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General Business Terms Content by: Brooke Lingbeck Template Design by: Mark Geary

Economy Business Corporation Communication

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy


$100 Question from H1

Costing less to make, buy, or operate

$100 Answer from H1

What is economy?

$200 Question from H1

A chance something bad or dangerous will occur.

$200 Answer from H1

What is risk?

$300 Question from H1

To help pay for or supply funds

$300 Answer from H1

What is finance?

$400 Question from H1

Planning in advance how to spend money.

$400 Answer from H1

What is budgeting?

$500 Question from H1

Expenses to a business that don’t change with its level of production.

$500 Answer from H1

What are fixed costs?

$100 Question from H2

An income from a source.

$100 Answer from H2

What is cost?

$200 Question from H2

Things that cause problems or risks .

$200 Answer from H2

What are liabilities?

$300 Question from H2

Things that are valuable or useful.

$300 Answer from H2

What are assets?

$400 Question from H2

The process of determining finances and budgets.

$400 Answer from H2

What is accounting?

$500 Question from H2

A formal agreement that describes a business concept.

$500 Answer from H2

What is business plan?

$100 Question from H3

People who have started their own companies.

$100 Answer from H3

What are entrepreneurs?

$200 Question from H3

Business allowed to sell a company’s product.

$200 Answer from H3

What is a franchise?

$300 Question from H3

Combination of more than one company.

$300 Answer from H3

What is a merger?

$400 Question from H3

A corporation that does not seek to earn a profit.

$400 Answer from H3

What is a nonprofit corporation ?

$500 Question from H3

Someone who buys into a business.

$500 Answer from H3

What is an investor?

$100 Question from H4

One who owns shares of a company.

$100 Answer from H4

What is stockholder?

$200 Question from H4

A business company formed according to law.

$200 Answer from H4

What is a corporation?

$300 Question from H4

A team or union of two or more people .

$300 Answer from H4

What is a partnership?

$400 Question from H4

A prejudice in favor or against.

$400 Answer from H4

What is bias?

$500 Question from H4

Attentive listening that occurs when the listener is focuses his or her complete attention to the speaker.

$500 Answer from H4

What is active listening?

$100 Question from H5

Obstacles to effective communication typically defined in terms of physical, language, and body language.

$100 Answer from H5

What are communication barriers?

$200 Question from H5

Unpleasant, often loud, sound.

$200 Answer from H5

What is noise?

$300 Question from H5

The act of exchanging information .

$300 Answer from H5

What is communication ?

$400 Question from H5

A chance something bad or dangerous will occur.

$400 Answer from H5

What is a risk?

$500 Question from H5

Costs or occasions of spending.

$500 Answer from H5

What are expenses?

Final Jeopardy

What is the accounting equation.

Final Jeopardy Answer

Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity?

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