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Page 1: Genetic Diseases. All human diseases can be divided into three categories: - genetically determined - environmentally determined - combination of both.

Genetic Diseases

Page 2: Genetic Diseases. All human diseases can be divided into three categories: - genetically determined - environmentally determined - combination of both.

All human diseases can be divided into three categories:- genetically determined- environmentally determined- combination of both (both genetic and environmental factors play a role)

Rapid and continuing progress in molecular research have revealed genetic component in many so-called environmental diseases (e.g. susceptibility to bacterial infections or immune response to them can be influenced by genetic factors)

Commonly used adjectives- hereditary = derived from one´s parent- familial = transmitted through generations and affecting several members of a family- congenital = present at birth

not all genetic disorders are congenital (Huntington disease: 3rd-4th decade)

not all congenital diseases are of genetic origin (congenital syphylis, toxoplasmosis)

Page 3: Genetic Diseases. All human diseases can be divided into three categories: - genetically determined - environmentally determined - combination of both.

Major categories of genetic diseases

Mendelian disorders- single-gene mutation of large effect- uncommon conditions (storage diseases, inborn errors of metabolism)- usually hereditary and familial

Diseases with multifactorial (polygenic) inheritance- defects of multiple genes with small effect + environmental influences- some very common diseases (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus)

Cytogenetic disorders- numeric or structural abnormalities of chromosomes

Page 4: Genetic Diseases. All human diseases can be divided into three categories: - genetically determined - environmentally determined - combination of both.

Mendelian disordersmore than 5,000 disorders, many of them rarealthough individually rare, together they account for 1% of adult hospital admissions and 6-8% of pediatric hospital admissions

Patterns of inheritance- autosomal dominant- autosomal recessive- X-linked

codominance: both alleles of a gene pair fully expressed in the heterozygote (e.g. blood group antigens)

polymorphism: presence of many allelic forms of a single gene

pleiotropy: single-gene mutation may lead to many phenotypic effects, e.g. Marfan syndrome: widespread effects affecting skeleton, eye and cardiovascular system

genetic heterogeneity: several different types of mutation can cause the same phenotypic effect, e.g. retinitis pigmentosa (abnormal retinal pigmentation leading to visual impairment) can be caused by several different mutations

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Autosomal dominant disorders- manifested in heterozygous state (only one allele mutant)- at least one parent is affected- new mutation: both parents of affected person are healthy- when affected person marries unafected one → every child 50% chance of having the disease- both males and females can be affected- both males and females can transmit the disease

clinical symptoms: 50% reduction in normal gene product- structure proteins and receptors involved- enzyme proteins usually not affected (50% loss of enzyme activity can be compensated for)

clinical presentation can be modified by:

reduced penetrance: some persons carrying mutant gene are phenotypically normal

variable expressivity: all persons carrying mutant gene affected but in different extent among them, e.g. NF1 (from brownish skin pigmentations to multiple tumors and skeletal deformities)

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Common autosomal dominant disorders

Nervous Huntington diseaseneurofibromatosis 1 and 2myotonic dystrophytuberous sclerosisUrinarypolycystic kidney disease (adult type)Hematopoietichereditary spherocytosisvon Willebrand diseaseGITfamilial polyposis coliSkeletalMarfan syndromEhlers-Danlos syndrome (some variants)osteogenesis imperfectaachondroplasiaMetabolicfamilial hypercholesterolemia

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Marfan syndrome

- abnormality of fibrillin 1 (glycoprotein component of elastic fibers)- encoded by FBN1 gene (15q21), more than 500 mutations found- prevalence 1 in 20,000- 75% cases familial- connective tissue throughout the body affected- principal clinical manifestations related to skeleton, eye and cardiovascular system

Skeletal abnormalities (overgrowth of bones)- slender and elongated habitus, dolichostenomelia (abnormally long legs and arms), arachnodactyly (abnormally long fingers)- high-arched (gothic) palate- hyperextensibility of joints- spinal deformities (kyphoscoliosis)- chest deformity (depressed sternum - pectus excavatum, pigeon breast)

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Ocular changes- bilateral dislocation of lens (weakness of its suspensory apparatus; ciliary zonules are made up exclusively of fibrilin)

Abnormalities of cardiovascular system- most serious- fragmentation of elastic fibers of tunica media- aneurysmal dilation of aorta → rupture (most common cause of death)- aortic dissection- dilation of aortic valve ring (loss of medial support) → aortic incompetence → congestive heart failure- myxoid degeneration of mitral valve → floppy valve syndrome (mitral valve is excessively distensible and regurgitant) → congestive heart failure

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Ehlers-Danlos syndromes

- defects of collagen synthesis or structure- 30 collagen types encoded by different genes- 6 variants of E-D syndromes (mutations in different collagen genes)

Molecular bases of E-D sy- deficient synthesis of type III collagen (mutation of COL3A1 gene)- defective conversion of procollagen type I to collagen (mutation of COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes)- deficiency of enzyme lysyl hydroxylase (impairment of cross-links among collagen molecules) – autosomal recessive disorder

Clinical manifestation (common to all variants):- extremely stretchable and fragile skin- hypermobile joints (grotesque contortions, e.g. bending the thumb backwards to touch the forearm)- impaired wound healing- ruptures of bowel and large arteries - diaphragmatic hernia- ocular fragility (rupture of the cornea, retinal detachment)

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Familial hypercholesterolemia

- quite common (prevalence 1 in 500) - mutations in LDL receptor gene (19p), more than 900 different mutations- impaired catabolism of LDL → accumulation of LDL in plasma- increased cholesterol traffic into macrophages and vascular walls via scavenger receptors → accelerated development of atherosclerosis, multiple xanthomas (accumulation of foamy macrophages in the skin and along tendon sheats)

- heterozygotes: 2-3fold elevation of LDL- homozygotes: 5fold elevation of LDL (myocardial infarction before the age of 20)

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Neurofibromatosis 1 (von Recklinghausen’s disease)- mutation of neurofibromin gene (17q)- quite frequent (1 in 3,500)- multiple neurofibromas, skin pigmentations (cafe-au- lait spots), iris hamartomas (Lisch nodules – brownish spots)

Neurofibromatosis 2- mutation of merlin gene (22q)- much less frequent (1 in 25,000)- bilateral acoustic schwannomas (deafness), multiple meningiomas, skin pigmentations (cafe-au- lait spots)

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Huntington disease

- degeneration of the striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen)- mutation (trinucleotide CAG repeat expansion) of the gene for huntingtin (large protein) on 4p16.3- striking atrophy of the caudate nucleus (severe loss of neurons, fibrillary gliosis)- onset of clinical symptoms usually in the 4th decade of life (the larger the number of CAG copies, the earlier the onset of the disease)- progressive movement disorder (jerky, hyperkinetic movements) and dementia- death after a course of about 15 years

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Adult polycystic kidney disease

- quite frequent (1 in 500 to 1000 persons), 10% cases of chronic renal failure- 85-90% mutation of PKD1 gene (chromosome 16p) encoding polycystin-1- 10-15% mutation of PKD2 gene (chromosome 4) encoding polycystin-2- polycystin-1 and 2 form heterodimers and they acts together: the same phenotype in both mutations

- pathogenesis unclear, but probably defect of polycystin-1 → alteration of proliferation, adhesion and matrix production of tubular epithelial cells → formation of cysts- cases with mutation of polycystin-2: slower rate of disease progression

- cysts develop early, but the onset of symptoms in the 4th decade- flank pain, arterial hypertension, renal failure at the age of 50- berry aneurysm of brain arteries (10-30%) → high incidence of subarachnoid hemorrhage- very large kidneys (up to 4 kg each), multiple cysts (up to 4 cm) with nearly no intervening parenchyma

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Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)

- mutation of APC gene on chromosome 5q21 (tumor suppressor gene)- 500 to 2500 colonictubular adenomas (minimum number of 100 requred for diagnosis), multiple adenomas elsewhere in the alimentary tract- onset usually in adolescence or early adulthood- 100% risk of colonic adenocarcinoma by midlife (prophylactic colectomy)

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Osteogenesis imperfecta („brittle bone disease“)- gene mutations in the coding sequence for α1 and α2 chains of type I collagen → defective synthesis of type I collagen- 4 subtypes with broad range of clinical picture- extreme skeletal fragility, multiple fractures- blue sclerae (higher transparency due to decreased collagen content)- hearing loss (conduction defect due to involvement of middle ear bones)- small misshapen teeth (dentin deficiency)

Achondroplasia- mutation of gene encoding FGFR3 (fibroblast growth factor receptor 3) → activation of FGFR3 → inhibition of chondrocyte proliferation- disorganized and hypoplastic epiphyseal growth plates → dwarfism, marked disproportionate shortening of proximal extremities, bowing of legs

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Autosomal recessive disorders

- largest group of mendelian disorders- both of the alleles at a given gene must be mutant (homozygot)- parents: usually not affected (heterozygotes, carriers)- child: 25% chance to be affected (homozygot)

Differences in contrast to autosomal dominant disorders:- more uniform expression (all persons affected in the same extent)- common complete penetrance (all homozygotes carrying mutant gene affected)- onset frequently early in life- metabolic disorders - enzymopathies- hematopoietic disorders - thalassemias, sickle cell anemia

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Cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis)

- very common autosomal recessive disorder in whites (frequency 1 in 3200), rare in Asians (1 in 31,000) and Afroamericans (1 in 15,000)- high carrier frequency (1 in 25-30)- mutation at CFTR gene (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator)- chromosome 7p31.2, more than 800 mutations known („mild“ and „severe“), most common mutation δF508 („severe“, 70% patients)

Pathogenesis- defective transport of chloride across epitheliumSweat glands:- decreased reabsorption of chloride and sodium → hypertonic sweatRespiratory and intestinal epithelium:- reduction or loss of chloride secretion into the lumen, increased luminal sodium absorption → increased passive water reabsorption → dehydrated, viscid mucus

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Pathology- many organs involvedPancreas (85-90% of patients)- plugging of ducts by viscid mucus → atrophy of exocrine pancreas, progressive fibrosis- Langerhans islets spared- fibrocystic changesSmall intestine (infants)- obstruction of small bowel by thick mucus plugs → meconium ileusLungs- most serious complication- obstruction of bronchioles by thick viscid mucus → dilation and secondary infection → chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, lung abscess- common infective agents: Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia (very severe course)Liver- plugging of bile canaliculi by thick mucus → secondary biliary cirrhosisMale reproductive tracts- azoospermia and infertility (95%)

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Clinical presentation- extremely variable, symptoms range from mild to severe, various involvement of individual organs- meconium ileus (5-10%, at birth or soon after) → bowel rupture, peritonitis- exocrine pancreatic insufficiency → malabsorption of protein and fat: large stools, poor weight gain, hypoproteinemia, avitaminosis ADEK- cardiopulmonary complications: chronic cough, persistent lung infection, obstructive lung disease → cor pulmonale (most common cause of death)

Diagnosis- elevated chloride and sodium concentrations in sweat (iontophoresis)- mother’s diagnosis („salty child“)- gold standard: sequencing of CFTR gene

Treatment- symptomatic- life expectancy: 30 years (continues to increase)- clinical trials with gene therapy still in early stages

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Phenylketonuria (PKU)

- frequency 1 in 12,000 live births

Classic PKU (most common form)- quite common in Scandinavians- mutation of gene (12q), 400 mutant alleles have been identified- lack of phenylalanine hydroxylase → hyperphenylalaninemia and phenylketonuria (inability to convert phenylalanine into tyrosine)- homozygotes normal at birth, high plasma phenylalanine levels → impaired brain development → severe mental retardation at age of 6 months- decreased pigmentation of skin and hair (lack of phenylalanine hydroxylase → lack of thyrosine – melanin precursor)- mousy odor (presence of intermediate metabolites of phenylalanin within sweat and urine)- hyperphenylalaninemia can be avoided by phenylalanin-free diet early in life: routine screening (Guthrie test) just after birth

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PKU variants

Maternal PKU- female PKU patients treated with diet discontinued after reaching adult life hyperphenylalaninemia transplacental transport child: severe mental defect and multiple congenital malformations (although heterozygous – teratogenic effect of phenylalanine)- phenylalanine-free diet before conception

Benign hyperphenylalaninemia- partial deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase- clinical features of PKU absent

Deficiency of dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR)- 2-3% of all cases- clinical importance: cannot be treated by phenylalanine-free diet

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- disorder of galactose metabolism, 1 in 30,000- lactose (milk) cleaved into glucose + galactose- galactose converted into glucose (galactose-1-phosphate-uridyltranferase required)

- lack of galactose-1-phosphate-uridyltranferase (gene 9p) → accumulation of galactose-1-phosphate and galactitol (liver, spleen, lens, kidney, cerebral cortex)- vomiting and diarrhea after milk ingestion - liver: jaundice and hepatomegaly (steatosis, later cirrhosis)- lens: cataract (opacification)- brain: loss of neurons, gliosis, edema → neurologic deficits, mental retardation

- changes prevented by galactose-free diet

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Wilson disease (hepatolenticular degeneration)

- disorder of copper metabolism, rare (1 in 30,000)- mutation of gene ATP7B (chromosome 13) encoding ATPase metal ion transporter (hepatocytes)- impaired incorporation of copper into ceruloplasmin → diminished biliary excretion → progressive accumulation of copper

Sites of copper accumulation:- liver: fatty change, acute or chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis- brain: basal ganglia (neurologic an psychiatric symptoms)- eye: green brown deposits in corneal limbus (Kayser-Fleischer ring)

Diagnosis: chemical detection of copper within liver tissue (more than 250μg/g dry weight)

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Glycogen storage diseases (glycogenoses)

- disordered glycogen synthesis or degradation (enzyme deficiency) → accumulation of glycogen or its abnormal forms within cytoplasm or nuclei (pale color, PAS +, Best´s carmine +)

-12 forms described (classified according to lacking enzyme)

Glycogenosis I (von Gierke disease)- lack of glucose-6-phosphatase- hepatomegaly (glycogen accumulation)- hypoglycemia (failure to produce glucosis)

Glycogenosis II (Pompe disease)- lack of acid maltase (lysosomal enzyme)- glycogen deposition in virtually every organ- cardiomegaly most prominent

Glycogenosis V (McArdle disease)- lack of phosphorylase- decreased glycolysis → glycogen storage in muscles, muscle weakness (impaired energy production)- muscle cramps during exercise, myoglobinuria

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Lysosomal storage diseases

- lysosomes: variety of hydrolytic enzymes, cleavage of complex substrates (sphingolipids, mucopolysaccharides) into soluble end products

- lack of lysosomal enzymes → incomplete catabolism of sphingolipids and mucopolysaccharides → accumulation of intermediate insoluble metabolites within lysosomes

- approximately 40 diseases, most of them very rare

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Tay-Sachs disease (GM2 gangliosidosis)- lack of α-subunit of hexosaminidase A- most common among Ashkenazi Jews- CNS: storage of GM2 ganglioside within neurons and glial cells → swollen foamy appearance- retina and peripheral nerves involved as well- clinical presentation: mental retardation, blindness, severe neurologic deficitsdeath within 2-3 years

Niemann-Pick disease- lack of acid sphingomyelinase → accumulation of sphingomyelin- macrophages and neurons → fine foamy vacuolation of cytoplasm- most severely affected organs: spleen, liver, bone marrow, lymph nodes, CNS- severe visceromegaly (especially spleen) and neurologic deterioration- death within first 3 years of life

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Gaucher disease

- lack of glucocerebrosidase → accumulation of glucocerebroside within macrophages - macrophages → Gaucher cells: abundant pale cytoplasm with „wrinkled tissue paper“ appearance- commonly affected organs: spleen (red pulp), liver (sinuses), bone marrow

Type I (chronic nonneuronopathic form, 99%)- hepatosplenomegaly- bone involvement (osteopenia, osteolytic defects, osteonecrosis)- absence of CNS involvement- compatible with long life

Type II and III- neurologic disturbances dominate, liver and spleen affected as well- type II: early onset (within 2 years), lethal- type III: symptoms appear later and are milder

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- defective degradation of mucopolysaccharides → storage in various tissues- progressive involvement of many organs (liver, spleen, heart, blood vessels)- coarse facial features (gargoylism), clouding of cornea, mental retardation- 7 variants

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X-linked disorders

- overwhelming majority X-linked recessive- transmitted by heterozygous mothers only to sons (50% affected, 50% healthy)- daughters can be only carriers (50% carriers, 50% healthy)- children of diseased father: sons are healthy, all daughters are carriers- hemophilias A and B, Duchenne muscular dystrophy

- very rare X-linked dominant- transmission to 50% sons and daughters of affected heterozygous female- all daugters of affected male are diseased, all sons are healthy- vitamin D - resistant rickets

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Hemophilia A- decrease in factor VIII activity- frequency: 1 in 10,000- 30% of patients: new mutations (no family history)- males, very rarely heterozygous females (inactivation of normal X chromosome in most cells)- varying degree of F VIII deficiency (many different mutations)- less than 1% of normal F VIII activity → symptoms- easy bruising, massive hemorrhage after trauma or operation- spontaneous bleeding into joints → joint deformities

Hemophilia B (Christmas disease)- deficiency of factor IX- frequency: 1 in 50,000- clinically indistinguishable from hemophilia A

Duchenne muscular dystrophy- absence of dystrophin- frequency: 1 in 3,500- skeletal muscle and myocardium- impaired contractile activity → muscle weakness

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Disorders with multifactorial (polygenic) inheritance

- additive effect of two or more genes of small effect conditioned by environmental (nongenetic) influences- treshold effect (certain minimal number of effector genes as well as environmental influences must be involved)- severity of disease is proportional to number and degree of influence of pathologic genes- higher risk of multifactorial disorder in first-degree relatives (reason for taking family history)

- some physiologic characteristics (weight, height, hair color)- examples of diseases:

- diabetes mellitus type II- essential systemic hypertesion- gout- schizophrenia, bipolar disorder-congenital heart defects- neoplasms (breast, ovary, colon)

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Cytogenetic disorders

- alternations in the number or structure of chromosomes- both autosomes and sex chromosomes

- cytogenetic disorders relatively frequent- 1 in 200 newborns- 50% of spontaneous first-trimester abortions

- de novo changes in most cases (parents are normal)

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Numeric abnormalities

Euploidy (normal chromosomal count): 46 (2n)

Polyploidy (3n or 4n): spontaneous abortion

Aneuploidy (not exact multiple of n)

- trisomy (an extra chromosome 2n+1=47): compatible with life

- monosomy (one less chromosome 2n-1=45):- autosomal monosomy: incompatible with life- sex chromosomal monosomy: compatible with life

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Structural abnormalities- usually result from chromosomal breakage → loss or rearrangementTranslocation (one part of chromosome is transferred to another)- ballanced reciprocal: entire broken fragments exchanged- centric fusion type (robertsonian): breaks close to centromere → very large chromosome and short one (lost) → 45 chromosomesDeletion: loss of a portion of chromosome

Inversion: two breaks and subsequent reunion after turnaround

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Down syndrome

- trisomy 21 (47)- most common chromosomal disorder (1 in 700 births)- incidence strongly influenced by maternal age

- younger than 20 years: 1 in 1,550- older than 45 years: 1 in 25

Clinical manifestation- flat facial profile, epicanthic folds, simian crease on palms- mental retardation (IQ 25 to 50)- congenital malformations (cardiac malformations in 40%)- increased susceptibility to infections (not understood)- increased risk of developing acute leukemias- Alzheimer disease (dementia) in middle age- median age at death: 47years

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Edwards syndrome- trisomy 18- 1 in 8,000 births- prominent occiput, micrognathia, low set ears, overlapping fingers, rocker-bottom feet- mental retardation- congenital heart defects, renal maformations

Patau syndrome- trisomy 13- 1 in 15,000 births- microcephaly, microphthalmia, cleft lip and palate, polydactyly, rocker-bottom feet- mental retardation- congenital cardiac and renal defects

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Sex chromosomal disorders

Special features of sex chromosomes:- females: only one X chromosome genetically active (lyonisation) → number of karyotypes ranging from 45(X0) to 49 (XXXXY) compatible with life (all but one X chromosome inactivated)

- Y chromosome carries small amount of genetic information → two or three Y chromosomes in phenotypically normal males

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Klinefelter syndrome- at least two X chromosomes and one or more Y chromosomes (47, XXY)- 1 in 1,000- risk factors: advanced maternal age, history of irradiation of either parent- male hypogonadism (most common cause)- testicular atrophy → decreased serum testosterone levels, sterility- elongated body, eunuchoid habitus- reduced facial, body and pubic hair- gynecomastia- mild (sometimes undetectable) mental retadation- greater risk of developing breast cancer and SLE

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Turner syndrome- monosomy of short arm or the whole X chromosome (45, X)- 1 in 3,000 female births- female hypogonadism (severe ovarian atrophy → primary amenorrhea)- growth retardation (short stature)- shield-like chest, widely spaced nipples- distended lymphatic channels of neck (cystic hygroma) → webbing of the neck in older age- adolescence: infantile breasts and outer genitalia, little pubic hair- congenital malformations:

- bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of aorta- horseshoe kidney

- autoimmune hypothyreoidism- mental status usually normal

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