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Page 1: Gerald Kein - 7 Writings

The Dave Elman induction

(Pure original form)

Take a long deep breath, fill up your lungs real good and hold it for a second. Now when you exhale, close your eyes down... And let yourself relax. Get rid of that surface tension in your body, let your shoulders relax. It's ok to relax today.

Now put your awareness on your eyelids. You know that you can relax those eyes beautifully. You know that you can relax those eyes so deeply, that as long as you choose not to remove that relaxation, those eyelids just won't work... And when you know that you've done that, hold on to that relaxation, give them a good test, make sure they won't work... And notice how good it feels. Test them hard, it's ok. (pause) that's good. Stop testing let yourself relax much more.

That quality of relaxation you are allowing in your eyes is the quality of relaxation i'd like you let yourself have throughout your entire body. So take that same quality, bring it up to the top of your head... And send it down through your body from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Let go of every muscle. Let go of every nerve. Let go of every fiber... And let yourself drift much, deeper, relaxed. You got it.

Now let's really deepen this state. In a moment i'll ask you to open and close your eyes. When you close your eyes, send a wave of relaxation through your body, so very quickly, you'll allow this physical part of you to relax... Ten times deeper. Just want it and you can have it. Let your eyes become open... Close your eyes... And really... Let go. Feel your body relax, much more. You're doing fine.

In a moment i'll ask you to open and close your eyes again. This time when you close your eyes, double this physical relaxation... Really let it grow twice as deep. Let your eyes become open... Way down... Deeper... Deeper... Relaxed.

In a moment we'll do it one more time... And notice how well it comes in this time as you learn how simple it is... At least double it. All right let your eyes become open... Way down (------), really let go. That's good. That's good.

In a moment i'm going to lift your right arm and drop it. Don't help me lift that arm... And when it drops down, just notice how much more, your body can relax very easily. (arm drop) perfect. Way down. Great.

Now the body's relaxed (------) so let's get the mind relaxed, that's really what we want to do. When your mind's relaxed you really can achieve anything you can think of, within certain restrictions of course. In a moment i'll ask you to slowly begin counting out loud, backwards, starting with the number 100. After each number, simply say the words, deeper relaxed. After each number double your mental relaxation, let your mind grow twice as calm and still and serene. Now if you do this, you'll discover by the time you just say a couple numbers, doesn't take long, you've relaxed your mind so beautifully and so completely, you've actually relaxed all the rest of the numbers out. Want that... And you can have it quickly.

Slowly begin counting out loud, backwards, starting with the number 100. Saying the words, deeper relaxed... And relax those numbers right out of your mind.

(100 deeper relaxed.) That's good. (99 deeper relaxed.) That's fine. (98 deeper relaxed.) Now you can let those numbers grow dim and distant, there not important. (97 deeper relaxed.) And when your're ready just push them out. (96 deeper relaxed.) Now push them on out, just tell them to leave and they will go. Just let them go... And let them be gone.

... Numbers all gone ? (yes) This is the original induction Dave used in his work. Many variations now exist but it seems this original verson is still the best.

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The Pre-Talk Interview The Most Important Part Of A successful Hypnosis Session.

With out a doubt, the pre-talk is the most important part of any hypnosis session. Whenever a person calls my office and tells me that they would like to use hypnosis to achieve their goal and then tell me that other hypnotists were not able to hypnotize them, I know I am in for a very easy and successful session. I know those other hypnotists did not do a professional pre-talk with them. Many hypnotists still believe that their are good subjects and bad subjects. The real fact is that people accept hypnosis in direct relation to the fear they have period! This may be a fear of hypnosis based of the many misconceptions regarding the state or it may be a fear of what they may discover about themselves. The main goal of a pre-talk is to remove any fears or misconceptions that a person may have. The second usually overlooked, but extremely important, use of the pre-talk is to prove to your client that you are indeed qualified to work with them. All the grand certificates proclaiming your competence hanging on your wall mean nothing if you don’t sound knowledgeable, experienced and confident during your pre-talk. The third advantage of a professional pre-talk is that it tremendously helps in developing a positive rapport with your client. If you and your client feel good about each other everything in the session seems to work well. If your client feels uncomfortable with you for any reason, obtaining the hypnotic state becomes very difficult. Too many hypnotists that don’t use an informative, educating and compassionate pre-talk with their clients end up telling their clients they are resisting them or they are too analytical to be able to be hypnotized. The well trained hypnotist knows there is no such thing as resistance with a willing client. Hypnosis is a natural state. Therefore, all a person can have is an inhibition to a natural response. A good pre-talk will remove their inhibitions and allow them to enter hypnosis very easily. Historically, there has been basically two different philosophies on informing your clients about hypnosis. The first concept which has it’s roots in the east coast was not to tell your clients very much about hypnosis. You should just ask them if they have any questions and answer only those questions. Does this concept remove fear? Not really. Many clients don’t have any questions. They KNOW that when they are in hypnosis they are under your control. They KNOW that they can’t hear anything. They KNOW that they are helpless against your awesome power. They have all the fears and have no questions about them. The other philosophy believes in educating the client about hypnosis in order to remove the fears and misconceptions. I have found that this approach enables the "resistant" client to enter hypnosis quite easily. Educating your client also enables the client to feel that they are truly working with a qualified individual more than any certificate on your wall. The only real problem coming from giving the client a comprehensive pre-talk is the time it takes. It can take up to half a hour to complete. If you have a busy office, you may feel the time is too restrictive. In addition, you will discover that the later in the day the shorter your pre-talk becomes. When this happens you will begin to notice the outcome of your session may start to deteriorate. The answer to this problem is to place your pre-talk on videotape. That way every client gets the same high quality pre-hypnosis education. In our office, when a client shows up for an appointment, our receptionist has the client fill out a client history form. Then s/he is taken into the session room and seated in a recliner. There is a television with a VCR on the wall opposite the client. Clients are given a clipboard and paper and are informed that they are going to watch a short video explaining how the hypnosis process works. They are asked to write down any questions they may have in order to review them with the hypnotist after viewing the film. For the next half hour they watch the pre-talk tape and get the same quality information as everyone else. It also helps establish a strong rapport with the practitioner even before meeting him/her. When the hypnotist walks into the room, the client feels as if s/he already knows him and that he is truly qualified to help him with his problem. The half hour the clients are watching the pre-talk tape is also very beneficial for the practitioner. What could s/he be doing with that half hour? Finishing up with another client, doing research on the problem the next client is coming for, having a little lunch, doing some self-hypnosis or calling his or her mother. A video pre-talk gives you the ability to use your time very effectively. I tell all my students the same thing, the pre-talk is the most important part of your hypnosis session. A good pre-talk should remove all the fears and misconceptions that your clients might have. It should educate them about how it feels to be in hypnosis and how they can tell if they are actually in the state. And most importantly, it must train them in what mental attitude they should have when they hear a desired suggestion in order for that suggestion to be accepted and acted upon by their subconscious mind.

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The Awesome Power Of Waking Hypnosis Suggestion

One of the most important tools that any hypnotist can have in his hypnotherapy toolbox is the ability to successfully incorporate powerful waking hypnosis in his session. The use of waking hypnosis suggestions will frequently make the difference between a successful or unsuccessful session.

What exactly is waking hypnosis suggestion? The definition is; "Suggestions that are given to a person in a certain manner while in a normal state of consciousness that achieve a hypnotic effect without the use of the relaxed state." This simply means that while just talking to a person, a hypnotist is able to combine his body language along with his words to by-pass the critical factor of a persons conscious mind and implant ideas that effect change. The reason waking hypnosis is so effective is that, because the client does not know you are using a hypnotic technique, their analytical, judgmental and refractive tendencies do not come into play. As long as the suggestions are not offensive to them they are allowed to enter the subconscious mind and their organic computer can begin to be re-programmed.

Many other professions use waking hypnosis in order to have people take a particular action. Some of these professions are, Medicine, Religion, TV Commercials, Attorneys, Automobile Salesman plus much more. For example, when you go to a doctor’s office to undergo an examination for a particular problem, when the doctor looks across his desk to tell you the results your critical factor is by-passed. Whatever the doctor tells you is allowed to go into your subconscious mind and becomes part of your belief system. This obviously can be a very dangerous time for you.

In 1988 I suffered a serious heart attack that required emergency by-pass surgery. As they were wheeling me to the operating room I was in great pain and a state of absolute fear. All my hypnosis knowledge went out the window and I was mentally out of control. After I said my goodbye to my family I looked up into the doctor’s eyes and asked, "Am I going to make it." My critical factor was completely by-passed and I was in a deep state of waking hypnosis. What ever that doctor said at that moment would make a strong effect on the outcome of my surgery. Unfortunately for me, he looked me in the eye and said, "We’re going to do the best we can." Instantly I knew I was doomed. My recovery was very painful and slow until a good friend hypnotized me and removed the negative suggestions that I had received throughout my hospital stay.

Had that doctor looked me in the eye and said, You’re going to do great. This surgery is a piece of cake for us. Your recovery is going to be rapid and very soon you will be better than new, the outcome would had been much better. He had nothing to fear. If I would had died, I could not come back and sue him for lying to me. On the other hand after my surgery, I would have looked at him as a hero. It would have been a win win situation.

This is just one example of how the power of a traumatic situation can achieve a state of waking hypnosis. Trauma is only one way waking hypnosis can be achieved. It can also be achieved by design. Commercials very frequently use sex, humor or shock to by-pass your critical factor. Religion uses custom, music, emotional speech and houses of worship in order to keep believers programmed in their dogma. Television is called the great hypnotiser. If you allow yourself to become emotionally involved in a program, (e.g.soap operas) or commercial your critical factor is bypassed and you are technically in a state of waking hypnosis.

My father was a lawyer. When I was young I use to love to watch him try his cases. As a child, I never fully understood why, during his summation to the jury dad asked the jury to close their eyes and imagine what he was about to say. While the jury had their eyes closed, my father would launch into a very visual and emotionally description of "what really happened." Of course the description would be somewhat slanted toward his clients goal. Many times, as my father planted his suggestions, I saw jurors begin to weep and dab their eyes with tissues. I also watched the opposing attorney shake his head knowing he lost the case. I never saw my dad loose a case. When I asked him why he had the jury close their eyes he said; "When their eyes are closed they can’t make judgments through visual clues. Their ability to imagine and believe what I tell them through an emotional delivery is tremendously enhanced and I cause them to become emotionally involved with my client in a very positive way. Now I realize my father was a very skilled waking hypnotist. Milton Erickson was an expert in this type of hypnosis.

How can you, the hypnotist use waking hypnosis in your office. It’s easy. One of the best ways you can begin to implant suggestions that will cause your clients mental expectations for a successful outcome is to place your session on a video tape. Before you even begin to talk to the person have them watch this tape. You will discuss hypnosis to eliminate fear and misconception. You will be developing a positive rapport. You see, when a client views an individual talking sincerely and professionally on television, in a professional environment, they accept that individual as an authority.

From the moment you sit down and begin talking to the client, look them in the eye. When you look directly into your clients eyes as you talk to them it initially cause them to become somewhat uncomfortable but will quickly cause their critical factors to become by-passed and you will be increasing your rapport with your client. You then talk to them in a sincere caring manner. This is not the time to be joking. Start giving your client suggestions of success that are meant to take place in the future. After you talk to the client for a few minutes ask them to just close their eyes while you continue

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to talk. After their eyes are closed, you can either begin with your uncovering techniques or, if you are doing a direct suggestion session, begin the induction process.

Another excellent time to use waking hypnosis is immediately after you emerge the client from trance. When you have a client open their eyes, they think they are emerged from the hypnotic state. In fact, depending on the individual, they still remain in a state of hyper suggestibility for 30-90 seconds. This is a excellent opportunity to compound and re-enforce the transformational suggestions you gave them.

The useages of waking hypnosis are endless in both your professional and personal life. Incorporating these techniques will enhance not only the outcome of your sessions but also your professional reputation.

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The Ethics Of Utilizing Instant And Rapid Inductions

For many years the use of clinical instant and rapid inductions were unheard of by the hypnosis practitioner. Instructors were never taught the advantages of using these inductions, how to use them or they were simply ignored. Consequently, they were not included in their training curriculum. The few who were aware of these inductions, believed only the stage hypnotist should ever consider using them. Others considered them violent in application and felt they could possibly harm the client. It was also believed these inductions would not induce a deep enough working level of trance. Many “gurotic” (kinda like guru) instructors still stand by these beliefs and continue to teach, what my experience tells me, are erroneous concepts.

There is no blame or fault placed on these veteran instructors for their beliefs in these concepts. If they were never instructed in how or, more importantly, why these inductions work, then followed by substantial practice on subjects; the misunderstanding of the appropriateness and value in the clinical environment is easily understandable.

Most training today is based on some variation of progressive relaxation as the primary induction of choice. Many teach this induction exclusively in their training’s with no exposure to any other forms of induction. Since the late 1700’s, this has been the only induction known by most hypnosis practitioners.

It is necessary to grow and expand our knowledge. Imagine if the medical field refused to learn new techniques and stayed with the knowledge of 1700’s. They would still be slitting wrists and bleeding patients to treat consumption! Imagine what it would be like with no progress in the automotive industry after Henry Ford invented the Model T. It’s time we too progressed. I suggest the profession consider severely limiting the use of this primary induction of a past era during this exciting new millennium.

Let us take a moment to define hypnosis. There has never been any one accepted definition of hypnosis. Every hypnosis instructor has had his/her own definition. A universal definition was needed. Now, The United States Government, Dept. of Education, Human Services Division defines hypnosis as “The by-pass of the critical factor of the conscious mind (a persons analytical and judgmental ability) followed by the establishment of acceptable selective thinking.” (Suggestions and therapy that the client wants and feels good about.) Notice the absence of the word relaxation in this definition. It has been discovered deep relaxation, in many cases, is not needed to by-pass a clients critical factor and achieve deep somnambulistic hypnosis. More and more hypnosis training instructors are now using this government standardized definition in their training’s.

Please do not misunderstand me. The progressive relaxation induction is fine for certain clients. Unfortunately, it is also useless on others. Lets discuss the four basic types of inductions available to us today.

1. The Progressive Relaxation Induction - We are all familiar with this one. It creates a general relaxation of the body. The idea being that deep relaxation establishes the hypnotic state. Depth testing is mandatory in order to determine the client’s level of trance or whether they are indeed in hypnosis at all. It is a fine induction for those clients in the minority who need a slow maternal induction. The main concerns associated with this induction are:

a. Without mandatory depth testing (which many hypnotists don’t do), it is unknown if the client has achieved critical factor by-pass (hypnosis); b. Analytical people will fall behind the practitioners suggestions and never catch up; c. Type A clients with little time to spare do not respond well to slow, time consuming hypnosis methods; d. During evening appointments tired after working all day, clients may easily go to sleep instead of into the hypnotic state; e. The induction should challenge the hypnotists skills, encouraging the practitioner to reach out to become more skilled and more excited about the profession. Progressive relaxation induction does not; f. Due to the length of the induction, it reduces the number of client appointments capable of being scheduled daily. Thus, reducing potential income; g. Fatigues the practitioner more than other inductions (this one is so important I am saving it for an article by itself).

2. The Rapid Induction - Is meant to take the client from a normal state of awareness into the somnambulistic state in four minutes or less. Some variety of disguised depth testing is usually built into the induction. The Dave Elman induction is the most well known of this type. Many inductions in this category can average 15-30 seconds. Dave Elman, I and many other instructors have used and instructed in the long version at approximately 4 minutes and the short version at approximately 30 seconds to many hundreds of physicians for use in clinical practice. There are many other inductions such as the Arm Drop and Mayo Clinic technique that fall into the time frame of 4 minutes – 30 seconds. My graduates primarily use inductions such as these with most clients on a daily basis.

3. Instant Induction - Using an instant induction, the skilled hypnotist is able to obtain a deep medium to somnambulistic level of trance in 1-5 seconds. Some deepening method may be needed with the very few who do not

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reach somnambulism. This type induction is rarely used in a clinical environment but should be understood and learned. Many times its usefulness comes in emergency situations where shock elimination or bleeding control are the main concerns. In addition, these are great inductions to use during lectures or demonstrations promoting your practice. People will remember you and your scheduled sessions will increase. These inductions build tremendous feelings of confidence and self-assurance within the hypnotist.

4. EIR Induction (Emotionally Induced Regression Induction) - This relatively new regression induction technique should only be used by very experienced hypnotists having extensive skill and specific training in its use. The techniques is generally used with clients suffering a terminal illness. It will not be discussed at this time due to concerns that practitioners without proper training may attempt its use.

In my opinion, these are the basic categories of inductions used today. There are a myriad inductions used; for example, confusion, ideo-motor, Dr. Flowers and probably hundreds more; but, they would all fall under one of the above categories.

Many hypnotists contend that rapid and instant inductions are violent and harmful to the client. I believe their contention comes from a lack of proper training and understanding of the techniques. The truth is… these inductions can be used in many ways; from paternal to completely maternal techniques. Which style the practitioner selects will depend on the needs and personality of the hypnotist and the client. A number of these inductions are completely non-verbal, comforting and quite relaxing.

In some ways we need to think of ourselves like carpenters. When a carpenter goes to work he does not have just one tool to complete his work. He carries many tools for the many challenges he may need to deal with to complete his project. As hypnosis practitioners, neither can we carry just one type of induction in our hypnotic toolbox. If we do, we will not successfully complete our “projects” and we will be giving credence to those people who say, “I tried hypnosis but it didn’t work for me.”

I totally agree with Dave Elman that depth of trance is critical for the deeper client issues. Elman believed somnambulism should be considered the working state of hypnosis. I agree and instruct my students in the same way. Everyone should be able to achieve somnambulism easily. It is the required state for issues like pain control, painless childbirth, regression to cause, true hypnoanalysis, direct suggestion that enables lasting transformation and more. Rapid/Instant inductions quickly move your client into somnambulism easily and professionally with the overwhelming majority of clients.

For those of you who have never deeply studied the techniques of Dave Elman’s extremely brief sessions, let me give you a quick overview. He held classes in various locations for licensed physicians only. The physicians were requested to bring patients to class so he could demonstrate his transformational methods with a real patient. From the time he began working with the patient in front of the class, until the problem was corrected went anywhere from a short 17 minutes to a short 30 minutes…TOTAL! This included the brief pre-talk, the induction, the regression to cause, the transformational therapy and the emerging.

My question to my colleagues today is, “If these methods and techniques were in place and working during the 40’s and 50’s, how does it happen we haven’t taught and improved on them in the last 50 years? Could it be due to the fact that most non-licensed hypnotists of Elman’s day debunked him and never incorporated his methods into their trainings. If they had taken what he knew, along with his methods of conducting sessions back in the 40’s and built on them over the years, imagine where our profession would be today.

The rapid induction was the mainstay of Elman and his students. They are the mainstay of myself and my students. How can we ever hope to reach the speed, effectiveness and outcome of this great hypnotist by using antiquated long inductions followed by direct suggestions? The answer is we can not… unless we all learn and utilize the clinical rapid inductions which are available to us.

The concept of good subjects and bad subjects we now know is erroneous. We are all human and all have the ability be great subjects. The only thing that keeps a person from going into deep hypnosis very quickly is a four letter word beginning with the letter “F”, FEAR! Eliminate the fear, use a rapid induction and obtain deep trance.

I know it would be in the best interest of all hypnosis practitioners to become comfortable with the many rapid and instant inductions available today. “Why aren’t others taking advantage of rapid and instant inductions as their primary induction methods?”, is a question I am consistently asked by my students. They tell me the use of these inductions allows much more time for transformational work after the induction for which they are being paid.

It is our job to move our profession forward. I truly believe that if the old past masters of our profession could suddenly appear they would all tell us the same thing. I think they all would say; “Take all that we knew about the work with our blessing. But, if that is all that you learn get out of the profession because you are doing nothing to move it forward and help it grow.”

Many issues that normally require two sessions can be cut to one, with the use of these rapid inductions. If clients are scheduled every hour, just imagine how much more time can be allocated to work with client issues if they are in deep hypnosis within ten minutes from the time they walk into the session.

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Don’t allow yourself to become poisoned by the naysayers who say these inductions are not effective or are dangerous. I have used them with clients for many years. I have never had any problem with anyone. I have taught thousands of people how to use them. They use them everyday and report great success. Remember, it wasn’t too long ago that the “wise leaders” of the world told us the world was square and if you ventured too far you will fall off the edge.

Ouestion: If, for over sixty years, physicians have been taught, regularly used and are still using rapid inductions in their practices, how can it, as some hypnotists feel, be inappropriate to use in our professional offices today?

I urge you, no, I challenge you, to seek out an instructor who will take you step by step through these inductions, with demonstrations, substantial practice time and explanation of how, when and why they work both safely and quickly. Then, and only then, can you intelligently judge for yourself as to their value to you and your client in your practice.

If all instructors would adjust their training curriculum to incorporate instruction of rapid and instant inductions, along with adequate practice periods with every student in their training, those students would leave that training with an awesome, unbreakable feeling of self-confidence and a “I can do anything” attitude. As instructors, we owe this to our students. We should give them nothing less. Rapid and instant inductions are not laughable parlor tricks, they are a powerful opening doorway to an exciting new future for the hypnosis practitioner!

I am writing this article on November 29, 2001. At this time our country is at war with a cunning, ruthless, cruel and dangerous enemy. We have a skill that can help so many people in so many ways. We can help the frightened cope. We can help the wounded heal. We can implant feelings of courage and remove feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. I urge every hypnotist to volunteer your services to VA clinics, veterans organizations, the USO, parents and children of those serving in the military or any other group that could benefit from our abilities. We have a very unique skill that can aid our country in so many ways. Let’s all do our part to help America through this crisis.

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The Hypno-Bus A Creative Hypnosis Business

Everyone is interested in successful marketing techniques. For many years I have been teaching the following method in my classes but only one student I am aware of had the courage to invest in the method and in himself. For a person to be successful in any endeavor he must have the following: He must have the skills necessary to be successful in his profession. He must have enough money to start and maintain the profession for at least three months. And, finally, he must know how to successfully market his business. Few people succeed without achieving these requirements. During a class back in 1985, as I was teaching the following marketing technique to a class, I noticed one particular student listening very intently. At the end of the day he asked me for even more information. He went on to become extremely successful in the profession using this method until his death in an untimely auto accident. Here is what I suggested to him. “First, to go shopping for a used 19-25 foot long class “C” motorhome. This is the type built on a van frame having a bed over the driving area. I advised him that it was extremely important he locate one with both a rear bathroom and a rear entrance. Also that it have an electrical generator and a roof air conditioner. Used units meeting these specifications are readily available in the marketplace and can be purchased at a reasonable cost.” Within a few days he found and purchased a 20 foot long unit that met the necessary requirements. He completely gutted the inside removing the kitchen, tables and chairs until all he had was a shell. He had the windows removed, the outside soundproofed and re-sided. Then, he completely re-paneled and re-carpeted the inside. Installation of four comfortable hypno-chairs (two on each side of the center aisle) gave enough seating for small groups as well as individual sessions. In what was formerly the bed area over the driving compartment, he installed his audio and TV video equipment. He displayed his educational degrees and certifications on the beautiful new paneling. On the outside of the vehicle, he had a very professional sign painted similar to the following:

American Hypnosis Center Mobile Hypnosis Office

(555) 555-5555 This was his cell phone#. (As of this writing, Nextel Cellular has a program giving a subscriber unlimited nationwide FREE incoming calls at an extremely reasonable rate...great way to go for this concept.) He did a beautiful job in creating a very professional mobile hypnosis office both inside and out.. In addition, he had some specialty signs made up for specific issues; smoking, weight control, golf, tennis etc. which could be velcroed to the outside of the vehicle as needed. Of course, back in 1985 his signs were most likely taped or magnetic. Now, he was ready for business. He was set up to do individual and small group sessions. Before I tell you how he attracted clients, I’ll describe how he conducted a session. Let us say he was holding a group stop smoking session of four people. After they were seated, he would have them watch his special stop smoking pre-talk video tape. The video pre-talk is an excellent method of removing fears, misconceptions and educating clients on the benefits of hypnosis. Fears and misconceptions being the great inhibitors of rapid and deep hypnosis. It also is a powerful way to develop a strong positive rapport with clients. If you’re on TV, you must be professional! Upon completion of the pre-talk, he had scheduled a question and answer period, followed by a generic SHORT relaxation technique. After emergence, he would have the group take a bathroom break. When they were back in their seats, he would answer any additional questions from the group. He then induced and deepened hypnosis to somnambulism. (He utilized the modified group Elman method we teach in our trainings.) The balance of the session included the direct drive compounding technique, delivering and compounding of the specific patter, the emotive summation, the smoking emerging technique followed by the powerful post-hypnotic interview. Commencing immediately after their eyes open while still in a state of hyper-suggestability; but, prior to being completely emerged from hypnosis. He utilized slight variations of this method for the other direct suggestion topics he worked with creating great success. Of course, the individual sessions are held just as they would be in a regular office. Now, how did he get the people to work with? Well, this student was very creative. He discovered that just driving around his city in this one of a kind vehicle created a lot of interest. So much so, that a television channel did an interview with him for its evening newscast. He discovered wherever he parked (grocery store, bank, movies etc.) people would come to him for more information. As you know, cars can drive on the beach at Daytona Beach. Whenever he parked on the beach he was constantly approached by people considering weight control sessions. As you can see, you need to have a large supply of brochures with you at all times.

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Some of the other things he did:

1. Park in the lot of a large exercise facility with a sign on the outside of the mobile office for motivation to exercise and weight control. 2. Park at a golf course where a tournament is being held with a sign; such as, “Lower Your Golf Score With Hypnosis” 3. Same as above at tennis matches. 4. He would rent a space at art and craft fairs.

As you can see, the potential is unlimited. Probably his favorite place was large flea markets on the weekends. He conducted group hypnosis for smoking and weight control all day long at a very reduced price. He reduced the price to $25, as these sessions were done using tapes and earphones. He averaged eight sessions of four people each for a gross profit of $800 per day. Not a bad days pay. I’m sure that you could think of many other places to go with your Hypno-Bus. I know one of my students is considering an around the country tour with his contemplated Hypno-Bus. This would be a grand way to combine a great vacation with a fine income at the same time. If you decide to opt for the exciting mobile office concept, please keep me informed on how you enjoy your wonderful adventure. And don’t forget to memorize the song “On The Road Again.” (grin)

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The Light Switch Self-Hypnosis Technique This is the technique I developed over many years for teaching extremely deep somnambulistic self-hypnosis in one simple session. First make sure you have the client in somnambulism. The Elman induction is my prefered way to accomplish this. Then Say: "We can go ahead and relax you mentally and physically much more, but it really is... not that necessary. Because to learn the secrets of control over your body doesn't require that we become physical or mental zombies. It just requires that our mind is open to accept suggestions of learning... and now we're going to begin to teach you how to hypnotize yourself, beautifully. I want you to do this... I want you to use that powerful ability to imagine that (God, nature, etc.) gave you. If you are a visual person... make a picture. Some people aren't visual, but if you are... make a picture... but if you aren't visual, you can imagine. Imagine or visualize what I'm about to describe. I'm about to describe two things to you. I want you to imagine them strongly, or picture them with great clarity, which ever is easier for you. Don't question it. Success will depend on you following these instructions. I want you to imagine or visualize yourself first standing at the top of a long staircase. It extends straight down in front of you. As you look down this staircase... decorate it, carpet it any way you want to, it's yours. As you look down the staircase you notice something very unusual about it... and that is, it never seems to end... it just goes on and on. Now that's because this is the staircase of relaxation... and we have never found an end to a persons ability to relax. And I want you now to accept this suggestion, that from this moment on when you're in this beautiful state... every gentle breath you exhale... guides you deeper... and deeper. Every breath... takes you down another step on this beautiful staircase. Every breath... takes you down... more... and more. Seal that within you. Now this is the most important thing that you're going to learn. So I want you to imagine and seal this next suggestion within you more than anything else you've ever done in your life... because it will give you the ability... to improve your life in so many ways. I want you to first imagine or visualize your brain. I'm going to use the word imagine from now on. That will mean either imagine something or visualize it if you're one of those people that can create a picture. But rather than say imagine or visualize I'll just say imagine, it'll mean either one for you. You imagine that coming down from the base of your brain is a fairly thick electrical cable, maybe about as thick as the pinky finger on your hand. After it comes down about an inch, I want you to imagine it goes into the top of a light switch... you know, like the light switch that operates the ceiling lamps in your bathroom or your kitchen at home. Imagine that cable coming out the bottom of that switch. The jacket, the cover of the cable opens up... and from it, flows hundreds of little bitsy tiny wires... that flow through every muscle and cell of your body from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. In a moment I'm going to ask you move that switch from the "on"... down... to the "off" position. Now here's the suggestion that I need you to accept... and you must accept it... if you want be able to powerfully program yourself quickly and easily. When you move that light switch to the down position, you'll accept the suggestion you voluntarily, without any question... block all electrical current from your brain to every muscle in your body that's not needed for continued survival. Instantly every muscle will go totally dormant... unable to move... no matter how hard you may try. Should I ask you to try to lift a hand a finger or open an eye or even speak... when that switch is "off"... nothing works. Make that your reality... with this understanding... that it is your switch. You can turn it on or you can turn it off, anytime you want to. But you must accept the suggestion that when it's "off"... all the muscles of your body grow completely dormant, unable to move. Now when you do that, you're going to notice something else... another benefit comes in. If there's the slightest stress or tension in you anyplace, instantly when you move that switch off that can no longer exist... and you'll feel yourself go many times deeper relaxed. All right. In your mind... reach up... grab hold of that switch that you have created... and now firmly move it... down.… to the off position...shutting down every muscle, every nerve, every fiber... blocking the electric current in that switch just as if you turned a light switch off... the lights go off... and feel your body relax much deeper. Now if you've accepted that suggestion, right now every muscle in your body is totally shut down unable to move, no matter how hard you may try. Because this is the most important part of your training... that you must accept this... I'm now going to find out if that is your reality. With your light switch in the off position, blocking all the electrical current to every muscle in your body...try to lift your right hand. (PAUSE) Wonderful. Stop trying... and go much deeper. With that light switch completely "off"...try to lift your left hand. (PAUSE) That's great. Stop trying and go deeper. So we know the right brain and the left brain have accepted that. Now for the ultimate test. Know that light switch blocks that electrical current. Believe it with all your heart. Seal it within you. With that light switch in the off position blocking that electrical current...try to open your eyes. (Pause) Great. Stop trying. Go much deeper relaxed. You're doing beautifully. The secret to the technique you're going to learn, is when you move that switch to the off position... that you know, it's not a matter of believing, it's a matter of knowing... that you know you shut down every muscle in your body.

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This is a beautiful state that you're in. Right now, you have a natural anesthesia that comes in, in this beautiful level. I'm going to show you what I mean. Without any suggestions of any kind of an anesthesia what-so-ever, I'm just going to be doing some general testing on you. As I work with you, just feel yourself relaxing even more, it just feels good to do it. (ARM PINCH, JAW PINCH etc.) I'm going to lift your right hand and drop it and when I do... this beautiful anesthesia... and the physical part of you deep inside... relaxes much more. (RIGHT HAND DROP) That's good." Repeat practice as necessary until client is confident in the results. "Now, I'm going to teach you how to enter this state by yourself. But before I do, between now and the next time I see you, you're going to be practicing self-hypnosis a lot. Until now and the next time I see you this going to be very important. When you move your switch "off"... under no circumstances... are you ever to override the suggestion, that every muscle in your body is turned off. Now when you're practicing you'll discover that maybe some day you get an itchy nose, or you want to move your body... you're not in total comfort for some reason... fine, but first move your light switch back "on"... then scratch or move your body... then move your light switch "off". Your light switch is a tool. You are never to override, the light switch. When it's "off", you're "off", no exceptions. You must believe this, you must accept this... if you want to have real relief during your childbirth. But it's a switch... and your switch can be turned "on" or "off" depending on what you want it to do. All right. Now here's how you're going to enter this state. First I'm going to give you two safety suggestions, because each time you enter this state you're going to find you go tremendously deeper than the time before. So you're only going to practice this when you are in a safe and comfortable position... like in a chair that supports your body or lying at home in a bed or something like that. Don't do it in a straight backed chair for example. As you grow more relaxed and learn this technique, you'll just fall out of that chair, there's no support. You will be in a safe and comfortable position. Second you'll give yourself a time limit. You're going to tell yourself, "I'm entering self-hypnosis for..." and you're going to say a time. For practice now we're going to use thirty seconds. At home (this week, etc.) I want you to vary it, from thirty seconds to about two minutes. Mix it up a little bit. You can do it longer if you want to, but I don't want to take a lot of your day up here. You'll say to yourself, "I'm going into deep self-hypnosis, right now, for thirty seconds." Then here's how you'll enter the state. After you've told yourself the time, you'll raise and lower your right index finger. When it touches what ever it might be resting on at that time... the arm of the chair, your leg, the bed, whatever... when it touches what ever it's resting on... and this important... not before, after it touches... you'll close your eyes... you'll go right back down into this beautiful state. You'll instantly move your light switch at the same time you close your eyes... from the "on" to the "off" position... shutting down every muscle, nerve and fiber... and go right back into this beautiful state. Then you'll do nothing. Do not think of the time... that will foul you up all the time... just enjoy the beautiful state. Your subconscious mind keeps better time than your conscious mind ever possibly could. It'll give you a feeling, a hunch that your time is up. When you feel your time is up... you'll flip your switch "on"... your eyes will open... you'll grow fully alert... feeling fantastic. So let me review that because we're going to practice it now. First you'll be in a safe and comfortable position... as you are here. Second, you'll give yourself a time limit. You'll say to yourself, "I'm now going into self-hypnosis for thirty seconds." Third, you'll raise your index finger and drop it. When it touches and not before... you'll close your eyes... move your light switch to the "off" position, shutting your body down completely... and go back to this state, each time deeper. Don't think of anything, on purpose... and your subconscious mind will tell you when the time is up. You'll always have thoughts... don't worry about that, as long as you're not creating them. Then when you have a hunch your time is up, you'll simply flip your light switch "on"... your eyes will open, fully alert... and when you do, notice how good you feel. All right, at the count of three and not before move your switch to the "on" position... and open your eyes and we'll practice this technique. One... two... three, move the switch "on", let your eyes open, notice how good you feel. A nice feeling isn't it ? Remember, the most important thing now is to get that switch "off"." Have your client practice the technique with a thirty second time limit 3-5 times. After the client emerges, ask: "Do you feel like you really got your switch off?". If "no" have client practice more. If "yes" , tell client to enter self-hypnosis without a time limit and that you will emerge him. After he is in the state, say the following: "Now, I want to talk to your subconscious mind... you can listen with your consciousness if you want to... but I want to talk to your subconscious mind". Then say: "When (Client’s name) tells you a time... you're to do that time exactly. If she tells you thirty seconds that does not mean twenty-nine... it does not mean thirty-one. If he/she tells you one minute... that does not mean sixty-one seconds or fifty-nine seconds. You will follow his/her instructions instantly. Now listen very carefully to me. You're doing beautiful, you're going to do fantastic. You are now going to put your mind

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to school. Between now and the next time that I see you... you're going to practice using this time limit technique... and you're going to practice it ten times a day... minimum. Now that may sound like a lot of time. But say, if you gave yourself a time limit of one minute... well that's only ten minutes a day. If you gave yourself thirty seconds that's only five minutes a day... and I know you're willing to invest that amount of time... for having a beautiful loving birth. So you'll do that, ten times a day... once a day without fail. You're going to listen to a very powerful... self-hypnosis deepening tape program... that I'm going to give you. (Give them a progressive relaxation induction with a 15 second blank leader in the beginning.) Here's how this works. You'll put the tape in a tape player, you'll get yourself in a nice comfortable position, you'll push the play button on the tape recorder... nothing happens for about twenty seconds. There's just twenty seconds of blank tape. During that twenty seconds you'll enter self-hypnosis without a time limit as you've just done. You'll go into hypnosis, you'll get your switch "off". After that my voice will come on... and guide you tremendously deep into this state. Each time you use this very special tape, you'll feel yourself go very... very deep... much deeper than the time before. You'll use this tape once a day... without fail. You'll find that if you follow these two instructions, when I see you next week, you'll instantly be able to go into such a beautiful deep state of hypnosis... you'll probably think you're living on the planet Mongo instead of here. But it will be wonderful... and a loving experience. I'll give you the written instructions on this... so you'll have it all. Just know there is no basement to your ability to relax. Any limitations on your ability to relax merely are your limitations... and those aren't real. You can relax much more deeply than you've ever, thought possible". In my next article I’ll discuss how, using this technique, the client can give himself transformational suggestions so powerfully that they will take effect instantly.

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The Law Of Compounding Suggestion One Of The Hypnotists Most Valuable Tools

Although this powerful technique was discovered in the 1800’s by Dr. Bernheim, it was not until Dave Elman re-discovered it around 1934 and began teaching it in his classes that it’s power was widely utilized in therapeutical sessions. As hypnotists, there are certain comments we hate to hear from clients who have been to another hypnotist to correct a problem. For example, "I went to a hypnotist but it did not work for me" or "Hypnosis does not work for smoking, I tried it three times and I still smoke." Using the Law of Compounding can be significant in effecting good outcome with these repeat clients, actually every client! If you have given a good pre-talk to remove any fears and misconceptions and determined the client really wants the change, then perhaps the problem with the repeat client stems from the hypnotist not being aware of the Law of Compounding. The hypnotist that uses this exceptional tool can achieve change in many cases for a client which would ordinarily require regression/abreaction therapy. Here is how the law of compounding suggestion works. When you give the first suggestion of change to the client, it’s very weak. It is so weak, it will have little to no effect. The second suggestion makes the first suggestion stronger but then the second suggestion is weak. The third suggestion reinforces and makes stronger the first suggestion and then it makes stronger the second suggestion, but it itself is weak. As you give the client suggestions, the first, second, third etc. always get stronger. It always goes back to the first suggestion and makes it and the succeeding suggestions stronger. Most patter scripts don’t take into consideration this technique and are not written to take advantage of this powerful transformational tool, so you must add it. Here is a great way to use the compounding of suggestion to penetrate and seal within the conscious and subconscious minds the suggestions required for change. Lets use a stop smoking session as an example.

First, complete your induction and any deepening technique to be assured you have the somnambulistic state. Then say the following to your client before giving the actual transformational patter: "You are now a non-smoker and will remain a non-smoker for the rest of your life and we are now going to work together to make this your absolute reality. I am going to give you a suggestion that as we make it stronger and stronger in your mind, will make you a non-smoker forever. When I say this suggestion, I want you to shout it out with me. Shout it out with me SILENTLY in your mind. Feel it penetrate every part of your mind, body and spirit as it becomes your absolute reality. OK, shout this out SILENTLY with me. I am now a non-smoker and I will remain a non-smoker for the rest of my life. Again, I am now a non-smoker and I will remain a non-smoker for the rest of my life! Again, I am now a non-smoker and I will remain a non-smoker for the rest of my life!" (Say this suggestion with energy at least fifteen times.) After the fifteenth time say, "It is true, you are a non-smoker and will truly remain a non-smoker for the rest of your life." After you do this, give and compound the stop smoking patter.

By doing this, the suggestion of being a non-smoker will be compounded so many times and becomes so strong that if you value your own health and safety you better not offer them a cigarette! The trouble with this technique is you will find yourself shortening it. After saying the suggestion five or six times it begins to sound silly to you, so you stop repeating it before the effect of compounding becomes strong enough for the change to take effect. BUT, it doesn't sound silly to the client! Here is an easy way that you can give the suggestion more than enough times for it to be successful. Purchase an endless loop audio tape. Then record the suggestion as many times as you can to fill up the tape. (Mine is about fifteen seconds long and repeating the suggestion about four times will fill a fifteen second tape.) Record in the same way as above by saying; "You are now a non-smoker and will remain a non-smoker for the rest of your life." Then say to your client, "We are now going to work together to make this your absolute reality. I am now going to give you a suggestion that as we make it stronger and stronger in your mind will make you a non-smoker forever. When I say this suggestion, I want you to shout it out with me. Shout it out with me SILENTLY in your mind. Feel it penetrate every part of your mind, body and spirit as it becomes part of your absolute reality. This works much better if I leave the room so I am going to play a tape with this suggestion, as you hear it, shout it out SILENTLY and feel it become a part of who you are and how you feel. I will be back in a few minutes." Press the play button and leave the room. After two to three minutes come back. Press the stop button and say, "It’s true, you are now a non-smoker and will remain a non-smoker for the rest of your life." Then give and compound the patter script. Compound and reinforce the suggestions for change during the emerging technique and you should have a highly successful session.

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The Law Of Compounding Suggestion — One Of The Hypnotists Most Valuable Tools Gerald F. Kein ©1995 The Light Switch Self-Hypnosis Technique Gerald F. Kein The Hypno-Bus — A Creative Hypnosis Business Gerald F. Kein The Ethics Of Utilizing Instant And Rapid Inductions Gerald F. Kein The Awesome Power Of Waking Hypnosis Suggestion Gerald F. Kein ©1991 The Dave Elman induction (Pure original form) — Gerald F. Kein Dave Elman ©1935 The Pre-Talk Interview — The Most Important Part Of A successful Hypnosis Session. Gerald F. Kein ©1990

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