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Scene 1(Scene animates.)

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(sfx: bill printing sound.)Scene 1(Male character checks wallet for cash. Female character is processing the bill.)

VO: The world has moved on from paper-based media and transactions

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Scene 1(Wallet disappears, card appeards instead.)

VO: to digitalized data.

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Scene 2(Lady swipes the card, male character looks worried.)

VO: Sustaining trust in this environment of change has been a key factor.

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Scene 3(Card flips and comes to the foreground.)


1234 5678 8765 4321


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Scene 3(Card bursts, only sim card remains and comes to the foreground.)

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Scene 4(Card flips around.)

VO: FutureCard has been pioneering innovative and reliable card-based products that adapt to theever-changing needs of industries.

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FutureCard established


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FutureCard and Mastercard


INCEPTION Payment Cards

Certified Visa

established magstripe cards producer

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and Mastercard delivered first

producer 2004 Mobile Network

Payment Cards SIM Cards

Certified Visa Produced &

magstripe cards FC-SIM card to


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ICMA and thedelivered first

manufacturer2005Mobile etworkN

SIM Cards Int’l Associations

Produced & Joined the

FC-SIM card to GSMA as card


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ICMA and the EMV smartcard


Int’l Associations Visa EMV

Joined the Certified Visa

GSMA as card manufacturer


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Certified Visa MasterCard

manufacturer manufacturer

Visa EMV MasterCard EMV

CertifiedEMV smartcard EMV smartcard


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MasterCard delivered first

manufacturer card and first

MasterCard EMV ID Cards

Certified Produced &

EMV smartcard polycarbonate

2008 contactlesscard

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Certifieddelivered first

interface cardcard and first

ID Cards Visa Dual

Produced &

polycarbonate Visa EMV dual-

contactless 2009 manufacturercard

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Certified MasterCard EMV

interface card card

Visa Dual MasterCard Dual


Visa EMV dual- dual-interface

manufacturer 2010 manufacturer

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CQM and



MasterCard Dual Quality & Security

Certified Certified


card 2011

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ISO 14001CQM and

Quality & Security ISO standards

Certified Certified



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ISO 14001 PCI/DSS card

EMVISO standards Personalization

Certified Certified

ISO 18001 perso bureau


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Produced &PCI/DSS card


RTA Dubai


Personalization Transport Cards


perso bureau delivered first

2014 metro card for

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UnionPay certifieddelivered first

in the EMEA2015metro card for

Transport Cards UnionPay

Produced & First

contactless card manufacturer

RTA Dubai

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Scene 5(Milestones animate one by one. Circles with text animate with a pendulum effect.)

VO: Leading in innovating products that cater to industries like


First UnionPay certified card

manufacturer in the EMEA

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Scene 6(Pan to right from previous scene, icons animate.)

VO: finance, telecom, government and commercial;


Finance Telecom Government Commercial

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Scene 7(Icons exit, card enters from right.)

VO: we have set new benchmarks in quality

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Scene 7(Data encryption enters from both sides and vanish into the magnetic strip.)

VO: security,

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Scene 7(Card flips around.Data enters into the sim card.)

VO: and personalization…


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Scene 8(Card flips around.)

VO: Specializing in card personalization,

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Scene 8(Card gets pinned to a paper document.)

VO: logistics,

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Scene 8(Envelope enters from below and takes the paper inside.)

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Scene 8

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Scene 8(Envelope falls in a hand, hand exits.)

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Scene 8(Card cases animate in random order.)

VO: fulfillment packaging,

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Scene 9(One of the card cases come to front.)

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Scene 9(Card enters from top.)

VO: as well as card consulting,

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Scene 9

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Scene 9(Card case morphs into an airplane.)

VO: we provide

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Scene 9(Zoom out. Plane moves in a circular orbit)

VO: fast and reliable

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Scene 9(Globe forms along the motion line of the plane.)

VO: end to end solutions.

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Scene 10(Map unfolds.)

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Scene 10(The suggested countries are highlighted, customer icons pop up.)

VO: With over 500 active customers

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Scene 10(COE icons pop up.)

VO: and 10 centers of excellence spread around the world,

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Scene 11(Map wraps around the globe.)

VO: FutureCard is your trusted global card solutions partner.

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Scene 4(FutureCard logo morphs to a line and extends. Milestones animate one by one. Circles with text animate with a pendulum effect.)

delivered firstdelivered first EMV smartcard MasterCard EMVestablished

card and firstMobile Network card


EMV smartcardmagstripe cards GSMA as card Visa EMV dual-

VO: FutureCard has been pioneering innovative and reliable card-based products that adapt to theever-changing needs of industries.

INCEPTION SIM Cards Visa EMV ID Cards MasterCard Dual

FutureCard Produced & Certified Visa Produced & Certified

FC-SIM card to manufacturer polycarbonate dual-interface

Operators contactless manufacturer

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Certified Visa Joined the Certified

and Mastercard ICMA and the MasterCard Certified

producer manufacturer manufacturer interface card manufacturer

Payment Cards Int’l Associations MasterCard EMV Visa Dual

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Scene 5(Milestones animate one by one. Circles with text animate with a pendulum effect.)

Produced &Produced & Certified Visa Certified Produced &FutureCard ISO 14001

polycarbonateFC-SIM card to manufacturer dual-interface contactless

contactlessOperators manufacturer RTA Dubai

EMV smartcard GSMA SAS

perso bureaumagstripe cards GSMA as card card manufacturerVisa EMV dual-

VO: Leading in innovating products that cater to industries like

INCEPTION SIM Cards Visa EMV ID Cards MasterCard Dual ISO standards Transport Cards


established delivered first EMV smartcard delivered first MasterCard EMV ISO 18001 delivered first

Mobile Network card and first card metro card for


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Certified Visa Joined the Certified Certified Certified Firstand Mastercard ICMA and the MasterCard Certified CQM and PCI/DSS card UnionPay certified

producer manufacturer manufacturer interface card in the EMEAmanufacturer

Payment Cards Int’l Associations MasterCard EMV Visa Dual Quality & Security EMV UnionPayPersonalization

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