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Email MarketingGetting Caught in the Spam

Filter? Try These Tips

Email Marketing

Marketing Profs recently did a review of a Return Path study on email marketing and deliverability. "Email Marketing: Deliverability Trends and Benchmarks," lays out some of the most interesting stats and trends from the list building services and emphasizes the need for rigorous email marketing best practices.

Email Marketing Best Practices

One of the most interesting, and alarming, finding from the study is that, "Legitimate marketing messages account for an alarming 70% of "this is spam" complaints in consumers' inboxes." The other surprising finding is that, "As with spam complaints, marketers account for a disproportionate amount of email that is caught in spam traps: 60%. That's much higher than any other source, including botnets, which account for 11% of spam trap hits." So, if legitimate marketing emails are being labeled spam what can you do to make sure your prospects are seeing your emails?

First Step

Address these issues is making sure your marketing emails don't look like spam. There is a lot of great advice for how to go about this but the simplest thing you can do to make your email look less like spam is to never ever use all caps in the subject line. An email subject line in all capital letters is like a flashing neon "SPAM" sign.  If you follow no other email marketing best practices, follow this one.

Second Step

Make sure you verify each email address. While an email address verification service can't guarantee that no one will ever mark your email as spam again, it can be help you reduce the number of emails you send to bad addresses. By verifying that the mailbox exists, that it can receive email, that the domain exists, and that the domain can receive email you will reduce the number of bounced emails a marketing campaign produces. The fewer bounced emails, the better your reputation is going to be with email services.


While there is no magic formula that will 100% guarantee your emails will never be marked as spam, making sure your emails don't look like spam and are only being sent to email addresses that actually exist are two big steps in the right direction.

Need Help With Your Email Marketing Campaign?

If you'd like to find out more about how an email verification service can help your next email marketing campaign, contact us for a complete email verification report with samples, status, and diagnostic codes.

To get the Return Path Email Intelligence Report, click here.

To read the full Marketing Profs review, click here.

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