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Geography skills- These skill are taught throughout the year.

I can locate major countries and regions of the world on a map or globe.

I can identify the routes of contact between the Americas and Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Geography skills- These skill are taught throughout the year.

I can identify major landforms, bodies of water, cities, and states.

I can identify the physical, economic, and cultural regions of the United States.

1st Six Week- Chapter 1Roots of the American People


I can explain the meaning of religion.I can explain the connection between Judaism

and Christianity.I can identify differences in the major religions.I can explain how trade contributed to the

growth of three large empires in Africa.I can explain what products were traded

throughout West African kingdoms both before and after contact with Europeans.

1st Six Week- Chapter 1Roots of the American People


I can identify natural resources used by the Native American Cultures.

I can explain how people in different physical environments developed into different cultures.

I can identify the difference between commercial and subsistence economies.

1st Six Week- Chapter 1Roots of the American People

8.3I can identify how the first Americans spread out to

inhabit North and South America.I can use and identify key geographic element on

maps.I can explain the achievements of the Maya in

science and mathematics.I can give examples of how trade and conquest

made the Aztec a powerful empire.I can explain how Inca leaders unified the people of

their empire.

1st Six Week- Chapter 1Roots of the American People


I can describe how citizens participate in Greek and Roman government.

I can explain how Athenian democracy differs from the Roman Republic

1st Six Week- Chapter 1Roots of the American People


I can compare and contrast the characteristics of the three largest empires

1st six weeks-Chapter 28.1

I can explain how religious and economic differences spurred conflict.

I can explain how the French and Dutch settlements affected Native Americans.

I can discuss how the French colonized North America.

I can explain why the Dutch established New Neitherlands.

1st six weeks-Chapter 28.2

I can list natural resources traded in the Columbian Exchange.

I can identify two kinds of animals that Europeans brought to America.

I can explain who benefited most from the Columbian Exchange.

I can explain how most French settlers choose to make their living.

I can explain why the Dutch established settlements along the Hudson River.

I can identify information given on graphs and charts

1st six weeks-Chapter 28.3

I can explain the goal of Marquette and Joliet ‘s voyage on the Mississippi.

I can discuss why the English took control of New Amsterdam. I can map and discuss voyages made to the Americas by

European explorers. I can explain how Prince Henry led Portugal into the Age of

Exploration. I can explain how sailors used mariner’s astrolabes to determine

latitude and longitude. I can explain how new technologies helped with exploration. I can explain the how the geographic locations of the settlements

contributed to their success

1st six weeks-Chapter 28.5

I can explain the causes and effects of how Spain established an empire in the Americas.

I can explain why few Spanish conquistadors were able to defeat the larger armies of the Aztec and Incas.

I can explain the impact the Spanish had on the Aztec and Inca Empires.

I can explain how the Spanish conquests changed Mexico and South America.

I can explain how the Native Americans were treated under the encomienda system.

1st six weeks-Chapter 28.6

I can explain why Columbus made the decision to sail west.

I can detail the contributions made Balboa and Magellan as explorers.

I can explain why the Spanish began bringing enslaved Africans to the Americas.

I can discuss the rigid social system that helped maintain control over the colonies.

1st six weeks-Chapter 38.1

I can discuss the ideas, beliefs, and institutions the colonists brought to America.

I can show how different ways of life created cultural diversity in the colonies.

I can explain why William Penn called Pennsylvania “a holy experiment”. I can compare and contrast the differences in religious tolerance in the

colonies. I can explain why the Pilgrims left England. I can discuss why the Puritans came to America. I can explain how religion developed new colonies in New England. I can explain why settlers moved from Massachusetts Bay to Rhode Island

and Connecticut.

1st six weeks-Chapter 38.2

I can explain why Jamestown settlers had difficulties at first.

I can list the ways New England colonists made a living.

I can map trade routes from America to Europe.

I can explain why conditions favored the development of plantations in the South.

1st six weeks-Chapter 38.3

I can explain the reasons why Jamestown settlers and the Pilgrims left England.

I can compare and contrast the differences in why early settlers left England.

I can why conditions favored farming in the Middle colonies.

1st six weeks-Chapter 38.4

I can explain the purpose of the Virginia House of Burgesses and the Mayflower compact.

I can compare and contrast these two forms of government.

I can explain the role the House of Burgesses played in Virginia.

I can discuss why the Mayflower Compact was important.

1st six weeks-Chapter 38.5

I can explain how and why the Spanish established colonies on the borderlands.

I can explain the benefits England hoped to gain from establishing colonies.

I can explain how Southern planter came to depend on enslaved labor.

I can discuss what life is like on a plantation.

1st six weeks-Chapter 38.6

I can explain why Native Americans rebelled against rule set by missions.

2nd six weeks-Chapter 4 8.1

I can explain cultural influences brought to the Americas by Africans.

I can explain how religion influenced colonial life.

I can discuss the affects of the Great Awakening on American society.

I can name things brought to America by Africans that have influenced the South.

2nd six weeks-Chapter 4 8.2

I can explain why large families were useful on a farm.

I compare and contrast the difference in the jobs of boys and girls.

I can explain the economy of the Southern Colonies.

I can explain why slavery was part of the South’s way of life

2nd six weeks-Chapter 4 8.3

I can describe the characteristics of colonial society.

I can explain what groups settled along the Appalachian Mountains.

2nd six weeks-Chapter 4 8.4

I can explain how the colonists tried to establish their rights as citizens.

I can compare and contrast how the colonial governments were organized.

I can compare and contrast the different types of colonial government.

I can compare and contrast the goals of Enlightenment thinkers on our government.

I can explain how the bill of rights is a list freedoms the government promises to protect.

I can explain how the colonists tried to establish their rights as citizens.

2nd six weeks-Chapter 4 8.5

I can explain how slavery developed in the colonies.

I an explain the affects of slavery on colonial life.

I can interpret and summarize portions of the English Bill of Rights.

2nd six weeks-Chapter 4 8.6

I can explain why many colonists resented the Navigation Act.

I can discuss the characteristics of an extended family and the roles within.

I can identify the social classes in colonial society.

2nd six weeks-Chapter 5 8.2

I can list different taxes placed on the colonists after the French and Indian War.

I can list the different taxes placed on the colonists by the British.

2nd six weeks-Chapter 5 8.4

I can discuss how the British government hoped to end its money problems after the French and Indian War.

I can discuss the accomplishments of the First Continental Congress.

I can explain why the colonists formed the Continental Congress.

I can explain how divided loyalties of the colonists affected Second Continental Congress

2nd six weeks-Chapter 5 8.5

I can explain how the outcome of the French and Indian War affected North America

I can explain why France and England both wanted land in the Ohio Valle I can explain why the Stamp Act Congress met. -I can list the events that led to the outbreak of the American

Revolution. I can list the conflicts that led to the conflict at Lexington and Concord. I can explain what the Battle of Bunker Hill showed about the American

and British. I can explain how the British tax policies led to the revolution. I can list the nations that claimed land in North America in the 1700s. I can map and locate the events of the French and Indian War. I can tell the difference between primary and secondary sources of


2nd six weeks-Chapter 5 8.6

I can explain the terms of the Proclamation of 1763.

I can explain why the colonists objected to the Stamp Act.

I can explain how the colonists reacted to the Townshend Act.

I can describe the reactions of the colonists towards to American Revolution.

2nd six weeks-Chapter 6 8.4

I can explain why many colonists favored declaring independence. I can explain what the Declaration of Independence says about

people’s rights. I can explain the steps the colonists took to secure and protect

American democracy. I can discuss why the Second Continental Congress is considered to

be the first government of the colonies. I can explain how European allies helped the Continental Army. I can discuss why the American victory at Saratoga was a turning

point in the war. I can explain effects the made the war widen to the West and South

2nd six weeks-Chapter 6 8.5

I can explain how Washington defeated the Hessians at Trenton and the British at Princeton.

I can discuss the results of the Battle of Long Island. I can discuss why the winter at Valley Forge was so difficult. I can explain the reasons enslaved African Americans choose

to fight for the British. I can label and explain battles of the Revolution on a map. I can interpret maps and diagrams labeling battles of the

Revolution. I can explain the uses of primary and secondary sources in

studying the Revolution.

2nd six weeks-Chapter 6 8.6

I can explain how the Declaration changed the nature of the Revolution.

I can discuss how Washington and his troops attacked Trenton.

I can explain the impact of France’s aid to the Patriot cause. I can explain the role women played in the Revolution. I can explain how Cornwallis and his men became trapped

at Yorktown. I can explain why many colonists favored independence. I can explain how the American Revolution affected France.

3rd six weeks- Chapter 78.4

I can explain why Congress moved so quickly to pass the Bill of Rights. I can explain how the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution formed a foundation for

American democracy. I can compare and contrast the effectiveness of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. I can explain why large and small states argued over plans for the new Constitution. I can explain how the Constitution divides power between federal and state governments. I can explain why civil rights and liberties were so important to the people of the United States. I can discuss why many state constitutions limited the power of state governments. I can explain what compromises make up the United States Constitution. I can explain why Virginia and other states added a bill of right to their state constitutions I can list the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. I can explain how two ordinances turned national land into private holdings I can explain how Shay’s Rebellion demonstrated the strength of the national government under

the Articles of Confederation. I can discuss why delegates to the Constitutional Convention had to keep their debates secret. I can discuss why Antifederalists believed the Constitutional Convention had gone too far I can list and explain why the first ten amendments are important to U.S. citizens.

3rd six weeks- Chapter 78.5

I can explain how the Northwest Ordinance provided for orderly growth in the West.

I can explain how the Three-Fifths Compromise handled slaves as citizens in the South.

3rd six weeks- Chapter 78.6

I can compare and contrast the Virginia plan and the New Jersey Plan.

I can explain the significance of the Constitution’s first phrase:”We the people of the

United States”.I can explain how the ideas from the

Enlightenment helped shape the Constitution

3rd six weeks-Constitution Handbook8.4

I can explain the rights and responsibilities of citizens of the US through the Bill

of Rights. I can discuss the importance of the first ten amendments. I can explain the Three Branches of Government and their

functions. I can list the powers of each branch of government. I can explain the powers of the federal, state, and local

governments. I can explain how amendments to the Constitution have

expanded American democracy. I can list and explain how the rights protect citizens.

3rd six weeks-Constitution Handbook8.6

I can name some of the goals that shaped the Constitution.

I can explain how the Constitution can be amended to meet changing needs.

I can explain how the Constitution creates a strong government with roots in history that allowed for change and also met the needs of the people.

I can explain how amendments to the Constitution have expanded American democracy.

I can describe how the system of checks and balances works.

4th six weeks-Chapter 88.2

I can explain the plans the new government made to pay the US’s debt.

I can explain why there was such a large public deb

I can describe Congress’s response to Hamilton’s plan.

I can list the differences in tariffs and excise taxes.I can explain why taxation caused the Whiskey


4th six weeks-Chapter 88.3

I can read and understand maps describing conflicting claims of settlers and Native


4th six weeks-Chapter 88.4

I can explain how President Washington set the course for a new nation. I can explain the organization and functions of the tree branches of government. I can explain why many nation leaders disliked political parties. I can compare and contrast the differences between the Republican and

Federalists parties. I can describe the laws the Federalists passed to hurt the Democratic-Republicans. I can explain what the Alien and Sedition did to limit free speech. I can explain why citizens were able to choose which party they believed in. I can explain why the issue of states’ rights arose at this time. I can explain Hamilton’s plan to solve the money crisis. I can explain why the US tried to remain neutral in the European wars. I can explain how the Americans reacted to the Jay Treaty. I can discuss why Hamilton believed that the federal government should pay the

states’ war debts as well as its own.

4th six weeks-Chapter 88.5

I can explain how the problems with France intensified the split between the Federalists Republicans.

I can interpret a timeline of the development of political parties.

I can interpret maps and charts. I can interpret charts on how political parties differ. I can tell the difference between primary and

secondary sources. I can map the changes to the US brought about by

westward expansion

4th- six weeks-Chapter 98.2

I can explain how Republican views on government policies differed from Federalist

views. I can explain how Jefferson ended all internal


4th- six weeks-Chapter 98.3

I can map and understand the addition of the Louisiana Purchase to the US.

I can use a map to explain how the US doubled in size in the 1800s.

4th- six weeks-Chapter 98.4

I can describe how the Supreme Court increased its power and influence. I can explain how Jefferson charted a new course for the government. I can describe the action Jefferson took as President to help those convicted undethe Sedition Act. I can explain why the election of 1800 had to be decided in the House of Representatives. I can explain the important right the US gained with the Pinckney Treaty of 1795. I can explain why President Jefferson hesitated to approve the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. I can explain how Jefferson responded to threats to the security of our nation. I can list the steps President Jefferson took to avoid war with France and Britain. I can explain why President Jefferson placed an embargo on foreign goods in 1807. I can explain the major campaigns of the War of 1812. I can discuss the causes and effects of the war of 1812. I can explain how France and Great Britain challenged the United States’ neutrality. I can explain how the Barbary pirates interfered with American trade. I can explain what precedent the Supreme Court established in the case of Marbury vs Madison. I can explain how Andrew Jackson defeated the Creek s at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. I can how General Andrew Jackson won a stunning victory over the British at the Battle of New


4th- six weeks-Chapter 98.5

I can explain how European nations protected themselves against raids by the Barbary pirates.

I can define impressments and why it angered Americans. I can explain the challenges the US faced when the War of 1812 began. I can explain how exploration of the West helped the US to grow. I can identify the goals President Jefferson set for Lewis and Clark’s

expedition. I can discuss the causes and effects of the War of 1812. I can read a concept web of Jefferson’s “Revolution of 1800”. I can read and interpret maps and graphs of conflicts and changes in the

US. I can map and discuss changes made as our nation moved West

4th- six weeks-Chapter 98.6

I can explain why President Jefferson wanted control of the Mississippi River and New Orleans

4th six weeks-Chapter 108.1

I can discuss some of the Cherokee customs and way of life.

4th six weeks-Chapter 108.2

I can explain what services the second National Bank of the United States performed.

I can explain how Henry Clay thought his American System would benefit the economy.

I can discuss how the Supreme Court ruling in Dartmouth College vs Woodward could support economic growth.

I can read and understand graph and charts showing how tariffs work.

4th six weeks-Chapter 108.4

I can explain how more people gained power during the Age of Jackson. I can discuss why people wanted a greater voice in government. I can discuss how Andrew Jackson justified the spoils system. I can explain how the election of 1824 divided Americans. I can explain the position of Vice President John C. Calhoun on nullification. I can explain how the powers of the federal government strengthened during the Era of Good Feelings. I can discuss how the Monroe Doctrine affected American foreign policy. I can explain why the presidential election of 1828 is considered a turning point in American politics. I can explain how according to Marshall, Georgia was barred from applying its laws to Cherokee territory. I can discuss why Jackson used force to remove Native Americans from the Southeast. I can discuss the pros and cons of states’ rights verse the federal government. I can explain how the debate over tariffs created a crisis for the Union. I can discuss why people in Latin American countries fought wars for independence. I can explain the effect Andrew Jackson’s attack on Florida had on the government of Spain. I can discuss the argument over the second Bank of the United States. I can explain how the tenth amendment limited federal powers. I can discuss how the Supreme Court ruling in Dartmouth College vs Woodward could support economic

growth. I can explain why Andrew Jackson was elected President of the United States.

4th six weeks-Chapter 108.5

I can read and understand a map showing the new nations of Latin America.

I can read and understand graphs showing information on presidential elections.

I can read and understand maps explaining Indian Removal.

I can identify on a map changes made to the US by westward expansion

4th six weeks-Chapter 108.6

I can explain Adams’s advice to Monroe.I can discuss why Miguel Hidalgo was

important to the history of Mexico.I can explain why customs and ways of life of

the Cherokee were welcomed in the US.

5th six weeks-Chapter 118.1

I can explain how widespread slavery ownership was.

I can discuss how enslaved African Americans adapted to slavery and also resisted it

5th six weeks-Chapter 118.2

I can describe the inventions that helped the growth of American industry. I can explain how new technology of the Industrial Revolution changed the way

America lived. I can explain what inventions changed farming and other kinds of work in the US. I can list the advances in transportation and communication that took place

between 1820-1860. I can explain the effect of the cotton gin on the lives of Southerners.I can discuss

the affect cotton had on the social and economic life in the South. I can explain how building roads, canals and steamboats helped farmers in the

interior of the country. I can compare and contrast graphs on cotton production and slave growth. I can explain how factories moved citizens from the farms to the cities. I can describe how urbanization, technology, and social change affected the North. I can describe how slavery was thought to be a way of life in the South.

5th six weeks-Chapter 118.3

I can explain why there was an increase in Irish and German immigrates that came to the US during the 1840s.

I can discuss how increased immigration affected life in the North.

I can how American settlers heading west reached their new homes.

I can explain how the Missouri Compromise changed the US map.

5th six weeks-Chapter 118.5

I can explain how the Industrial Revolution changed Americans lives.

I can explain how the production of cotton and the cotton gin contributed to slavery in the South.

I can explain why westward expansion caused serious problems on the slavery issue.

I can use primary and secondary sources to gain useful information.

I can read and understand changes to maps caused by westward expansion.

5th six weeks-Chapter 118.6

I can describe some of the obstacles African Americans faced in the North.

I can compare and contrast the results of the Industrial Revolution on America.

I can explain how new inventions helped northern industry to grow.

5th six weeks-Chapter 128.1

I can discuss why American writers and artists began to explore American themes in their work.

I can explain how American art and literature had an impact on American life.

I can explain how the Second Great Awakening affected the reform movement.

5th six weeks-Chapter 128.4

I can explain how the Jacksonian democracy encouraged reform by focusing on ideals of liberty and equality.

I can list the people and groups who fought against slavery.

I can discuss what role Frederick Douglass played in the abolitionist movement.

I can describe how people being actively involved with social reform began to demandequal rights for women.

5th six weeks-Chapter 128.5

I can explain why women became unhappy with their positions in the mid-1800s.

I can show how working with the antislavery movement prepared women to fight for their own rights.

I can interpret maps of the paths of the Underground Railroad.

I can use slave journals and narratives to understand different aspects of slavery.

I can read some of the literature that has shaped early America.

5th six weeks-Chapter 128.6

I can explain how Dorothea Dix was able to contribute to social reform with her work on the prison systems and mental illness.

I can explain how reformers tackled a variety of causes, such as temperance, prison

reform, and public education. I can explain traits leaders of the women’s rights movement shared. I can discuss the role abolitionists had on the ending of slavery. I can explain how the women’s suffrage movement began. I can describe what techniques temperance societies used to win

people over to their beliefs. I can explain how key people brought about reform in many institutions. I can explain how public education improved in the 1800’s

5th six weeks-Chapter 138.1

I can list the different cultures and ideas that influenced the development of the West.

I can name the groups that shaped the cultures of the Southwest.

I can explain why free land and mild climate attracted settlers from all parts of the US to Oregon.

I can explain why mountain men traveled to Oregon.

5th six weeks-Chapter 138.2

I can explain the effects the gold rush had on California.

5th six weeks-Chapter 138.3

I can explain why some Americans moved to the Mexican-controlled lands of the Southwest.

I can define “Manifest Destiny”. I can explain how trappers and traders paved the way for

western expansion. I can explain how gold fever brought thousands of

immigrants to California. I can explain how the Mormon settlement and the gold

rush lead to changes in the West. I can understand and map westward expansion. I can map the journey of the Oregon Trail.

5th six weeks-Chapter 138.4

I can explain the cause and effect of the Texas War for Independence.

I can explain the cause and effect of the Mexican-American War.

I can explain the reasons the Mormons had to move West to Utah.

5th six weeks-Chapter 138.5

I can explain the affects westward expansion had on the Native Americans.

I can destiny of the first missionaries that headed to Oregon.

I can explain how the annexation of Texas increased tensions with Mexico.

5th six weeks-Chapter 138.6

I can explain how American settlers in Texas rebelled against Mexico and created the

I can explain how the US gained vast new territories as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

6th six weeks-Chapter 148.4

I can explain the debates between free and slave-holding states. I can explain why the Free-Soil Party was founded. I can explain how the question of admission of new states to the Union fuel the debate over slavery and

states’ rights. I can explain how popular sovereignty established the Kansas-Nebraska Act that triggered bloody fighting

in Kansas. I can explain the outcome of the election to select a legislature in the Kansas Territory. I can describe the actions taken by the South after the election of 1860. I can explain why Southern states tried to form a separate nation. I can compare and contrast John C. Calhoun’s and Daniel Webster’s view on the admission of California as a

free state. I can explain the debate over slavery and states’ rights. I can describe why the Kansa-Nebraska Act caused bloodshed. I can explain how Stephen Douglas’s plan to undo the Missouri Compromise worked. I can explain the impact of the novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” on the North and South. I can explain the Lincoln-Douglas debate and how it increased tensions between the North and South. I can explain how John Brown’s raid increased the tension in the North and South. I can explain why the election of Abraham Lincoln sparked the secession of southern states. I can explain how the Dred Scott decision affected slavery in the territories.

6th six weeks-Chapter 148.5

I can explain how the election of 1860 causes South Carolina to secede.

I can understand a timeline of events dealing with new and old political parties.

I can read and understand maps of new states added to US.

I can map and understand the division of the United States after the start of the Civil War.

I can use primary and secondary sources to study reasons for the Civil War.

I can map the addition of free and slave states to the US.

6th six weeks-Chapter 148.6

I can explain the results of the election of 1856.

I can explain what position Douglas took on slavery.

I can explain the Compromise of 1850 and how it failed

6th six weeks-Chapter 158.2

I can explain how the North and South raised armies and paid for war.

I can explain why the Civil War was sometimes called a poor man’s fight.

I can explain the strain the Civil War had on citizens.I can explain how Congress levied the first income

tax in American history in August 1861I can explain that about ¼ of the four billion the

North needed came from taxation, and rest from borrowing and issuing paper money.

6th six weeks-Chapter 158.4

I can explain how the African Americans helped the Union cause. I can explain other ways African Americans helped to weaken the South’s effort. I can explain why the Civil War was a war of Americans against Americans. I can explain how martial helped Lincoln keep Maryland in the Union. I can explain how the Emancipation Proclamation changed Northerners’ view of the war. I can explain how the Emancipation Proclamation freed enslaved people in areas of rebellion. I can explain how the government established a draft mid way through the war. I can explain how income taxes were established to pay for the war. I can explain why so many men signed up to join the army at the beginning of the War. I can describe why citizens came out to see armies meet at Manassas I can explain why the draft affected so many men on both sides I can explain how citizens had to adapt to the newly established income tax. I can describe what war strategies developed in the North and South I can compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the North and South.

6th six weeks-Chapter 158.5

I can explain how new technologies of war were used. I can explain how each side in the war tried to gain advantages over the other. I can how McClellan’s caution hurt the Union. I can describe how Sherman’s march to sea caused so much destruction in the South. I can explain how the Confederate losses at Gettysburg and Vicksburg marked a

turning point in the war. I can discuss how 620,000 soldiers died in the Civil War. I can explain how the war affected people and politics in the North and South. I can explain the change in the role of women because of the Civil War. I can timeline the battles of the Civil War and explain there outcomes. I can understand and map the states that are in the Union and Confederacy. I can locate the border states on a map. I can map different battles of the Civil War. I can use primary and secondary sources to learn about different events of the Civil


6th six weeks-Chapter 158.6

I can explain the strategies of Winfield Scott and the Union army. I can explain the strategies of the Confederate Army. I can explain how Grant changed the direction of the Union Army. I can describe how the soldiers lived under harsh and dangerous

conditions. I can explain why the Battles at Antietam Creek and Shiloh were

important victories for the North. I can explain how Lincoln changed the reasons for war. I can explain how Lincoln and his generals turned the tide of the

war. I can discuss why Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court


6th six weeks-Chapter 168.2

I can why many freedmen and whites became locked in a cycle of poverty.

I can explain what part of the South’s economy began to recover first during the Reconstruction.

6th six weeks-Chapter 168.4

I can explain how Reconstruction policies affected the civil rights and liberties of freed African Americans and white Southerners.

I can explain how government policies redefined American democracy during Reconstruction. I can explain why Lincoln wanted to pass the Thirteenth Amendment. I can explain how the Fourteenth Amendment seek to protect the freedmen. I can explain how conflict over Reconstruction led to Andrew Johnson’s impeachment. I can explain why Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1871. I can explain what the Freedmen’s Bureau was and it’s impact on the Reconstruction. I can explain why many people expected Johnson to take a hard line on Reconstruction. I can explain why with the end of Reconstruction, African Americans in the South lost many rights

they had gained after the Civil War. I can discuss how many African Americans and poor whites were forced to become sharecroppers. I can explain how the death of Abraham Lincoln threatened lenient plans Reconstruction. I can explain how the government tried to solve key problems facing the nation after the Civil War. I can explain why the Fourteenth Amendment failed to win approval until Radical Republicans

took control of Reconstruction.

6th six weeks-Chapter 168.5

I can explain how President Lincoln and Radical Republicans disagreed on Reconstruction plans for the South.

I can interpret graphs and charts explaining Reconstruction.

I can understand charts, graphs and maps dealing with the Election of 1876 and the shifting of power and balance.

I can describe the cycle of poverty at the time of the Reconstruction

6th six weeks-Chapter 168.6

I can explain how the views of the Radical Republicans changed Reconstruction policies

I can explain why there was some resistance to the Thirteenth Amendment.

I can explain why some southern states still were able to prevent African Americans from voting.

I can explain how Lincoln helped ensure the abolition of slavery in the US.

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