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Get a job!Lets Get Serious

Most speeches are job related!!!SAVE this to your computer. You may need it sometime soon.

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Todays learner will have 10-14

job in their lifetime!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqZiIO0YI7Y

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How to pass a Pre-employment Personality Test



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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

The Resume“There is a myth out there that the resume has to be one page. So people send their resume in a two point font. Nobody is going to read that.”

HR director at a financial firm

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

“Resumes don’t need color to stand out. When I see a little color, I smirk. When I see a ton of color, I cringe.

And walking in and dropping off your resume is not longer seen as a good thing, It’s actually a little creepy.”

Rich DeMatteo ~ HR Consultant

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

“Most of us use applicant tracking systems that scan resumes for key words. The secret to getting your resume through the system is to pull key words directly from the job description and put them on. The more matches you have, the more likely your resume will get picked and actually read”

Chris Ferdinandi, HR professional

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

“We will judge you based on you e-mail address. Especially if its something inappropriate like [email protected] or [email protected]

Rich DeMatteo

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

“When it come to getting a job, who you know really does matter. No matter how nice your

resume is or how great your experiences may be, its all about connections.”

HR director at health care facility

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Start a LinkedIn account and begin connecting.Its Facebook for job seekers.

Send me a request to connect.


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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

“Once your unemployed more than six months, your considered pretty much unemployable. We assume that other people have already passed you over, so we don’t want anything to do with

you.”Cynthia Shapiro, author, Corporate Confidential: 50 Secrets Your Company

Does Not Want You to Know

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MYTH #1: I can use the same resume for multiple

job targets

“It is understandable that you may qualify for multiple positions or be interested in pursuing alternate careers. If so, try to create a customized resume for each job target.

When it comes to a resume, never follow the “one size fits all” approach.”http://www.saicareers.com/resumes_and_cover_letters/top_five_resume_myths_exposed.html

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MYTH #2: Make up that degree -- no one will know


“Lying on a resume is the worst mistake a candidate can make. Even if you pass the

background check (very unlikely considering how sophisticated background checks have become), a savvy employer will discover the

deception within days, if not sooner.”

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MYTH 3: UNUSUAL IS CREATIVE. “To a potential employer,

unusual resumes serve more as a warning sign than a sign of your creativity. Employers are looking to hire someone

who will be a part of the organization—unusual

resumes are often interpreted as a sign of

nonconformity or strangeness. When it comes

to your resume, let your qualifications and

accomplishments do the talking.”


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“Not in this day and age. Submitting a photo with your

resume puts a potential employer in an uncomfortable position—putting them at risk for violating Equal Opportunity

legislation. In fact, many organizations have made it a practice of not interviewing those who submit personal



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“For the most part, references do little but take up valuable real estate on your resume. The key

purpose of a resume is to attract enough attention to gain an interview. References will come later (at

the point of extending an offer). At this point, qualifications are key.”


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More TIPS!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIG4_GNHHHg&feature=related

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The Interviewhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epcc9X1aS7o

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

“Its amazing when people come in for an interview and say “Can you tell me about your business.” Seriously

people, there’s an Internet. Look it up.”

HR professional New York

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

Don’t just silence your phone for the interview, turn it off!

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

“If you have a weak handshake, I make a note of it.” Sharlyn Lauby

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

“Know how to pronounce my name , even if you have to call and ask the receptionist before you come in.”

HR Executive in New York City

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“If you’re a candidate and the hiring manager spends 45 minutes of the interview talking about himself, the company, or his Harley, let him. He’s going to come out of the interview

saying you’re a great candidate.” Kris Dunn

Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

“One time I said to candidate, ‘Tell me a little abut yourself.’ An hour an a half later, I was

afraid to ask question #2”Sharlyn Lauby

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

“Never tell us you were fired from you job. Your resume will automatically go into the trash. In 90% of the cases……we have

no way of finding that out.”Cynthia Shaprio

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

Some Favorite Interview Questions1. Tell me about a time you had to work

with someone you did not personally like.

2. How much do you know abut our company?

3. Tell me about a time your personal integrity was challenged. What was the situation, and what did you do?

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

“Yes, we do look at your credit as part of our background check. And if you’ve got

a bankruptcy or if your credit score is below 650, you’ll have a hard time

getting a job.”Cynthia Shapiro

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Great Source to Prepare You for the Interview


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Brave New WorldDue to the advances in technological communication, many interviews now

take place via Skype. This process of selection is advantageous is many ways. Who’d want to travel six thousand miles only to receive a rejection? But there are difficulties with interviewing this way, here are some tips on

how you can master the Skype interview with ease and finesse. 

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If you’re applying for a job in another city, you might be asked to interview via skype. But before you log on, here are some things you need to consider.

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

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Couch, M.,"50 Secrets Your HR Person Won't Tell You" Readers Digerst , April, 2011

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Be preparedTake the time to test the equipment you’ll be using and ensure you have a strong internet connection; you don’t want to cut out half way through your interview.

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Frame it rightMake sure your webcam is set up to capture you from the shoulders up. During the interview remember to maintain eye contact just as you would if you were in the same room as the interviewer.

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Look behind youAn interview isn’t the place to air your dirty laundry and you’ll do just that if you leave it sitting behind you while you are talking!

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Don’t forget your pants

Just because the interviewer can only see you from the shoulders up is not excuse not to be dressed as you would if you were meeting them in person. Eliminate any risk of being caught with your pants down if the camera shifts.

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Remove distractionsTurn off all other devices and make sure if anyone else is home that they are aware of your call and that they keep the noise down. Barking dogs should be kept well away from earshot.

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