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Page 1: Genocide


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Genocide is the deliberate slaughter of one race by another, for profit, land, or good.

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The word “Genocide” comes from the Greek words “genos” meaning race or trip and “cide”

meaning kill

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The most well-known case of genocide occurred

during world war II, when Hitler and his Nazi Party set out on a deliberate

plan to exterminate Jews, Gypsies, and Slavs

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Jews were particularly set upon because of

their role as scapegoat. And because they have been known in wealthy

professionals making them wealthier than


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Auschwitz, Treblinka, Majdanek that are all located in Poland, there they killed most of the 6

million Jews.

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Jews were persuaded to go to these death camps, saying they were being

“transferred” to work camps like slaves.

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Trying to escape the poor ghetto conditions, most of the Jews got crammed into unheated, poorly

ventilated boxcars with no water or sanitation.

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As soon as they got to the camp, they were told they were getting washed up and they were to

remove all their clothes. Women and young girls got their hair cut off.

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Men, Women and children were then split up, many going into underground rooms. These underground “shower” rooms were used as

gassed areas to kill many Jews at once.

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Another method they do is they tell them to hang their clothes on hooks and they given a

number. They give the Jews soap and are taken into gas chambers and threw pellets of pesticide


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As they all got crammed in the door was shut

and the fumes were fed in from the shower

heads. Others were put into wooden houses

locked up. They locked up Jews did various odd jobs. As more and more came in, the weak were

killed and cremated.

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Children were plucked from their homes and

stripped of their childhoods, the children

had witnessed the murders of parents,

siblings, and relatives. The children faced

starvation, illness and brutal labor until they were forced to the gas


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Special Jewish squads retrieved the dead bodies and searched the bodies of any hidden valuable that they could possible have. After searching

the bodies were disposed of by mass burials or cremation.

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All the valuables, clothes, and even hair were shipped to Germany for re-use.

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Loy, Jim. (2001). Genocide. Retrieved April 20, 2009 from http://www.jimloy.com/issues/genocide.htm.

The History Place. (2000). Genocide in the 20th Century. Retrieved May 5, 2009 from


Boyer, Paul. (2005). Holt American Nation in the Modern Era. Retrieved April 20, 2009.

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