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Page 1: German History HI136 Week 5 Culture/ Ethnic Minorities

German History HI136Week 5

Culture/Ethnic Minorities

Page 2: German History HI136 Week 5 Culture/ Ethnic Minorities

Cultural Change • Heinrich Mann (1871-1950),

Professor Unrat (1905), Der Untertan (1918).

• Freie Volksbühne (free people’s theatre) – established 1889 and staged plays with a social message such as Gerhard Hauptmann’s Die Weber.

• Scientific Discoveries• X-rays (1895)• Radioactivity (1896)• The electron (1897)• Quantum theory (1900)• Special theory of relativity (1905)

• Munich Secession (1892).• Berlin Secession (1898).• Die Brücke (1905)• Der Blaue Reiter (1911-14)August Macke,

Woman in Front of a Hat Shop (c. 1914)

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Käthe Kollwitz, The Downtrodden (1900)

National Museum of Women in the Arts

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James Simon sr. The bust of Nefertiti

German excavations in Egypt (1911-14)

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The sexologist Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935)

The Kaiser’s favourite: Prince Phillip zu Eulenburg (1847-



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Reformed clothing

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Alfred Messel’s departmental store Wertheim

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Treatment of ethnic minorities

• Poles (Westprussia and Posen, Western Germany: Ruhr). At first assimilation, resentmens from the local population, national turn after the Germanizing laws; Poles Catholic

• Expropriation law 1908; new law defining citizenship as ethnically German (1913)

• Danes: smaller numbers, deportations of those deemed “anti-German” to Denmark after 1900

• Alsace-Lorraine: “milder” praxeological approach, special territory in the German Empire, escalation after Zabern

• Jews• School laws and Germanization• Mentality defining ethnic minorities as “enemies of the Empire”


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Jews in Imperial Germany

• Complicated and ambivalent story• Over 500,000, increasingly urban group, but their percentage in

population decreasing• Middle class, socially mobile, successful group envy of others• Antisemitism: for the poor: symptom of fear of modernity; nobility:

continuity and one of codes of belonging• New, racial antisemitism (Marr, Treitschke)• Reformed Judaism, assimilation, low conversions, rising intermarriage• Jews the keenest Germans? (soldiers, colonizers, voters)• Anti-Jewish violence and accusations of ritual murder at Xanten (1891-2)

and Konitz (1900-01)• Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith (1893)

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Berlin furrier Philipp Manes reminiscences in Theresienstadt about his youth (1888)

As If It Were Life, ed. Klaus Leist and Ben Barkow (2010)

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