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Page 1: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Four Great Events Four ...€¦ · Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. The Sons of Japheth (v2-5) 10:2

About 286 years(80% of Genesis)

2,000 + years(20% of Genesis)


West(Canaan to Egypt)

East(Eden to Ur)



Beginning ofthe Hebrew Race

Beginning of the Human Race

Patriarchal Historyof Israel

Primeval Historyof Humanity

37:2b 502725:191210 115 93 41 2

Four Great PersonsFour Great EventsFocusDivisions











Genesis: The Book of Beginnings

Author: Moses

Date written: after 1445 BC

Theme: Israel’s Origin &

Early Years

Purposes: 1) to present the beginning of

everything but God

2) to record God’s choice of Israel & His

covenant plan for the nation

3) to show how the sin of man is met by the

redemption of God Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2004

Page 2: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Four Great Events Four ...€¦ · Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. The Sons of Japheth (v2-5) 10:2
Page 3: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Four Great Events Four ...€¦ · Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. The Sons of Japheth (v2-5) 10:2

The Ark landed in the “mountains of Ararat” in the Middle East (Gen 8:4), which is located between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea in modern Turkey. After leaving the Ark, most if not all of Noah’s early descendants migrated to the land of Shinar, or Mesopotamia, or Babylonia as it eventually became known & dwelt there.

Tower of Babel Dispersion



“At the dispersion of peoples out from the area of the Tower of Babel, the first wave of migrants suffered culture loss. These peripheral cultures would today be termed “primitive” when in actuality they were anything but primitive, & should be viewed as de-cultured” Donald E. Chittick Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2004


Page 4: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Four Great Events Four ...€¦ · Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. The Sons of Japheth (v2-5) 10:2

Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


n=transcripts&aid=231772 - editedWe descended from the family of Noah, whose three sons of Noah populated the whole earth. Genesis 10 is often called the Table of Nations, or the Family of Nations. It traces the descent of man through the three sons of Noah.

God traces the history of Messiah’s line beginning with Adam to Seth to Enoch to Methuselah, to Lamech, to Noah. The whole human race after the flood follows this same line because all of humanity was destroyed in the flood. Noah becomes the second starting point for human history. This is life and history in the New World.

The next man in the genealogical charts in redemptive history isAbraham who will be introduced in Genesis 12. So between Noah and Abraham, we have this genealogical record which includes sons ofJapheth, sons of Ham, but most particularly, the sons of Shem because Abraham comes from the line of Shem. And from Abraham comes the Jewish race, the Hebrews, the nation of Israel, and ultimately Messiah.

This is the only accurate and existing written record for this period, authored by Moses, and inspired by God. Shem is listed last because that’s where God wants our attention directed to.

Page 5: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Four Great Events Four ...€¦ · Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. The Sons of Japheth (v2-5) 10:2

Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007


2025 - Isaac marries Rebekah2095 - Esau and Jacob born1990 - Abraham dies1928 - Jacob flees to Haran1921 - Reuben born1914 - Joseph born1897 - Joseph sold into slavery1885 - Isaac dies1875 - Jacob and family enter into Egypt1858 - Jacob dies1804 - Joseph dies1703 - A new king arose (Ex 1:8; Hyksos control Egypt)1700 - Intense bondage1570 - Hyksos rulers deposed

Egypt's New Kingdom (18th Dynasty) King Amose I (Egypt's most powerful years)



130 Adam 930 930130

Seth 912 1042

23590 Enosh 905 1140




65395 Mahalalel




460 162 Jared 962



622 Enoch 365 987

687 187 Methuselah

777 1656

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100

1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 20001200 2100 2200 2300

0 105





Methuselah 969




2006Noah 950500

Shem 100 600 21562096Arpachshad 1658 35

2124Shelah 433438

3016931727 34Eber 464

21851761 30Peleg 239 2000

1791Reu 2392030


182130Serug 230 2051

1851Nahor 14830 19991880

70 2085Terah 205

1950 2125100Abraham 175

Isaac 2050 60 180 22302257Jacob 2110 14791


BC2165 - Abram born2090 - Abram reaches Canaan2089 - To Egypt because of famine2066 - Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed2065 - Isaac born2028 - Sarah dies

1525 - Moses born1485 - Moses in exile in Midian1445 - EXODUS FROM EGYPT1405 - Moses dies

Pre-Flood Post-Flood

Page 6: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Four Great Events Four ...€¦ · Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. The Sons of Japheth (v2-5) 10:2

Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


n=transcripts&aid=231772 - editedThe survey is selective, and not exhaustive, for not every person, or family is named. Women are not mentioned. Also, of the 7 sons of Japheth, only two of them are followed as to their sons. Moses only recorded those people who had relevance to his theme and purpose.

There are 70 persons, tribes, and families and nations listed altogether and it is a reminder of the blessing of God on Noah and his sons, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth“ (Gen 9:1). Genesis 10 shows how these nations began and how they scattered into the world. It is the generations (toledoth) of Shem, Ham and Japheth.

Noah lived for 350 years after the flood and Shem 500 years, and they would have given first hand testimony of the pre-flood world and the flood to their descendants.

From Genesis 10, it is clear that life in the new world was just the same as life in the old world. God didn’t drown them all because this was the age of grace, and He promised not to do that again. Man was no better, but God was patient and gracious and instead of judgment, He would choose a man to form a witness nation. He then gave them His Law, His Covenants, and His promises, to take to the world.

Page 7: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Four Great Events Four ...€¦ · Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. The Sons of Japheth (v2-5) 10:2

Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


n=transcripts&aid=231772 - editedThis genealogy shows this drift and decline, and how these nations spread around and oriented themselves around Israel by divine providence (Acts 17:26 - God determines the times of the nations, and their location).

There are three sons, and so there are three sections and each of these three sections have three categories. First, the son is listed; Japheth, Ham, Shem; secondly, the descendents of the son are listed; and thirdly, a summary is given concerning these offspring in verses 5, 20, and 31. Verses 1 and 32 basically make the same statement and brackets what is in between.

From Genesis 9:25-27, Noah cursed Canaan, Ham’s son, to be servant to the descendants of Shem and Japheth. The plan of God, then, was that when the wicked children of Canaan, Ham's ungodly son, produced families and nations, they would eventually occupy the most precious piece of real estate on the planet, the land pledged to Abraham in Genesis 15. In God's sovereign design, the Canaanites would occupy the land that we call Israel, until the descendents of Shem, through Abraham, would conquer them, kill many of them, and take over that land.

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


n=transcripts&aid=231772 - editedJapheth was promised expansion, and Canaan would be his servant.

This occurred in Genesis 14:1 where Tidal was called king of Goiim, which

means “nations, peoples”. So the descendents of Japheth imposed

servitude on the Canaanite cities of Judah. Later on, the sons of Shem

conquered the Canaanites under Joshua, fulfilling Noah’s curse on Canaan

and God’s blessings on Shem and Japheth.

The Canaanites, then, are doomed to perpetual slavery because they

followed the moral sin of their ancestors, Ham and Canaan. It was their sin

which caused them to inherit the curse and have their land taken from

them and given to the people of Israel.

Now all this is background to chapter 10. We are indebted to the many

scholars who do the tedious work of sorting all these out. Two of which are

Eduardo Casudo, the Hebrew commentator, and Dr. Henry Morris who

have written extensively on the Book of Genesis.

Page 9: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Four Great Events Four ...€¦ · Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. The Sons of Japheth (v2-5) 10:2

Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007


Genesis 10 – The Table of Nations

The Summary Statement (v1)

10:1 Now these are the records of the generations of Shem,

Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born

to them after the flood.

The Sons of Japheth (v2-5)

10:2 The sons of Japheth were Gomer and Magog and Madai

and Javan and Tubal and Meshech and Tiras.

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007


Genesis 10 – The Table of Nations

10:3 And the sons of Gomer were Ashkenaz and Riphath and


10:4 And the sons of Javan were Elishah and Tarshish, Kittim

and Dodanim.

10:5 From these the coastlands of the nations were separated

into their lands, every one according to his language,

according to their families, into their nations.

Page 11: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Four Great Events Four ...€¦ · Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. The Sons of Japheth (v2-5) 10:2

Genesis 10:2-5 The Generations of Japheth2 The Sons of Japheth, “opened”, 3rd son of Noah whose descendants after the flood settled on the coastal lands of the Mediterranean spreading north into Europe and parts of Asia

a) Gomer, “complete”, eldest son of Japheth & grandson of Noah; the progenitor of the early Cimmerians & other branches of the Celtic family

b) Magog, “land of Gog”, 2nd son of Japheth, grandson of Noah, & progenitor of several tribes northward from Israel; the mountainous region between Cappadocia & Media & habitation of the descendants of Magog

c) Madai, “middle land”, a people descended from the son of Japheth & who inhabited the territory of Media; land inhabited by the descendants of Japheth; located northwest of Persia proper, south and southwest of the Caspian Sea, east of Armenia and Assyria, and west and northwest of the great salt desert of Iram

d) Javan, “Ionia” or “Greece”, a son of Japheth & grandson of Noah; Greece, Ionia, Ionians, location of descendants of Javan

e) Tubal, “thou shall be brought”, son of Japheth & grandson of Noah; a region in east Asia Minor, perhaps nearly equal to Cappadocia

f) Meshech, “drawing out”, son of Japheth, grandson of Noah, & progenitor of peoples to the north of Israel, descendants of Mesech often mentioned in connection with Tubal, Magog, & other northern nations including the Moschi, a people on the borders of Colchis and Armenia

g) Tiras, “desire”, son of Japheth & grandson of Noah

3 The Sons of Gomer:

a) Ashkenaz, “a man as sprinkled: fire as scattered”, a descendant of Japheth; a northern people, perhaps of Bithynia

b) Riphath, “spoken”, 2nd son of Gomer

c) Togarmah, “thou will break her”, son of Gomer, grandson of Japheth, & great grandson of Noah; territory settled by the descendants of Togarmah, probably the area known as Armenia

4 The Sons of Javan:

a) Elishah, “God of the coming (one)”, descendant of Noah, son of Javan; perhaps ancestor of the Aeolians

b) Tarshish, “yellow jasper”, son of Javan; a city of the Phoenicians in a distant part of the Mediterranean Sea to which the prophet Jonah was trying to flee; a site unknown but perhaps in Cyprus or Spain; a city somewhere near & accessible to the Red Sea to which ships constructed at Ezion-geber on the Elanitic Gulf on the Red Sea were to sail

c) Kittim, “bruisers”, a general term for all islanders of the Mediterranean Sea; the descendants of Javan, the son of Japheth and grandson of Noah

d) Dodanim, “leaders”, sons or descendants of Javan

5 From these the coastlands of the nations were separated into their lands, every one according to his language, according to their families, into their nations.

The Generations of Shem (name), Ham (hot) & Japheth (opened) & those born after the flood (Genesis 10:1)

Copyright © Cecilia Perh 20042Tim2-2.com

Page 12: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Four Great Events Four ...€¦ · Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. The Sons of Japheth (v2-5) 10:2

Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


n=transcripts&aid=231772 - editedNow, Japheth is the father of what we call Indo-European nations.

Japheth's descendents go west, and east; From Europe across the north section of Israel, sweeping toward India. It was in the 19th century that it became clear that the languages of the East and the West were related.

One of the earliest languages that is at the base of both eastern and western languages is an extinct language called Sanskrit. Linguistic students, even in modern times, go to India to study Sanskrit, because it is the closest language to this entire range of languages. This relationship of East and West of a common language, was unsuspected until some of the technical work of the 19th century, yet here it is in Genesis.

Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary states that the Indo-European languages "...are the most important linguistic family of the globe. Comprising the chief languages of Europe, together with the Indo-Iranian and other Asiatic tongues. In the 19th century comparative and historical study of these languages, called also Indo-Germanic or Arian languages –established their descent from a common ancestor... The prehistoric dialects of the primitive Indo-Europeans accompany their migrations into India, Persia, Greece, Rome and the western borders of Europe, where they are found at the beginning of history.”

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Page 14: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Four Great Events Four ...€¦ · Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. The Sons of Japheth (v2-5) 10:2

Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


n=transcripts&aid=231772 - editedinformation from historians Herodotus, Strabo and Plutarch, indicate that (1)Gomer's people settled north of the Black Sea in an area called Crimea, and even beyond it. Later they expanded into Europe, settling in France, Spain, Britain and even in Wales.

The sons of (1)Gomer were Ashkenaz and Riphath, and Togarmah. (1a)Ashkenaz went north to settle, the name is preserved in a place called Lake Ashkenaz, and the people of that area are called the Askani. They later moved to Germany so that Jews identified the German Jews, as Ashkenazi Jews.

Josephus says of (1b)Riphath that he was the father of the Pathologonians. (1c)Togarmah is the direct ancestor of the Armenians. You may have heard of the house of Targum, a familiar identification for those of Armenian descent. Terms like Turkey, Turkistan, Targum, come from Togarmah, their ancestor.

Although it's hard to be exact because these were migrating people who mixed with other peoples – but all agree, they went north and west. We find that words that have the same roots as these Magog, Meschech, Tubal, Ashkenaz, Riphath, Togarmah, appear in those regions.

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


n=transcripts&aid=231772 - edited(2)Magog is mentioned also in Ezekiel 38:2; 39:6 where he is symbolic of

the end time confederacy that comes to fight against Israel in the last days. Almost all interpreters in history would say it's to the north, but some associate them with Mongols and Huns, who went east. Josephus identifies Magog as the place where the people of Gog lived, around the Caspian Sea, the region of southern Russia, the Ukraine.

(3)Madai, Japheth’s third son, was the father of the ancient Medes who lived in Persia, then India and were part of an empire called the Medo-Persian empire. Same root. They moved east.

(4)Javan was the father of various Greek peoples: the Helenes, the Ionians, the Akkians, the Dorians, etc. The next most generic term for the Greeks, Hellas, is associated with (4a)Elishah, then you have (4b)Tarshishwhich we identify with the city to which Jonah tried to flee to, somewhere in Spain. Most associated (4c)Kittim with Cypress while in Daniel 11:30, “the ships of Kittim” are identified with Rome. (4d)Dodanim is identified with Rhodes.

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


n=transcripts&aid=231772 - edited(5)Tubal and (6)Meshech were also people in the north and traced to the

Assyrians. Some who study history have found some monuments among the Assyrian ruins identifying a people called Mushki, or Mushku, which is a lot like Mishech and another people called Tubali. Several other cities in the Russian area have that derivative name. They are associated with the name Rosh, probably an early name for Russia. See the similarity in the city of Moscow, and the Tobal river and the city of Tobalsk.

(7)Tiras appears to have settled both in the east and the west. Some say that they were the Atruscans who are known in the Roman Empire and eventually move to the west and settle in Italy.

Bottom line, they're all around that area: in the west, in Europe, and some of them drifted to the east. Those who come from European stock most likely come from Japheth. Some believe that sons of Japheth migrating across Russia, came all the way to the Baring Straits, down into Alaska, into the North America and into South America – and they became the Native Americans. They found their way around the world, but they lost their souls in the process. They became the great colonizers of the world. God said they will be enlarged, and students of history will tell you that they occupy most of the world's land.

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Gomer Magog Madai Javan Tubal Meshech Tiras

Ashkenaz TogarmahRiphath Elishah DodanimKittimTarshish


Russia Russia Russia ItalyRussiaGreece

v5 From these the coastlands of the nations were separated into their

lands, every one according to his language, according to their families,

into their nations.

9:25 “Cursed be Canaan;

A servant of servants (i.e., the lowest of servants)

He shall be to his brothers”

9:26 “Blessed be the LORD,

The God of Shem;

And let Canaan be his servant.

9:27 “May God enlarge Japheth,

And let him dwell in the tents of Shem;

And let Canaan be his servant.”Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2004


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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007


Genesis 10 – The Table of Nations

The Sons of Ham (v6-20)

10:6 And the sons of Ham were Cush and Mizraim and Put and


10:7 And the sons of Cush were Seba and Havilah and Sabtah

and Raamah and Sabteca; and the sons of Raamah were

Sheba and Dedan.

10:8 Now Cush became the father of Nimrod; he became a

mighty one on the earth.

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007


Genesis 10 – The Table of Nations

10:9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; therefore it is

said, "Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the LORD."

10:10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Erech

and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.

10:11 From that land he went forth into Assyria, and built

Nineveh and Rehoboth-Ir and Calah,

10:12 and Resen between Nineveh and Calah; that is the great


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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007


Genesis 10 – The Table of Nations

10:13 And Mizraim became the father of Ludim and Anamim and

Lehabim and Naphtuhim

10:14 and Pathrusim and Casluhim (from which came the

Philistines) and Caphtorim.

10:15 And Canaan became the father of Sidon, his first-born,

and Heth

10:16 and the Jebusite and the Amorite and the Girgashite

10:17 and the Hivite and the Arkite and the Sinite

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007


Genesis 10 – The Table of Nations

10:18 and the Arvadite and the Zemarite and the Hamathite; and

afterward the families of the Canaanite were spread


10:19 And the territory of the Canaanite extended from Sidon as

you go toward Gerar, as far as Gaza; as you go toward

Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zeboiim, as far as


10:20 These are the sons of Ham, according to their families,

according to their languages, by their lands, by their


Page 22: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Four Great Events Four ...€¦ · Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. The Sons of Japheth (v2-5) 10:2

6 The Sons of Ham, “hot”, 2nd son of Noah, father of Canaan & of various peoples which were inhabitants of southern lands; in late usage, a collective name for Egyptians

a) Cush, “black”, the son of Ham & grandson of Noah & the progenitor of the southernmost peoples located in Africa; the peoples descended from Cush; the land occupied by the descendants of Cush located around the southern parts of the Nile (Ethiopia)

b) Mizraim, Egypt , “land of the Copts”, a country at the northeastern section of Africa, adjacent to Palestine, and through which the Nile flows; the inhabitants or natives of Egyptc) Put, “a bow”, a nation & people of northern Africa; probably Libyans

d) Canaan, “lowland”, 4th son of Ham & progenitor of the Phoenicians & of the various nations who peopled the seacoast of Palestine; the land west of the Jordan peopled by the descendants of Canaan & subsequently conquered by the Israelites under Joshua; merchant, trader

7a The Sons of Cush:

a) Seba, “drink thou”, a son of Cush; a nation south of Palestine, perhaps Ethiopia

b) Havilah, “circle”, a son of Cush; a part of Eden through which flowed the river Pison (Araxes); was probably the Grecian Colchis, in the northeast corner of Asia Minor, near the Caspian Sea; a district in Arabia of the Ishmaelites named from the 2nd son of Cush; probably the district of Kualan, in the northwestern part of Yemen

c) Sabtah, “striking”, 3rd son of Cush

d) Raamah, “horse’s mane”, son of Cush & father of Sheba & Dedan; a home of traders

e) Sabteca, “striking”, 5th son of Cush Copyright © Cecilia Perh 20042Tim2-2.com

Genesis 10:6-20 The Generations of Ham7b The Sons of Raamah:

a) Sheba, “seven” or “an oath”, son of Raamah, grandson of Cush, & a descendant of Ham; a nation in southern Arabia

b) Dedan, “low country”, son of Raamah & grandson of Cush; a place in south Arabia

f) Cush became the father of Nimrod (v8),“rebellion” or “the valiant”, the son of Cush, grandson of Ham, & great grandson of Noah; a mighty hunter, he established an empire in the area of Babylon and Assyria

8b-9 He became a mighty one on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before (against, opposed or hostile to) the LORD

10 the beginning of his kingdom was Babel (confusion [by mixing], the ancient site and/or capital of Babylonia (modern Hillah) situated on the Euphrates) Erech (“long”, a city 40 miles (64 km) northwest of Ur toward Babylon on the leftbank of the Euphrates river), Accad (“subtle”, a city in north Babylonia, also the district around it)& Calneh (“fortress of Anu”, a city of Babylonia named among the cities of Nimrod maybe modern ‘Niffer’; an Assyrian city near Aleppo, maybe same as above since it was captured by Assyria in the 8th century BC)in the land of Shinar “country of two rivers”, the ancient name for the territory later known as Babylonia or Chaldea

11-12 From that land he went into Assyria (“a step”, the land, Assyria or Asshur)& built Nineveh (“abode of Ninus”, capital of the ancient kingdom of Assyria; located on the east bank of the Tigris river, 550 miles (880 km) from its mouthand 250 miles (400 km) north of Babylon), Rehoboth-Ir(“wide places or streets”, one of the 4 cities built by Asshur or by Nimrod in Asshur located close to Nineveh), & Calah(“vigour”, one of the most ancient cities of Assyria; maybe modern 'Nimrud' located at the confluence of the Tigris and Zab rivers), and Resen (“bridle”, a place in Assyria between Nineveh and Calah), the great city

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13-14 Mizraim became the father of:

a) Ludim, Ludim or Lydians, “to the firebrands: travailings”, the descendants of Lud the son of Mizraim

b) Anamin, “affliction of the waters”, tribe of Egyptians

c) Lehabim, “flames”, an Egyptian tribe descended from Mizraim

d) Naphtuhim, “openings”, an unclear reference to Egypt; perhaps Lower Egypt

e) Pathrusim, “region of the south”, inhabitants of Pathros, probably in upper Egypt

f) Casluhim, “fortified”, a people or tribe descended from Mizraim (Egypt) progenitors of the Philistines and Caphtorim

f1) Philistines, “immigrants”, an inhabitant of Philistia; descendants of Mizraim who immigrated from Caphtor (Crete?) to the western seacoast of Canaan

g) Caphtorim, “a crown”, Cretans as the inhabitants of Caphtor as distinct from the Philistines

15-19 Canaan became the father of:

a) Sidon, “hunting”, ancient Phoenician city, on Mediterranean coast north of Tyre

b) Heth, “terror”, a son of Canaan & the progenitor of the Hittites

c) the Jebusite, “descendants of Jebus”, descendants of the 3rd son of Canaan who lived in or around the site of Jebus, the early name for Jerusalem

d) the Amorite, “a sayer”, one of the peoples of east Canaan and beyond the Jordan, dispossessed by the Israelite incursion from Egypt

e) the Girgashite, “dwelling on a clayey soil”, descendants of Canaan & one of the nations living east of the sea of Galilee when Israel entered the promised land

f) the Hivite, “villagers”, 6th generation of descendants of Canaan, the son of Ham, who were living in northern Canaan near Mount Hermon at the time of the conquest

g) the Arkite, “gnawing”, an inhabitant of Arki or Arka

h) the Sinite, “thorn” or “clay”, a tribe of the Canaanites descended from Canaan inhabiting the northern part of the Lebanon district

i) the Arvadite, “I shall break loose”, the descendants of Arvad, a son of Canaan

j) the Zemarite, “double woolens”, one of the Hamitetribes descended from Canaan and inhabitants of an unknown Canaanite city k) the Hamathite, “fortress”, one of the families descended from Canaan; the principle city of upper Syria in the valley of the Orontes

18b and afterward the families of the Canaanite were spread abroad. 19 And the territory of the Canaanite extended from Sidon as you go toward Gerar(“a lodging place”, a Philistine town south of Gaza, modern ‘Umm’), as far as Gaza (Azzah, “the strong”, another name for ‘Gaza’, a city of the Philistines located in the extreme southwest of Palestine close to the Mediterranean) ; as you go toward Sodom (“burning”, a Canaanite city, usually paired with Gomorrah, located in the area of the Dead Sea and the Jordan river; both cities destroyed by God in judgment) & Gomorrah (“submersion”, the twin-city in evil with Sodom,

both destroyed in judgment by God with fire from heaven) & Admah (“red earth”, city in the Siddim valley) & Zeboiim(“gazelles”, one of the 5 cities in the plain which included Sodom & Gomorrah) , as far as Lasha (“fissure”, a place in the southeast of Palestine at the limit of the Canaanites territory, near Sodom and Gomorrah). 20 These are the sons of Ham, according to their families, according to their languages, by their lands, by their nations.

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n=transcripts&aid=231772 - editedHam had four sons: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan. Cush had five sons and two grandsons named Sheba and Dedan. Then he names 7 people groups from Mizraim (v13-14) and 9 people groups from Canaan (v17-18).

Cush is the Bible's name for Ethiopia. So Ham's people went south. But all the sons of Cush went east. Mizraim is Egypt, Put is Libya in North Africa, west of Egypt, and Canaan, the fourth son, was the ancestor of the various tribes that settled in the Promised Land.

From whom do the oriental peoples come from? Most of the evidence connects the heritage of Asian people to the descendants of Ham. Perhaps the Hittites who came out of Canaan’s second son, Heth, were the ones who populated China. The Hittites had an empire of their own which today is in the area of modern Turkey. At the time of Abraham, they were in the Land of Canaan and they were a powerful people. Their empire last over 1,000 years and some survivors of the Hittite empire fled into China. Some say it's the Hittites who got the name Katai, which brought to the east the name Cathay, which of course, is a name associated with the Orient.

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n=transcripts&aid=231772 - editedThe other possibility for the origin of the Asians is from the Sinites. The

word S-i-n, is a common word in the Orient. There was a Sin dynasty, a word that means purebred. Many emperors used Sin as a title. The thestudy of China is called Sinology.

Now, let’s go back to verses 8-12, one of Ham’s descendant from his first son, Cush, whose name is Nimrod. He's really important because he’s the first king of a kingdom, the first world empire. In Genesis 11, we find out that this world empire called Babel was idolatrous, anti-God, rebellious and wicked.

Now when it says, “he was a mighty hunter,” it doesn't mean he was a hunter of animals but that he was a killer of men. A better way to translate that is, he was a mighty warrior who wielded deadly power and ruled ruthlessly right in the middle of the Euphrates Valley, and no doubt conquered all kinds of people and consolidated families and people-groups and tribes into his great Babel. Great in power, great in sin, great in idolatry, great in defiance of God – this was the first real city of man in the new world, built for man's glory. It is a preview of a later city called Babylon, which is a preview of a final Babylon that will be built by the Anti-Christ at the end of human history.

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com

Nimrod’s Kingdom (Gen 10:8-12)

Nimrod built Babel. Nebuchadnezzar built Babylon, and the Antichrist will build the final Babylon. By the way, Nimrod's name in Hebrew means “rebel”. His kingdom stretched from the northern-most point of the Mesopotamian Valley at Nineveh, down to the Persian Gulf and thesouthernmost point in Iraq and all the area in between. It was a massive kingdom.

The name, Nimrod, is a variation of the Hebrewdrmdrmdrmdrm(((( (marad), which means "we will revolt," hence, a rebel. The name also could be parsed namer(leopard) plus rod (to subdue, rule over); hence, the subduer of the leopard. The leopard was one of the symbols of Nimrod, who was a famous hunter.

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com

Nimrod’s Kingdom (Gen 10:8-12)

The word translated "hero" and "famous" is the Hebrew roBGroBGroBGroBG

(gibbor), meaning hero, famous, or mighty man. Nimrod was not

famous, however, as a big-game hunter, but as a hunter of men.

He was the founder of the first imperial kingdom. He was

"against the LORD," where "against" is literally "in the face of,"

which, in this context, means against, not in the presence

of. Nimrod was the first great Evil King who rebelled against the

Lord. He was a man who was empowered by Satan as the god

of war.

The beginning of his kingdom was in the land of "Shinar"

which is the same as Sumer, the land of Semiramis, who was

the famous queen associated with Nimrod.

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This stone carving was found in Iraq near the ancient city of Babylon (Bagdad). Historians falsely interpret this illustration so I invite you to look at it carefully. There are clearly two suns in the sky and everyone is looking up at them. The tallest figure (wearing the horns of the bull... Nimrod's old crown) appears to be a giant. Giants in the Bible were roughly 18 feet tall. The dome-shaped object is too perfect to be a mountain peak. Instead, imagine that it's the "top" of the Tower of Babel.

IF that indeed were a rocket with a hydrogen bomb in the top, then this picture shows the defiance of Nimrod and his followers who still remembered the huge meteorite that pierced the water canopy and caused the global flood. This Tower was to prevent that from ever happening again as God's access through the Gateway (what Babylon translates

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into... Gateway City) would forever be destroyed. Fallen angels would understand how to separate the isotopes of hydrogen because hydrogen fusion is the framework of stars and angels. All ancient ziggurats used water for some unknown reason. You separate the isotopes of hydrogen from ordinary water. Hydrogen bomb-making was within the reach of Nimrod. Why else would God have to scatter mankind by confusing his tongue?

Historical note:

In 1250 BC, the Historian Sanchuniationhad this to say about a snake: "The snake has a speed that nothing can exceed because of its breath. Its energy is exceptional. It has illuminated everything with its gleam."

Does that fit the description of any snakes you've seen lately? Or... how about a rocket?

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com

Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain

These stones were not of local origin, but were quarried over 75 miles away & then moved into place. Some weigh in excess of an estimated 100 tons. A stone that large will depress the ground upon which it is placed. Yet these stones were accurately places so that they would be in exact astronomical alignment which was so precise that it wasn’t until 1962, by using a modern digital computer at MIT, that its exactness and some of its purposes and uses were discovered. These builders must have utilized skills already possessed & developed earlier at Babel. (D. E. Chittick, p 83-84)

Copyright © Cecilia Perh 20042Tim2-2.com

Evidence of Great

Intelligence in the Past

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 20042Tim2-2.com

Evidence of Great

Intelligence in the Past

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Often attributed to Nimrod, the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) is best understood as an ancient ziggurat (Assyrian "mountaintop"), as the one pictured here from ancient Ur of the Chaldees, Abraham's hometown (Genesis 11:31). A ziggurat was a man-made structure with a temple at its top, built to worship the host of heaven.

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Sargon I king of

Akkade/Agade (2467-2412

BC). Sargon I was the

founder of the Akkadian

Dynasty and first king of

Accad in the land of shinar.

His name Sargon “Sharru-

ken” means "the legitimate

king." Many identify him as

the Nimrod of the Bible

(Genesis 10:10). This Sargon

I head discovery, if it is

indeed him, is one of the

great discoveries in Biblical


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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com

Josephus on “Nimrod”

Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and

contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah

— a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded

them not to ascribe it to God, as if it were through his means

they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage

which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the

government into tyranny — seeing no other way of turning men

from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant

dependence upon his own power. He also said he would be

revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world

again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to

be able to reach! and that he would avenge himself on God for

destroying their forefathers! (Ant. I: iv: 2)

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The Beginning of Babel

• Nimrod (Genesis 10:8-10) and Semiramis in the Land of Shinar (Genesis 11:2)

• Nimrod (= he rebelled), a mighty hunter before (or against) the Lord; “he who made all the people rebellious against God, The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol.9, 309)

• recognized by some historians as a priest of devil-worship and founder of the world’s pagan civilization

• the first political and religious leader (“kingdom” first mentioned in association with Nimrod in the Bible)

• the tower of Babel was to be a monument to the sun god and the centre of a world-ruling human government

• the destruction of the tower (Genesis 11:1-9) foreshadows Nimrod’s defeat & the subsequent defeat of the Antichrist

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The Beginning of Babel

• Nimrod’s wife, Semiramis, claimed that Nimrod was the sun-god

• She started the “Mother and Child” cult by claiming that her illegitimate son, Tammuz, was virgin-born (that he was supernaturally conceived by a sunbeam), that he was Nimrod reborn, the promised seed, the “savior”

• Semiramis herself was worshipped as:– Diana in Ephesus

– Aphrodite or Ceres in Greece

– Nana by Sumerians

– Virgo-Patitura by the Druids who called her the “Mother of God”

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Cush Mizraim Put Canaan

Sheba SabtahHavilah

Sidon AmoriteJebusiteHeth

Sabteca Nimrod

Ludim Ananim Lehabim Naphtuhim Patrushim Cashluhim Caphtorim


ArvaditeGirgashite Hivite Arkite Sinite Zemarite Hamathite




Egypt Africa

Babylon & Assyria

10:8-12 Nimrod…became a mighty one on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; therefore it is said, “Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the LORD.” The beginning of his kingdom was Babel & Erech & Accad & Calneh, in the land of Shinar. From that land he went forth into Assyria, & built Nineveh & Rehooth-Ir & Calah, & Resen between Nineveh & Calalh; that is the great city.

v18 and afterward the families of the Canaanite were spread abroad.

v19 The territory of the Canaanite extended from Sidon as you go toward Gerar, as far as Gaza; as you go toward Sodom & Gomorrah & Admah & Zeboiim, as far as Lasha.

v20 These are the sons of Ham, according to their families, according to their languages, by their lands, by their nations.

possible founder of the Oriental peoples: China, Japan, India, etc

Ethiopia Canaanites

Copyright © Cecilia Perh 20042Tim2-2.com

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007


Genesis 10 – The Table of Nations

The Sons of Shem (v21-31)

10:21 And also to Shem, the father of all the children of Eber,

and the older brother of Japheth, children were born.

10:22 The sons of Shem were Elam and Asshur and

Arpachshad and Lud and Aram.

10:23 And the sons of Aram were Uz and Hul and Gether and


10:24 And Arpachshad became the father of Shelah; and Shelah

became the father of Eber.

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007


Genesis 10 – The Table of Nations

10:25 And two sons were born to Eber; the name of the one was

Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided; and his

brother's name was Joktan.

10:26 And Joktan became the father of Almodad and Sheleph

and Hazarmaveth and Jerah

10:27 and Hadoram and Uzal and Diklah

10:28 and Obal and Abimael and Sheba

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007


Genesis 10 – The Table of Nations

10:29 and Ophir and Havilah and Jobab; all these were the sons

of Joktan.

10:30 Now their settlement extended from Mesha as you go

toward Sephar, the hill country of the east.

10:31 These are the sons of Shem, according to their families,

according to their languages, by their lands, according to

their nations.

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Geographical distribution of Japheth’s immediate

descendants. These areas of settlement are not necessarily

contemporaneous with one another.

Distribution of Semitic Peoples throughout Israel, Lebanon & Syria, the Arabian Peninsula & certain areas of Asia Minor. Among them are certain Hamiticpeoples. These areas of settlement are not necessarily contemporaneous with one another.

The approximate areas of settlement of the Descendants of

Mizraim throughout Egypt and Libya

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Genesis 10 – The Table of Nations

10:32 These are the families of the sons of Noah, according to

their genealogies, by their nations; and out of these the

nations were separated on the earth after the flood.

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 20042Tim2-2.com

Genesis 10:21-31 The Generations of Shem21 To Shem (“name”, the eldest son of Noah and progenitor of the Semitic tribes), , , , the father of all the children of Eber, children were born.

22 The Sons of Shem:

a) Elam, “eternity”, a son of Shem; a province east of Babylon & northeast of the lower Tigris; as early invaders of Palestine, allies of Assyria

b) Asshur, “a step”, 2nd son of Shem, eponymous ancestor of the Assyrians; the people of Assyria; the nation, Assyria 4) the land, Assyria or Asshur

c) Arpachshad, “I shall fail as the breast: he cursed the breast-bottle”, third son of Shem

d) Lud, or Lydia, “strife”, 4th listed son of Shem & supposed progenitor of the Lydians; descendants of Lud the son of Shem who settled in northern Africa

e) Aram, “exalted”, Aram or Syria the nation; the Syrian or Aramean people; 5th son of Shem

23 The Sons of Aram:

a) Uz, “wooded”, son of Aram & grandson of Shem; the country of Job; probably east and southeast of Palestine somewhere in the Arabian desert

b) Hul, “circle”, 2nd son of Aram & grandson of Shem

c) Gether, “fear”, 3rd in order of the sons of Aram

d) Mash, “drawn out”, one of the sons of Aram; also ‘Meshech’

24a Arpachshad became the father of:

a) Shelah, Salah or Shelah, “sprout”, son of Arphaxad & father of Eber

24b Shelah became the father of:

a) Eber, or Heber, “the region beyond”, son of Salah, great grandson of Shem, father of Peleg & Joktan

25 Two sons were born to Eber: a) Peleg, (“division”, son of Eber & brother of Joktan) for in his day the earth was divided

b) Joktan, smallness”, son of Eber & descendant of Shem & patriarch of various Arabian tribes

26-29 Joktan became the father of:

a) Almodad, “not measured”, 1st son of Joktan

b) Sheleph, “a drawing forth”, 2nd son of Joktan

c) Hazarmaveth, “village of death”, 3rd son of Joktan; founder of an ancient people of southern Arabia which later became a province and important commercial centre

d) Jerah, “new moon”, 4th son of Joktan & progenitor of an Arabian tribe

e) Hadoram, “noble honour”, 5th son of Joktan

f) Uzal, “I shall be flooded”, 6th son of Joktan

g) Diklah, “palm grove”, 7th son of Joktan of Arabia; an Arabian territory or people?

h) Obal, “stripped bare”, 8th son of Joktan & founder of an Arab tribe

i) Abimael, “my father is El (God)”, 9th son of Joktan

j) Sheba, “seven” or “an oath”, 10th son of Joktan; a nation in southern Arabia

k) Ophir, “reducing to ashes”, 11th son of Joktan; a land or city in southern Arabia in Solomon's trade route where gold evidently was traded for goods

l) Havilah, “circle”, 12th son of Joktan

m) Jobab, “a desert”, 13th & last son of Joktan

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30 Now their settlement extended from Mesha (“fredom”, a region marking one of the limits of the territory of the Joktanites when they first settled

in Arabia) as you go toward Sephar(“numbering:, a place in southern Arabia), the hill country of the east.

31 These are the sons of Shem according to their families, according to their languages, by their lands, according to their nations.

32 These are the families of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, by their nations; and out of these the nations were separated on the earth after the flood.

The Generations of Shem (11:10-26)

1) Shem was100 years old & became the father of Arpachshad 2 years after the flood; he lived 500 years more & had other sons & daughters (v10-11)

2) Arpachshad lived 35 years & became the fagther of Shelah; he lived 403 years more & had other sons & daughters (v12-13)

3) Shelad lived 30 years & became the father of Eber; he lived 403 years more & had others sons & daughters (v14-15)

4) Eber lived 34 years & became the father of Peleg; he lived 430 years more & had other sons & daughters (v16-17)

5) Peleg lived 30 years & became the father of Reu; he lived 209 years more & had other sons & daughters (v18-19)

6) Reu lived 32 years & became the father of Serug; he lived 207 years more & had other sons & daughters (v20-21)

7) Serug lived 30 years & became the father of Nahor; he lived 200 years more & had others sons & daughters (v22-23)

8) Nahor lived 29 years & became the father of Terah; he lived 119 years more & had other sons & daughters (v24-25)

9) Terah lived 70 years & became the father of Abram, Nahor & Haran (v26)

The Descendants of Terah (11:27-32)

27 Haran became the father of Lot

28 Haran died in Ur of the Chaldeans

29 Abram married Sarai & Nahor married Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah & Iscah

30 Sarai was barren & had no child

31 Terah took Abram & Lot & Sarai & they went from Ur in order to enter the land of Canaan; & they went as far as Haran & settled there

32 the days of Terah were 205 years & Terah died in Haran

Copyright © Cecilia Perh 20042Tim2-2.com

The Tower of Babel (11:1-9)

1 The Context: Same language & same words used

2-4 The Disobedience of the People

3-4 The Building of a City & a Tower

5-8 The Lord’s Response: He scattered them abroad (today we have thousands of languages but less than 20 language families)

9 The Aftermath: therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of the whole earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


n=transcripts&aid=231772 - editedShem was the older brother of Japheth and is listed last because that clears the path for the genealogy and the account that leads to Abraham. He is called the father of all the children of Eber, from which the word “Hebrew” is derived. The sons of Shem all settled in the Middle East. (4)Lud, is the farthest north, up by the Black Sea, and his other sonssettled all the way down to the tip of the Red Sea, where it goes into the Arabian Ocean. The bulk of them settled in the middle in the land surrounding Canaan to the east.

Only a couple of them are mentioned: (1)Elam who is the father of the Elamites and we know a later king of Elam called Chedorlaomer (Gen 14:1). The Elamites lived east of Mesopotamia, and had their capital in a place called Susa, or Shushan; they mixed with the Medes and made up the Persian Empire. Notice that (2)Asshur, father of the Assyrians was conquered by Nimrod and they became racially mixed. (3)Arphachshadwas is in the line of Abraham (Gen 11:12). (4)Lud was the father of the Lydians in Asia Minor, (5)Aram was the father of the Arameans or Syrians who play a major role in the rest of the Bible history. They developed the Aramaic language. One of Aram’s descendant was (5a)Uz, and Job lived in the land of Uz (Job 1:1).

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n=transcripts&aid=231772 - editedLet’s look at another significant name, Peleg, for in his days, the earth

was divided. “Peleg” means “divided”. Perhaps he was named for the judgment of God at Babel when the world was one big empire underNimrod and God came down and judged and divided it into separatelanguages and they went their separate ways. Nimrod was a contemporary of Eber. So Babel was built with its tower in Eber's lifetime and Eber named his son Peleg when he saw what God did to Babel. Or perhaps in his days, the earth was divided into the various continents that we have today.

So Ham settles in the south, Africa, and to Asia. Japheth settles to the north, Europe and into the northeast, Persia and India. Shem stays in the Middle East.

“These are the families of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, by their nations; and out of these the nations were separated on the earth after the flood” (v32).

26 families are listed from Shem, 30 from Ham, 14 from Japheth, totaling 70. The Philistines are mentioned parenthetically to explain to the Jews who were hearing this read hundreds of years later.

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Elam Asshur Arpachshad Lud Aram

Uz Hul Gether MashShelah




Almodad Sheleph Hazarmaveth Jerah Hadoram








v30 Now their settlement extended from Mesha as you go toward Sephar, the hill country of the east.v31 These are the sons of Shem, according to their families, according to their languages, by their lands, according to their nations.v32 These are the families of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, by their nations; and out of these the nations were separated on the earth after the flood

Copyright © Cecilia Perh 20042Tim2-2.com

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


n=transcripts&aid=231772 - editedGenesis 10 is a story about how far man fell from the knowledge of God

and how fast they fell. Go across the face of the earth today and hyou will find the truth of Romans 1: that all men had knowledge of the true God, but they abandoned that true knowledge, and worshipped idols. Idolatry started very early at Babel, and it will continue until it culminates in the final Babylon which God will destroy.

Martin Luther says, "We have reason to regard the Holy Bible highly, and to consider it a most precious treasure. This very chapter, even though it is considered full of dead words, has in it the thread that is drawn from the first world to the middle and to the end of all things. From Adam, the promise concerning Christ is passed on to Seth. From Seth to Noah, from Noah to Shem, and from Shem to Eber from whom the Hebrew nation received its name as the heir for whom the promise about the Christ was intended, in preference to all other peoples of the whole world.

“This knowledge, the Holy Scripture revealed to us. Those who arewithout them live in error, uncertainty and boundless ungodliness, for they have no knowledge about who they are and whence they came."

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Genesis 10:25 – Peleg

10:25 And two sons were born to Eber; the name of the one was

Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided; and his

brother's name was Joktan.

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6/GlobalFlood_Pangea_InBible.html- Copyright © 2005 Cobblestone Road Ministries. All Rights Reserved

Is Pangaea In The Bible?

So Where Does Pangea Fit Into The Bible?

We believe that at one time, the seven continents of earth were once fitted together in one major continent called "Pangea" or "Pangaea". The massive super-continent was later divided into the continents that we have today but one cannot be dogmatic regarding when the splitting of Pangaea occurred. It is NOT a doctrinal issue that needs careful attention…

Some Creationists will tell you that Pangaea broke into pieces during the time of the Flood, when the "fountains of the deep" broke forth. However, since Noah's Ark is the STARTING point for man and animals, how did marsupials find their home in Australia? How did the native creatures of the Americas find their home after emerging from the ark? Dr. Henry M. Morris (See his book, "The Genesis Record" for more information) theorizes that people could have walked across the post-Flood great continental ice sheets to their destinations. This could be so but it does not explain how the herbivore animals crossed sheets of ice, without food supplied along their journey, across the ice- covered ocean.

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We believe, though not dogmatically, that Pangaea was split during the days of the life of Peleg, taken from Genesis 10:25. The belief is that during the Flood, fault lines were created. After the dispersion at Babel, as mankind journeyed from Shinar, they each went to various locations across Pangaea. When all tribes were in their destined place, God then slowly divided the massive landmass into the continents we have today. The earthquake (which began the continental breakup) was such a significant event that a man named his own son after it.

We read in Genesis 10:25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.

Now, reading the verse in English is interesting but reading it in Hebrew gives us a more concise answer. The name, Peleg, actually means "earthquake". The Hebrew word for “earth” means “ground,” or “land,” and “divided” means, “to split” or “to divide”.

*Bernard Northrup, a Hebrew scholar, states: [Peleg, palag, or PLG] often contains within it a reference to water. It is used to refer to a stream of water in Hebrew, Coptic, Ethiopic and in Greek. The root is used to refer

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to irrigation canals which carried the water throughout the farming land of Mesopotamia. However, an examination of the Greek usage (of the family of Japheth) of the root letters PL and PLG clearly shows that in the majority of the instances this root was used of the ocean...It is used to mean: “to form a sea or lake,” “of places that are flooded and under water,” “of crossing the sea,” of “the broad sea” itself, of “being out at sea,” “on the open sea.” It is used of seamen and ships. The noun with the result suffix is used of “an inundation.” I continue: it is used of “a being at sea,” of “a creature of or on the sea,” of “one who walks on the sea,” of “running or sailing on the open sea,” of “a harbor that is formed in the open sea by means of sandbags,” and in many ways of “the open sea itself,” of “going to, into or toward the sea,” of “roving through the sea,” of “being sea-nourished,” of “turning something into the sea or into the sea or of flooding.” It is quite apparent that every Greek usage here involves the sea in someway.

So if we are interpreting the text correctly, a great earthquake must have occurred near or at the time of Peleg's birth-- the result of the tectonic plates on the crust of the earth beginning to move, separating the continents. That is why the Scripture says, "for in his days

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was the earth divided." The earthquake occurred at his birth but it took many years in his lifetime as these continents were pulled apart. Remember that when the languages were confounded at Babel, each group went in their own direction. No doubt they were fearful of one another and for good reason. If one cannot understand the other, it causes fear to develop. Remember there was no police back then. Each patriarch was responsible for his own family's safety. Each one would want distance between themselves and foreign language speaking tribes. Therefore they would cross the streams that filled the fault lines of the earthquake, giving them ample room from the other tribes. As time progressed, these streams became rivers as the continents continued to separate, the rivers grew wider until they became the oceans we have today.

Acts 17:24-27 - God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:

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If Genesis 10:25 does refer to the dividing of Pangaea, then it could explain how various tribes and animals occupied all "discovered" lands. They did not sail across but walked across Pangea. (Again, since all flesh in the earth died, save those saved in the ark, the starting point of all peoples and animals we know today emerged from Noah's Ark.) It would make perfect sense that they walked across the large continent and crossed various little streams and rivers to where God wanted them to be and then the land broke up into the continents we have today. As the continents pushed away from one another, mountain ridges formed, separating one tribe from the other and one species of animal from the other.

Again, no one knows for sure if Gen.10:25 is referring to the dividing of Pangaea but the possibility of Pangaea does exist in the bible. (See also Genesis 1:9-10). We must keep in mind that everything in the bible was written for a reason…

The Bible records our history…

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2025 - Isaac marries Rebekah2095 - Esau and Jacob born1990 - Abraham dies1928 - Jacob flees to Haran1921 - Reuben born1914 - Joseph born1897 - Joseph sold into slavery1885 - Isaac dies1875 - Jacob and family enter into Egypt1858 - Jacob dies1804 - Joseph dies1703 - A new king arose (Ex 1:8; Hyksos control Egypt)1700 - Intense bondage1570 - Hyksos rulers deposed

Egypt's New Kingdom (18th Dynasty) King Amose I (Egypt's most powerful years)



130 Adam 930 930130

Seth 912 1042

23590 Enosh 905 1140




65395 Mahalalel




460 162 Jared 962



622 Enoch 365 987

687 187 Methuselah

777 1656

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100

1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 20001200 2100 2200 2300

0 105





Methuselah 969




2006Noah 950500

Shem 100 600 21562096Arpachshad 1658 35

2124Shelah 433438

3016931727 34Eber 464

21851761 30Peleg 239 2000

1791Reu 2392030


182130Serug 230 2051

1851Nahor 14830 19991880

70 2085Terah 205

1950 2125100Abraham 175

Isaac 2050 60 180 22302257Jacob 2110 14791


BC2165 - Abram born2090 - Abram reaches Canaan2089 - To Egypt because of famine2066 - Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed2065 - Isaac born2028 - Sarah dies

1525 - Moses born1485 - Moses in exile in Midian1445 - EXODUS FROM EGYPT1405 - Moses dies

Pre-Flood Post-Flood

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• The Author: Arthur C.

Custance (1910-1985)

–M.A. Oriental Languages

– Ph.D. Education

– Anthropologist

– Consulting Engineer

– Inventor

– Research Scientist in

– Human Physiology

– University College,

University of Toronto.

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3n.html - Edited The Characteristics of Shem, Ham, and Japheth

THAT THE PRESENT POPULATION originated from the sons of Noah, spreading throughout the world after the Flood, is obvious. What is not so obvious is that Civilization and Culture have been the result of the combination of the particular traits peculiar to the descendants of each son. Although the interaction of these contributions has at times obliterated their specific nature, a careful analysis of history can still separate them, allowing each to be traced back to its original source in one of the three brothers. It is these particular characteristics that we now wish to delineate.

Shem: The Worshipper

It is fortunate for us that Shem comes first in the list. Certainly, as far as Western Civilization is concerned, the three most important religions are Judaism, Islam (Mohammedanism), and Christianity. The picture is more confused toward the Far East because in those countries it is difficult to know where "philosophy" ends and religious belief begins…

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3n.html - Edited In the first place, revelation is essential for religion but for philosophy it

must be rejected, human reason being the only justifiable tool. Religion is concerned with morals, philosophy with ethics: the difference between the two is essentially this: morals have to do with man's relationship to God and ethics with man's relationship to man. Morals are absolute, ethics are relative…

While Semitic people have tended to lay the emphasis on the search for righteousness, the Japhetic or Indo-European peoples have laid the emphasis on the search for understanding, and the Hamitic people have searched for power. All men are religious to some extent and the nature of their gods tends to reflect something of their own personal goals. The gods of the Semites, and preeminently the God of Israel, rewarded conduct that was righteous. This is true of Judaism, Islam, and, of course, Christianity. But to a large extent it is also true of that form of paganism which, deriving its source of inspiration from the Babylonians and Assyrians (both of whom were Semitic), subsequently spread in modified forms far beyond the confines of its original home in Mesopotamia….

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3n.html - Edited The gods of the early Indo-Europeans were gods of light, but this light was not moral light but rather the illumination of the mind or understanding. The gods of the Hamites were gods of power, in fact - in the absence of the moral component - were gods of ruthlessness, demanding appropriate sacrifices.

To sum up thus far, it seems clear that from the Semites have come all the religions, rightly so-called, both false and the true. The contribution of Shem has been fundamentally to the spiritual life of man.

Japheth: the Philosopher

…First, we should state the proposition. If philosophy is defined as strictly rational speculation, concerned with the ultimate nature and meaning of reality, apart from revelation, to satisfy a purely intellectual need - then the family of Japheth has been responsible for the world's philosophies. Older peoples have produced works dealing with "successful behaviour." Such men as Solomon, Ptah-Hotep, Pachacutec, Confucius, etc., have written their books of Wisdom. These are not philosophy as philosophers understand the term, because they had a purely practical purpose.

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3n.html - Edited Only Indo-Europeans have continually returned to the fundamental

problems of metaphysics: the Aryans in India (giving rise to Hindu Philosophy), the Greeks in Greece, and much later European and New World Philosophers. This does not mean that non-Indo-Europeans have never produced philosophers, though this observation is so nearly true that it could be argued very forcibly. Popular opinion is contrary to this view, but informed and authoritative opinion supports it almost unanimously. A few notable exceptions such as Paul Radin, for example, can be quoted as holding the opposite view. But for every authority who would support the latter, one can find dozens who will agree that philosophy has been the unique contribution of Indo-Europeans…

Before we turn to the positive contribution which the Hamites have made to world civilization, we should perhaps give a few authoritative statements to bear out the observations made previously that they have not produced philosophers. The Chinese are Mongols and therefore derive from Ham. Thus, a good place to begin is with Confucius whom almost everyone thinks of as a philosopher. Epiphanius Wilson, an authority in this field put the matter this way: (18)

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3n.html - Edited The strangest figure we meet in the annals of Oriental thought, is that of

Confucius. To the popular mind he is the founder of a religion, and yet he has nothing in common with religious teachers of the East. The present life they despised, the future was to them everything in its promisedsatisfaction. The teachings of Confucius were of a very different sort. Throughout his whole writings he has not even mentioned the name of God. He declined to discuss the question of immortality. When asked about spiritual beings he remarked, "If we cannot even know men, how can we know spirits?"

The influence of Confucius springs, first of all, from the narrowness and definiteness of his doctrine. He was no transcendentalist. His teaching was of the earth, earthy. He died almost without warning in dreary hopelessness. For Confucius in his teaching treated only of man's life on earth, and seems to have had no ideas with regard to the human lot after death.

Even as a moralist he seems to have sacrificed the ideal to the practical - the slight emphasis he places on the virtue of truth (of which indeed he does not seem himself to have been particularly studious in his historic writings) places him low down in the ranks of moralists.

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3n.html - Edited In view of the fact that philosophy must be added to technology if

science is to emerge, it is striking to find A. L. Kroeber, no mean authority on patterns of cultural interactions, making the following remarks: (19)

It is significant that the Chinese have made many important inventions, but not one major scientific discovery. They have sought a way of life but neither an understanding nor a control of nature beyond what wasimmediately useful.

They are of course not abnormal in their attitude: most cultures have done the same. It is, with minor exceptions, only the few civilizationalgrowths that have at one time or another been under the influence of Greek example which really tried to develop science.

Another Hamitic people who are commonly supposed to have been great philosophers were the Egyptians. This, too, is a false impression. Martin Engberg says, (23) "Nowhere is there any indication that Egyptians were interested in theoretical problems." Sir Alan Gardiner, an authority on Egyptian language, puts it even more strongly: (24) "No people has ever shown itself more averse from philosophical speculation, or more whole-heartedly devoted to material interests."

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3n.html - Edited …In spite of the great contribution they rendered in the field of

medicine, James Newman, (26) speaking of one of their best knownmedical texts, remarked:

The Egyptians were practical men, not much given to speculative or abstract enquiries. Dreamers were rare among them.

The Rhind Papyrus, though it demonstrated the inability of the Egyptian to generalize and their penchant for clinging to cumbersome calculating processes, proves that they were remarkably pertinacious in solving everyday problems.

Frequent reference is made by various authorities to the fact that the science of mathematics was not developed by these highly practical people. Their methods of calculation were clumsy in the extreme, their tables were empirically derived, and though they achieved considerable practical skill in the manipulation of figures, yet there is no evidence of the discovery, or even the search for, connective theories.

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3n.html - Edited But the moment we come to a consideration of Hindu philosophy

originated by that branch of the Indo-European (Japhetic) family which penetrated into India in the second millennium B.C., we are in a new atmosphere altogether. Robert Lowie points out that "the Hindus made their contribution in the field of pure mathematics, to which they added the concept of negative numbers." (27) Kroeber (28) observed that "Hindu civilization is not only other worldly, but mystical, rationalizing and extravagant in its ethos." An earlier edition of Everyman's Encyclopedia, under "Philosophy," had this to say: (29)

It was not until man sought wisdom for its own sake [their emphasis] and with no religious or other motives, that he philosophized in the true sense, and the previous theogonies, cosmogonies, etc., cannot strictly claim the title of philosophy.

The beginnings of Philosophy are as a rule attributed to the Greeks, but the Indian ideas of the sixth century B.C. and later, form an interesting parallel philosophic development.

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3n.html - Edited On the other hand, these same Japhetic people, until comparatively

recently, have shown a remarkable indifference to technology. As Ralph Linton pointed out: (30)

The Hindus have always been highly receptive to new cults and new philosophic ideas as long as these did not come into too direct conflict with their existing patterns, but have shown an almost complete indifference to improved technique of manufacture. The material world was felt to be of so little importance that minor advances in its control were not considered worth the trouble of changing established habit.

Those who are acquainted with the views of the Greek philosophers in this matter will recognize the close kinship of sentiment, for to the Greeks it was almost a sin even to be tempted to seek any practical application of their ideas. In passing, it may be noted that both the Greeks and Aryans claimed Japheth as their ancestor. Sir Charles Marston (31) points out that in the Clouds, Aristophanes claims Japetos as the ancestor of the Greeks, and in the Institutes of Menu (dated about 1280 B.C., one of the ancient Aryan histories), it is said that a certain individual named Satyaurata had three sons, the eldest of whom was named Jyapeti. The others were named Sharma (Shem?) and C'harma (Ham?).

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3n.html - Edited Japheth's "Enlargement"

To conclude this brief discussion of the descendants of Japheth, we may say that their scientific enthusiasm has strangely proved most fruitful where the objective has been pure understanding without regard to subsequent practical usefulness. This is Japheth at home. It may also be said, though the statement will undoubtedly be challenged at once, that Indo-Europeans have scarcely a basic invention to their credit. W. J. Perry (32) says "The Celts like The Teutons, never invented anything." Lord Raglan said, (33) "The old Roman religious ritual gave little encouragement to inventiveness, and the later cults were imported ready-made from the East. As a result the Romans invented almost nothing." Joseph Needham, speaking of another branch of Japheth, said, (34) "The only Persian invention of first rank was the windmill. Unless the rotary quern be attributed to them, the ancient Europeans of the Mediterranean Basin launched only one valuable mechanical technique, namely, the pot chain pump." Carleton Coon (35) reminds us that "the linguists tell us that the Indo-European speakers did not initially domesticate one useful animal or one cultivated plant."

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3n.html - Edited Grahame Clark, speaking of New World origins and referring to the inventiveness of the American Indian in developing his natural resources, says, (36) "during the four centuries since the Discovery (of the New World) the white man has failed to make a single contribution ofimportance."

The Sumerians (Hamitic by our definition) were highly inventive, but when the Babylonians (Semitic) succeeded them, V. Gordon Childe says, (37) "in the next 2000 years one can scarcely point to a first class invention or discovery." Similarly, speaking of the Semites, St. Chad Boscawen says, (38) "There is a powerful element in the Semitic character which has been, and still is, a most important factor in their national life: it is that of adaptability. Inventors they have never shown themselves to be."

At the risk of boring the reader, one more statement regarding another segment of the family of Shem may be in order. Lord Raglan says: (39)

Much the same can be said for the Moslems. There was a period of mild inventiveness while their religion was settling down into its various sects but since that process was completed, about 900 years ago, no Moslem has invented anything.

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3n.html - Edited This is concurred in by Rene Albrecht-Carrie who points out that the

Arabs were not so much innovators as collectors and carriers of the contributions of other times and other peoples. (40) He adds, "This is not to deny or minimize the crucial importance of their role or ignore the fact that they made some valuable contributions of their own." Finally, to quote Professor R. F. Grau, (41) speaking of the pure Arabs:

No science was developed; no new industry or even trades sprang up; the political unity, which religious enthusiasm and the Prophet had created crumbled away.

The Arabian Empires became the medium for the communication to the West of the knowledge of ancient philosophy and natural science, without making any independent progress in them.

Again and again in the history of Indo-European civilization, men have been on the verge of great practical discoveries but have failed to clinch them because they failed to recognize them - because they were not interested. The contribution of Japheth has been in the application of philosophy to technology, leading to the consequent development of the Scientific Method.

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3n.html - Edited As the application of Japheth's philosophy to the technology of Ham

produced science, so the application of his philosophy to the religious insights of Shem produced theology. The Hamitic people never developed science and the Semitic people did not develop theology, until the influence of Japhetic philosophy was brought to bear. In keeping with this thought and the remark made previously by Jessie Bernard, it is striking to realize that the theology of Paul was addressed to the Gentiles by a man who had deliberately turned his back upon contemporary orthodox Judaism.

Ham: The Inventor

Most of us have been brought up to believe that we Indo-Europeans are the most inventive people in the world. It is exceedingly difficult to escape from this culturally conditioned prejudice and take a fresh objective look at the origins of our technological achievements. One may take almost any essential element of our highly complex civilization - aircraft, paper, weaving, metallurgy, propulsion of various kinds, painting, explosives, medical techniques, mechanical principles, food, the use of electricity, virtually anything technological in nature - and an examination of the history of its development leads us surely and certainly back

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3n.html - Edited to a Hamitic people and exceedingly rarely to Japheth or Shem. The basic inventions which have been contributed by Shem or Japheth can, it seems, be numbered on the fingers of one hand. This seems so contrary to popular opinion, yet it is a thesis which can be supported - and has been documented - from close to a thousand authoritative sources. Almost every new book dealing with the history of science (frequently confused with technology) adds its own confirmatory evidence in support of this thesis.

It is quite impossible, within the compass of this paper, to attempt to do justice to the contribution made by the children of Ham toward the development of civilization in its more material aspects. It may serve as some indication of this contribution to simply list, under rather obvious but convenient headings, things the invention of which, or the first application of which, or the development of which, must be credited to Ham.

… In this list, for the sake of brevity, we have not discriminated between the principles of operation (Gimbal suspension, for example) and actual products or techniques (like rubber or the electroplating of metals, for example). Documentation for each entry is available but obviously could not possibly be given here. It is, however, provided in Volume III.

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3n.html - Edited Accomplishments of the

Hamitic PeoplesMechanical Principles and

Applications• Block and Tackle

• Gimbal suspension

• Domes and arches

• Whiffletrees

• Suspension bridges

• Lock gates and lifts

• Windlass

• Cantilever principle

• Fire pistons

• Gears Chain drives

• Lathes

• Pulleys Catapults

• Clockwork

• Steam engine principle mechanism

Materials• Copper

• Bellows systems of all types

• Bronze

• Glass (including possibly a malleable glass)

• Iron

• Pottery, china and porcelain

• Cast Iron

• Lenses of several types

• Steel

• Charcoal and carbon black

• Cement

• Glues and preservatives

• Dyes and inks

• Shellacs, varnishes and enamels

• Rubber

• Casting methods of all kinds including

• Case hardening hollow casting

• Gold and silver working including beading, repoussé, sheet, wire and the plating of metals.

Building Techniques, Tools and Materials

• Nails

• Window materials, including glass

• Saws

• Door hinges and locks

• Hammers

• Protective coatings

• Brace and Bit

• Street drainage systems

• Sandpaper

• Sewage disposal on a wide scale

• Rope saws

• Running water in piped systems

• Carborundum

• Piped gas for heating

• Stoves

• Central heating systems

• Plans and Maps

• Surveying instruments

• Drills (including diamond drills)

• Buildings of all types, including genuine skyscrapers and earthquake proof construction

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


3n.html - Edited Fabrics and Weaving, etc.

• Linen

• Voile

• Ikat or tie-dyeing

• Cotton

• Tapestry

• Feather and fur garments

• Silk

• Batique

• Tailored clothing

• Wool

• Needles

• Double-faced cloth

• Felt

• Thimbles

• Knitted and crocheted materials

• Lace

• Parchment

• All types of thread

• Netting

• Guaze

• Dyes of all kinds

• Mechanical looms

• Silk screen methods of decoration

• Invisible mending

• Ropes up to 12 inches in diameter

• Flying shuttles

• Netting shuttles

Foodstuffs• Aloes

• Chickle gum

• Tomato

• Pears

• Cascara

• Sweet Potato

• Kidney beans

• Pineapple

• Prickly pear

• Cereals

• Chili pepper

• Squash

• Cocoa

• Cashew and peanut

• Corn

• Coffee

• Manioc

• Beans

• Tea

• Artichoke

• Strawberries

• Tobacco

• Potato

• Arrowroot

• Netting shuttles

Writing, Printing, etc.• Inks

• Textbooks

• Chalks

• Encyclopedias

• Pencils and crayons

• Libraries and cataloguing systems

• Block printing

• Literary forms (fables, etc.)

• Movable type

• Envelopes and postal systems

• All kinds of paper

• Paper of all kinds, including coated stock.

• Scripts (Sumerian, Cuneiform and its successors, Egyptian, Hittite, Minoan, Chinese, Easter Island, Indus Valley, and Mayan)

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


3n.html - Edited Animals Domesticated• Pigs

• Dogs

• Llama

• Horses

• Cats

• Alpaca

• Fowl

• Camels

• Cows, sheep, etc.

Foodgathering Methods• The use of countless fish

poisons and animal intoxicants

• The use of other tamed animals to catch 'game':dogs and cormorants for fishing, cats for hunting,various birds of prey such as eagles, falcons, etc.

• Elephants for labour and land clearanceTraps and nets of all kinds

Travel Conveyances, etc.• Compass

• Canals and locks

• Road Rollers

• Skis

• Sternpost rudder

• Wheelbarrows

• Toboggans

• All types of water craft

• Stirrups

• Snowshoes

• Cement paving

• Wheeled vehicles

• Travois

• Surfaced Roads

• Wheels: solid, spoked, rimmed and tired

• Watertight-compartment construction for boats

• Harness for domestic animals

• Use of birds for navigation

• Bridges of all types: suspension, cantilever, arch, etc.

"Aircraft"• Balloons

• Gliders

• Helicopters

• Kites

• Parachutes

• Jet Propulsion

• Weather-signalling and forecasting

Cosmetics, etc.• Mirrors

• Nail polishes

• Toothbrushes

• Wigs

• Scissors

• Shaving equipment

• Combs

• Powders and ointments

• Jewelry of all kinds

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


3n.html - Edited Mathematics

• Geometry

• A kind of logarithms

• Trigonometry

• Concept of zero

• Algebra

• Use of place system

Trade and Commerce• Paper money and coinage

• Systems of inspection

• Banking houses

• Trade regulations and price-fixing

• Postal systems

• Wage regulation and compensation systems

• Loans with interest

• Accounting systems and formal contracts

• Weights and measures

Medical and Surgical Practices and Instruments• Gargles

• Anaesthetics

• Lotions

• Snuffs

• Soaps

• Ointments

• Inhalators

• Splints

• Plasters

• Enemas

• Quinine

• Adhesive tapes

• Fumigators

• Poultices

• Tourniquet

• Suppositories

• Decoctions

• Surgical stitching

• Insecticides

• Infusions

• Bandages

• Truth serums

• Pills

• Curare

• Cocaine

• Troches

• Trephination

• Caesarian operations

• Vaccine for smallpox

• Cascara and other emetics

• Tranquillizing drugs

• Animal-stupefying drugs

• Surgical instruments of all kinds; knives, forceps, tweezers, etc.

• Identification and treatment of, hundreds of common diseases and injuries including brain and eye operations and surgery in general.

Household Furnishing• Hammocks

• Gas cookers

• Fans

• Rocking stools

• Rotary querns

• Clocks

• Folding beds

• Lamps

• Running water

• Oil stoves

• Space heaters

• A form of "telephone"

• Whistling pots and kettles

• Go-carts and other toys for children

Games• Wrestling

• Revolving stages for theaters

• Rubber ball games

• Lacrosse

• Numerous board games (chess, checkers, etc.)

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


3n.html - Edited Warfare

• Weapons of all types

• Bows and crossbows

• Bolas

• Rifled weapons

• Guided missiles

• Body armour

• Aerial bombardment

• Poison gases and toxic agents

• Flame throwers

• Gun powder

• Bows and crossbows

• A repeating bow, a form of machine gun

• Heavy artillery (catapults of several kinds)

Musical Instruments• Wind instruments (organ, pipes, horns, flutes,


• Stringed instruments (various modifications of the harp)

• Percussion instruments (tubes, bars, stones, bells, and diaphragms)

• Tuning forks of various kinds

Miscellaneous• Umbrellas

• Safety pins

• Straws for drinking

• Spectacles

• Calendars

• Telescopes (?)

• Snow goggles

• Cigar holders

• Finger printing for identification

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


3n.html - Edited For many readers this list will be entirely unsatisfactory. However, a

word of further explanation about it may help to clarify things. Many of the items, in fact the majority of them, could be called Hamitic "firsts." Some of them bear no relationship historically to their western counterparts as far as we can ascertain from a study of the transmission of culture traits. Still, they had the idea before we did. The ingenuity of many of these devices and techniques is truly extraordinary, particularly in view of the paucity of natural resources. It is no exaggeration to state that primitive people have done marvels with their natural resources as they found them.

The difficulty for us is that we are deceived by their very simplicity. Whether highly civilized or of primitive culture, the Hamitic people have shown an amazing ability to exploit the immediate resources of their environment to the limit. It is only recently that we, in our culture, have become aware of our indebtedness to non-Indo-European people for practically all the basic elements, simple and complex, of our own technological civilization. The only purpose of this list here is to draw attention to the fact that in each of these elements of culture Hamiticpeoples got there first and independently, and in most cases were our instructors…

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Copyright © Cecilia Perh 2007vvvww.2Tim2-2.com


3n.html - Edited Conclusion

We may sum up what has been said thus far by setting forth the following propositions.

First, the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 is an historic document indicating how the present population of the world has been derived from Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

Secondly, this threefold division is more than merely a genetic variationof certain "racial" types: there is evidence that it is intended to indicate that each of the three branches of the race was divinely apportioned a characteristic capacity which has been reflected in the unique contribution each branch has rendered in the service of mankind as a whole.

Thirdly, the contribution of Shem has been a spiritual one, of Ham a technological one, and of Japheth an intellectual one. In the process of history, these contributions were made effective in that order.

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