 107–8, 121n2speculative financial activities link to food crises, 476women’s access to, 89–90See also rural finance

Finca Village Banking, 87FINE criteria, 343, 344b8.8firewood collection, 652b15.1First Mile Project, 295, 309n4, 393–94, 396, 397fish and fisheries, 19, 294b7.18, 329, 488

access to, 580–81alternative livelihoods for fishing communities, 582–87,

594n1–2, 594n8CARE Bangladesh, 591–93decline in fish stocks, 577fish-for-sex, 564, 565, 577fish health inspections, 580–81fish processors, 562gender issues, 561–67, 593n1–5

for accessing and managing resources, 568–71, 593n1–3associations for protecting livelihoods of fishers, processors,

and traders, 577–81, 594n1Bangladesh, 568–69, 591–93coral reef rehabilitation and management project, 588–90gendered nature of fishing communities, 178as livelihood for women in Ghana, 180b5.2

Honduras, 208, 209b5.16Fish Farming Groups (FFGs), 571FishPHOM, 180b5.2FLGs. See functional literacy groups (FLGs)FLO. See Fair-Trade Labelling Organisations (FLO) Internationalfloods, 452flower industries, 344FLSs. See Farmer Life Schools (FLSs)fodder, 662b15.12FONAFIFO. See National Fund for Forestry Finance


availability of, 14–17food banks, 513–15increase in prices of, 443, 467n4processing of, 294, 294b7.18production of, 533b12.5support for women as producers of, 395–96utilization of, 14, 18–19


food aid, 17development oriented, 493link between food aid and agriculture in emergencies, 492–98versus agricultural support and sustenance of social capital,

507–12, 516n3–4Food and Agriculture Education Information System

(FAESIS), 286–87Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 287, 396, 710

and agriculture workforce, 230animal genetic diversity, 632community seed fairs, 434–35and extension programs, 257and forestry, 643, 644, 665–68Gender and Population Division, 718and gender mainstreaming, 3gender-specific units in, 28–29and Hills Leasehold project, 159–61, 167n2land policy and administration, 125, 165n1and livestock management, 436and nonwood forest products, 653–54role of agriculture in poverty reduction, 520b12.1Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis Programme, 488and work with vulnerable youth and orphans, 305–6

Food Bank Project, Niger, 17food insecurity, 476food security, 177, 185, 306, 480, 521–22

in Afghanistan, 205b5.12and agricultural water management, 229–34conclusion concerning, 19definition, 11, 14elements in achieving, 12, 13f1.2IASC guidelines on, 497–98impact of HIV on, 305link to agriculture, 11–12link to seed security, 538and LinKS project, 459–62, 468n1and livestock sector, 611, 625monitoring and of, 19, 20t1.1overview, 11, 12f1.1pillars of, 14–19and seed systems, 543–44and soil productivity, 530Sri Lanka, 478–79and women farmers, 522women’s role in, 12–14, 14–19

Food Security for Vulnerable Group Development Women andTheir Dependents (FSVGD), Bangladesh, 197

Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS), 189b5.5forest land

leasehold of, 139user rights to, 159–61

forests and forestry, 644–46changes and trends in forestry livelihoods, 643–46, 668n2–3conservation in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, 665–68development and management in Mexico, 657b15.8gender-responsive policies of, 646–47innovative approaches to gender barriers in, 647–48monitoring and evaluation of, 648–49

as safety net, 650–57, 668n1–2, 668n5See also agroforestry

Forests and Poverty Linkages Toolkit, 646–47formal sector, as provider of financial services, 86, 97b3.2forums, 452, 723b16.22fossil fuels, replacements for, 443Foundation for Rural Integrated Enterprises in Development

(FRIEND), Fiji, 395franchise services, 217FRIEND. See Foundation for Rural Integrated Enterprises in

Development (FRIEND), Fijifruits

domestication of, 662b15.12production of, 441, 536

FSVGD. See Food Security for Vulnerable Group DevelopmentWomen and Their Dependents (FSVGD), Bangladesh

FTD. See farmer training demonstrations (FTDs)FTO. See Fair Trade Organization (FTO)fuelwood, 291–92, 293, 445, 645, 653

collection of, 425, 444, 659b15.9safe access to, 451as source of energy, 384supply of, 368

functional literacy groups (FLGs), 248, 249

GGAL. See gender in agricultural livelihoods (GAL) frameworkThe Gambia, 569, 570b13.1

irrigation program, 457Lowlands Agricultural Development Programme, 15, 139,

166n6, 250–52GAP. See Gender Action Partnerships (GAP)garden/pond/animal husbandry, 572, 594n1Gates Foundation, 286Gaza, access to water in, 477b11.2GBIs. See gender budget initiatives (GBIs)GDP. See gross domestic product (GDP)GEF. See Global Environment Facility (GEF)Gemidiriya Community Development and Livelihood

Improvement Project, Sri Lanka, 77–79, 721–23Gender Action Partnerships (GAP), 698Gender Action Plan, 679b16.3gender and growth assessments (GGAs), 189, 189b5.5, 338Gender and Rural Transport Initiative (GRTI), Africa, 377,

377b9.1gender-assessment tools, 388–89gender audits, 98–99, 120n4, 387, 707gender budget initiatives (GBIs), 705, 706b16.3gender consultants, 408, 409, 413–14n5–6gender-disaggregated data, availability and collection of, 717–20gender equality

definition, 2gender-sensitive rural transport results indicators, 380, 381b9.4importance of in agriculture, 2–3of opportunity for financial services, 91promotion of, 26, 28–29and women’s access to financial services, 88

Gender Equality Study, 677


gender equity, 125, 681in accessing markets, 365–66in economic empowerment, 365–66gender-equity markers, 706–7and implementation of staff gender policies, 99–101, 120n6and land policy, 126–30in management of services, 365in newer aid modalities, 697–98in planning and decision making, 364promotion of through FJJLS, 306–7in road maintenance, 408–9, 415n7

gender in agricultural livelihoods (GAL) framework, 426–28Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook

considerations in creation of, 6–7lessons learned and ways forward, 8–9overview, 3–4process of, 8–9structure of, 7–8, 9n7and sustainable livelihoods through a gender lens, 4–5

gender inequalitieschallenges and opportunities for in crises, 496–97in fisheries, 565, 593n4and food security, 11in labor markets, 315and women’s work, 561, 593n1

Gender Issues in Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural DevelopmentProjects toolkit, 678

gender mainstreamingat agency level, 405–6in agricultural water management, 229–34in agriculture sector, 45–51, 76, 80n1–2, 522CARE Bangladesh, 591–93definition, 45, 80n1in financial sector for pro-poor development, 91–92Gemidiriya project, 77–79implications for M&E, 680–81, 692–93irrigation project in Sri Lanka, 510livestock sector, 603–5, 635n9–10of MDGs, 699models and strategies for, 96–102, 120n1, 120n3, 120n8and national machineries, 45, 46–47perspectives in, 6, 9n6and policy making, 38in producer organizations, 74–75and public administration, 28–31

gender mapping, 575, 594n3gender pyramid, 579Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiatives (GRBIs), 79gender-sensitive indicators, 709

accuracy of, 720in agricultural sector program, 715–16t16.5experience and achievements using, 710guidelines in designing and verification sources, 710–17reasons for using, 709–10selecting data sources for, 719–20

gender specialists, 692gender units, 46, 47–48, 49b2.7genetically modified (GM) crops, 521, 541, 548, 551

genetic diversity, 431–32, 433genetic erosion, 433, 465n5genetic resource management, 277geographical sourcing of products, 613geographic information system (GIS), 378b9.2German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), 446Germidiriya Community Development and Livelihood

Improvement Project, Sri Lanka, 77–79germplasm supply, 661, 663, 669n2GGAs. See gender and growth assessments (GGAs)Ghana

Grains Development Project, 533b12.5Land Conservation and Smallholder Rehabilitation Project,

232, 247–49, 253n1maize production in, 524Volta River Estates, Ltd., 348b8.11and women entrepreneurs, 189b5.5women’s role in fishing industry, 180b5.2

GIS. See geographic information system (GIS)global business environment, 184–85, 187–88Global Environment Facility (GEF), 435b10.6, 441Global Forest Resource Assessment, 643GLOBALGAP standards, 174globalization, 1–2, 200, 281–82, 372Global Plans of Action, 434, 435b10.6Global Positioning System (GPS), 378b9.2global warming, 438, 466n2, 466n11GM. See genetically modified (GM) cropsGNAEP. See Greater Noakhali Aquaculture Extension Project

(GNAEP), BangladeshGNI. See gross national income (GNI)goats, 607, 611GOLDA. See Greater Options for Local Development through

Aquaculture (GOLDA) project, BangladeshGopal Mitras, 464GoSL. See government of Sri Lanka (GoSL)governance, 48

and CDD, 52–62conceptual framework for reforms, 24–27and decentralization, 31–32, 52–62definition, 23and farmer organizations, 63–70Gemidiriya project, 77–79global governance, 33–34in labor-intensive export agriculture, 342–43and land rights, 125–26in local government, 71–73overview, 23–24policy processes for, 27–28and public administration and public sector reform, 28–31reforms in, 45and risk management and preventive action, 486–87and rural transport issues, 376–77and self-help groups, 63–70strengthening of, 409See also policies

government of Sri Lanka (GoSL), 507, 508See also Sri Lanka


GOWE. See Growth Oriented Women Enterprise (GOWE) program, Kenya

Grains Development Project, Ghana, 533b12.5Grameen Bank, 87, 96, 111, 620grants, to promote AET for women, 286GRBIs. See Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiatives (GRBIs)Greater Noakhali Aquaculture Extension Project (GNAEP),

Bangladesh, 220–22, 224n1Greater Options for Local Development through Aquaculture

(GOLDA) project, Bangladesh, 591greenhouse gas emissions, 441, 442b10.9, 466n2–3, 466n11

reduction of, 438, 440, 447variations of, 467n5

Green Revolution technologies, 520–21gross domestic product (GDP), 16, 341gross national income (GNI), and food security, 17groundwater, development and management of, 242–46, 489group action programs, 262growth center markets, 191b5.7Growth Oriented Women Enterprise (GOWE) program,

Kenya, 198GRTI. See Gender and Rural Transport Initiative (GRTI), AfricaGTZ. See German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)Guatemala

Commission for the Verification of Corporate Codes of Conduct, 339

Maria Eugenia Morales de Sierra v. Guatemala, 337working conditions in, 326b8.3

Guide to Gender-Sensitive Indicators, 713

HHabitat Agenda, 503b11.7handbooks, for humanitarian action, 490hand washing, 399Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines, 699, 710healers, 612health and health care

and chemical exposures, 338, 345–46, 552, 553as factor in food security, 13, 14gender issues

access to, 367in agricultural labor, 321–22and climate change, 439and exposure to pesticides, 553in forestry sector, 652b15.1ICTs to deliver services to poor, 394impact for women agricultural workers, 326lessons learned and guidelines for practitioners, 403–6and natural disasters, 449–50and use of traditional bioenergy, 444and water quality, 243, 243b6.4

impact of multiple-use water services on, 217informal sector, 331, 332and insurance products, 109link to domestic energy, 384link to income, 18link to sanitation, hygiene, and potable water, 399livestock sector, 612–13

occupational safety and health, 321, 332, 336, 345and use of solar cookers, 447water-borne diseases, 249See also acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Health Unlimited, 394Heifer Project International, 607Heifer Zambia, 604heterogeneity

of rural infrastructure and services, 363–64of women’s social class, 68

higher educationchallenges for, 280–81opportunities for women in, 281–82

highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), 611, 612, 614high-value products, 205b5.11, 317, 341

demand for, 176informal labor in, 344and labor unions, 346women’s access to, 366

high-yield crops, 433, 465n5, 524Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project

(HLFFDP), Nepal, 159–61, 167n2HIV. See human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)HLFFDP. See Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development

Project (HLFFDP), Nepalhoes, long-handled, 289–90, 295home-based work, 332, 333b8.6home gardens, 645, 659–60HomeNet, 332, 333b8.6homestead land purchase program, India, 139–40Honduras

ethical fish processing, 581improving marketing abilities in, 208, 209b5.16Land Access Pilot Project (PACTA), 162–65, 167n2titling systems, 145

horticulture, 322, 326, 346, 347b8.9, 535–36household arrangements

informal conjugal unions, 156and PACTA, 163–64See also marriage practices

Household Food Security and Nutrition Project, Ethiopia, 17household resource management, 283, 285b7.13households

child-headed households, 603, 635n7, 635n10composition of in rural areas, 1division of labor within, 293domestic chores, 291, 292, 293b7.17and domestic energy, 383–85food security, 12–13househead, 718identifying by type, 332impact of IKP project on, 115and invisible economies of, 373link of resources to land rights, 126resource poor, 530women’s responsibility for, 89

household surveys, 718house ownership, 165–66n10


HPAI. See highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)human capital, 103, 602

access to, 612impact of MARENASS project on, 300and livestock sector, 608and rural infrastructure, 361–62and rural transport, 375

human development, 366–67human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 1, 2

and agricultural markets, 193and child-headed households, 603, 635n7, 635n10contract clauses on, 380coping strategies for, 433, 434b10.5in fishing communities, 578and food security, 14and forestry sector, 651, 652b15.1, 654, 668n2impact of, 305, 310n1–2

on MDGs, 645on rural households, 613

and junior farmer field and life schools, 305–8, 310n107and labor rights, 337and land and water degradation, 456and local knowledge systems, 461b10.14and rural infrastructure, 368, 374as safety risk for women in workforce, 321Tanzania, 303and training programs, 197workplace awareness campaigns, 326See also health and health care

humanitarian assistance, 451, 478, 480, 490, 493guidelines for, 494See also relief efforts

human resource management, 350hunger, 529, 650Hurricane Mitch, 500husbandry, 457–58hybrid seeds, 538hygiene, 400–403

monitoring and evaluation of, 405overview, 399

Hyogo Framework, 488

IIADB. See Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)IAP. See indoor air pollution (IAP)IASC. See Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), United

NationsICARDA. See International Center for Research in the Dry Areas

(ICARDA)ICECD. See International Centre for Entrepreneurship and

Career Development (ICECD), IndiaICESCR. See International Covenant on Economic, Social and

Cultural Rights (ICESCR)ICICI Bank, India, 96, 97b3.2ICM. See integrated crop management (ICM)ICP. See internally displaced persons (IDP)ICRAF. See World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)ICRC. See International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

ICT. See information and communications technologies (ICTs)ICT-enabled procurement centers, 219IDA. See International Development Association (IDA)IDPs. See internally displaced persons (IDPs)IDRC See International Development Research Centre (IDRC)IFAD. See International Fund for Agricultural Development

(IFAD)IFAT. See International Federation for Alternative Trade (IFAT)IFC. See International Finance Corporation (IFC)IFPRI. See International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)IGAs. See income-generating activities (IGAs)IIM. See Indian Institute of Management (IIM)IK. See indigenous knowledge (IK)Ikirezi Natural Products Project, 205b5.11IKP. See Indira Kranthi Patham (IKP), Indiailliteracy, 157, 393–94ILO. See International Labour Organization (ILO)IMF. See International Monetary Fund (IMF)impact indicators, 711implementation

gender issuesand access to land and property, 138–39and biodiversity, 434, 435b10.6, 435b10.7, 466n8and bioenergy, 445, 447and choice of director for gender strategies, 76crop protection, 549–53and desertification, 456family-based aquaculture systems, 574–75and farmer organizations, 66–67for fishers, processors, and traders, 579–80of forestry-related programs, 652–54land dispute resolution, 148–50, 166n1, 166n3and land rights, 143–45livestock sector, 419–20, 604, 608, 613–14, 619–20, 621,

626–27, 636n5marketing sector, 619–20, 621of multiple-use water services, 238–39and natural disasters, 450–51and postcrises land issues, 505in rural transport, 376–77seed production and distribution, 540–41, 545–46and self-help groups, 66–67and titling of land, 154–55

partnerships in, 287–88of water services, 232–33

Improved Seed Systems for Agroforestry in African Countriesproject, 663

IMT. See irrigation management transfer (IMT)IMTs. See intermediate means of transport (IMTs)INCAGRO. See Agro-Innovation and Competitiveness Project

(INCAGRO), Peruincentives, to ensure monitoring and evaluation, 676–77income

in Afghanistan, 205in agriculture sector, 17fishing sector, 583–84households with business income, 388f 9.2and insurance, 109, 487b11.4


link to contribution of financial services, 90link to nutrition and health, 18link to proximity of procurement centers, 217loss of due to resettlement and displacement, 368marginalization of low-income groups, 651nonfarm income opportunities, 372in rural transport, 374and watershed development project, 464for women farmers, 522See also wages

income-generating activities (IGAs), 464India

Agricultural Technology Management Agency, 270–71Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Project, 112–16, 203,

215–19, 223–24n1–3, 683b16.6biofuel production, 447carbon sequestration project, 441community seed bank, 542b12.11disaster recovery, 487b11.5District Poverty Initiatives Project, 112, 210b5.17gender-related responsibilities, 384t9.3health insurance for unorganized labor force, 332b8.5homestead land purchase program in, 139–40ICECD, 198ICIC Bank, 96, 97b3.2impact of HIV and AIDS on, 613Indian Institute of Management, 196b5.8Indira Kranthi Patham, 92, 112–16insurance for low-income workers, 487b11.4Integrated Pest Management Program for Cotton, 552b12.17Jharkhand-Chhattisgarh Tribal Development Program, 655Karnataka Watershed Development Project, 463–65market prices in, 264b7.5National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized

Sector, 331b8.4National Development Dairy Cooperative, 330resource management project, 654–55rice credit line project, 17sanitation and hygiene issues, 403, 404b9.9self-help groups in, 65b2.15SEWA Trade Facilitation Centre, 396type of workers by gender, 329, 330t8.7Vishaka v. Rajasthan and Others, 339Warana Wired Village Project, Indiawomen-managed community financial system, 112–16, 121n1women willing to use clean fuels, 387, 387b9.5Working Women’s Forum, 66

Indian Institute of Management (IIM), 196b5.8indicators

design of, 712–13modification of, 717qualitative versus quantitative, 711from rural development project in Vietnam, 714t16.4setting up systems in projects and programs, 713types of, 10–11

indigenous fruit, 662b15.12indigenous knowledge (IK), 264, 436, 543b12.12

LinKS Project, 16, 434–35, 459–62, 461n1, 633–35

indigenous people, 407, 436Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation (ISWC), Africa, 534indigenous vegetables, 432b10.3indigenous women, sheep improvement research, 631–32Indira Kranthi Patham (IKP), India, 92, 112–16individual rights, 147Indonesia

Community Empowerment for Rural Development Project,723b16.22

Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program, 588–90Kecamatan Development Program, 54b2.10, 55

indoor air pollution (IAP), 364, 367, 384, 385, 425, 444industrialization of agriculture, 317INFOPESCA. See Centre for Marketing Information and

Advisory Services for Fishery Products in Latin America and the Caribbean (INFOPESCA)

informal economy, 328, 331, 353n1informal organizations, and women’s access to information and

services, 263–64informal sector labor, 328–33, 353n1information, 4–6, 59

access to, 257–58, 263–64, 367, 480, 525–26on animal disease control, 614exchange of, 264, 265, 393farmers exchange of, 393and GAL framework, 427increasing of, 103information divide, 397as key to services of projects, 119lack of, 295livestock sector, 607, 620and natural resources management, 426promotion of safe pesticides, 551–52in sanitation, hygiene, and potable water, 400–402seed sources, 539–40, 555n2social processes of information exchange, 264–65soil productivity, 531

information and communications technologies (ICTs), 26, 264, 265

and First Mile Project, 295, 309n4gender perspectives to improve ICT policies and projects,

391–92good practices and lessons learned in, 393–96guidelines and recommendations for practitioners, 397–98ICTs relevant to rural women, 392–93for informal workers, 330livestock sector, 628overview, 390–91, 414neproduct market information concerning, 366role in rural areas, 366, 367for transport, 380women entrepreneurs, 198

information technology (IT), 218, 330infrastructure, 55

dimensions for services, 362, 362f 9.1energy, 391, 414n3to prevent livestock diseases, 613and rural transport technologies, 292–93


sequencing of interventions in, 364Vietnam’s CBRIP project, 56, 57b2.11See also rural infrastructure

inheritance practices, 128–30, 165–66n10–11and land administration programs, 130–34and livestock, 617Rwanda, 504

innovationsin design of loan products, 105, 106b3.7gender issues, 260–63

approaches to overcome gender barriers, 647–48conservation agriculture for sustainable development, 302–4emerging trends affecting gender roles in agriculture,

263–67extension organizations, 268–73framework for AIS, 258–60labor-saving technologies, 289–97overview, 280in participatory research, 274–79trends in access to information and technology, 257–58womens’ role in innovation in Africa, 294b7.18

in IKP project, 113in soil fertility management, 533–34

inorganic fertilizers, 531input indicators, 710institutions

capacity building, 664b15.13definition, 6and empowerment versus sustainability, 98, 99b3.3, 120n3framework for JFFLS, 308, 310n7and GAL framework, 428gender issues

for access and ownership of land, 126–31, 134–35, 165n7–8,165–66n10

for accessing and managing resources, 568–71, 593n1–3and agriculture sector, 45–51, 80n1–2, 325, 525culture of and empowerment of women, 98–99and gender equality, 54–55for groundwater development and management, 242–46and land dispute mechanisms, 148–49livestock sector, 608promoting women’s role in, 340provision of goods and services to women, 58–59

impact of IKP project on, 115institutional analysis

at community level, 61for terms for joint review missions, 707b16.19

and policies, 5f 0.1political processes leading to reform of, 37rural financial services, 86rural transport institutional arrangement, 376strengthening of to support rural livelihoods, 495

Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN), Malaysia, 411INSTRAW. See International Research and Training Institute for

the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW)insurance, 103, 104

good practices and innovations in, 108–9insurance for low-income workers, 487b11.4

and livestock sector, 614, 615, 628social, 331

INTAN. See Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN), MalaysiaIntegrated crop management (ICM), 276f 7.2integrated pest management (IPM), 275–76, 549–52integrated production and pest management (IPPM), 276f 7.2Integrated Pest Management Program for Cotton, 552b12.17Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRAD), 384Integrated Rice and Fish, 591integrated rural accessibility planning (IRAP), 378Integrated Rural Resource Management, 275, 275b7.8intellectual property rights (IPR), 436intelligence-gathering strategies for disease, 615Interagency Gender and Development Group (INGAD), 40b2.3Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), United Nations,

490, 497Inter-American Commission, 337Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), 407Intercooperation, 211–14Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 438, 466n1,

466n3–4intermediate means of transport (IMTs), 378, 388b9.2internally displaced persons (IDPs), 477, 482, 499

location and resettlement of, 502postcrisis issues, 501

international agreements, 34, 434, 435b10.6International Bioenergy Platform, 445International Center for Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), 178International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), 262, 278International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Career

Development (ICECD), India, 198International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 508International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

(ICESCR), 334, 335t8.8International Development Association (IDA), 478, 507International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 436International Federation for Alternative Trade (IFAT),

343, 344b8.8International Finance Corporation (IFC), 189b5.5International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 3, 38International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD),

654–55, 710and agroforestry domestication, 435and extension programs, 257gender mainstreaming, 3, 55gender-specific units in, 28–29HLFFDP project, 159–61, 167n2land policy and administration, 125, 165n1lessons learned from, 41–42North Eastern Region Community Resource Management

Project in India, 65b2.15role of agriculture in poverty reduction, 520b12.1

International Institute for Environment and Development,United Kingdom, 536

international labor conventions, 323International Labour Organization (ILO), 325, 334–36,

353n1, 461gender-sensitive value chain model, 622–23


International Land Coalition, Women’s Resource Access Programme (WRAP), 160

international law, 334–36, 502International Livestock Research Institute, 276International Monetary Fund (IMF), and PRSCs, 42International Research and Training Institute for the

Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), 110International Research Centre for Agroforestry, 436International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), 290International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources, 3, 434International Union for Conservation of Nature, 644International Water Management Institute, 236b6.1Internet, 411Internet access, 264–65interventions

agroforestry-related, 658–59in crop agriculture, 526–27, 535principles for effective intervention, 481b11.3for pro-poor development, 85reduction of time spent on domestic chores, 291seed systems, 541–45

investmentsin agriculture, 2in boats and fishing gear, 562in fisheries, 565to improve governance, 23, 24t2.1in infrastructure, 55and multiple-use water services, 235–36in research and advisory services, 265in roads, 372in sanitation, hygiene, and potable water, 399scaling up of investments, 683–86in soil productivity, 531

invisibility factors, and crop agriculture, 521invisible economies, 373IPCC. See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

(IPCC)IPM. See integrated pest management (IPM)IRAD. See Integrated Research and Action for Development

(IRAD)IRAP. See integrated rural accessibility planning (IRAP)IRRI. See International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)irrigation management transfer (IMT), 230irrigation systems

access to, 230and agricultural water management, 229–34community-focused project to develop, 507–12,

516n3–4The Gambia, 457and groundwater issues, 243b6.3, 455labor contribution to, 230LACOSREP project, 232, 247–49, 253n1Sri Lanka, 478–79

irrigation tanks, 507, 516n3Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 499ISWC. See Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation (ISWC),

AfricaIT. See information technology (IT)

Jjatropha oil, 446JFFLS. See junior farmer field and life schools (JFFLS)Jharkhand-Chhattisgarh Tribal Development Program,

India, 655job markets, for ACT graduates, 285–86joint ownership, of housing, 452joint property rights, and PACTA, 162–65joint staff assessments (JSAs), 41joint titling of land, 156–57Jordan

Badia Livestock Extension Project, 628b14.3value chain analysis in, 178

Journal of International Agricultural Research and Extension, 268JSAs. See joint staff assessments (JSAs)judicial systems

and land dispute mechanisms, 148, 149–50, 166n1See also legal framework

junior farmer field and life schools (JFFLS), 305–8, 310n1–7

KKabarole Research and Resource Centre (KRC), Uganda, 92,

117–20Kapitbisig Laban Sa Kahirapan-Comprehensive and Integrated

Delivery of Social Services Project (KALAE-CIDSS), Philippines, 54b2.10, 55

KARI. See Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)Karnataka Watershed Development Project (KWDP), India,

463–65The Keita Project, Niger, 457–58Kenya

agroforestry technologies, 660–61Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Agriculture

Development Project, 291dairy market chains, 617, 618f14.1gender analysis in sectorwide program, 704b16.18GOWE program, 198PARIMA project, 620women and community-based water programs, 291, 292b7.16and women entrepreneurs, 189b5.5

Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), 303Kerala mariculture project, 584–85knowledge, 4–6, 258b7.1

agroforestry landscapes, 658–64, 669n2differences in agricultural knowledge, 525ethnobotanical, 436livestock sector, 625–26Maasai knowledge of cattle breeding, 633–35management of for disaster mitigation, 488–89, 515n2pesticide risks, 549sharing of, 393–94women’s access to, 574See also indigenous knowledge (IK)

KRC. See Kabarole Research and Resource Centre (KRC), UgandaKWDP. See Karnataka Watershed Development Project (KWDP),

IndiaKyoto Protocol, 441, 442b10.9Kyrgyz Republic, 150, 689b16.10


Llabor contracts, 323labor force, 319–22, 352n5

agroprocessing industries, 342and conservation agriculture, 303–4considerations for program and project design, 322–26, 353n8definitions of agricultural labor, 316–19exploitation of, 579in export agriculture, 344–46in forestry, 644good practices and lessons learned from, 346–47, 353n2governance structures, 342–43guidelines and recommendations for practitioners, 347–49informal sector, 328–33, 353n1labor improvement program in Thailand, 250–52labor laws, 334–40monitoring and evaluation of, 326–27overview, 315–16, 341participation in by gender, 175plantation agriculture, 341–42protection of in processing factories, 578trends in, 317–19, 352n3

labor force participation (LFP), 315, 316f 8.2labor-intensive export agriculture, 344–46

agroprocessing industries, 342good practices and lessons learned from, 346–47, 353n2governance structures in, 342–43guidelines and recommendations for practitioners, 347–49overview, 341plantation agriculture, 341–42

labor-intensive industries, and low wages and skills, 350–52labor law, 337–38, 352

and customary law, 336–37governing informal sector, 329–30international law, 334–36lessons learned and guidelines for practitioners, 338–40and women agricultural laborers, 334–40See also legal framework

labor marketsflexibility in, 620gender equity in access to, 366gender inequalities in, 315

labor-saving technologies, 379gender issues, 262–63, 289–91

good practices and lessons learned, 294–97, 309n4guidelines and recommendations for, 297low-cost water techniques, 291–94overview, 289

LACOSREP. See Land Conservation and Smallholder Rehabilitation Project (LACOSREP), Ghana

LADEP. See Lowlands Agricultural Development Programme(LADEP), The Gambia

Lake Chad, 580Lake Fishing Teams (LFTs), 571land

access to land, 136–40, 166n1–4, 166n6–7, 531common property, 140degradation of, 429, 454–58, 468n4, 476b11.1

and dispute resolution, 133t4.1, 147–52, 166n1, 166n3land improvement programs, 137–38, 457landless systems, 619–20managing land and promoting recovery postcrisis, 499–506market in, 153–54ownership issues, 142–43, 166n2, 232, 252, 271, 496reform programs, 137, 166n3, 501–2tenure systems, 126–27, 229–31, 531, 537, 602

Land Access Pilot Project (PACTA), Honduras, 162–65land administration. See land policy and administrationLand Claims Court (LCC), South Africa, 339Land Conservation and Smallholder Rehabilitation Project

(LACOSREP), Ghana, 232, 247–49, 253n1land husbandry, 534landless systems, 619–20land policy and administration

gender issues, 126–30and dispute resolution, 133t4.1, 147–52, 166n1, 166n3future of, 134–35gendered access to land and property, 136–40, 166nn6–7,

166n1–4gender-responsive titling, 153–58implementation of land administration programs, 130–34importance of gender-sensitive policy, 125–26legal reforms and women’s property rights, 141–46, 166n2,

166n4–5overview, 125, 165n1–3

land reclamation, and LADEP project, 250–52land rights, 602, 635n5, 718

Africa, 339as economic and social access, 125–26enforcement of, 144–45, 146and food availability, 15impact of disasters on, 449importance of, 125link to water rights, 242–43and natural resources management, 426and postcrisis issues, 500and sociocultural issues, 130tenure systems for, 126–27, 229–31, 531, 537, 602, 688

Land Tenure Certificates, 688land use systems, 445, 457–58Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), land titling, credit, and

gender, 153, 154b4.1, 156, 157, 287, 653–54LARC. See Legal Assistance to Rural Citizens (LARC), Kyrgyz

RepublicLas Hermanas coffee, Nicaragua, 203, 203b5.10Latin America, 581

and fertilizer use, 532gender and agribusiness, 174women entrepreneurs in, 195

Lawler, John, 350LCC. See Land Claims Court (LCC), South AfricaLDW. See local development window (LDW)leadership training, 723b16.22LEAF. See Livelihood Empowerment and Agroforestry

(LEAF) ProjectLearning for Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP), Sudan, 109


leasehold forestry, 159–61, 167n2leasing arrangements, 103, 104, 143legal aid, 145Legal Assistance to Rural Citizens (LARC), Kyrgyz Republic,

150–51legal framework

and access to hazardous chemicals, 552–53and access to information, 26and biodiversity, 434, 435b10.6, 435b10.7, 466n8and business environment, 185–87, 188, 191crop protection, 549–53in fisheries and aquaculture, 579forest law, 653–54to govern informal sector employment, 329–30involved with land, 126–30, 131–35, 153–58, 499–500and land dispute resolution, 133t4.1, 147–52, 166n1, 166n3multiple-use water services, 238–39postcrisis recovery, 502–4and risk management, 486–87seed systems, 540–51for women agricultural workers, 323–24, 334–40women’s property rights, 141–46, 166n2, 166n4–5See also labor law

legal pluralism, and land dispute resolution, 149–50, 166n3legal services, 146, 339–40legumes, 534, 535b12.7leisure, access to, 367Lesotho, mapping mobility and access in rural areas, 378b9.2less conservation areas, perceptions about women working in,

573, 573t13.3LFP. See labor force participation (LFP)LFTs. See Lake Fishing Teams (LFTs)liberalization of trade, 184–85Liberation Tamil Tigers of Eelam (LTTE), Sri Lanka, 507, 508LIFE. See Locally Intensified Farming Enterprises (LIFE) projectlife skills, teaching of, 305–8LinKS. See local indigenous knowledge systems (LinKS) projectliquid biofuels, 445, 446liquid propane gas (LPG), 293b7.17literacy, 89, 622

among women, 271digital, 394financial, 111as goal of self-help groups, 65b2.15impact of bicycles on literacy program, 378and land rights, 151, 502and Radio Teacher, 393rural indigenous women, 407, 414n4and traditional bioenergy, 444women farmers, 500

livelihood diversification. See alternative livelihoodsLivelihood Empowerment and Agroforestry (LEAF) Project, 198,

211–14livelihood strategies, 4–6livelihood support activities (LSA), and irrigation project, 508–11Livestock Development Program, Bangladesh, 620, 621livestock genetic diversity, 454Livestock Guru, 628

livestock production, 617, 636n1livestock sector, 513, 601–3, 635n7

access to water for, 236b6.1and biofuel production, 445characteristics of, 601, 602b14.1disease control and biosecurity, 611–16, 636n1, 636n5knowledge on breeding and selection, 461b10.13, 633–35Maasai knowledge of, 633–35mainstreaming gender, 603–5, 635n9–10management of, 436marketing, 617–24, 636n1monitoring and evaluation of, 608–10SL framework for, 605–8technologies to improve agricultural livelihoods, 625–30, 635and value chains, 617–24, 636n1value of global agricultural output, 636n1versus crop production, 455

living infrastructure, 363loans, 103

application process, 99b3.3, 120n3design of, 105, 106b3.7and product design issues, 104, 105b3.6, 121n2provided in IKP project, 112triggers for loan disbursement, 714, 716, 716b16.20women as borrowers, 89, 120n6to women who complete training in business development, 101See also credit

local authorities, and land rights, 127, 165n7–8local councils, and land rights, 145local development window (LDW), 407, 408, 409, 410, 414n3local government, gender and governance in, 71–73local indigenous knowledge systems (LinKS) project, 16, 434–35,

459–62, 468n1, 633–35local knowledge, 432, 433b10.4, 435b10.7, 465n3

and biodiversity, 436, 468n1cattle breeding, 633–35custodians of, 603of farmers, 525of livestock diseases, 612–13and management of drylands, 455on value of timber, 644See also indigenous knowledge (IK)

Locally Intensified Farming Enterprises (LIFE) project, 139,166n7, 591

Local Road Institute, 409long-term use rights to land, 143low-external-input technologies, 533Lowlands Agricultural Development Programme (LADEP), The

Gambia, 15, 139, 166n6, 250–52LPG. See liquid propane gasLSA. See livelihood support activities (LSA)LTTE. See Liberation Tamil Tigers of Eelam (LTTE), Sri Lanka

MMaasai livestock keepers, 460, 461b10.13, 633–35Macallinka Raddiyaha, 393MACEMP. See Marine and Coastal Environment Management

Project (MACEMP)


machineries, for advancement of women, 26, 28–29, 45, 46–47MADER. See Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

(MADER), MozambiqueMadhya Pradesh, India, 269magic boxes, 264b7.5Mainstreaming Hazard Risk Management in Rural Projects,

494, 496maize production, 533b12.5Malawi

Department of Forestry, 654and forestry studies, 651, 652b15.1, 654rural travel and transport in, 377b9.1Smallholder Seed Development Project, 544–45WorldFish, 577

Malaysia, community e-centers, 411–13, 415n1Mali, 43b2.5, 433b10.4, 446Mali Economic Management Credit, 43b2.5Mali Folke Center, 446malnutrition, 14, 17MAMS. See Maquette for MDG Simulations (MAMS)management authority, devolvement to user groups, 30management boards, 30management committees, 513–14management contracts, 693management information system (MIS), 693–94management systems, 193–94

gender equity in, 365monitoring of, 694for sheep husbandry, 631–32

mandal samakhyas (MS), 112, 114t3.3mapping, 378, 378b9.2Maquette for MDG Simulations (MAMS), 41MARENASS project, 298–301marginalization

of low-income groups, 651of women, 480

Maria Elena Cuadro Women’s Movement, Nicaragua, 339Maria Eugenia Morales de Sierra v. Guatemala, 337mariculture projects, 584–85marine conservation, 586, 594n8Marine and Coastal Environment Management Project

(MACEMP), 584b13.2marital property, 156, 157market economies

and inheritance practices, 129, 130and property rights, 157–58

marketing cooperatives, 269marketing extension (ME) process, Bangladesh, 211–14market-oriented smallholders, 7markets and marketing

access to, 4–6, 80n3, 103–4, 175–77, 365–66, 480, 515n7,525–26

agroenterprises, 278agroforestry, 663–64for allocation of land, 138, 166n4analysis of value chains in, 178in aquaculture, 573–74and biodiversity, 433, 465n4

capacity development for small-scale women entrepreneurs,192–99

collective action and market linkages, 200–205, 218entry points of gender integration, 181–82for fishers, processors, and traders, 577–78, 594n1and GAL framework, 427impact of changes in, 176–77infrastructure, 186–87, 190land market programs, 143livestock sector, 605–7, 617–24, 636n1marketing extension tool, 211–14market intelligence, 198market orientation, 520for milk, 201b5.9monitoring and evaluation indicators, 182–83overview, 173–74producer organizations for, 266b7.6regional opportunities and constraints in agribusiness, 174–75research in, 111and transport issues, 18women’s role in local markets and seed enterprises, 540See also agricultural markets; women entrepreneurs

marriage practicesand agroforestry, 659b15.9and land inheritance, 129, 166n11and land titling, 142, 155, 156–59, 166n4

maternity protection, 337matrilineal communities

and inheritance practices, 128–30, 165–66n10–11and land rights, 156, 166n5

Mauritius, sustainable land management, 457MBFOs. See membership-based financial organizations (MBFOs)MDGs. See Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)ME. See marketing extension (ME) processM&E. See monitoring and evaluation (M&E)MEA. See Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA)mechanical energy, 384–85mediation, 489Meghna-Dhanagoda Command Area Development Project,

Bangladesh, 568–69membership-based financial organizations (MBFOs), 86, 96–98mentoring, 272, 286Mexico, communal forests in, 657b15.8MFAs. See microfinance associations (MFAs)MFIs. See microfinance institutions (MFIs)Mgahinga and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Conservation Trust

Fund, 665, 667microcredit, 65, 66, 78microenterprises, 185–86, 190, 666microfinance associations (MFAs), 117–20Micro-Finance Associations Program, 117microfinance institutions (MFIs), 96–98, 108–9, 120n3, 120n8microfinance organizations, 111microfinance programs, 86, 96, 113

in IKP project, 112–16, 121n1women’s participation in, 87, 88, 89–90

microinsurance, 108–9, 614, 615Middle East, and women entrepreneurs, 194


MIGEPROFE. See Ministry of Gender and Promotion of Women(MIGEPROFE), Rwanda

migrants and migration, 1and agricultural labor, 317link to employment, 619–20as livelihood diversification strategy, 586and remittance transfer services, 110, 111b3.10

milestones, designing of, 714, 716, 716b16.20milk

milk collection networks, 201b5.9procurement of, 217

Millennium Challenge Corporation, 42Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 1

and agriculture sector, 3energy services, 367and gender equality strategies, 482and gender mainstreaming, 45hunger, 529impact of HIV and AIDS on, 645impact of natural disasters on, 448list, 701b16.15and MAMS, 41monitoring of, 683, 699–702and rural energy, 383and water resource management, 237, 239

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA), 424, 468n4, 521MINECOFIN. See Ministry of Economics and Finance

(MINECOFIN), RwandaMinimum Standards in Disaster Response, 494Ministries of Agriculture (MOAs), 48, 50, 701b16.14Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER),

Mozambique, 701b16.14Ministry of Economics and Finance (MINECOFIN), Rwanda,

40b2.4Ministry of Gender and Promotion of Women (MIGEPROFE),

Rwanda, 40b2.4miombo woodlands, 645, 651, 652b15.1, 668n2MIS. See management information system (MIS)MOAs. See Ministries of Agriculture (MOAs)mobility

constraints of, 519and disaster exposure, 449gender restrictions on, 89as livelihood diversification strategy, 586and rural transport, 372, 374

models, for organizations gender mainstreaming, 96–102, 120n1modern bioenergy, definition, 467n11monetization process, 492Mongolia, Sustainable Livelihoods Project, 683b16.6, 684b16.7monitoring and evaluation (M&E)

of CDD projects, 61codes of conduct, 347, 353n2dropout records, 283gender issues, 409, 410, 686–87, 697–98

AET graduates, 286–87in agriculture sector, 182–83, 326–27, 483, 484b11.1, 700,

527–28, 701b16.14alternative livelihoods, 587

animal disease control, 616and biodiversity, 437and bioenergy projects, 447and climate change, 442for crisis, 483, 484t11.1in crop agriculture, 527–28design of gender-sensitive M&E component of projects,

679–82ecotourism in BINP, 667emergency operations during natural disasters, 453examining gender activities of donors, 706–8family-based systems, 576fisheries and aquaculture, 566–67, 571, 576, 587and food security, 19, 20t1.1in forestry, 648–49gender checklist, 693–96gender integration in SWAPs, 704gender-sensitive assessments, 511–12and governance, 34–35implementation of gender strategies, 76indicators for, 91, 94–95t3.1integrating gender into M&E, 676–79, 687–89, 689–93involvement of women in innovation systems, 266–67in irrigation projects, 233, 234t6.1and land administration programs, 132–34land and water degradation, 458livestock sector, 604, 608–10, 616, 620–21, 623–24, 629–30,

635n9, 636n4monitoring PRSPs, 702–6in natural resources management, 429–30PARPA project, 681b16.5, 700b16.13participatory research, 279and postcrises land issues, 505reasons to monitor gender, 675–76, 698and risk management, 487–88rural energy, 387–89in rural infrastructure, 370–71rural transport, 377, 380–82in sanitation, hygiene, and potable water issues, 406scaling up of investments, 683–86soil productivity management, 537tools for gender-sensitive monitoring, 676b16.1

joint monitoring missions, 706, 707b16.19marketing extension process, 212of MDGs, 683, 699–702practicalities of, 696, 717training communities to carry out project planning,

monitoring, and evaluation, 721–23See also gender-disaggregated data; gender-sensitive

indicatorsmonocultural farming systems and plantations, 445, 465n2monolingual rural indigenous women, 414n4Monterrey Consensus, 45morbidity, and forestry sector, 651, 652b15.1Morocco, olive oil production, 207b5.13mortality

and forestry sector, 651, 652b15.1rates of during crises, 479


MozambiqueAction Plan for the Reduction of Absolute Poverty, 681b16.5,

700b16.13, 703b16.17ProAgri, 701b16.14Rural Roads and Bridges project, 380

MS. See mandal smakhyas (MS)M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, India, 295multidisciplinary teams, establishing and training of, 197–98multimedia presentations, 393multiple use water services, 232–33, 235–41municipality-level gender committees, 66Muslim inheritance, 129, 130mutual financial mechanisms, 86

NNAADS. See National Agricultural Advisory Service (NAADS),

UgandaNABARD. See National Bank for Agriculture and Rural

Development (NABARD)name registration, 409, 415n8Namibia, community-based natural resource management in,

139, 166n7NARO. See National Agriculture Research Organization

(NARO), UgandaNational Agency for Rural Development, 74National Agricultural Advisory Service (NAADS), Uganda, 268,

269, 271National Agricultural Research Organization, 275, 275b7.8National Agricultural Services Agency, 74National Agricultural Services Project, 75National Agriculture Research Organization (NARO), Uganda, 298National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

(NABARD), 113, 116, 121n1national business environment, 185–86, 188–90National Center for Agricultural Research and Technology

Transfer (NCARTT), Jordan, 178National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector

(NCEUS), India, 331b8.4National Committee for the Advancement of Women (NCAFW),

40b2.3national coordination units (NCUs), 589National Development Dairy Cooperative, India, 330National Fund for Forestry Finance (FONAFIFO), 441National Gender Service, 75national legal systems, 336National Mission on Biofuels, India, 447National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO), 330t8.7, 332, 719national project implementation units (NPIUs), 589natural disasters, 429, 448–53, 467–68n1–4

disaster recovery, 487, 487b11.5droughts, 618economic issues from, 448, 4467n1food aid versus agricultural support, 492–98, 507–12, 516n3–4food banks in Niger, 513–15forestry sector, 492–98, 646, 651, 652b15.2, 652b15.3impact of, 475, 646managing land and promoting recovery postcrisis, 499–506,


multidimensional issues of agriculture in times of crises,477–79

strategies for, 485–91, 515n2trends in, 423, 424b10.1See also conflicts and crises

natural resourcesaccess to, 136–37, 425–26and agriculture sector, 15–16, 479–81changes in availability of, 13conservation of, 298–301degradation of, 448exploitation of, 586, 594n8impact of crises on, 475–76link to poverty, 643rights to, 126, 425–26scarcity of, 529See also resources

natural resources management (NRM), 130–31, 134, 140, 425–26,569, 658

agricultural livelihoods framework, 426–28benefits from gender-responsive actions, 428–29and bioenergy, 443–47, 467n1–6and climate change, 438–42, 466n1–6, 466n10–11, 466–67n13forest management, 644gender and biodiversity, 431–37, 465n1–5, 466n8, 466n12Karnataka Watershed Development Project, 463–65key issues in natural resources management, 423–25land and water degradation and desertification, 454–58, 468n4and LinKS project, 459–62, 468n1monitoring and evaluation of, 429–30and natural disasters, 448–53, 467–68n1–4overview, 423resource management in India, 654–55

natural resources managers, 395–96NCAFW. See National Committee for the Advancement of

Women (NCAFW)NCARTT. See National Center for Agricultural Research and

Technology Transfer (NCARTT), JordanNCEUS. See National Commission for Enterprises in the

Unorganized Sector (NCEUS), IndiaNCUs. See national coordination units (NCUs)needs assessments, 497Nepal

asset-sharing strategies in, 490biogas program, 446community-based disaster management, 451Department of Livestock Services, 621gender and governance issues in, 71–73groundwater irrigation project, 244b6.5Hills Leasehold Project, 159–61, 167n2labor-saving technologies for crops, 290b7.15leasehold of forest land, 139Women’s Empowerment Program, 65–66

NEPC. See North East Provincial Council (NEPC), Sri LankaNERICA. See New Rice for Africa (NERICA) projectNetwork and Capacity Building for Rural Women, Armenia, 396Network of European World Shops (NEWS), 343, 344b8.8Network of Groups of Rural Women, Uruguay, 396


networks and networking, 59, 88agroforestry, 663among rural people, 264Dimitra Project, 395extended family, 264financial, 90and GAL framework, 427and gender units, 49in Hills Leasehold Project, 160informal workers, 332, 333b8.6microfinance, 96milk collection networks, 201b5.9and natural disasters, 450NEWS, 343, 344b8.8and PACTA, 163for RPOs, 202–3social, 67, 501, 514Uruguay, 396Women’s World Banking, 87

new aid modalities. See aid modalitiesNewcastle Disease Programme, South Africa, 514New Options for Pest Management (NOPEST), 573, 591New Public Management (NPM), 29New Rice for Africa (NERICA) project, 272, 551NEWS. See Network of European World Shops (NEWS)NGOs. See nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)Nicaragua

Las Hermanas coffee, 203, 203b5.10Maria Elena Cuadro Women’s Movement, 339working conditions in, 326b8.3

Nigeragroforestry parklands in, 659b15.9credit approaches for women, 190b5.6Food Bank Project, 17Keita Project, 457–58preventive action with food banks, 513–15

Noel Kempff Climate Action Project, Bolivia, 440nonfarm income opportunities, 372nonfinancial services, 101

checklist for integration in institutional culture, 99, 100b3.5nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 488

agroforestry-related issues, 663, 669n2Anthra, 613and aquaculture support, 573–74Centre for Mass Education in Science, 330and extension services, 268–69and financial services, 86, 96–98, 120n8and governance in local government, 72–73Heifer Zambia, 604monitoring of working conditions, 339, 347and multiple-use water services, 239Pattan, 451–52promotion of ecological agriculture, 536and reforms, 30role in labor rights, 338role in land dispute resolution, 151training programs for women, 197Women for Sustainable Development, 441

nontimber forest products (NTFPs), 650–51, 668n1nonwood forest products (NWFP), 644, 645, 650–51, 653–54,

668n1NOPEST. See New Options for Pest Management

(NOPEST)Nordic Development Fund, 677North Africa

gender and agribusiness, 175and women entrepreneurs, 194

North East Provincial Council (NEPC), Sri Lanka, 509Northern Mountains Poverty Reduction Project, Vietnam,

58, 59b2.13Northwestern Rural Development Project, Cambodia,

679b16.3Novartis Foundation, 552NPIUs. See national project implementation units (NPIUs)NPM. See New Public Management (NPM)NRM. See natural resources management (NRM)NSSO. See National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO)NTFPs. See nontimber forest products (NTFPs)nutrient management in soils, 530nutrition and nutritional security, 12, 13f1.2, 14, 480

link to income, 18nutrition education, 307terms for joint review missions, 707b16.19and utilization of food, 14, 18–19women’s role in, 12–14

NWFP. See nonwood forest products (NWFP)

Oobstetric fistula, 374, 413n2occupational safety and health, 321, 332, 336, 345occupational segregation, 192, 321, 325, 344–45occupations

choices in, 325hazardous, 547

Occupied Palestinian Territories, 515n7OECD. See Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

Development (OECD)off-farm activities, 293–94, 323oil imports, 443Olifants Basin, 237b6.2olive oil production, 207b5.13on-farm activities, 289, 317, 323organic farming, 536, 551Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

(OECD), 324, 579, 636n5Development Assistance Committee, 43, 680b16.4, 698, 706on emergency responses, 493

orphans, empowerment of through junior farmer field and lifeschools, 305–8, 310n1–7

outcome indicators, 710out-migration, and natural disasters, 450output indicators, 710outreach, for AET graduates, 285outsourcing, 30, 31, 217Oxbow Lakes Small-Scale Fishermen’s Project, Bangladesh,



PPAs. See protected areas (PAs)Pacha Mama Raymi, 298–99Pacific Island countries, 175

alternative livelihoods in, 583and gender and agribusiness, 174–75and trade agreement, 188b5.4

PACTA. See Land Access Pilot Project (PACTA), Honduraspaddy cultivation, 575PAF. See performance assessment framework (PAF)Pakistan

access to water for livestock watering, 236b6.1building capacity to cope with disasters, 451–52Community Infrastructure Project, 683b16.6gender and governance in, 71–73and gender integration, 40b2.3

Palestinians, access to water, 477b11.2PALSs. See Participatory Action Learning Systems (PALSs)PARIMA. See Pastoral Risk Management on East African

Rangelands (PARIMA)Paris Declaration on Harmonization of Aid, 697parkland agroforestry projects, 663–64parkland products, 660b15.10PARPA. See Action Plan for the Reduction of Absolute Poverty

(PARPA), MozambiqueParticipatory Action Learning Systems (PALSs), 118–19Participatory and Action Research Project, 278participatory approaches

for access to land, 138–39and alternative livelihood projects, 586–87assessments of, 389in community-level groups, 67gender issues, 56–58

of agriculture groups, 64CARE project, 592challenges for women in local government, 71forest management, 645, 650guidelines for increasing women’s presence in, 272–73land dispute resolution, 148LinKS project, 459–62, 468n1monitoring and evaluation of, 683b16.6participatory research, 274–79in project design and in M&E, 679, 682–83, 694–95in sanitation, hygiene, and potable water issues, 404, 405t 9.7soil improvement projects, 537in watershed development project, 463–65women in NAADS processes, 270women participating in groups, 569, 570, 570b13.1

and governance, 26, 71–73and information concerning pesticides, 554to land rights, 126middle-class effect of, 67, 68PALSs, 118–19to plant breeding initiatives, 543, 543b12.13in RPOs, 202–3and technical farming concept, 302–3See also women in politics

Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB-PRGA), 262

participatory rapid appraisals (PRAs), 251, 406t9.8Participatory Research and Gender Analysis (PRGA) Program,

261–62Participatory Technology Development (PTD), 274, 279partnerships

and AET, 280–81, 285building and managing of, 278chain partnerships, 204, 205b5.11creation of, 196for development of community e-centers, 412in fisheries and aquaculture, 579institutional, 287role in monitoring projects, 509rural roads project, 410and seed enterprises, 539

pastoralist communities, impact of droughts on, 618pastoralists, 454–58, 460, 461b10.13, 608, 613–14, 618Pastoral Risk Management on East African Rangelands

(PARIMA), 620patriarchal systems, values in, 127patrilineal kinship, 128–30, 143, 156patrilocal societies, and land rights, 143Pattan Dehi Tanzeems (PDT), 452Patuakhali Barguna Aquaculture Extension Project (PBAEP), 570PCUWA. See Policy Coordinating Unit for Women in Agriculture

(PCUWA), EgyptPDR. See Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR)PDT. See Pattan Dehi Tanzeems (PDT)peace-building processes, 488, 489, 503peanut butter processing, 208b5.15peer reviews, 706–8pensions, 103performance appraisals, 351performance assessment framework (PAF), 705–6performance indicators, 711periurban areas, water use in, 235, 236PERs. See public expenditure reviews (PERs)Peru

Agro-Innovation and Competitiveness Project, 261b7.3, 268,269, 271

Cafe Femenino, 203, 203b5.10culture issues, 276b7.9Natural Resource Management in Southern Highlands,

290–301Rural Infrastructure Program, 364–65, 375Rural Roads Project, 407–10, 414–15n1–7value chain for artichokes, 179, 180b5.3

pesticides, 526, 547definition, 555n1elimination of, 591pesticide poisoning, 547, 552b12.17reduction in, 592women’s exposure to, 546

pest management, 575petroleum-based fuels, 467n6PFI. See Promoting Farmer Innovations (PFI)Philippines, 710

developing new products for, 208b5.14


households with business income, 388f9.2indigenous knowledge systems, 436KALAE-CIDDS project, 54b2.10, 55

PHLAAT. See Post-Harvest Livelihoods Analysis Tool (PHLAT)photovoltaic pump project, 385physical infrastructure, 361pigs, 619b14.2plantations, 341–42, 445

health and safety of workers, 345for jatropha oil, 446

plant breeding, 262, 436, 437, 541, 543plant genetic resources, 435b10.6, 435b10.7, 437plant varieties, 545b12.15PMUs. See project management units (PMUs)PNASA. See Project National d’Appui aux Services Agricoles

(PNASA)POKMAS, 589policies and policy making

and access to food, 11–12definition, 6enabling policy environments, 61and GAL framework, 428gender issues, 68, 75

and access to land and property, 138–39to address climate change, 439, 441agricultural water management programs, 233, 234t 6.1analytical work in, 38and biodiversity, 434, 435b10.6, 435b10.7, 466n8and bioenergy, 445crop protection, 549–53and desertification, 456energy issues, 385, 386t9.4, 414n4family-based aquaculture systems, 574–75for fishers, processors, and traders, 579–80forestry-related, 646–47, 648, 653–55gender in different policy processes, 36–37, 79n1–3for gender-sensitive monitoring, 693good practices and lessons learned from, 38–43guidelines and recommendations for practitioners, 43–44implementation of staff gender policies, 99–101, 120n6implemented by Thai government, 350to improve ICT policies and projects, 391–92informal sector employment, 329–32land dispute resolution, 148–50, 166n1, 166n3livestock sector, 608, 613–14, 619–20, 621, 626–27,

629, 636n5multiple-use water services, 238–39and natural disasters, 450–51overview, 36participatory research, 277in policy instruments, 42–43questions concerning gender-specific issues, 688and risk management, 486–87and role in women in agriculture, 522role of gender units in, 48rural energy, 387–89and rural infrastructure, 369–70in rural transport, 376–77, 381

sanitation, hygiene, and potable water, 403, 404b9.9seed systems, 540–41, 545, 546soil productivity management, 531and titling of land, 154–55women as policy makers, 37–38, 79n4for women’s groups, 66–67women’s involvement in innovation systems, 263

and institutions, 5f 0.1on local and traditional crops, 177to promote governance, 23types of processes for, 27–28See also land policy and administration; public administration

Policy Coordinating Unit for Women in Agriculture (PCUWA),Egypt, 50b2.8

Policy Research Report, 125political economy, 44political institutions

representation of women in, 37–39, 43–44, 79n4–5See also women in politics

politicsand commitment to gender mainstreaming, 49and food aid, 493and governance, 25, 27and institutional reforms, 37and land titling, 158and public sector reforms, 29–30See also women in politics

pollutionof domestic water supply, 236–37indoor air pollution, 364, 367, 384, 385, 425, 444

polygamyand adult illness, 652b15.1and land rights, 142, 155, 166n4

pond polyculture, 220–22, 224n1POs. See producer organizations (POs)postcrisis issues

link between food aid and agriculture in emergencies, 492–98managing land and promoting recovery in, 499–506

Post-Harvest Livelihoods Analysis Tool (PHLAT), 180b5.2potable water, 366–67, 369, 399, 400–406potatoes, 277poultry industry, 329, 455, 585b13.3, 620

Afghanistan, 204, 205b5.12chicken feed costs, 467n4chicken production and supply chain, 623f 14.2control of, 612permanent workers in, 344Thailand, 347value chain in, 607women’s control of, 602, 603working conditions, 338

poverty, 2–3, 64and access to food, 17–18and banking in India, 112–16, 121n1and bioenergy, 443as driver of food insecurity, 13–14effective interventions for, 481b11.3and fishing, 562


and forestry-related programs, 646–67, 652–54gender and poverty analysis, 404b9.10and identification of poorest women, 60–61impact of desertification on, 454–55impact of PACTA on, 162–63inclusion of the poorest in CDD, 56–58and insurance products, 109link to natural resources, 299, 643and marketing extension tool, 211–14role of crop agriculture in, 519–28, 554n1role of NGOs in, 120n8rural roads projects, 407–10, 414–15n1–7and soil fertility management in, 534, 534b12.6terms for joint review missions, 707b16.19

poverty reduction, 698and climate change, 438community-managed rural poverty initiatives projects, 215–19,

223–24n1–3and compartmentalization versus mainstreaming gender in,

681b16.5and multiple-use water services, 235–41Northern Mountains Poverty Reduction Project, 58, 59b2.13Philippines, 54b2.10and rural transport, 375views of agriculture as driver of, 519, 520b12.1and women’s access to financial services, 88

poverty reduction strategies (PRSs), 698, 703b16.17Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs), 27, 684

development strategies and plans, 36, 79n1gender dimensions of, 39–41, 681, 681b16.5gender-sensitive monitoring of, 698–99, 702–6

Poverty Reduction Support Credits (PRSCs), 42, 43b2.5Poverty Resource Monitoring and Tracking model (PRMT),

119power and light services, 388b9.5PPB-PRGA. See Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB-PRGA)PRADAN. See Professional Assistance for Development Action

(PRADAN)PRAs. See participatory rapid appraisals (PRAs)prawn markets, 220–22, 224n1preventive action

for crises, 494with food banks in Niger, 513–15strategies for, 485–91, 515n2

PRGA. See Participatory Research and Gender Analysis (PRGA)Program

pricesof food, 476increase in market prices, 217market prices in India, 264b7.5

private extension services, 268, 269private sector, 352

financial services in, 86and food aid, 493reform in, 30seed enterprises, 540

Private Sector Development Programme, Noakhali, 221, 224n2privatization, 30, 31

of biological resources, 465n4of land and land rights, 137, 138

PRMT. See Poverty Resource Monitoring and Tracking model(PRMT)

process indicators, 710processing factories, protecting workers in, 578processors of fish and fish products, associations for protecting

livelihoods of, 577–81, 594n1procurement centers, for rural farmers, 215–19producer associations and cooperatives, 63, 64b2.14producer organizations (POs), 69, 74–76product design

and gender issues, 104, 105b3.6, 121n2in savings programs, 107, 108b3.8See also design of projects

product development, innovations in, 111production, 11–12, 289, 375

dependence on natural resources, 15–16gender in, 153, 154b4.1impact of food banks on, 514mechanization in, 564multiple roles women play in, 258technologies for, 277, 277b7.10

production groups, facilitating, 571, 593n3production systems, 522product markets, gender equity in accessing of, 365–66Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN), 65, 67professional women

interventions to promote AET for, 283, 283b7.11representation in extension services, 272–73visibility of, 263, 264, 272–73

profitability, and marketing tool, 212PROFOR, 646–47PROFOUND, Vietnam, 570, 574–76, 594n3project management units (PMUs), 509, 589, 590t13.4Project National d’Appui aux Services Agricoles (PNASA), 74–75Promoting Farmer Innovations (PFI), 534propagation techniques, 435property grabbing, 456property rights, 89, 499–500

impact of HIV on, 305promotion of, 629See also land rights

pro-poor development, gender mainstreaming in financial sectorfor, 91–92

protected areas (PAs), 665–68Provias Descentralizado, 408, 409PRSCs. See Poverty Reduction Support Credits (PRSCs)PRSPs. See Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs)PRSs. See poverty reduction strategies (PRSs)PTD. See Participatory Technology Development (PTD)public administration, 26, 28–31public expenditure management, 28b2.1public expenditure reviews (PERs), 41public extension services, 268, 269public health, 500public policy, implementation of, 28public-private partnerships, 30


public sector, seed enterprises, 540public sector reform, 28–31public service, 66public works programs, 324

Qqualitative data, 717qualitative indicators, 711quantitative indicators, 711Quechua women farmers, 177–78questionnaires, 389, 389b9.6quinoa processing, 523b12.3quotas for women

on board seats, 232to ensure leadership positions, 70and legislative reforms, 71in local government, 73in producer organizations, 69, 80n3representation on councils, 145in water management organizations, 244, 245

Rradio, 367

to disseminate information relevant to women, 393–94FAO programs, 396satellite, 394

Radio Teacher, 393rape, as weapon in conflicts, 652b15.3rate of return, 414n2RCUs. See regional coordination units (RCUs)RDI. See Rural Development Institute (RDI)RDSs. See rural development societies (RDSs)reconstruction, postdisaster, 451, 495–96recycling, 402redistributive land reform, 137, 166n3redistributive water allocation reform, 237b6.2reforestation, 384reforms

civil service reform, 29–30conceptual framework for reform governance, 24–27to improve agricultural livelihood, 23–24and labor rights, 338in land rights, 149, 501public sector reforms, 29–30to reduce corruption, 30–31women’s property rights, 141–46, 166n2, 166n4–5See also agricultural services reforms

refugees, 305–6, 310n3, 482location and resettlement of, 502and natural disasters, 450postcrisis issues, 501return of, 477, 499

Regional Cooperative of United Farmers Ltd. (COPRAUL), 163

regional coordination units (RCUs), 589, 590t13.4registration procedures, 144, 155–56, 501, 504registry of agricultural workers and employers (RENATRE),


regulatory frameworkconditions for unorganized wage workers, 331b8.4standards for livestock disease control, 613, 636n5

relief efforts, 480link between food aid and agriculture in emergencies, 492–98See also emergencies

remittance transfer services, 103, 104, 110, 111b3.10RENATRE. See registry of agricultural workers and employers

(RENATRE)representative bureaucracies, 29–30research

agroforestry, 664b15.13in cattle breeding, 633–35Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research,

549b12.16informal research methods, 634–35investment in diverse forms of, 265livestock technologies, 626, 627, 628b14.3, 629on local and traditional crops, 177on multiple-use water services, 239participatory research, 261–62, 274–79and postcrises land issues, 505in sanitation, hygiene, and potable water issues, 403–4in sheep improvement research for indigenous women, 631–32training women in technology research, 626, 627, 628b14.3value chain analysis, 178–81

Réseau des Organisations Paysannes et des Producteurs Agricolesde l’Afrique de l’ouest (ROPPA), 69

resettlement, 138, 499of refugees and IDPs, 502and rural infrastructure, 368and transport infrastructure, 375

resource persons, for agricultural marketing, 217, 223–24n3resources

access to, 568–71, 573, 593n1–3, 619b14.2control of, 185inequity in distribution of, 477, 477b11.2and livestock production, 626–27management of, 457, 489seed sources, 539–40See also natural resources

resource tenure, 658, 660b15.10Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), 476revolving savings associations, 107rice culture, CARE Bangladesh, 591–93rice farmers, 272rice-fish culture, 591rice production, 15, 139, 166n6, 250–52

and land titling, 154b4.1rice seeds, 290

risks and risk management, 4–6for disaster management, 452–53during crisis or natural disasters, 449–50, 479, 481, 494, 515n2exclusion from marketing processes, 214and GAL framework, 427–28livestock sector, 606–7b14.1, 607–8, 614, 615and microinsurance, 614, 615pesticides, 548


reduction of through insurance programs, 628in rural infrastructure, 362, 367–69in sanitation, hygiene, and potable water, 402–3strategies for, 485–91, 515n2

road maintenance, gender equity in, 408–9, 415n7roads, 372

rural roads projects, 380, 407–10, 414–15n1–7See also rural infrastructure

Rockefeller Foundation, 286Rodrigues, sustainable land management in, 457ROPPA. See Réseau des Organisations Paysannes et des

Producteurs Agricoles de l’Afrique de l’ouest (ROPPA)rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCAs), 63, 64b2.144,

86, 96, 120n1RPOs. See rural producer organizations (RPOs)RTT. See Rural Travel and Transport (RTT)Rural Access Index, 378, 413n6rural areas

and control of land, 138–39employment

opportunities in, 323, 324by sector of activity, 15f 1.3

gender issuesaccess to land dispute mechanisms, 148–49, 150–51in agribusiness, 174and desertification, 455–56empowering fisherwomen, 585–86empowerment of rural communities, 278–79enabling rural innovation, 277–78factors regarding gender differences in, 391, 392t 9.2goals for innovation in livestock technologies, 627–28ICTs relevant to rural women, 392–93impact of forestry on, 645improving access to information, 394informal work in agriculture, 328–29labor-saving technologies, 289–91and Land Access Pilot Project, 162–65land administration policies, 125, 165n1and land rights, 156, 157–58and multiple-use water services in, 235–41in policy processes, 36rural transport technologies, 292–93unemployment of women, 319

heterogeneity of rural poor, 7household tasks in, 285b9.13impact of infrastructure services on, 363t9.1labor opportunities in, 315and land rights, 139–40poverty reduction projects, 215–19, 223–24n1–3resource management, 275b7.8rural-urban divide, 368social protection for informal sector in, 331and technologies, 111

rural development, views of agriculture as driver of, 519, 520b12.1Rural Development Institute (RDI), 505rural development programs, 2–3

and financial services, 86, 684indicators from, 714t16.4

rural development societies (RDSs), 509–10rural energy. See energy sectorrural finance

access to types of, 91benefits from gender-responsive action, 87–88challenges of, 86–87, 88–91, 120n6gender indicators and checklist, 93–95and gender mainstreaming, 91–92, 96–102, 120n1, 120n3innovations in product development, 111insurance, 108–9introduction, 85–87KRC, 117–20MFAs, 117–20overview, 103–4, 105b3.6, 121n2and pro-poor development, 91–92range of products, 86and remittance transfer services, 103, 104, 110, 111b3.10savings and pensions, 107–8women-managed community financial system,

112–16, 121n1See also financial sector

rural infrastructurecommunity e-centers, 411–13, 415n1framework for sustainable rural infrastructure, 361–64gender equitable economic empowerment, 365–66gender equitable human development, 366–67monitoring and evaluation, 370–71overview, 361, 413n1in policies, programs, and projects, 369–70risk and vulnerabilities, 367–69rural roads projects, 407–10, 414–15n1–7social empowerment, 364–65sanitation, hygiene, and potable water, 399–406See also information and communications technologies

(ICTs)Rural Infrastructure Development Project, Bangladesh,

191b5.7rural markets, 379, 379b9.3Rural Outreach Programme, Uganda, 395rural producer organizations (RPOs), 200–205Rural Roads and Bridges Project, Mozambique, 380Rural Roads and Market Project, Bangladesh, 379, 379b9.3Rural Roads Project, Peru, 407–10, 414–15n1–7rural transport, 372–75, 413n1–2

Bangladesh project, 379, 379b9.3benefits of gender-responsive action, 375–76good practices and lessons learned in, 377–80, 413n5–6guidelines and recommendations for practitioners,

380–82overview, 372policy and implementation issues, 376–77overview, 372

Rural Travel and Transport (RTT), 377b9.1Rwanda, 479, 493, 496

and chain partnerships, 204, 205b5.11gender integration, 40b2.4inheritance laws, 504Rwanda Economic Recovery Credit, 43b2.5


SSACEP. See South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme

(SACEP)SADC. See South African Development Community (SADC)Safe Access to Firewood and Alternative Energy (SAFE), 646, 668n2safety

in rural transport, 374in the workplace, 326

safety nets, 266, 650–57, 668n1–2, 668n5sanitation, 400–403, 454

lessons learned and guidelines for practitioners, 403–6monitoring and evaluation of, 405overview, 399

SARD. See Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development(SARD) initiative

SARI. See Selian Agricultural Research Institute (SARI), TanzaniaSASKI. See Sustainable Agriculture Systems, Knowledge, and

Institutions (SASKI)savings, 103, 104, 107–8, 121n2scholarships, to promote AET for women, 286schools

hygiene promotion in, 402impact of disasters on attendance, 450See also education

SDC. See Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)seafood export processing industries, 564SEAGA. See Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA)

Programmeseasonal employment, 324, 328–29, 332, 337, 346

Bolivia, 523b12.3and labor allocations, 525

seaweed farming, 584b13.2sectoral information and monitoring system (SIMS), 703b16.17sectorwide approaches (SWAPs), monitoring of, 684, 698–99,

704, 704b16.18security

in conflict areas, 494enhanced by rural infrastructure, 368in postconflict settings, 500and rural transport, 374

seed banks, 541, 542b12.11seed dressing, 552, 553b12.18seeds

community seed fairs, 434–35Ethiopia, 543germplasm supply, 661, 663, 669n2importance of, 538improvement of seed systems, 663production and distribution of, 538–46, 555n2seed aid programs, 495traditional seed system in Tanzania, 461b10.12varieties of, 544

Seed Systems Development Project (SSDP), Ethiopia, 543SEI. See Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), 66, 111, 333b8.6

and insurance for low-income workers in India, 487b11.4Trade Facilitation Centre, 396

self-employment, in agriculture, 15f 1.3

self-help groups (SHGs), 593n1for community organizations, 584in financial sector, 113, 114t3.3forestry-related, 655–56gender issues

experience, impacts, and benefits from gender-responsiveactions, 65–66, 80n1

good practices and lessons learned, 67–69, 80n3group functions, advantages, and disadvantages, 63–65guidelines and recommendations for practitioners, 69–70overview, 63policy and implementation issues, 66–67

POKMAS, 589and poverty reduction, 215, 223n2and procurement centers, 218resource management in India, 654–55to sustain watershed management, 463–64Uruguay, 396and value chains, 210b5.17

Self-Help Learning Initiative, 60self-targeting, 58–59Selian Agricultural Research Institute (SARI), Tanzania, 303service cooperatives, 30service delivery, 394services and service providers, 26–27

capacity building for women in, 197for marketing extension process, 213to prevent livestock diseases, 613women’s access to, 263–64

Servicios Integrales a Mujeres Emprendedoras (SIEMBRA), 111SEWA. See Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA)SEWA Trade Facilitation Centre (STFC), India, 396sex discrimination, 336, 337sex-for-fish exchanges, 564, 565, 577sexual favors for job security, 321sexual harassment, 321, 326, 337, 338, 345–46, 578sexual services, and corruption, 31b2.2sexual violence, during crises, 479SFLP. See Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (SFLSP)sheep

Chiapas sheep, 604–5research in sheep improvement for indigenous women, 631–32shearing of, 277b7.10

shepherds, 631–32short message system (SMS), 393shrimp farmers association, 580shrimp production, 562–63, 564f 13.1, 593n2–3SIDA. See Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)SIEMBRA. See Servicios Integrales a Mujeres Emprendedoras

(SIEMBRA)SIMS. See sectoral information and monitoring system (SIMS)Sino-Dutch Forestry Program, 656b15.7site management committees (SMCs), 250–51skills, 70

identifying and addressing gaps in, 193for informal workers, 330or women entrepreneurs, 198–99See also trainers and training


SLA. See Sri Lanka Army (SLA); Sustainable LivelihoodsApproach (SLA)

SLs. See sustainable livelihoods (SLs)small cooperative groups, 593n1Smallholder Seed Development Project, Malawi, 544–45small-scale aquaculture, 572–76, 594n1–3small-scale fisheries, 562, 580, 583, 593n3small-scale seed enterprises, 544–45smart cards, 332b8.5, 393SMCs. See site management committees (SMCs)SMS. See short message system (SMS)social access, role of land in, 125–26Social Analysis Sourcebook, 682, 721social assessments, and land titling, 158social capital, 603

enhancement of gender equity in, 364and food aid, 507–12, 516n3–4and livestock sector, 608, 611strengthening of, 278–79

social class, heterogeneity of , 68social control, 89social costs, of biosecurity measures, 615–16social empowerment, 362

and livestock production, 604and market access, 580and rural infrastructure, 364–65

social insurance, 331social justice, 69social marketing, 404–5social mobilization, 73social networks, 67, 501, 514social protection, 18

definition, 353n8in fisheries, 565, 593n5improvement of for agricultural workers, 325–26, 353n8for informal sector, 331, 346–47livestock sector, 604

social security, 325b8.2, 331social services, gender equity in accessing, 366social systems, 264, 500–503social training, in CARE project, 592Sociedad de Pequeños Productores Exportadoras y Compradores

de Café SA (SOPPEXCCA), 203, 203b5.10society-forest relationships, 644sociocultural issues, 203

and access to ICT, 391and access to land, 136–37, 166n2and land rights, 130and land titling, 154

Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA) Programme,310n6, 457, 694

socioeconomics, 67, 310n2and alternative pest control technologies, 548–49and delivery of ICT programs, 391sources of and access to seeds, 539–40, 555n2

socioeconomic status, strengthening of, 570socioeconomic surveys, 389soil erosion, 521, 659b15.9

soil fertility, 17, 526, 529–30, 660, 661b15.11gender-responsive approaches to, 530management of, 533

soil productivity, 526, 529–37soil rehabilitation, 455Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, 285–86solar energy systems, 294, 388b9.5, 447solid waste collection, 402, 403b9.8Somalia, Radio Teacher, 393SOPPEXCCA. See Sociedad de Pequeños Productores

Exportadoras y Compradores de Café SA (SOPPEXCCA)South Africa

Conradie v. Hanekom and Another, 339financing value addition, 208b5.15inequitable water distribution in, 237b6.2informal workers in horticulture, 346, 346t8.11Land Claims Court, 339Newcastle Disease Programme, 514Wine Industry Ethical Trade Association, 349

South African Development Community (SADC), 436South Asia, 594n8

and gender and agribusiness, 174–75home gardens, 659–60roles of women in, 2

South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme (SACEP), 594n8

Southeast Asiahome gardens, 659–60and women entrepreneurs, 195

South Indiaplant variety protection, 545b12.15seed and crop diversity in, 539b12.10

specialty markets, 342species genetic diversity, 454Sphere Humanitarian Charter, 494spillover effects, 179, 323Sri Lanka

food aid versus agricultural support and sustenance of social capital, 507–12, 516n3–4

Gemidiriya Community Development and LivelihoodImprovement Project, 77–79, 721–23

and gender integration, 40b2.3irrigation systems project, 478–79women’s concerns and the peace, 503, 504b11.8women’s knowledge of forest-based resources, 660

Sri Lanka Army (SLA), 508SSA. See sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)SSDP. See Seed Systems Development Project (SSDP),

Ethiopiastandards of living, 159staple crops, 519, 532state governments

and allocation of land, 137and land titling, 156

statisticsconcerning natural disasters, 449, 468n4FAOSTAT, 710, 718gender-sensitive, 287


insufficiency of, 698labor data, 326national statistics systems, 719on women’s role in agriculture, 522–23

status of women, 42, 79n9, 593n1stereotyping of gender roles, 321STFC. See SEWA Trade Facilitation Centre (STFC), IndiaStockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 402stone bunds, 533stoves, 291–92, 293b7.17, 384

fuel-efficient, 451and use of traditional biomass, 444

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis (SWOT), 179

subcontracting, 344Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Programme, 279sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), 279

agriculture sector, 2, 3, 174crop cultivation in, 522fertilizer use in, 532impact of food aid on, 492roles of women in SSA, 2and women entrepreneurs, 194–95

subsidiesand biogas program, 446for fertilizers, 531, 533b12.5

subsistence crops, 18, 513views of, 523–25and women as smallholders, 522

subsistence production, 434b10.5Sudan

alternative fuels for domestic cooking, 291b7.17environmental degradation as cause of conflicts in, 476,

476b11.1gender units in, 49b2.7LEAP, 109links of food aid and conflict, 493

Sun Valley Foods, Thailand, 338, 350–52supermarkets, 176supply and demand, for agricultural products,

176–77supply chain management, 217supply-side strategies, 24, 26, 60Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD)

initiative, 302Sustainable Agriculture Systems, Knowledge, and Institutions

(SASKI), 676sustainable development, and conservation agriculture,

302–4Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (SFLP),

562, 565, 580sustainable land management, 457Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA), 4–6

gender issues, livestock sector, 601, 602, 605–8sustainable livelihoods (SLs)

in forestry, 644, 647Mongolia, 683b16.6, 684b16.7

sustainable use, definition, 465n1

Sustaining Forests, 643, 644–45Swanson, Burton, 268SWAPs. See sectorwide approaches (SWAPs)Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), 43, 677b16.2,

678Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), 211–14SWOT. See strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis


TTA. See technical assistance (TA)talking maps, 299–300Tamil Nadu Empowerment and Poverty Reduction project, 202Tanzania

biofuel production, 446community seed fairs, 434–35conservation agriculture for sustainable development project,

291, 302–4MACEMP, 584b13.2pesticide problems, 552, 553b12.18SARI, 303Sokoine University of Agriculture, 285–86strengthening technical and marketing assistance in,

584b13.2traditional seed systems, 461b10.12and women entrepreneurs, 189b5.5

targeted projects, 6, 9n6to end discrimination against women, 482–83irrigation project in Sri Lanka, 511

targeting mechanisms, development of, 332technical assistance (TA), 50, 621

in documenting ethnobotanical knowledge, 436fishing sector, 583–85gender-related documents of, 38and PACTA, 163reduced international inputs of, 684rural roads project, 408

technologies, 262agroforestry-related, 660–63for crop production, 521, 526and domestic water supplies, 236–37and food security, 16fuel-efficient, 444–45and GOLDA project, 591in livestock sector, 604–5, 625–30, 635, 635n10low-cost, 217low-external-input technologies, 533for multiple-use water services, 238, 240and natural resources management, 426for pest control, 548–49and production control, 277, 277b7.10and rural areas, 111trends in access to, 257–58women’s need for, 626See also information and communications technologies (ICTs);

labor-saving technologiestechnology transfer, 274, 575

and agricultural production, 16


and aquaculture extension project, 220–22, 224n1and extension services, 282

telecenters, 394–95telecommunications, 411–13, 415n1temporary employment, 337, 346, 347tenure systems

insecurity of, 6, 455and land rights, 126–27, 229–31, 531, 537, 602shared tenure, 142and water rights, 229–30

ThailandCargill’s labor improvement program, 338, 350–52chicken production, 623b14.2

timeaccess to leisure time, 367addressing of, 369availability and use of by women, 12–13, 319and climate change, 439competing claims on, 373as economic factor, 362–63as factor in postcrisis issues, 500link to labor-saving technology, 379spent on collecting wood and water, 384, 444, 455spent on domestic chores, 291time allocation studies, 524and use of modern fuels, 385, 414n4

titling systems, 130–32, 134–35, 502gender-responsive, 153–58Honduras, 145legal framework for, 143–45policies to guarantee women’s access to, 263b7.4and polygamy, 142

tracer studies, 285, 286trade

in agricultural commodities, 341fair trade cooperatives, 201livestock sector, 605–7, 619negotiations on global level, 184–85

trade agreements, 184–85, 322b8.1trade associations, 349Trade Facilitation Centre (STFC), India, 396Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS),

433, 465n4traders, associations for protecting livelihoods of, 577–81, 594n1trade unions, 325b8.2, 346traditional bioenergy, 444traditional practices

as obstacle to knowledge sharing, 489and postcrisis issues, 502

trainers and trainingin agricultural development projects, 287in aquaculture, 572–73to become service providers, 213–14for capacity building, 72to carry out project planning, monitoring, and evaluation,

721–23in community e-centers, 411, 412on company values, 351

complementary support for, 198, 199farmer-to-farmer, 299in forest-related industries, 647gender issues, 307, 436, 592–93

access to, 262addressing imbalances in, 394–95animal health workers, 615in COREMAP project, 589, 590t13.4fishing communities, 585b13.3and leadership, 160, 161livestock technologies, 628loans to women who complete training, 101and natural resources management, 426promotion of safe pesticides, 551–52rural roads project, 408, 413–14n5–6in sanitation, hygiene, and potable water, 400–402technology research and development, 626under PACTA, 163–64in watershed development project, 464and women’s land rights, 145

informal workers, 332in land dispute resolution, 151leadership training, 160, 161, 723b16.22manuals for, 460marketing skills, 208, 209b5.16in peace building, 489peer trainers, 722promotion of training markets, 283selection of, 196training-of-trainer programs, 550, 572on vegetative propagation, 435for women, 76See also agricultural extension and training (AET); education

training and visit extension (T&V), 257transboundary animal diseases, 611, 613, 615, 636n1Transfer of Technology model of extension, 274transformative programs, 6, 9n6

crises recovery, 495–96, 500–503to end discrimination against women, 483irrigation project in Sr. Lanka, 510postdisaster land and recovery issues, 500–503

transparency, 509and gender budgeting, 28b2.1in transactions, 216

transport, 292–93access to, 373–74, 413n2of agricultural products, 187, 190emergency, 367, 374, 375, 380gender inequality in transport burdens, 373, 413n1link to markets, 18rural roads projects, 407–10, 414–15n1–7See also rural transport

treesaccess to and disposal of agroforestry tree products, 658–59importance of, 658located on women’s fields, 660b15.10rights and responsibilities concerning, 444tree domestication program, 435


tree genetic variety, 658wood and nonwood forest products, 644, 645, 650–61, 668n1See also agroforestry; forests and forestry

triangulation, power of, 711triggers for loan disbursement, 714, 716, 716b16.20TRIPS. See Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

(TRIPS)tubewells, 244b6.5, 245Turkey, social security schemes, 325b8.2T&V. See training and visit extension (T&V)Tzotzil shepherds, 631–32

UUER. See Upper East Region (UER)Uganda, 434b10.5

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, 665–68Code of Practice for the Horticulture Sector, 347b8.9indigenous vegetables, 432b10.3Kabarole Research and Resource Centre, 92, 117–20National Agricultural Advisory Service, 268, 269, 271National Agriculture Research Organization, 298Rural Outreach Programme, 395sectoral information and monitoring system, 703b16.17

Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), 667UNCCD. See United Nations Convention to Combat

Desertification (UNCCD)UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of

Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), 40b2.3UNDAW. See United Nations Division for the Advancement of

Women (UNDAW)undernourished, estimates of, 11, 12f 1.1UNDHR. See Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UNDHR)UNDP. See United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)unemployment, 319, 324, 515n7UNEP. See United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)UNESCAP. See United Nations Economic and Social Commission

for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)UNESCO. See United Nations Educational, Scientific and

Cultural Organization (UNESCO)UNFCCC. See United Nations Framework Convention on

Climate Change (UNFCCC)UNFF. See United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF)UNHCR. See United Nations High Commission for Refugees

(UNHCR)UNICEF. See United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)UNIDO. See United Nations Industrial Development

Organization (UNIDO)UNIFEM. See United Nations Development Fund for Women

(UNIFEM)UNIMAS. See Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)United Kingdom

Department for International Development, 4–6, 179, 180b5.2, 580, 681, 707–8

integration of gender-specific indicators into monitoring,718–19

role of agriculture in poverty reduction, 520b12.1International Institute for Environment and Development,


United NationsInter-Agency Standing Committee, 490International Research and Training Institute for the

Advancement of Women, 110and labor rights, 334Security Council Resolution 1325, 503b11.7Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and

Protection of Minorities, 503b11.7United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 310n5United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

(UNCCD), 456United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM),

28b2.1, 326United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 23, 436, 488United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women

(UNDAW), 46United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and

the Pacific (UNESCAP), 411United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 644United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(UNESCO), 280, 281United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 456, 476,

476b11.1United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF), 646United Nations Foundation, 665–68United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

(UNFCCC), 441United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), 508United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO),

197, 198olive oil project, 207, 207b5.13seed dressing project, 552, 553b12.18

United Nations Population Fund (UNPF), 700Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UNDHR), 19, 334,

335t8.8, 493Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), 412unorganized sectors, 331–32UNPF. See United Nations Population Fund (UNPF)Upper East Region (UER), 232, 247–49, 253n1urban areas

and land rights, 157–58rural-urban divide, 368urban agriculture, 554n1

urban finance, 86Uruguay, Network of Groups of Rural Women, 396U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID), 139, 145,

166n7, 620user rights, 66UWA. See Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA)

VVAC. See vuong/ao/chuong (VAC)vaccination campaigns, 615value added

calculation of, 179–81strategies to support in agricultural markets, 206–10to women’s associations, 203

value chains, 177–81


in agriculture sector, 173–74, 206–10analysis of, 178–81entry points of gender integration, 181f 5.1export, 177in fisheries and aquaculture, 562–64, 593n3ILO gender-sensitive value chain model, 622–23in livestock sector, 603, 604, 611, 613, 617–24, 636n1localizing of, 216opportunities for, 206–7partnerships in, 201–5for Peru’s thornless artichokes, 179, 180b5.3poultry, 607women’s place in, 89

VDCs. See village development committees (VDCs)VDs. See village development associations (VDs)veterinary services, 464, 603, 607, 611–12, 627, 628VFFP. See Village and Farm Forestry Project (VFFP)Vietnam

Community Based Rural Infrastructure Project, 56, 57b2.11Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy 2002,

681b16.5, 703b16.17gender analysis of structural reforms in, 704b16.18and gender integration, 40b2.3households with business income, 388f9.2indicators from rural development project in, 714t16.4Northern Mountains Poverty Reduction Project, 58, 59b2.13PROFOUND, 570, 574–76, 594n3VAC system, 572, 594n1Vietnam Poverty Reduction Support Credit, 43b2.5Work Improvement in Neighborhood Development (WIND), 331

Vietnamese Women’s Union (VWU), 575Village and Farm Forestry Project (VFFP), 211–14Village Business Incubator program, 198village by-laws committees, 278village development associations (VDs), 63, 64b2.14village development committees (VDCs), 72–73, 250, 251village organizations (VOs)

Bangladesh, 585b13.3India, 112–16Sri Lanka, 77–79

Village Self-Help Learning Initiative (VSHLI), 77, 721violence

against women, 321during crises, 479impact of natural disasters on women, 450

Vishaka v. Rajasthan and Others, 339visibility, of professional women, 263, 264, 272–73, 299Volta River Estates, Ltd. (VREL), Ghana, 348b8.11VOs. See village organizations (VOs)VREL. See Volta River Estates, Ltd. (VREL), GhanaVSHLI. See Village Self-Help Learning Initiative (VSHLI)vulnerabilities, 4–6

addressing causes of, 495and biodiversity, 436, 466n12and climate change, 439classification of, 513–14during crisis or natural disaster, 479empowerment of vulnerable groups, 515

in fish processing factories, 578and food aid, 493forestry sector, 650–57, 651, 668n1–2, 668n5and GAL framework, 427–28livestock sector, 606–7b14.1, 607–8and natural disasters, 448–50, 468n2–4, 479, 481postdisaster, 449–50, 451reduction of, 103of resource-poor households, 530in rural infrastructure, 362, 367–69in sanitation, hygiene, and potable water, 402–3social, 449, 468n3

vuong/ao/chuong (VAC), 572, 594n1VWU. See Vietnamese Women’s Union (VWU)

Wwage laborers, 328–29

in agriculture, 317–18, 319t8.2unorganized, 331b8.4

wagesdiscrimination in, 344–45gaps in, 319–21, 325, 329See also income

Warana Wired Village Project, India, 391warrantage, 190b5.6war zones, and women entrepreneurs, 195–96water-borne diseases, 249water degradation, 429, 454–58, 468n4water management associations, 456water management projects, 229–34water quality, 243, 243b6.4water resources, South Africa, 237b6.2water rights, 229–30, 242–43water services

groundwater development and management, 242–46LACOSREP project, 232, 247–49, 253n1multiple use water services, 232–33, 235–41water-based water programs, 291, 292b7.16See also agriculture water management (AWM); irrigation systems

watershed management associations, 63, 64b2.14watersheds, Karnataka Watershed Development Project, 463–65water supply, 368

access to in Gaza, 477, 477b11.2and climate change, 439, 466n6decline of, 454and natural disasters, 449, 450potable water, 366–67, 369, 399, 400–406transport of, 376

water user groups (WUGs), 244, 244b6.5, 245water users associations (WUAs), 230, 232, 233, 247–49welfare funds, 331–32welfare programs, 18Well Women Media Project, 394West Africa

Sustainable fisheries Livelihoods Programme, 562, 565women’s role in innovation, 294b7.18

West Asia, gender and agribusiness, 175wetlands, 466n10


WFP. See World Food Programme (WFP)WHO. See World Health Organization (WHO)WID. See Women in Development (WID)WIEGO. See Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and

Organizing (WIEGO)WIETA. See Wine Industry Ethical Trade Association (WIETA),

South AfricaWIND. See Work Improvement in Neighborhood Development

(WIND), VietnamWine Industry Ethical Trade Association (WIETA), South Africa, 349WIN project. See Empowerment of Women in Irrigation and

Water Resources Management for Improved Food Security,Nutrition and Health (WIN project)

Winrock International, 286women entrepreneurs, 184–91

capacity development for, 192–99and financial sector, 198livestock sector, 622regionally specific features of, 194–96in war zones, 195–96

Women for Sustainable Development (WSD), 441Women in Development (WID), 74–75Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing

(WIEGO), 332, 333b8.6women in politics

and governance issues, 25–26local government, approaches to, 71–73as policy makers, 37–39, 43–44, 79n4–5

Women in Rice Farming Systems, 208Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET), 295women producers, 69, 80n3, 273Women’s Empowerment Program, Nepal, 65–66Women’s Resource Access Programme (WRAP), 160women’s rights, 502

and agroforestry, 658, 660b15.10and forestry, 647forests as safety net, 650–57, 668n1–2, 668n5recognition of, 147Sri Lanka, 503, 504b11.8and use of ICT, 395

women’s rural development societies (WRDS), 508–11, 516n4Women’s World Banking, 87Women Waging Peace, 505wood and nonwood forest products, 644, 645, 650–61, 668n1

See also fuelwoodwood energy, 653wool production, 604Work for Water programs, 324Work Improvement in Neighborhood Development (WIND),

Vietnam, 331working conditions, 339, 350–51

employee benefits, 351–52in fisheries, 578, 581information concerning, 326b8.3on plantations, 341–42

Working Women’s Forum, India, 66workplace

health, security and safety in, 326, 338

violence in, 321workshops, 408, 436World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), 661b15.11, 662b15.12World Bank, 3

Africa Travel and Transport Project, 379Agriculture and Rural Development Division, 298aquaculture in Asia, 572and conflict analysis, 488and extension programs, 257forest strategy, 643, 644–45Gemi Diriya Project, 77–79, 721–73Gender Issues in Monitoring and Evaluation

of Rural Development Projects, 678Interagency Gender and Development Group, 40b2.3Land Administration Project, 153, 154b4.1, 156, 157, 287land policy and administration, 125, 165n1Land Titling Projects, 143Mainstreaming Hazard Risk Management

in Rural Projects, 494, 496Mozambique Rural Roads and Bridges Project, 380and participatory research, 274–75and PRSCs, 42–43PRSP Sourcebook, 698Rural Access Index, 378, 413n6rural roads projects, 407–10, 414–15n1–7Social Analysis Sourcebook, 682, 721and women entrepreneurs, 189b5.5

WorldFish, Malawi, 577World Food Programme (WFP), 193, 306, 310n5

and food aid, 492, 493and women trainers, 196

World Health Organization (WHO), 238, 384World Heritage Site, 665World Relief Rwanda, 205b5.11World Satellite Radio, 394World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 139, 166n7WOUGNET. See Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET)WRAP. See Women’s Resource Access Programme (WRAP)WRDS. See women’s rural development societies (WRDS)WSD. See Women for Sustainable Development (WSD)WUAs. See water users associations (WUAs)WUGs. See water user groups (WUGs)Wulin Mountains Minority Areas Development Project, 293b7.17WWF. See World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

YYemen, women and water crisis in, 243b6.3youth

empowerment of through junior farmer field and life schools,305–8, 310n1–7

skills training for, 330


agroforestry technologies, 660–61pesticide problems, 552, 553b12.18production of liquid biofuels, 446

zoonotic diseases, 611



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The Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook provides an up-to-date understanding of gender issues and a rich compilation of compelling evidence of good practices and lessons learned to guidepractitioners in integrating gender dimensions into agricultural projects and programs. TheSourcebook is a joint product of the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of theUnited Nations, and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and contributionsfrom more than 100 writers and reviewers.

“ The Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook is a timely and extremely important document as the criticality of increased agricultural investment is never more as clear as today with the potential crisis facing the world’s poor with soaring food prices.”Nata Duvvury, former Director of Gender, Violence and Rights, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)

“ The Sourcebook authors have integrated gender issues in meaningful ways into specific sectors within agriculture.”Mary Hill Rojas, former Senior Manager of the Women in Development Project Management Unit,Chemonics International

“ This book is an important step towards revitalizing attention to gender equality in the agricultural sector. This Sourcebook is a new compilation of ideas and examples that will guide practitioners in ensuring that new attention to agriculture is infused with up-to-dateknowledge on gender issues.” Deborah Rubin, Director, Cultural Practice

“ This is a very important contribution. I hope that it is widely read by all involved in land tenure policy (not just those who are interested in gender). There is sound analysis and advice on how to ensure that land administration programs can strengthenwomen’s property rights.”Ruth Meizen-Dick, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy and Research Institute (IFPRI)

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ISBN 978-0-8213-7587-7

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