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Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns Capability Statement

www.smec.com April 2014


1. Our Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns Sector 03

2. Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns 04

2.1 Introduction 04

2.2 Investigations, Studies and Planning 05

2.3 Design and Documentation 06

2.4 General Services 07

2.5 Project Experience 09

3Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns Capability Statement

SMEC’s Geotechnics and Tunnels sector capabilities extend through all stages of project delivery from inception to completion including: feasibility studies, field investigations, computer modelling, survey and design, tender evaluation, proof engineering, contract management, construction supervision, quality assurance, commissioning, operation and maintenance.

SMEC’s geotechnical project portfolio includes roads, railways, ports, buildings, mines, power stations, water treatment plants, dams, tunnels and underground structures. SMEC provides geotechnical investigation and interpretation, geological mapping and assessment, geotechnical analysis and design, numerical modelling, construction site services, instrumentation and monitoring, project management and delivery. SMEC assists mining companies to improve efficiency and financial performance through innovative technical solutions for supporting infrastructure including: energy and water supply, road and rail transport, social infrastructure, Environmental and Social Impact Assessments and project management. SMEC tailors engineering solutions for mining companies to meet local conditions, particularly for projects which are located in remote regions. SMEC recognises the importance of sustainable infrastructure services (such as power supply and telecommunications) for the development of mines. SMEC is at the forefront of developing sustainable energy solutions and utilises this knowledge to implement successful project outcomes.

SMEC’s mining and underground capabilities extend through all stages of a project from inception to completion and include: pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, site investigations, laboratory testing, computer modelling, design services, preparation of tender and contract documents, tender evaluation, contract management and construction supervision, quality assurance, commissioning, operation and maintenance and project management. SMEC utilises the latest technologies and industry innovations for tunnel projects including: tunnel boring machine excavation, shielded soft ground tunnel systems, large mining machines (roadheaders), pipe jacking and shaft raise boring or sinking. SMEC’s experience and understanding of conventional methods of excavation coupled with the use of modern and developing techniques in the geotechnical tunnels area ensures that SMEC provides the most appropriate technical input for every project. In the area of geotechnics, SMEC has specialised skills in soft ground engineering, caverns development, soil structure interaction, slope assessment and design, as well as dam and hydropower developments.

1. Our Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns


4Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns Capability Statement

2. Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns

2.1 Introduction SMEC has provided geotechnical and engineering

geological services on a diverse range of ground

conditions for projects both in Australia and

internationally for 40 years – bringing decades of

experience to every project. SMEC's specialised

skills include soft ground engineering, caverns

development, soil-structure interaction, slope

assessment and design, as well as dam and

hydropower developments.

Utilising a strong team of highly qualified

geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists and

numerical modellers, SMEC provides clients with

professional staff with competencies to suit the

requirements of each project. SMEC’s expertise

covers all aspects of geotechnical engineering and

engineering geology for small and large civil

engineering projects, from planning and

investigation stage and feasibility studies,

geotechnical investigations and interpretations

through to design, construction surveillance and

operational phases.

SMEC’s project portfolio includes roads, railways,

ports, buildings, mines, power stations, water

treatment plants, dams, tunnels and underground

structures. SMEC's services include: geotechnical

investigation and interpretation, geological

mapping and assessment, geotechnical analysis

and design, numerical modelling, construction site

services, instrumentation and monitoring

and project management and delivery.

SMEC has developed specialist skills through

extensive experience in working on major projects

throughout Australia and Asia. SMEC has an in-

depth knowledge of Design and Construct projects,

Design Only and Alliance contracts. SMEC’s

services in geotechnical engineering include:

Soft Ground

• embankments over soft ground

• settlement and stability assessment

• soft ground improvement

Tunnels and Caverns

• geotechnical assessment of tunnelling


• design of underground support structures

• hydrogeological studies for effects on


• geological mapping during Construction


• design of pad, strip footings and raft


• design of bored and driven piles

• pile drivability assessment

• piled raft analysis

• static and dynamic pile testing


• drainage and dewatering

• cut-offs and grouting

• affect in slopes and foundations

Retaining Walls

• design of gravity and cantilever walls in-

situ or precast

• design of reinforced soil walls

• design of bored pile and diaphragm walls

• design of temporary or permanent sheet

pile walls

• stability assessment of existing walls


• material classification

• sub-grade assessment

• earthworks design


• risk assessment

• slope stability analysis

• slope support and remediation

• revetments, containment bonds and levees

• durability and erosion control

5Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns Capability Statement

Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns (continued)

2.2 Investigations, Studies and Planning SMEC carries out geological and geotechnical

investigations, studies and planning for all types of

engineering and environmental projects. SMEC

continually explores the practical application of

advanced technologies to provide innovative, cost-

effective and appropriate solutions.

2.2.1 Field Investigation and Laboratory Testing

SMEC is highly experienced in geological and

geotechnical exploratory techniques and testing

procedures. SMEC’s subsidiary, SMEC Testing

Services, with its NATA registered laboratory,

undertakes drilling work and laboratory tests.

SMEC is able to provide a full site characterisation

service including project management of all

investigation sub-contractors. SMEC’s services


• desktop studies

• geological and geomorphologic mapping

• remote sensing interpretation

• terrain evaluation

• cored and non-cored drilling

• in-situ soil and rock testing

• geophysical traversing

• borehole drilling, soil and rock sampling

• logging and analysis of borehole cores,

surface outcrops and exposures

• ground penetration testing

• field and laboratory testing

• geological and geotechnical reporting

• assessment, design and construction


• soil and rock mechanics testing

• quality and durability testing for

construction materials

2.2.2 Geotechnical Foundations and Materials


An important component of any engineering

project is a full understanding of the geological site

conditions, including foundations and slopes and

the properties of construction materials. SMEC

carries out geotechnical assessment and design

from broad scoping studies to more detailed

investigations. Each stage is thoroughly planned to

ensure that all geotechnical issues which may

affect the safety of planned construction are

identified, investigated and resolved. SMEC’s

services include:

• field investigations, using geological and

geophysical techniques, with in-situ

measurements of the properties of materials

and stresses in rock and soils

• remote sensing interpretation

• terrain evaluation

• laboratory measurements of the properties of

engineering materials

• analyses and designs of excavations,

foundations, pavements, underground

openings, embankments and slopes, including

support and anchor systems

• monitoring of the behaviour of rock, soil and

associated structures during excavation,

construction and operation

• assessment of the depth and permeability of

bedrock, the material overlaying bedrock, the

location of the ground water table

• installation of standpipe piezometers for

monitoring the groundwater table

• assessment of construction issues likely to be

encountered such as the method and stability

of excavation

2.2.3 Site Inspection and Geological Mapping

SMEC conducts geological mapping for cuttings

and tunnel excavations, undertakes on-site

geotechnical inspections involving earthworks and

foundations and also provides on-site geotechnical

advice including:

• monitoring of earthworks

• inspection, mapping, logging and

characterisation of slopes

• inspection of foundations and geotechnical

retaining structures

• inspection, mapping and characterisation

of tunnels and underground excavations

• inspection, qualification and

characterisation of materials

• site hazard mapping and risk assessment

6Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns Capability Statement

Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns (continued)

2.2.4 Numerical Modelling

Numerical modelling relies heavily on the quality of

data that is used in the modelling process. SMEC

has access to a diverse range of highly skilled

geotechnical professionals capable of providing

accurate and complete data. SMEC is proficient in

geotechnical software packages and state-of-the-

art numerical techniques which allow SMEC to

deliver the most optimal and innovative design

solutions including:

• consolidation of soft soils

• drawdown of groundwater table

• transient seepage

• ground structure interaction

• time dependent soil behaviour

• non-linear soil behavior

• rock mass behavior

• support for rock and soil slopes

• three-dimensional problems

• open cut and underground excavation

2.2.5 Topographical Survey and Mapping

SMEC has a solid understanding of how the

encountered ground conditions, material

properties and behaviour influence the

construction and lifetime of any structure. SMEC

provides adequate and properly structured site

investigations as an essential part of any civil

infrastructure project.

2.2.6 Hydrogeological Investigation

SMEC develops conceptual hydrogeological models

that represent the hydrogeological setting, the

movement of groundwater and contaminants, and

the interactions between groundwater and surface

water. SMEC’s conceptual models can be used to:

• identify contaminants of concern,

activities, and potential for contamination

through the site history

• identify aquifers, aquitards and their

configuration and properties, groundwater

flow directions and rates, groundwater

quality and vulnerability to contamination

through hydrogeological setting

• determine the contamination state of the

groundwater in individual aquifers and

aquitards at the site

• determine the beneficial uses of

groundwater and potential receptors such

as wetlands, streams and groundwater

users, and the likelihood of these uses

becoming realised

• identify potential receptors (groundwater

users or environments where groundwater


2.3 Design and Documentation SMEC keeps abreast of the latest technologies and

industry innovations in the geotechnical discipline.

High-quality design services are offered to clients

during project development from tender stage

through to detailed or specialised design.

2.3.1 Geotechnical Design

SMEC provides empirical and mathematical

analyses of the designs and the construction

sequences of surface and underground excavations

and structures including two-dimensional and

three-dimensional numerical modelling. SMEC

undertakes geotechnical analysis and design for

excavations, foundations, pavements,

underground openings, retaining walls,

embankments, slopes and ground improvement


• ground improvement with pre-loading,

wick drains, stone columns, jet grouting,

deep soil mixing

• hazard and risk assessment of slopes

• slope stabilisation and support with soil

nails, rock bolts and ground anchors

• shallow and deep foundations

• retaining walls, including reinforced soil

walls and sheet pile walls

• ground support for tunnels, excavations

and underground caverns

• liquefaction and dynamic assessment

• earthworks and pavements

• building damage assessment

• basement structures

7Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns Capability Statement

Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns (continued)

SMEC develops customised methods and computer

programs for solving difficult geotechnical

problems and has a wide range of experience in

numerical modelling. SMEC’s areas of expertise


• soil reinforcement and soil nailing

• diaphragm walls and retaining structures

• jointed rock masses in surface and

underground excavations

• excavation in soft ground

• large underground caverns

• soft ground treatment and improvement

• land subsidence due to excavation or


2.3.2 Ground Support Design

SMEC has developed the necessary expertise to

determine the appropriate types of support for the

design and review of excavations, cut slopes and

retaining structures. Design methods include:

• slope stability assessment using SLOPE/W

(for circular or specified slip surface

failures) and SWEDGE (for wedge type


• rock mass classification schemes including

Q-system, RMR, MRMR, and MBR

• two-dimensional modelling using PLAXIS,


• three-dimensional modelling using PLAXIS

3D and FLAC3D

• seepage and groundwater analysis using


• rock bolt optimisation using UNWEDGE

2.4 General Services SMEC can provide a wide range of inter-disciplinary

project management services, drawing on the

diverse capabilities of the entire Company.

2.4.1 Studies and Planning

SMEC carries out investigations and feasibility

studies leading to the construction of new tunnels

and the rehabilitation and maintenance of existing

tunnels. SMEC’s services include:

• concept and feasibility design studies

• topographical survey and mapping

• hydrogeological investigation

• hydrologic and hydraulic studies

• economic and financial studies

• engineering feasibility studies

• environmental studies

• social and resettlement studies

2.4.2 Construction Management

SMEC has experience in understanding client

requirements, clear communication with the

contractor and expertise in contract management.

Construction projects managed by SMEC are

generally undertaken by ‘prime contract’ or by

‘force account’. SMEC’s services include:

• construction planning and management

• construction supervision

• contract administration and reporting

• contract quality assurance auditing

• safety auditing

• monitoring of earthworks

• inspecting foundations, tunnels,

underground excavations and geotechnical

retaining structures

2.4.3 Management and Maintenance

Construction of underground networks is one of

the largest investments made in infrastructure. As

such, the system implemented to manage the

maintenance of these networks is critical. SMEC’s

services include:

• excavation reinforcement and support


• asset management

• rehabilitation and maintenance

2.4.4 Instrumentation and Monitoring

SMEC undertakes in-situ measurements to verify

the design assumptions adopted for slopes,

embankments, retaining measures and

underground excavations, providing a basis for

design rationalisation or modification and a check

on the performance of completed structures. For

these purposes SMEC can review monitoring

systems, supply and install equipment and carry

8Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns Capability Statement

Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns (continued)

out analyses of results. SMEC’s range of

instrumentation and techniques used includes:

• three-dimensional optical survey and

precise levelling

• extensometers

• inclinometers and tiltmeters

• settlement gauges

• stress and strain meters

• pressure meters

• piezometers

• microseismic and vibration monitors

• television and photographic logging

• data loggers

2.4.5 Capacity Building and Institutional


SMEC has broad experience in institutional

strengthening, development and restructuring

within the Geotechnical, Mining and Tunnelling

Services sector. SMEC has successfully

implemented institutional strengthening projects

(combined with training and technology transfer)

for private and public sector organisations with a

focus on human resource development. SMEC’s

comprehensive approach to institutional

strengthening focuses on achieving sustainable

long-term results.

2.4.6 Project Management Support

SMEC assists executing agencies to undertake large

scale project management for which agency may

not have either the technical capacity or available

staff. SMEC integrates its internal management

and reporting systems with those of other

consultants or executing agencies when working in

partnership or Alliance.

9Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns Capability Statement

Cavern Experience

2.5 Project Experience

Admiralty Station, Hong Kong; metro station platforms and tunnels

Admiralty Station provides a convenient interchange for the South Island

Line, Shatin Central Link, the Tsuen Wan Line and the Island Line. The project

included permanent works and necessary major temporary works to support

the cavern and tunnels. 44,000m3

of rock cavern was created.

SMEC's services included: cavern and tunnelling specialist sub-consultant

advice on designs for integration of all four proposed and existing lines to

enable a convenient interchange, underpinning of the Tsuen Wan and Island

Line finger tunnels, construction of the Shatin Central Link platform tunnels

and construction of 1km turnback tunnels.

XRL C824, Hong Kong; Ngau Tam Mei to Tai Kong Po Tunnels

The Contract 824 tunnels are formed using drill and blast techniques. The

tunnel alignment runs beneath the natural terrain of Lam Tsuen Country

Park between Ngau Tam Mei in the north and Tai Kong Po in the south.

Permanent shafts were constructed at either end of Contact 824 for the

Ngau Tam Mei Ventilation Building and the Tai Kong Po Emergency Access

Point. The majority of the lengths of the Running Tunnels were twin bore

single track tunnels. Major Cavern ~100m deep.

SMEC's services included: Independent checking services for structural and

geotechnical designs for both temporary and permanent works. Including a

2.6km drill and blast tunnel, Ventilation Buildings, and Emergency Access.

Ulu Jelai Hydroelectric Project, Cameron Highlands Malaysia; underground

hydropower complex

The Ulu Terengganu Hydroelectric Scheme comprises an underground power

cavern with 2 x 150 MW Francis turbines, a 70 m high zoned earth fill dam and

associated structures, 2 diversion tunnels 450 m long x 10 m dia, 95,000m3 of

cavern spaces were created for the Powerhouse, Transformer and

Downstream surge chamber. The project also includes a 2 km long

transmission line and 20 km of access roads.

SMEC's services included: reappraisal of previous feasibility study,

geological investigations including planning, and management of diamond

drilling and interpretation of results, preliminary design and layout of civil

structures and electrical and mechanical plant, construction programming

and preparation of implementation plan.

10 Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns Capability Statement

Cavern Experience

Sydney LPG Cavern, Port Botany, Australia; underground gas storage


The Sydney LPG Cavern involved the construction of a 133,000m3

underground storage facility for the storage of liquid petroleum gas at Port

Botany in Sydney. The cavern comprises four unlined chambers 14m wide x

11 m high x 230 m long with interconnecting galleries, at a depth of 135 m

below the surface.

SMEC's services included: engineering services to Elgas prior to and during

construction including review of tender documents and assistance with

tender assessment, assistance with environmental approvals, supervision of

the underground construction contract, and geotechnical and design advice

during construction.

Pergau Hydroelectric Project, Kelantan Malaysia; underground

hydropower complex

The Pergau Hydroelectric Project consists of a 600 MW underground power

cavern drawing water from a dam located on the Sg Pergau just downstream

of its confluence with the Sg Yong. 127,000m3 of cavern space is created,

350m below ground surface.

SMEC's services included: feasibility study including hydrological, survey,

geotechnical and environmental aspects, power system studies, preparation

of tender designs and tender documents for civil , electrical and mechanical

plant contracts, project management and quality assurance role as

Supervising Engineer

Adelaide Desalination Project, Australia; intake pump station and outfall

mini-hydro scheme

The Adelaide Desalination Plant is located at Port Stanvac, 30km south of

the city’s Central Business District. Site investigation and tunnelling related

works on the marine-side of the project were undertaken by SMEC to assist

in delivery of the detailed design and construction suitability for this project.

SMEC's services included: geotechnical interpretation and derivation of

geotechnical design parameters, assessment of embankment shrink swell

settlement and stability so as to satisfy project requirements, design

documentation and preparation of construction drawings, design liaison,

construction inspection, surveillance and geological mapping and recording.

11 Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns Capability Statement

Local Tunnel Experience

Lai Chi Kok Drainage Tunnel, Hong Kong; Lai Chi Kok Transfer Scheme

The project included the construction of a 4.9m diameter, 3.7km long tunnel

from Chak On Estate to Victoria Harbour near Stonecutters Island. The

scheme also included branch tunnels, shafts, intakes and outfalls, headwalls,

a stilling basin, outfall structure, six intakes, 270m of connection adit

tunnels, slope stabilisation works and ancillary works.

SMEC's services included: Independent checking engineer services (ICE) for

checking of permanent and temporary works during the Approval in

Principal phase, detailed design approval, preparation of method

statements, design supervision during construction, checks on the blasting

assessment reports and design, and control of temporary works.

XRL C826, Hong Kong; Huanggang to Mai Po Tunnels

The XRL, measuring about 26 km from West Kowloon to the Boundary, will

use a dedicated railway corridor to ensure that a high line capacity can be

achieved and to ensure operational compatibility with the Mainland.

Contract XRL C826 – Huanggang to Mai Tunnels Po (in the HKSAR zone),

includes carrying out the design of TBM tunnel and TBM break-out work

including ground treatment and water cut-off measures just outside the

northern wall of Mai Po shaft.

SMEC's services included: ICE service for the temporary and permanent

works including the 1.5km Twin TBM bored tunnels, 6 nos. hand-mined

cross passages, and ground treatment works by grouting in cavity zones

underneath Mai Po Wetland Conservative Area

Guanzhou Pumped Storage Scheme, China; underground hydropower


The Guangzhou Pumped Storage Project, a joint venture development, is the

first high-head large capacity pumped storage scheme built in China. The

scheme involves an underground cavern 145,530 m3 (147m x 22m x 45m),

housing 4 x 300 MW Francis pump turbines (rated head 522 m, discharge 70

m3/s per unit).70 m high concrete faced rock fill upper dam and reservoir

SMEC’s services included: on-site civil, electrical and mechanical advisory

services during construction, including planning and programming, and

other specialist advice as required

12 Geotechnics | Tunnels | Caverns Capability Statement

Local Geotechnical Experience

Investigation, Design and Supervision of Slope and Retaining Wall

Upgrading Works, Hong Kong, Agreement No. BA/S01/2012

Feature Nos. 7SW-C/R427 (SD2 – SD7) and 11NW-B/CR244 (SD5) were

investigated in this agreement, for the HKSAR Building Department.

SMEC’s services included: engineering services in Investigation, Design and

Construction Phases which include desk study, API, site inspections, planning

of ground investigation, stability assessment, remedial works design, works

tendering, BD/GEO submission, supervision and contract administration of

upgrading works

Investigation, Design and Construction in Landslip Prevention and

Mitigation Programme (LPMit), Hong Kong, Agreement No. CE20/2011 (GE)

The objective of the LPMit Programme is to reduce and contain the landslide

risks in Hong Kong within an as low as reasonably practicable level in the

long term. Programme 2011 Package F Kowloon and New Territories were

investigated in this agreement for HKSAR Geotechnical Engineering Office

(GEO) of the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)

SMEC's services included: Desk Study, API, Ground Investigation, Engineering

Field Mapping and Detailed Assessment of Natural Terrain Hazard Study

Rehabilitation of Shek O Quarry, Hong Kong

The rehabilitation landform contract for Shek O Quarry was designed to

extract a maximum volume of rock from the site and to rehabilitate the site

so that it blended with the surrounding natural landscape. The scope of

work included the detailed landform design, site formation, boulder surveys,

the creation of a marine cove, the formation of a permanent access road

with car park and a storm water drainage system

SMEC's services included: contract administration and management services

including final landform and remedial works design, construction supervision

and quality control.

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