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Investigation into how the poster for Jenifer's body conforms to or challenge the genre convention of horror

Investigation into how the poster for Jenifer's body conforms to or challenge the genre convention of horror By Gabriel white

What I am going to I will investigate how successful Jenifer's body is as a horror poster. I will do this by looking at audience expectations of horror and the success of the film and finally annotate the poster Jenifer's body. And I will compare it to the other horror posters that I will be analysis.

Audience expectation of horror films In Jenifer's body people want to see suspense and a film simple to follow not hard to. They also would wont to see murder/death The audience that would go and see this would be teenagers and people in there 20s and they would want it to be visually frightening for the audience. And if it has a good tagline that makes the film sound interesting then people will be more interesting would want to find out about the film.

The production and success of Jenifer's body Jenifer's body written by Diablo Cody and directed by Karyn Kusama.Jenifers body had lackluster performance at the opening weekend at the American box office but in the end it made double its budget in box office money. the horror, comic premise for "failing to be either funny or scary enough to satisfy. Cinema Score gave the film a C- grade on a scale of A to F c is most probably a 3 star.

THE HYPOTHESES OF JENIFERS BODY I think that Jenifer's body challenges the horror convention, because of the poster which shows Jennifer as a school girl sitting on a American desk and behind her on the chalk board says hell yes! it doesn't show much that it is horror there is a couple of thing that gives a clue to weather its a horror or comedy there is hand sticking out of the desk and the tag line as shes evil and not just high school evil and the title is in capital letters in red at he bottom of the poster.

What narrative does Jennifer's body poster convey Jennifer's body has a toderov narrative to extent .In Jennifer's body it will start of all happy and everyone is going about there day and then something bad happens in the middle of the film and then in most cases it gradually gets better and there's a happy ending.In my opinion Jenifer's body has defiantly got the toderov narrative because of how the story begins and ends .The dilemma in Jenifer's body is when Jenifer turns up to needy house and through up dark alien blood and with blood all over her face after the fire at the local pub.

The poster has put the name of the film at the bottom of the poster the title is in blood red in capital letters.Jenifer is in the centre of the poster witch suggest they want you to focus on her mainly first and not what's around here.

Were Jenifer is sitting she is sitting on a desk that has a hand poking out of the desk On the board it says HELL YES in capital letters witch suggest it is very comical At the bottom of the poster there is R witch is the MPAA rating meaning it unsuitable for children. Because this is a horror poster but bit challenges the horror theme because news ally monsters are ugly and not appealing to the audience but Jenifer does not look like a villain she looks incident and because she is weraring a normal high school cloths The background for this poster very dull almost grey and black with warn down floor and walls

In this poster they have made lots off cabins on top off each other and it makes you think why is there cabins on each other I think that I makes you think and imagine weather its got something to do in the actual film it self The CABIN IN THE WOODS title is in capitals and it looks like scratched woods witch suggest that it is a horror and someone is going to die On this poster in the background its not just white its got faded trees in the background witch suggest that it is in the woods.At the bottom there is a review saying ground-breaking and insanely enjoyable a game changer.

The title is the return and it is slightly blurred witch makes it look scary and more horror The letter R is flipped and its turning towards you. Which as a good effect In the centre there is and eye and the eye looks like someone that is blind and it that eye there is a hand is pressed up against the eye it looks like its trying to escape witch could mean its a horror On this poster the slogan is the past never dies it kills the slogan is very dark and it defiantly shows that it is a horror movie.Sarah Gellar is very famous due to starring in supernatural thriller-horrors so therefore this will attract fans of that genre

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